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Assignment – 01

Que 1- What are data types in python. Explain with examples.

Que 2- Explain functions in python.

Que 3- How we declare class in python and how to create object in python class. Explain
with proper example.

Que 4- Explain the use of module and packages in python.

Que 5- What do you mean by regular expression in python ? Explain it with example

Que 6- What are the data structures> Explain with example in python.

Que 7- Explain the exception handelind with example.

Assignment – 02

Que 1- Explain the use of tkinter for graphical user interface in python.

Que 2- Explain database connectivity in python.

Que 3- What is need of django. Explain with features of django.

Que 4- What is mean by multithreading. Explain with example.

Que 5- Explain how to create numpy arrays with proper programming example.

Que 6- Explain grouping, aggregating and merging data frames using pandas in python.

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