Unofficial Tomb Kings Datasheets by VM Nouvilas

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Med KING Eon Khopesh 140A) Two Hand Weapons xB AMA aRUHESTWO HA, lll muques wo 00s, Great Weapon lxwour na iis Two HN KES) Halberd anwoorsose a aequnesrwo1A0s, PON ‘Combat Combat Combat Combet Combat ‘My Will Be Done: During the Command sub-phase of their turn this model can take Leadership test Ifthe testis passed, choose one of the following modifiers. Until your next Star of Tur sub a maximum of 10} +S Movement 1 Weapon Skil *: +08 Initiative Note that this special rule isnot cumulative. In other w the same unit during the same turn has no further KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead ase this character and any unit they h joined gain that modifier (to rs, using it more than once on Bromny ‘CORE: Flammable, Regenerat FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis ths mode! loses their lat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, wth an AP, Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming ttc, your opponcat may rol D6, On rll eo) Fail Adis Strength modifier applies only daring the fist round of combat ‘Shield: Improves Armour Charscteriste by 1 FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay ‘OPTIONS = Ths unit may take one ofthe following © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts Mail: +3 © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: 43 pts = Thisunit may taken shied: +2 pts + This unit may parehase magical tems upto toa of 100 pts. KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead [ieee = Tomb Ki This model is equipped hand Hey Armour. BASE POINTS COSTS Petar Pons tety ba OR NEL nar) Eon Khopesh uso wEaon ‘Combat Two Hand Weapons mxmusrucrsconsqamistwoweas Combat lal mzquesrwo 00s, Combat Great Weapon jwovenra.nigiassrowsen sms Combat Halberd aswoorsase a egumesrwoHAs, Combat Cavalry Spear maemo (Combat ‘Sheetal Hooves asowiaros Combat cao My Will Be Done: During the Command sub-phase of their tur, this model ean take a Leadership tet. Ifthe testis passed, choose one ofthe following modifiers, Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to a maximum of 10} E 1": +3 Movement 1: +1 Weapon Skil, DS Init is not eumulative. In other words, using it more than the same unit during the same turn has no further eft. KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE Flammable, Regeneration (5+), Swiftstrde, Vanguard FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis: ths model loses their lat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, with an AP of Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may olla D6. On roll ofa 4 thismodel loses an aditional wound Peony ail: A ails Strength modifier spies only daring the fist round of combat eld: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 Cavalry Spear: A cavalry spear’ Strength and AP modifiers ppl oly daring ater in vic the wilder charged Anodel wielding a cavalry spear cannot make a supporting attack ding urn in which it charged FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay TOMB KING ow skELETAL STEED [ieee = Ths unit may take one ofthe following = 1 Tomb King on Skeletal Steed © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts The Tomb King is equipped with: Khopesh, Hesyy Armour Mal +3 The Skeletal Steed is equipped with: keel Hooves, © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: +3 pts © Cavalry Spear: +2 ps = Thisunit may takea shield: +2 pts Peter 172 pts “Tomb King on Skeletal Steed + This unit may parehase magical items upto total of 100 pts. Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead ba Ooo ony Soe Khopesh_ uso wEaoN ‘Combat Two Hand Weapons uxmAsrucKsconsmamistwowees| Combat Fail mequesrwo m0) ‘Combat Great Weapon vanocansea waamesvowsax stars Combat Halberd ssvoorsase a enemestwonAvos, Combat Cavaly Spear tevreasnsas eee Skeletal Hooves usowiarox Combat Tact it xia Si inst UCT Charge EOSerony ‘My Will Be Done: During the Command sb-phase oftheir turn ths model ean takes Leadership tes. fits pase, choose one ofthe following modifies. Unt your next Start of Tur subphase this character, their mount and any uni they have joined gain that modi (oa maximum of 10) + "Forward to Glory: +D3 Movement +My Worthy Champions!”: +1 Weapon Sil ike the Cobra!" +D3 Initiative KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Flammable, Impact Hits (D3), Open Order, Re (5+), Reserve Move, Swiftstride FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis: ths model loses their lat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, with an AP of Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may olla D6. On roll a4, this model loses an ational wound Peony A ails Strength modifier spies only daring the fist round of combat eld: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 Cavalry Spear: A cavalry spear’ Strength and AP modifiers ppl oly daring ater in vic the wilder charged Anodel wielding a cavalry spear cannot make a supporting attack ding urn in which it charged FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay += The Tomb King may tae one ofthe following: © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts Mal +3 © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: +3 pts © Cavalry Spear: +2 pts += The Tomb King may take shel: +2 pts + This unit may parehase magical items upto toa of 100 pts. KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead me a [ieee + 1'Tomb King on Chariot, composed of 1 Tomb King, 1 Chariot and 2 Skeletal Steed The Tomb King is equipped with: Khopesh, Heavy Amon Each Skeletal Steed is equipped with: Skletal Peto Eo Tomb King on Chariot 195 pts Petar Pons tety TOMB KING on KHEMRIAN WARSPHINX Ee nae Roar wianincaracn Eau) hopes (Tomb King) (USO WEAPON. Two Hand Weapons” 1xTHA MTS RURES TWO) Mail pesqunsstwo 5 Great Weapon mean rgines rose rans Halberd wour sso, nsqunst¥0 HANI Cavalry Seat Com’ King) nevEeEA Wo Kop (Tomb Gerd Cew) HAND WEON) (Cavalry Speae (om Gurl Cow) GHTINEXTEARNN Wieked Claws FEnvenomed Sting oman TAG Si is Stomp Atacks™ ena smn st acount SNCS My WAl Be Done: Dig he Cons ps KEYWORDS. Behemoth, Monster, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead thet ‘Combat Combat Combat Gombat Combat Combat Combat (Combat Combat (Combat Combat make 5@ OCH) 46) 0¢4) 0 ‘CORE Cleaving Blow (Tomb Guard Cre onl) Close Order Howdah, Large Target, Regeneration Attacks (D3), Terror 5), dead, Arrows of Asaph, Indomitable 2) ery cht ney ul mt ake leadership test ths st ised the unt fers DS Strength 2 with n AP of Dry as Dust Fach ane thie model ues froma Faing Atak nt my ofa 4, this model loses an dona wound Pun Fla: ils Seng Shick: Improves Armour Charters by the cavaley spear grants +1 bons to Stength and hasan prting tak uring rain which charged Envenomed Sting: In combat, thismdel may ch ria one fits tacks cach arn wt this weapon, FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay TOMB KING on KHEMRIAN WARSPHINK ‘OPTIONS = The Tomb King may take one ofthe folowing: © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts Mail: +3 © Great Weapon: +4 ps © Halberd: +3 pts © Cavalry Spear: +2 ps += TheTomb King may takea shel: +2 pts ‘= Thisunit may purchase magial items up to a total of 100 pts. + Thisunt may ad up to two additional Tomb Guard Crevmen: +10 pts each, The Warsphine may ake © Rnvenomed Sting: + ery Roar: 420 pts KEYWORDS. Behemoth, Monster, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead an Warsphins, composed of pine and 2 Tomb Guard Cewmen ‘The Tomb King is equipped with: Khopesh, Heavy Anmout The Warsphin« is equipped with: Wicked Cavs Each Tomb Guard Crewman is equipped with: Khopesh, Cavalry Spear, Shortov. Pesteekecay ‘Tomb King on Khemrian Warsphine Petar Pons tety TOMB KING ON NECROLITH BONE DRAGON PaM ne aznaend th of Desi Ea Khopesh puso wear ‘Combat Two Hand Weapons 1aTRAAMieStcnwermesTwo1sos) Combat lil waquesrw0 ns) Combat Great Weapon ianoncasiqemsiwowiun masts Combat Halberd snyoorsoem enemesrwo 0s, ‘combat Cavalry Spear _memnvormeon Combat 5) 0 Wicked Claws Combat 6 6 20) ean ales fil your next Start of Tar ub phase hs ‘My Will Be Done: Dring the Consand sab-pse f heir, this deri tet the tests passed, coos one ofthe allowing mies character and any they bv ined a that modifier "Forward to Glory”: “D3 Movement. My Worthy Champions”: +1 Wespon Sil {Strike ke the Cobea!: «D2 native Note: Thi pil ru Seater KEYWORDS. Behemoth, Monster, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead ‘CORE Flammable, Fly (9), Close Order, Large Target, Regeneration (5+), Swiftstride, Terror FACTION, oud of Dust: Any enemy model that ages ths model ang the shooting phase sufers an additonal 1 to hit Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may ola D6, On rll 4, this model loses an ational wound. ‘Carse of the Necropolis ths mode! loses heel ‘wound to an enemy attack, that enemy nit must ake a Teaership est this test failed, the unit sufers D3 Strength 2 its with an AP of Peony Daring a turnin which the wieler charged, fants «+1 bonus to Strength and has an eng a avr spear cannot make a sspporting tack daring a tur in eich charged ‘Shield: Improves Armour Characteritic by 1. Peta Poms ttay TOMB KING ON NECROLITH BONE DRAGON ‘OPTIONS = Ths unit may take one ofthe following Necrolith Bone Dragon © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts This unit is equipped with: Breath of Desieation, Mail +3 pts hopes, Wicked Claws and Heay Armour © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: +3 pts 7 Cavalry Spear +2 pts CSS = Thisunit may tkea shield: +2 pts ‘Tomb King on Necrolith Bone Dra 355 pts + This unit may parehase magical items up toa toa of 100 pts. Petar KEYWORDS. Behemoth, Monster, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead Pac a aia Eon Bromny hopes nuxowaront Combat ‘CORE: Flammable, Regeneration (5+) Two Hand Weapons mxmAarucesco.nsqamistwoneas| Combat eee on FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) Greai Weapon tanexane a aiacswowsexsmmcusi Combat 3 CCarse ofthe Necropolis: ths mode! loses thera Halberd. psnour moo, esqums 90 805 Combat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: ROU Strength 2 its, wth an AP, ‘My Will Be Done: Daring the Command sub-phase oftheir turn this model ean take a Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound Leadership tet. Ifthe testis passed, choose one ofthe following modifiers Until your next froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may roll D6, Ona roll Start of Tur sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to fa 4+, this model loses an additional wound. ‘is not cumulative. In other words, using it more than once on first round of combat. the same unit during the same tara has aa es : f FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead aca aie TOMB PRINCE aod [ieee = Ths unit may take one ofthe following =1 Tomb Prince © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts This model is equipped with: Khopesh nd Light Armour, Mail +3 pts © Great Weapon: +4 pts PSaenkeo) © Halberd: 43 pts This unit may take ashe: +2 pts Tomb Prince This unit may parehase magical tems upto atta of 50 pts, Petar KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead Pac a aia PRINCE oN skELETAL STEED Eon Khopesh_ uso rao Combat Two iland Weapons samasmucsco.smumstwonwas| Combat Fall muquesrwo 0s, Combat Great Weapon juwovenracngiassrowsen sassy Combat Halberd anwoorsase a argumesrwoHAN0s ‘Combat Cavaly Spear mame Combat 46) 0C1), Sheetal Hooves uasowiaros Combat 2am) cao My Will Be Done: During the Command sub-phase of their tur, this model ean take a Leadership tet. Ifthe testis passed, choose one ofthe following modifiers, Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to a maximum of 10} E 1": +3 Movement 1: +1 Weapon Skil, DS Init is not eumulative. In other words, using it more than the same unit during the same turn has no further eft. KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead eve, ‘CORE Flammable, Regeneration (5+), Swiftstrde, Vanguard FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis: ths model loses their lat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, with an AP of Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may olla D6. On roll ofa 4 thismodel loses an aditional wound Peony ail: A ails Strength modifier spies only daring the fist round of combat eld: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 Cavalry Spear: A cavalry spear’ Strength and AP modifiers ppl oly daring ater in vic the wilder charged Anodel wielding a cavalry spear cannot make a supporting attack ding urn in which it charged FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay POL ote ees} ‘OPTIONS his unit may take one ofthe following Aitonal hand weapon: +3 pts ral +3 p Great Weapon: +4 pts falberd: +3 pts Cavalry Speat:+2 pts = Thisunit may takea shield: +2 pts 50 ps. KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead [ieee = 1 Tomb Prince on Skeletal Steed The Tomb Prince is equipped with: Khopesh, Light Armour The Skeletal Steed is equipped with: keel Hooves. Peter ‘Tomb Prince on Skeletal Steed 102 pts Petar Pons tety PRINCE on cuarior Eon Khopesh_ uso wraoN) ‘Combat Two Hand Weapons mmasruerscnaaamestwowses Combat Fail miquusrwo ns, ‘Combat Great Weapon iumoenirauacmtsrvowiessructust)” Combat Halberd amwoorsose a eguntsrwoHA0s, Combat Cavalry Spear teveeasnaaa (Combat Sheetal Hooves Biasowiaros Combat impact it omic st CCS Charge D3 46) 0C1), aman 40 ‘My Will Be Done: During the Command sabpbse oftheir turn, tis model can tke a Leadership Tits pased, choose one ofthe following modifiers. Until your next Start of Tur sab-phase this character, thee mount and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to a maximum of 10) ‘Forward to Glory!" +D3 Movement +1 Weapon Ski ‘Du titiatv. 9 ft more than once onthe same unit and turn has wo effet KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Flammable, Impact Hits (D3), Open Order, Re (5+), Reserve Move, Swiftstride FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis: ths model loses their lat wound oan enemy atack, that enemy unit must take a ship tet this test sald, the unit susfers Strength 2 its, with an AP of Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may olla D6. On roll ofa 4 thismodel loses an additional wound Pico) ail A fails Strength modifier applies only during the fist round of combat, Cavalry Spear: A cavalry spear’ Strength and AP modifiers ppl only during turn in wich the wilder charged model wielding cavalry spear cannot make a supporting tack during arn in which charged FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay TOMB PRINCE on cxarior ‘OPTIONS *= The Tomb Prince may take one ofthe fll © Additional hand weapon: +3 pts Mail +3 pts © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: +3 pts © Cavalry Spear: +2 pts = Thisunit may purchase magia items upto total o 50 pts. Pikes + 1/Tomb Prince on Chariot, composed of 1 Tomb Prince 1 Chariot and 2 Skeletal Sted The Tomb Prince is equipped with: Khopesh, Light Armour Each teed is equipped with: Skaletal Hooves. Perera) Tomb Prince on Chariot E Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Character, Monarch, Nehekharan, Undead ROYAL HERALD La Bh 2 Ba Biss] Eon Khopesh_ uso wraon Combat Two Hand Weapons uamAsrucKsconaamistwomees| Combat lll muques wo 00s, Combat Great Weapon imovenro.ngiassrovsen sams Combet Halberd anwoorsase a rqumesrwo1A0s, Combat CONE eens er ofthe King: if this model is your Batle Standard Beare, replace the usual ‘Hold Your Ground” rule from the Rulebook withthe following: Hold Your Ground: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearers Command range ‘may re-roll any failed Leadership test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearers Command range reduce the numberof Wounds lost due to the Unstable special rule by D. Note that this isnot eurelative withthe Ind Ta untis ected by b ble (X) special rule (see page 153). the highest value KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Flammable, Regeneration (5+) FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (1) Dry as Dust: Hach time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming tae, your opponent may oll D6, On ll fa 4¢, this model loses an additional wound. ‘Sworn Protector: Should Monarch of Nehekhara model safer hit whilst within 3 ofthis model, you mayehooge 2 transfor that hit and all ofits effets onto thie mode Peon Adails Strength modier applies only daring the fist round of combat ‘Shield: Improves Armour Charscteriste by 1 FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay ROYAL HERALD ‘OPTIONS += May take one ofthe © Additional Khopes + Mail +3 pts © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: +3 pts [ieee = 1 Royal Herald This model is equipped wi BASE POINTS COSTS hand Light Armour, + May take ashe + + May purehase magia items upto a total of 75 ps. + If part ofa Grand Amy Composition List, 0-1 Royal Herald may ‘Become the amy’s Bale Standard Bearer: +25 pts + Parchase single magi standard wth o points lini Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Nehekharan, Undead ROYAL HERALD on skELETAL STEED Soe Bromny Khopesh_ uso wEaon Combat ‘CORE Flammable, Regeneration (5+), Swiftstrde, Two Hand Weapons mmasruersnsaanestwowses Combat 4 Vanguaral Fail pwsqunastvo 03 ‘Combat FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (1) Great Weapon iusoenira wcomtsrvowiessmuctust” Combat 4 Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound Halberd ious a equnst¥90H4N0s) Combat 3 froma Faming tack, your epponent may rola D6, On ll 3 1 Cavalry Spear women Combat 34+, this model loses an aditional wound. 46 0c 3 0 Sworn Protector: Shoulda Monarch of Neekara model fra hit whilst within 3" ofthis model, you may choose to transfer that hitand ll of ts effets onto this mode Sheetal Hooves asowiarom ‘Combat Eons Banner ofthe King: if this model is your Batle Standard Bearer, replace the usual Pen) ‘Hold Your Ground" rule from the Rulebook withthe following: AGN ALY Seeig SSG Sp T O Hold Your Ground: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Beare’s Command range aeaousiel cacti ‘ay re-toll an failed Leadership tes. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearers Command range reduce the numberof Wounds lost due to the Unstable special eld: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 rule by DS. Note that this is not eu table (X) special rule (see page 153). Ta units ae Cavalry Spear: A cavalry spear’ Strength and AP modifiers apply only daring turnin hich the weer charged A model wielding cavalry spear cannot make a supporting attack daring turn in wich charged FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Nehekharan, Undead, Pies ear romney ROYAL HERALD on skELETAL STEED = Ths unit may take one ofthe following © Additional Khopesh +3 pt Mal +3 © Great Weapon: +4 pts © Halberd: +3 pts © Cavalry Spear: +2 pts = Thisunit may tkea shield: +2 pts + This unit may purchase magical items upto total of 75 ps Lis, 0 Royal Heald may: 25 pls Purchase single magi standard with no points init. + part of Grand Amy Compost ecame the amy’sBatle Standard Be KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Nehekharan, Undead, / ‘OPTIONS [ieee = 1 Royal Herald on Skeletal Steed ‘The Royal Herald is equipped with: Khopesh, Light Armour The Skeletal Steed is equipped with: keel Hooves. BASE POINTS COSTS Royal Herald on Skeletal Steed 72 pts Petar Pons tety Soe Khopesh_ uso wEaon) Combat Two Hand Weapons mxmusrucrsconnsamistwoneas Combat Fal nquasstwo 1 Combat Great Weapon vanocszoeassausesvonvax ss Combat ‘Combat Combat 46) 0¢i) Combat 30 Impact its wesexaraes sre ist tous Charge 0 Halberd iuwounsos a equst¥01%%0s) Cavalry Spear cteveerasnaaa Skeletal Hooves uo wearom SNES Banner of the King: if this models your Battle Standard Bearer, repla Hold Your Ground” rule from the Rulebook withthe followin Hold Your Ground: Friendly nits within the Battle Standard Bearer’ Command range ‘may re-oll any failed Leadership tes. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearers Command range reduce the numberof Wounds lst due tothe Unstable special rule by D8. Not: this isnot cumulative withthe Indomitable (X) speia affected by both, use the highest value the usual ule. If units KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Character, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Flammable, Impact Hits (D3), Open Order, Re (5+), Reserve Move, Swiftstride, FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (1) Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Faming tack, your epponent may rola D6, On ll 24+, this model loses an additional wound. Sworn Protector: Shoulda Monarch of Neekara model fra hit whilst within 3" ofthis model, you may choose to transfer that hitand ll of ts effets onto this mode Peony ail: A ails Strength modifier spies only daring the frst round of combat ‘Cavalry Spear: A cial spear’ Strength and AP modifiers ply only daring turnin which the wielereharged A mode wielding cavalry spear cannot make suppotin attack during a turnin wich it charged FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay i = The Royal Herald may take one ofthe following © Additional K ° Fai +3, © Halberd: +3 pts © Cavalry Spear: +2 pts += Ifpart ofa Grand Army Composition List, 0-1 Royal Herald may ‘Become the army’s Bale Standard Bearer: +25 pts urhase singe mage standaed with no points init. KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Character, Nehekharan, Undead ‘OPTIONS [ieee + 1 Royal Herald on Chariot composed of 1 Royal Hel, 1 Chariot and 2 Skeletal Steed ‘The Royal Herald is equipped with: Khopss, Light Armour Each Skeletal Steed is equipped with: Skeletal Hooves. Ptenkeon) Royal Herald on Chariot 95 pts Petar Pons tety HIGH ue Econ) Khopesh, 140 WEAN) MAND ABILITIES Ariset: Dring the Command sub-phaseof ther tary, if th mel can take a Leadership test I the tests pased, frienly unt that has the Undead rule within 12° recovers a number oflost wounds depending on its troop spe + Regular/Heavy Infantry or Swarms: Wizard level + D3 wound ight/Heavy Cavalry or War Beast: Wiard level + 1 wounds nstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry or Light Chariot: Wied level wounds y Chariot, Monstrous Creature, Hehemoth or War Machine: | wound iaran From Beneath the Sands: During the Command sub-phase oftheir turn, they are no engaged in eombat this charaeter may chose a singe friendly unit that has both the Nehekharan Undead and the Ambushers special ues, and tht ie curently held in reserve, and make a Leadership ts: * Test passed the chosen units summoned and ean be placed completly within 12 ofthis model, but ot within 6” of any enemy model. That unit cannot charge and counts as having moved + Test failed the chosen unit ignores the summon and is delayed until the controlling player's nest tur at east KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead) ‘CORE: Regeneration (5+) FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis ths mode! loses their lat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, wth an AP, Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may rola D6, On rll 24+, this model loses an additonal wound. Lore of Nehekhara: When tis Wizard discards a random spel they can selet either the Signatute spel, or a spl im the Lore of Nebek FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay aod [ieee += Alig Priest may purchase magica items upto atotal of 100 pts. «1 High Priest (Level 3 Wizard) of Mage This unit is equipped with: Khopesh, + A High Priest knows spel from one ofthe following Lor © Elementalis, ° sion = Necromaney + Aligh Priest may bea Level 4 Wizard: +30 pts/unit le Petar KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead) Pac a aia HIGH PRIEST on ske.erat STEED Econ) Khopesh, 140 EAN) Ey Argel: Daring the Command sub-phse of their tar, they are not eng model can take a Leadership test the testis passed, rend nit hat has the Nebekaran ‘Undead rule within 12° recovers a aumber of lost wounds depending on it rp pe + Regular/Heavy Infantry or Swarms: Wizard level + D3 wounds teavy Cavalry or War Beasts Wizard level + 1 wounds {Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry or Light Chariot: Wizard evel wounds *y Chariot, Monstrous Creature, Behemoth or War Machine: | wound From Beneath the Sands: During the Command sub-phas oftheir tra, they are no engaged incombat, this character may chose a single friendly unit that has both the Nebekharan Undead and the Ambushers special ules, and this curetl held in reserve, and make a Leadership ts: «Test passed: the chosen units summoned and ean be placed completly within 12 ofthis model, bout ot within 6” of any enemy models. That unit cannot charge and eouats as having moved + Test failed the chosen unit gnores the summon and is delayed until the controlling player's next tur atest KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead ‘CORE: Regeneration ($+), Swiftstride. Vanguard, FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis ths mode! loses their lat wound to am enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, wth an AP, Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may rola D6, On rll 24+, this model loses an additonal wound. Lore of Nehekhara: When tis Wizard discards a random spel they can selet either the Signatute spel, or a spl im the Lore of Nebek FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay HIGH PRIEST ow skeLeral STEED aod [ieee += A igh Priest may purchase magica items up ta total of 100 pts. = 1 High Priest on Skeletal Steed (Level 3 Wizard) + A High Priest knows spell fom one ofthe following Lores of Mage This unit yesh, Skeletal Hooves. © Elementalis, + Msn Soe + Aligh Priest may bea Level 4 Wizard: +30 pts/unit pe Sel eed Petar KEYWORDS. Heavy Cavalry, Character, Pa en eT HIGH PRIEST ON NECROLITH BONE DRAG REE hopes uso WEAFON Wieked Claws COMMAND ABILITIES Arie! Daring the Command subphae of thetrturn, they are not engaged in combat, hs del a ake Leadership est the ests pase en un that athe Nebearen Undead ue win 12" 2‘ Regular/Heavy Infantry o Swarms: Ward ve!» D wound { Light/teny Cavalry or War Beas: Wizard eel +1 wounds + Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry oF Light Chariots Wiad level wounds { Heay Chariot, Monstrous Creature, Behemath or War Machine: 1 wound From Beneath the Sends: During the Command sub phase thitar, they re incombs, ths character may chose single rendly nt that has both the Nehearan Undead andthe Ambushes special rus, and that scarey held in reserve, abd make Leadership es ‘ith 6" of any enemy models, That unit cannot charges eounts shaving move. {Tet failed: the conenwnitignoresthe summon ab ‘Behemoth, Monster, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead KEYWORDS, ‘CORE: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Regeneration (54), Swiftsride, Terror FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) ‘Carse of the Nes nto an enemy attack, that enemy unit must take a leadership test this test failed, the ni sfers D8 Strength 2 its, with n AP of ols: If ths mode ses her last (Cloud of Dust: Any enemy model that targets this mode ring the fers an additional - to it ‘Dryas Dust: Each time this model sufers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may rola D6, On rll 44+, this model loses an additonal wound. Lore of Nehekhara: When this Wizard discards random spel they can selet either the Signatute spel, or spl from the Lore of Neher i ‘OPTIONS = The High Priest may purchase magia items up ta total of 100 pts, Dragon (Level Wizard) This unit is equipped with: Breath of Desieatin, hopes, Wicked Claws +The High Priest knows spell from one ofthe following Lores of Mage Elemental, ° sion = Necromaney To The High Priest maybe a Level 4 Wizard: +30 pts High Priest on Neeroith Bone Dragon 335 pts ‘Behemoth, Monster, Character, Liche Priest, Petar KEYWORDS: wizard Nehekharan Undead ce MORTUARY PRIEST Econ) Khopesh, 140 WEAN) MAND ABILITIES Ariset: Dring the Command sub-phaseof ther tary, if th in combat, this ‘model can take a Leadership test the tests passed, rend unit that has the Nebekaran Undead rule within 12° recovers a number oflost wounds depending on its troop spe + Regular/Heavy Infantry or Swarms: Wizard level + D3 wound ight/Heavy Cavalry or War Beast: Wiard level + 1 wounds nstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry or Light Chariot: Wied level wounds y Chariot, Monstrous Creature, Hehemoth or War Machine: | wound From Beneath the Sands: During the Command sub-phase oftheir turn, they are no engaged in eombat this charaeter may chose a singe friendly unit that has both the Nehekharan Undead and the Ambushers special ues, and tht ie curently held in reserve, and make a Leadership ts: * Test passed the chosen units summoned and ean be placed completly within 12 ofthis model, but ot within 6” of any enemy model. That unit cannot charge and eouats as having moved + Test failed the chosen unit ignores the summon and is delayed until the controlling player's nest tur at east KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead) ‘CORE: Regeneration (5+) FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis ths mode! loses their lat wound oan enemy atack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, wth an AP, Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may rola D6, On rll 24+, this model loses an additonal wound. Lore of Nehekhara: When tis Wizard discards a random spel they can selet either the Signatute spel, or a spl from the Lore of Nehekh FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay MORTUARY PRIEST ‘OPTIONS pts. [ieee +1 Mortuary Priest (Level | Wizard) This unit is equipped with: Khopes, = A Mortuary Priest may purchase magia tems up toa total += A.Mortuary Priest knows spells from one ofthe following Lares of Mage © Hlementalism, ° sion = Necromaney + A Mortuary Priest may bea Level 2 Wiard: +30 pts/unit Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead) MORTUARY PRIEST on skeLETAL STEED Econ) Khopesh, 140 EAN) al Hooves mu wearon Ey Argel: Daring the Command sub-phse of their tar, they are not eng model can ake a Leadership test the testis passed, friendly unit that has the Nebekharan ‘Undead rule within 12° recovers a aumber of lost wounds depending on it rp pe fantry or Swarms: Wizard level + D3 wounds alry or War Beast: Wierd level + 1 wounds level wounds ‘oF War Machine: {wound From Beneath the Sands: During the Command sub-phas oftheir tra, they are no engaged incombat, this character may chose a single friendly unit that has both the Nebekharan Undead and the Ambushers special ules, and this curetl held in reserve, and make a Leadership ts: «Test passed: the chosen units summoned and ean be placed completly within 12 ofthis model, but ot within 6” of any enemy model. That unit cannot charge and counts + Test failed the next tur atest ving moved anit gnores the summon and ie delayed until the controling players KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Character, Liche Priest, Wizard, Nehekharan, Undead ‘CORE: Regeneration ($+), Swiftstride, Vanguard, FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) CCarse ofthe Necropolis ths mode! loses their lat wound oan enemy atack, that enemy unit must take a rsh et I this tes sled, the unit fers D: Strength 2 its, wth an AP, Dry as Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may rola D6, On rll 24+, this model loses an additonal wound. Lore of Nehekhara: When tis Wizard discards a random spel they can selet either the Signatute spel, or a spl from the Lore of Nehekh FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay MORTUARY PRIEST ow skELETAL STEED aod [ieee ‘= A Mortuary Priest may purchase magi tems upto total of 50 pts. = 1 Mortuary Priest on Skeletal Steed (Level 1 Wizard) += A.Mortuary Priest knows spells from one ofthe following Lares of Mage This unit is equipped with: Khopesh, Skeletal Hooves. © Hlementalism, + Msn Soe + A Mortuary Priest may bea Level 2 Wiard: +30 pts/unit eee es a let el Petar KEYWORDS. Heavy Cavalry, Character, Pa en eT NECROTECT Econ) Whip porreexmmansa sees, Laos ternal Taskmaster: During the Command sub-phaseof ther turn this character may ttm to drive unit they hve joined to greater efforts by making Leadership test (asing thei wen Leadership), If his tes is pased, util your next Start of Turn sub-phase ths character and any ‘nit they have joined guns the Extra Attacks (+1) and Hatred (all enemies) spills KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Nehekharan, Undead ‘CORE: Flammable, Regeneration ( FACTION, Nehekharan Undead Dry as Dust: Hach time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming tae, your opponent may oll D6, On ll fa 4¢, this model loses an additional wound. FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay NECROTECT ‘OPTIONS Ths unit ay parehase magical tems up ta total of 50 pts, [ieee = LNeeroteet This unit is equipped with: Khopesh, Whip, Ligh Armour, Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Character, Nehekharan, Undead Eo Khopesh, (AOA) Halberd mourn nqumesTwo%) TNs Tomb Captain (Champion): Hasan addtional tack in combat and a higher Iniitve (3) Standard Bearer: Ifa unit contains a Standard Bearer, if may claim a bonus of +1 to combat ess, “Musician: Ifthe combat rest sade, unit contains a Musician in the font rank fmay'claim a bonus of 1 combat result point ifthe opposing side doesn also have a Musician Ifaleing unit contains a musician, it may apply +1 modifier tots Leadership characteristic whenever atemptsto rally up toa maximum of Leadership 10 KEYWORDS. Regular Infantry, Nchekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Cleaving Blow; Close Order, Reg Regimental Uni MACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (1) Peony ‘Shield: Improves Armoue Characteristic by 1 Nehekharan Phalanx: This unit may choose aot to Give Ground should it ose around of combat ules the Unit Strength ofthe winning sides more than twice that of the sae Drilled: Unless its feng, «Dil wit may perform a fee redres th ranks manoeuse immediately before moving, Once this manoeuee complet, the unit moves as norm In scion, a Drilled unit can march whilst within 8 of an enemy tit eithowt Sint having to make a Leadership est Note that any character that joins a riled tobe riled as wll. is considered Pots Poms ttay TOMB GUARD ‘OPTIONS += Theentireunitmay take Halberds: +1 pt/model ier aay Every model is equipped with: Khopesh, Light Armour © Upgrade one model toa Tomb Captain (champion): +6 pts/unit Shield. © Upgrade one model toa standard bearer: +6 pts/unit © Upgrade one model toa musician: +6 pts/unit + ATomb Captain may purchase magi items up toa toa. BEIRERRS CSS + 0-1 anit per 1,000 points may Tomb Guard 10 ps/model © Have the Drilled special rule: +10 pts/unit © Have the Nebekharan Palas spcial ule: +10 pts/unit FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS. Regular Infantry, Nchekharan, Undead Pa en eT SKELETON WARRIORS Eo Hand Weapon Trusting Spear praern ex] Ss “Master of Arms (Champion): Hasan ational attack in combat Standard Bearer: Ifa unit contains a Standard Bearer, if may claim a bonus of +1 to combat ess ‘Musician: Ifthe combat result isa draw, unit contains a Musician in the font rank, fay laim a bonus of 1 combat result point ifthe opposing side doesn also have a Musician Ifaleing unit contains a musician, it may apply +1 modifier tots Leadership characteristic whenever atemptsto rally up toa maximum of Leadership 10 KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Nehekharan, Bromny ‘CORE: Close Order, Regeneration (6+), Regimental Uni ord, FACTION. Neheb Peony ‘Shield: Improves Armoue Characteristic by 1 Light Armour: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 Nehekharan Phalanx: This nit may chose not o Give (Ground should ose around of combat ules the Unit Strength ofthe winning sie fs more than twice that ofthe losing sid Trusting Spears: A model wielding a thrusting spear ‘cannot make a supporting attack during tur in which t ‘harged. During a turn in which it was charged in is front far, model wiedinga thrusting spear gins a+ modifier tots nitative against the charging units) FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay SKELETON WARRIORS aod [ieee += Theemtire nit may take = 10+ Skeleton Warriors © Thrasting Spears: +1 pt/model Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Shick © Light Armour: +1 pt/model + Any nit may z 5 *= Upgrade one model toa Master of Arms (champion): +5 pts/a PSs ® Upgrade one model toa standard bearer: 4 ps/anit Skeleton Warrior 4 pts/modet © Upgrade one model toa muscan: +5 pts + AMastrof Arms may purchase magi items upto ttal of 25 pts + 0-L unit pee 1,00 points © Haye the Nehekaran Pala special ule: +10 pts/unit Purchase magi standard worth up to 50 pts FACTION KEYWORI KEYWORDS. Regular Infantry, Nchekharan, Undead Pa en eT EE conn ‘iarbow 1ourvn Eon) Hand Weapon °F CONMAND ABILITIES Master of Arrows (Champion): Has a Ballistic Sil of 3 Standard Bearer: If unit contains a Standard Bearer, if may elim a bonus of +1 to combat ess “Musicians the combat results draw, unit contains a Musician in the font rank, fay elaim a bonus of + combat rest point ifthe opposing side does also have a Musician ‘Ma flesng nit contains a musician, itmay apply a-+1 moi to its Leadership characteristic whenever attempts to rally up toa maria of Leadership 10 KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Bae) ‘CORE: Open Order, Detachment, Regen ACTON, Neheharan U Arrows of Asaph Units wth his pci le never poy ‘any modifiers to thee rolls To Hit when shooting, regarless the source ofthe moder. eu Light Armour: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay ‘OPTIONS += Theentireunitmay take Light Armour:+1 pt/model Any anit may © Upgrade one model toa Master of Asows (champion): +5 pts/unit © Upgrade one model toa standard bearer: +5 pts/unit © Upgrade one model toa musician: +8 pts/anit KEYWORDS. Regular Infantry, Nchekharan, Undead [ieee = 10+ (5+ ifa detachment) Skeleton Archers Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Warbow Wake) Skeleton Archer FACTION K Pons tety EE conn Eon) Hand Weapon KEYWORDS: Regular Infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, Chariot Runners FACTION, Nehekharan Undead Arrows of Asaph: Units wih this special ie never apply any modifiers to ther ols To Hit when shooting, regardless he source ofthe modifier. enon Shield: Improves Armour Characteristic by Ambushers: This nit may be held in reserve atthe stato the ‘game, From round two onwards, ola D6 daring the Star of Tum sub-phases foreach unit of Ambushers in your amy thats heldin reserve. Ona rl of 1-3, the units delayed until your next tum at least Ona ol of the uit arives during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase on any edge of the battlefld, but not within ofan enemy model, I any Ambushers ae stil bl in reserve by the start of round fe, they ative automaticaly FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay SKELETON SKIRMISHERS ‘OPTIONS += The entire unit may take one ofthe following © Warbows: +1 pt/model Shields: +1 pt/model Pikes = 5 -205keleton Sirmishers Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon. Goce) Skeleton Skirmisher 4 ptsjmodel + 0-1 anit in your army may have the Ambushers special ale: +1 pt/model Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Regular infantry, Nehekharan, Undead USHABTI Porno Eon) Khopesh HUXOWEARNL Combat 34) 4 4 Arrows of Asaph: Units with this special ale never apply Ritual Blade guns rw tos Smash Combat 3(4) 4 ‘any modifiers to thee rolls To Hit when shooting, regarless the source ofthe modifier. PONT Ancient (Champion): Has an add FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Monstrous infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Pa en ey aod [ieee = Theemtire unit may may replace Ritual Blades with Greatbows: Fr = 5+ Ushabti + Any nit may upgrade one model to an Ancient (champion): +7 ps Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Ritual Blade, Heavy Armour. Poaenekec) Ushabsi 49 pts/model Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Monstrous Infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Med 2 Eo ‘Venomous bites and stings AND WEATOSFOSONEDATACS| KEYWORDS: Swarms, Infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE. Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers FACTION, Nehekharan Undead Dy as Dust: Fach time this model suffers an saved wound froma Flaming tae, your opponent may rol D6, On ll a4, thismodel loses an adltional wound. eu Ambushers: This nit may be held in reserve at the start of the game, Prom round two onwards rola Dé during the Stat Tur sub phases foreach unit of Ambuskersin your amy thats eld in reserve. Ona roll of 1-3, the nits delayed until sour next tur at least.Ona roll of, the unit arsves during ‘the Compulsory Moves sub-phaseon any ede ofthe battlefield, but aot within "ofan enemy model. Ia Ambushers ae il eld in reserve bythe start of round five the arrive automatically FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay TOMB SWARMS aod [ieee + Anyanit may take the Ambushers special rule: +2 pts/model =2-10 Tor Every model is equipped with: Venomous bites and stings. PSsonekesay Tomb Swarm 37 pls/model FACTION KEYWORI KEYWORDS. Swarms, Infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Pa en eT CARRION Eo Beaks and Talons so wtaront Combat ‘CORE: Regeneration (6+), Fly (10), Skirmishers, Swiftstride FACTION, Nehekharan U FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay KEYWORDS: Monstrous infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Cor NICO) . aod [ieee = None =2+ Carvion Every model is equipped with: Beaks and talons PrSsenuekess Carrion Petar KEYWORDS: Monstrous Infantry, Nehekharan, Undead Pa en eT SKELETON HORSEMEN Eon Bromny Hand Weapon ‘Combat 1(2) 2 ‘CORE: Close Order, Horde, Regeneration (6+), Cavalry Speae thane Combet 1(2) 2304) 01) | Switstride, Vanguard 2 Skeletal Hooves musowrarom, Combat 1 Ons eons “Master of Horse (Champion): Has an addtional Attack, 0 FACTION, Nehekharan Undead Shield: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 Standard Bearer: Is unit contsns a Standard Beater, if may claim a bonus of +1 to combat ess ‘Musician Ifthe combat result isa dr, unit contains « Musician in the front rank, fmay claim | Light Armour: Improves Armour Characteristic by 1 bons of +1 combat rest point ifthe opposing side does also have 2 Musician a flecng unit contains. a musician, it may apply a +1 modifier to its Leadership characterise ‘Cavalry Spear: Daring turnin whic the wieder ca whenever atempst al up toa maximum of Leadership 10 the cavalry spear grants +1 bons to Stength and has an A model wielding a envalry sper cannot make a supporting attack during atu nicht charged ‘Counter Charges When uit wth this spoil rules harged init front arc by an enemy unit whose troop type is‘evaley,“charot’ ‘monster it may delae a ‘Counter (Charge charg reaction. FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Heavy Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead aca aie SKELETON HORSEMEN aod [ieee += Theentire unit may take += 5+ Skeleton Horsemen © Cavalry Spears: +1 pl/model ‘Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Shick, © Light Armour: +1 pt/model Skeetan Hooves, + Any anit may + Upgrade one model toa Master of Horse (champion): +6 ps © Upgrade one movl oa standard bearer: +6 pts/unit Eesensecs © Upgrade one model oa muse: +6 pts Skeleton Horseman 11 pisjmodel + ADMastrof Horse may purehase magic items upto. total of + 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may we the Counter Charge speial rule: +1 pts/model chase amagie standard worth upto 50 ps FACTION KEYWORI KEYWORDS. Heavy Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead Pa en eT Pon non Bromny ‘iarbow 1ourvn CORE: Open Order, Regeneration (6+), Reserve Move, Scouts, Skirmishers, Swiftstride Eon) Hand Weapon ae HACTION. Nehekharan Undead. asia aes Combat Arrows of Asaph: Units wih this special ie never apply COMMAND ABILITIES he source ofthe modifier. “Master of Horse (Champion): Has Balint Skil o. See TT Standard Bearer Ia unit cotsnss Standard Bearer, may dima bonus of +1 tcombat su. 4° oars mares armour Characters by ‘Musietan Ifthe combat results a draw, aunt contain a Musician inthe front rank fmay claim] ®t Armour: Improves Amour Caraceristic of + combat rest point ifthe opposing side does also have a Musician Tf afleing unit contains musician it may apply a +1 modifies ots Leadership characteris whenever it attempts to rally, up toa maximum of Leadership 10. : : FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Light Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead Pa en ey SKELETON HORSE ARCHERS ‘OPTIONS += Theentireunitmay take Light Armour:+1 pt/model Any anit may © Upgrade one model toa Master of Horse (champion): +6 pts/unit © Upgrade one model toa standard bearer: +6 pts/unit © Upgrade one model toa musician: +6 pts/unit KEYWORDS: Light Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead [ieee += 5+ Skeleton Horse Archers ‘Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Warbo Skeletal Hooves Poaenekec) Skeleton Horse Arche 11 pisjmodel Pont pom cores NECROPOLIS KNIGHTS Eon Bromny Khopesh (x0 WEAPON) ‘Combat (CORE: Armoured Hide (1), Cleaving Blow (Necropolis Cavalry Speae thames Combat 23 6) Knights and Captain ony), Close Order, Impact Hits (1), Great Weapon nauocanwea.nqunesvowtssrancusti Combat Poisoned Attacks (Necroserpents al), Regeneration (6 Swiftstride ashing Til iu wren roo Acs Combat table 1) EON Necropolis Captain (Champion): Has an addtional Attack, Pennoni) mndard Bearer: If unit contains Standard Beare, i ay claim a bonus of +1 to combat results ld: Improves Armour Chrsetersieby 1 usician: Ifthe combat results a draw, aunt contains a Musician nthe front rank, if ay claim a bonus of + combat rest point ifthe opposing side does also havea Musician a fleeing unit contains a musician, it may apply a+1 modifier to its Leadership characterise whenever attempts tora p toa maria of Leadership 10 ‘Cavalry Spear: Daring turnin whic the wieder ca the cavalry spear grants +1 bons to Stength and has an A model wielding aenvaly spear eannot make 3 supporting attack during atu nicht charged FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Monstrous Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead Peay eee ee NECROPOLIS KNIGHTS aod [ieee = Any unit may = 2+ Necropolis Knights © Upgrade one model toa Neeopois Captain champion: Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Cavalry © Upgrade one model toa standard bearer: +7 pts/unit Spear, Light Armour, Shel, Lashing Tal © Upgrade one model toa musician: +7 pts/anit © Parchase magi standard worth up 10 50 pts H + ANNeerpolis Captain may tke PSone) = A Great Weapon: +3 pts ‘Necropolis Knight 54 ps/model © Magicitems upto Petar KEYWORDS: Monstrous Cavalry Nehekharan, Undead Ea aa een SEPULCHRAL STALKERS EEE conn Petifying Gaze paca. aTacas Meru WOUNDS) Ee Hand Weapon ‘Combat Halberd (sous cy es W010 Combat Wathing Tail samaruosa ‘Combat KEYWORDS: Monstrous Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Close Order, Regeneration (6+), Swifstride FACTION, Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (1) Peony Petsfying Gaze: When making roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the targets Toughness with its Initiative. Noarmoar saves permitted against wounds ausd by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves canbe attempted as normal Ambushers: This uit maybe held in reserve athe tar of th game, From round two onward, rolla Dé dung the Start of Turn sub-phases foreach unit of Ambusher in your amy thats held in reserve, On atl of 13, the units delayed until your tum ates. On roll of, the nit arrives during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase on any eg ofthe bate, but rot within 8” ofan enenty model any Ambushers ae sil ed in reserve by the start of ound ve, they amie automatically FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay SEPULCHRAL STALKERS ee tf [ieee + 2+ Sepulehral Stalkers Every model is equipped with: Hand Weapon, Writhing Tal, Halberd, Petiying Gaze, Heavy Armour Poaenekec) ‘OPTIONS * 0-1 unitin you amy may have the Ambushers special rule: +2 pts/model Petar Pons tety KEYWORDS: Monstrous Cavalry, Nehekharan, Undead SKELETON CHARIOTS Pon non Bromny ‘iarbow 1ourvn ‘CORE: Open Order, Horde, Regeneration (64), Reserve Move, Swifistride, Impact Hits (D3) ‘$0. MELEE WEAPO! "7 cle Hand Weapon Combat 1(2) 2 HACTION. Nehekharan Undead. Cavaly Spear Wawa Combat 112) Arrows of Asaph: Units wih this special ie never apply Skeletal Hooves pO WEAN Combat 1 any motes to thee oll To Hit when shooting, regardless Impact Hits sarc som ist nunc) (Gharge D3 ae cl x movel 5 Dryas Dust: Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound froma Flaming Attack, your opponent may rola D6, On a rll FETT eT Te 4+, this model loses an additional wound. “Master Chariateer (Champion): Hasan aditiona tac. Peony Standard Bearer: Is uit cotans Standard Beare, ifmay claim bons of +110 combat ett] Cayatey Spear: During train which the wider charged Musician: Ifthe combat result drav, a unit contains a Musician inthe front ran, ifmay daima | the eavaly spear rants a +1 onus to Strength and hasan bons of 1 combat res point ifthe opposing side does also have 2 Musician AP of-1,Armodel wielding a cavalry spear cannot make a If afleing unit contains a musician, it may apply a+1 modifi to its Leadership characteristic supporting attack during turn in which it charge whenever it attempts orally up toa maximum of Leadership 10. : FACTION KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Nehekharan, Undead Pa en ey SKELETON CHARIOTS ‘OPTIONS * Upgrade one Skeleton Crewman to Master Chariotcr champion): +6 p/n * Upgrade one Skeleton Crewman toa standard bearer: +6 ® Upgrade one Skeleton Crewman to a musician: +6 pt/a urchave a magi standard worth up to 50 pls ed aboard a diferent Chariot += AMaster Charioteer may purchase magi tems upto ttl of 25 pts KEYWORDS: Light Chariot, Nehekharan, Undead [ieee 1+ Skeleton Chariots, composed of I Chariot 2.Skeleton Crewmen, and 2 Skeletal Steed on Crewman is equipped with: Hand W and Warbo. Al Steed is equiped with Skeletal Hooves, Peters) Skeleton Chariot 4 pts/model Petar Pons tety KHEMRIAN WARSPHINX EE conn ‘$0. MELEE WEAPONS hopes [ND WEAPON Cavalry Spear irene Wicked Claws Envenomed Sting santa TAG as Stomp Altacks* EXMAATCAS SRE LAST ACOMADIC HES] (Combat Combat Combet Combat ‘Combat KEYWORDS. Behemoth, Monster, Nehekharan, Undead Bromny ‘CORE: Cleaving Blow (Tomb Guard Cre only), Close Order lowdah, Large Target, Regeneration (6+), Terror FACTION. Nehekharan Undead, Indomitable (2) Arrows of Asaph: Units wih this special ie never pp any modifiers to thee ols To Hit when shooting, regardless ofthe souree ofthe modi fie eorns) ‘Cavalry Spear: During train which the welder charged, the cavalry spear grants +1 bons to Strength and has an AP of-1. Amodel wielding a envalry spear cannot make a sppoting tack daring a tur nicht charged Envenomed Sting: In combat, this model may choos to rake one ofits attack each tur with this weapon, FACTION KEYWORDS: Poms ttay KHEMRIAN WARSPHINX aod [ieee = Thsunit ay ada up to two additional Tomb Guard Crevmen: +10 pts each, smrian Warsphinx, composed of | Warsphinx The Warsphinx may take om Guard Crevien © Bavenomed Sting: +5 pts arsphinx is equipped with: Wicked Clas ery Roar: +20 pts d Crewman is equipped with: Khopes, Cavalry Spear, Shortov. PSaenekesa) Kheman Warsphins Petar KEYWORDS. Behemoth, Monster, Nehekharan, Undead aaa cee coe

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