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Proponent: (Ocania et. Al., 2024) Defense Date: April 22, 2024


Approved Title:
Other Suggestions:
1. Align all parts of the manuscript to the title.
2. Abstract includes: (in order)
a. Nature and Scope of the Paper (Problem)
b. Objective or Purpose
c. Research Method
d. Results/Findings (Brief Summary
e. Conclusion/Implications
f. Keywords
3. Contents of the introduction should be as follows:
a. Introduce the problem or prevailing issues and causes about the research
topic are cited.
b. Global, national, and local scenarios and statistics about the variables or topic
are cited to situate the study.
c. Provides compelling reasons why the research problem was selected
d. Purpose(s) in conducting study and significance of the study are clear.
e. Thesis statement is clear and not just a mere repetition of the purpose of the
4. RRL must have the ff.:
a. Arguments and counterarguments presented on the relevance of the study
using RRL and theories.
b. The study is premised on the findings/results of different literature reviewed
to the variables and indicators in the conceptual framework.
c. Concepts integral to study are discussed
d. Description of variables according to functional relations and the conceptual
interrelatedness of the variables in the study are provided.
e. Make a synthesis of the different literature reviewed to identify and strengthen
the gap in the existing literature that the study intends to address/fill in.
Theoretical Framework
5. Theoretical Framework should:
a. Clearly summarizes the theory/ies on which the study is anchored and
discusses how these can help meet the objectives of the study.

6. Ethical considerations (Refer to Ethics Guidelines)

7. Conclusion should be:
a. Valid relevant and essentially based on objective data or findings that were
statistically treated.
b. Simple, concise statements devoid of any discussion on data or findings.
c. Each conclusion directly answers, accepts, or rejects specific SOPs and

8. Recommendations: Divided into two parts:

a. specific recommendations on the findings and conclusions of the study itself;
and general recommendations that expressed concisely and clearly.
9. References & Citing:
a. In references: Must be alphabetically arranged according to the principal
author’s family name using the APA format (7th edition)

b. Use APA 7 edition in citing and listing your references and ensure that all sources are
correctly cited and listed in the reference list.
c. Use published and traceable works as references.
d. Please submit your revised manuscript that has already been reviewed by a certified expert
for grammar using Grammarly, and make sure to paraphrase the content to prevent any
instances of plagiarism.
e. Provide a suggestion matrix in submitting your revised copy for the panel to
scrutinize again

Reminder to the researchers:

The panel of examiners will finally approve the research work after all
suggestions and recommendations are carried out. The work should also be edited
accordingly. The researchers are compelled to follow the prescribed IMRAD format.
Once suggestions and editing are done, approval for binding should be sought from your
thesis adviser.

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