Hyper Ledger

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Hyperledger is not a specific blockchain but a collaborative project that hosts various open-

source blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) frameworks and tools. These
frameworks are designed for enterprise use cases and are intended to be used by businesses
and organizations to create their own blockchain networks or DLT solutions.

Hyperledger offers a range of blockchain platforms, including Hyperledger Fabric,

Hyperledger Sawtooth, Hyperledger Indy, Hyperledger Besu, Hyperledger Burrow, and
more. Each of these platforms has unique features and is tailored for different use cases. They
all share the common goal of providing enterprise-grade solutions for industries and
organizations seeking to leverage blockchain technology.

Here are a few examples of some popular Hyperledger blockchain platforms:

Hyperledger Fabric: Fabric is a modular, permissioned blockchain framework that allows

organizations to build private or consortium blockchains. It supports smart contracts and
offers fine-grained control over permissions, making it suitable for a wide range of
applications and industries.

Hyperledger Sawtooth: Sawtooth is another modular blockchain platform that emphasizes

flexibility. It allows developers to implement their consensus algorithms and is well-suited
for use cases with complex rules and permissions.

Hyperledger Indy: Indy is focused on digital identity management and is designed to

provide tools for creating secure, privacy-preserving digital identities. It is especially relevant
in identity-related applications.

Hyperledger Besu: Besu is an Ethereum-compatible client for building both public and
private Ethereum-based networks. It is suitable for organizations that want to interact with
Ethereum networks or establish their private Ethereum networks.

Hyperledger Fabric:
Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source blockchain framework designed for building private or
consortium blockchains. It is one of the most widely recognized projects within the
Hyperledger community. Fabric is highly modular and customizable, making it suitable for a
wide range of enterprise use cases.

Key Features:

• Permissioned Network: Fabric supports the creation of permissioned networks,

where participants must be granted access to the blockchain. This is important for
businesses and organizations that need to control who can participate in their network.
• Smart Contracts: It allows the execution of smart contracts (chaincode), written in
languages like Go or JavaScript, to automate business processes.
• Modularity: Fabric's modular architecture allows components like consensus
mechanisms, membership services, and data storage to be chosen and customized to
meet specific requirements.
• Privacy: It supports data segregation and private channels, enabling confidential
transactions between specific network participants.
• Consensus Mechanisms: Fabric uses a pluggable consensus mechanism, allowing
network administrators to choose the most appropriate consensus algorithm for their
use case.

It appears that you might be referring to the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus
algorithm used in Hyperledger Sawtooth called "Sawtooth PBFT" or "Sawtooth PoET"
(Proof of Elapsed Time). There is no standalone project named "Sumeragi" within the
Hyperledger ecosystem. "Sumeragi" is a reference to the BFT consensus layer in the context
of Hyperledger Sawtooth.

• Sawtooth PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance): This consensus algorithm

is used to ensure the security and integrity of transactions in the Sawtooth blockchain.
It is designed to prevent the blockchain network from being compromised by
malicious nodes. PBFT is one of the consensus options available for Sawtooth, and it
provides Byzantine fault tolerance.
• Sawtooth PoET (Proof of Elapsed Time): PoET is another consensus mechanism
used in Sawtooth. It is based on a verifiable random function and is designed to be
energy-efficient and secure. It enables permissioned networks to achieve consensus
without the high energy consumption associated with proof-of-work (PoW)

Hyperledger Sawtooth:

Hyperledger Sawtooth is another open-source blockchain framework, designed to be

modular, flexible, and scalable. It is well-suited for organizations looking to build and deploy
blockchain networks with complex rules and permissions.

Key Features:

• Modularity: Sawtooth's modular architecture allows for flexibility in terms of

consensus algorithms and other components.
• Transaction Family: Sawtooth allows for the development of custom transaction
families, which define the rules and state transition logic for a particular application or
use case.
• Consensus Mechanisms: In addition to BFT and PoET, Sawtooth supports various
consensus algorithms to suit different network requirements.
• Smart Contracts: It supports the development of smart contracts using languages
like Solidity (Ethereum smart contract language), enabling developers to create
decentralized applications (DApps).

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