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1 Harvey is a cyclist. His twin brother Torquil is a middle-distance runner.

Knowing that Harvey normally cycles at about 15 metres per second and Torquil runs at about 6 metres per
second, they agreed to race over a distance of 3000 metres, with Torquil given 5 minutes head start.

Torquil set off and maintained a steady speed of 6 metres per second until the final 300 metres which he
covered in 38 seconds.

Harvey started exactly 5 minutes later, as agreed, cycling at 15 metres per second. However, after 480 metres
he developed a puncture. With no possibility of repairing it, he carried on, but could only complete the rest of
the course at 9 metres per second.

How long after Torquil did Harvey cross the finishing line?

A. 42 seconds
B. 74 seconds
C. 92 seconds
D. 124 seconds

2 I have an unusual digital clock that displays the digits as words, not figures. At 9.40 pm, for example, its
appearance is:

How many times each day does my clock show four different words in alphabetical order from left to right?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
D. 10

3 If a coach has been hired by an organisation for a fixed total fee, and it is only half full, the cost per person will
be twice as much as it would have been if all the seats had been occupied.

Which one of the following could never be twice as much?

A. The number of apples that can be bought for a particular sum if they are on offer at half the normal
B. The number of lampposts that can be seen along a particular road if new ones are placed between the
existing ones, halving the distance between successive pairs.
C. The number of people that can be served from a particular bottle of lemonade if glasses are filled
halfway instead of to the top.
D. The number of slices of bread that can be spread with jam from a particular jar if only half as much
jam as usual is used on each slice.


All birds are yellow. Some parrots are yellow. Some parrots are big.

I. All birds can be parrots.
II. All big can be yellow.

Which of the following conclusions follow?

A. Conclusion I only.
B. Conclusion II only.
C. Both of the conclusions follow.
D. None of the conclusions follows

5 YOURCAB is a taxi firm. On a particular day it has bookings to collect four customers, one from each of four
hotels, at 2pm. The following table shows the time in minutes it will take each driver to get to each hotel.

Driver Hotel
Inn Villa Lodge Hall
Allan 5 3 4 2
Bill 8 3 5 5
Jean 2 5 3 6
Sam 3 6 9 5

The manager pays each of the drivers $1 per minute for the time it takes to reach their customer.

What is the smallest amount he will have to pay the four drivers altogether?

A. $10
B. $11
C. $14
D. $16

6 When viewed from above, an object looks like the picture shown below. Which one of the following is not a
possible view from the side?

7 Ken and Graham are old friends. At the beginning of the year they agreed to get together once a week. They
alternate between a 5 mile walk followed by a pub lunch one week, and attending the local Jazz Club the next
week. Graham’s other commitments sometimes mean that a meeting is missed, and on these occasions the
pattern of meetings is continued by putting the missed activity to the following week and resuming the pattern
thereafter. In the first 14 weeks the sequence has been broken 3 times. During week 15, neither Ken nor
Graham have other commitments, and the Jazz Club celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Which of the following further pieces of information, by itself, would be sufficient to determine whether
they will be able to attend the 50th anniversary within the normal structure of their weekly meetings?

A. All the missing weeks were Jazz Club weeks.

B. Jazz Club is held on a Wednesday.
C. The meeting pattern started with Jazz Club on week 1.
D. Two of the missing weeks were Jazz Club weeks.

8 16th Fill. rewards the employees of their regional branches with different bonuses based on their total annual
sales. The chart below shows the criteria for each bonus.

Bonus Annual Sales

$300 000 $1 350 000 or more

$180 000 $1 200 000 - $1 349 999

$150 000 $1 125 000- $1 199 999

The chart below shows the monthly sales of four 16th Fill. branches from the past year.

Monthly sales in thousands (in dollars)


CEN 97.5 100.5 127.5 108 96 75 78 60 76.5 75 81 75

AYA 85.5 96 72 82.5 133.5 124.5 93 91.5 88.5 105 97.5 85.5

SMC 127. 123 99 96 114 123 132 111 91.5 120 11 114

ESC 51 81 82.5 75 100.5 132 120 136.5 142.5 114 109.5 100.5

Which branch is eligible to receive the $180 000 bonus?



10 Walter is attempting to cycle the 1800 kilometres from Penvic to Cavmar in 15 days. In the first 6 days he has
averaged 90 kilometres per day.

What is the minimum that Walter must average during the rest of his ride if he is to achieve his target?

A. 120 kilometres per day

B. 140 kilometres per day
C. 150 kilometres per day
D. 210 kilometres per day


Joe is trying to decide which laptop to buy for his new job. She asks her colleagues for their
recommendations and they all suggest getting a Macbook.

Joe: "All of my colleagues say I should get a Macbook, so I'm going to buy one too."

Which of the following sentences shows the mistake Joe made in his decision-making?

A. Joe is relying solely on the opinions of his colleagues without doing his own research on the features
and prices of different laptops.
B. Joe is not considering whether a Macbook is compatible with the software he needs for his job.
C. Joe is not taking into account his own personal preferences and needs when choosing a laptop.
D. Joe is not considering whether a Macbook is within his budget.

12 Each city in MercyLand sets different tax rates for different house prices annually. Below is a table showing the
tax information of 5 residents.

Resident City House Tax Tax rate

Crowder Atlanta $4000 8%
Angelo Washington $3000 10%
Darel Los Angeles $1000 20%
Miko New York $2000 4%
Gordon Toronto $1600 4%

Whose house costs the same as Crowder’s?

A. Gordon
B. Miko
C. Angelo
D. Darel

13 Conducted tours of Carburgh Castle begin at the castle entrance every 20 minutes from 10:00 to 17:00 daily.
Each tour takes 35 minutes to complete. A number of guides are employed on a part-time basis to lead these
tours. However, guides are expected to lead a minimum of six tours on any day that they do work.

What is the earliest time that a guide at Carburgh Castle can hope to finish work for the day?

A. 12:15
B. 13:20
C. 13:30
D. 13:55

14 A man has 35 socks in his drawer, 12 identically blue, 9 identically grey, and 14 identically black. The lights have
fused leaving him completely in the dark.

What is the least number of socks he must take out of the drawer to be 100% certain that he has a pair of
each colour?

A. 18
B. 22
C. 26
D. 28

15 A tutor tells her class, “Unless you attend the Revision Day, you will fail the exam”.

Which of the following items of information, if true, would be sufficient to determine whether the tutor’s
prediction was right or wrong?

A. Everyone who attended passed.

B. Some who failed did not attend.
C. No one who failed did not attend.
D. Someone who passed did not attend.

16 Bronny had just got home from school when he realised that he had left his water tumbler at school. So he set
out, got his bike, and returned to the school. During the start of his journey, he maintained his speed until he
entered Forest Street, where he increased his speed due to the downward slope of the road. He got tired and
thirsty, so he stopped by 7-11 and got some water. He stayed there for a while when his mom called and said
that his tumbler was already at home since his classmate, who happened to be their neighbour, brought it with
him to return the item. Bronny then went back home the same route as fast as he could until he had passed
Forest street, where he got a little tired paddling his bike, and slowed down and maintained this speed until he
returned home.

Which among the line graphs below best describes Bronny’s journey?





17 Delegates for a diplomatic summit must travel in taxis, each of which can take a maximum of 4, 5 or 6 people.
When ordering taxis, it is not possible to specify the number of seats.

About 60 delegates are expected, but certainly no more than 80. It is essential that there is space for every

How many taxis should be ordered?

A. 10
B. 14
C. 15
D. 20

18 Which figure is NOT the rotation of the object?

19 The combined age of Arrah and Crissa is 55. The combined age of Arrah and Branzy is 43. The combined age of
Branzy and Crissa is 66.

What is the sum of all their ages?

A. 78
B. 80
C. 82
D. 84

20 In the interests of research, 1000 cats were each offered 4 identical dishes, each one containing a different cat
food. The cat foods offered were Punki, Obkat, Offaly and Rapidgro. Of those cats who showed a single
preference, 95% preferred Punki, 3% preferred Offaly, 1% preferred Obkat and 1% preferred Rapidgro.

The published research figures showed that, out of the 1000 cats tested, only 2 preferred Obkat.

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

A. Out of the 1000 cats tested, 80% showed no preference for a particular cat food.
B. Out of the 1000 cats tested, 6 showed a preference for Offaly.
C. Out of the 1000 cats tested, at least 3 cats showed a preference for either Obkat or Rapidgro.
D. Out of the 1000 cats tested, 950 preferred Punki to the other cat foods.

21 The Spaydart Club has four categories of membership, each with a different annual subscription, as detailed

Membership Category Annual Subscription

Adult $50

Senior citizen $30

Student $20

Junior $10

At last night’s management committee meeting, the treasurer announced that the club currently has 98 adult
members, 75 senior citizen members, 64 student members and 31 junior members, producing a total annual
income from subscriptions of $8380.

When somebody pointed out that, according to the membership figures, the total income should be $8740, the
treasurer realised that he had transposed the two digits of the number of members in one of the categories.

Which of the following should the treasurer have announced?

A. 13 junior members
B. 46 student members
C. 57 senior citizen members
D. 89 adult members

22 A recent survey conducted by the marketing department of XYZ Corporation found that consumers are more
likely to purchase products from companies that support charitable causes. The survey polled 1,000 consumers
in New York City and found that 75% of them are more likely to buy products from companies that donate a
portion of their profits to charitable organisations. Furthermore, 80% of respondents said they would pay more
for a product if they knew a portion of the price was going towards a good cause.

Which among the statements, if true, best strengthens the passage?

A. Other surveys conducted in different cities have yielded similar results, indicating that this trend is not
specific to New York City.
B. XYZ Corporation has seen a 20% increase in sales since they started donating a portion of their profits
to a local charity.
C. Consumers who purchase products from companies that support charitable causes report feeling
more satisfied with their purchase than those who do not.
D. Companies that donate to charitable causes are more likely to have a loyal customer base than those
that do not.


Alex and Emily are discussing their favourite type of coffee in terms of their flavour profile. Alex believes that
dark roast is the best, while Emily prefers light roast.

Alex: "I don't understand why you prefer light roast, Emily. Dark roast has a stronger and richer flavour."

Which of the following sentences shows the mistake Alex has made in the argument?

A. Alex is not presenting any evidence or logical arguments to support his position.
B. Alex is attacking Emily's character rather than addressing the issue.
C. Alex is not considering the other types of coffee that Emily might enjoy.
D. Alex is not taking into account that taste preferences can vary from person to person.

24 Kate divided her $20,000 income into five different expenses within a month.

Expenses Rent Water Bill Electricity Bill Food Dine out Groceries
Budget $5000 $2000 $3000 $2000 $8000

She made a pie chart representing her budget for each type of expense. However, she forgot to put the labels
on her pie chart.

Which one of these four graphs shows the correct representation of her budget allocations for this month?


25 Kara went out to buy fruit for some of her workmates to have for lunch. She bought 7 apples and 11 bananas
and paid a total of $1.47, but she did not notice the individual prices for apples or bananas.

Tim wants 2 apples and a banana.

How much should he pay?

A. 24¢
B. 25¢
C. 27¢
D. 29¢

26 There were five songs in Mercy’s playlist. The songs were: Meet me here, Wake me up, Love me, Two is better
than one, and Champaign Supernova. Each song contains a specific word lyric unique to that song. The unique
lyrics are: remember, cry, friend, redeemed, and clarity. Clues are stated in the following conditions to
determine which song contains such unique lyric:

- There is no “redeemed” or “clarity” on the song Meet me here.

- There is no “redeemed” in the song Champaign Supernova
- Love me is a song with the lyrics “remember” on it.
- You can find the lyrics “ friend” on the song Two is better than one.

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Champaign Supernova has the lyric “clarity”.

B. Wake me up song does not have the lyric “redeemed".
C. Meet me here song has the lyric “remember”.
D. Champaign Supernova has the lyric “friend”.


Statement: The company's new marketing strategy has led to increased sales.

I. The company's previous marketing strategy was ineffective.
II. The increased sales are heavily affected by the new marketing strategy.
III. The increased sales will continue over the long term.
IV. The new marketing strategy did not have any negative effects on the company's reputation.

Which of the following assumptions aligns with the statement?

A. Assumption I only
B. Assumption II only
C. Both assumptions III and IV
D. Neither assumption I, II, III, nor IV

28 Jake wants to buy 7 pieces of headphones. There are four shops that sell the products he wants. The shops, the
prices, and special offers are shown in the table below.

Shop Standard price Special offer

Mango Store $28 Half off the first three headphones

Octagon $26 Buy one get one at 75% off

JDMB Gadgets $24 20% off the final price

Xcomp $20 Buy 2 get 1 free

Jake wants to buy all his headphones from the same shop and to spend as little as possible.

Which shop should Jake buy all his headphones from?

A. JDMB Gadgets
B. Octagon
C. Mango Store
D. Xcomp

29 How many unique square tiles are required to create the pattern below? (Tiles can be rotated)

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

30 Jo is taking an exam paper which has 40 multiple-choice questions. Each question has 4 possible answers; each
correct answer scores 1 mark and there is no penalty for an incorrect answer. She knows the answer to 16
questions, but has no idea about the rest, so she guesses them.

What percentage is Jo most likely to score, assuming that the 16 she knows are answered correctly?

A. 22%
B. 40%
C. 55%
D. 70%

31 Kerven buys different mints at the 7-11 convenience store. The prices are shown in the table below.

mints 150 g 350 g 750 g

Tictac $9 $15 $24
Max $15 $24 $33
Mentos $18 $24 $30
Double Mint $21 $30 $36
Mr. Mint $30 $39 $45

He gets 150 g of Max on Tuesdays and only gets 750g of Tictac on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Kerven always
buys 350 g Mentos on Mondays and Fridays. But, when Kerven aces an exam, he gets 750 g of Mr. Mint
instead, regardless of the day of the week.

Last week, Kerven aced his exams on Monday and Thursday.

How much did Kerven spend on mints last week?

A. $153
B. $132
C. $156
D. $123

32 The local restaurant is looking to hire a new chef to lead the kitchen team and ensure high-quality dishes are
served to customers. The owner is seeking someone with a culinary degree, at least 5 years of experience
working in a high-end restaurant, a creative and innovative approach to cooking, and excellent leadership skills.
The four candidates are:

Alex - A culinary school graduate with 10 years of experience working in high-end restaurants, has won awards
for his innovative dishes, and has experience managing kitchen staff.

Brenda - A culinary school graduate with 6 years of experience working in high-end restaurants, has a creative
approach to cooking, and has worked in a leadership role in her previous position.

Charlie - A self-taught chef with 8 years of experience working in various restaurants, has experience cooking in
a wide range of cuisines, and has received praise for his dishes from food critics.

David - A culinary school graduate with 4 years of experience working in a casual dining restaurant, has a
creative approach to cooking, and has experience leading small kitchen teams.

Who among the candidates should Sarah consider?

A. Alex
B. Brenda
C. Charlie
D. David

33 Many people believe that owning a home is a sign of financial stability and success. However, the reality is that
homeownership can come with significant financial burdens and risks. For one, owning a home requires a
significant upfront investment and ongoing expenses such as property taxes, maintenance, and repairs.
Additionally, the value of a home can be highly volatile, which can lead to significant financial losses in the
event of a market downturn. Finally, homeownership can limit mobility and flexibility, making it difficult for
people to relocate for job opportunities or personal reasons.

Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the argument?

A. Owning a home is a necessary component of financial stability and success.

B. Homeownership is a risky and financially burdensome endeavour.
C. The value of a home is highly volatile, making it a risky investment.
D. Homeownership limits mobility and flexibility, making it difficult to relocate.

34 Solve the puzzle below by identifying the standard rule that applied to both relations.

684927 is to 864279
315928 is to 821359
694253 is to ?

Which among the following numbers should replace the question mark?

A. 642359
B. 624395
C. 462359
D. 426953

35 A chef has not got enough tomatoes to put a whole one on each of 120 salads, so she cuts them up. She does
not need all the pieces to be exactly the same size. To make exactly 120 pieces, she makes 72 cuts, each cutting
either a whole tomato or a piece of a tomato into two pieces.

How many tomatoes did she start with?

A. 36
B. 48
C. 60
D. 72

36 The Department of Health in San Francisco found that individuals who regularly exercise have a lower risk of
developing heart disease than those who do not. The study surveyed 1,000 adults in the San Francisco Bay Area
and found that those who engaged in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week had a 25%
lower risk of developing heart disease. Furthermore, those who engaged in at least 60 minutes of moderate
exercise five days a week had a 50% lower risk of developing heart disease.

Which among the statements, if true, best strengthens the passage?

A. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can also reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
B. Regular exercise can also help individuals reduce stress and improve their overall mental health.
C. The risk of developing heart disease increases as individuals age, but regular exercise can help mitigate
this risk.
D. Individuals who engage in at least 60 minutes of vigorous exercise five days a week have an even lower
risk of developing heart disease than those who engage in moderate exercise.

37 The nutritional facts of a chocolate bar are shown below. Marjorie ate 70g of chocolate bar.

How much protein and total carbohydrates did Marjorie consume?

A. Protein = 5.0 g, Total Carbohydrates = 36.5 g

B. Protein = 4.0 g, Total Carbohydrates = 29.2 g
C. Protein = 5.0 g, Total Carbohydrates = 29.2 g
D. Protein = 4.0 g, Total Carbohydrates = 36.5 g

38 In each of the following questions, two statements numbered I and II are given. There may be a
cause-and-effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the effect of the
same cause or independent causes. These statements may be independent causes without having any

I: The local government has implemented a ban on single-use plastic bags.
II: The number of plastic bags found in local waterways has decreased by 50% in the past year.

Which of the following must be true?

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C. Statements I and II are either independent causes or independent effects.
D. Both statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

39 A recent study by the University of Chicago found that students who take regular breaks during studying
perform better academically. The study monitored two groups of students studying for the same exam, with
one group taking a 10-minute break every hour and the other group studying continuously. The group that took
regular breaks scored an average of 15% higher on the exam than the group that studied continuously.

Which among the statements, if true, best strengthens the passage?

A. Students who study at a library or a quiet coffee shop tend to perform better academically than those
who study in noisy environments.
B. Successful business leaders have reported taking regular breaks throughout the workday to maintain
productivity and creativity.
C. High school students who take regular breaks during standardised testing have higher test scores than
those who do not take breaks.
D. The students who took regular breaks during studying reported feeling less stressed and more focused
than the group that studied continuously.

40 Keith, Ivan, Tom, Eddy, and Scott make up the band kites. They have a superstition regarding press conferences.
If they are required to hold two press conferences on the same day, then at the first one they don’t worry
about how they sit relative to each other, but at the later one they all have to sit in a different position and not
be next to anyone they were next to at the earlier one.

This is how they sat at a press conference earlier today.

Their second press conference of the day is due to begin shortly. Ivan has already taken the middle seat

Who will sit where Ivan sat at today’s earlier press conference.

A. Eddy
B. Keith
C. Scott
D. Tom


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