EOTT Acids and Alkalis

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C4, C5 and C6 END OF TOPIC TEST. Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 28





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Matthew measured the pH of different soils.

(a) Tick one box in each row to show if each soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline.

soil pH of soil acidic neutral alkaline

A 4.5

B 5.5

C 6.3

D 7.0

E 7.8

2 marks

(b) A hydrangea is a flowering plant. Matthew notices that the

colour of hydrangea flowers is different for plants grown in
different places.

He records the colour of the flowers on each plant.

His results are shown in the table below.

colour of flowers
of soil
blue violet light pink dark pink

A 4.5

B 5.5

C 6.3

D 7.0

E 7.8

Look at Matthew’s results.

Do his results support the statement that the colour of hydrangea flowers depends
on pH?

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yes no

Explain your answer.


1 mark

(c) Matthew measured the pH of the soil near hydrangea plants found in different

Suggest one other variable Matthew could not control in his investigation.


1 mark

(d) Matthew wants to find out if the colour of blue hydrangea flowers depends on
inherited factors or environmental factors.
The flowers were growing in soil of pH 4.5.
He plants them in soil of pH 6.3.

Complete the table below to show the colours of the new flowers in soil of pH 6.3
(i) if the colour is due to inheritance
(ii) if the colour is due to the environment

Use the table above to complete the table below.


starting colour of hydrangea flowers blue

colour of new flowers if only due to inheritance

colour of new flowers if only due to environment

2 marks
maximum 6 marks

(a) The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is HCl.
The chemical formula for sodium hydroxide is NaOH.

When they react together, two products are formed.

The chemical formula for one product is NaCl.

(i) Complete the word equation below with the names of both products.
1 mark

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(ii) On the dotted line, give the chemical formula of the other product.

sodium + hydrochloric _______________ + _______________

hydroxide acid
NaOH HCl NaCl ...............
2 marks

(b) In experiment 1, Molly put two beakers on a balance.

One contained 20 cm3 of hydrochloric acid.
The other contained 20 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution.
The total mass was 163.5 g.

She poured the acid onto the sodium hydroxide. They reacted.

Why did the reading on the balance not change?


1 mark

(c) In experiment 2, Molly put two beakers on a balance.

One contained 20 cm3 of hydrochloric acid.
The other contained 5 g of sodium carbonate.

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maximum 4 marks

Paul had four substances:

He dissolved 1 g of each substance in 20 cm3 of distilled water.

He used universal indicator to find the pH of each solution.

(a) (i) Sugar solution does not change the colour of green universal indicator.

What does this tell you about sugar solution?

Tick the correct box.

It is an acid. It is an alkali.

It is neutral. It is sweet.
1 mark

(ii) Suggest the pH of citric acid.

1 mark

(iii) Indigestion tablets neutralise acid in the stomach.

What does this tell you about indigestion tablets?

1 mark

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(b) Complete the flow chart below with the names of the substances in the boxes.

3 marks
maximum 6 marks

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Sharna boiled some red cabbage in water. The cabbage-water turned purple.

(a) (i) Sharna separated pieces of cabbage from the cabbage-water.

Which method did she use?

Tick the correct box.

chromatography filtration

condensation freezing
1 mark

(ii) Sharna wanted to find out if the purple cabbage-water contained more than
one coloured substance.

Which method did she use?

Tick the correct box.

chromatography filtration

condensation freezing
1 mark

(b) Sharna mixed the purple cabbage-water with some other liquids.
She wrote the colours of the mixtures in a table as shown below.

colour of cabbage-water Is the liquid acidic,

mixed with liquid alkaline or neutral?

liquid 1 red acidic

liquid 2 blue alkaline

liquid 3 purple neutral

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Use the information in the table to answer parts (i) and (ii) below.

(i) Sharna mixed cabbage-water with colourless washing-up liquid.

The mixture turned blue.

What does this tell you about the washing-up liquid?

1 mark

(ii) Sharna then mixed cabbage-water with lemon juice.

Lemon juice is acidic.

What colour was the mixture?

1 mark

(c) What is the name of a chemical which changes colour when it is mixed with acids
or alkalis?
Tick the correct box.

filtrate indicator

non-metal solution
1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Table 1 below shows the colour of universal indicator in acidic, neutral and alkaline

acidic neutral alkaline

colour of dark
red orange yellow green blue purple
indicator blue

table 1

Ramy tested different liquids with the indicator solution.

His results are shown in table 2 below.

colour of indicator

Milk green

lemonade orange

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water green

fruit juice red

washing-up liquid blue

table 2

(a) Use Ramy’s results to answer the following questions.

(i) Give the name of one acidic liquid in table 2.

1 mark

(ii) Give the name of one neutral liquid in table 2.

1 mark

(b) Ramy dissolved some bicarbonate of soda in distilled water.

This produced an alkaline solution.

(i) Ramy added the indicator to the alkaline solution.

Suggest what colour the indicator became.

Use table 1 to help you.

1 mark

(ii) Ramy added lemon juice to the solution of bicarbonate of soda.

How could he tell that a gas was produced?

1 mark

(c) Ramy mixed an acid with an alkali and tested the mixture with the indicator

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The indicator solution turned green.

What is the name of the reaction between an acid and an alkali?

Tick the correct box.




1 mark
maximum 5 marks

The diagram shows an outline of part of the Periodic Table of Elements.

(a) What is the name of the element with the symbol H?

1 mark

(b) In which regions of the Periodic Table are the following types of element found?

(i) non-metals (such as oxygen and chlorine);

region …………
1 mark

(ii) very reactive metals (such as sodium and potassium);

region …………
1 mark

(iii) less reactive metals (such as copper and zinc).

Region …………
1 mark

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(c) Why is copper sulphate not found in the Periodic Table?


1 mark
Maximum 6 marks

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