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The figure below shows competitors in the wheelchair race at the London Marathon.

The distance of the London Marathon is 42 000 m

Use the Physics Equations Sheet to answer parts (a) and (b).

(a) Write down the equation that links distance (s), force (F) and work done (W).


(b) During the race competitors work against air resistance.

The work done against air resistance by the winner of the race was 3 360 000 J

Calculate the average air resistance acting on the winner of the race.





Average air resistance = _______________ N


Use the Physics Equations Sheet to answer parts (c) and (d).

(c) Which equation links distance travelled, speed and time?

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Tick (✓) one box.

distance travelled = speed × time

time = distance travelled × speed

speed = distance travelled × time


(d) The distance of the London Marathon is 42 000 m

The winning time for the race was 5600 seconds.

Calculate the average speed of the winner of the race.







Average speed = _______________ m/s


(e) Explain why the speed of a competitor changes during the race.









(Total 12 marks)

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Ten-pin bowling is a game where a ball is rolled along the floor to knock over some
wooden pins.

The figure below shows a person ten-pin bowling.

(a) The speed of the ball was 8.0 m/s just after leaving the person’s hand.

The mass of the ball was 5.5 kg.

Calculate the kinetic energy of the ball.

Use the equation:

kinetic energy = 0.5 × mass × (speed)2




Kinetic energy = ________________________ J


(b) When the ball collides with the pins, energy is conserved. What is meant by
‘conservation of energy’ when the ball collides with the pins?

Tick (✓) one box.

The gravitational potential energy of

the pins is the same before and after
the collision.

The kinetic energy of the ball is the

same before and after the collision.

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The total energy of the ball and pins is
the same before and after the collision.

A machine returns the ball to the person.

(c) The machine takes 25.0 s to return the ball to the person.

The useful power output of the machine is 660 W.

Calculate the work done by the machine in returning the ball to the person.

Use the equation:

work done = power × time




Work done = ________________________ J


(d) The machine has an efficiency of 0.60

The useful power output of the machine is 660 W.

Calculate the total power input to the machine.

Use the equation:




Total power input = ________________________ W


(e) The machine has several moving parts.

What is the name of the force caused by the moving parts rubbing together?


(f) What happens to the wasted energy from the machine?

Tick (✓) one box.

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The wasted energy cools the

The wasted energy heats the


The wasted energy is destroyed.

(Total 9 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) work done = force × distance (along the line of action of the force)


W = Fs

(b) 3 360 000 = F × 42 000



F = 80 (N)

(c) distance travelled = speed × time


(d) 42 000 = v × 5600



v = 7.5 (m/s)

(e) Level 2: Relevant points (reasons/causes) are identified, given in detail and
logically linked to form a clear account.

Level 1: Relevant points (reasons/causes) are identified, and there are

attempts at logical linking. The resulting account is not fully clear.

No relevant content

Indicative content

the effect on speed must be consistent with the cause of the change

• competitors accelerate at the start

• so speed increases

• the road is not flat

• so speed increases going downhill and / or speed decreases going uphill

• the competitor goes round a bend

• so speed decreases

• competitors may tire towards the end (so the force they exert decreases)

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• so they slow down

• competitors may sprint during the race

• causing speed to increase

• may get a puncture

• so speed would decrease or they would stop

• resistive forces on competitors may increase/decrease

• so speed would decrease/increase

(a) Ek = ½ × 5.5 × 8.02

Ek = 176 (J)

(b) the total energy of the ball and pins is the same before and after the collision

(c) W = 660 × 25.0


W = 16 500 (J)


P = 1100 (W)

(e) friction

(f) the wasted energy heats the surroundings


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