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Từ vựng chỉ các loại tội phạm

Từ vựng Ý nghĩa Ví dụ

Arson Cố ý gây hỏa hoạn She was found guilty of arson.

Child abuse Tội lạm dụng trẻ The most common cause of head injury in children
em under age two is child abuse.

Burglary Tội ăn trộm She was accused of burglary.

Murder Giết người She admits unlawful wounding but denies attempted

Pickpocketin Móc túi Higher levels of street crime and pickpocketing.


Vandalism Phá hoại của công They are looking at ways to prevent vandalism and

Assault Hành hung He appeared in court charged with assault.

White-collar Tội liên quan đến The banker was arrested for stealing from his
crimes tiền bạc và tài company and was charged with several white-collar
chính crimes.

Tax evasion Tội trốn thuế A four-year sentence for tax evasion.

Fraud Lừa đảo He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.

Smuggling Buôn lậu They made a fortune in smuggling.

Terrorist Kẻ khủng bố Then, only hours into her new job as Home
Secretary, came those terrifying terrorist attacks.

Extortion/ Tống tiền He used bribery and extortion to build himself a

blackmail huge, art-stuffed mansion.

Juvenile Tội phạm vị thành The criminal was a juvenile offender.

crimes viên

Kidnapping Bắt cóc It's been suggested the kidnapping was a put-up job.

Shoplifter Tên móc túi The young shoplifter was only 13 years.

Corruption Sự tham nhũng The corruption of minors at the hands of criminals

Sexual Quấy rối tình dục She had been subjected to continual sexual
harassment harassment.

2. Từ vựng chỉ hình phạt

Từ vựng Ý nghĩa Ví dụ

Incarceration Sự giam giữ The public would not be served by her incarceration.

Fine Đóng phạt, All of these crimes involve punishments that can range
tiền phạt from unlimited fines and up to ten years imprisonment.

Social isolation Cô lập về mặt Symptoms include changes in behavior, social isolation,
xã hội headaches or tummy upsets.

Community Lao động Family members and friends can pull away, leading to
service công ích further social isolation and loneliness.

Life Tù chung He was certified insane and then sentenced to life

imprisonment thân imprisonment, after which he was birched.

Rehabilitation Những Duff considers the meaning of rehabilitation and

programmes chương trình punishment and whether they are opposed responses to
cải tạo crime.

Capital Tử hình Capital punishment refers to the process of sentencing

punishment convicted offenders to death for the most serious crimes.

A suspended Hoãn thi hành The sergeant and the private were sentenced to life
sentence án imprisonment, but the captain received a two-year
suspended sentence.
Forfeiture Tịch thu tài In this case, the penalty should be forfeiture of the pistol
sản and ring.

House arrest Giam giữ tại He was under house arrest for some small misdemeanor.

Non-custodial Án treo When someone is convicted in court, the judge can give
sentence them a non-custodial sentence.

3. Từ vựng dùng trong tòa án

Từ vựng Ý nghĩa Ví dụ

Alibi Bằng chứng Her friend agreed to alibi her.

ngoại phạm

Judge Thẩm phán It was hard to judge the extent of the damage.

Jury Bồi thẩm đoàn They have a right to trial by jury.

Court reporter Thư ký tòa án He began as a court reporter before becoming an

investigative reporter covering terrorism.

Prosecutor Công tố viên He was prosecutor in the case of the Crown versus

Defense Luật sư biện His first title defense against Jones.


Conviction Bản tuyên án I have a firm conviction that right will prevail in the

Circumstantial Chứng cứ gián There is a lot of circumstantial evidence against the

evidence tiếp man, but no proof.

Extenuating Tình tiết giảm I hope that such extenuating circumstances will lead
circumstances nhẹ tội to sensitive and sensible enforcement.

4. Một số cách diễn đạt về chủ đề Tội phạm

Collocations về chủ đề Crime & Punishment
Cụm từ vựng Ý nghĩa

Serve a prison sentence Án tù

To revoke a license Tịch thu bằng

Take part in unlawful activities Tham gia vào các hoạt động phạm pháp

To reoffend Tái phạm

To turn somebody in Giao nộp ai đó cho cảnh sát

To bail someone out Bảo lãnh

To fight crime Đấu tranh chống tội phạm

Mimic violent behavior Bắt chước các hành vi bạo lực

To create a violent culture Tạo ra 1 nền văn hóa bạo lực

To breed future offender Ảnh hưởng đến người khác, khiến cho họ có thể trở
thành tội phạm trong tương lai

Administer public propagation Thực hiện những chương trình tuyên truyền cộng đồng

Heighten social awareness and Tôn lên nhận thức và hiểu biết xã hội

Prevent juvenile delinquency Ngăn chặn sự phạm tội vị thành niên

Be brought to justice Bị đưa ra xét xử

Be wrongly convicted and executed Bị kết tội và xử oan

Crime prevention programmes Những chương trình phòng chống tội phạm
Security cameras and home Thiết bị giám sát tại nhà và camera an ninh
surveillance equipment

Pose a serious threat to society Gây ra mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho xã hội

Turn to illegal acts to generate Phạm tội để kiếm tiền


Các Idiom chỉ chủ đề Crime & Punishment

Idiom Ý nghĩa

Behind bars Trong tù

To cover your tracks Che giấu những vết tích hay các việc mình đã làm

To come clean Lời thú tội

To catch somebody red handed Bắt quả tang

To keep your nose clean Giữ cho mình khỏi gặp rắc rối

To get away with murder Làm điều sai nhưng không bị trừng phạt

To turn a blind eye Nhắm mắt làm ngơ

To brush something under the Phủ nhận, cố gắng che giấu sự thật

Grease someone’s palm Đút lót, hối lộ ai đó

To carry the can Nhận tội thay

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