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Leadership Strategies


Reg # 2020-UET-ShCET-LHR-CS-15

Batch: 11

Department: Computer Science

Semester: Fall 2024 (8TH)

Submit to: Ms. Tayyaba Fatima

Answer the following questions.

Explain the Contingency Leadership Model.
Answer: Contingency Leadership Model Used to determine if one’s style is task
or relationship oriented and if the situation matches the leader’s style to
maximize performance. The model underscores the importance of leadership
effectiveness in achieving organizational goals and follower satisfaction.

What are the Contingency Leadership Framework Variables?

Answer: The contingency leadership model variables within the contingency

leadership framework

 Leader
 Member Relations

Leadership Styles
 Task
 Relationship

 Task Structure
 Position Power
Explain the three situational favorableness factors for the contingency
leadership model.
Answer: The degree a situation enables the leader to exert influence over the
More control ⇒ More favorable situation
There are 3 Variables of Situational Favorableness:

 Leader-member relations
 Task structure
 Position power

Leader-Member Relations:
 Has greatest influence over situational favorableness
 Good ⇒ cooperation and friendly
 Bad ⇒ difficult and antagonistic
 Involves trust of, respect for, and confidence in the leader

Task structure:
 Also important
 Greater structure ⇒ More favorable situation
 Leaders in most structured situation have greatest control

Position power:
 Least important
 Greater position power ⇒ more favorable situation
 Leaders with power to assign work, reward, punish, hire, fire, and
promote have greatest position power

Do you agree with Fiedler’s belief that people have one dominant
leadership style and cannot change styles?

Answer: Fiedler's Contingency Leadership Model says that the style of

leadership that works best relies on how well it fits the situation. It recognizes
that there are different ways to lead and stresses the importance of being able
to change to different situations. This model says that leaders can and should
change their ways depending on the situation, the type of followers they
have, and the organization's goals, which is different from what Fiedler
thought. So, while each person may have a chosen leadership style, good
leaders are able to change how they do things based on what needs to be

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