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Table of Contents


Literature Review............................................................................................................................4

Importance of data mining tool....................................................................................................4

Use of data mining tools for social media analysis......................................................................5

Literature gap...............................................................................................................................5

Research Methodology....................................................................................................................5



Data mining is all about extracting and sorting large data sets to identify or discover

relationships and patterns. The data mining process involves the intersection of database systems,

statistics and machine learning (Plotnikova, Dumas & Milani, 2020). In this aspect, data mining

helps the firm analyse the patterns of customer service and customer satisfaction to solve

business problems. R studio, Tableau, and Power Bi are the different types of data mining tools

used by organizations. Data mining tools extract knowledge and patterns from unstructured data

sources such as social media platforms to understand the purchasing patterns of social media

users. Moreover, the data mining tool analyses links, user behaviour and content to uncover

patterns. In this paper, the Amazon context will be analysed to understand the different data

mining tools used by Amazon to reinforce social media reputation and visibility.

The research questions are-

 What is the role of data mining tools in better business performance optimization?

 How does the data mining tool help in reinforcing social media reputation and visibility?

 What challenges did Amazon face in implementing the data mining tool and monitoring

the social media business activity?

 How can the performance of data mining tools be improved to increase social media

visibility and identify business opportunities?

Data analytics has been a trending tool in the business world, and data mining is a part of

the entire data analytics domain. Data mining tools allow business personnel to sift through all

the repetitive and chaotic noise in the data. With the use of data mining tools, industries assess

relevant trends to make informed decisions. On the other hand, in present days, social media

platforms play a vital role in highlighting customers' purchasing habits and interests (Vaish,

Shrivastava & Sen, 2020). In this aspect, data mining tools deep-dive into utilizing social media

tools to predict market opportunity and demand.

The Amazon case study would help us better understand the importance of data mining

tools in today's business world. Data mining tools can improve a brand's reputation and visibility

on social media platforms. Therefore, the study is highly relevant today to analyse why it is

necessary to use data mining tools for a better social media reputation.

Literature Review

Importance of data mining tool

Data mining tools help transform the raw data set into practical knowledge. Industries use

the practical knowledge obtained from the data set to identify the cause of business problems and

evaluate the impact of business decisions on organizational performance. In the twenty-first

century, data mining tools are highly necessary to identify the scope of increasing profit margin

levels by analysing business and market trends. According to Durugkar et al. (2022), data mining

tools help organizations to get meaningful insight from a wide variety of sources. The business

firm uses raw data to conduct market research. It becomes useless for business analysts if the raw

data does not provide any meaningful insight into business problems and future opportunities.

Focus Attribute, Discretization, Aggregation, Calculation and Value Mapping are the key

features of data mining. Prediction and description are the most important tasks of a data mining


Moreover, data mining tools are used in fraud detection, credit risk management and

spam filtering. The most prevalent data mining tools in recent days are Orange Data Mining,

DataMelt Data Mining, Rapid Miner, Rattle, and SAS Data Mining (Min & Lea, 2023). These

tools are software programs that create data models from the data set and test them as well.

Use of data mining tools for social media analysis

Pattern tracking, classification, association, clustering, outlier detection, regression

analysis, decision trees, and sequential patterns are the most popular data mining techniques

(Salloum et al., 2020). Data mining tools are used by firms to identify the target group among the

masses of a population, understand users' opinions, find influential people, study group

modifications and suggest an activity or product to an individual. Social media data mining

enables firms to have insights into key audiences. For instance, Amazon SageMaker is a data

mining software platform that helps developers and miners to deploy high-quality machine

learning. Amazon uses data mining to analyze customers’ purchase history and

feedback browsing behavior and proactively address common issues on its social media page.

The data mining tool of Amazon is effective in tailoring product recommendations and

promotions. Through the use of data mining tools, organizations can understand what kind of

content the audience likes, where the audience spends their time online and what customers want

to see (Rust et l., 2021). Moreover, data mining tools support identifying abnormal user activities

that could indicate security threats or fraudulent behaviour. By detecting positive and negative

mentions of the brand or its product, data mining tools enhance the reputation of the firm. Since

data mining tools help in understanding the customers better, they ultimately support the firm in

grabbing that opportunity that can improve its reputation.

Literature gap

There is a gap has been noticed in identifying the relation between data mining tool and

social media visibility. The existing literature reviews have discussed the data mining tool from a

technical aspect and its importance for organizational growth development. However, limited

studies have been found that have discussed how data mining tools improve the visibility and

preparation of firms in social media. Since data mining has been a recent trend, sufficient

research paper have not been found in this domain. Moreover, the previous research paper has

discussed the different technology used in data mining. However, there is a lack of research

papers available on the relationship between the social media image of Amazon and its use of

data mining tools. The current study would explore the Amazon context as it is one of the

successful companies to adopt data mining tools, and it has a strong social media reputation.

Research Methodology

The positivism philosophy will be applied in this paper to add real-time and scientific

knowledge to the paper. As per Pandey & Pandey (2021), positivist philosophy is all about

including faction knowledge in the research paper to highlight the scientific facts of the paper. It

is expected that the adoption of the positivist philosophy would help in increasing the scientific

value of the paper. Moreover, a deductive approach will be chosen to develop new theories on

the relationship between data mining tools and social media reputation from the existing theories

available on social media. According to Mishra & Alok (2022), the advantage of the deductive

approach is that it helps to explain how the variables and concepts are related to causes and

effects. Here, the factors of the data mining process will be analysed to assess how the data

mining tools of Amazon help them in improving their social media brand reputation.

Here, a secondary qualitative data collection method will be chosen to collect data from

online articles and journals. Online resources that have relevant information regarding data

mining tools and Amazon's social media performance will be collected for this study. The case

study of Amazon will be identified to get the relevant information. Data will be collected from

Amazon's website; as per the viewpoint of Newman & Gough (2022), the advantage of using

secondary qualitative data is that it is easy to collect and more cost and time-effective than

primary research methods. Since the data will be collected from government-published reports

and Amazon's website, it is expected that the data set will be authentic and reliable. ProQuest,

Sci-hub, ResearchGate and Google Scholar will be used as online databases to get access to

online journals and articles.

A case study analysis will be performed in this paper to highlight the case of Amazon and

understand the effectiveness of data mining tools. The research papers or articles that have been

published after 2019 will only be collected to get authentic data that matches the current time.

The resources, which are available in English and full PDF versions, will be collected. Moreover,

the author of the resource will be acknowledged in the paper. The Data Protection Act,

plagiarism rules, and university rules will be properly followed to make the paper ethically

correct. The presence of unconscious bias while interpreting the data can be an ethical issue for

the paper.


Durugkar, S. R., Raja, R., Nagwanshi, K. K., & Kumar, S. (2022). Introduction to data

mining. Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications, 1-19.


Min, H., & Lea, B. R. (2023). Motivators and Inhibitors for Business Analytics Adoption from

the Cross-Cultural Perspectives: A Data Mining Approach. Information Systems

Frontiers, 1-22.


Mishra, S. B., & Alok, S. (2022). Handbook of research methodology.


Newman, M., & Gough, D. (2020). Systematic reviews in educational research: Methodology,

perspectives and application. Systematic reviews in educational research: Methodology,

perspectives and application, 3-22.


Pandey, P., & Pandey, M. M. (2021). Research methodology tools and techniques. Bridge



Plotnikova, V., Dumas, M., & Milani, F. (2020). Adaptations of data mining methodologies: A

systematic literature review. PeerJ Computer Science, 6, e267.

Rust, R. T., Rand, W., Huang, M. H., Stephen, A. T., Brooks, G., & Chabuk, T. (2021). Real-

time brand reputation tracking using social media. Journal of Marketing, 85(4), 21-43.



Salloum, S. A., Alshurideh, M., Elnagar, A., & Shaalan, K. (2020). Mining in educational data:

review and future directions. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial

Intelligence and Computer Vision (AICV2020) (pp. 92-102). Springer International




Vaish, M. P., Shrivastava, S., & Sen, S. (2020). Business intelligence: escalation of data

warehousing and data mining for effective decision making. International Jounal of

Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5), 1377-1388.




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