Ielts Speaking q2

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01. Work/Study
02. The area you live in
03. The city you live in
04. Hometown
05. Numbers
06. T-shirt
07. Laughing
08. Keys
09. Daily routine
10. Fixing things
11. Ice cream
12. Concentration
13. Dream
14. Language
15. Bags
16. Teachers
17. Wild animals
18. Rain
19. Favourite day
20. Friends
21. Day off
22. Health
23. Geography
24. Fishing
25. Helping others
26. GiRs
27. Tea or Eoffee
28. Running
29. Robots
30. Music
31. Clothes
32. Films
33. Map
34. Noise
35. Chatting
36. Pens and pencils
37. Views people enjoy
38. Noise
39. Playing video games
40. Advertising and adverts
41. Remembering to do things
42. Famous people in the news
43. Cakes and other sweet things
44. Social media
45. Crowded places
46. Sunglasses
47. Singing
48. Different stages in life
49. Feeling bored
50. Colours
51. Money and paying for things
52. Collecting things
53. Living in a city
54. Outer space and stars
55. Being happy
56. Schools
57. Chocolate
58. Libraries
59. History
60. Weekends
61. Singing
62. Sports
63. Small business
64. Having a short break
65. Parks
66. Art
67. Water sports and free-time
68. Spending time by yourself
69. Studying science
70. Jewelry
71. Music
72. Staying up late


01. Describe an event that you thought was very exciting.

02. Describe an important journey you made where there was a delay.
03. Describe a person in the news who you would like to meet.
04. Describe a time when you couldn't use your cell phone.
05. Describe a job you would not like to do.
06. Describe a day when the weather stopped you from doing something you wanted to do.
07. Describe a time when you offered to help someone.
08. Describe a team you have been part of.
09. Describea person who taught you something important.
10. Describe a time you remember when someone apologised to
11. Describe a successful small company that you know about.
12. Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.
13. Describe a new skill you tried to learn that you thought would be useful.
14. Describe a time when you set yourself a goal and did your best to achieve it.
15. Describe the member of your family you spend most time with.
16. Describe a house or apartment you think would be a perfect place to live.
17. Describe a show or performance which enjoyed watching.
18. Describe something you bought that you found difficult to use at first.
19. Describe a time you received important news in a text message/SMs.
20. Describe a useful article you have read in a magazine or on the internet about healthy
21. Describe a time when you had to wear a uniform.
22. Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways.
23. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing.
24. Describe someone you don't know but would like to know more about.
25. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others.
26. Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life.
27. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions.
28. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of.
29. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.
30. Describe a party that you enjoyed.
31. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in.
32. Describe a popular person (who) you know.
33. Describe a place far away from your area of living which you would visit in the future.
34. Describe a park or a garden in your city.
35. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language
36. Describe a science subject that you are interested (Biology, Robotics,etc.).
37. Describe an impressive work of art (such as a painting) you saw.
38. Describe a time received bad service in restaurants/shops.
39. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.
40. Describe a historical period you are interested in.
41. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event.
42. Describe an exciting activity that you experience.
43. Describe a time when you gave good advice to someone.
44. Describe a successful businessperson you know
45. Describe an activity that made you feel tired.
46. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited.
47. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.
48. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy.
49. Describe a change which you think would improve your local area.
50. Describe an enjoyable journey you made on public transport.
51. Describe a time you took on a challenge that you thought would be very diflicult.
52. Describe a person who loves to grow plants.
53. Describe an important river or lake in your country.
54. Describe a picture that you took and feel proud of.
55. Describe a friend you had in your childhood.
56. Describe an object (e.g. a painting, sculpture, piece of jewelry/furniture) that you think
is beautiful.
57. Describe a person who inspired you to do somethinginteresting.
58. Describe a program (e.g. on TV or the Internet) you enjoy watching.
59. Describe an outdoor activity that you recently did in a new place.
60. Describe a period in history you want to know more about.
61. Describe a website that you visit regularly.
d2. Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
63. Describe something you did with someone or a group of people.
64. Describe a noisy place you have been to.
65. Describe a time when taught friend/relative something.
66. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted.
67. Describe a person you met at a party whom you enjoyed talking with.
68. Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short time.
69. Describe a person you like to work or study with.
70. Describe a time when you had an unusual meal.
71. Describe an advertisement you have seen and did not like.
72. Describe your first day at school.
73. Describe an actor/actress you admire and the role they play.
74. Describe a free-time activity you enjoyed doing when you were younger.
75. Describe a time when you shared something with others.
76. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well.
77. Describe a new development that has improved the area where you live.
78. Describe a time when you were late for a meeting.
79. Describe something you did that made you feel proud of yourself.
80. Describe an interesting old person you met before.
81. Describea place at home where you go to relax.
82. Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted.
83. Describe something you complained about but were satisfied with the result.
84. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.
85. Describe something you plan/want to learn in the future.
86. Describe a person who you think is good at making visitors to his or her home feel
87. Describe a person has ability to buy things at lower prices
88. Describe a time when you found something that someone
had lost.
89. Describe a place you like to go to relax.
90. Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining in public.
91. Describe a useful object in your home that you would find it difiicult to live without
92. Describe an unusual holiday/vacation you went on.
93. Describe a time when a map was very useful to you.
94. Describe a person you know who works well in a team
95. Describe an activity you enjoy doing outside.
96. Describe a time when you went to a street market to buy something.
97. Describe a skill you enjoyed learning as a teenager
98. Describe an important journey you made where there was a delay.
99. Describe a new public facility that has improved an area youknow
100. Describe a time in your life when you were very busy.
101. Describe something you do regularly that helps you workor study.
102. Describe a time whE:n other people near you were making a lot of noise.
103. Describe a goal you have wanted to achieve for a longtime.
104. Describe an activity that you really enjoyed doing at primary/elementary school.
105. Describe a time when you helped someone to solve a problem.
106. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.
107. Describe a film/movie you saw that you felt strongly about.
108. Describe a time when you had to do something very quickly.
109. Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person.
110. Describe a book that you have when you were a child.
111. Describe a helpful person.
112. Describe a historical building you have been to.
113. Describe a journey by public transportation.
114. Describe a mountainous area which you enjoyed.
115. Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport, music, etc..
116. Describe a new law that you want to have in your country.
117. Describe a person who often buys at the street market at cheaper prices.
118. Describe a person you know who is intelligent.
119. Describe a place where you thought things were too expensive.
120. Describe a product you bought from another country.
121. Describe a restaurant you like eating. 12Z. Describe a role model in your life.
123. Describe a special day out which didn't cost very much.
124. Describe a story about space that you have read.
125. Describe a time when you received money as a gift
126. Describe a time when you saw two of your friends argue.
127. Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it
had a positive result.
128. Describe a time when you were friendly to someone you don't like.
129. Describe a useful item you made by hand.
130. Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time.
131. Describe an astronomy event you saw.
132. Describe an important plant that grows in your country.
133. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for
you to study.
134. Describe an interesting place in your country that not
many people visit.
135. Describe an international sport event that your country held.
136. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes.

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