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Hannah Emerson • •

Chapman University, Orange, CA May 2024
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Art, Minor: Sociology
GPA: 3.8
Dean’s Scholarship
Elie Wiesel Chapter of Mortar Board NaGonal College Senior Honor Society
Provosts List

Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University 2023
Presenter: Inner Nature
• Created a collage addressing the relaGonship between people and nature and how it evolves with age
• Presented the final image at the symposium to aPendees and discussed the ideas surrounding it
Student Departmental Exhibi>on at the Guggenheim Gallery 2021 - 2023
Award Recipient
• Best Photo: Home
• Runner Up Best InstallaGon: Connec/on
• Best Performance: Forgo2en Moments in Time
• Best Design: Coming of Age
• Best Drawing: Lunch/me
• Best Mixed Media: Looking Out
• Best Video: Abstract Kitchen

Palos Verdes Resale, Lomita, CA 2017 – Present
• Ensured customers were greeted with a clean environment by organizing the store’s inventory
• Researched the value of items donated to the store to determine final pricing
• Aided customers in looking at items in the store and packing up purchases
• Sorted through donated items to determine what to keep to sell at the store
• Addressed problems that arose with customers in a respec\ul manner
HeadCount at OC Pride Parade and Fes>val, Orange, CA 2023
• Assisted leader in se]ng up the booth and display with incenGves aPendees received for registering to vote or
checking their voter registraGon
• Organized incenGves and replenished them as aPendees took them
• Guided people through the process of checking their registraGon online and filling out paper forms to register
• Registered more than 80 aPendees for voGng with the team of volunteers

Language: Beginner Spanish
Computer: Microso_ Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook / Google: Docs, Slides / Adobe: Photoshop, Premiere
Art: Photography, Drawing, PainGng, Ceramics, Printmaking, Mixed Media Social Media: Instagram, TwiPer, TikTok

CreaGvity, Problem Solving, OrganizaGon, Work Ethic, CommunicaGon, CriGcal Thinking, Adaptability

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