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Pros and Cons of becoming a civil engineer

It is said that civil engineering is one of the oldest branches. People have been building since the
beginning of their existence and we are better every day. On the other hand, is it worth it to
educate and become an engineer?

Firstly, let us talk about the pros of going in this direction. It is well known that people who
graduated in these studies, do not have any problems finding a job. What is more, they also don't
complain about low wages. Becoming a civil engineer gives an opportunity to work abroad.
Most of the orders come from countries all over the world. This profession uses all of our
creative potentials. Civil engineers firstly design new objects. They are capable of designing and
building structures like bridges, roads, stadiums, sewer systems, houses, etc. They are capable of
touching the lives of people directly through their work.

Let us check out the cons now. The main disadvantage of working as a civil engineer is long
working hours. Every day an engineer has to test and challenge his projects. Deadlines can be
hard to meet and it is not uncommon to see civil engineers work in long shifts to see through
projects. Moreover, building new structures requires huge machinery, vehicles, and building
materials that can cause accidents among workers. Making every project demand increased
liability. Big buildings mean a lot of planning, calculation, and effort that must be put into the

To sum up, there are a lot of pros and cons of becoming a civil engineer. From my point of view,
it is worth taking the risk and educate in this direction.

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