IET 2021 - A New Energy Aware Cluster Head Selection For LEACH in Wireless Sensor Networks

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20436394, 2021, 1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [07/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Received: 28 August 2020 Revised: 5 October 2020 Accepted: 19 October 2020 IET Wireless Sensor Systems
DOI: 10.1049/wss2.12007


A new energy aware cluster head selection for LEACH in wireless

sensor networks

Sina Einavi Pour | Reza Javidan

Computer Engineering and IT Department, Shiraz Abstract

University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
Internet of Things (IoTs) as a new network pattern for the intelligent world usually uses
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) as a perception layer which consisted of numerous
Reza Javidan, Computer Engineering and IT
number of sensor nodes scattered in the environment to gather intended information. The
Department, Shiraz University of Technology, selected information then is sent to a base station (BS) to be sent to cloud server for further
Shiraz, Iran. processing. Since the energy of sensor nodes is limited, the most significant challenge in
these networks is reducing the energy consumption of the network. It is proved that
dividing the network to clusters can significantly reduce the energy consumption. One of
the most popular clustering protocols in WSNs is the Low‐Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy (LEACH). In this protocol, cluster heads (CHs) are selected randomly which
results in poor performance in real scenarios. In this article, a new energy aware CH se-
lection algorithm is proposed which selects CHs based on the residual energy, the position
and centrality of nodes. It uses a variable range upon which the centrality and the number
of neighbours of each node are calculated. Simulation results show that the proposed
algorithm outperforms LEACH, Multi‐hope Routing with LEACH (MR‐LEACH) and
Enhanced Multi‐hop LEACH (EM‐LEACH) in terms of reducing energy consumption,
increasing network lifetime and improving network reliability.

1 | INTRODUCTION ‘Internet’ and ‘Things’. The ‘Internet’ can be best defined as

the interconnection of smart devices based on TCP/IP
A wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises of a large number protocols and ‘Things’ can be considered as any addressable
of small sensors which run on battery and their energy re- object. Therefore, IoT semantically can be considered as a
sources are limited [1]. Sensor nodes of WSNs are usually worldwide network of interconnected objects with unique
deployed randomly in the environment. These distributed addresses [3]. IoT is growing as a framework in a dynamic
nodes are used for monitoring environmental conditions (e.g. and interacting network. Recent advances in IoT have made
temperature, pressure), such as the security analysing weather it a promising concept in countless domains, such as smart
condition and military applications [2]. Collected data is sent homes, personal monitoring devices and enhanced
either directly to the base station (BS) or to a local cluster head manufacturing. IoT is now pervasive and new applications
(CH). The CH aggregates receive data and sends it to the BS. are being used in nearly every conceivable environment.
Since these nodes run on battery, their energy is limited and the Scientists in networking, Research and development (R&D)
battery cannot be replaced easily in many cases. When the divisions and many other businesses are competing to
battery of the nodes runs, it can lead to communication failure develop an achievable and robust architecture to realise
and data cannot be transmitted on time. Therefore, the lifetime IoT paradigm [4,5]. On the other hand, WSNs play an
of the nodes needs to be increased and the energy consump- imperative role in IoT paradigms. The characteristics of these
tion should be decreased [1,2]. networks, such as flexibility, independency and energy‐
Internet of Things (IoT) is a world in which physical efficiency, have made them a promising candidate for
objects are addressable and can communicate with each dominating the information collection task of an IoT
other. It is conspicuous that IoT consists of two terms: framework [6].

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. IET Wireless Sensor Systems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

IET Wirel. Sens. Syst. 2021;11:45–53. 45

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Being one of the most traditional and popular WSN pro- simulation setup and results are presented in Section 4. Finally,
tocol, Low‐Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) Section 5 concludes the article.
has been widely studied. Generally, LEACH can increase the
network lifetime compared with flat algorithms [7]. However,
this protocol selects CHs randomly and does not take energy 2 | RELATED WORK
level, position and other properties of nodes into consideration.
Many LEACH‐based algorithms have been proposed to One of the most imperative constraints in WSNs is the limited
decrease the energy consumption and prolong the network energy of the sensor nodes. This limitation is due to the fact
lifetime by selecting the most desirable CHs, such as Advanced that sensors deployed in WSNs run on embedded batteries and
LEACH (ALEACH), EE‐LEACH, LEACH‐N, LEACH‐T etc. in majority of applications, batteries cannot be replaced.
[8–11]. However, these algorithms have been proven to be en- Therefore, minimising the energy consumption in WSNs has
ergy efficient; either they do not balance the load among CHs or always been a topic of interest among the researchers. Several
have high overhead and required computations. algorithms have been proposed to reduce the energy con-
To date, a significant number of studies have sought to sumption of WSNs, and in this section, some of these algo-
reduce the energy consumption and prolong network lifetime rithms are reviewed.
in WSNs. Many criteria have been examined and among them, Heinzelman et al. [12], proposed a clustering algorithm for
residential energy of nodes and their distances from the sink WSNs named LEACH. LEACH uses a distributed algorithm
can be considered as the main factors on which the prominent to form clusters without using any centralised control. It
CHs can be selected. However, previous studies were carried consists of several rounds in which some nodes are selected as
out regardless of the fact that the density of WSNs was dy- CHs randomly. Cluster members send their data to the CH and
namic in nature and over time. To address this limitation, in the CH sends the aggregated data to a sink.
this article, a new energy efficient CH selection algorithm is Loscri et al. [13], proposed a two‐level (TL‐LEACH) al-
proposed called as DRE‐LEACH, which utilises a dynamic gorithm as an extended version of the LEACH. The main
range and the work is based on four criteria: the residual energy difference between TL‐LEACH and LEACH is in the setup‐
of the node, distance between the nodes and the sink, inter‐ phase. In TL‐LEACH, two types of CHs are introduced: the
cluster centrality of nodes and finally the number of neigh- primary CHs and secondary CHs. First, the primary CHs are
bours of each node. First, at the beginning of each round, a selected in each round after which the secondary CHs are
range is calculated based on the size of the network and alive selected. Primary CHs communicate to BS directly, while
nodes. As more nodes become dead, the range will increase secondary CHs transmit their aggregated data to the primary
and becomes is proportional to the network density. The CHs they belong to. Each normal node sends its data to a
number of neighbours for each node is calculated within its secondary CH. In this regard, a two‐level hierarchy is con-
range; and, therefore, less computation is required. Further- structed. Using this approach, the number of nodes trans-
more, it was considered that the number of neighbours in CH mitting data to BS is effectively reduced. This results in a
selection results in an energy balanced algorithm. In addition, decrease in total energy consumption and increasing network
the centrality of each node is calculated within its range and lifetime. Results have shown that if TL‐LEACH is deployed,
locally, and only nodes which are within its range are consid- the number of rounds consumed when the first node dies
ered for calculation. According to the four mentioned factors, (FND) and the last node dies (LND) is approximately 200 and
a score is assigned to each node, and nodes with the highest 500 more than that when the LEACH is used respectively.
score are selected as CHs in each round. Furthermore, in each Manjula et al. [14], introduced LEACH‐CE in which 5% of
round, 5% of the alive nodes are selected as CHs. the live nodes are CHs. Before the selection of the CHs begins,
The key features of this article are highlighted as follows: 10% of the nodes are forced to go into the sleep mode by the
BS. These nodes neither receive any information from the BS
� Despite several studies, a new energy efficient CH selection nor sense any data. All operations are controlled by the BS.
algorithm is proposed which is based on the dynamic Nodes are selected randomly to go to sleep mode; therefore,
behaviour of the network. this method prolongs the network lifetime, but the quality of
� A variable range is used to localise the required calculations, the network is not guaranteed.
which leads to less computation. Ali et al. [8], introduced ALEACH. In this study, a new CH
� Residual energy of nodes, their distance to sink, the number selection is proposed that enables selecting the best suited
of neighbours they have and their local centrality are taken node to be selected as the CH. In the proposed algorithm,
into consideration which make the algorithm both energy nodes generate CHs according to their own autonomous de-
efficient and energy balanced. cisions. ALEACH decreases the die rate of the nodes which in
� Range is calculated depending on the network density dur- turn increases the network lifetime.
ing each round. Wang et al. [15], proposed a hybrid cluster selection algo-
rithm to improve LEACH called LEACH‐H. In the proposed
The rest of this article is organised as follow. The related algorithm, in the first round, the sink selects a CH set using a
work is presented in Section 2. In Section 3, the proposed simulated annealing algorithm. In the following rounds, each
algorithm is presented in detail along with energy models. The CH is responsible for selecting a new CH for its cluster. The
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- 47

proposed algorithm has tried to solve uneven distribution of Haneef et al. [22], proposed an energy efficient routing al-
CHs in the LEACH and maintain the characteristics of dis- gorithm based on LEACH called MG‐LEACH. The proposed
tribution. LEACH‐H increases the network lifetime and de- algorithm works by minimising the redundancy in WSNs, as
creases the energy consumption. many sensors are deployed in such networks, and redundant data
Farooq et al. [16], introduced a multi‐hope routing with is sent in these environments. In MG‐LEACH, the redundant
LEACH called as the MR‐LEACH in which a network is data is discarded by CHs before being forwarded to the sink. The
partitioned into several cluster layers. The CHs in a higher level proposed algorithm uses the redundancy of deployed nodes as a
transmit their data to sink through the CHs of lower levels. merit for increasing the network lifetime.
Ordinary nodes select their CHs based on the received signal Ahlawat et al. [23], proposed a new version of LEACH
strength indicator (RSSI). The sink is responsible for selecting called improved VLEACH to increase the network lifetime. In
the upper layer CHs which act as super CHs for lower level this method a vice CH is selected to be considered as an
CHs. Also, the sink is responsible for TDMA scheduling for alternative to the current CH. If the CH dies, it will be replaced
each CH. This approach decreases the energy consumption by by the selected vice CH and in this way the existence of the CH
using a multi‐hope routing and increases the network lifetime. is guaranteed to increase the lifetime of the network.
Geo et al. [17], proposed an extended LEACH protocol Liao et al. [24], proposed an energy‐balanced clustering
called ACHTH‐LEACH. In this approach, an adaptive CH algorithm based on the LEACH protocol relying on the re-
selection and multi‐hop communication is used to increase the sidual energy and distance. The selection method of the
network lifetime and decrease energy consumption. Nodes are threshold for choosing CHs is optimised by the proposed al-
tagged as ‘near’ or ‘far’ depending on their distance from the gorithm. This algorithm outperforms the traditional LEACH
sink. While all near nodes are considered as a single cluster, far protocol in terms of balancing node energy consumption,
nodes are divided into several clusters, using a greedy K‐means improving the efficiency of data transmission and prolonging
algorithm. In each round, the node with the maximum residual the network life.
energy is selected as CH in each cluster. A far CH can either Kole et al. [25], introduced a distance‐based LEACH
communicate directly with the sink or through the near CHs. algorithm to improve the network performance. The perfor-
The result has shown that the network lifetime is doubled mance is improved by applying a cluster formation technique
when ACHTH‐LEACH is used rather than LEACH. based on distance parameter. In this study, the cluster forma-
Tong et al. [18], proposed an improved LEACH protocol tion phase of the traditional LEACH algorithm is modified,
called LEACH‐B. In this approach, in the first round, CHs are taking both the distance of the sensor nodes from the CHs and
selected similar to the LEACH protocol; however, in next distance of CHs from the sink into account.
rounds, the residual energy of nodes is taken into consider- Nayak et al. [26], proposed a fuzzy logic‐based clustering
ation. In this approach, the number of CHs in each round is algorithm called FLLEACH. In this approach, a super CH is
constant and near to optimal. The proposed method has introduced between the CHs and the sink. The aggregated data
balanced the network energy consumption and outperforms is sent to sink from the CHs through the super CH. In
LEACH in terms of the network lifetime. FLLEACH, the residual energy, mobility and centrality are
Yektaparast et al. [19], proposed cell‐LEACH in which considered as the three fuzzy inputs to calculate the chance of
each cluster is divided into seven subsections known as cells. each node to become a super CH. The result has shown that it
Each cell has its own cell‐head which communicates directly prolongs the network lifetime and decreases the energy con-
with its CH. Cell‐heads aggregate data of their own cell and, sumption in comparison with the LEACH.
therefore, prevent sensors from communicating. Results have Zhang et al. [27], proposed an intra‐cluster energy efficient
shown that cell‐LEACH outperforms LEACH and LEACH‐C and weighted scheme for WSNs. In the proposed approach, it
in terms of energy consumption. is assumed that the sink is equipped with a GPS unit. Similar to
Wang et al. [20], proposed LEACH‐R to enhance the LEACH, the operations are divided into different rounds. The
efficiency of CH selection. In the proposed method, the re- information about sink location is advertised before the setup
sidual energy of node is considered as a key factor for CH phase is started. Nodes estimate their location based on the
selection. In this regard, nodes with low energy have much received RSSI and forward their location information back to
lower chance to be selected as CH. Furthermore, relying nodes the sink. In the steady phase, a weighted relay is elected in each
in LEACH‐C are selected according to their residual energy cluster according to the residual energy of its members and
and distance from the sink. Relying nodes are selected among their distance from sink. CHs aggregate data and send it to the
cluster nodes and they are responsible for forwarding packets sink via weighted relays.
from CHs to the sink. In comparison with the LEACH, the Kaddi et al. [28], introduced a new routing protocol for
proposed algorithm saves about 20% of the network energy. WSNs called LEACH_KANG. The energy consumption is
Xu et al. [21], proposed a modified version of LEACH decreased by using a hybrid protocol between the LEACH and a
called E‐LEACH. In this algorithm the residual energy of heuristic method. This method uses the kangaroo method which
nodes is considered in order to balance the network load, and is an approximation technique based on the stochastic descent
the round time is changed according to optimal cluster size. consisting of a random descent from several randomly chosen
Compared with LEACH, E‐LEACH increases the network points in the search space. The proposed method improves the
lifetime by 40%. lifetime of the network in comparison with the LEACH.
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Al‐Sodairi et al. [29], examined the effectiveness of schedule and transferring of data. The second phase is similar
LEACH and LEACH‐based clustering algorithms. Then an to the steady stage of the traditional LEACH algorithm.
improved LEACH clustering protocol called enhanced During the first phase, CHs are selected according to their
multi‐hop LEACH (EM‐LEACH) is proposed. The proposed residential energy, number of neighbours, distance from the
algorithm decreases and balances the energy consumption of sink and centrality. In the second phase, similar to LEACH, the
the network, leading to longer network lifetime. A new set of data of each node is sent to its corresponding CHs, after which
rules for CH selection is proposed based on the residual energy the aggregated data is sent to the sink.
of nodes. Moreover, a multi‐hop communication model is
used. EM‐LEACH increases both the packet delivery rates and
the network lifetime. 3.1 | Clustering
Salem et al. [30], proposed an enhancement of LEACH
protocol. Similar to LEACH, it has two stages, namely: the In the proposed method, in each round, a variable called range
setup and steady stages. However, its setup stage is different is calculated and for each node, those nodes whose distance
from the LEACH protocol. CHs in the proposed algorithm are from this node are less than the range are considered as its
selected based on the lowest degree of distance from the sink neighbours. The range is calculated as follows:
in order to reduce the energy consumption. The proposed
algorithm enhances the network lifetime and reduces the po- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
xm � ym
wer consumption of the network. Range ¼ pffiffiffi ð1Þ
The purpose of this literature review is to provide a n
comparison between the LEACH‐based algorithm in WSNs in
terms of energy efficiency and prolonging the network lifetime. where, xm, ym and n are the width of the area, the length of the
The differences of the extended LEACH‐based clustering area and number of alive nodes respectively. When the number
protocols are summarised in Table 1. The studied protocols are of nodes decreases, the range increases. If the range does not
compared in terms of cluster formation type, energy efficiency, change according to the number of alive nodes, the number of
connectivity and performance improvements. clusters will increase dramatically with the gradual demise
Although, the previous studies improved energy efficiency of nodes. Therefore, in the proposed method, in the beginning
in LEACH, most of them did not improve the load balancing of each round, the range is calculated based on the density of
among CHs which leads to an unbalanced network. In the the nodes.
proposed method in this article, a variable range is defined After each nodei fills its neighbour table, its centrality is
depending on which the calculation is done; therefore, less calculated according to the following equation:
memory consumption and overhead is guaranteed compared
with the previous studies. In our proposed method, at the no: of nbr �2 2
beginning of each round, a variable range is defined based on ∑j¼1 xi xj þ yi yj
the network density. Each node finds its neighbours Centralityi ¼ ð2Þ
no: of nbr
according to this range. Then a score is assigned to each
node based on the residual energy, distance between nodes
where, no. of nbr is the number of nodei's neighbours, (xi, yi) is
and the sink, the number of their neighbours and their
the location of nodei and (xj, yj) is the location of its
centrality. Then, 5% of nodes with the highest score are
selected as CHs in each round. The extensively proposed
In addition, each node's distance from the sink is calculated
algorithm is presented in Section 3.
according to the following equation:

3 | THE PROPOSED METHOD Di ðxsink xi Þ2 þ ysink yi
sink ¼ ð3Þ
In the proposed method, the nodes of the WSN are distributed
in the environment in a random and uniform manner. The where, Di sink is the distance between nodei and sink, (xsink,
position of nodes is fixed, and the initial energy level of every ysink) is the location of the sink and (xi, yi) is the location of the
node is the same. Nodes have similar hardware capabilities; node.
therefore, the network is homogeneous. The position of the Then, a score is allocated to each node according to the
sink is fixed and it is situated in the middle of the upper side of following criteria: its residual energy, its number of neighbours,
the network outside the area. its distance from the sink, its distance from its furthest
Each node is equipped with a GPS module and hence it neighbour and the distance of its furthest neighbour to the
knows its own as well as other nodes' and sink's positions. sink. The score of each node is calculated as follows:
Similar to LEACH, the proposed method is established over
! � �
the round concept and each round consists of two phases. The Ei centralityi 1
first phase is responsible for the CHs’ selection and clustering, Scorei ¼ þ 1 þ ð4Þ
E0 Di f nbr Di sink
while the second phase is responsible for the creation of
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TA B L E 1 A comparative summarisation of LEACH‐extended protocols

Method Contributions number Improvements
Loscri et al. [13] � Deploys two levels of CHs Two‐hop � Reduce energy consumption
� Primary CHs communicate to sink directly � Reduce the number of nodes need to send
� Secondary CHs communicate to sink via primary CHs data to sink

Manjula et al. [14] � Nodes randomly selected to go to sleep mode. Single‐hop � Increase network lifetime
� Five per cent of nodes becomes CHs.

Ali et al. [8] � Nodes make autonomous decisions. Single‐hop � Increase network lifetime.
� Long‐distance communication to sink is not required. � Reduce energy consumption.

Wang et al. [15] � Simulated annealing algorithm is used to select the CHs in the first round. Single‐hop � Reduce energy consumption.
� The new CHs are selected by former CHs � Increase network lifetime.

Farooq et al. [16] � Divide the network into different layers Multi‐hop � Reduce energy consumption.
� Sink choose the first layer clusters to act as super clusters for the next level

Geo et al. [17] � Nodes are tagged as near and far Multi‐hop � A more stable routing environment is
� All near nodes are included in one cluster. established
� Far nodes are included in different clusters, using the greedy K‐means algorithm. � Network lifetime is increased.

Tong et al. [18] � Considers the residual energy of nodes. Single‐hop � Balance network energy
� the number of CHs is near optimal. � Increase network lifetime.

Yektaparast et al. � Each cluster is divided into seven cells. Two‐hop � Reduce energy consumption.
[19] � Cell‐heads communicate with CH directly. � Increase network lifetime.

Wang et al. [20] � Relay nodes are used between sink and other CHs. Multi‐hop � Reduce energy consumption.
� Relay nodes are chosen based on residual energy and distance from sink.

Xu et al. [21] � The residual energy of nodes is considered. Single‐hop � Network lifetime is increased.
� Round time is changed based on optimal cluster size.

Haneef et al. [22] � Redundant information is minimised. Single‐hop � Increase network lifetime.
� CHs discard redundant information before sending.

Ahlawat et al. [23] � Use vice CHs as alternative CHs. Single‐hop � Increase network lifetime.
� Take residual energy and distance into consideration.

Liao et al. [24] � Take residual energy and nodes' location information into account. Single‐hop � Balance network energy.
� Optimise the threshold for CH selection. � Increase network lifetime.

Kole et al. [25] � CHs are selected based on their distance with other nodes and their distance to Single‐hop � Increase network lifetime.

Zhang et al. [27] � Next hop is selected by CH based on residual energy and distance to sink. Multi‐hop � Increase network lifetime.

Nayak et al. [26] � A fuzzy approach is used to select SCHs which are used as relay nodes to transfer Multi‐hop � Increase network lifetime.
data to sink. � Reduce energy consumption.

Kaddi et al. [28] � Kangaroo method adaptive routing protocol is used. Multi‐hop � Increase network lifetime.
� Uses optimal path to transmit data from nodes to sink.

Al‐Sodairi et al. � New rules are introduced for cluster selection and round time computing based Multi‐hop � Increase network lifetime.
[29] on residual energy. � Reduce energy consumption.

Salem et al. [30] � CHs are selected according to the lowest degree of distance from sink. Single‐hop � Reduce power consumption.
� Increase network lifetime.

where, Ei, E0 and Di sink are the current energy of the node, members of its cluster. Nodes which are not within the range
initial energy of the node and distance between the node and of any CH forward their data directly into the sink. After
the sink, respectively; and Di fnbr represents the distance clustering has been performed, each member of the cluster
between the node and its farthest neighbour. sends its data to its CHs which aggregate the data and send it
Each node calculates the score of itself and its neighbours; to the sink.
and if its score is higher than any of its neighbours, it The flowchart of the CH selection algorithm is illustrated
announces itself as the CH and its neighbours become the in Figure 1. As previously mentioned, the proposed method is
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FIGURE 1 Flowchart of the CH selection


a round‐based method similar to LEACH; however, its CH 3.2 | Energy model

selection algorithm is different.
The pseudo code of the cluster selection stage of the The second phase of the algorithm is similar to the LEACH,
algorithm is illustrated in Figure 2. As it is clear from the and each ordinary node collects data from the surrounding
pseudo code, first the distance between each node and the sink environment and sends it to its CH in a TDMA manner.
is calculated. Then, at the beginning of each round, first, the Depending on the distance between the sensor nodes and their
energy of each node is checked; the nodes with residual energy destinations, the free space and the two‐ray ground propaga-
higher than zero are considered as alive nodes and labelled as tion models can be considered for energy consumption. Given
normal nodes and finally the number of alive nodes (N_alive) a threshold distance of d0, the free model will be used when
is calculated. At this point, all alive nodes are considered as d < d0 as follows [31].
normal nodes and no CH is selected yet. Next, based on the
number of alive nodes in the current round, the range (R) is sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ϵf s
calculated according to Equation (1), after which, the score of d0 ¼ ð5Þ
each node is set to 0 in the current round. In each round, the ϵmp
neighbours of each node are calculated based on the new range
(R). After determining the neighbours of each node in the ET x ðl; dÞ ¼ Eelec � l þ ϵf s � l � d 2 ð6Þ
current round, the centrality of each node is calculated ac-
cording to Equation (2). At this point, neighbour nodes ex- where, ETx(l, d ) is the energy consumption to send l bit of
change their info tables. Nodes with highest score among their data, Eelec is the amount of energy reduced by the conveyor and
neighbours become CHs of the current round and advertise the receiver circuit, εfs is the amplifier parameters of trans-
themselves. If a normal node receives multiple advertisements, formation corresponding to the free space technique and d is
it joins the CH with the highest score. Line 28 of the pseudo the Euclidian distance between nodes and their destinations.
code assures that only 5% of the alive nodes become CHs in However, if d > d0, the energy consumption is calculated
each round. by the following equation [31].
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TA B L E 2 Simulation parameters

Parameter Value
Simulation area 70 m � 70 m

Number of nodes 100

Node positions Random

Initial energy of each node 0.5 (J)

Sink coordinates (35,47.25)

Energy for transferring of each bit 50 * 0.000000001 (J)

Energy of receiving 50 * 0.000000001 (J)

Energy for free space model 10 * 0.000000000001 (J)

Energy for multi‐path model 10 * 0.000000000001 (J)

Energy for data aggregation 5 * 0.000000001 (J)

Packet size (bit) 4000

FIGURE 3 The round when the first node died

FIGURE 2 Pseudo code of the CH selection stage
node of LEACH and our proposed method dies almost after a
similar number of rounds has passed; however, the first node
ET x ðl; dÞ ¼ Eelec � l þ ϵmp � l � d 4 ð7Þ of EM‐LEACH algorithm dies sooner than these methods.
With the increase in the number of rounds, the difference
where, εmp, is the amplifier parameter of the transformation between these algorithms become clearer. However, all nodes
corresponding to the multi‐path fading model. in LEACH die before round 1200, the last node in EM‐
LEACH dies at round 1390 and the last node on applying
MR‐LEACH and our algorithm dies at rounds 1509 and 1593
4 | SIMULATION RESULTS AND respectively.
ANALYSIS The energy consumptions of LEACH, EM‐LEACH,
MR‐LEACH and the proposed algorithm are depicted in
MATLAB R2015b is used to simulate the proposed algorithm. Figure 4. Initially, there are 100 nodes in networks and each
The results have been compared with LEACH, EM‐LEACH node has 5 J of energy. Therefore, the total energy for all
and MR‐LEACH methods and illustrated as diagrams. The methods at first is 500 J. LEACH algorithm loses 50% of its
parameters of the simulations are provided in Table 2. To energy in approximately 200 rounds. The equivalent figure for
provide a fair comparison, and simulations have been run MR‐LEACH is around 300 rounds. EM‐LEACH loses 50% of
under the same circumstances. its energy before 200 rounds, and the proposed algorithm loses
Figure 3 shows the result in which round the first, and the 50% of its energy almost after 400 rounds. The total network
entire nodes die for each method. The first node dies in lifetime has increased by 32%, using the proposed algorithm,
MR‐LEACH method far sooner than other methods. The first compared with LEACH.
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FIGURE 4 The energy consumption of network F I G U R E 6 The relation between the number of delivered packets and
energy consumption

The purpose of this study was to propose a new CH selection
algorithm to improve the network lifetime and reduce energy
consumption in WSNs. We proposed a clustering method
which took the distance between nodes and sink, network
density and residual energy of nodes into consideration before
choosing CHs. It also makes the calculation in each round
based on a variable range which is defined based on the
network density. In this regard, less calculation is required.
Moreover, due to the fact that when more nodes die, the range
decreases. The network connectivity and the number of direct
transmissions also decrease between the nodes and the sink.
Considering the number of neighbours, residual energy and
FIGURE 5 The relation between delivered packets and the number of centrality helps to have an energy balanced network.
alive nodes The proposed method was evaluated by MATALAB
R2015b and compared with LEACH, MR‐LEACH and
The number of packets delivered to the sink per number of EM‐LEACH and the results showed that the proposed algo-
alive nodes is depicted in Figure 5 for LEACH, MR‐LEACH, rithm outperforms these methods in terms of increasing the
EM‐LEACH and our proposed algorithm. It is conspicuous network lifetime, decreasing energy consumption and
that EM‐LEACH and the proposed algorithm outperform improving network reliability. Furthermore, as the number of
LEACH and MR‐LEACH. While the proposed algorithm rounds increases, the declined power consumption will reduce
performs better than EM‐LEACH, the difference between to a great extent.
these two algorithms is not significant. Therefore, network The subject of decreasing power consumption in WSNs
reliability is improved by the proposed algorithm. has always been a topic of interest due to the effect of the
The relation between the number of delivered packets and network lifetime. A future objective of this study is to extend
energy consumption for LEACH, MR‐LEACH, EM‐LEACH the proposed method over a multi‐hop routing between
and our algorithm is illustrated in Figure 6 which can be different CHs. In the current study, we employed the single
considered as another metric for network reliability. It is clear hop routing in which CHs directly communicate with the BS. It
that the energy consumption of the proposed algorithm and has been proved that multi‐hop communication in WSNs leads
EM‐LEACH algorithm is far less than LEACH and MR‐ to less energy consumption. Therefore, if some CHs play the
LEACH algorithms. The proposed algorithm reduces the en- role of relay nodes and other CHs send their data to the BS
ergy consumption by trying to select CHs that minimise the through these nodes, the energy consumption of the network
total distance between nodes and their respective CHs. It also will be decreased. Our goal is to define a multi‐hope routing
uses a different range for its calculation in each round, and the protocol in which the selected CHS send their data according
range increases when the network density decreases, which in to the present approach through the relay nodes rather directly.
turn reduces the chance of nodes to become isolated and sends However, in this case, we should keep routing tables updated
their data directly into the sink. since routes in WSNs dynamically change.
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