Question Bank 2

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Q uestion Bank for

S oftware Engineering and Agile

Chapter 1
Q1 Explain Software Engineering. Define the evolving and changing nature of
software engineering.
Q2 What is the prime objective of software engineering? With suitable
illustration explain SPIRAL model evolutionary software development in detail.
Q3 Explain in detail the Incremental Process model s/w process models with a
neat diagram.
Q4 What is the task region in the spiral model? How does the customer wins by
getting the system or product that satisfy most of the the customer’s needs and
the developer wins by working to realistic and achievable budgets and deadline?
Q5 Explain with two examples of software development projects that would be
amenable to evolutionary prototyping. Why is evolutionary prototyping suitable
in these cases?
Q6 Explain Waterfall Model. What are the problems that are sometimes
encountered when the waterfall model is applied?
Q7 Enlist all the types of software myths in detail with proper examples and
give corresponding reality also.
Q8 Explain the frameworks used in the Unified Process to drive the goals and
objectives in each of the iterations. In which phase of the Unified process
modeling is the software accepted by the end users?
Q9 What is CMMI and what's the advantage of implementing it in an
Q10 Explain the generic process for software development in detail with a neat
diagram. (5 phases SDLC)
Chapter 2
Q1 Explain Behavioural Model in detail. Construct Usecase diagram for a car-
insurance company whose customers own one or more cars each. Each car has
associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents.

Q2 Explain about the different architectural styles in architecture design with

neat diagram.
Q3 What is requirement engineering? State its process and explain requirements
elicitation problem.
Q4 Differentiate functional and nonfunctional requirements in detail with
proper example.
Q5 Discuss in detail about the design process in software development process.
Justify “Design is not coding and coding is not design”.
Q6 What is a software requirements specification (SRS) document? Explain all
the features of SRS document in detail.
Q7 Create a sample SRS document to outline the requirements for the
eCommerce (Business to Customer) Product to be developed for IBEE
Solutions (P) Ltd.
Q8 Explain Context Models in detail with proper diagram. What are the benefits
of context diagram? Draw context diagram for transport management system of
your college.
Q9 What is Model-Driven Engineering? Enlist all the merits and demerits of
Model-Driven Engineering.
Q10 What is design? What are the various goals of designing? Explain any 4
key software designing issues.

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