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Pregnancy is typically divided into three trimesters, and each

trimester is made up of several weeks. Here's the breakdown of each month in
pregnancy converted into weeks:

 First Trimester:

Month 1: Weeks 1-4

Month 2: Weeks 5-8

Month 3: Weeks 9-13

 Second Trimester:

Month 4: Weeks 14-17

Month 5: Weeks 18-21

Month 6: Weeks 22-26

 Third Trimester:

Month 7: Weeks 27-30

Month 8: Weeks 31-35

Month 9: Weeks 36-40

As mentioned earlier, a full-term pregnancy is typically considered to be

around 40 weeks, and pregnancies that continue beyond 40 weeks are
considered post-term. Post-term pregnancies are those that have reached or
exceeded 42 weeks of gestation from the first day of the last menstrual period.

In post-term pregnancies, there is a risk of certain complications, such as:

1. Placental Insufficiency: The placenta may not function as effectively as

the pregnancy progresses, potentially affecting the baby's oxygen and
nutrient supply.
2. Meconium Aspiration: The baby may pass meconium (first bowel
movement) into the amniotic fluid, which, if inhaled, can cause
respiratory issues.
3. Macrosomia: The baby may grow larger than average, leading to
challenges during delivery, including shoulder dystocia.
4. Decreased Amniotic Fluid: The volume of amniotic fluid may decrease,
which can restrict the baby's movement and lead to potential issues.

Estimated Fetal Birth Weight

EFBW" typically stands for Estimated Fetal Birth Weight. It refers to the
estimated weight of the fetus at birth based on various fetal biometric
measurements. Here's how the GA range corresponds to Estimated Fetal Birth
Weight (EFBW):

22 weeks to 26 weeks GA: Estimated Fetal Birth Weight (EFBW) would

typically range from approximately 0.43 kg to 1.1 kg.

27 weeks to 30 weeks GA: Estimated Fetal Birth Weight (EFBW) would

typically range from approximately 1.1 kg to 1.8 kg.

31 weeks to 35 weeks GA: Estimated Fetal Birth Weight (EFBW) would

typically range from approximately 1.8 kg to 2.5 kg.

36 weeks to 40 weeks GA: Estimated Fetal Birth Weight (EFBW) would

typically range from approximately 2.5 kg to 4.0 kg.

 In fetal biometry, the abbreviations typically stand for the following

1. BPD: Biparietal Diameter - This is the diameter between the two
parietal bones of the fetal skull. It is often used as an indicator of fetal
age and growth during pregnancy.
2. FL: Femur Length - This is the length of the fetal femur bone, which is
often measured to assess fetal growth and estimate gestational age.
3. APTD: Abdominal Transverse Diameter - This is the measurement of the
fetal abdomen from one side to the other in a transverse plane.
4. TTD/TCD: Transcerebellar Diameter - This is the diameter of the fetal
cerebellum, which is measured in a transverse plane through the fetal

These measurements are commonly used in obstetrics to monitor fetal growth

and development during pregnancy.

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