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HW 2 Help Videos

Problem 1: Linear Transformation Mapping a Parallelogram to a Rectangle


 Transformations, part 1 | Multivariable calculus | Khan Academy

 Transformations, part 2 | Multivariable calculus | Khan Academy


Subject: Linear transformations and mappings between geometric figures in R2


 Lec 3: Matrices; inverse matrices - Discusses transformations that can be represented by

matrices, necessary to solve for a transformation T that maps one shape to another.

MIT Recitation

1. Finding a transformation $T$ for the parallelogram to rectangle mapping:

o Change of variables


 Multivariable calculus, Class #3 - New coordinate systems - This might cover transformations
and mappings which can be relevant for understanding how to map one region to another.

Problem 2: Spherical Coordinate Mapping


Spherical coordinate mapping and its properties:

 Representing points in 3d | Khan Academy


Subject: Coordinate transformation from spherical to Cartesian coordinates, properties of

mappings including injectivity.

 Lec 26: Spherical coordinates; surface area - Addresses spherical coordinates and
transformations involving these.
 Lec 12: Gradient; directional derivative; tangent plane - Might touch upon
transformations and mappings.

MIT Recitation

1. Spherical coordinate mapping, determining the image of a set under a transformation, and
checking if the transformation is one-to-one:
o Integration in polar coordinates (for understanding coordinate transformations)
o Change of variables


o Multivariable calculus, Class #3 - New coordinate systems - This class covers different
coordinate systems, including spherical coordinates.

Problem 3: Double Integral in a Complex Region


Evaluating the double integral of x squared over D, where D is determined by specific


 Double integrals 4 | Khan Academy


Subject: Evaluation of double integrals over a region defined by inequalities.


 Lec 16: Double integrals - Focuses on techniques and examples of double integrals.
 Lec 18: Change of variables - Relevant if a transformation of variables simplifies the

MIT Recitation

1. Evaluating a double integral over a region defined by circular and linear bounds:
o Changing the order of integration
o Integration in polar coordinates (helps with understanding how to integrate over
circular regions)

 Multivariable calculus, class #19: Changing the order of integration for double integrals - Helpful
for techniques in setting up and evaluating double integrals, especially where changing the order
of integration is useful.

Problem 4: Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates


Evaluating the triple integral of the square root of something over W:

 Triple integrals 1 | Khan Academy


Subject: Evaluation of triple integrals in spherical coordinates, especially between two spherical


 Lec 25: Triple integrals in rectangular & cylindrical - Discusses triple integrals,
foundational for understanding different coordinate systems.
 Lec 26: Spherical coordinates; surface area - Directly deals with spherical coordinates
required for the integral evaluation.

MIT Recitation

1. Evaluating a triple integral over spherical shells:

o Integral of exp(-x^2)
o Integration in polar coordinates


2. Multivariable calculus, class #20: Introduction to triple integrals - Provides foundational

knowledge for setting up and solving triple integrals.
3. Multivariable calculus, class #25: triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates - Directly
relevant to solving integrals in spherical coordinates.

Problem 5: Double Integral over a Quadrilateral Region


Evaluating the double integral of (x plus y) over region R:

 Double integrals 3 | Khan Academy


Subject: Evaluation of double integrals over a specific geometric region.


 Lec 16: Double integrals - Involves calculation of double integrals.

 Lec 18: Change of variables - Useful if a coordinate transformation simplifies the region.

MIT Recitation

1. Evaluating a double integral over a transformed rectangle:

o Change of variables
o Integration in polar coordinates (if transformation to polar coordinates is considered)


2. Multivariable calculus, class #18: Double integrals over general regions - Useful for techniques in
handling integrals over more complex regions.

Problem 6: Path of a Particle in a Vector Field


Showing that the path c(t) is a flow line of the given vector field F:

 Vector fields, introduction | Khan Academy


Subject: Determining whether a given path is a flow line for a specified vector field.


 Lec 19: Vector fields and line integrals in the plane - Provides foundational knowledge
on vector fields and properties crucial for understanding flow lines.
 Lec 20: Path independence and conservative fields - Discusses properties of vector fields
relevant to understanding the motion in fields.

MIT Recitation

1. Determining path lines of a vector field:

o Line integrals: path dependence (related to understanding flow lines and vector fields)

1. Multivariable calculus, class #27: Parameterized curves, and introduction to vector fields - This
might provide insights into vector fields and parameterized paths.

Problem 7: Potential Function for a Vector Field


Finding a potential function f for a vector field F:

 Gradient | Khan Academy


Subject: Finding a potential function for a given vector field, indicating the field's


 Lec 21: Gradient fields and potential functions - Addresses the concept of potential
functions for gradient fields.

MIT Recitation

1. Finding a potential function for a vector field:

o Potentials of gradient fields


 Multivariable calculus, class #32: conservative vector fields - Discusses properties of

conservative vector fields, including finding potential functions.

Problem 9: computing the path integral of the given function along the curve c(t)

Evaluating the line integral of f, where f(x, y, z) = z, along the curve c(t):

 Line integral example 1 | Khan Academy


Lecture 18: Change of Variables and Jacobians

 Introduction and Example of Change of Variables (00:00:23 - 00:01:02)

 Jacobian Determinant and Polar Coordinates (00:11:12 - 00:31:02)

Lecture 19: Vector Fields and Line Integrals

 Introduction and Explanation of Vector Fields (00:00:26 - 00:01:02)

 Computing Work and Evaluating Line Integrals (00:16:08 - 00:32:01)
 Geometric Approach to Line Integrals (00:42:00)

Lecture 30: Line Integrals and Work in 3D

 Line Integrals, Work by Vector Fields, and Parametric Curves (00:03:19 - 00:06:40)
 Gradient Fields and Curl in 3D (00:13:15 - 00:40:07)

MIT Recitation

1. Evaluating a path integral with a specific vector field and path:

o Line integrals by geometric reasoning
o Line integral on a helix (for understanding specific path integrals)


 Multivariable calculus, class #30: vector line integrals - Although it focuses on vector line
integrals, the techniques can be adapted for scalar functions along paths.

Problem 8: Evaluating the path integral with the given functions and parametric equation


Evaluating the path integral of f(x, y, z) ds along the curve c(t):

 Introduction to the line integral | Khan Academy

Lecture 5: Parametric Equations

1. Discussion on Parametric Equations for Lines - Essential for understanding the curve
c(t) (00:00:23)
2. Further Discussion and Applications (00:02:04 - 00:11:12)
3. Plugging Coordinates into Plane Equation and Evaluating Path Integrals - Helpful in
understanding how to parameterize the curve in the problem(00:08:36 - 00:18:08)
4. Plugging Coordinates into the Plane Equation - Related to integrating along a curve
(Timestamp: 00:21:23.410).
5. Functions of Theta for X and Y Coordinates - Discusses how to set up the integral
(Timestamp: 00:41:09.150).

Lecture 9: Max-min problems; least squares

1. Introduction to Using Partial Derivatives for Optimization Problems - A core part of

solving integrals involving multivariable functions (Timestamp: 00:00:23.000).
2. Discussion on the Approximation Formula for Partial Derivatives - Could relate to
understanding changes in the path integral with respect to the path's parameters
(Timestamp: 00:01:26.000).
3. Explanation of the Tangent Plane Approximation - Necessary for understanding the
behavior of functions along a path in space (Timestamp: 00:04:05.000).
4. Clarification on How Values of Functions Change - Relates to computing the integral
along the given path (Timestamp: 00:10:08.000).
5. The Concept of Critical Points - Where the derivative equals zero, linked to evaluating
the path integral at specific points (Timestamp: 00:14:50.000).

MIT Recitation

1. Evaluating a path integral:

o Line integrals by geometric reasoning


 Multivariable calculus, class #29: Scalar line integrals - Focuses on evaluating line
integrals, which is directly applicable.

Problem 9: computing the path integral of the given function along the curve c(t)


Evaluating the line integral of f, where f(x, y, z) = z, along the curve c(t):

 Line integral example 1 | Khan Academy


Lecture 18: Change of Variables and Jacobians

 Introduction and Example of Change of Variables (00:00:23 - 00:01:02)

 Jacobian Determinant and Polar Coordinates (00:11:12 - 00:31:02)

Lecture 19: Vector Fields and Line Integrals

 Introduction and Explanation of Vector Fields (00:00:26 - 00:01:02)

 Computing Work and Evaluating Line Integrals (00:16:08 - 00:32:01)
 Geometric Approach to Line Integrals (00:42:00)

Lecture 30: Line Integrals and Work in 3D

 Line Integrals, Work by Vector Fields, and Parametric Curves (00:03:19 - 00:06:40)
 Gradient Fields and Curl in 3D (00:13:15 - 00:40:07)

MIT Recitation

1. Evaluating a path integral with a specific vector field and path:

o Line integrals by geometric reasoning
o Line integral on a helix (for understanding specific path integrals)


 Multivariable calculus, class #30: vector line integrals - Although it focuses on vector
line integrals, the techniques can be adapted for scalar functions along paths.

Problem 10: Finding the average z coordinate on the path c(t):


 Position vector valued functions | Khan Academy


Lectures 16, 17, 20 and 21

 Discussion on the trajectory of moving points: Timestamp: 00:00:23.250 - Parametric equations

for lines and curves.
 Explanation of parametric equations: Timestamp: 00:02:51.810 - Parametric equations for lines
and curves.
 Methods for computing line integrals: Timestamp: 00:03:45.000 - Line integrals and work in 3D.
 An example related to finding the work of a force along a trajectory: Timestamp: 00:23:50.000 -
Path independence and conservative fields.
 Discussion of average value of functions over regions: Timestamp: 00:19:55.000 - Double
integrals and mass of a planar lamina.
 Further explanation of evaluating line integrals using parametric equations: Timestamp:
00:05:44.000 - Line integrals in space, curl, exactness.

MIT Recitation

1. Finding the average $z$ coordinate on a specified path:

o Average height (related to finding averages over specified domains or paths)


1. Find the average z-coordinate over a parametric path:

o Multivariable calculus, class #26: parameterizing curves and arc length - Understanding
parameterized curves can help in calculating properties such as average coordinates
along these curves.

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