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Activity 1A Estimated Time 15 minutes Objective To provide you with an opportunity to select

and prepare cleaning agents and chemicals according to cleaning schedule and product

Give examples of five different cleaning chemicals and agents that you use as part of your
cleaning schedule. Briefly describe what sort of tasks each chemical is used for.

 Disinfectants kill or stop microorganisms from growing on surfaces, in items, or in the

air. People often use them to stop the spread of germs and diseases.
 Dishwashing liquid is used to clean dishes, pots, and pans. It is made to get rid of
grease, food, and spots from the surfaces of these things, leaving them clean and ready
to use again.
 Air fresheners and deodorizers are used to cover up or get rid of smells that don't
smell good. Most of the time, they are used in homes, offices, cars, and other closed
areas to make them more comfortable and inviting.
 Glass and window cleaners are used to clean and remove dirt, dust, smudges,
fingerprints, and other stains from glass surfaces and windows. . They are made to leave
a clear finish without streaks, which improves sight and the look of the glass as a whole.
 Dishwasher liquids, powders, and tablets are specifically formulated for use in
dishwashers. They have detergent, enzymes, and other cleaning agents that get rid of
food particles, stains, and grease from dishes, glasses, and tools. They help the
dishwasher get clean and stay clean, and they also keep limescale and other leftovers
from building up.

1B List three kitchen appliances, three pieces of preparatory equipment, and three pieces of
washing equipment that you will need to assess for cleanliness on a regular basis.

 Kitchen appliances:
 Toasters
 Ovens
 Microwaves

Preparatory equipment:
 Knives
 Spoons
 Measuring equipment

Washing and cleaning equipment:

 Dishwashers
 Rubbish disposal equipment
 Linen

1C. Describe three safety considerations that you should be aware of when storing equipment in
its designated place.
Items cannot fall onto people

 It is important that items cannot fall onto people because it can cause injury or even
death. Safety measures must be put in place to prevent accidents and protect

Items do not pose a trip hazard

 Items that do not pose a trip hazard are important to ensure the safety of individuals in a
space. This reduces the risk of accidents and injuries caused by tripping over objects.

Equipment does not clutter the kitchen area when it is not being used

 Keeping equipment from cluttering the kitchen area when not in use is important for
several reasons. It creates a more organized and efficient workspace, prevents
accidents and injuries, and allows for easier cleaning and maintenance of the
equipment. Additionally, it promotes better food safety by reducing the risk of cross-
contamination and spoilage.

2A. Give examples of six kitchen utensils that can be safely put in a dishwasher.

Let us know why it is important to organize or sort serviceware and utensils; there are several
reasons for this. It helps with the efficiency and speed of service, improves hygiene and
cleanliness, and ensures that the right utensils are easily accessible for different types of meals
or drinks. The following are the utensils that can be safely put in a dishwasher.

- Cooking utensils
- Most crockery
- Dishes
- Most glassware
- Graters and peelers
- Sharper kitchen knives

2B. Give examples of six kitchen items which should be hand-cleaned (which are not suitable
for the dishwasher

- Chopping boards
- Large containers
- High-quality crockery
- Parts of equipment, such as blades
- Pans
- Woks
- Pots
- Very delicate glassware

2C. Under what circumstances should you dispose of service-ware in your organisation? Give
five examples.
- When service-ware is broken, worn out, or no longer useful, an organization should get
rid of it. Service-ware should also be thrown away if it is no longer needed, if it is out of
date, or if there aren't enough places to store it.

You may have dispose the service-ware if:

- It is chipped
- It has sharp edges
- It has been contaminated
- It has pieces missing
- Designs and patterns are faded
- It has been bent or warped in any way

2D. When making a plan to acquire additional crockery, what five things must you consider?

Having a plan to acquire additional crockery is important to ensure that there are enough dishes
for all guests or customers, and to avoid any interruptions or delays in service.

Here are the five things you must consider when making a plan to acquire additional

- When extra crockery is required for

- What type of crockery is required
- What the most cost-effective way of obtaining crockery is
- How much extra crockery is needed
- In order to obtain more crockery than needed to account for breakages and damage.

3A. Give three examples of kitchen surfaces or preparation areas, and briefly describe how you
clean each one in your organisation.

Cool rooms

 An organization's cool rooms need to be cleaned with care to keep them clean and
prevent contamination. Start by taking everything out of the cool room and letting it warm
up. Use a cleaning product that is safe for food on all surfaces, shelves, and tools.
Check and change air filters on a regular basis to make sure air flows well. Sweep and
mop the floor often and get rid of any messes or trash. Lastly, clean and replace the cool
room, making sure to follow the rules for storing things.


 To clean a freezer, stop it and then empty it. Take out all the shelves and boxes and
wash them with warm soapy water. Use a combination of water and vinegar or baking
soda to clean the inside of the freezer. Everything needs to be dry before you can plug
the freezer back in and put things back in it.

 To clean a storage room, take everything out and sort it into piles like "keep," "donate,"
and "throw away." To get rid of dirt and spider webs, dust and sweep the room. Use a
combination of warm soapy water to clean the shelves, cabinets, and walls. A glass
cleaner can be used to clean any glass or window. Once everything is clean, put the
items back in the storage room in an organized way. Label any boxes or bins so they are
easy to find.

3B What information should you include in an animal infestation report? Give three examples of
specific information.

An animal infestation report is important for several reasons. It helps identify and document the
infestation, allows for appropriate pest control measures to be taken, and can be used for
insurance purposes.

The report must mention the following:

- What animals you have seen in the kitchen are

- Roughly how many of the species you saw
- When you saw the animal/s

3C. Give three examples of chemical accidents and describe what safety procedures you would
implement to deal with them.

Skin burns and reactions

- If someone gets a burn or reaction on their skin, they should wash the area with cool
water for at least 20 minutes and see a doctor if they need to. You can also put a
clean, dry cloth over the burn to keep it from getting sick. Keep an eye on the burn
for signs of infection, like more pain, redness, swelling, or drainage, and see a doctor
if you notice any of these things.

Chemicals coming into contact with eyes

- Immediately rinse eyes with water for at least 15 minutes. Ensure that water flows
from the inside corner of the eye to the outside corner. Seek medical attention

The chemical contamination of food

- If food is suspected to have chemical contamination, it should not be consumed. It

should be kept separate from other food to prevent further contamination, and the
local health department should be contacted for advice on disposal and further

3D Give five examples of linen used in the kitchen and in serving areas. How can you know
when this linen needs removing for cleaning?
The following are linen used in the kitchen and in serving areas:

- Cleaning cloths
- Clothing
- Napkins
- Serving cloths
- Tablecloths

You can determine when the linen needs removing for cleaning by looking for signs of dirt,
stains, or odors. Additionally, if the linen has been in use for an extended period of time, it is a
good idea to remove and clean it to maintain cleanliness and hygiene standards.

3E. Give examples of five types of kitchen waste. Why is it necessary to sort and organise this
waste prior to its disposal?

The following are five types of kitchen waste:

- Fat or grease
- Recyclable waste
- Food waste
- Broken and damaged service-ware
- Cooking oils

It is important to know that sorting and organizing waste prior to disposal is necessary to
facilitate proper disposal methods, promote recycling and reusing, and prevent environmental
pollution and health hazards that can arise from improper handling of waste.

4A Why is it important to read manufacturer instructions before using cleaning chemicals and
agents? Give three examples of what manufacturer instructions might tell you.

Reading manufacturer instructions before using cleaning chemicals and agents is important to
ensure safe and effective use, prevent accidents or damage, understand proper ventilation and
storage requirements, and potentially comply with legal and safety regulations.

The following are examples of what manufacturer instructions might tell you:

- The personal protective gear required when using chemicals

- The chemicals included in the product
- Common injuries and illnesses that may come as a result of skin and eye contact
with the chemical

4B Give five examples of personal protective equipment and describe when you might use this

Face masks
- Facemasks are important for avoiding the spread of diseases through the air,
keeping people from breathing in harmful particles, and keeping the public healthy by
stopping the spread of pathogens.


- Gloves provide a barrier against contact with hazardous substances, preventing skin
exposure and contamination. They are essential for safety, hygiene, and preventing
the spread of harmful materials and germs.

Hard hats or hair protectors

- Hard hats or hair protectors are essential for safeguarding the head and hair from
falling objects, impacts, and potential head injuries in, industrial, or hazardous work


- Goggles are very important because they protect your eyes from things like moving
objects, chemicals, and bright lights. They are important for workers to keep up
because they help avoid serious eye injuries and damage to their vision.

Rubber aprons

- Rubber aprons are important because they protect you from chemical splashes,
liquids, and other harmful things. They are important for keeping people safe in
places like labs, food processing, and chemical handling, where skin contact and
possible harm could happen.

4C Give three practical steps you can take to reduce water use in your organisation.

Water is a limited resource, so it's important to save it, help ecosystems, and make sure
sustainable growth. It makes water more available, has less of an effect on the
environment, and teaches future people how to use water wisely.

The following are steps to reduce water use in an organisation:

- Switch off taps when they are not being used

- Hand wash items or use an efficient dishwasher setting when possible
- Check regularly for leaks

4D What types of materials do you recycle in your organisation? What type of bin do you put
each type of material in?

Recycling in an organization is important because it cuts down on waste, saves resources,

and encourages people to care about the environment. It saves money, helps the
environment, and shows a commitment to a better future.
The following materials are recyclable in an organisation:

- Glass bottles and jars

- Plastics
- Paper and cardboard
- Tin or aluminium containers
- Fruit and vegetable matter.

What type of bin do you put each type of material in?

- Proper waste sorting is essential. Plastics and glass bottles go into recycling bins.
Paper belongs in paper bins, while metal cans are for metal bins. Organic waste is
suited for composting, electronics require separate recycling, hazardous items need
specific disposal, and non-recyclable materials go into general waste bins.

4E Give examples of five types of hazardous substances that your organisation’s kitchen

Hazardous substances can be created in the kitchen through various means, often
unintentionally. These substances can pose health risks if not properly managed or disposed of.

Hazardous substances that your organisation’s kitchen produces:

- Animal fat
- Chemicals
- Cleaning agents
- Cooking oils
- Ghee

1. Why is it necessary to have a clear and detailed cleaning schedule in place, and how
does such a schedule support hygiene standards in your organisation’s kitchen?
- To keep a kitchen clean, there needs to be a clear and thorough cleaning plan in
place. A schedule makes sure that all parts of the kitchen are cleaned regularly and
completely. This keeps dirt, germs, and other harmful substances from building up. It
tells the staff what needs to be cleaned, how often, and what cleaning tools or
methods to use. A schedule also makes sure that cleaning tasks don't get missed or
ignored, which makes it less likely that food will get contaminated or that sickness
will spread. Overall, a thorough cleaning organize supports a commitment to
cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen, helping to make it a safe and healthy place
for both staff and customers.
2. Give examples of five different cleaning chemicals and agents that you use in your
Air fresheners and deodorisers
- Air fresheners and deodorisers are often used in an organization to eliminate
unpleasant odours and create a more pleasant environment for employees,
customers, and visitors.
Dishwashing liquid
- Dishwashing liquid, or dish soap, is typically used in an organization to clean and
sanitize dishes, utensils, and other kitchenware. It helps to remove grease, food
particles, and stains, ensuring that dishes are thoroughly clean and safe for use.
- Hand sanitizers or disinfectants are commonly used in organizations to promote
hand hygiene and prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. They
Floor cleaners
- Floor cleaners are essential in maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of an
organization. They help remove dirt, stains, and germs from the floor, creating a safe
and pleasant working environment.
- In a kitchen organization, pesticides might be applied to deter pests from
compromising food safety and hygiene, always following guidelines to prevent
contamination and ensure public health.
3. Pick two of the cleaning chemicals you listed in question two, and describe what tasks
you would use them for
Dishwashing liquid:
- Dishwashing liquid is used for cleaning dishes and removing grease and food
particles. It helps to break down and emulsify the dirt, making it easier to wash away.


- Disinfectants are used to clean and sanitize surfaces such as countertops, tables,
floors, and equipment in various settings like homes and kitchens, ensuring hygiene
and preventing disease transmission.
4. Why can it be dangerous to stack cleaning products in storage areas?
- Cleaning products can react with each other in storage areas, which can be
hazardous. When you mix different goods, especially ones that contain bleach,
ammonia, or other chemicals that react, poisonous fumes or reactions can be
released that are bad for your health and could start a fire. To avoid these risks,
proper segregation and ventilation are essential.
5. Why is it important to hand-wash large and irregular shaped items, instead of putting
them in a dishwasher?
- Hand-washing large and irregularly shaped items is important because dishwashers
might not effectively clean all surfaces and contours. Hand-washing makes sure that
everything is clean because you can reach places that robots might miss. Some
fragile or non-dishwasher-safe items could also get broken in the dishwasher,
making hand-washing the safer and better choice.
6. Why is important to read safety data sheet prior to the use of a cleaning chemical?
- Before using a cleaning product, it's important to read the safety data sheet (SDS) so
you know how to handle it, store it, and what to do in case of an emergency. It tells
you everything you need to know about how to protect yourself, give first aid, and get
rid of the chemical. This makes sure it is used safely, reduces risks to health and the
environment, and encourages responsible chemical management.
7. How can you clean and sanitise basic kitchen utensils when hand-washing items?
- To clean and sanitize basic kitchen utensils when hand-washing, start by rinsing off
any excess food particles Then, scrub the tools with a sponge or brush in hot warm
water to clean them well. Run hot water over the tools to get rid of any soap residue.
Linally, sanitize the utensils by soaking them in a solution according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, or use a sanitizing solution specifically designed for
kitchen utensils.
8. Why is it necessary to wear personal protective gear when using chemicals? Give
examples of four types of personal protective gear
Wearing personal protective gear while using chemicals is essential to shield against
potential skin, eye, or respiratory exposure. It reduces the risk of injuries, burns, or
health issues, ensuring safety during chemical handling.

The following are types of personal protective gear(PPE).

Face masks

- Facemasks are important for avoiding the spread of diseases through the air,
keeping people from breathing in harmful particles, and keeping the public healthy by
stopping the spread of pathogens.


- Gloves provide a barrier against contact with hazardous substances, preventing skin
exposure and contamination. They are essential for safety, hygiene, and preventing
the spread of harmful materials and germs.

Hard hats or hair protectors

- Hard hats or hair protectors are essential for safeguarding the head and hair from
falling objects, impacts, and potential head injuries in, industrial, or hazardous work


- Goggles are very important because they protect your eyes from things like moving
objects, chemicals, and bright lights. They are important for workers to keep up
because they help avoid serious eye injuries and damage to their vision.

9. Explain how you would safely pick up a large box of cutlery, and how you would
minimise the risk posed to yourself and others during this activity.
- To safely lift pick up a large box of cutlery, you must first determine its weight and
your lifting capacity. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ankles bent, and back
erect. Grab the box firmly and use your leg muscles to raise it. Avoid abrupt motions
and twisting. If the box is excessively weighty, request assistance. The surrounding
area must be cleared to prevent accidents.

10. How can reduce electricity use in your kitchen? Give three practical examples.
- Use energy-efficient appliances.
- Unplug appliances when not in use to prevent standby power consumption.
- Utilize natural lighting whenever possible.

11. List all materials that you are expected to recycle in your organisation.
- Glass bottles and jars
- Plastics
- Paper and cardboard
- Tin or aluminium containers
- Fruit and vegetable matter.

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