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Name : Muhammad Nurfadillah Class : TI/PA

Student Number: 2343065 Meeting 3 English Presentation

1. How do you define the purpose of your presentations, and how does that inform your
structuring process?
2. In your opinion, what strategies will be very helpful idea to ensure that your audience
understands and remembers the key points of your presentation?
3. How will you use your voice, body language, and gestures to convey confidence and e
nthusiasm in a presentation?
4. Create your own opening consists of greeting, introduction, statement of purpose, and
relevance of the topic.
(I have provided the example of opening in my material on WeLearn. You are allowed
to use other expressions besides the expressions I have provided.)
5. Based on the materials provided by Group 1 and Group 2 today, compare those two
explanations and then determine the differences between them.

--- Don’t forget to make your summary related to today’s topic ---


1. The purpose of my presentations is to inform, engage, and persuade my

audience. This informs my structuring process by guiding me to craft a clear
narrative that effectively communicates key points and supports my objectives.

2. To ensure audience understanding and retention, effective strategies include

using visuals, storytelling, repetition of key points, interactive elements such as
quizzes or discussions, and providing clear summaries.

3. Utilizing a confident tone, maintaining eye contact, using expressive body

language, such as hand gestures and facial expressions, and varying vocal pitch
and pace can convey confidence and enthusiasm in a presentation.

4. Good morning, thank you all for coming. It’s a pleasure to welcome you today.
First of all, let me introduce myself, I’m Muhammad Rifqi Naufal from
Samarinda Currently, I Am studying Informatics Engineering at STMIK Widya
Cipta Dharma. In this special occasion, I’d like to discuss about How to Deliver
A Good Presentation.

5. The comparison between the two groups that are progressing today is how to
present material to the audience and how to pay attention to the presentation.
The audiences of these two groups have different methods, for example paying
attention to the audience or only paying attention to the text that is read and
there are still many Again

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