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C1W1-As someone seeking a project management role, you occasionally meet people in a

professional setting to share knowledge and create new business connections. This is an example
of what strategy to get a job?

a. Join LinkedIn
b. Get an internship
c. Attend local or online networking events
d. Update resume c
What did researchers project in 2020 for job growth in the project management field?

a. Project management-aligned roles will need nearly 90 million people to fill positions by the
year 2027.
b. Project management talent is only in high demand in large American cities.
c. Project managers cannot succeed without a PM certification.
d. Project management talent is in high demand in a few countries. a
Which of the following are benefits of a contracting job in project management? Select all that

a. Building a portfolio
b. Experiencing different kinds of companies and project types
c. Developing a professional network
d. Guaranteeing a permanent position with a company abc
Which of the following are important project management responsibilities? Select all that apply.

a. Managing tasks
b. Controlling costs
c. Planning and organizing
d. Managing company operations abc
Fill in the blank: _____ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the
project requirements and achieve the desired outcome.

a. Budget management
b. Organization
c. Project management
d. Communication c
What does it take for a project manager to ensure a project stays on-track and on-budget? Select
all that apply.

a. Collaboration
b. Careful planning
c. Technical industry experience
d. Networking ab
Which of the following responsibilities involves overseeing activities that team members do on a
daily or weekly basis?

a. Gathering requirements from customers

b. Managing tasks
c. Forecasting the budget
d. Controlling costs b
Fill in the blank: Typically, projects have a(n) _____ beginning and end.

a. vague
b. immovable
c. broad
d. defined d
Fill in the blank: It's likely that you have used project management skills in the past, and these
skills are _____ in professional project management.

a. transferable
b. uncommon
c. inapplicable
d. impracticable a
Fill in the blank: There are _____ job titles a project manager can have.

a. many and varied

b. only a few
c. a decreasing number of
d. very specific a
Fill in the blank: According to a 2017 Project Management Institute study, industries like
manufacturing, construction, information technology, publishing, finance, and oil and gas are
experiencing _____ with project management jobs.

a. no growth compared to other industries

b. the same amount of growth compared to other industries
c. the most amount of growth compared to other industries
d. the least amount of growth compared to other industries c
Fill in the blank: A/An _____ allows you to work for a company on a project-by-project basis
but not as a full-time employee.

a. salary
b. mentor
c. internship
d. contact d
Once the project is underway, project managers help manage tasks for the team members and
communicate key milestones to stakeholders. What is this project management responsibility

a. Selecting tools
b. Budgeting and controlling costs
c. Networking
d. Managing tasks d
Fill in the blank: Project management is _____.
a. the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and
achieve the desired outcome
b. the use of applications that can help you deliver your project on time, and with a successful
c. the practice of decision-making that is carefully planned and designed to meet the project
d. the series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome a
Which of the following explains how a project manager best accomplishes their responsibilities?
Select all that apply.

a. Knows what the project team needs to accomplish and when

b. Establishes the budget after the project begins
c. Assigns project tasks to the appropriately-skilled stakeholders
d. Helps the team get what they need to keep the project going
e. Communicates key project milestones to stay on task ade
Fill in the blank: A project is a temporary pursuit, and usually includes a set of _____.

a. unique deliverables
b. rules for accountability
c. strategic risks
d. team members a
Which of the following tasks or roles could one use to demonstrate project management
experience during a job interview? Select all that apply.

a. Attending a formal event

b. Planning a surprise
c. Organizing a big move
d. Managing a retail store's inventory changes bcd
Fill in the blank: In addition to a job title, many companies list project management as a desired

a. internship
b. skill
c. hobby
d. degree b
Which of the following best describes why there is increasing demand for project management
roles in today's job market?

a. There's significant turnover in the project management field.

b. Project management roles are designed to adapt to changes and handle new processes as they
come up.
c. Project management isn't adequately compensated when compared to similar roles.
d. Project management is a relatively new job title. b
Fill in the blank: Working for companies _____ means you'll work on a project-by-project basis,
but not as a full-time employee.
a. on a salary
b. as a mentor
c. as an intern
d. on a contract d
Throughout a project, project managers have to keep project expenses within an expected range.
What is this project management responsibility called?

a. Networking
b. Planning and organizing
c. Budgeting and controlling costs
d. Managing tasks c
What required skills are typically listed in project management job postings? Select all that

a. Organizational management
b. Web design
c. Communication skills
d. Budget preparation and monitoring
e. Social media marketing acd
What is true of successful project managers?

a. Project managers are most successful when trained in a sector that is experiencing rapid
growth, like telecommunications or health care.
b. Project managers are most successful when learning project management skills early in their
careers since it is a highly technical role.
c. Project managers need a formal education since project management jobs require a business
d. Project managers gain relevant experience in the real world since skills like budgeting and
time management are transferable. d
Which of the following are benefits of an internship? Select all that apply.

a. Network with people in your desired industry

b. Get short-term, hands on industry experience
c. Boost your resume
d. Get a guaranteed permanent position abc
Which of the following responsibilities involves gathering project requirements and creating a
project plan?

a. Communicating project milestones

b. Managing tasks
c. Forecasting the budget
d. Planning and organizing d
Fill in the blank: A ______ has a clear outcome and a clearly-defined start and end date.

a. program
b. communication
c. task
d. project d
As someone moving to a new location, you have several tasks. You have to plan for the various
expenses like boxes and movers. You also have to clearly label the boxes, and manage all of the
tasks leading up to and during the move. Which project management skills does the move
require? Select all that apply.

a. Strong planning and communication skills

b. Deep technical experience
c. Budget preparation and monitoring
d. Organizational management acd
Fill in the blank: Project management is valuable to businesses because it _____.

a. helps ensure that a project delivers goods or services that meet the customer's needs
b. helps ensure that a project delivers the expected outcomes on time and within budget
c. helps ensure that a project centralizes communication—both in real time and all at once
d. helps ensure that a project sticks to long-term and short-term deadlines b
Which of the following is a way to define a project? Select all that apply

a. A series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome

b. A unique, temporary pursuit that has a define beginning and end
c. An ongoing process with no define end date
d. An endeavor with unlimited deliverables from stakeholders ab
Project managers need to meet each project's requirements and achieve the desired outcome. To
do this , should project managers use the same tools, techniques, and methodologies every day
on their projects?

a. Yes. Project managers should use the same tools, techniques, and methodologies every day-
this consistency is key to achieving an optimal outcome.
b. No. Project managers should use varying tools, techniques, and methodologies throughout a
project - this is key to supporting and adapting to a project team.
c. Maybe. Project managers should adopt whatever tools, techniques, and methodologies that a
specific company prefers - this keeps senior management happy b
C1W2-Suppose that as a project manager, you assign tasks to the team members who can best
complete them. What project management value does this represent?

a. Optimism
b. Prioritization
c. Delegation
d. Effective communication c
As a project manager, you direct the activities your team needs to accomplish within a set period
of time. You also control the team's workload to ensure the activities are getting done on time.
Which project management responsibility does this represent?

a. Utilizing productivity tools

b. Managing tasks
c. Managing the budget
d. Removing unforeseen barriers b
As a project manager on a product team, your stakeholders ask you to help the marketing team
come up with a strategy to attract customers. What project management responsibility does this

a. Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.

b. Collaborate with other teams at the organization.
c. Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
d. Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks. b
What is an example of measuring progress for a cross-functional team?

a. Setting up effective tools so the team can easily work together

b. Recording milestones and documenting when tasks are completed
c. Learning what makes team members feel supported and giving positive feedback
d. Defining key items and encouraging team members to ask questions b
You're a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you make sure the
project stays on schedule?

a. Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid input until product launch.

b. Have a meeting with stakeholders to make them aware of product concerns.
c. Track daily product improvement tasks of team members in a spreadsheet.
d. Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product. c
A project manager forgets to assess how national holidays and team member vacations will
affect the project's completion date. Now, because of team member time off, the project delivery
will be two weeks late. What flexible planning strategy could the project manager have used to
avoid the delay?

a. Escalate to stakeholders
b. Use collaboration tools
c. Assessing external constraints
d. Enable decision-making c
Suppose that unless a teammate receives additional resources, they are going to complete an
activity past a deadline. You know that the stakeholders are reluctant to provide additional
resources. Which interpersonal skill can you use to strike a middle ground between both the
teammate's and stakeholders' needs?

a. Negotiation
b. Understanding motivations
c. Conflict mediation
d. Positive attitude a
As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to break down barriers to help your
team succeed. Which of the following would a project manager do to break down barriers?

a. Provide support for the team as they try new approaches to find solutions.
b. Keep the project within the budget approved by leadership.
c. Encourage stakeholders to provide feedback on new product features.
d. Write clear goals for the project in the project's documentation. a
Fill in the blank: In project management, a _____ is a person or an organization that defines the
project requirements. They also may set important guidelines, such as the budget and deadlines.

a. competitor
b. vendor
c. customer
d. teammate c
Fill in the blank: _____ is when a project manager supports each individual on their team to meet
expectations and exceed their own sense of personal potential.

a. Mentoring
b. Promoting
c. Planning
d. Communicating a
Which of the following is true of an effective project manager in an organization?

a. Must know all of the specific details of the project

b. Have personally met the project's stakeholders
c. Have had a previous role in the organization sponsoring the project
d. Have the necessary skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques for the project d
As a project manager, you create plans, timelines, schedules, and other forms of documentation
to track project completion. Which project management responsibility does this represent?

a. Removing unforeseen barriers

b. Managing tasks
c. Managing the budget
d. Planning and organizing d
How can a project manager better communicate and clarify goals for a cross-functional team?

a. Ensure team members have the correct skill sets for each project task.
b. Learn what makes team members feel supported and provide positive feedback.
c. Record meeting notes and document how much work the team has completed.
d. Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions. d
Suppose you have two teammates who disagree on the best way to complete a task. Which
interpersonal skill can you use to help them resolve their disagreement?

a. Conflict mediation
b. Positive attitude
c. Understanding motivations
d. Negotiation a
As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to effectively manage the project.
Which of the following would a project manager do to effectively manage the project? Select all
that apply.
a. Check in with the team as little as possible to increase productivity.
b. Understand the impact of each process within the project.
c. Change the project end goal to meet the needs of project tasks.
d. Frequently communicate the larger project goal to the team. bd
As a project manager, how can you protect the team from changes to the project? Select all that

a. Document initial expectations of the project.

b. Let the stakeholders know how changes impact the budget and schedule.
c. Limit communication outside the team once the project begins.
d. Clearly identify any project changes. abd
Which of the following is necessary to be an effective project manager?

a. You must have been in the project's industry for at least two years.
b. You must know all of the technical details of a project before starting.
c. You must trust team members on the technical aspects of a project.
d. You must have a college degree in management. c
Suppose that as a project manager, you provide detailed plans and frequent project updates to
both the team and stakeholders. What project management value does this represent?

a. Optimism
b. Effective communication
c. Delegation
d. Prioritization b
When budgeting a project, what is the responsibility of a project manager?

a. Using a productivity tool to share information across the team

b. Creating a schedule so team members know when their task should be complete
c. Controlling costs to ensure more money isn't spent than what key stakeholders approved
d. Setting a period of time for a team member to complete an activity c
As a project manager, you learn that a teammate will be out sick for at least a week. They will be
unable to complete their tasks, potentially causing the project to go past its deadline. Which work
reallocation strategy can keep the project on schedule?

a. Review the out-sick teammate's tasks to determine which tasks have "float" and figure out
where the order of tasks can be changed or resources can be juggled.
b. Have teammates work longer hours to get their tasks done and then do the out-sick teammate's
c. Distribute all of the out-sick teammate's tasks evenly among team members.
d. Get leadership to approve overtime so the teammate can catch up on work when they return.
As a project manager, you establish "escalation paths ." These allow you to quickly communicate
task hindrances, also called roadblocks, to the right people. When escalating a roadblock, you
document it and make sure everyone that needs to know is aware of the challenge. What project
management responsibility does this represent?
a. Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.
b. Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
c. Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.
d. Collaborate with other teams at the organization. c
Suppose you are trying to figure out how a team member prefers to receive positive recognition.
Which interpersonal skill can you use to make this determination ?

a. Work ethic
b. Conflict mediation
c. Negotiation
d. Understanding motivations d
You're a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you enable your
teammates to make decisions?

a. Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid their input until product launch.
b. Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product.
c. Require teammates to include stakeholders during brainstorming sessions.
d. Keep the task schedule vague and allow flexibility on deadlines. b
As a project manager, you learn that the stakeholders are changing the nature of the project and
the team's deliverables will change as a result. You aren't sure how this will affect the team's
tasks. How will you handle this ambiguity and deliver the news to the team?

a. Tell them the vague updates from stakeholders so they know all the information that you do
b. Tell them there's nothing you can do because the stakeholders fund the project
c. Tell them you're upset with the changes and you didn't make the decision
d. Tell them you care about the challenges they are facing and are there to support them d
As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to build a great team. Which of the
following would a project manager do to build a great team? Select all that apply.

a. Allow the team members to have input and ask questions.

b. Understand the customer's requirements to better shape the skills needed for the team.
c. Address the team's needs whenever it's most convenient for the project manager's schedule.
d. Take the time to understand each team member's motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.
Which of the following are examples of external customers? Select all that apply.

a. Contractors
b. Team members
c. Suppliers
d. Consumers acd
To be an effective project manager, what important actions/steps should you take?

a. Confirm team members handle the documentation and organization necessary to finish the
b. Limit communication between team members so they can complete their work
c. Gain mastery over every detail of a project at all times
d. Ensure team members understand the team's objectives and their individual tasks d
Suppose that as a project manager, you speak with stakeholders to determine which tasks the
team should complete first. What project management value does this represent?

a. Optimism
b. Prioritization
c. Effective communication
d. Delegation b
Which of the following are examples of how a project manager empowers their team? Select all
that apply.

a. Allows team members to make some decisions for the project

b. Uses team members' input in project planning and execution
c. Asks team members to get approval before communicating directly with stakeholders
d. Delegates project responsibilities bd
Which of the following are examples of internal customers? Select all that apply.

a. Suppliers
b. Organizational departments
c. Team members
d. Management bcd
As a project manager, you choose the best project management methodology for your team and
ensure they adhere to it throughout the project. What project management responsibility does this

a. Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.

b. Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
c. Collaborate with other teams at the organization.
d. Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible b
What can a project manager do to recognize individuals' efforts on a team?

a. Ensure team members have the correct skill sets for each project function.
b. Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions.
c. Set up effective tools so the team can easily work together.
d. Learn what makes team members feel supported and provide positive feedback. d
You're a project manager on a team that is improving a product. When inspecting the project,
you discover a defect. What action can you take that will simultaneously communicate and
escalate the newly-found problem?

a. Have a meeting with stakeholders to make them aware of product problems.

b. Implement more functional tools so the issue doesn't occur again.
c. Ask team members about how customers interact with the product.
d. Track daily product improvement tasks of team members in a spreadsheet. a
C1W3-Which term refers to the process of initiating a project, making a plan, executing and
completing tasks, and closing a project?
a. Agile methodology
b. Project life cycle
c. Project management methodology
d. Waterfall methodology b
Why should project managers always initiate a project (phase one) before making a plan (phase

a. Because establishing your team is crucial to have in place before understanding scope, cost,
and timeline
b. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to understanding scope, cost, and timeline
c. Because determining scope, cost, and timeline is crucial to creating a budget, setting a
schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities
d. Because executing and completing tasks successfully is crucial to creating a budget, setting a
schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities c
What is the term for a set of guiding principles and processes for owning a project through its life

a. Project management methodology

b. Project life cycle
c. Waterfall methodology
d. Life cycle methodology a
Which answer best describes the Waterfall project management methodology?

a. Created in the seventies, the Waterfall methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including initiating, planning, executing, and closing.
b. Created in the eighties, the Waterfall methodology refers to being able to move quickly and
easily through a project by combining and eliminating tasks.
c. Created in the eighties, the Waterfall methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling.
d. Created in the nineties, the Waterfall methodology refers to being able to move quickly and
easily through a project by working on many tasks at once. a
As a project manager, your team is launching a new product. Each step to launch the product
includes clearly defined tasks. A task won't begin until another task ends. Also, once the project
starts, any changes to the product will be expensive. Which project management methodology is
best for this project?

a. Lean Six Sigma methodology

b. Waterfall methodology
c. Scrum methodology
d. Agile methodology b
Which project management approach includes the following phases: define, measure, analyze,
improve, control.

a. Agile methodology
b. Waterfall methodology
c. Lean Six Sigma methodology
d. Linear methodology c
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the initiation phase? Select all
that apply.

a. Get project approval

b. Determine resources needed
c. Create a budget
d. Define project goals abd
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the execution phase? Select
all that apply.

a. Manage the project's progress

b. Do the majority of the work
c. Make adjustments to the schedule, budget, and resources
d. Handle communication for the team acd
In which project plan phase does the project manager celebrate successes and release the team to
support other projects within the company?

a. Make a plan
b. Execute the project
c. Close the project
d. Initiate the project c
Which project management approach uses the 5S quality tool and implements a Kanban
scheduling system to manage production?

a. Lean
b. Waterfall
c. Scrum
d. Agile a
What are the phases of the project life cycle?

a. Initiate the project, make a plan, measure and analyze tasks, close the project
b. Initiate the project, make a plan, execute and complete tasks, close the project
c. Make a plan, initiate the project, communicate progress, close the project
d. Initiate the project, make a plan, communicate progress, close the project b
As a project manager, your team is creating a product that will require flexibility—changes are
likely to occur. Also, tasks will overlap or happen at the same time as other tasks. Which project
management methodology is the best for your project?

a. Circular methodology
b. Waterfall methodology
c. Linear methodology
d. Iterative methodology d
What is the main advantage of the Waterfall methodology over the Agile approach?
a. Waterfall takes a flexible approach, letting teams make adjustments as they go.
b. Waterfall focuses on reducing waste within an operation.
c. Waterfall has clearly defined expectations and helps teams avoid expensive changes to a
project once it has started.
d. Waterfall allows for easy reorganization of tasks as the project progresses. c
As a project manager, your team is improving one of your client's current sales conversion
processes. This is a complex project with many steps. It's also high-risk. One missed step could
cost your client significant potential revenue. Which project management methodology is best
for this project?

a. Lean Six Sigma methodology

b. Waterfall methodology
c. Linear methodology
d. Sequential methodology a
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the planning phase? Select all
that apply.

a. Create a budget
b. Get project approval
c. Set the schedule
d. Establish the team acd
In which project phase does it help to ask questions such as: "Who are the stakeholders?", "What
skills and resources will the project require?", and "What are the client's or customer's goals?"

a. Close the project

b. Execute the project
c. Make a plan
d. Initiate the project d
Which project management approach uses the 5S quality tool, the DMAIC process, and Kanban

a. Scrum
b. Waterfall
c. Lean Six Sigma
d. Agile c
Why is it important to initiate a project (phase one) before making a plan (phase two)?

a. Because understanding scope, cost, and timeline is crucial to creating a budget, setting a
schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities
b. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to understanding scope, cost, and timeline
c. Because executing and completing tasks is crucial to understanding scope, cost, and timeline
d. Because establishing your team is crucial to have in place before understanding scope, cost,
and timeline a
The Lean Six Sigma approach includes which of the following phases?
a. Measure, define, apply, improve, control
b. Impact, measure, define, control, analyze
c. Define, measure, analyze, improve, control
d. Connect, control, impact, apply, analyze c
Fill in the blank: Before moving into the planning phase, a project manager needs to receive
_____ from the decision maker(s).

a. budgetary funds
b. a project schedule
c. project approval
d. resources c
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the closing phase? Select all
that apply.

a. Complete the project proposal

b. Ensure all tasks are complete
c. Confirm acceptance of the project outcome
d. Reflect on lessons learned bcd
Which of the following are phases of the project life cycle? Select all that apply.

a. Initiate the project

b. Close the project
c. Execute and complete tasks
d. Improve and control abc
Choose the best definition for a project management methodology.

a. A project management methodology is a set of guiding laws and measures for owning a
project through its life cycle.
b. A project management methodology is a set of guiding tasks and measurements for owning a
project through its life cycle.
c. A project management methodology is a set of guiding principles and processes for owning a
project through its life cycle.
d. A project management methodology is a set of guiding ethical values for operating a project
through its life cycle. c
What is the main advantage of the Agile approach over the Waterfall methodology?

a. Agile allows the project manager to make centralized decisions and assign tasks.
b. Agile takes a flexible approach, letting teams make adjustments as they go.
c. Agile focuses on reducing waste within an operation.
d. Agile has clearly defined expectations and helps teams avoid expensive changes to a project
once it has started. b
Which project management methodology is organized in sequential phases (including initiating,
planning, executing, and closing)?

a. Agile methodology
b. Lean Six Sigma methodology
c. DMAIC methodology
d. Waterfall methodology d
Which project management approach is an Agile framework that delivers products through an
iterative process?

a. Six Sigma
b. Waterfall
c. Scrum
d. Lean d
When closing a project, in what meeting does the team reflect on what went well and didn't go
well in the project?

a. Agile perspective
b. Stakeholder acceptance
c. Retrospective
d. Positives and negative c
Why should project managers always make a plan (phase two) before executing and completing
tasks (phase three)?

a. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to executing and completing tasks
b. Because executing and completing tasks is crucial to understanding scope, cost, and timeline
c. Because executing and completing tasks is crucial to creating a budget, setting a schedule, and
determining roles and responsibilities
d. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to developing the project charter a
C1W4-Define organizational structure.

a. How a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how members of
the organization relate to one another
b. How a company defines its values, how it retains employees, and how teams maintain
c. How a company's corporate governance functions, how it prioritizes clear and sustainable
goals, and how it implements changes
d. How a company sets budgets, documents expenses, and tracks income a
Which answer best describes a Classic organizational structure?

a. It refers to how a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how
members of the organization relate to one another.
b. It involves reporting to stakeholders across teams in addition to direct managers.
c. It refers to the traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command.
d. It allows for easy communication among project teams that sit across different functions.
How does a company's organizational structure impact project management?
a. It affects the project manager's authority and the success of change management.
b. It affects the success of change management and the availability of resources.
c. It affects the project manager's authority and the availability of resources.
d. It affects the project's success rate and a team's ability to improve. c
Which of the following concepts are part of organizational culture? Select all that apply.

a. A company's stock price

b. A company's mission
c. A company's shared values
d. A company's history bcd
Why should project managers learn about organizational culture? Select all that apply.

a. So they can demonstrate how a project supports the company's mission and values
b. So they can communicate more effectively with teams
c. So they can manage change effectively
d. So they can assign the right number of people to a project abc
As a project manager, your team created a more efficient reporting dashboard. Now, you're
trying to get the organization to accept and adopt the new dashboard. What organizational
process does this situation represent?

a. Change management
b. Change adoptance
c. Project management
d. Project governance a
What can a project manager do to manage changes effectively and encourage project adoption?
Select all that apply.

a. Avoid having team members as advocates because they may be too enthusiastic about the
b. Create a sense of ownership and urgency around the project
c. Encourage supervisors to use their authority to force employee adoption
d. Communicate clearly by being transparent and upfront with their ideas bd
Fill in the blank: A project manager becomes a _____ at a company—someone who helps an
organization transform by focusing on organizational effectiveness.

a. contrarian
b. traditionalist
c. change agent
d. competitor c
As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. You do this
by ensuring stakeholders are aware of the upcoming changes. You introduce the deliverable to
stakeholders by hosting a demonstration and a question and answer forum. These actions
represent which change management best practice?

a. Follow a consistent process

b. Use tools
c. Be proactive
d. Practice empathy c
Fill in the blank: Project governance covers _____.

a. phases such as the initiating, planning, executing, and closing of a project

b. decisions such as policies, regulations, functions, processes, and procedures
c. documents such as the project charter, project proposal, RACI chart, and project
communication plan
d. roles such as sponsor, stakeholder, project manager, client, and team members b
Which of the following refers to how a company arranges its employee hierarchy, divides and
coordinates job tasks, and enables members of the organization to relate to one another?

a. Organizational structure
b. Authoritative structure
c. Project Management Office (PMO)
d. Matrix organizational structure a
Which answer best describes a Matrix organizational structure?

a. It follows a traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command.

b. It has a linear reporting, which is similar to the structure of a military branch.
c. It includes an internal group that defines and maintains project management standards across
the organization.
d. It involves reporting to stakeholders across teams in addition to direct managers. d
As a project manager, you believe limited access to the necessary people and equipment could
cause the project to go past deadline. Which organizational topic could you discuss with your
key stakeholder to get the project back on track?

a. Stakeholder availability
b. Meeting availability
c. Report availability
d. Resource availability d
How can project managers navigate organizational culture while working on projects? Select all
that apply.

a. By understanding their impact

b. By creating a Project Management Office (PMO)
c. By asking questions
d. By making observations acd
How can project managers ensure plan visibility for stakeholders? Select all that apply.

a. Create a risk register

b. Keep documents in a centralized location
c. Assign tasks to specific team members
d. Manage document permissions to give access to relevant information bd
Which of the following statements is true of the change management process? Select all that

a. It requires effective communication from the project manager.

b. It is the sole responsibility of the project manager.
c. It follows Waterfall methodology principles.
d. It includes the successful delivery and adoption of a completed project. ad
What tools can a project manager incorporate to assist in project adoption? Select all that apply.

a. Culture mapping to illustrate how the company's values, norms, and employees behavior may
be affected by the project
b. Flowcharts to illustrate the project's development process
c. Reporting charts to show the relationships among people and groups within the organization
d. Feedback mechanisms, such as surveys, to capture stakeholder input abd
As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. You do this
by establishing a change management process early in the project. You also adopt portions of the
company's change management plan so that it aligns with your project. These actions represent
which change management best practice?

a. Follow a consistent process

b. Practice empathy
c. Use tools
d. Communicate about upcoming changes a
What action should a project manager take to ensure effective project governance?

a. Treat project governance as separate from corporate governance.

b. Prioritize governance trends over the organization's specific needs.
c. Elicit the input of senior stakeholders since they are decision makers.
d. Take on projects without sufficient resources to push the team beyond their perceived
capabilities. c
Which of the following accurately describe how organizational structure impacts project
management? Select all that apply.

a. It affects the client's criteria for success.

b. It affects the project manager's level of authority and their ability to make decisions that
impact the larger organization.
c. It affects the availability of resources that can be devoted to a project.
d. It affects the client's project satisfaction. bc
In business, what is the management framework within which decisions are made and
accountability is determined?

a. Change management
b. Governance
c. Agile
d. Organizational culture b
Which of the following best describes organizational structure?
a. How members of the organization relate to and interact with one another
b. How changes are implemented within the organization
c. How the organization's identity and personality is demonstrated
d. How leadership creates operational processes within the organization a
Which of the following refers to an internal group that defines and maintains project standards
across the organization?

a. Classic organizational structure

b. Project Management Office (PMO)
c. Project Planning Office (PPO)
d. Matrix organizational structure b
Which of the following refers to a company's shared values, mission, and history?

a. Project Management Office (PMO)

b. Change management
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational structure c
Which term refers to the delivery of a completed project and its successful adoption by an

a. Project management
b. Project governance
c. Change management
d. Change governancec
As someone interviewing for a project management role, you ask questions about how team
members provide feedback, how the company celebrates success, and expectations of risk-
taking. Which part of a company's culture do these questions help you learn more about?

a. Atmosphere
b. Processes
c. Policies
d. Vision a
Define organizational culture.

a. A company's structure, hierarchy, and goals

b. A company's income and expenses
c. A company's schedule and plans
d. A company's shared values, mission, and history d
What questions can project managers ask themselves in order to help manage change
effectively? Select all that apply.

a. Which influencers in the organization can affect the change?

b. What are the best means of communication to convey the change?
c. Which leaders shouldn't be informed of the change?
d. How will the organization react to change? abd
Which questions can help project managers learn about a company's organizational culture?
Select all that apply.

a. Which style of project management does the company use?

b. What day was the organization founded?
c. How do employees prefer to communicate?
d. How much revenue did the organization earn last year? ac
As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. To prepare
for the adoption of your recommended changes and to gather information, you incorporate
surveys, flowcharts, and culture mapping. These actions represent which change management
best practice?

a. Practice empathy
b. Consider the trends
c. Follow a consistent process
d. Use tools d
Which answer best describes the Agile project management methodology?

a. Created in the seventies, the Agile methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including initiating, planning, executing, and closing.
b. Created in the eighties, the Agile methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling.
c. Created in the eighties, the Agile methodology refers to being able to move quickly and easily
through a project by combining and eliminating tasks.
d. Created in the nineties, the Agile methodology refers to being able to move quickly and easily
through a project by working on many tasks at once.d
In which project phase does the project manager break down barriers for teammates and address
weaknesses in task processes?

a. Close the project

b. Execute the project
c. Make a plan
d. Initiate the project b
C2W1-Why is it important to initiate a project? Select all that apply.

a. Help the project manager establish a good reputation

b. Determine if the project's benefits outweigh the costs
c. Solidify the scope of a project
d. Provide a strong foundation and set the stage for success cbd
A project charter adds value to projects in what three ways?

a. Includes a plan to mitigate potential risks

b. Sets up a framework for what project work the team needs to do
c. Helps project managers communicate project details to others
d. Allows project managers to get organized bcd
Fill in the blank: _____ are the first thing a project manager needs to consider during the
initiation phase.

a. Goals
b. Resources
c. Planning
d. Success criteria a
Why is it important to perform a cost-benefit analysis during the initiation phase? Select all that

a. To compare the project benefits to the costs

b. To set up a framework for what project work the team needs to do
c. To add up the expected value, or benefits, of a project
d. To outline project goals and how to accomplish them ac
What are the key components of project initiation?

a. Goals, scope, planning, documentation, success criteria, and resources

b. Findings, scope, deliverables, monitoring progress, stakeholders, and resources
c. Goals, scope, deliverables, success criteria, stakeholders, and resources
d. Findings, scope, planning, deliverables, success criteria, and resources c
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with
stakeholders to set an overarching framework of what is and is not included in the project
statement of work and deliverables. Which project initiation component are you trying to

a. Success criteria
b. Scope
c. Resources
d. Project charte b
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with the owners
to discuss what outcomes they'd like to ultimately achieve with the project. Which project
initiation component are you trying to determine?

a. Resources
b. Budget
c. Scope
d. Goals d
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with
stakeholders to decide how to measure project success. Which project initiation component are
you trying to determine?

a. Goals
b. Resources
c. Scope
d. Success criteria d
Imagine that the main supplier for a construction project runs out of steel girders and needs to
obtain more to complete the order. Which key component of project initiation does this scenario

a. Goals
b. Scope
c. Deliverables
d. Resources d
Fill in the blank: Project initiation includes determining resources, documenting key
components, and _____.

a. solidifying scope
b. finalizing budgets
c. onboarding the team
d. establishing a schedule a
What term refers to the budget, people, materials, and other items necessary to complete a

a. Success criteria
b. Scope
c. Deliverables
d. Resources d
What is the purpose of a project charter?

a. Defines the project and its goals and outline what is needed to accomplish them
b. Establishes communication channels and record preferred methods
c. Determines project roles and assign associated tasks
d. Outlines how to mitigate potential risks a
Which of the following could be considered intangible benefits? Select all that apply.

a. Brand perception
b. Customer satisfaction
c. Income earned
d. Employee satisfaction abd
You expect that a project will bring in $15,000 USD in revenue per year. You estimate it will
cost $10,000 up front. You also estimate costs of $100 per month for the first 12 months, which
equals $1,200 per year. Using the formula (G-C) ÷ C = ROI, how would you calculate the
project's return on investment (ROI) after the first 12 months?

a. (11,200 - 10,000) ÷ 15,000 = 8%

b. (15,000 - 11,200) ÷ 11,200 = 34%
c. (15,000 - 11,200) ÷ 15,000 = 25%
d. (15,000 - 10,000) ÷ 11,200 = 45% b
Consider the following scenario:
The Director of Product requests a project cost reduction of 25%. However, they also state that
the product's final result needs to look and function as originally agreed with no additions to
project workload.
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?

a. Change the project goal

b. Change the team
c. Change the timeline
d. Change the project scope c
Consider the following scenario:

The Director of Product requests the project manager to add a new product feature. However,
they also state that the team cannot push back the project delivery date.
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?

a. Change the project goal

b. Change the team
c. Change the timeline
d. Change the budget d
Fill in the blank: A cost-benefit analysis weighs the potential value of a project against money,
resources, and _____ required.

a. competitors
b. time
c. policies
d. expectationsb
When calculating a cost-benefit analysis for a project, what do you call gains that are not

a. Ongoing costs
b. Yearly profits
c. Quarterly income
d. Intangible benefits d
What are two potential consequences of a project manager failing to properly initiate a project?

a. External risks can affect project success.

b. New dependencies can arise.
c. Resources can be underestimated.
d. Stakeholders might not agree on what success looks like. cd
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a document that defines project goals and outlines what is needed to
accomplish them.

a. project charter
b. risk analysis
c. cost-benefit analysis
d. project schedule a
Fill in the blank: _____ are gains that are not quantifiable.

a. Yearly profits
b. Ongoing costs
c. Intangible benefits
d. Quarterly income c
You expect that a project will bring in $25,000 USD in revenue per year. You estimate it will
cost $12,000 up front. You also estimate costs of $200 per month for the first 12 months, which
equals $2,400 per year. Using the formula (G-C) ÷ C = ROI, how would you calculate the
project's return on investment (ROI) after the first 12 months?

a. (25,000 - 14,400) ÷ 12,000 = 88%

b. (25,000 - 12,000) ÷ 14,400 = 90%
c. (25,000 - 14,400) ÷ 14,400 = 74%
d. (25,000 - 12,000) ÷ 12,000 = 108% c
C2W2-As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team.
During the process, you create goals that are a little challenging, but also encourage growth. In
this instance, which SMART criteria are you using?

a. Measurable
b. Time-bound
c. Relevant
d. Attainable
e. Specific d
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you ask yourself if your team can misinterpret a goal. Which SMART criteria does this
question represent?

a. Attainable
b. Measurable
c. Specific
d. Relevant
e. Time-bound c
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you ask yourself if a goal is aligned to the organization or the company's goals. Which
SMART criteria does this question represent?

a. Relevant
b. Specific
c. Time-bound
d. Attainable
e. Measurable a
Which of the following demonstrates a project manager keeping the project in scope? Select all
that apply.
a. The key stakeholder has had to meet with the project manager several times to define the
project scope. The project manager is delaying meetings and is unclear about project tasks.
b. The key stakeholder meets with the project manager to set the scope and deliverable
agreements in writing. The project manager keeps the key stakeholder informed while
communicating with project team members.
c. The key stakeholder and the project manager clearly define the project scope in the initial
planning stage. The project manager documents all the details to be referred to throughout the
project life cycle.
d. The key stakeholder clearly states the project needs to be completed in six months and must
stay within scope. The project manager has not been able to keep the project on schedule and has
yet to inform the key st bc
Fill in the blank: Deliverables help project managers, team members, and stakeholders _____
and realize the impact of the project.

a. quantify
b. compare
c. rank
d. adjust a
Suppose that you're starting as a project manager for a new client. What three strategies can you
use to decrease the likelihood of scope creep and make the project a success?

a. Set ground rules and expectations for client involvement once the project begins.
b. Keep complicated documents from the client because you don't want to confuse them.
c. Ask for constructive criticism on the initial product proposal.
d. Show the client the details of what you're going to create and how much it will cost. acd
The objective for a car company is to launch a new series of cars. Which three of the following
could be examples of key results?

a. Create a best-in-class midsize sedan.

b. Improve the customer satisfaction survey score by 15%.
c. Distribute 98% of the product on time to dealerships.
d. Meet production deadlines 95% of the time. bcd
Which of the following scenarios best represents a project that is going out-of-scope?

a. The manufacturer of one of the project deliverables just lost power after a large storm. They
don't expect to be in production for one week, delaying the project timeline.
b. During the project weekly meeting, the project manager learns the main vendor will increase
the cost of raw materials by 20% due to an international shortage.
c. During the project weekly meeting, the project sponsor adds a new deliverable requirement
that costs $10,000 USD. This addition surpasses the budget by $5,000 USD.
d. The deliverable to present your project's pre-launch event at a three-day, in-person conference
is now an online conference. The switch reduces the costs associated with event space, travel,
and people resource time. c
Which of the following scenarios best represents project launch?
a. The client agrees to the initial timeline and budget.
b. The project manager works with stakeholders to develop project goals and deliverables.
c. The website development team researches a specific audience through sales data analysis.
d. The project team releases a new product. d
Consider this Office Green scenario: A member of the marketing team suggests allowing
customers to choose from an additional three plant colors.
What can help prevent project scope creep in this scenario? Select all that apply.

a. Get clarity on project requirements.

b. Go along with the member's suggestion.
c. Make project plans visible.
d. Create a plan for dealing with out-of-scope requests. acd
What is part of a project launch?

a. Defining and managing the project scope.

b. Presenting the final deliverable to the client.
c. Measuring the success of the project.
d. Budgeting the deliverables for success. b
Consider the following scenario:

A new company project isn't going well. The company hires outside evaluators to review the
project. The evaluators tell the company that its plan has too many delays and that the company
won't be able to complete the project on time. They also identify one issue causing a delay is the
company and the investors (stakeholders) have different expectations of what the completed
project should be.

What step could the company have taken to avoid scope creep?

a. Make the investors adopt the company's project expectations.

b. Have stakeholder involvement before the project begins.
c. Hire a different organization to review the project.
d. Require more detailed bids from the evaluators in writing. b
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager reviews documentation for the project, including the statement of work and
RACI chart. The project manager closes the vendor contract, submits all payments, and retrieves
all final deliverables from contracted workers. They send an email communication to ensure all
stakeholders are aware that the project is ending. Finally, the project manager finishes up the
project by gathering final feedback and conducting closing surveys.
What step of the closing process did the project manager skip in this scenario?

a. Refer to documentation created earlier in the project

b. Put together closing documentation, such as creating closeout reports
c. Complete any necessary follow-up work, such as gathering data and information
d. Conduct administrative closure of the procurement process b
Fill in the blank: The goal of a project helps to determine the _____.
a. culture
b. presentation
c. deliverables
d. stakeholders c
Once a team launches a project, there's still work to be done. Which of the following scenarios
would occur in the landing phase? Select all that apply.

a. Decide how to deliver an organization-wide announcement and campaign for the project.
b. Gather the project team to discuss what they learned during the project and how to improve
the process.
c. Work with stakeholders on the prioritization and documentation before building a new
d. Check that forms and processes are collecting the necessary data to evaluate project success.
Consider the following scenario:

The Director of Product requests that the project manager do what they can to finish the project
early. However, the Director also states that they cannot spend any additional funds.

Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?

a. Change the project goal

b. Change the budget
c. Change the team
d. Change the project scope d
Which of the following indicate whether a project manager accomplishes what they set out to

a. Accuracy standard
b. Success criteria
c. Deviation criteria
d. Launch standard b
What's a main difference between the adoption and engagement metrics?

a. Adoption is generally a one-time occurrence. Engagement is ongoing.

b. Adoption requires more expensive tools. Engagement requires less expensive tools.
c. Adoption is an external metric. Engagement is an internal metric.
d. Adoption replaces a business metric. Engagement compliments other business metrics a
How will you quantify if you're landing a project at its intended goal?

a. Ask the clients if they're happy with the result

b. Send out feedback surveys to team members
c. Check if the project meets the initial success criteria
d. Solicit stakeholders for their opinions c
Suppose as a project manager you receive a request from a team member to change a process
they believe will make their work more efficient. However, you know that the change may
increase the workload for other team members and extend the project's completion date. How do
you best address this potential internal scope creep?

a. Remind the team that any process changes will change project scope and may create unknown
risks for the project.
b. Request from stakeholders an additional team member to take on the additional work.
c. Ask the team member who requested the change to take on the additional work from affected
team members.
d. Try it out as a test because the team member making the request has seniority. a
Fill in the blank: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) combine both a goal and a _______ to
determine a measurable outcome.

a. metric
b. consensus
c. vision
d. budget a
C2W3-Which of the following responsibilities typically belong to the project manager? Select all
that apply.

a. Develop the project management plan

b. Direct project work and report on progress to stakeholders
c. Control change and monitor project quality
d. Sign off on the budget abc
Which three of the following responsibilities can belong to the project sponsor?

a. Plan and organize the project.

b. Fund the project.
c. Ensure that the project delivers the agreed upon value to the business.
d. Play a key leadership role throughout the project. bcd
Which stakeholders are indirectly impacted by a project's success?

a. Secondary stakeholders
b. Key players
c. Minor players
d. Primary stakeholders a
Who uses technical and interpersonal skills to carry out day-to-day project tasks?

a. Project manager
b. Project team members
c. Secondary stakeholders
d. Project sponsor b
What is the purpose of a stakeholder analysis?

a. Meet with stakeholders to make major project decisions

b. Talk to stakeholders and learn about their interests
c. Identify stakeholders and determine their involvement in a project
d. Determine which stakeholders to exclude from a project c
Which of the following activities are steps in a stakeholder analysis? Select all that apply.

a. Assess each stakeholder's level of interest and influence

b. List the stakeholders impacted by the project
c. Assess each stakeholder's reputation and level of experience
d. Determine which stakeholders should be excluded from the project ab
Which of the following statements are true of RACI charts? Select all that apply.

a. Define project roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency

b. Assess each stakeholder's ability to participate and build necessary partnerships
c. Determine which stakeholders are responsible for which tasks
d. Record the level of risk stakeholders bring to the project ac
Which of the following is true of someone who is accountable in a RACI chart?

a. Gives feedback according to their subject matter expertise

b. Ensures the work gets completed
c. Carries out the work to complete the tasks
d. Learns about tasks when they are complete b
Who is accountable for the project, ensures that it delivers the agreed-upon value, and may also
fund the project?

a. The project sponsor

b. The client
c. The primary stakeholders
d. The project manager a
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people should be on the team, if they have the time to work on the project, and if they have a
personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when building a team?

a. Degree of stakeholder engagement

b. Likelihood of project success
c. Necessary skills for the project
d. Team member communication preferences c
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people need to be on the team, what expertise each member will need to complete their tasks,
and if they have a personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when
building a team?

a. Whether the project has a strong business case

b. Degree of stakeholder engagement
c. Team member communication preferences
d. Team member availability d
As a project manager, you're prioritizing stakeholders with a power grid. One stakeholder has
high power and low interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the

a. Meet their needs

b. Monitor
c. Manage closely
d. Show considerationa
Who is responsible for overseeing the scope, schedule, budget, and quality of a project?

a. Product lead
b. Project manager
c. Project sponsor
d. Primary stakeholders b
Which of the following people are likely to be primary stakeholders in a project? Select all that

a. The project sponsor

b. The project team
c. The project client
d. Business competitors abc
Fill in the blank: Stakeholder analysis is the process of identifying stakeholders and grouping
them by _____.

a. seniority and experience

b. talents and skills
c. interest and influence
d. availability and participation c
What is the first step in a stakeholder analysis?

a. Assess each stakeholder's ability to participate and find ways to involve them
b. Determine each stakeholder's level of interest
c. Determine each stakeholder's level of influence
d. List the stakeholders impacted by the project d
What is the main benefit of making a RACI chart?

a. Determines which stakeholders should fill which roles during a project

b. Helps set SMART goals
c. Assesses each stakeholder's ability to participate and build necessary partnerships
d. Illustrates all of the potential risks and opportunities for success a
In what two ways do RACI charts help project managers communicate effectively with

a. Map out each person's roles and responsibilities

b. Reveal which stakeholders have the greatest interest in the project
c. Eliminate confusion and overlapping work at the task level
d. Reduce the number of people who need to communicate ac
As a project manager, you're prioritizing stakeholders with a power grid. One stakeholder has
low power and high interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the

a. Manage closely
b. Meet their needs
c. Show consideration
d. Monitor c
C2W4-Fill in the blank: For small projects, project managers should typically use _____.

a. recently-created tools
b. more sophisticated tools
c. highest-rated tools
d. simple and straightforward tools d
What two questions can a project manager ask to determine a project's costs?

a. What value will the project create?

b. How will the user experience be improved?
c. What are the ongoing project costs?
d. How much time will people have to spend on the project? cd
As a project manager, you need to update your project charter with a statement about the tangible
outcome of the project. In which section of the project charter does this information go?

a. Project deliverable
b. Business case
c. Benefits
d. Project scope a
Who does the project manager need to get approval from before indicating a Go for the project?
Select all that apply.

a. Project team members

b. Project sponsor
c. Key stakeholders
d. Vendors bc
Fill in the blank: Project managers need to ensure project information is _____ through formal
documentation, such as email, a presentation, or a digital document.

a. available only to stakeholders

b. easily accessible to everyone
c. available only to team members
d. easily accessible to the public b
Email and chat are examples of what type of project management tool?

a. Progress visualization
b. Collaboration
c. Scheduling
d. Work management b
Which are examples of work management tools?

a. Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides

b. Email and chat
c. Asana, Basecamp, and Trello
d. Microsoft Word and Google Docs c
The project manager needs to plan, track, and complete work across many project phases. They
also need to visually represent the team's day-to-day tasks. Which type of tool is best for these

a. A presentation tool, such as Google Slides

b. A productivity tool, such as Microsoft Word
c. A work management software, such as Asana
d. A collaboration tool, such as emailc
Fill in the blank: As a project manager, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple's Keynote, or
Google Slides to _____.

a. share documents
b. manage budgets
c. send emails
d. create presentationsd
A spreadsheet is a versatile tool that helps a project manager to do what? Select all that apply.

a. Manage budgets
b. Communicate with teammates
c. Create timelines
d. Track tasks
e. Build charts acde
Fill in the blank: _____ are items you need to help get the project done. They are considered
project resources.

a. Meetings
b. Status updates
c. Materials
d. Reports c
When developing the project charter, who does the project manager typically work with?

a. stakeholders only
b. the customer only
c. teammates and stakeholders
d. teammates only c
Project managers use tools to accomplish which of the following activities? Select all that apply.

a. Keep stakeholders informed

b. Manage the budget
c. Carry out team-building exercises
d. Negotiate with vendors
e. Build charts and diagrams abe
At the beginning of a project, a senior organizational leader creates a document to persuade
stakeholders that a project should begin. What is the name of this document?

a. Project proposal
b. Project framework
c. Project charter
d. Project plan a
Fill in the blank: A project manager creates a project charter _____ a project proposal.

a. before
b. as an introduction to
c. at the same time as
d. afte d
In which of the following scenarios does the project manager implement documentation well?
Select all that apply.

a. The project manager shares the project timeline on a cloud-based document sharing program.
b. The key stakeholder determines they want to add a feature to the product in development. The
project manager includes this update in the project charter and communicates it to the team.
c. Because the project manager doesn't have all the project's details, they ask a current team
member to onboard the new team member.
d. A stakeholder talks with two different team members and receives conflicting information on
a vendor. They cannot find information about the vendor in the shared document drive. ab
As a project manager, you introduce a new tool to the team on Monday and tell them to be ready
to use it by Wednesday. Your team members are resistant to using it. They also report that
technical issues with the software are keeping them from completing tasks. What three steps
could you do next time to ensure a smooth transition?

a. Introduce the tool to the team earlier than on Monday.

b. Set up training for the tool before the team uses it.
c. Test the tool thoroughly before rolling it out to the team.
d. Have the team take an online training course after introducing the tool abc
Digital documents, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word, help a project manager complete
what three tasks?

a. Create agendas
b. Chat efficiently with the team
c. Outline project scope and next steps
d. Track and review team processes acd
Fill in the blank: The difference between a goal and a deliverable is that the goal is the desired
outcome of the project and the deliverable is a _____ of the project.
a. tangible outcome
b. success criteria
c. SMART method
d. progress a
Which two of the following are examples of success criteria?

a. Create a new product feature that will satisfy customers.

b. Implement a training service to meet company objectives.
c. Deliver training to all appropriate teams to ensure at least 98% of the teams are using the new
d. Meet company-wide objective of $50M in revenues. cd
Which scenario demonstrates project landing?

a. The project manager considers positive feedback from the project sponsor as enough evidence
to assume success and reports the project complete.
b. The Director of Product requests to reduce the budget by 25% but the final outcome still needs
to look and function as originally agreed.
c. The car company Janco launches a new car series called the Cruiser ST. The launch is
successful and all the dealerships request more models.
d. The project manager checks back on the project in five years to see if the training program
produces a 20% increase in the county's recycling rate. d
Suppose as a project manager you're receiving requests from stakeholders to add new features to
the product you're developing. How would you deal with this external scope creep?

a. Ignore the requests because the project is already underway.

b. Agree on who can make formal requests and how your team will evaluate and act on those
c. Take a team vote to decide if the team should add the new feature to the product.
d. Implement the initial stakeholders requests and then ban all future requests. b
A project manager launches a project to streamline a local city's school bus route schedule to
reduce the amount of time students are on the bus by 30%. What scenario below demonstrates
that the project manager landed at the intended goal?

a. The project manager reviews the data in 3 months to determine if they reduced the amount of
time students spend on the bus by at least 30%.
b. The project manager surveys the team members to ask how they feel about the project success;
their feedback is reviewed and determines the next team.
c. The project manager hands over the project to the client with all of the plans and documents
and considers the project a success.
d. The project manager completes the research and development required for the plan and adds
another county to compare success rates for the project. a
Does the project sponsor fund the project?

a. Yes. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role, which always includes funding the
b. No. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role but does not fund the project.
c. Sometimes. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role, which sometimes includes
funding the project. c
Which of the following are typical responsibilities of project team members? Select all that

a. Take on multiple project tasks

b. Carry out day-to-day project tasks
c. Provide technical expertise
d. Initiate the project abc
How does stakeholder analysis benefit a project? Select all that apply.

a. Gets the right people involved at the right time

b. Builds partnerships necessary for project success
c. Lowers project costs
d. Helps the project team avoid surprises abd
What does the acronym RACI stand for?

a. Responsible, Appeased, Consulted, Interested

b. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
c. Responsible, Accountable, Considered, Interested
d. Responsible, Accountable, Considered, Informed b
Which stakeholders benefit directly (not indirectly) from a project's success? Select all that

a. Secondary stakeholders
b. Key players
c. Minor players
d. Primary stakeholders bd
Which term refers to identifying stakeholders and grouping them by interest and influence?

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Stakeholder monitoring
c. Stakeholder buy-in
d. Steering committee meeting a
Which three of the following situations can lead to role confusion on a project?

a. When workloads are unbalanced

b. When team members perform overlapping work
c. When only one person is designated as accountable
d. When ownership of decisions is unclear abd
A project manager needs a tool to assign tasks and help visualize the team's task progress. Which
tool type should they choose?

a. Chat
b. Email
c. Shared documents
d. Work management d
Fill in the blank: Project managers use tools to manage _____, which typically include the
project's budget, people, and materials.

a. project charters
b. project resources
c. project proposals
d. project timelines b
Which of the following best describes what a living document means?

a. A document that evolves as the project progresses

b. A document that is updated from project to project
c. A digital document stored in the cloud
d. A document that has been shared with the team a
The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to
review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the
project sponsor's request?

a. Scheduling software
b. Visualization cards
c. Chat
d. Spreadsheets d
Collaboration tools allow teammates to do what two tasks?

a. Check in with each other efficiently

b. Comment on topics related to the project
c. Demonstrate an overview of the project
d. Visualize the team's progress ab
Fill in the blank: Since the project manager uses the project charter throughout the project, it acts
like a _____ for the project.

a. bank
b. storage unit
c. main communication channel
d. compass d
Fill in the blank: If the project has a _____, then it may be worth it for the team to learn a more
sophisticated project management tool.

a. short timeline
b. large scope
c. new project sponsor
d. few deliverables b
What details should be in your project charter? Select all that apply.

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Project goals
c. Deliverables
d. Scope
e. Detailed project plan bcd
Work management tools primarily help a project manager complete what two tasks?

a. Track and visualize the team's progress

b. Quickly communicate with team members
c. Build documents, such as meeting agendas
d. Assign roles to team members ad
Why is it important for a project manager to properly document a project? Select all that apply.

a. Proper documentation ensures nothing in the project can go wrong.

b. Proper documentation can pave the way for the success of the project within the time
c. Without proper documentation the team members may receive conflicting information about
the project.
d. Proper documentation helps communicate any changes to the project's scope. bcd
Collaboration tools such as email or chat allow teams to do what tasks? Select all that apply.

a. Check in on project tasks

b. Work collectively and closely with other team members
c. Plan the budget
d. Visualize project task completion ab
C3W1-Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual
tasks and rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.

a. Goal scheduling
b. Team scheduling
c. Top-down scheduling
d. Bottom-up scheduling d
Before starting the planning phase, you complete the initiation phase. What steps do stakeholders
or the clients take during the initiation phase?

a. Stakeholders assign a project manager, determine the scope and deliverables, and select the
b. Stakeholders assign a project manager, review risk management tools, and approve the budget.
c. Stakeholders assign a project manager, select the tools to manage the project, view meeting
notes, and approve the budget.
d. Stakeholders assign a project manager, approve goals, determine the scope and deliverables,
and approve the project charter. d
During the project planning phase which of the following occur?

a. The client reviews the project plans for approval

b. The client selects which vendors work on the project.
c. The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase
d. The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan d
What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply

a. Identify and prepare for risks

b. Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.
c. Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams.
d. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals
e. Get buy-in from key members of the project team acde
Suppose that as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
give examples of tasks that you consider part of the project, and tasks you consider not part of
the project. What agenda section does this represent?

a. Background
b. Roles
c. Questions
d. Goals and scope d
Suppose as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. You accurately define what
work is and is not included in the project. What agenda item does this represent?

a. Project purpose
b. Intended outcome
c. Scope
d. Roles c
Suppose as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
present the shared project tools and documents. You also tell the team they will communicate
through a team chatroom and will receive daily email updates. What agenda item does this

a. Intended outcome
b. Collaboration
c. Scope
d. Project purpose b
Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule
that indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.

a. time
b. goals
c. scope
d. completion d
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Test the website for usability

b. Implement feedback by the designer
c. Host a check-in meeting with the team
d. Create initial mock-ups of the website abd
Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete

a. Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.

b. Balance the workload of tasks between teammates.
c. Consider teammates' familiarity with the tasks.
d. Add an assignee and due date to each task. bcd
What are two benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

a. You can assign tasks to two or more team members.

b. You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone.
c. You can get a sense of each stakeholder's workload.
d. You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks. bd
Fill in the blank: When creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager should
focus on _____ rather than actions.

a. timeline
b. stakeholder needs
c. teammate strengths
d. deliverables d
Suppose as a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional
tasks to the project. You bring your concern about this new regulation to the stakeholders for a
discussion on how to mitigate its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this
situation represent?

a. Risk management
b. Budget
c. Schedule
d. Task management a
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take.
What agenda item does this represent?

a. Roles
b. What comes next
c. Introductions
d. Background b
Suppose as a project manager, you're leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking
longer than you expect. How do you get the meeting back on track?

a. Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.
b. Tell specific team members they'll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
c. Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time.
d. Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking
limit. c
Which of the following would you consider a project milestone?
a. Web designer implements feedback
b. Web designer creates a proposal
c. Client approves website design
d. Project manager reviews mock-ups c
What are the benefits of setting milestones? Select all that apply.

a. Setting milestones helps you keep your project on track with clear deadlines for when to
complete deliverables.
b. Setting milestones encourages you to take time away from the project for new ideas.
c. Breaking down information into milestones gives you a better idea of the amount of work that
needs to be done.
d. Setting milestones helps you to figure out if you need to adjust your scope, timelines, or
resources to meet your goals. acd
C3W2-When creating a project plan, you include important points within the schedule that
indicate progress. Which project plan component does this represent?

a. Tasks
b. Milestones
c. Time
d. Relevant documentation b
What tools can a project manager use to account for issues that may cause a project delay? Select
all that apply.

a. Gantt chart
b. Sub-tasks
c. Task buffer
d. Project buffer cd
Fill in the blank: To determine the _____ of a project, list the milestones you must reach in order
to meet the project goal on schedule.

a. float time
b. capacity planning details
c. critical path
d. dependencies c
Which examples below demonstrate a project manager asking an open-ended question? Select all
that apply.

a. What are the issues I need to be aware of regarding the current project timeline?
b. What are the steps in your customer feedback review process and what factors do you include
in your report of this review?
c. Will you be able to have the transportation plan for the launch of the new truck series to
dealerships ready by next week?
d. Can you have this web design proposal completed and back to me by close of business Friday?
Tools like Gantt charts and Kanban boards help benefit team members in what three ways?
a. They can translate project contracts like the statement of work (SOW) into number and dollar
b. They can illustrate when they need to complete their individual tasks.
c. They provide clear context about work project details.
d. They can demonstrate how their individual tasks connect to other tasks in the project. bcd
As a project manager, you're the main supporter of your project plan. You explain to teammates
why it benefits them to stay on top of the plan. You hope that this persuades the team to support
the plan and update it regularly. What project plan best practice does this represent?

a. Giving yourself time to plan

b. Staying curious
c. Recognizing and planning for the inevitable
d. Championing your plan d
Which of the following strategies could help a team meet a project deadline? Select all that

a. Rush through task planning

b. Increase the team size
c. Streamline tasks
d. Eliminate unnecessary tasks bcd
Fill in the blank: The _____ is the tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to
complete a task.

a. feedback fallacy
b. planning fallacy
c. anchoring bias
d. confirmation bias b
Imagine you're a project manager creating a critical path. Your stakeholders request the earliest
and latest start dates for each task. What is a strategy to make this time estimate?

a. Create a list of dependencies.

b. Use the forward pass or backward pass method.
c. Review the project goals.
d. Develop a RACI chart. b
Fill in the blank: A Kanban board utilizes cards placed in columns to _____.

a. set the timeline

b. estimate the budget
c. manage tasks
d. organize documents c
Fill in the blank: Time estimation predicts the total amount of time required to complete a task,
while the actual time it takes to complete a task _____.

a. is not relevant
b. may vary depending on overlooked potential risks
c. depends on stakeholder input
d. shouldn't change b
A project manager is leading an initiative that includes changing an organization's logo and
slogan. What mandatory tasks should be part of the critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Set a budget
b. Receive sponsor approval
c. Get employees to respond positively in a survey
d. Determine a new slogan abd
As a project manager, the project is your number one priority. However, you have team members
with competing priorities from other projects. You want to influence them to make your project
their priority. To do this, you bridge the high-level goals of the project and the day-to-day
perspective of the team. You collaborate to find an outcome that works for everyone. What
interpersonal skill did you mainly use in this scenario?

a. Ask the right questions

b. Negotiate effectively
c. Build trust
d. Practice patience b
Which of the following should you include in a project plan that are essential for project success?
Select all that apply.

a. Specifically who are completing what tasks

b. A timeline of when the team will complete the tasks
c. All project tasks
d. Links to tasks in previously successful projects abc
Which of the following strategies follow project plan best practices? Select all that apply.

a. Ask yourself if the information in your plan is clear enough for stakeholders to understand
b. Ask your team members to identify risks that will most likely occur and create plans to
prevent or mitigate those risks
c. Ask team members questions about their work to gain deeper insights into their tasks for the
d. Ask your team members daily if they are able to meet the deadlines they have for their tasks
Which of the following is a best practice when estimating the project timeline? Select all that

a. Prove competency by trying to resolve timeline concerns without input.

b. Work quickly through the planning process to get the project started.
c. Be thorough during the planning process.
d. Escalate any timeline concerns to stakeholders. cd
What is a strategy to overcome the planning fallacy?

a. Add task buffers

b. Add additional teammates
c. Increase the budget
d. Expand the project scope a
Which of the following are some steps to create a critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Make time estimates.

b. Set dependencies.
c. Create a network diagram.
d. Consult your main custome abc
Which of the following is a visual tool a project manager can use to manage tasks and

a. Kanban board
b. Stakeholder power grid
c. RACI chart
d. Project charte b
What are the benefits of a Gantt chart? Select all that apply.

a. It allows easy communication between teammates

b. It has a clear breakdown of who's responsible for what work
c. It features the start and end dates of each task
d. It's a highly visual representation of the project's tasks
e. It shows when tasks are due for a project
f. It displays comments from stakeholders bcde
When creating a critical path, what does a network diagram help visualize? Select all that apply.

a. The path of work from the start to the end of the project
b. The tasks that can be performed in parallel
c. Which non-essential tasks are not on the critical path
d. Which skilled teammate can work on each task abc
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

a. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
b. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
c. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized abc
Which of the following are relevant project documents you should link to in your project plan?
Select all that apply.

a. Daily review emails and messages between the stakeholders, project manager, and project
b. The project charter that defines the project and outlines project goal details
c. The organization chart that depicts everyone who works in the company with their contact
d. RACI charts that define roles and responsibilities for individuals on a team bd
Fill in the blank: The main difference between effort estimation and time estimation is that time
estimation includes _____.

a. marketing time
b. vendor time
c. inactive time
d. stakeholder time c
What is capacity in project management?

a. The prediction of the amount of budget to be allocated to complete the project tasks.
b. The total number of people involved in the project
c. The estimated length of time it'll take for the project team to complete project milestones
d. The amount of work that people assigned to the project can reasonably complete in a set
period of time d
What project management tool typically organizes tasks into columns with labels such as to do,
in progress, and done?

a. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

b. Gantt chart
c. RACI chart
d. Kanban board d
C3W3-When creating a budget, a project manager must do which of the following? Select all
that apply.

a. Budget for surprise expenses

b. Approve budget increases
c. Review and reforecast throughout the project
d. Understand stakeholder needs acd
As a project manager creating a budget, you're thinking about all the parts of a project from
beginning to end—making a list of every material, resource, and contract worker. What do you
call this type of budgeting?

a. Buffers and reserves

b. Top-down approach
c. Contingency
d. Bottom-up approach d
Which scenario is an example of proactive budget management?

a. While planning your project budget, you gather historical data and consult with industry
experts. b. You consider fixed costs, add relevant line items, and set aside a 5% reserve for
unexpected costs.
You're reviewing your budget and realize that it took much longer than you anticipated for a
subject matter expert to complete a task. The labor cost associated with this task is now well over
budget. You must now request a budget increase to cover the cost of the labor.
c. While planning your project budget, you decide that you don't need to add buffers for
unexpected costs. Since you've completed several projects like this one in the past and have
always come in under budget, you feel you don't need to plan for any extra cost.
d. During your project, the market experiences a shortage of a resource that's crucial for your
project's success. Because of the a
Which of the following are steps in the procurement process? Select all that apply.

a. Analyzing
b. Contract writing
c. Controlling
d. Initiating bcd
Which section of the statement of work (SoW) includes details about what the service entails and
may include major project activities?

a. Purpose
b. Scope
d. Target audience
e. Schedule overview b
"Honesty, responsibility, respect, and fairness are the values . . ." begins what type of saying of
the Project Management Institute that serves as a guide to how they do procurement and other

a. slogan
b. requirements
c. code of ethics
d. motto c
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenses.
Which type of budget expense includes costs for day-to-day tasks within a company?

a. Operating expenses (OPEX)

b. Fixed expenses
c. Reserve expenses
d. Capital expenses (CAPEX a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager review a vendor's
performance and determine if they are meeting milestones?

a. Controlling
b. Investigating
c. Completing
d. Selecting a
Which of the following accurately describes total cost of ownership (TCO)?

a. TCO only factors in upfront expenses associated with a product or service.

b. TCO is the dollar amount used to measure if a project is on track or not.
c. TCO factors in expenses associated with a product or service over its lifetime.
d. TCO is the additional room in the budget for unexpected costs. c
Which of the following statements is typically true regarding budgeting?

a. It's recommended to go either over or under budget.

b. It's important to not go under budget, but it's recommended to go over budget.
c. It's important to not go over budget, but it's recommended to go under budget.
d. It's important to not go over or under budget. d
Which scenario is an example of planned cost versus actual cost?

a. When planning your project budget, you notice that you need to advertise several job
positions. The cost to post the job descriptions to several online job boards is $300.
b. When planning your project budget, you need to factor in unexpected costs that may occur.
You decide to reserve 5% of your overall budget as a buffer.
c. When planning your project budget, you document the planned cost of labor. To do this, you
use the estimated number of hours your team needs to complete the project. As your project
progresses, you document the total hours your team works to determine the total cost of labor for
your project. This number may be different from your original cost of labor.
d. When planning your project budget, you gather historical data on costs of materials, resources,
and labor to determine how much each will cost. Once you begin procuring the c
As a project manager creating a budget, you proactively identify factors that may impact
expenses. You then take action to minimize the budgetary impact of these factors. What is this
task called?

a. Baselining the budget

b. Estimating cost
c. Cost control
d. Bottom-up approach c
As a project manager, you research and source for a specific service. You then have to manage
that relationship. This is known as what type of procurement?

a. Performance management
b. Cost management
c. Budget management
d. Vendor management d
A document that keeps confidential information within the organization is known as what?

a. Statement of work (SoW)

b. Scope of work (SoW)
c. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
d. Request for proposal (RFP) c
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenditures.
Which type of budget expense creates a future benefit for a company?

a. Capital expenses (CAPEX)

b. Indirect expenses
c. Operating expenses (OPEX)
d. Historical expenses a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager define project resources and
make the case for obtaining them?

a. Completing
b. Selecting
c. Controlling
d. Initiating d
Which of the following factors can lead to scope creep and negatively affect the budget? Select
all that apply.

a. A vague Statement of Work (SoW)

b. Last-minute asks from priority stakeholders
c. Agreements about the project that aren't officially documented
d. Attainable timeframes and deadlines abc
As a project manager, you review your budget and notice one vendor is costing more than
anticipated. You shift funds and recalibrate the budget to offset this increased vendor cost. What
is the budgeting term for this task?

a. Setting the baseline

b. Contingency budgeting
c. Reserve analysis
d. Reforecasting d
Which of the following is an example of using historical data to develop your project budget?

a. Reviewing past projects that are similar to yours to get an idea of what your budget could
b. Reaching out to project managers who worked on past projects at the company
c. Thinking about all the parts of your project from the beginning to the end and adding the costs
d. Getting quotes from potential vendors a
Which of the following is an engagement metric?

a. Double the amount of initial orders.

b. Number of new customer sign-ups for a subscription.
c. A 20% increase of participation time within an app.
d. A 35% increase of first-time customers. c
As a project manager, you're seeking a procurement approach that outlines clear workstreams,
hard deadlines, and financially protects your project against unforeseen circumstances. Which
procurement approach should you choose?

a. Protectionist
b. Agile
c. Traditional
d. Robust c
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?
a. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.
b. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
c. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount.
d. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier. a
Fill in the blank: A project manager needs to alter their budget after making changes to the
project schedule and costs. This is necessary in order to _____.

a. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of costs

b. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of tasks
c. baseline the budget to track project progress of reserves
d. baseline the budget to track project progress of costs a
Which three costs are examples of resource cost rates?

a. The cost of materials when building a house

b. The cost of software to help manage a project
c. The cost of a task buffer
d. The cost of labor for a project team abd
As a project manager, the project sponsor gives you cost estimates with a set amount of money to
spend. What challenge for effective budgeting does this represent?

a. Insufficient cash flow

b. Pre-allocated budget
c. Lack of historical data
d. Scope creep b
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager check a vendor's reputation
for delivering quality work, and make a site visit?

a. Controlling
b. Completing
c. Selecting
d. Introducing c
When budgeting a project, you should consider additional expenses such as warranties, supplies,
add-ons, and upgrades. Which budgeting term refers to this concept?

a. Bottom-up approach
b. Total cost of ownership
c. Baseline your project
d. Top-down approach b
Fill in the blank: In project management, the budget is considered a _____—it is a success

a. procurement
b. reserve
c. deliverable
d. dependency c
Fill in the blank: Typically, a project manager organizes a budget by _____. Then, the project
manager lists tasks alongside each task's associated costs.

a. tools
b. teammates
c. dependencies
d. milestones d
Which of the following may impact ethics in procurement? Select all that apply.

a. Bribery or corruption
b. Interaction with state-owned entities
c. Sole-supplier sourcing
d. Union contract negotiations abc
After receiving multiple bids for your project, you select a vendor you'd like to work with.
You're ready to start the contracting process. Which procurement document do you fill out and
send the vendor?

a. Statement of work (SoW)

b. Scope of work (SoW)
c. Request for proposal (RFP)
d. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) a
C3W4-Fill in the blank: The process of identifying and evaluating potential risks and issues that
could impact a project is known as _____.

a. risk identification
b. risk mitigation
c. risk analysis
d. risk management d
When should project managers engage in risk management?

a. Regularly throughout the project

b. At the beginning of the project
c. Towards the end of the project
d. Shortly after the project begins a
As a project manager you are practicing risk management. You have already defined potential
risks, determined their likelihood, and prioritized them. Now, you're making a plan to address
and manage each risk. This represents which risk management step?

a. Analyze risks
b. Treat risks
c. Identify risks
d. Monitor and control risks b
Which of the following are steps involved in creating a fishbone (or cause-and-effect) diagram?
Select all that apply.

a. Mitigate causes
b. Identify categories
c. Define the problem
d. Analyze the causes bcd
Which of the following is a tool used to assess and prioritize project risks?

a. Fishbone diagram
b. Power grid
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Cause-and-effect diagram c
Which of the following risk types most commonly impact projects? Select all that apply.

a. Time risks
b. Scope risks
c. Inherent risks
d. Budget risks abd
What does a risk management plan typically contain? Select all that apply.

a. Probability estimates for each risk

b. A mitigation plan for each risk
c. An executive summary
d. A competitor analysis for each risk abc
Why should project managers communicate risks clearly to key stakeholders? Select all that

a. To get them to provide additional teammates, if necessary

b. To deflect blame on project issues, if necessary
c. To increase trust in the relationship
d. To convince them to provide an increase in budget, if necessary acd
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot start until Task A has
started. Which type of dependency does this situation represent?

a. Finish to Start (FS)

b. Finish to Finish (FF)
c. Start to Start (SS)
d. Start to Finish (SF) c
Which steps should be taken when updating a risk management plan? Select all that apply.

a. Remove risks that are no longer relevant.

b. Include any changes in the mitigation plans.
c. Move the plan to a confidential folder.
d. Add newly-identified risks.abd
Failing to engage in risk management for your project can have which two of the following

a. You will not be able to use the appropriate tools

b. You will not be able to establish necessary vendor relationships
c. You will not be able to meet project timelines and goals
d. You will not be able to make necessary adjustments to the project plan cd
When working through the risk management life cycle, what's the main goal when evaluating a

a. Controlling risks
b. Prioritizing risks
c. Treating risks
d. Identifying risks b
Which of the following tools can project managers use to brainstorm the potential causes of

a. Risk register
b. Project charter
c. Stakeholder map
d. Fishbone diagram d
Fill in the blank: Once an organization has explored the inherent risks of a project, its willingness
to accept the possible outcomes of those risks is known as _____.

a. risk assumption
b. risk register
c. risk analysis
d. risk appetited
Imagine that your company is considering using a vendor. The vendor makes quality products,
but you have learned they have a reputation for shipping delays. Ultimately, you decide to use a
different vendor. Which risk mitigation strategy did you use?

a. Control the risk

b. Avoid the risk
c. Reduce the risk
d. Accept the risk b
Which of the following is the best way to communicate a high-level risk to stakeholders?

a. Plan to present the risks and your mitigation plans at the next monthly meeting.
b. Describe the risks in a weekly planning email and briefly explain your plan to mitigate them.
c. Describe the risks and your mitigation plan to stakeholders the next time you see them in
d. Meet with stakeholders in person to present serious risks and your plans to mitigate them.
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot start until Task A is
complete. Which type of dependency does this situation represent?

a. Finish to Finish (FF)

b. Start to Finish (SF)
c. Finish to Start (FS)
d. Start to Start (SS) c
Which of the following best describes the executive summary in the risk management plan?

a. Description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan

b. Information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
c. Charts such as the impact chart, probability chart, and the probability and impact matrix
d. Introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks d
Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a known and real problem that can affect a team's ability to
complete a task.

a. issue
b. risk
c. drawback
d. threat b
Choose the best definition for inherent risk as it relates to project management.

a. The measure of a risk, calculated by its difficulty and frequency

b. The measure of a risk, calculated by its causes and circumstances
c. The measure of a risk, calculated by its probability and impact
d. The measure of a risk, calculated by its timing and dependencie c
What are the most common types of risk that can impact projects?

a. Budget risks, scope risks, and internal risks

b. Time risks, budget risks, and scope risks
c. Budget risks, internal risks, and external risks
d. Time risks, budget risks, and external risks b
Fill in the blank: The four common ways to mitigate risk include _____.

a. avoid it, accept it, reduce or control it, and transfer it

b. avoid it, accept it, disregard it, and transfer it
c. accept it, ignore it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
d. accept it, disregard it, reduce or control it, and transfer it a
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot finish until Task A is
complete—the tasks operate at the same time. Which type of dependency does this situation

a. Start to Start (SS)

b. Start to Finish (SF)
c. Finish to Start (FS)
d. Finish to Finish (FF) b
Which of the following best describes the risk register in the risk management plan?

a. A risk assessment technique such as the probability and impact matrix

b. An introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks
c. A description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan
d. A list of general information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date b
Which of the following are examples of external risk? Select all that apply.
a. A change in regulatory requirements
b. A project vendor goes out of business
c. A breakdown in communication among team members
d. A deliverable takes longer than anticipated to complete ab
Identify the steps involved in creating and utilizing a fishbone (or cause-and-effect) diagram.

a. Define the problem, identify risks, mitigate causes, and analyze the causes
b. Define the problem, identify risks, brainstorm causes, and monitor feedback
c. Define the problem, identify categories, brainstorm causes, and analyze the causes
d. Define the problem, identify categories, mitigate causes, and monitor feedback c
The risk management process can provide project managers a better understanding of what
information? Select all that apply.

a. How could the project manager mitigate the potential risk

b. When exactly the risk will occur
c. Who the project manager needs to consult about a risk
d. What could go wrong with the project acd
Fill in the blank: A potential event that can impact your project if it occurs is called a(n) _____.

a. problem
b. issue
c. delay
d. risk d
Which of the following is a recommended method to communicate a medium-level risk to

a. Present the risk and your mitigation plan during the team meeting next month.
b. In the weekly planning email, briefly describe the risk and your plan to mitigate it.
c. Call an urgent in-person meeting with stakeholders to present the risk and your plan to
mitigate it.
d. Send stakeholders a direct email that outlines the risk and includes a detailed explanation of
your mitigation plan. d
C3W5-What do project managers need to identify before creating a communication plan?

a. Recipients, communication methods, goals of communication, and barriers to communication

b. Recipients, project risks, goals of communication, and barriers to communication
c. Recipients, communication methods, project risks, and goals of communication
d. Recipients, anonymous survey questions, goals of communication, and barriers to
communication a
Which of the following is true of effective communication in project management? Select all that

a. It helps projects run on time and meet expectations

b. It is clear, relevant, and frequent
c. It does not require follow-ups
d. It continues throughout the entire project abd
Which of the following is true about Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)?

a. OKRs are mainly for team-based metrics and not for individuals.
b. OKRs are rarely used to determine a project's success criteria.
c. There are typically 2-3 objectives for every key result.
d. Adoption and engagement are often used as metrics to measure results. d
What details does a communication plan include? Select all that apply.

a. Who should communicate

b. When communication happens
c. What to communicate
d. Where the information communicated is stored
e. How long communications should be
f. Why and how to communicate
How communications should sound abcdf
As a project manager, you have a weekly video conference with stakeholders as part of your
communication plan. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Location
b. Key dates
c. Goal
d. Duration bc
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. milestones
b. department reviews
c. presentations
d. check-ins b
Project managers should create communication plans to ensure that projects can carry on in their
absence. What is the term for this best practice?

a. continuity
b. substitution
c. follow-through
d. backup c
Which two of the following communication methods are most appropriate for core project team

a. Quick virtual check-ins to answer questions

b. Department newsletters on current projects
c. Formal presentations to advertise project deliverables
d. Daily meetings to report on project progress ad
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the
a. RACI chart
b. Project charter
c. Risk register
d. Stakeholder map ad
What project management best practice includes documenting plans and making them available
to stakeholders?

a. Milestone management
b. Dependency management
c. Risk management
d. Knowledge management d
Which of the following should a project manager include in a centralized planning document,
also known as a dashboard? Select all that apply.

a. Links to any non-spreadsheet files

b. A brief project description
c. Previous project deliverables
d. Instructions for how to use the centralized planning document abd
Fill in the blank: Project managers should identify project stakeholders, communication methods,
communication goals, and communication _____ before creating a communication plan.

a. costs
b. frequency
c. risks
d. consequence b
How can you foster effective communication within your team? Select all that apply.

a. Recognize and understand individual differences

b. Obtain feedback and incorporate it going forward
c. Allow teammates to use any communication platform they prefer
d. Send identical message content to both teammates and stakeholders ab
As a project manager, you decide to hold video conferences with your core project team and
stakeholders as part of your communication plan. What two additional details should the
communication plan include?

a. Key dates
b. Resource locations
c. Duration
d. Location ab
As a project manager, part of your communication plan is to identify risks and present barriers
in-person. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Duration
b. Type of communication
c. Frequency
d. Location bcd
Why should you share your communication plan document with your team? Select all that apply.

a. Ensure you aren't missing crucial information

b. Make them aware of the plan
c. Let them offer feedback
d. Let them make changes to the planabc
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Project continuity
b. Culture development
c. Team selection
d. Change management ad
Fill in the blank: Daily meetings and quick virtual check-ins are good ways for project managers
to communicate with _____.

a. core team members

b. key stakeholders
c. senior management
d. project customers a
Which of the following are best practices for concise emails? Select all that apply.

a. Write in one long paragraph to save space

b. Include as much detail about a situation as possible
c. Add a note at the top that some details may not be relevant to certain recipients
d. Lead with key points and action items cd
What document acts as a quick reference guide to help team members find files they frequently
access in one place?

a. A risk management plan

b. A project charter
c. A centralized planning document
d. A project proposal c
Which of the following communication methods is most appropriate for high-level stakeholders
who don't need detailed project updates?

a. Virtual check-in meetings to share task progress

b. Frequent status update meetings to report project issues
c. Weekly emails with team action items
d. Newsletters that summarize key milestones and project progress d
Generally, how long should the kick-off meeting last?

a. Less than 20 minutes

b. About one hour
c. Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions
d. One full work day b
Fill in the blank: After the stakeholders assign the project manager, the goals of the project have
to be approved, as well as the scope of the project and its _____.

a. vendors
b. deliverables
c. tools
d. manager b
As a project manager, you're trying to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What
steps should you take? Select all that apply.

a. Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project.
b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals.
c. Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.
d. Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project. abd
As a project manager, you're explaining to your team the difference between a milestone and a
task. How would you explain a task to the team?

a. Tasks are activities that have a flexible finish date because milestones often change.
b. Tasks are milestones that are shorter to complete.
c. Tasks are activities to finish in a set period of time that help reach a milestone.
d. Tasks are milestones with a flexible finish date. c
As a project manager, what is your first step when setting milestones?

a. Consider the needs of your stakeholders

b. Review the project as a whole
c. Have a team meeting
d. Assign deadlines b
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Project timeline
b. Overall workload
c. Task interest
d. Task novelty ab
Which of the following are important to understand in the planning phase? Select all that apply.

a. Schedules
b. Budgets
c. Customer feedback
d. Risk management abd
What four items do stakeholders need to approve before the planning phase can begin?

a. Project charter
b. Project goals
c. Project scope
d. Project deliverables
e. Project name abcd
Suppose that as a project manager you had a goal of publishing a report. Which of the following
would you consider the milestone for this goal?

a. Conduct research
b. Interview a writer
c. Complete first draft of report
d. Draft sections of the report c
Which of the following scenarios exemplify how a project manager can use interpersonal skills?
Select all that apply.

a. The timeline is set for the Office Green project. You tell the web designer on Wednesday that
you'll need a complete mock up for the site by Friday.
b. The web designer on your project tells you that they're not sure they can meet the deadline for
all the mock up pages. You ask the designer some questions about the project, such as what
amount of time they need for each page mock so you can help prioritize what is feasible.
c. The person on your team in charge of contracts now needs to split their work time with
another team. You request a meeting with that team's project manager to identify if any of their
project deliverable dates are competing with your project's timeline.
d. You're managing a project with team members who are on multiple projects. You asked the
team members to prioritize your bcd
What two steps can a project manager take to overcome the planning fallacy?

a. Increase the project's budget.

b. Expand the project's scope.
c. Consider all risks and carefully examine them.
d. Meet with teammates to uncover potential risks. bcd
As a project manager, you realize that with the current timeline, it's unlikely you will meet the
project deadline. Which of the following strategies could help you meet the deadline? Select all
that apply.

a. Revise the project schedule without stakeholder approval.

b. Eliminate any unnecessary tasks.
c. Request more resources, such as an additional team member.
d. Identify tasks that can be done in parallel. bcd
Which of the following are included in the project plan? Select all that apply.

a. Retrospectives
b. Time
c. People
d. Tasks
e. Documentation bcde
Imagine you're a project manager helping a car company with a new vehicle launch. Your project
goal is to ensure vehicle delivery to dealerships. To achieve this, you speak with stakeholders
and subject matter experts to understand the granular details of the project. This information
helps you know what steps to take to best achieve the project goal. This example includes which
project plan best practice?

a. Give yourself time to plan.

b. Recognize and plan for the inevitable.
c. Achieve buy-in from your team members for your plan.
d. Carefully understand project deliverables, milestones, and tasks. a
As a project manager practicing risk management, you've already identified the risk. Now, you're
determining the likelihood and potential impact the risk will have on your project. Which risk
management step does this represent?

a. Avoid risks
b. Treat risks
c. Analyze risks
d. Monitor and control risks c
Which four of the following should project managers identify before creating a communication

a. Communication barriers
b. Communication methods
c. Project stakeholders
d. Communication goals
e. Anonymous survey questions
f. Project risks abcd
Fill in the blank: To be effective, your team _____ need to be clear, honest, relevant, and

a. debates
b. expectations
c. documents
d. communications d
Which three of the following tools can help organize project plans and documents?

a. An overview sheet (dashboard)

b. A RACI chart
c. A centralized planning document
d. A shared file drive
e. A stakeholder map acd
What questions can project managers ask to optimize and streamline communications? Select all
that apply.

a. What is working in how we communicate with you about the project?

b. How can we improve communications with you?
c. How are you implementing the content we communicate?
d. What is not working or is not effective in our communication? abd
What is the purpose of a communication plan?
a. Centralize project documentation
b. Outline a process for knowledge management
c. Organize and document the processes, types, and expectations of communication
d. Establish roles and responsibilities for team members c
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Research group
b. Comparable group
c. Control group
d. Variable group c
What responsibilities do project managers have during the forming stage of team development?
Select all that apply.

a. Listen as the team addresses problems

b. Provide context about the project
c. Establish new team norms
d. Clarify project roles and goals bd
What are some of the main responsibilities of a Scrum Master? Select all that apply.

a. Coaching team members to use Agile and Scrum practices

b. Acts as the voice of the customer
c. Facilitates scrum events such as Sprint Retrospectives
d. Minimizes unhelpful interactions or interruptions coming from outside of the team acd
Imagine you are a project manager leading Agile adoption at an organization. Why is it
important that you find an executive sponsor to support the change? Select all that apply.

a. It guarantees an increase in the project's budget.

b. It increases your chances of successfully shifting organizational culture.
c. It helps to create a sense of ownership for the change you are creating.
d. It helps to answer your team's questions about what's working and what's not working right
now. bc
C4W1-What is project tracking?

a. A method for responding to project risks.

b. A method for assessing project successes and areas for improvement.
c. A method for following the progress of a project's activities.
d. A method for reaching agreement among stakeholders on project scope. c
What should project managers track to ensure the team meets deadlines?

a. Track stakeholder engagement to ensure they are aligned on project goals.

b. Track costs to avoid over- or under-spending on project activities.
c. Track tasks as they progress and as the project approaches key milestones.
d. Track project successes and celebrate achievements with the team. c
Fill in the blank: In the context of tracking, a(n) _____ is anything that alters a project's original
course of action, whether positive or negative.

deviation deviation#
Which tool provides an overview of a project's common elements, summarizes them as a
snapshot, and communicates project status to the team and stakeholders in a centralized place?

a. Burndown chart
b. Roadmap
c. Project status report
d. Gantt chart c
Which tool is most useful near the end of a project, when meeting deadlines is the top priority?

a. Burndown chart
b. Roadmap
c. Gantt chart
d. Probability and impact matrix a
Imagine that an aerospace company builds a new line of passenger jets. Increased raw material
costs cause the company to spend more on aluminum than planned. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?

a. Scope
b. Timeline
c. Budget c
How does a change request form differ from an escalation email?

a. Change request forms enlist leadership to manage proposed changes; escalation emails help
teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
b. Change request forms help teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next
steps; escalation emails enlist leadership to manage proposed changes
c. Change request forms enlist leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate
next steps; escalation emails help teams manage proposed changes
d. Change request forms help teams manage proposed changes; escalation emails enlist
leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps d
Imagine that a restaurant is moving to a new location and must pass a government health
inspection before it can open. What type of dependency is the inspection? Select all that apply.

a. Internal dependency
b. Discretionary dependency
c. Mandatory dependency
d. External dependency cd
What tool can project managers use to calculate risk exposure and prioritize risks using high,
medium, and low rankings?

a. ROAM technique
b. Risk register
c. Mitigation plan
d. Probability and impact matrix d
What common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue? Select all that

a. Trench wars
b. Inadequate compromises ab
Under what conditions should you send an escalation email? Select all that apply.

a. A problem inconveniences the core project team, but they resolve it themselves.
b. Key stakeholders need to sign off on a final decision.
c. A project team member identifies a potential risk that may have an impact in several months.
d. A problem leads to major changes in budget or timeline bd
How can escalation benefit a project? Select all that apply.

a. Encourages team participation

b. Makes external dependencies trackable
c. Speeds up decision-making
d. Provides checks and balances acd
Which tracking method is most useful for projects that require a granular, broken down review of
each task and where finishing on time is a top priority?

a. Burndown chart
b. Project status report
c. Gantt chart
d. Roadmap a
Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM technique?

a. Restored, organized, allocated, and managed

b. Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated
c. Resolved, owned, allocated, and mitigated
d. Restored, organized, accepted, and managed b
Which items should you track throughout the project execution phase? Select all that apply.

a. Project costs
b. Progress toward milestones
c. Action items
d. Project schedule
e. Key tasks and activities abcde
Which tracking method is best for teams with a lot of people and projects with many tasks or
milestones that are dependent on one another?

a. Roadmap
b. Gantt chart
c. Project status report
d. Burndown chart b
How does a roadmap differ from a Gantt chart?

a. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart measures time
against the amount of work completed and remaining
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a Gantt chart is
useful for large projects with many dependencies
d. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a Gantt chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. The project manager
learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. Which of the triple constraints does this change
impact the most?

a. Timeline
b. Budget
c. Scope a
Imagine that a university hires a construction company to build a new library. Before starting,
the project manager outlines the building materials the project needs. They also outline the roles
and amount of workers to hire. Which key component of project initiation does this scenario

a. Resources
b. Deliverables
c. Success criteria
d. Scope a
Imagine a home improvement chain develops a new line of power tools. One of the designers
wants to adopt a new process that will simplify the team's workflow. Which method should they
use to convey their idea to team members and stakeholders?

a. Escalation email
b. Risk register
c. Gantt chart
d. Change request form d
Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but their design team decides to
test out a new material for the doll's clothes before beginning a new batch. This test has what two
types of dependencies?

a. Internal dependency
b. External dependency
c. Mandatory dependency
d. Discretionary dependency ad
What is the process of identifying risks and issues that could impact a project, and taking steps to
address their potential effects?

a. Risk management
b. Project tracking
c. Dependency management
d. Escalation a
Which term refers to the process of enlisting leadership or management to remove an obstacle,
clarify or reinforce priorities, and validate next steps?

a. Risk exposure
b. Escalation
c. Elevation
d. Risk management b
As a project manager, you're implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You assign the
risk to a team member so they can resolve it and monitor it to completion. Which ROAM action
did you take?

a. Resolved
b. Owned
c. Accepted
d. Mitigated b
What should you do in an escalation email? Select all that apply.

a. Explain the problem.

b. State your connection to the project.
c. Make a request.
d. Be serious and assert authority abc
Which of the following steps are part of dependency management? Select all that apply.

a. Recording dependencies
b. Eliminating dependencies
c. Efficient communication
d. Continuous monitoring and control acd
Imagine that a client wants to add an auction of donated items to a fundraising event. The project
manager is currently executing the project for a dinner and short concert. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?

a. Scope
b. Timeline
c. Budget a
Imagine a project manager prepares to move a project to the execution phase. They keep a
centralized document that outlines the project timeline and each team member's responsibilities.
They also send daily emails to the team with items that need immediate attention. What does the
project manager fail to track? Select all that apply.

a. Progress toward milestones

b. Project costs ab
Why should project managers track changes, dependencies, and risks throughout a project?
a. Help prepare for the next project
b. Demonstrate the importance of accepting change
c. Determine who made tracking mistakes during the retrospective
d. Keep teams aligned on how to ensure project success d
Which three of the following scenarios represent a deviation from a project plan?

a. A production facility goes out of business

b. A project team hits a major milestone on schedule
c. A company increases its budget for a project
d. A lead designer quits to take another job acd
Which term measures potential future losses to a project resulting from specific activities or

a. Risk dependencies
b. Risk appetite
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure d
Which five items should you track throughout the project execution phase?

a. Project costs
b. Project goals
c. Progress toward milestones
d. Action items
e. Key tasks and activities
f. Project schedule acdef
Which five of the following categories are part of a communication plan?

a. Recipients
b. Communication goals
c. Delivery methods
d. Communication type
e. Key dates
f. Communication style abcde
Which of the following methods can be used to communicate change to stakeholders during a
project? Select all that apply.

a. Project charter
b. Change request form
c. Escalation email
d. Work breakdown structure bc
Imagine that a project manager creates a matrix with two variables: risk impact and probability.
They use the matrix to measure potential future losses to a project resulting from specific
activities or events. What is the project manager trying to determine?

a. Risk dependencies
b. Risk exposure
c. Risk management
d. Risk appetite d
What two common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue?

a. Force majeure
b. Misdirected compromises
c. Risk appetite
d. Trench warsbd
Imagine you are managing a project that hits a major milestone early, putting the team ahead of
schedule. This alters the project plan's original course of action. What is the name for this type of

a. A risk
b. A reset
c. An issue
d. A deviation d
Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but decides to test out a new
material before beginning a new batch. What type of dependency is the test? Select all that apply.

a. Internal dependency
b. Discretionary dependency ab
How does a roadmap differ from a burndown chart?

a. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies
b. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a burndown
chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a burndown chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
d. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining d
What tool can project managers use to keep disagreements from bringing projects to a standstill?

Escalation email Escalation email#

In the ROAM technique, what does it mean to resolve a risk?

a. To classify a risk as addressed because it no longer creates a problem

b. To understand and accept a risk for what it is because it cannot be resolved
c. To reduce the impact of a risk or the likelihood the risk will occur
d. To give a team member ownership over a certain risk and entrust them to handle it a
What can project managers do to keep trench war disagreements from bringing projects to a

a. Assess risk exposure

b. Apply the ROAM technique
c. Rely on the project roadmap
d. Send an escalation email d
Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM how does a change request form differ
from an escalation email? technique?

Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated#
Which tracking method is most useful when project managers need a way to track big milestones
in a project?

a. Gantt chart
b. Project status report
c. Burndown chart
d. Roadmap d
C4W2-As a project manager overseeing a product launch, you monitor and inspect the results to
ensure the project is meeting the quality standards. You notice one standard is not being met and
take corrective action to improve the standard. Which quality management concept does the
inspection and corrective action represent?

a. Quality control
b. Quality standards
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality planning a
Which quality management concept takes place throughout the entire project lifecycle and
focuses mainly on audits and testing during the development process?

a. Quality planning
b. Quality assurance
c. Quality standards
d. Quality control b
As a project manager, you learn that a product is behind schedule. After communicating the
delay to the customer, you listen to their frustrations, address them, and find a solution beneficial
for both of you. Which soft skill does this represent?

a. Empathetic listening
b. Networking
c. Work ethic
d. Trust-building a
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the users identify outliers that the original requirements
didn't account for, such as an extreme use of the product. What UAT quality control step does
this represent?

a. Business cases
b. Edge cases
c. User error cases
d. Unknown cases b
How should a project manager engage in continuous improvement that enhances team
a. Process improvement
b. Behavioral improvement
c. Team improvement
d. Quality improvement a
As a project manager, you identified a process-based problem you'd like to improve. Before
implementing a solution, you conduct performance metrics and data collection. This establishes
baseline data that will determine success. What DMAIC step did you apply?

a. Analyze
b. Control
c. Measure
d. Define d
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of the finished
product. To fix the problem, you first identify what you believe is the root cause and brainstorm
solutions with your team. What PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act a
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of a finished product.
You have already identified the root cause and brainstormed solutions to the problem with the
team. Now, you and the team attempt to fix the problem by implementing a solution. Which
PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act b
Which parts of a company ecosystem rely on continuous improvement to have collective and
separate successes? Select all that apply.

a. Programs
b. Performances
c. Portfolios
d. Projects acd
Fill in the blank: The way a project manager decides to structure a retrospective depends on

a. the previous project manager's agenda

b. team and workplace
c. project sponsor preference
d. the latest project management trends b
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you give the team an
opportunity to discuss risks that materialized: Were there any gaps between the original plan and
its execution? Which retrospective step does this represent?

a. Next steps
b. Future considerations
c. Lessons learned
d. Action items c
As a project manager, you're overseeing a product launch. You meet with customers to determine
the product's quality standards. Then, you create processes and documentation necessary to
achieve the expected quality. Which quality management concept do these tasks represent?

a. Assurance standards
b. Assurance planning
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control c
Which quality management concept must be well-defined at the beginning of the project to help
avoid rework and schedule delays?

a. Quality control
b. Quality action
c. Quality standards
d. Quality assurance c
As a project manager, you identified a process-based problem you'd like to improve, found its
root cause, and implemented a solution. Now, you monitor the new process to ensure the changes
are beneficial to the team. Which DMAIC step are you currently applying?

a. Analyze
b. Define
c. Control
d. Measure c
As a project manager, you're doing a user acceptance test (UAT) to test your product. You
present your users with the visual mockup of the product and walk them through each step they
need to take to use the product. What UAT quality control step does this scenario represent?

a. Critical user journey

b. Edge case journey
c. User story
d. Acceptance criteria a
As a project manager, you identify a process-based problem you'd like to improve. To better
understand the problem, you examine the technology to understand its root cause and interview
the team on how it's impacting their performance. Which DMAIC step did you apply?

a. Measure
b. Define
c. Analyze
d. Control c
A project team discovers an efficient process to more quickly develop a product. The program
manager implements the idea in several other projects. When the portfolio manager learns that
the more efficient process is working across several projects, they recommend it to several
programs. This scenario exemplifies which best practice?

a. Positive feedback
b. Continuous improvement
c. Word-of-mouth communication
d. Hierarchical communication c
What's the main purpose of holding a retrospective?

a. Determine why the team missed a milestone and update the client
b. Allow the project manager to explain why the project did or did not succeed
c. Encourage improvements that prepare the team for future projects
d. Let stakeholders give feedback so the team can get a different perspective c
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?

a. Trust-building
b. Negotiation
c. Empathic listening
d. Quality planning a
A team successfully delivers a product feature to a client, but misses the deadline. What should
the project manager do to investigate why the product feature was late?

a. Add a team member

b. Increase the budget
c. Hold a retrospective
d. Meet with stakeholders c
To receive authentic and honest feedback from customers, what strategy should a project
manager use?

a. Incentivize customers with a gift card because they're more likely to respond
b. Ask for feedback after the project finishes because customers won't fully understand the
product until it's complete
c. Ask open-ended questions and listen to the customer's current state versus their desired state
d. Ask for stakeholder feedback and relay it to customers in hopes to close the gap between the
customer's expectation and the project's needs c
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the project manager creates UAT scripts so the testers
better understand the product or service. The project manager writes the scripts based on user
stories, which are best described as what?

a. Feedback from users that includes positive comments, bug reports, and change requests
b. Communications that report on questions, issues, or delays during the testing process
c. Informal, general explanations of a feature that reflect the perspective of an end user
d. Step-by-step instructions that users follow during the testing process c
Who can take a beneficial process improvement from one project and implement it across several

a. Portfolio manager
b. Project manager
c. Program manager
d. Stakeholder manager c
Which of the following is a retrospective best practice?

a. Assign blame so teammates know who did what wrong

b. Use "you" language to communicate clearly and reduce confusion across the team
c. Change perspectives so that the team can better understand another person's point of view
d. Focus on more negative aspects than positive so the team can improve more quickly c
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality planning
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality control b
A project manager is considering process improvements. They identify that their team is too
slow when delivering a service. They have an educated guess about what's causing the problem
and how to fix it. What's the term for this educated guess?

a. Control
b. Research
c. Hypothesis
d. Variable c
As a project manager applying the PDCA process, you've already attempted to fix a process that
you believe is causing a common customer complaint. As your next step, you compare your
results to the goal to determine if you fixed the issue. What PDCA step will you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you have a discussion about
risks that could become issues if not addressed this quarter. You also inform the team that you're
passing ownership of the project to someone else. In the retrospective notes, you include the
contact information of the new project manager and links to any relevant documentation. Which
retrospective step does this represent?
a. Future considerations
b. Risks that materialized
c. Lessons learned
d. Action items a
As a project manager, you're overseeing the launch of a new product: a portable, solar-powered
stove. Before beginning the project, you set a criteria for the desired outcome: It must maintain a
specific cooking temperature for a set period of time. Which quality management concept does
this criteria represent?

Quality Standards Quality Standards#

C4W3-Fill in the blank: _____ is a collection of facts or information.

a. Statistics
b. Resources
c. Data
d. Artifacts c
Which of the following are examples of productivity metrics? Select all that apply.

a. Projections
b. Durations
c. Issues
d. Milestone abd
Which of the following are examples of quality metrics? Select all that apply.

a. tasks
b. issues
c. cost variance
d. number of changes bcd
As a project manager prioritizing tasks, you need to determine what is most important to your
client: meeting a deadline or staying within budget. Which method are you using to determine
what data is relevant to your project?

a. Monitoring changes in project metrics

b. Aligning to your stakeholders' priorities
c. Identifying and responding to signals
d. Focusing on tasks that have a big impact on the project goal b
You need to explain data you're presenting by demonstrating relationships between data sets.
Which data visualization tool can help?

Scatter Plots Scatter Plots#

Fill in the blank: _____ data are statistical and numerical facts about a project.

a. Quantitative
b. Subjective
c. Mathematical
d. Qualitative a
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of turning facts into a narrative to communicate something
to your audience.

a. Statistics
b. Data analysis
c. Communication
d. Storytelling d
Fill in the blank: _____ is the graphical representation of information to facilitate understanding.

a. Data visualization
b. Presentation
c. Statistics
d. Storytelling a
Which of the following tactics may help you be memorable during a presentation? Select all that

a. Maintain an upright posture with hands at your side.

b. Pace yourself by using intentional pauses.
c. Elevate the volume of your voice to emphasize key points.
d. Make eye contact and use friendly facial expressions.
e. Confirm the audience has no questions before you start. abcd
As a project manager processing data, you avoid selecting and interpreting data in a way that
supports your pre-existing beliefs. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?

a. Interpretation bias
b. Observer bias
c. Sampling bias
d. Confirmation bias d
In which of the following categories can project managers group metrics? Select all that apply.

a. Productivity metrics
b. Quality metrics ab
As a project manager analyzing data, you begin by inquiring about the current state of the
problem, the ideal outcome, and the expectations of your stakeholders. Which data analysis best
practice does this represent?

a. Process
b. Analyze
c. Ask
d. Share
e. Prepare c
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Is the content credible
and trustworthy?", "Are there any data points that skew the information", and "What content can
I eliminate?". In what storytelling step should you ask these questions?

a. Find the data

b. Filter and analyze the data
c. Gather the feedback
d. Define the audience
e. Choose a visual representation b
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to compare trends
and display changes in the data over a set period of time. Which data visualization tool can help?

a. Scatter plot
b. Line graph
c. Pie chart
d. Bar graph b
From the project manager perspective, which of the following are benefits of using data? Select
all that apply.

a. Understand your users

b. Improve processes
c. Make better decisions
d. Understand performance
e. Solve problems
f. Increase the project timeline abcde
Fill in the blank: Using a(n) _____ keeps a record of any inconsistencies from the initial
requirements of a project.

a. change log
b. shared drive
c. communication plan
d. issue log a
Fill in the blank: A(n) ______ is an observable change that can help project managers determine
the overall health of a project.

a. risk
b. milestone
c. issue
d. signal d
Fill in the blank: _____ data are qualities or things that you can't measure with numerical data.

a. Qualitative
b. Quantitative
c. Client
d. Objective a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.

a. milestone
b. statistic
c. key performance indicator (KPI)
d. task deadline c
As a project manager analyzing data, you enter your data into a spreadsheet, ensure the data is
accurate by removing duplicate responses and inconsistencies, and confirm the data contains no
typos or errors. Which data analysis best practice does this represent?

a. Analyze
b. Ask
c. Process
d. Prepare
e. Share c
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Who are you presenting
to?," "What are their problems?," and "What do they care about?". In what storytelling step
should you ask these questions?

a. Find the data

b. Shape the story
c. Gather the feedback
d. Filter and analyze the data
e. Define the audienced
Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a quantifiable measurement project managers use to track and
assess a business objective.

a. survey
b. metric
c. Daily Scrum
d. test b
What tactics can project managers use to prioritize data? Select all that apply.

a. Set hard deadlines

b. Prioritize tasks that contribute most to the project goal
c. Identify and respond to signals
d. Align metrics to stakeholder priorities cbd
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of collecting and organizing information to help draw

a. Documentation
b. Risk analysis
c. Data analysis
d. Project management c
Which of the following include visual representations of data? Select all that apply.

a. mappings
b. infographics
c. statistics
d. dashboards
e. charts abde
Fill in the blank: During your project, you monitor the timelines and efficiency of your team.
You collect data on how many tasks they complete, their quality of work, and the time it takes to
complete the tasks. All of these are examples of using data to _____.

a. solve problems
b. understand your users
c. reduce budget
d. understand performance d
In which two of the following categories can project managers group metrics?

a. Quality metrics
b. Documentation metrics
c. Productivity metrics
d. Reliability metrics ac
Fill in the blank: _____ is when the project manager determines how long it will take to
complete a project based on resources available.

a. Brainstorming
b. Planning
c. Prediction
d. Projection d
Which of the following are ways you can be flexible during a presentation? Select all that apply.

a. Practice to avoid mistakes that could distract from your message

b. Consider the approach you'd take if an unforeseen event shortens your presentation
c. Limit practicing so you can improvise based upon audience body language
d. Identify and come up with answers to potential audience questions
e. Imagine and prepare for possible objections abde
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Does the story answer
the initial question and demonstrate the solution?", "Is it original and does it offer a unique point
of view?", and "What is the compelling takeaway for the audience?" In what storytelling step
should you ask these questions?

a. Shape the story

b. Filter and analyze the data
c. Get feedback
d. Find the data
e. Define the audiencea
What is the third step in storytelling that vets the data for credibility and filters the information?

a. Gather the feedback

b. Analyze the data
c. Choose a visual representation
d. Define the audience
e. Shape the story
f. Collect the data b
As a project manager analyzing data, you review, transform, and organize the data you've
collected. Then, you create graphs with the data to identify patterns and draw conclusions.
Which data analysis best practice does this represent?

a. Analyze
b. Prepare
c. Ask
d. Share
e. Process a
How do graphs and charts help present data? Select all that apply.

a. Compare values and demonstrate how individual parts contribute to a whole

b. Demonstrate the relationships between data sets
c. Inform the audience about a new trend or valuable piece of information
d. Puzzle the audience to think more intensely and remember the data
e. Analyze trends and behaviors over set periods of time abce
Which of the following are ways to help you give an effective presentation? Select all that apply.

a. Be memorable
b. Be flexible
c. Be forceful
d. Be precise abd
As a project manager processing data, you avoid understanding ambiguous data as either positive
or negative. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?

a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias d
As a project manager processing data, you avoid using data that isn't representative of the
population. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?

a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Interpretation bias
d. Observer bias b
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to demonstrate a
relationship between data sets and display values for the data points of two different variables.
Which data visualization tool can help?

a. Line graph
b. Bar graph
c. Pie chart
d. Scatter plot d
As a project manager, you need to determine whether your client is more concerned with
meeting a deadline or running over budget. You're using which method to prioritize tasks?
Aligning to your stakeholders' priorities Aligning to your stakeholders' priorities#
Why should project managers use visual representations of data? Select all that apply.

a. To filter information by directing the audience to the most important data points and insights
b. To summarize information and condense long ideas and facts into a single image or
c. To manipulate the data so the audience only reviews positive information
d. To help the viewer make sense of and remember the information the project manager presents
As a project manager analyzing data, you create graphs with the data you've collected to identify
patterns. Which data analysis best practice does this represent?

Analyze Analyze
C4W4-Which of the following are true of teams? Select all that apply.

a. Foster creativity
b. Follow the directives of a single person
c. Collaborate to solve problems in service of a shared goal
d. Encourage accountability acd
As a project manager, you want to create an environment where teammates are reliable and able
to complete their work on time. Which of the five elements of effective teams does this

a. Structure and clarity

b. Psychological safety
c. Dependability
d. Impact c
Imagine you are project managing a merger between two healthcare companies. The project is
large and complex, so you send out weekly emails highlighting the most important tasks. Which
aspect of effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?

a. Listen and ask questions

b. Celebrate team success
c. Prioritize tasks
d. Promote psychological safety c
In what two ways can project managers listen and communicate effectively?

a. Ask team members how they prefer to communicate

b. Celebrate team success and milestones
c. Create motivation by rewarding good work
d. Hold regular team meetings ad
Which of the following actions can a project manager take to support team development? Select
all that apply.

a. Celebrate final milestones and successes

b. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
c. Encourage competition between team members
d. Resolve conflicts and listen as the team addresses problems abd
What are the four main organizational sources of power?

Role, information, network, and reputation Role, information, network, and reputation#
Imagine your company enacted new, family-friendly policies in order to support and retain
employees. Benefits include longer paid leave, flexible work hours, and on-site daycare. Which
leadership quality do these changes demonstrate?

a. Authoritative leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Democratic leadership
d. Strategic leadershipb
Imagine a tech company wants to use another firm's processor in its new laptop. The project
manager writes to the firm's CEO about the mutual benefits and projected sales numbers. Which
steps of effective influencing is the project manager demonstrating? Select all that apply.

a. Connect emotionally
b. Provide evidence
c. Establish credibility
d. Frame for common ground bd
Which source of organizational power refers to the people you're connected with professionally
and personally?

a. Network
b. Character
c. Role
d. Reputation a
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"

a. Make a decision and test it.

b. Recognize an ethical issue.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Act and reflect on the outcome. c
As a project manager, you want to provide air cover for your team by not explicitly saying "no"
to a stakeholder's request. Which of the following are two possible strategies to achieve this?

a. Refer the stakeholder to project management best practices such as how to effectively
complete a project.
b. Offer to get back to the stakeholder once you gather more information, which may provide
time for the stakeholder to reconsider their request.
c. Have each teammate email the stakeholder giving their perspectives on why the request cannot
be completed.
d. Explain to the stakeholder that their request won't be possible under the current constraints of
the project. b
Which of the five factors that impact team effectiveness is the most important?

a. Meaning
b. Impact
c. Dependability
d. Psychological safety d
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?

a. Listen and ask questions

b. Create motivation
c. Delegate responsibility
d. Prioritize tasks b
In what two ways does delegating work make project managers more effective leaders?

a. Gives team members a chance to add value to the project

b. Allows project managers to focus on the project as a whole
c. Lets team members feel safe asking questions
d. Makes project managers better at meeting stakeholder needs ab
What are Bruce Tuckman's five stages of team development?

a. Conforming, warming, norming, transforming, conforming

b. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
c. Conforming, storming, informing, transforming, adjourning
d. Forming, warming, informing, performing, adjourning b
Imagine your company introduces a new feedback system for employees to share ideas, report
grievances, and receive follow-ups from leadership. This helps to align values within the team
and promotes honesty, respect, and integrity. Which leadership quality does this change

a. Ethical leadership
b. Democratic leadership
c. Inclusive leadership
d. Strategic leadershipa
What are Jay A. Conger's four steps to effective influencing?

a. Motivate the team; manage team dynamics, resolve conflicts, and celebrate milestones
b. Form the team, storm through conflict, norm practices, and perform actions
c. Create equal opportunities, foster a culture of respect; demonstrate ethical leadership, and
align values with the team
d. Establish credibility, frame for common ground, provide evidence, and connect emotionally
Which of the following are steps in the ethical decision-making framework developed by the
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics? Select all that apply.

a. Make a decision and test it.

b. Weigh the benefits.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Recognize an ethical issue.
e. Get the facts. acde
What can project managers do to listen and communicate effectively? Select all that apply.

a. Hold regular team meetings

b. Ask team members how they prefer to communicate ab
Which three of the following are benefits of teamwork?

a. Encourages accountability
b. Helps teams meet project goals
c. Fosters creativity
d. Clarifies roles and responsibilities abc
Imagine you manage a large marketing team working on a new campaign. You want each
individual to understand their job expectations and the consequences of their performance. To
aid in this, you set up a central project tracker so the team can follow their progress. Which of
the five elements of effective teams does this scenario demonstrate?

a. Dependability
b. Structure and clarity
c. Psychological safety
d. Meaning b
Imagine you lead a team that keeps failing to hit its weekly targets. To help them get back on
track, you ask them to record the time they spend on each task for five days. You then use this
data to better scale the team's work to hit upcoming targets. Which aspect of effective team
building does this scenario demonstrate?

a. Promote trust and psychological safety

b. Create systems that turn chaos into order
c. Delegate responsibility and prioritize tasks
d. Demonstrate empathy and create motivation ad
Which of the following are common mistakes when one attempts to influence others? Select all
that apply.

a. Resist compromise
b. Assume they can work through issues quickly
c. Connect emotionally with their audience
d. Approach their audience too aggressively abd
As a project manager, which three of the following are your organizational sources of power?
Select all that apply.
a. Network
b. Reputation
c. Character
d. Role abd
As a project manager, which of the following are personal sources of power? Select all that

a. Character
b. Role
c. Information
d. Knowledge ad
Which of the following statements best describes a project manager providing air cover for their

a. Creates a proposal to increase the project's timeline, budget, or scope

b. Shields teammates from having to communicate with stakeholders and leadership
c. Fills in where there are task and skill gaps within the team
d. Supports and protects a team from out-of-scope requests or criticism from leadership d
What can project managers do to support ethical and inclusive leadership? Select all that apply.

a. Create equal opportunities for team members to succeed

b. Foster a culture of respect
c. Invite and integrate diverse perspectives
d. Delegate tasks and motivate team members abc
In what two ways can project managers promote psychological safety?

a. Create standardized, measurable, and scalable workflows

b. Reduce ambiguity by prioritizing tasks
c. Encourage contributions from team members of all ranks
d. Schedule time for thoughtful, inclusive discussions cd
Imagine your company introduces a new feedback system for employees to share ideas and
report grievances anonymously. Which leadership quality does this change demonstrate?

a. Democratic leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Ethical leadership
d. Strategic leadershipc
Which of the following are benefits of teamwork? Select all that apply.

a. Helps teams meet project goals

b. Fosters creativity
c. Encourages accountability abc
Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision-making framework developed by the
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics?

a. Make a decision and test it.

b. Evaluate alternative actions.
c. Get the facts.
d. Consider the personal benefits. d
What can project managers do to promote psychological safety? Select all that apply

a. Encourage contributions from team members of all ranks

b. Schedule time for thoughtful, inclusive discussions ab
Which of the following are true of work groups? Select all that apply.

a. Their work is independent of a managerial hierarchy.

b. They work toward a common goal.
c. Their work is coordinated or controlled by a single person or entity.
d. They work with minimal oversight. bc
Which of the following are strategies a project manager can use to provide air cover for their
team? Select all that apply.

a. Reject a stakeholder request without explicitly saying "no"

b. Take on tasks when stakeholders request additional work
c. Increase the project's scope to satisfy stakeholder requests
d. Limit teammates' knowledge of stakeholder requests ad
C4W5-Who is ultimately responsible for coordinating incoming and outgoing communication,
connecting individuals to necessary information, and tracking who needs to receive what
information and when?

a. Project team members

b. Stakeholders
c. The project manager
d. The client c
Which three of the following are benefits of work management and collaboration tools, such as
Asana and Smartsheet?

a. Make sharing information and documents easy

b. Run effective meetings
c. Focus communication within the context of specific tasks
d. Send instant messages to teammates
e. Complete work in real timeace
Fill in the blank: _____ meetings have an agenda, time limit, and designated notetaker.

a. Structured
b. Broadcast
c. Informal
d. Impromptu a
Which three of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative?

a. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style

b. Allow participants to set the meeting's purpose and expectation
c. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at
d. Set a timebox for a meeting comment period
e. Have a digital, shared meeting document ace
Which of the following are key reasons to meet with stakeholders? Select all that apply.

a. Present a project update

b. Make a decision or resolve a major issue
c. Provide daily project updates
d. Seek out and listen to feedback abd
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to keep your content concise in an email?

a. Think of all questions the reader may have and answer them in the email.
b. Remove any details in the email that don't contribute to your readers' needs.
c. Leave out key information in the email so that the reader has engaging questions.
d. Send the same email content to both executives and teammates. b
What actions may help make a meeting accessible for someone with a hearing impairment?
Select all that apply.

a. Add closed captions or subtitles to videos.

b. Speak loudly and slowly.
c. Face the person you are speaking with.
d. Include all the information presented in a spoken presentation on slides. acd
According to a Google study, productive meetings have what three elements in common?

a. At length of at least 30 minutes, active participation from attendees, and the correct attendees
b. A clear and concise agenda, the participation of three or fewer participants, and the correct
c. No personal discussion, a length of at least 30 minutes, and a clear and concise agenda
d. Active participation from attendees, a clear and concise agenda, and the correct attendees
What does a project manager have to communicate clearly when managing team documents?
Select all that apply.

a. Who has access to the documents

b. Who originally created the documents
c. How often the documents get updated
d. How documents are used acd
In what type of meeting does the agenda include topics such as lessons learned about what's
going well, what the team should keep doing, and what can be improved?

a. Retrospective
b. Stakeholder review
c. Status update
d. Project kick-off b?
Fill in the blank: A key component of inclusivity is ensuring your meetings and presentations are
a. recorded
b. during normal business hours
c. accessible
d. in person c
When communicating with your team, it's important to remember that people process
information and learn in various ways. What do these ways include? Select all that apply.

a. Email
b. Doing
c. Watching
d. Listening bcd
Fill in the blank: _____ meetings have an agenda, time limit, and designated notetaker.

a. Informal
b. Impromptu
c. Structured
d. Broadcast c
Which three of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative?

a. Have a digital, shared meeting document

b. Set a timebox for a meeting comment period
c. Allow participants to set the meeting's purpose and expectation
d. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style
e. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at ade
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.

a. Project review
b. Project kick-off
c. Status update
d. Stakeholder review b
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to clearly state what you want in an email?

a. Avoid associating calls-to-action with your request.

b. Use acronyms whenever possible to keep the email short.
c. List your request in the last paragraph of the email.
d. Include your request in the subject line of the email. d
Which of the following may help you create an inclusive team environment in meetings? Select
all that apply.

a. Formalize initial check-ins for the group.

b. Give everyone your full attention.
c. Encourage participants to share a single, similar perspective.
d. Use images that reflect the diversity of the world. abd
What does a project manager have to communicate clearly when managing team documents?
Select all that apply.

a. How often the documents get updated

b. Who has access to the documents
c. How documents are used
d. Who originally created the documents abc
In what type of meeting does the agenda include topics such as lessons learned about what's
going well, what the team should keep doing, and what can be improved?

a. Status update
b. Stakeholder review
c. Retrospective
d. Project kick-off c
When you create an email, in what section should you clearly state what the email is about?

a. Header
b. Subject line
c. First line of the email
d. Closing line of the email b
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to structure your writing in an email?

a. Combine multiple paragraphs into one large paragraph.

b. Avoid including hyperlinks to additional information.
c. Use bullets to make the email easier to scan.
d. Put the email's main idea in the last sentence. c
In what type of meeting does the project manager meet with participants one-on-one in order to
cover topics most relevant to them and to better understand their concerns?

a. Retrospective
b. Project kick-off
c. Status update
d. Stakeholder review d
What are potential downsides of using instant messaging? Select all that apply.

a. Difficult to track
b. Quick response
c. Distraction
d. Informality acd
Why should you send any pre-reading materials in advance of a meeting?

a. Skip over that information in your meeting

b. Everyone is prepared to participate
c. Save time going over unimportant information
d. Provide a summary for you during the meeting b
Which of the following are key reasons to meet with stakeholders? Select all that apply.
a. Provide daily project updates
b. Make a decision or resolve a major issue
c. Seek out and listen to feedback
d. Present a project update bcd
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to keep your content concise in an email?

a. Leave out key information in the email so that the reader has engaging questions.
b. Send the same email content to both executives and teammates.
c. Remove any details in the email that don't contribute to your readers' needs.
d. Think of all questions the reader may have and answer them in the email. c
In what type of meeting does the project manager typically discuss how many tasks have been
completed, whether the team is on schedule, and any current issues?

a. Status update
b. Project kick-off
c. Retrospective
d. Stakeholder review a
Fill in the blank: In order to set clear meeting expectations, help attendees prepare, keep
everyone focused on the right topics, and clarify meeting expectations and goals, your meeting
should have a(n) _____.

a. leader
b. agenda
c. timeline
d. guest speaker b
What can be done before a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.

a. Recap key action items and share with participants.

b. Invite only the people who need to be there and contribute to the meeting goals.
c. Prepare an agenda that states the purpose and goals of the meeting.
d. Set aside time to prepare for the meeting and review necessary materials. bcd
In a status update meeting, what questions does the project manager typically address? Select all
that apply.

a. Is the team behind schedule, ahead of schedule, or on-schedule?

b. How many tasks have been completed and how many remain?
c. Are there any new costs that affect the bottom line?
d. What lessons can the team learn about what's going well?
e. Are there any current or anticipated issues? abce
Which type of meeting is typically more formal, starts with a project update, and may include a
decision to resolve a major issue?

a. Project kick-off
b. Status update
c. Stakeholder review
d. Retrospective c
Which of the following elements do effective meetings always have in common? Select all that

a. Collaborative
b. Anticipated
c. Inclusive
d. Structured
e. Intentional acde
What can be done during a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.

a. Clearly state the meeting's goals at the beginning of the meeting.

b. Practice active listening and non-verbal communication.
c. Discourage open-ended and personal questions.
d. Encourage everyone to participate, including remote participants. abd
What actions may help make a presentation accessible for someone with a visual impairment?
Select all that apply.

a. Provide an accessible electronic format of the presentation.

b. Describe all meaningful graphics in the presentation.
c. Use a large font size (minimum 22 points).
d. Use low-contrast colors. abc
Fill in the blank: A project review meeting is also called a _____.

a. retrospective
b. status update
c. reflection
d. stakeholder review a
Which of the following are benefits of work management and collaboration tools, such as Asana
and Smartsheet? Select all that apply.

a. Focus communication within the context of specific tasks

b. Complete work in real time
c. Make sharing information and documents easy abc
Who is ultimately responsible for coordinating incoming and outgoing communication,
connecting individuals to necessary information, and tracking who needs to receive what
information and when?

a. Project team members

b. The client
c. The project manager
d. Stakeholders c
The use, access, or sharing of what types of confidential or need-to-know information is likely
prohibited unless you're given permission? Select all that apply.

a. User data
b. Information about your organization's products and services
c. Financial and business dataabc
Which of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative? Select all that apply.

a. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style

b. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at
c. Have a digital, shared meeting document abc
C4W6-What happens during a project closing? Select all that apply.

a. The customer identifies new deliverables and ongoing task work.

b. The project manager and team confirms all project tasks are complete.
c. The team obtains formal recognition from key stakeholders that the project is complete.
d. The team executes remaining project management processes, such as procedural or
administrative work. bcd
Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as
having a large meeting?

a. Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team.

b. Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.
c. Host a closing celebration with the team.
d. Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending. d
Consider the following project closing scenario:

The project manager does a final review of tasks and deliverables to ensure they are complete.
They make sure there is written proof from stakeholders documenting that they are happy with
the outcome. The project manager leads a meeting with the team to document what went well,
what could be improved, and overall lessons learned. Finally, the team is disbanded, and the
project manager thanks them for their work.

What step of the project closing phase is the project manager missing?

a. Document acceptance of the project outcome

b. Ensure the project has satisfied its deliverables, goals, and desired outcomes
c. Review all contracts and documentation
d. Conduct a formal retrospective with the project team c
What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.

a. Evaluates the project's performance with respect to budget and schedule

b. Provides an evaluation of the quality of work
c. Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
d. Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work
During the closing process, how can you ensure the project has satisfied its goals and desired
outcomes? Select all that apply.

a. Check all tasks and deliverables are completed

b. Ensure there are no funds left in the budget
c. Check the full scope of the work is complete
d. Poll teammates on their level of satisfaction with the project ac
Consider the following scenario:

The project manager needs to include several sections in the closeout report for the Janco car
company's new car series launch. First, the project manager completes the executive summary,
describing the project process and purpose. Second, they note the key accomplishments like
meeting the launch's objectives and highlighting the team's impact on the project. Third, they
identify open items like what the team didn't complete, and add improvement ideas for similar,
future projects. Fourth, they detail the next steps for follow-up projects. Fifth, they list the launch
schedule with project milestones, project on-track status, and setbacks. And sixth, they list the
project resources like the original project plan, stakeholder communications, and documents such
as user manuals on how to unload cars from delivery trucks.

Which item is the project manager missing in their closeout report?c

What team considerations should the project manager focus on during the closing process?

a. Work with each team member to review the work that they did and the deadlines they missed
b. Encourage the team to review one another's work to find the weak link in the team
c. Review all project tasks to see where the team members could have been involved more
d. Build a culture that allows retrospectives so teams can collaborate and have positive changes
For what three reasons is it important to close a project once it is complete?

a. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
b. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team.
c. It ensures an effective change management process.
d. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
Which closeout report section includes topics such as things the team didn't get to work on and
ideas for changes if they had the time?

a. Key accomplishments
b. Open items
c. Executive summary
d. Lessons learned b
Which of the following are benefits of hosting a retrospective at the closing of a project? Select
all that apply.

a. Decreases the following project's budget

b. Promotes positive changes
c. Facilitates improved collaboration
d. Encourages team building bcd
As a project manager, how can you determine if milestones need a closing process?
a. If there are more milestones than project tasks
b. If the team decides the milestone closing process will waste time
c. If the milestones won't be re-addressed at a later time in the project
d. If a stakeholder requested it in the project charter c
In what three ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a
formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project?

a. A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.
b. A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting.
c. After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any
changes that need to be made going forward.
d. After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders
What should a project manager do to ensure an effective closing process? Select all that apply.

a. The project manager completes a project closeout report.

b. The project manager invites the stakeholders to provide the notes from their independent
c. The project manager hosts a retrospective meeting for the team.
d. The project manager gives the stakeholders an impact reporting presentation.
e. The project manager confirms the work is done and the agreed-upon closing processes are
executed. acde
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is the best tool for reflection and _________ .

a. budgeting
b. improvement
c. collaboration
d. planning b
Fill in the blank: As a project manager, it is important to avoid two kinds of projects: abandoned
projects and _____ projects.

a. unapproved
b. unwritten
c. never-ending
d. incomplete
Which document acts as a blueprint for what the team did, how they did it, and what they

a. Retrospective review
b. Project closeout report
c. Impact report
d. ROAM analysis b
Which of the following are true regarding a team celebration at the end of a project? Select all
that apply.
a. It helps improve collaboration on future projects.
b. It can be a team-building exercise.
c. It fuels positive change within the team.
d. It typically needs to be approved by stakeholders. abc
A project manager works with a stakeholder for months to open a community greenhouse. The
stakeholder changes their expectations and the project timeline.

What actions can the project manager take to resolve this issue? Select all that apply.

a. The project manager meets with the team to determine who is not doing their job correctly.
b. The project manager can establish a timeline to complete this project and propose a follow-up
c. The project manager avoids the stakeholder and continues with their original plan.
d. The project manager can review the contracts with the stakeholder to include the timeline and
the budget. bd
What should a project closing report's resources section include? Select all that apply.

a. Technical information for product deliverables

b. Links to the original project plan
c. Phone numbers of all team members and stakeholders
d. Documentation of stakeholder feedback abd
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is an opportunity for _____.

a. feedback and lecture

b. planning and introspection
c. reflection and improvement
d. criticism and collaboration c
Your team has completed their project, but you've neglected to close it out and confirm all work
is done. What sort of impact can this create for your organization? Select all that apply.

a. Put your organization at legal risk

b. Negatively impact scheduled launch dates
c. Remove unnecessary budgetary expenses
d. Damage your relationship with the customer or client abd
What are the impacts of not formally closing a project?

a. The project team will move on to the next project

b. A strained relationship and lack of credibility with customers, users, and vendors
c. Not enough work for the team if the project isn't closed
d. Project stakeholders work with project managers to complete the projectb
What are the potential effects on a project team if a project is not closed properly? Select all that

a. Lessons learned could be lost if not recorded correctly

b. Diminishes the team's credibility
c. Encourages the team to move on to new projects
d. Negatively impacts the team's time and effort abd
What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.

a. Provides an evaluation of the quality of work

b. Evaluates the project's performance with respect to budget and schedule
c. Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
d. Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work
As a project manager, which of the following should you include in the closeout report? Select
all that apply.

a. Resources, such as the original project plan

b. Open items, such as ideas for changes you'd like to make
c. Key accomplishments, such as which objectives the team met
d. Daily project tasks, such as a breakdown in a spreadsheetabc
How does a small closing process at the end of each milestone vary from a formal, more
comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project? Select all that apply.

a. After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any
changes that need to be made going forward.
b. A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.
c. A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting. abc
Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as
having a large meeting?

a. Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team.

b. Host a closing celebration with the team.
c. Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.
d. Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending. d
What is the purpose of the impact report?

a. Protect the scope of the project by properly communicating project issues

b. Demonstrate how the project went and discuss the impact of its product or service
c. Determine if the project needs a small closing process at the end of each milestone
d. Review the project with team members to discuss the details of the project b
For what three reasons is it important to close a project once it is complete?

a. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team.

b. It ensures an effective change management process.
c. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
d. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a meeting to discuss successes, failures, and possible future
improvements on the project.
a. status update
b. retrospective
c. closeout
d. stakeholder review b
What steps should a project manager take to make sure a project is closed? Select all that apply.

a. Ensure all agreed upon project management processes are complete

b. Confirm all tasks and work are complete
c. Spend any remaining funds in the project's budget
d. Get formal recognition from stakeholders that the project is doneabd
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.

a. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work

b. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
c. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
d. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule acd
Your team has completed their project, but you've neglected to close it out. What sort of impact
can this create for your organization? Select all that apply.

a. Damage your relationship with the customer or client

b. Negatively impact scheduled launch dates
c. Put your organization at legal risk abc
Why is it important to close a project once it is complete? Select all that apply.

a. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
b. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
c. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team. abc
Fill in the blank: The project closeout report is made by project managers primarily for _____.

a. Project manager
b. team members
c. stakeholders
d. vendors a
C5W1-Agile project management works well with projects that take an iterative approach. What
does this mean? Select all that apply.

a. The team operates within many short blocks of time

b. Project processes are repeated many times during the life cycle of the project
c. The project will take longer to complete
d. Project deliverables improve continuously based on feedback abd
You are managing a project and your customer does not know which features they want in the
end product. How can Agile help solve your customer's problem? Select all that apply.

a. Agile helps your team frequently and quickly get customer feedback. This enables you to
make changes as needed and give your customer the product they really want.
b. Agile helps you create a product requirements document, formally-approved project plans, and
a change control board, with the aim of protecting the team from building something that the
customer doesn't want and minimizing any changes.
c. Agile acknowledges the fact that things change and is designed to embrace these changes as
your project progresses.
d. Agile enables you to produce more than one version of the product. Then, the customer can
decide which one they prefer. ac
As an Agile project manager, you should value individuals and interactions over processes and
tools. What does this mean for your team? Select all that apply.

a. Work together with your team to help each other achieve the best outcomes possible.
b. Have brief conversations rather than long, drawn out email exchanges.
c. Improve collaboration within the team by effectively using processes and tools to drive and
facilitate your project.
d. Forgo using processes and tools in order to speed up the production process. abc
How do Agile teams collaborate with their business partners and stakeholders to create business
value for the organization and their users? Select all that apply.

a. Gather feedback at the end of the project only

b. Welcome changing requirements
c. Work together with business people and developers throughout the project
d. Help each other achieve the best outcome bcd
What does VUCA stand for?

a. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity

b. Volume, uncertainty, complexity, and accuracy
c. Volatility, upheaval, collaboration, and ambiguity
d. Veracity, uncertainty, collaboration, and accountability a
How can the VUCA concept help you decide to use Agile or Waterfall? Select all that apply.

a. It helps determine how complex your project is.

b. It helps determine if your project needs more predictive stability than the Waterfall method
c. It helps determine if your project is too ambiguous for the Waterfall method.
d. It helps determine whether your project is too volatile for the Waterfall method. acd
What is the product owner on your team responsible for? Select all that apply.

a. Maximizing the value of the product and the work of the team
b. Providing the final say on how to prioritize the work
c. Owning the inventory of work
d. Running the project team meetingsabc
What are the four basic activities performed during the product development process of the XP

a. Designing, collaborating, testing, and summarizing

b. Planning, collaborating, testing, and designing
c. Designing, coding, testing, and listening
d. Planning, coding, summarizing, and developing c
Fill in the blank: To get the full benefits from Agile, you must adopt not only its processes, but
also its _____.

a. software
b. platform
c. mindset
d. terminology c
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has an initial set of requirements at kick off,
but you know this list will grow and change. Your team will work with stakeholders to prioritize
requirements as the project moves forward. What approach is the best choice for your project?

a. Agile
b. Linear
c. Scrum
d. Waterfall a
Fill in the blank: Agile project management is _____; the team operates within many short
blocks of time where deliverables will evolve and improve depending on the feedback received.

a. repetitive
b. linear
c. iterative
d. inflexible c
What does the Agile Manifesto mean by value delivery? Select all that apply.

a. Deliver products quickly and frequently

b. Simplify and maximize the amount of work not done
c. Save clients as much money as possible
d. Deliver highly valuable products to customers abd
You're the lead project manager at Office Green LLC, a commercial landscaping company
focused on interior plant design. Your company's market research team identifies a major shift to
workers setting up home offices. Your team wants to pursue this business opportunity.

The goal is to deliver their new service, called Virtual Verde, and you don't have any existing
project plans to build off of or time to do a lot of prep work. Which factors do you face? Select
all that apply.

a. Uncertainty and ambiguity

b. Volatility
c. Complexity
d. Budget constraints abc
As a Waterfall project manager, your goal is to minimize any changes that could lead to scope
creep. You want to protect your team from building something the client or stakeholders don't
want. What formal and rigorous process could you set up to safeguard against this?
a. Kanban board
b. Daily stakeholder meetings
c. Formal communication freeze
d. Change Control Board d
As a project manager, what are some reasons you might choose to follow a Scrum methodology?
Select all that apply.

a. It's free and open for everyone.

b. It offers a regular and predictable meeting and delivery schedule, with predefined agendas and
outcomes for the meetings.
c. It supports and reinforces the Waterfall model.
d. It has clear roles and responsibilities for your team, but emphasizes the power of the team as a
whole. abd
What are the five principles of Lean methodology? Select all that apply.

a. Create flow
b. Pursue perfection
c. Map value stream
d. Define value
e. Establish pull
f. Collect feedback abcde
Waterfall and Agile include how many of the same phases and tasks?

a. None
b. A couple
c. Most
d. All c
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has clear requirements and goals based on
mandated regulation. Which methodology is the best choice for your project?

a. Iterative
b. Scrum
c. Waterfall
d. Agile c
As a project manager, you identify that your business plan may face major disruptive changes
and a high degree of uncertainty. Which project management methodology should you follow?

a. Neither Waterfall nor Agile will work

b. Waterfall
c. Both Waterfall and Agile can work
d. Agile d
In the following scenario about team management, the project manager blends which two

A team is developing a software product. During the retrospective for the last sprint, a team
member says, "I need to implement a certain feature, but I don't have much experience building
that particular feature." Someone else on the team is an expert on the feature, so the project
manager pairs them up to build the feature during the next sprint.

a. Agile and Scrum

b. Waterfall and XP
c. Scrum and XP
d. Scrum and Kanban c
Where does Scrum get its name? Select all that apply.

a. Scrum is an acronym for the processes that make up the Agile methodology.
b. Scrum refers to a formation in rugby where players huddle closely together with their heads
down while trying to gain possession of the ball.
c. The purpose of the rugby scrum is for each player on the team to play their role in order to
work together and achieve their shared goal.
d. Scrum refers to a football team's huddle. bc
To create the most value for the customer, you ensure the customer can ask for additional
features or incremental deliveries throughout the value stream. This is an example of what Lean
methodology principle?

a. Map value stream

b. Define value
c. Establish pull
d. Create flow c
What does it mean to say that Agile project management takes an iterative approach? Select all
that apply.

a. The team takes a subset of all the project's activities and does all the work
b. The activities are completed in a linear fashion
c. The team operates within many shorter blocks of time
d. The project processes are repeated acd
Why was the Agile Manifesto developed? Select all that apply.

a. The Agile Manifesto was developed to help project managers meet deadlines and stay within
their budgets.
b. The Agile Manifesto was designed to be a guide that would help project teams please their
c. The Agile Manifesto was designed by thought leaders and creators of new methodologies that
came together to find common ground between their methods to solve a problem.
d. The Agile Manifesto was developed to help keep processes flexible and focused on people:
both the team and the users, over the end products or deliverables. bcd
What are the four values of the Agile Manifesto? Select all that apply.

a. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

b. Prioritizing documentation over processes
c. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
d. Working software over comprehensive documentation
e. Responding to change over following a plan acde
How does an Agile team create and maintain the right interpersonal and team dynamics to
deliver value for the customers and the business? Select all that apply.

a. They do not waste time on face-to-face feedback.

b. They do their work during intense periods of high workloads followed by periods of light
c. They know face-to-face conversations are the most effective way to communicate.
d. They build projects around motivated
Why would you want to blend the Agile and Waterfall approaches? Select all that apply.

a. A vendor on your project may already be following a traditional approach and the integration
of teams will require blending of methods.
b. Your team is reluctant to follow one approach or the other, so to make everyone happy, you
blend the approaches.
c. Stakeholders may be more comfortable with traditional approaches and workflows, but, your
project team is already established in Scrum and they wish to continue.
d. There may be regulatory requirements that insist on certain traditional work processes, such as
large requirements documents for certifications. acd
In the VUCA concept, what does volatility refer to? Select all that apply.

a. A lack of predictability
b. The rate of change and churn in a business or situation
c. The high number of interrelated forces that influence a project
d. A high likelihood of disruptions in your operations bd
As a project manager, when can an Agile methodology best support your project? Select all that

a. When the project receives feedback from diverse stakeholders, with competing interests
b. When the project may need adjustments along the way
c. When the project faces constraints, including costs or time
d. When the project deliverable is not yet clear abd
As an Agile project manager, why is it important to value customer collaboration over contract
negotiation? Select all that apply.

a. It saves your organization time and money.

b. It reinforces that customer satisfaction is the highest priority when building a high quality and
valuable product.
c. It encourages your team to seek out every opportunity to include the customer or stakeholder
during project execution.
d. It allows the freedom to collaborate with customers early and often. bcd
C5W2-When using Scrum, the team repeats project processes in a timebox. What Agile term
does this approach represent?

a. Increases
b. Inspections
c. Iterations
d. Increments c
Which two of the following statements regarding a product vision are correct?

a. A product vision tells your team the specific tasks they need to complete.
b. A product vision makes it clear where your team's boundaries are.
c. A product vision is a short statement that stays constant throughout the project.
d. A product vision helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
Fill in the blank: In Scrum, the _____ often assumes the role of the Scrum Master.

a. Development Team Member

b. project manager
c. Stakeholder
d. Product Owner b
Fill in the blank: The Product Owner's key responsibility is acting as the voice of the _____
within the team.

a. vendor
b. customer
c. organization
d. stakeholder b
What is the main difference between a Scrum Master and a project manager?

a. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a coach and facilitator to the Scrum Team
b. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a customer liaison to the Scrum Team
c. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as the main line of communication between stakeholders and the
Scrum Team
d. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a product technical expert to the Scrum Team a
What are the benefits of locating a team in the same physical space (also known as co-locating)?
Select all that apply.

a. The team works across time zones by coordinating schedules.

b. The team collaborates effectively over video conferencing platforms.
c. The team gets together quickly to get work done or solve a problem.
d. The team delivers a higher quality of work at a quicker rate. cd
What are the key characteristics of successful Product Owners? Select all that apply.

a. Collaborative
b. Optimistic
c. Independent
d. Customer-focused abd
What are the key benefits of a communication plan? Select all that apply.

a. Keeps people engaged and motivated throughout the project

b. Improves overall effectiveness of communication
c. Provides guidance on technical project terms
d. Involves stakeholders in effective conversations abd
A team member is working on a very specific solution involving a new technology. Teammates
work together to speed up their progress. With their teammates' help, they get it across the finish

What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?

a. Openness
b. Courage
c. Respect
d. Focus d
What are attributes of a project team that uses Scrum development? Select all that apply.

a. Independent
b. Cross-functional
c. Customer-oriented
d. Self-managing bcd
Fill in the blank: A Product Owner and project manager typically both have the responsibility of

a. Product Backlog management

b. stakeholder management
c. team performance management
d. timebox management a?
In the three pillars of Scrum Theory, what does inspection refer to? Select all that apply.

a. Allowing stakeholders a look into project plans

b. Conducting timely checks towards the outcome of a sprint goal to detect undesirable variances
c. Performing regular evaluations in order to find improvements
d. Continuously checking in on progress and deliverables to detect any undesirable changes
Fill in the blank: A Scrum Team should be _____, which means people with different skill sets in
the organization work together to complete the project successfully.

a. decisive
b. organized
c. cross-functional
d. self-disciplined c
In Scrum, the Product Owner is responsible for what? Select all that apply.

a. Helping the Developers understand what to build

b. Coaching and facilitating Scrum events
c. Prioritizing the Product Backlog
d. Ensuring the product or service fulfill the customers' needs acd
What are some key skills a successful Scrum Master should have? Select all that apply.
a. Communication
b. Budgeting
c. Coaching
d. Leadership acd
What is the optimal size of a Development Team?

a. 1 to 3 people
b. to 9 people
c. 11 to 15 people
d. 5 to 20 people b
Fill in the blank: Product Owners should be _____.

a. customer-focused
b. meeting-facilitators
c. cross-functional
d. Agile leaders a
A team member runs into an issue within the project but they aren't sure how to fix it. They share
this problem with the team to ensure everyone is aware of the challenge they encountered.

What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?

a. Respect
b. Focus
c. Openness
d. Commitment c
Which of the following are responsibilities that a Product Owner would typically have and a
project manager would not have? Select all that apply.

a. Create and communicate Product Backlog items

b. Timebox management
c. Monitor team performance
d. Manage stakeholders ab
What is one difference between a project manager and Scrum Master?

a. The project manager is concerned with the team's performance, while the Scrum Master is
concerned with managing the team's Backlog.
b. There is no difference between the two.
c. The project manager prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a Scrum Master coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
d. The Scrum Master prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a project manager coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them c
What are some of the tasks Product Owners are responsible for? Select all that apply.

a. Ensure the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all

b. Ensure the team builds the right product or service
c. Deal with vendors and contract negotiations
d. Continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team abd
What two qualities should a successful Development Team possess? Select all that apply.

a. Self-sufficient
b. Independent
c. Self-organizing
d. Cross-functional cd
Who on the Scrum Team is responsible for meeting customers' needs and prioritizing the Product

a. Product Owner
b. Development Team
c. Project Manager
d. Scrum Master a
As a project manager organizing a development team, you want to make sure the team has the
skills necessary to build the product or carry out the service. Which recommended team trait
does this represent?

a. supportive
b. customer-oriented
c. cross functional
d. self-managing c
In Agile, what is a mission statement?

a. A short statement that helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
b. A short statement that gives your team something to work towards and stays constant
throughout the project.
c. A short statement that shows stakeholders what your team's values are.
d. A short statement that explains specific tasks your team members should work on. b
Scrum Teams behave according to what core values? Select all that apply.

a. Focus
b. Openness
c. Dissension
d. Respect
e. Commitment abde
What is one responsibility of both a Product Owner and a project manager?

a. Team performance management

b. Timebox management
c. Product Backlog management
d. Stakeholder management d
In the three pillars of Scrum, what does transparency mean? Select all that apply.
a. Teams must be upfront and open with all stakeholders, including team members, customers,
sponsors, and management.
b. Everyone on the team must be transparent in order to avoid mixed signals, breakdowns of
communication, and unnecessary complications.
c. Teams must make the most significant aspects of their work visible to those responsible for the
d. Only team members who deal with vendors or stakeholders must be transparent. abc
As a new project begins, the Scrum Team creates processes and structures they believe will help
them efficiently complete the project. While they are open to ideas, the team doesn't want to rely
on outside processes to get the work done. Which Development Team trait does this represent?

a. Cross-functional
b. Cross-organizing
c. Self-organizing
d. Customer-oriented a
What are a Product Owner's responsibilities? Select all that apply.

a. Make sure the product fulfills the customers' needs

b. Clearly communicate and prioritize the Product Backlog
c. Help the team understand the overall goal and mission of the project
d. Facilitate Scrum events such as the Sprint Planning and Retrospective abc
C5W3-Which of the following best describes why Scrum Teams refer to the Product Backlog as
a living artifact?

a. The stakeholders can add items at any time.

b. The team only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
c. The Product Owner only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
d. The Product Owner adds items at any time. d
A Product Owner writing a user story needs the story to fit within the planned Sprint. If the user
story is too large, they break it down into multiple, scaled-down stories in order to meet which of
the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria?

a. Valuable
b. Small
c. Negotiable
d. Independent
e. Estimitable b
As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog for a small number of items.
You'd like your team to reach a consensus on the number of items, and you'd also like to
incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?

a. Dot Voting
b. The Bucket System
c. Affinity Mapping
d. Planning Poker™ b
Fill in the blank: The amount of work a Product Owner plans for the Sprint is based on _____.
a. the future capacity of the team
b. direction from the stakeholders
c. the historical capacity of the team
d. direction from the customer c
Which of the following is a key deliverable of Sprint Planning?

a. Retrospective notes
b. The Sprint Backlog
c. The project charter
d. A burndown chart b
Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work?

a. Scrum Master
b. Key stakeholder
c. Product Owner
d. Another teammate a
What does the Scrum Team reflect on during a Sprint Retrospective? Select all that apply.

a. What's working or not working for the team regarding the people, the processes, and the tools?
b. Who was at fault for not accomplishing a story?
c. What updates should the team make to user stories in the next Sprint?
d. What improvements are worth exploring in the next Sprint?
e. Were the improvements in the last Sprint helpful or not? ade
What stakeholder benefit does a team provide when they have a stable velocity and refine their
Product Backlog?

a. Able to compare the team to other teams at the company

b. Verify if the team is productive
c. Able to alter the project's goals, milestones, and deliverables
d. Know approximately how long it will take to complete the Backlog d
How would you best compare a Kanban board to a Scrum board?

a. They're essentially the same tool with minor differences

b. A project team has less use for a Kanban board
c. The Scrum board is more visual
d. The Kanban board is better for tracking Sprint tasks a
Which tool is helpful for documenting Backlog and item information?

a. Spreadsheets
b. Presentations
c. Email
d. Video chat a
Fill in the blank: As a Product Owner writing a user story, you want every task to have a clear
Definition of Done. A clear Definition of Done helps the team better understand how much effort
it will take to complete an item. Including a Definition of Done in a user story makes it _____,
one of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story-writing criteria.

a. independent
b. negotiable
c. valuable
d. estimitable
e. small d
As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. You and your team have
over 100 items to estimate and less than one hour to do it. Because of the time limit, you need a
technique that will help your team quickly sort items by complexity. Which effort estimation
technique should you use?

a. Planning Poker™
b. The Bucket System
c. Affinity Mapping
d. Dot Voting b
Which of the following typically happens during a Sprint? Select all that apply.

a. The project scope is clarified with the Product Owner as more is learned.
b. The Product Backlog is refined by the Product Owner as needed.
c. The Sprint Goal is changed by the Product Owner as needed.
d. The work quality improves—or at least stays the same—when compared to the last Sprint.
Which of the following may indicate a task meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.

a. The Product Owner accepts the story.

b. The product meets half of the acceptance criteria.
c. The product passes all testing requirements.
d. An independent peer group reviews the product. acd
Fill in the blank: Retrospectives in Scrum happen _____ a traditional project.

a. as often as in
b. less often than in
c. more often than in c
What's the overall goal of a burndown chart?

a. Provide a way to compare productivity among teams

b. Serve as a communication tool for outside stakeholders
c. Quantify performance for individual team members
d. Keep the team aware of how they're doing against their goals d
What typically occurs during the Sprint Review? Select all that apply.

a. Explore which items should be considered done in the Backlog.

b. Demonstrate and inspect the product.
c. Discuss how to better work as a team.
d. Synchronize and prioritize activities for the team. ab
Fill in the blank: When a team conducts Sprint Planning, they use the average velocity of _____
to determine how many items they can safely add to their Sprint Backlog.

a. at least three Sprints

b. at least three days
c. at least three story points
d. at least three weeks a
Work in progress (WIP) limits place constraints on how many items a team works on at any
given time. What Scrum value do WIP limits encourage for a team?

a. Focus
b. Openness
c. Commitment
d. Courage a
As a Product Owner, you need to organize and visualize your Backlog. What is an example of a
tool that would make this task easier?

a. Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint

b. Gmail or Slack
c. Zoom or Google Chat
d. Jira or Trello d
As a Product Owner, you set the initial Sprint duration the team has to work on their items. This
refers to what Scrum concept?

a. Interval
b. Schedule
c. Time frame
d. Timebox d
As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for
each item?

a. The level of effort to complete the item

b. A clear description from the perspective of the customer
c. Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the item
d. The date the item is due
e. A set value for each item, such as dollar signs abe
During what Scrum event will the Scrum Master ask questions like: What has been our average
velocity? Who on the team has any upcoming vacations or work conflicts? Who is responsible
for what Sprint tasks?

a. Daily Scrum
b. Sprint planning
c. Sprint Retrospective
d. Sprint Review b
During the Sprint Review, what does the team unveil that demonstrates what they produced in a
given Sprint that is considered releasable?

a. product increment
b. Product Backlog
c. user story
d. acceptance criteria a
As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Retrospective, you ask the team, "Where did we notice
success?" This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?

a. Take action
b. Be blameless
c. Balance negative with positive
d. Change up the format c
Utilizing tools in Scrum helps make the team fully aware of progress and updates. This embodies
which Scrum pillar?

a. Adaptation
b. Commitment
c. Transparency
d. Inspection c
How do Product Owners typically organize items in the Backlog?

a. From simplest to most complex

b. From most to least time-consuming
c. From highest to lowest priority
d. From easiest to most difficult c
Why would a Scrum Team use a Kanban board? Select all that apply.

a. To make it easier to notice work-in-progress (WIP) limits

b. To visualize tasks
c. To give a better sense of the team's flow of work
d. To take fewer notesabc
As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for
each item? Select all that apply.

a. A set value for each item, such as dollar signs

b. The level of effort to complete the item
c. A clear description from the perspective of the customer abc
Which of the following exhibit the best practices for formatting a user story?

a. Paint the client's home because they want to increase the value of their home and protect its
exterior surface.
b. As the homeowner, I want my home painted, so that it increases the value of my home and
protects the exterior surfaces.
c. Paint the client's home to increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.
d. Paint my home because as a homeowner, it will increase its value and protect its exterior
surfaces. b
As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Review, you ask the team, "Where did we notice success?"
This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?

Balance negative with positive Balance negative with positive#

As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. Your team has a small
number of items to estimate. Overall, you'd like to have group consensus, and you'd also like to
incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?

a. The Bucket System

b. Dot Voting
c. Planning Poker™
d. Affinity Mapping c
As a Product Owner doing story estimation, you tell your team to keep their initial estimate
private. This allows team members to form an independent opinion before sharing. Which
effective estimation characteristic does this refer to?

a. Promote inclusivity
b. Avoid anchoring bias
c. Build team trust
d. Lead to effort discovery b
C5W4-Does delivering value mean improving compliance adherence for a business?

a. Yes. Compliance adherence is the most valuable asset for a business, regardless of what the
business needs to accomplish.
b. No. Value only refers to the financial benefits for a business.
c. Sometimes. Value can mean different things for each business based on what they hope to
accomplish. b
Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.

a. A mission statement
b. A product playbook
c. A product roadmap
d. A product vision
e. A release plan cde
Fill in the blank: In a release plan, product releases happen when _____.

a. the team has developed a working version of a given feature or requirement

b. the project is complete and the team has delivered the final product
c. the feature or requirement is in development and is being iterated upon
d. the customer has asked for the release of a given feature or requirement a
What are some of the benefits of developing and maintaining a product roadmap? Select all that

a. Stakeholders meet with the Product Owner less frequently throughout the project
b. Stakeholders notice incremental value over the course of the project
c. Teams and stakeholders understand the sequence of deliverables
d. Teams follow a reliable plan that does not need to change
e. Teams understand how their efforts relate to the project vision bce
Imagine you are a project manager creating release plans for a new cloud storage service. Your
team is performing well, so you decide to push up the estimated release date. Which specific
factors do you take into account to make your decision?

a. The team's willingness and work ethic

b. The team's experience and the customer's timeline
c. The team's capacity and velocity
d. The team's size and the customer's budget c
As a project manager, your organization makes a shift to Agile. To create a sense of urgency,
which questions should you ask your team about what's working, and what's not working right

a. What can we do to cut costs in our product creation and Sprint process?
b. What allows our competitors to outperform us and get their products and features to market
more quickly?
c. How can we change the company's stated mission or values to better align with our work?
d. How can we help you become more productive and supported in your work? bd
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. When
setting goals for the project, you consider the timeline, specific results, and reason for the
change. You put this information in a document the whole team can access. Which of the three
keys to influence does this scenario demonstrate?

a. Leverage the six sources of influence

b. Find vital behaviors
c. Clarify measurable results c
Imagine you are a project manager for a mobile game that is experiencing significant technical
issues. While working on the update, your team members appear unhappy and arrive at work
late. What can you do to boost morale and improve the quality of deliverables? Select all that

a. Change up the workflows by pairing people to work together on hard tasks

b. Push back the next release date to give the team more time
c. Require positive attitudes in team meetings
d. Run a team brainstorm session to identify areas for improvement
e. Take a training class on team dynamics and how to better work together ade
What can you do to avoid making too many or unfounded product assumptions? Select all that

a. Discuss assumptions as a team.

b. Conduct surveys or focus groups to double-check assumptions, where necessary.
c. Reuse assumptions from similar, past projects.
d. Document assumptions and make them transparent to all.
e. Ask the Product Owner to double-check and approve assumptions. abd
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?

a. Scrum of Scrums
b. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
c. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
d. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) a
What is the first Agile principle?

a. Satisfy the customer through value-driven delivery

b. Save the customer time through speed-driven delivery
c. Save the customer money through cost-driven delivery
d. Satisfy the customer through mission-driven delivery a
Which of the following provides an overview of the expected product, its high-level
requirements, and an estimated schedule for reaching milestones?

a. A product roadmap
b. A product vision
c. A Product Backlog
d. A value playbook a
Imagine you're a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner
to estimate the team's capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace.
Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?

a. Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to

maintain a constant workload.
b. Stakeholders and the team developers must work together daily throughout the project.
c. At regular intervals, the development team meets to reflect on how to become more effective.
d. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to the shorter timescale. a
Fill in the blank: When overseeing Agile adoption in your organization, you find an executive
sponsor who supports the change. The sponsor can help create a sense of _____.

a. obligation
b. ownership
c. success
d. innovation b
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing a new set design for a local news network. You
notice your team is becoming overwhelmed with critical feedback from producers. Then, your
team informs you that they no longer want to receive feedback from the producers. Which Agile
principle do these issues impact the most?

a. Retrospectives
b. Team dynamics and culture
c. Business collaboration
d. Value delivery c
Does a low level of interpersonal conflict mean that a team is experiencing issues?

a. Yes. A team that rarely has disagreements is not committed enough to the work.
b. No. A team that rarely has disagreements is more productive than a team that disagrees
c. Sometimes. If a team rarely has disagreements, it could mean team members don't feel safe
stating their opinions. c
What can you do to address instability when people leave and join your team frequently? Select
all that apply.

a. Use pair programming so new team members can learn on the job.
b. Ask new team members to create up-to-date project documentation before starting work.
c. Use financial incentives to keep team members from leaving.
d. Schedule shorter sprints so departing team members can wrap up work.
e. Create a quick onboarding process for new team members. ade
Which scaling method is not a true Agile framework, but can help organizations overcome the
challenges of scaling?

a. The Spotify Model

b. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
c. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
d. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) a
Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a guide that demonstrates where to go, how to get there, and what
to accomplish along the way in order to maximize value.

a. vision roadmap
b. value roadmap
c. release roadmap
d. capacity roadmap b
Fill in the blank: The product vision defines what the product is, who uses it, and how it supports
the customer's _____.

a. financial gains
b. professional reputation
c. release plan
d. business strategy d
What are some common pitfalls of making a product roadmap? Select all that apply.

a. Put more work into the roadmap than the deliverables

b. Pressure teams to achieve deadlines no matter what it takes
c. Conduct regular reviews of the roadmap with stakeholders and the team
d. Let stakeholders think the roadmap is set and unchangeable abd
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To
smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible
to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario
a. Leverage the six sources of influence
b. Find vital behaviors
c. Clarify measurable results c
What two problems commonly arise when you fail to implement Scrum completely? Select all
that apply.

a. An increase in interpersonal conflict

b. A temptation to skip events or blend them to save time
c. A decrease in customer satisfaction
d. A loss of clear roles and responsibilities bd
What are the components of a typical value roadmap?

a. A product vision, a mission statement, and development plans

b. A product roadmap, a mission statement, and release plans
c. A product roadmap, a vision statement, and development plans
d. A product vision, a product roadmap, and release plans d
Imagine you are a project manager for a company that adopts a new invoicing process. To ensure
successful adoption, you schedule training sessions so each team member can develop the skills
they need to complete the process. Which of the sources of influence does this scenario

a. Structural ability
b. Personal motivation
c. Social motivation
d. Personal ability
e. Social ability
f. Structural motivation d
Imagine you are a project manager for an interior design company that adopts a new invoicing
process. To ensure successful adoption, you schedule training sessions to ensure the team has the
skills to complete the process. As an incentive, you promise a gift card to the first person to
successfully complete the training. Which two of the six sources of influence does this scenario
demonstrate? Select all that apply.

a. Structural motivation
b. Personal ability ab
Fill in the blank: DevOps combines software development with _____.

a. Scrum operations
b. Business operations
c. Information Technology (IT) operations
d. Change management operations c
Which of the following are product roadmap best practices? Select all that apply.

a. Make the roadmap highly noticeable to the team and refer to it frequently
b. Indicate highest priority and highest value items
c. Make the roadmap highly visible to stakeholders
d. Conduct regular reviews with sponsors, stakeholders, and the team abcd
Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans to develop a new
learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. Which
of the following factors can potentially push back your release plan date? Select all that apply.

a. A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.

b. The Product Owner expands the project to include two additional school districts.
c. Your team realizes an epic will take more time to complete than anticipated. abc
Fill in the blank: You can make sure your team delivers value to customers by building the right
thing, building the thing right, and _____.

a. running it cheaply
b. scaling as fast as possible
c. selling it right
d. running it right d
Fill in the blank: In a release plan, product releases happen _____.

when the team develops a working version of a given feature or requirement when the team
develops a working version of a given feature or requirement#
Which of the three core concepts of change management benefits most from asking questions
about what's working and what's not working right now?

Create a sense of ownership and urgency Create a sense of ownership and urgency#
Which of the following are benefits of an internship? Select all that apply.

a. Get short-term, hands on industry experience

b. Network with people in your desired industry
c. Boost your resume
d. Get a guaranteed permanent position a, b, c
Which of the following best describes why there is increasing demand for project management
roles in today's job market?

a. There's significant turnover in the project management field.

b. Project management isn't adequately compensated when compared to similar roles.
c. Project management roles are designed to adapt to changes and handle new processes as they
come up.
d. Project management is a relatively new job title. c
Fill in the blank: Working for companies _____ means you'll work on a project-by-project basis,
but not as a full-time employee.

a. on a salary
b. as a mentor
c. as an intern
d. on a contract d
Throughout a project, project managers have to keep project expenses within an expected range.
What is this project management responsibility called?

a. Budgeting and controlling costs

b. Managing tasks
c. Networking
d. Planning and organizing a
Which of the following is a way to define a project? Select all that apply.

a. A series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome

b. An endeavor with unlimited deliverables from stakeholders
c. An ongoing process with no defined end date
d. A unique, temporary pursuit that has a defined beginning and end a, d
Fill in the blank: Project management is valuable to businesses because it _____.

a. helps ensure that a project delivers the expected outcomes on time and within budget
b. helps ensure that a project sticks to long-term and short-term deadlines
c. helps ensure that a project centralizes communication—both in real time and all at once
d. helps ensure that a project delivers goods or services that meet the customer's needs a
Which of the following responsibilities involves gathering project requirements and creating a
project plan?

a. Forecasting the budget

b. Managing tasks
c. Planning and organizing
d. Communicating project milestonesc
Fill in the blank: A project is a temporary pursuit, and usually includes a set of _____.

a. team members
b. strategic risks
c. unique deliverables
d. rules for accountability c
Fill in the blank: It's likely that you have used project management skills in the past, and these
skills are _____ in professional project management.

a. transferable
b. uncommon
c. inapplicable
d. impracticable a
Fill in the blank: There are _____ job titles a project manager can have.

a. many and varied

b. a decreasing number of
c. very specific
d. only a few a
Suppose that as a project manager, you speak with stakeholders to determine which tasks the
team should complete first. What project management value does this represent?

a. Delegation
b. Effective communication
c. Optimism
d. Prioritization d
As a project manager, you create plans, timelines, schedules, and other forms of documentation
to track project completion. Which project management responsibility does this represent?

a. Planning and organizing

b. Removing unforeseen barriers
c. Managing the budget
d. Managing tasks a
As a project manager, you establish "escalation paths." These allow you to quickly communicate
task hindrances, also called roadblocks, to the right people. When escalating a roadblock, you
document it and make sure everyone that needs to know is aware of the challenge. What project
management responsibility does this represent?

a. Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

b. Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.
c. Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
d. Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks. b
What is an example of measuring progress for a cross-functional team?

a. Learning what makes team members feel supported and giving positive feedback
b. Setting up effective tools so the team can easily work together
c. Defining key items and encouraging team members to ask questions
d. Recording milestones and documenting when tasks are completed d
You're a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you make sure the
project stays on schedule?

a. Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product.
b. Track daily product improvement tasks of team members in a spreadsheet.
c. Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid input until product launch.
d. Have a meeting with stakeholders to make them aware of product concerns. b
As a project manager, you learn that a teammate will be out sick for at least a week. They will be
unable to complete their tasks, potentially causing the project to go past its deadline. Which work
reallocation strategy can keep the project on schedule?

a. Get leadership to approve overtime so the teammate can catch up on work when they return.
b. Review the out-sick teammate's tasks to determine which tasks have "float" and figure out
where the order of tasks can be changed or resources can be juggled.
c. Distribute all of the out-sick teammate's tasks evenly among team members.
d. Have teammates work longer hours to get their tasks done and then do the out-sick teammate's
tasks. b
Suppose you are trying to figure out how a team member prefers to receive positive recognition.
Which interpersonal skill can you use to make this determination?

a. Work ethic
b. Understanding motivations
c. Conflict mediation
d. Negotiation b
As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to build a great team. Which of the
following would a project manager do to build a great team? Select all that apply.

a. Address the team's needs whenever it's most convenient for the project manager's schedule.
b. Take the time to understand each team member's motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.
c. Allow the team members to have input and ask questions.
d. Understand the customer's requirements to better shape the skills needed for the team. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: In project management, a _____ is a person or an organization that defines the
project requirements. They also may set important guidelines, such as the budget and deadlines.

a. competitor
b. vendor
c. customer
d. teammate c
Fill in the blank: _____ is when a project manager supports each individual on their team to meet
expectations and exceed their own sense of personal potential.

a. Mentoring
b. Promoting
c. Planning
d. Communicating a
Which of the following is true of an effective project manager in an organization?

a. Have personally met the project's stakeholders

b. Must know all of the specific details of the project
c. Have the necessary skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques for the project
d. Have had a previous role in the organization sponsoring the project c
Which term refers to the process of initiating a project, making a plan, executing and completing
tasks, and closing a project?
a. Agile methodology
b. Waterfall methodology
c. Project life cycle
d. Project management methodology c
Why should project managers always initiate a project (phase one) before making a plan (phase
a. Because determining scope, cost, and timeline is crucial to creating a budget, setting a
schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities
b. Because establishing your team is crucial to have in place before understanding scope, cost,
and timeline
c. Because executing and completing tasks successfully is crucial to creating a budget, setting a
schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities
d. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to understanding scope, cost, and timeline a
What is the term for a set of guiding principles and processes for owning a project through its life
a. Waterfall methodology
b. Project management methodology
c. Project life cycle
d. Life cycle methodology b
Which answer best describes the Agile project management methodology?
a. Created in the seventies, the Agile methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including initiating, planning, executing, and closing.
b. Created in the eighties, the Agile methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling.
c. Created in the eighties, the Agile methodology refers to being able to move quickly and easily
through a project by combining and eliminating tasks.
d. Created in the nineties, the Agile methodology refers to being able to move quickly and easily
through a project by working on many tasks at once.d
What is the main advantage of the Agile approach over the Waterfall methodology?
a. Agile allows the project manager to make centralized decisions and assign tasks.
b. Agile has clearly defined expectations and helps teams avoid expensive changes to a project
once it has started.
c. Agile takes a flexible approach, letting teams make adjustments as they go.
d. Agile focuses on reducing waste within an operation. c
The Lean Six Sigma approach includes which of the following phases?
a. Measure, define, apply, improve, control
b. Impact, measure, define, control, analyze
c. Connect, control, impact, apply, analyze
d. Define, measure, analyze, improve, control d
Fill in the blank: Before moving into the planning phase, a project manager needs to receive
_____ from the decision maker(s).
a. a project schedule
b. budgetary funds
c. resources
d. project approval d
When closing a project, in what meeting does the team reflect on what went well and didn't go
well in the project?
a. Retrospective
b. Agile perspective
c. Stakeholder acceptance
d. Positives and negatives a
In which project phase does the project manager break down barriers for teammates and address
weaknesses in task processes?
a. Close the project
b. Execute the project
c. Make a plan
d. Initiate the project b
Which project management approach is an Agile framework that delivers products through an
iterative process?
a. Scrum
b. Lean
c. Six Sigma
d. Waterfall a
Which of the following refers to how a company arranges its employee hierarchy, divides and
coordinates job tasks, and enables members of the organization to relate to one another?
a. Matrix organizational structure
b. Authoritative structure
c. Organizational structure
d. Project Management Office (PMO) c
Which of the following refers to an internal group that defines and maintains project standards
across the organization?
a. Matrix organizational structure
b. Classic organizational structure
c. Project Planning Office (PPO)
d. Project Management Office (PMO) d
How does a company's organizational structure impact project management?
a. It affects the project's success rate and a team's ability to improve.
b. It affects the project manager's authority and the availability of resources.
c. It affects the project manager's authority and the success of change management.
d. It affects the success of change management and the availability of resources. b
Define organizational culture.
a. A company's structure, hierarchy, and goals
b. A company's income and expenses
c. A company's schedule and plans
d. A company's shared values, mission, and history d
Why should project managers learn about organizational culture? Select all that apply.
a. So they can demonstrate how a project supports the company's mission and values
b. So they can assign the right number of people to a project
c. So they can manage change effectively
d. So they can communicate more effectively with teams a, c, d
Which of the following statements is true of the change management process? Select all that
a. It requires effective communication from the project manager.
b. It includes the successful delivery and adoption of a completed project.
c. It follows Waterfall methodology principles.
d. It is the sole responsibility of the project manager. a, b
What can a project manager do to manage changes effectively and encourage project adoption?
Select all that apply.
a. Communicate clearly by being transparent and upfront with their ideas
b. Create a sense of ownership and urgency around the project
c. Avoid having team members as advocates because they may be too enthusiastic about the
d. Encourage supervisors to use their authority to force employee adoption a, b
As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. You do this
by ensuring stakeholders are aware of the upcoming changes. You introduce the deliverable to
stakeholders by hosting a demonstration and a question and answer forum. These actions
represent which change management best practice?
a. Be proactive
b. Practice empathy
c. Follow a consistent process
d. Use tools a
In business, what is the management framework within which decisions are made and
accountability is determined?
a. Governance
b. Organizational culture
c. Agile
d. Change management a
Which of the following best describes organizational structure?

a. How members of the organization relate to and interact with one another
b. How changes are implemented within the organization
c. How the organization's identity and personality is demonstrated
d. How leadership creates operational processes within the organization a
Which answer best describes a Classic organizational structure?

a. It refers to how a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how
members of the organization relate to one another.
b. It refers to the traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command.
c. It involves reporting to stakeholders across teams in addition to direct managers.
d. It allows for easy communication among project teams that sit across different functions.
Which questions can help project managers learn about a company's organizational culture?
Select all that apply.
a. How much revenue did the organization earn last year?
b. How do employees prefer to communicate?
c. Which style of project management does the company use?
d. What day was the organization founded? b, c
What tools can a project manager incorporate to assist in project adoption? Select all that apply.

a. Feedback mechanisms, such as surveys, to capture stakeholder input

b. Flowcharts to illustrate the project's development process
c. Reporting charts to show the relationships among people and groups within the organization
d. Culture mapping to illustrate how the company's values, norms, and employees behavior may
be affected by the project a, b, d
Fill in the blank: A project manager becomes a _____ at a company—someone who helps an
organization transform by focusing on organizational effectiveness.
a. contrarian
b. traditionalist
c. change agent
d. competitor c
Which of the following accurately describe how organizational structure impacts project
management? Select all that apply.
a. It affects the availability of resources that can be devoted to a project.
b. It affects the client's criteria for success.
c. It affects the client's project satisfaction.
d. It affects the project manager's level of authority and their ability to make decisions that
impact the larger organization. a, d
Which of the following concepts are part of organizational culture? Select all that apply.

a. A company's stock price

b. A company's mission
c. A company's shared values
d. A company's history b, c, d
As a project manager, your team created a more efficient reporting dashboard. Now, you're
trying to get the organization to accept and adopt the new dashboard. What organizational
process does this situation represent?

a. Change adoptance
b. Project management
c. Project governance
d. Change management d
What questions can project managers ask themselves in order to help manage change
effectively? Select all that apply.

a. How will the organization react to change?

b. What are the best means of communication to convey the change?
c. Which leaders shouldn't be informed of the change?
d. Which influencers in the organization can affect the change? a, b
As someone interviewing for a project management role, you ask questions about sick days and
vacation, working from home, and if the company supports employees sharing their identity in
the workplace. Which part of a company's culture do these questions help you learn more about?

a. Policies
b. Processes
c. Vision
d. Compensation a
Fill in the blank: Project governance covers _____.
a. decisions such as policies, regulations, functions, processes, and procedures
b. roles such as sponsor, stakeholder, project manager, client, and team members
c. documents such as the project charter, project proposal, RACI chart, and project
communication plan
d. phases such as the initiating, planning, executing, and closing of a project a
Define organizational structure.

a. How a company defines its values, how it retains employees, and how teams maintain
b. How a company sets budgets, documents expenses, and tracks income
c. How a company's corporate governance functions, how it prioritizes clear and sustainable
goals, and how it implements changes
d. How a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how members of
the organization relate to one another d
As a project manager, you believe limited access to the necessary people and equipment could
cause the project to go past deadline. Which organizational topic could you discuss with your
key stakeholder to get the project back on track?

a. Stakeholder availability
b. Meeting availability
c. Report availability
d. Resource availability d
How can project managers navigate organizational culture while working on projects? Select all
that apply.

a. By making observations
b. By asking questions
c. By understanding their impact
d. By creating a Project Management Office (PMO) a, b, c
What action should a project manager take to ensure effective project governance?

a. Treat project governance as separate from corporate governance.

b. Take on projects without sufficient resources to push the team beyond their perceived
c. Prioritize governance trends over the organization's specific needs.
d. Elicit the input of senior stakeholders since they are decision makers. d
Fill in the blank: According to a 2017 Project Management Institute study, industries like
manufacturing, construction, information technology, publishing, finance, and oil and gas are
experiencing _____ with project management jobs.

a. the least amount of growth compared to other industries

b. the same amount of growth compared to other industries
c. the most amount of growth compared to other industries
d. no growth compared to other industries c
Fill in the blank: A/An _____ allows you to work for a company on a project-by-project basis
but not as a full-time employee.

a. internship
b. mentor
c. salary
d. contract d
Which of the following are important project management responsibilities? Select all that apply.

a. Managing tasks
b. Managing company operations
c. Planning and organizing
d. Controlling costs a, c, d
Fill in the blank: Project management is _____.

a. the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and
achieve the desired outcome
b. the use of applications that can help you deliver your project on time, and with a successful
c. the series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome
d. the practice of decision-making that is carefully planned and designed to meet the project
requirements a
What does it take for a project manager to ensure a project stays on-track and on-budget? Select
all that apply.

a. Networking
b. Careful planning
c. Collaboration
d. Technical industry experience b, c
Fill in the blank: Typically, projects have a(n) _____ beginning and end.

a. vague
b. immovable
c. broad
d. defined d
As someone moving to a new location, you have several tasks. You have to plan for the various
expenses like boxes and movers. You also have to clearly label the boxes, and manage all of the
tasks leading up to and during the move. Which project management skills does the move
require? Select all that apply.

a. Deep technical experience

b. Strong planning and communication skills
c. Organizational management
d. Budget preparation and monitoring b, c, d
Fill in the blank: In addition to a job title, many companies list project management as a desired

a. internship
b. skill
c. hobby
d. degree b
What did researchers project in 2020 for job growth in the project management field?
a. Project management-aligned roles will need nearly 90 million people to fill positions by the
year 2027.
b. Project management talent is only in high demand in large American cities.
c. Project managers cannot succeed without a PM certification.
d. Project management talent is in high demand in a few countries. a
Project managers need to meet each project's requirements and achieve the desired outcome. To
do this, should project managers use the same tools, techniques, and methodologies every day on
their projects?

a. Yes. Project managers should use the same tools, techniques, and methodologies every day—
this consistency is key to achieving an optimal outcome.
b. No. Project managers should use varying tools, techniques, and methodologies throughout a
project—this is key to supporting and adapting to a project team.
c. Maybe. Project managers should adopt whatever tools, techniques, and methodologies that a
specific company prefers—this keeps senior management happy. b
Which of the following explains how a project manager best accomplishes their responsibilities?
Select all that apply.

a. Establishes the budget after the project begins

b. Helps the team get what they need to keep the project going
c. Assigns project tasks to the appropriately-skilled stakeholders
d. Communicates key project milestones to stay on task
e. Knows what the project team needs to accomplish and when b, d, e
What is true of successful project managers?
a. Project managers are most successful when trained in a sector that is experiencing rapid
growth, like telecommunications or health care.
b. Project managers need a formal education since project management jobs require a business
c. Project managers gain relevant experience in the real world since skills like budgeting and
time management are transferable.
d. Project managers are most successful when learning project management skills early in their
careers since it is a highly technical role. c
What required skills are typically listed in project management job postings? Select all that

a. Budget preparation and monitoring

b. Web design
c. Social media marketing
d. Organizational management
e. Communication skills a, d, e
As someone seeking a project management role, you occasionally meet people in a professional
setting to share knowledge and create new business connections. This is an example of what
strategy to get a job?

a. Get an internship
b. Attend local or online networking events
c. Update resume
d. Join LinkedIn b
Once the project is underway, project managers help manage tasks for the team members and
communicate key milestones to stakeholders. What is this project management responsibility

a. Budgeting and controlling costs

b. Selecting tools
c. Networking
d. Managing tasks d
What are the phases of the project life cycle?

a. Make a plan, initiate the project, communicate progress, close the project
b. Initiate the project, make a plan, execute and complete tasks, close the project
c. Initiate the project, make a plan, measure and analyze tasks, close the project
d. Initiate the project, make a plan, communicate progress, close the project b
What is the main advantage of the Waterfall methodology over the Agile approach?

a. Waterfall takes a flexible approach, letting teams make adjustments as they go.
b. Waterfall focuses on reducing waste within an operation.
c. Waterfall allows for easy reorganization of tasks as the project progresses.
d. Waterfall has clearly defined expectations and helps teams avoid expensive changes to a
project once it has started. d
Which project management approach includes the following phases: define, measure, analyze,
improve, control.

a. Lean Six Sigma methodology

b. Agile methodology
c. Waterfall methodology
d. Linear methodology a
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the initiation phase? Select all
that apply.

a. Get project approval

b. Determine resources needed
c. Create a budget
d. Define project goals a, b, d
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the closing phase? Select all
that apply.

a. Complete the project proposal

b. Reflect on lessons learned
c. Ensure all tasks are complete
d. Confirm acceptance of the project outcome b, c, d
In which project plan phase does the project manager celebrate successes and release the team to
support other projects within the company?

a. Close the project

b. Execute the project
c. Initiate the project
d. Make a plana
Which project management approach uses the 5S quality tool, the DMAIC process, and Kanban

a. Agile
b. Waterfall
c. Scrum
d. Lean Six Sigma d
Why should project managers always make a plan (phase two) before executing and completing
tasks (phase three)?

a. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to developing the project charter
b. Because creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities is
crucial to executing and completing tasks
c. Because executing and completing tasks is crucial to creating a budget, setting a schedule, and
determining roles and responsibilities
d. Because executing and completing tasks is crucial to understanding scope, cost, and timeline
Which answer best describes the Waterfall project management methodology?

a. Created in the eighties, the Waterfall methodology refers to being able to move quickly and
easily through a project by combining and eliminating tasks.
b. Created in the eighties, the Waterfall methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling.
c. Created in the seventies, the Waterfall methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases,
including initiating, planning, executing, and closing.
d. Created in the nineties, the Waterfall methodology refers to being able to move quickly and
easily through a project by working on many tasks at once. c
As a project manager, your team is improving one of your client's current sales conversion
processes. This is a complex project with many steps. It's also high-risk. One missed step could
cost your client significant potential revenue. Which project management methodology is best
for this project?

a. Sequential methodology
b. Waterfall methodology
c. Lean Six Sigma methodology
d. Linear methodology c
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the planning phase? Select all
that apply.
a. Create a budget
b. Set the schedule
c. Get project approval
d. Establish the team a, b, d
Which project management approach uses the 5S quality tool and implements a Kanban
scheduling system to manage production?

a. Waterfall
b. Agile
c. Scrum
d. Lean d
Choose the best definition for a project management methodology.

a. A project management methodology is a set of guiding principles and processes for owning a
project through its life cycle.
b. A project management methodology is a set of guiding laws and measures for owning a
project through its life cycle.
c. A project management methodology is a set of guiding tasks and measurements for owning a
project through its life cycle.
d. A project management methodology is a set of guiding ethical values for operating a project
through its life cycle. a
As a project manager, your team is launching a new product. Each step to launch the product
includes clearly defined tasks. A task won't begin until another task ends. Also, once the project
starts, any changes to the product will be expensive. Which project management methodology is
best for this project?

a. Scrum methodology
b. Waterfall methodology
c. Agile methodology
d. Lean Six Sigma methodology b
Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the execution phase? Select
all that apply.

a. Handle communication for the team

b. Manage the project's progress
c. Do the majority of the work
d. Make adjustments to the schedule, budget, and resources a, b, d
Why is it important to initiate a project? Select all that apply.
a. Determine if the project's benefits outweigh the costs
b. Provide a strong foundation and set the stage for success
c. Solidify the scope of a project
d. Help the project manager establish a good reputation a, b, c
What two questions can a project manager ask to determine a project's costs?
a. What value will the project create?
b. How will the user experience be improved?
c. What are the ongoing project costs?
d. How much time will people have to spend on the project? c, d
Fill in the blank: _____ are the first thing a project manager needs to consider during the
initiation phase.
a. Goals
b. Resources
c. Planning
d. Success criteria a
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with the owners
to discuss what outcomes they'd like to ultimately achieve with the project. Which project
initiation component are you trying to determine?

a. Resources
b. Budget
c. Scope
d. Goals d
Imagine that the main supplier for a construction project runs out of steel girders and needs to
obtain more to complete the order. Which key component of project initiation does this scenario

a. Goals
b. Scope
c. Deliverables
d. Resources d
A project charter adds value to projects in what three ways?
a. Includes a plan to mitigate potential risks
b. Sets up a framework for what project work the team needs to do
c. Helps project managers communicate project details to others
d. Allows project managers to get organized b, c, d
Fill in the blank: _____ are gains that are not quantifiable.

a. Yearly profits
b. Intangible benefits
c. Ongoing costs
d. Quarterly income b
You expect that a project will bring in $25,000 USD in revenue per year. You estimate it will
cost $12,000 up front. You also estimate costs of $200 per month for the first 12 months, which
equals $2,400 per year. Using the formula (G-C) ÷ C = ROI, how would you calculate the
project's return on investment (ROI) after the first 12 months?

a. (25,000 - 12,000) ÷ 14,400 = 90%

b. (25,000 - 12,000) ÷ 12,000 = 108%
c. (25,000 - 14,400) ÷ 14,400 = 74%
d. (25,000 - 14,400) ÷ 12,000 = 88% c
Fill in the blank: Project initiation includes determining resources, documenting key
components, and _____.
a. solidifying scope
b. finalizing budgets
c. onboarding the team
d. establishing a schedule a
Imagine that a university hires a construction company to build a new library. Before starting,
the project manager outlines the building materials the project needs. They also outline the roles
and amount of workers to hire. Which key component of project initiation does this scenario

a. Resources
b. Deliverables
c. Success criteria
d. Scope a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a document that defines project goals and outlines what is needed to
accomplish them.
a. project charter
b. risk analysis
c. cost-benefit analysis
d. project schedule a
You expect that a project will bring in $15,000 USD in revenue per year. You estimate it will
cost $10,000 up front. You also estimate costs of $100 per month for the first 12 months, which
equals $1,200 per year. Using the formula (G-C) ÷ C = ROI, how would you calculate the
project's return on investment (ROI) after the first 12 months?

a. (15,000 - 11,200) ÷ 11,200 = 34%

b. (15,000 - 10,000) ÷ 11,200 = 45%
c. (15,000 - 11,200) ÷ 15,000 = 25%
d. (11,200 - 10,000) ÷ 15,000 = 8% a
Fill in the blank: A cost-benefit analysis weighs the potential value of a project against money,
resources, and _____ required.

a. competitors
b. time
c. policies
d. expectationsb
When calculating a cost-benefit analysis for a project, what do you call gains that are not
a. Ongoing costs
b. Yearly profits
c. Quarterly income
d. Intangible benefits d
Why is it important to perform a cost-benefit analysis during the initiation phase? Select all that
a. To set up a framework for what project work the team needs to do
b. To add up the expected value, or benefits, of a project
c. To outline project goals and how to accomplish them
d. To compare the project benefits to the costs c, d
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with
stakeholders to decide how to measure project success. Which project initiation component are
you trying to determine?
a. Goals
b. Resources
c. Scope
d. Success criteria d
Which of the following could be considered intangible benefits? Select all that apply.
a. Customer satisfaction
b. Brand perception
c. Income earned
d. Employee satisfaction a, b, d
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you create goals that are a little challenging, but also encourage growth. In this instance,
which SMART criteria are you using?
a. Specific
b. Relevant
c. Time-bound
d. Measurable
e. Attainable e
Which of the following scenarios best represents a project that is going out-of-scope?
a. The deliverable to present your project's pre-launch event at a three-day, in-person conference
is now an online conference. The switch reduces the costs associated with event space, travel,
and people resource time.
b. During the project weekly meeting, the project sponsor adds a new deliverable requirement
that costs $10,000 USD. This addition surpasses the budget by $5,000 USD.
c. The manufacturer of one of the project deliverables just lost power after a large storm. They
don't expect to be in production for one week, delaying the project timeline.
d. During the project weekly meeting, the project manager learns the main vendor will increase
the cost of raw materials by 20% due to an international shortage. b
Consider this Office Green scenario: A member of the marketing team suggests allowing
customers to choose from an additional three plant colors.
What can help prevent project scope creep in this scenario? Select all that apply.
a. Get clarity on project requirements.
b. Go along with the member's suggestion.
c. Make project plans visible.
d. Create a plan for dealing with out-of-scope requests. a, c, d
Fill in the blank: The goal of a project helps to determine the _____.

a. deliverables
b. presentation
c. stakeholders
d. culture a
What is part of a project launch?
a. Defining and managing the project scope.
b. Presenting the final deliverable to the client.
c. Measuring the success of the project.
d. Budgeting the deliverables for success. b
Consider the following scenario: The Director of Product requests a project cost reduction of
25%. However, they also state that the product's final result needs to look and function as
originally agreed with no additions to project workload.
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?
a. Change the project goal
b. Change the team
c. Change the timeline
d. Change the project scope c
Which of the following indicate whether a project manager accomplishes what they set out to

a. Success criteria
b. Accuracy standard
c. Deviation criteria
d. Launch standard a
What's a main difference between the adoption and engagement metrics?

a. Adoption replaces a business metric. Engagement compliments other business metrics.

b. Adoption requires more expensive tools. Engagement requires less expensive tools.
c. Adoption is generally a one-time occurrence. Engagement is ongoing.
d. Adoption is an external metric. Engagement is an internal metric. c
How will you quantify if you're landing a project at its intended goal?

a. Check if the project meets the initial success criteria

b. Ask the clients if they're happy with the result
c. Solicit stakeholders for their opinions
d. Send out feedback surveys to team members a
Suppose that you're starting as a project manager for a new client. What three strategies can you
use to decrease the likelihood of scope creep and make the project a success?

a. Set ground rules and expectations for client involvement once the project begins.
b. Keep complicated documents from the client because you don't want to confuse them.
c. Ask for constructive criticism on the initial product proposal.
d. Show the client the details of what you're going to create and how much it will cost. a, c, d
The objective for a car company is to launch a new series of cars. Which three of the following
could be examples of key results?

a. Create a best-in-class midsize sedan.

b. Improve the customer satisfaction survey score by 15%.
c. Distribute 98% of the product on time to dealerships.
d. Meet production deadlines 95% of the time. b, c, d
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you ask yourself if your team can misinterpret a goal. Which SMART criteria does this
question represent?

a. Attainable
b. Measurable
c. Specific
d. Relevant
e. Time-bound c
Which of the following demonstrates a project manager keeping the project in scope? Select all
that apply.

a. The key stakeholder has had to meet with the project manager several times to define the
project scope. The project manager is delaying meetings and is unclear about project tasks.
b. The key stakeholder meets with the project manager to set the scope and deliverable
agreements in writing. The project manager keeps the key stakeholder informed while
communicating with project team members.
c. The key stakeholder and the project manager clearly define the project scope in the initial
planning stage. The project manager documents all the details to be referred to throughout the
project life cycle.
d. The key stakeholder clearly states the project needs to be completed in six months and must
stay within scope. The project manager has not been able to keep the project on schedule and has
yet to inform the key st b, c
Fill in the blank: Deliverables help project managers, team members, and stakeholders _____
and realize the impact of the project.

a. quantify
b. compare
c. rank
d. adjust a
Consider the following scenario: The Director of Product requests the project manager to add a
new product feature. However, they also state that the team cannot push back the project delivery
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?

a. Change the project goal

b. Change the team
c. Change the timeline
d. Change the budget d
Which of the following is an engagement metric?

a. Double the amount of initial orders.

b. Number of new customer sign-ups for a subscription.
c. A 20% increase of participation time within an app.
d. A 35% increase of first-time customers. c
How will you quantify if you're landing a project at its intended goal?
a. Send out feedback surveys to team members
b. Solicit stakeholders for their opinions
c. Check if the project meets the initial success criteria
d. Ask the clients if they're happy with the result c
Suppose as a project manager you receive a request from a team member to change a process
they believe will make their work more efficient. However, you know that the change may
increase the workload for other team members and extend the project's completion date. How do
you best address this potential internal scope creep?

a. Request from stakeholders an additional team member to take on the additional work.
b. Try it out as a test because the team member making the request has seniority.
c. Remind the team that any process changes will change project scope and may create unknown
risks for the project.
d. Ask the team member who requested the change to take on the additional work from affected
team members. c
Which of the following is true about Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)?

a. OKRs are mainly for team-based metrics and not for individuals.
b. OKRs are rarely used to determine a project's success criteria.
c. There are typically 2-3 objectives for every key result.
d. Adoption and engagement are often used as metrics to measure results. d
Fill in the blank: The difference between a goal and a deliverable is that the goal is the desired
outcome of the project and the deliverable is a _____ of the project.
a. tangible outcome
b. success criteria
c. SMART method
d. progress a
Which two of the following are examples of success criteria?

a. Create a new product feature that will satisfy customers.

b. Implement a training service to meet company objectives.
c. Deliver training to all appropriate teams to ensure at least 98% of the teams are using the new
d. Meet company-wide objective of $50M in revenues. c, d
Which of the following is an adoption metric?

a. A 35% increase in first-time customers.

b. A 20% increase in the amount of tasks completed.
c. Double the amount of time participating within an app.
d. An increase in customer satisfaction score. a
Which scenario demonstrates project landing?

a. The project manager considers positive feedback from the project sponsor as enough evidence
to assume success and reports the project complete.
b. The Director of Product requests to reduce the budget by 25% but the final outcome still needs
to look and function as originally agreed.
c. The car company Janco launches a new car series called the Cruiser ST. The launch is
successful and all the dealerships request more models.
d. The project manager checks back on the project in five years to see if the training program
produces a 20% increase in the county's recycling rate. d
Suppose as a project manager you're receiving requests from stakeholders to add new features to
the product you're developing. How would you deal with this external scope creep?
a. Ignore the requests because the project is already underway.
b. Agree on who can make formal requests and how your team will evaluate and act on those
c. Take a team vote to decide if the team should add the new feature to the product.
d. Implement the initial stakeholders requests and then ban all future requests. b
Fill in the blank: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) combine both a goal and a _______ to
determine a measurable outcome.

a. vision
b. budget
c. metric
d. consensus c
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you ask yourself if a goal is aligned to the organization or the company's goals. Which
SMART criteria does this question represent?
a. Relevant
b. Specific
c. Time-bound
d. Attainable
e. Measurable a
Which of the following demonstrates a project manager keeping the project in scope? Select all
that apply.

a. The key stakeholder has had to meet with the project manager several times to define the
project scope. The project manager is delaying meetings and is unclear about project tasks.
b. The key stakeholder and the project manager clearly define the project scope in the initial
planning stage. The project manager documents all the details to be referred to throughout the
project life cycle.
c. The key stakeholder meets with the project manager to set the scope and deliverable
agreements in writing. The project manager keeps the key stakeholder informed while
communicating with project team members.
d. The key stakeholder clearly states the project needs to be completed in six months and must
stay within scope. The project manager has not been able to keep the project on schedule and has
yet to inform the key st b, c
Consider the following scenario:
A new company project isn't going well. The company hires outside evaluators to review the
project. The evaluators tell the company that its plan has too many delays and that the company
won't be able to complete the project on time. They also identify one issue causing a delay is the
company and the investors (stakeholders) have different expectations of what the completed
project should be.
What step could the company have taken to avoid scope creep?

a. Require more detailed bids from the evaluators in writing.

b. Hire a different organization to review the project.
c. Have stakeholder involvement before the project begins.
d. Make the investors adopt the company's project expectations. c
Fill in the blank: The goal of a project helps to determine the _____.

a. stakeholders
b. culture
c. deliverables
d. presentation c
Which of the following scenarios best represents project launch?
a. The client agrees to the initial timeline and budget.
b. The project manager works with stakeholders to develop project goals and deliverables.
c. The website development team researches a specific audience through sales data analysis.
d. The project team releases a new product. d
Consider the following scenario: The Director of Product requests that the project manager do
what they can to finish the project early. However, the Director also states that they cannot spend
any additional funds.
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?
a. Change the team
b. Change the project scope
c. Change the budget
d. Change the project goal b
A project manager launches a project to streamline a local city's school bus route schedule to
reduce the amount of time students are on the bus by 30%. What scenario below demonstrates
that the project manager landed at the intended goal?
a. The project manager reviews the data in 3 months to determine if they reduced the amount of
time students spend on the bus by at least 30%.
b. The project manager surveys the team members to ask how they feel about the project success;
their feedback is reviewed and determines the next team.
c. The project manager hands over the project to the client with all of the plans and documents
and considers the project a success.
d. The project manager completes the research and development required for the plan and adds
another county to compare success rates for the project. a
Which of the following responsibilities typically belong to the project manager? Select all that
a. Control change and monitor project quality
b. Develop the project management plan
c. Direct project work and report on progress to stakeholders
d. Sign off on the budget a, b, c
Does the project sponsor fund the project?
a. Yes. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role, which always includes funding the
b. No. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role but does not fund the project.
c. Sometimes. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role, which sometimes includes
funding the project. c
Which stakeholders are indirectly impacted by a project's success?
a. Secondary stakeholders
b. Minor players
c. Key players
d. Primary stakeholders a
Which of the following are typical responsibilities of project team members? Select all that
a. Take on multiple project tasks
b. Carry out day-to-day project tasks
c. Provide technical expertise
d. Initiate the project a, b, c
Fill in the blank: Stakeholder analysis is the process of identifying stakeholders and grouping
them by _____.

a. interest and influence

b. seniority and experience
c. availability and participation
d. talents and skills a
What is the first step in a stakeholder analysis?

a. List the stakeholders impacted by the project

b. Determine each stakeholder's level of influence
c. Determine each stakeholder's level of interest
d. Assess each stakeholder's ability to participate and find ways to involve them a
Which of the following statements are true of RACI charts? Select all that apply.

a. Define project roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency

b. Record the level of risk stakeholders bring to the project
c. Assess each stakeholder's ability to participate and build necessary partnerships
d. Determine which stakeholders are responsible for which tasks a, d
Which of the following is true of someone who is accountable in a RACI chart?

a. Gives feedback according to their subject matter expertise

b. Carries out the work to complete the tasks
c. Learns about tasks when they are complete
d. Ensures the work gets completed d
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people should be on the team, if they have the time to work on the project, and if they have a
personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when building a team?
a. Team member communication preferences
b. Necessary skills for the project
c. Degree of stakeholder engagement
d. Likelihood of project success b
As a project manager, you're prioritizing stakeholders with a power grid. One stakeholder has
high power and low interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the
a. Show consideration
b. Monitor
c. Meet their needs
d. Manage closely c
Which of the following people are likely to be primary stakeholders in a project? Select all that
a. The project client
b. The project team
c. Business competitors
d. The project sponsora, b, d
What is the purpose of a stakeholder analysis?

a. Determine which stakeholders to exclude from a project

b. Talk to stakeholders and learn about their interests
c. Meet with stakeholders to make major project decisions
d. Identify stakeholders and determine their involvement in a project d
How does stakeholder analysis benefit a project? Select all that apply.
a. Gets the right people involved at the right time
b. Builds partnerships necessary for project success
c. Lowers project costs
d. Helps the project team avoid surprises a, b, d
What does the acronym RACI stand for?
a. Responsible, Appeased, Consulted, Interested
b. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
c. Responsible, Accountable, Considered, Interested
d. Responsible, Accountable, Considered, Informed b
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people should be on the team, if they have the time to work on the project, and what expertise
each team member needs for their tasks. What else should you consider when building a team?
a. Team member motivation
b. Likelihood of project success
c. Degree of project sponsor engagement
d. Whether the project has a strong business case a
As a project manager, you're prioritizing stakeholders with a power grid. One stakeholder has
low power and high interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the

a. Show consideration
b. Monitor
c. Manage closely
d. Meet their needs a
Who is responsible for overseeing the scope, schedule, budget, and quality of a project?
a. Project sponsor
b. Project manager
c. Product lead
d. Primary stakeholders b
Which three of the following responsibilities can belong to the project sponsor?

a. Play a key leadership role throughout the project.

b. Ensure that the project delivers the agreed upon value to the business.
c. Fund the project.
d. Plan and organize the project. a, b, c
Which stakeholders benefit directly (not indirectly) from a project's success? Select all that
a. Secondary stakeholders
b. Key players
c. Minor players
d. Primary stakeholders b, d
Who uses technical and interpersonal skills to carry out day-to-day project tasks?

a. Project manager
b. Project sponsor
c. Secondary stakeholders
d. Project team members d
Which term refers to identifying stakeholders and grouping them by interest and influence?

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Stakeholder monitoring
c. Stakeholder buy-in
d. Steering committee meeting a
What is the main benefit of making a RACI chart?
a. Helps set SMART goals
b. Assesses each stakeholder's ability to participate and build necessary partnerships
c. Determines which stakeholders should fill which roles during a project
d. Illustrates all of the potential risks and opportunities for success c
Which three of the following situations can lead to role confusion on a project?

a. When workloads are unbalanced

b. When team members perform overlapping work
c. When only one person is designated as accountable
d. When ownership of decisions is unclear a, b, d
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people need to be on the team, what expertise each member will need to complete their tasks,
and if they have a personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when
building a team?
a. Whether the project has a strong business case
b. Degree of stakeholder engagement
c. Team member communication preferences
d. Team member availability d
Who is accountable for the project, ensures that it delivers the agreed-upon value, and may also
fund the project?

a. The project sponsor

b. The client
c. The primary stakeholders
d. The project manager a
Which of the following activities are steps in a stakeholder analysis? Select all that apply.

a. Determine which stakeholders should be excluded from the project

b. Assess each stakeholder's level of interest and influence
c. List the stakeholders impacted by the project
d. Assess each stakeholder's reputation and level of experience b, c
Fill in the blank: For small projects, project managers should typically use _____.

a. highest-rated tools
b. more sophisticated tools
c. recently-created tools
d. simple and straightforward tools d
As a project manager, you need to update your project charter with a statement about the tangible
outcome of the project. In which section of the project charter does this information go?

a. Business case
b. Benefits
c. Project scope
d. Project deliverable d
Fill in the blank: A project manager creates a project charter _____ a project proposal.

a. after
b. at the same time as
c. as an introduction to
d. before a
Fill in the blank: Project managers need to ensure project information is _____ through formal
documentation, such as email, a presentation, or a digital document.

a. available only to stakeholders

b. easily accessible to everyone
c. available only to team members
d. easily accessible to the public b
Email and chat are examples of what type of project management tool?
a. Collaboration
b. Scheduling
c. Progress visualization
d. Work management a
A project manager needs a tool to assign tasks and help visualize the team's task progress. Which
tool type should they choose?

a. Chat
b. Email
c. Shared documents
d. Work management d
Digital documents, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word, help a project manager complete
what three tasks?

a. Create agendas
b. Chat efficiently with the team
c. Outline project scope and next steps
d. Track and review team processes a, c, d
A spreadsheet is a versatile tool that helps a project manager to do what? Select all that apply.

a. Manage budgets
b. Track tasks
c. Communicate with teammates
d. Build charts
e. Create timelines a, b, d, e
Fill in the blank: Project managers use tools to manage _____, which typically include the
project's budget, people, and materials.

a. project charters
b. project resources
c. project proposals
d. project timelines b
Which of the following best describes what a living document means?

a. A document that evolves as the project progresses

b. A document that is updated from project to project
c. A digital document stored in the cloud
d. A document that has been shared with the team a
Who does the project manager need to get approval from before indicating a Go for the project?
Select all that apply.
a. Key stakeholders
b. Vendors
c. Project sponsor
d. Project team members a, c
Which are examples of work management tools?
a. Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides
b. Email and chat
c. Asana, Basecamp, and Trello
d. Microsoft Word and Google Docs c
The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to
review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the
project sponsor's request?

a. Scheduling software
b. Visualization cards
c. Chat
d. Spreadsheets d
Collaboration tools allow teammates to do what two tasks?

a. Check in with each other efficiently

b. Comment on topics related to the project
c. Demonstrate an overview of the project
d. Visualize the team's progress a, b
Fill in the blank: Since the project manager uses the project charter throughout the project, it acts
like a _____ for the project.

a. bank
b. storage unit
c. main communication channel
d. compass d
Fill in the blank: If the project has a _____, then it may be worth it for the team to learn a more
sophisticated project management tool.
a. short timeline
b. large scope
c. new project sponsor
d. few deliverables b
What details should be in your project charter? Select all that apply.

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Project goals
c. Deliverables
d. Scope
e. Detailed project plan b, c, d
In which of the following scenarios does the project manager implement documentation well?
Select all that apply.
a. The key stakeholder determines they want to add a feature to the product in development. The
project manager includes this update in the project charter and communicates it to the team.
b. Because the project manager doesn't have all the project's details, they ask a current team
member to onboard the new team member.
c. The project manager shares the project timeline on a cloud-based document sharing program.
d. A stakeholder talks with two different team members and receives conflicting information on
a vendor. They cannot find information about the vendor in the shared document drive. a, c
Work management tools primarily help a project manager complete what two tasks?
a. Track and visualize the team's progress
b. Quickly communicate with team members
c. Build documents, such as meeting agendas
d. Assign roles to team members a, d
The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to
review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the
project sponsor's request?
a. Visualization cards
b. Scheduling software
c. Chat
d. Spreadsheets d
Why is it important for a project manager to properly document a project? Select all that apply.
a. Proper documentation ensures nothing in the project can go wrong.
b. Proper documentation can pave the way for the success of the project within the time
c. Without proper documentation the team members may receive conflicting information about
the project.
d. Proper documentation helps communicate any changes to the project's scope. b, c, d
Collaboration tools such as email or chat allow teams to do what tasks? Select all that apply.
a. Check in on project tasks
b. Work collectively and closely with other team members
c. Plan the budget
d. Visualize project task completion a, b
When developing the project charter, who does the project manager typically work with?
a. the customer only
b. stakeholders only
c. teammates and stakeholders
d. teammates only c
Generally, how long should the kick-off meeting last?

a. Less than 20 minutes

b. About one hour
c. Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions
d. One full work day b
Before starting the planning phase, you complete the initiation phase. What steps do stakeholders
or the clients take during the initiation phase?

a. Stakeholders assign a project manager, approve goals, determine the scope and deliverables,
and approve the project charter.
b. Stakeholders assign a project manager, select the tools to manage the project, view meeting
notes, and approve the budget.
c. Stakeholders assign a project manager, determine the scope and deliverables, and select the
d. Stakeholders assign a project manager, review risk management tools, and approve the budget.
Fill in the blank: After the stakeholders assign the project manager, the goals of the project have
to be approved, as well as the scope of the project and its _____.

a. vendors
b. deliverables
c. tools
d. manager b
As a project manager, you're trying to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What
steps should you take? Select all that apply.

a. Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project.
b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals.
c. Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.
d. Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project. a, b, d
Suppose that as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
give examples of tasks that you consider part of the project, and tasks you consider not part of
the project. What agenda section does this represent?

a. Roles
b. Questions
c. Goals and scope
d. Background c
Suppose as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. You accurately define what
work is and is not included in the project. What agenda item does this represent?

a. Project purpose
b. Intended outcome
c. Scope
d. Roles c
As a project manager, you're explaining to your team the difference between a milestone and a
task. How would you explain a task to the team?

a. Tasks are activities that have a flexible finish date because milestones often change.
b. Tasks are milestones that are shorter to complete.
c. Tasks are activities to finish in a set period of time that help reach a milestone.
d. Tasks are milestones with a flexible finish date. c
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Host a check-in meeting with the team

b. Test the website for usability
c. Create initial mock-ups of the website
d. Implement feedback by the designer b, c, d
As a project manager, what is your first step when setting milestones?
a. Consider the needs of your stakeholders
b. Review the project as a whole
c. Have a team meeting
d. Assign deadlines b
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Project timeline
b. Overall workload
c. Task interest
d. Task novelty a, b
Which of the following are important to understand in the planning phase? Select all that apply.

a. Schedules
b. Budgets
c. Customer feedback
d. Risk management a, b, d
What four items do stakeholders need to approve before the planning phase can begin?

a. Project charter
b. Project goals
c. Project scope
d. Project deliverables
e. Project name a, b, c, d
What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply

a. Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.

b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals
c. Get buy-in from key members of the project team
d. Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams
Identify and prepare for risks b, c, d
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
discuss the project plan software the team will be using, which is Google Sheets. You also
discuss how the team will communicate with each other, which includes a team chat and weekly
check-in meetings. What agenda section does this represent?

a. Collaboration
b. Roles
c. Goals and scope
d. Background a
Suppose as a project manager, you're leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking
longer than you expect. How do you get the meeting back on track?

a. Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.
b. Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking
c. Tell specific team members they'll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
d. Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time. d
Which of the following would you consider a project milestone?

a. Web designer implements feedback

b. Web designer creates a proposal
c. Project manager reviews mock-ups
d. Client approves website design d
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Test the website for usability

b. Host a check-in meeting with the team
c. Implement feedback by the designer
d. Create initial mock-ups of the website a, c, d
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

a. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
b. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
c. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized a, b, c
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Task novelty
b. Task interest
c. Project timeline
d. Overall workload c, d
Fill in the blank: When creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager should
focus on _____ rather than actions.

a. deliverables
b. stakeholder needs
c. timeline
d. teammate strengths a
During the project planning phase which of the following occur?

a. The client reviews the project plans for approval

b. The client selects which vendors work on the project
c. The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan
d. The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase c
Suppose as a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional
tasks to the project. You bring your concern about this new regulation to the stakeholders for a
discussion on how to mitigate its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this
situation represent?
a. Task management
b. Budget
c. Schedule
d. Risk management d
Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule
that indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.
a. completion
b. time
c. scope
d. goals a
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Create initial mock-ups of the website

b. Test the website for usability
c. Host a check-in meeting with the team
d. Implement feedback by the designer a, b, d
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

a. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
b. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
c. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized a, b, c
What are two benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

a. You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone.
b. You can get a sense of each stakeholder's workload.
c. You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks.
d. You can assign tasks to two or more team members. a, c
Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and
rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.

a. Bottom-up scheduling
b. Goal scheduling
c. Top-down scheduling
d. Team scheduling a
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take.
What agenda item does this represent?

a. What comes next

b. Background
c. Introductions
d. Roles a
Suppose that as a project manager you had a goal of publishing a report. Which of the following
would you consider the milestone for this goal?

a. Conduct research
b. Interview a writer
c. Complete first draft of report
d. Draft sections of the report c
Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete

a. Balance the workload of tasks between teammates.

b. Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.
c. Consider teammates' familiarity with the tasks.
d. Add an assignee and due date to each task. a, c, d
Which of the following are relevant project documents you should link to in your project plan?
Select all that apply.

a. RACI charts that define roles and responsibilities for individuals on a team
b. The project charter that defines the project and outlines project goal details
c. Daily review emails and messages between the stakeholders, project manager, and project
d. The organization chart that depicts everyone who works in the company with their contact
information a, b
Fill in the blank: Time estimation predicts the total amount of time required to complete a task,
while the actual time it takes to complete a task _____.

a. depends on stakeholder input

b. may vary depending on overlooked potential risks
c. shouldn't change
d. is not relevant b
A project manager is leading an initiative that includes changing an organization's logo and
slogan. What mandatory tasks should be part of the critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Get employees to respond positively in a survey

b. Determine a new slogan
c. Set a budget
d. Receive sponsor approval b, c, d
Which of the following scenarios exemplify how a project manager can use interpersonal skills?
Select all that apply.

a. The timeline is set for the Office Green project. You tell the web designer on Wednesday that
you'll need a complete mock up for the site by Friday.
b. The web designer on your project tells you that they're not sure they can meet the deadline for
all the mock up pages. You ask the designer some questions about the project, such as what
amount of time they need for each page mock so you can help prioritize what is feasible.
c. The person on your team in charge of contracts now needs to split their work time with
another team. You request a meeting with that team's project manager to identify if any of their
project deliverable dates are competing with your project's timeline.
d. You're managing a project with team members who are on multiple projects. You asked the
team members to prioritize your b, c, d
Tools like Gantt charts and Kanban boards help benefit team members in what three ways?

a. They can translate project contracts like the statement of work (SOW) into number and dollar
b. They can illustrate when they need to complete their individual tasks.
c. They can demonstrate how their individual tasks connect to other tasks in the project.
d. They provide clear context about work project details. b, c, d
As a project manager, you're the main supporter of your project plan. You explain to teammates
why it benefits them to stay on top of the plan. You hope that this persuades the team to support
the plan and update it regularly. What project plan best practice does this represent?

a. Giving yourself time to plan

b. Staying curious
c. Recognizing and planning for the inevitable
d. Championing your plan d
Which of the following strategies could help a team meet a project deadline? Select all that

a. Streamline tasks
b. Increase the team size
c. Rush through task planning
d. Eliminate unnecessary tasks a, b, d
What two steps can a project manager take to overcome the planning fallacy?

a. Increase the project's budget.

b. Expand the project's scope.
c. Consider all risks and carefully examine them.
d. Meet with teammates to uncover potential risks. b, c, d
Which of the following are some steps to create a critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Consult your main customer.

b. Make time estimates.
c. Create a network diagram.
d. Set dependencies. b, c, d
What project management tool typically organizes tasks into columns with labels such as to do,
in progress, and done?

a. Kanban board
b. RACI chart
c. Gantt chart
d. Work breakdown structure (WBS) a
When creating a project plan, you include important points within the schedule that indicate
progress. Which project plan component does this represent?

a. Relevant documentation
b. Time
c. Milestones
d. Tasks c
What tools can a project manager use to account for issues that may cause a project delay? Select
all that apply.

a. Sub-tasks
b. Task buffer
c. Gantt chart
d. Project buffer b, d
What is capacity in project management?

a. The estimated length of time it'll take for the project team to complete project milestones
b. The prediction of the amount of budget to be allocated to complete the project tasks.
c. The amount of work that people assigned to the project can reasonably complete in a set
period of time
d. The total number of people involved in the project c
Which examples below demonstrate a project manager asking an open-ended question? Select all
that apply.

a. What are the steps in your customer feedback review process and what factors do you include
in your report of this review?
b. Will you be able to have the transportation plan for the launch of the new truck series to
dealerships ready by next week?
c. Can you have this web design proposal completed and back to me by close of business Friday?
d. What are the issues I need to be aware of regarding the current project timeline? d
What are the benefits of a Gantt chart? Select all that apply.

a. It features the start and end dates of each task

b. It's a highly visual representation of the project's tasks
c. It has a clear breakdown of who's responsible for what work
d. It displays comments from stakeholders
e. It allows easy communication between teammates
f. It shows when tasks are due for a project a, b, c, f
As a project manager, you realize that with the current timeline, it's unlikely you will meet the
project deadline. Which of the following strategies could help you meet the deadline? Select all
that apply.

a. Revise the project schedule without stakeholder approval.

b. Eliminate any unnecessary tasks.
c. Request more resources, such as an additional team member.
d. Identify tasks that can be done in parallel. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: The _____ is the tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to
complete a task.

a. anchoring bias
b. planning fallacy
c. feedback fallacy
d. confirmation bias b
When creating a critical path, what does a network diagram help visualize? Select all that apply.

a. Which non-essential tasks are not on the critical path

b. The path of work from the start to the end of the project
c. Which skilled teammate can work on each task
d. The tasks that can be performed in parallel a, b, d
Fill in the blank: A Kanban board utilizes cards placed in columns to _____.

a. manage tasks
b. set the timeline
c. estimate the budget
d. organize documents a
Fill in the blank: The main difference between effort estimation and time estimation is that time
estimation includes _____.

a. stakeholder time
b. inactive time
c. marketing time
d. vendor time b
Fill in the blank: To determine the _____ of a project, list the milestones you must reach in order
to meet the project goal on schedule.

a. float time
b. capacity planning details
c. dependencies
d. critical path d
As a project manager, the project is your number one priority. However, you have team members
with competing priorities from other projects. You want to influence them to make your project
their priority. To do this, you bridge the high-level goals of the project and the day-to-day
perspective of the team. You collaborate to find an outcome that works for everyone. What
interpersonal skill did you mainly use in this scenario?

a. Build trust
b. Negotiate effectively
c. Practice patience
d. Ask the right questions b
Which of the following should you include in a project plan that are essential for project success?
Select all that apply.
a. Links to tasks in previously successful projects
b. All project tasks
c. Specifically who are completing what tasks
d. A timeline of when the team will complete the tasks b, c, d
Which of the following are included in the project plan? Select all that apply.

a. Retrospectives
b. Time
c. People
d. Tasks
e. Documentation b, c, d, e
As a project manager, you review your budget and notice one vendor is costing more than
anticipated. You shift funds and recalibrate the budget to offset this increased vendor cost. What
is the budgeting term for this task?

a. Setting the baseline

b. Contingency budgeting
c. Reserve analysis
d. Reforecasting d
As a project manager creating a budget, you're thinking about all the parts of a project from
beginning to end—making a list of every material, resource, and contract worker. What do you
call this type of budgeting?

a. Top-down approach
b. Buffers and reserves
c. Contingency
d. Bottom-up approach d
Which scenario is an example of proactive budget management?

a. You're reviewing your budget and realize that it took much longer than you anticipated for a
subject matter expert to complete a task. The labor cost associated with this task is now well over
budget. You must now request a budget increase to cover the cost of the labor.
b. While planning your project budget, you decide that you don't need to add buffers for
unexpected costs. Since you've completed several projects like this one in the past and have
always come in under budget, you feel you don't need to plan for any extra cost.
c. While planning your project budget, you gather historical data and consult with industry
experts. You consider fixed costs, add relevant line items, and set aside a 5% reserve for
unexpected costs.
d. During your project, the market experiences a shortage of a resource that's crucial for your
project's success. Because of the c
Which of the following are steps in the procurement process? Select all that apply.

a. Contract writing
b. Analyzing
c. Initiating
d. Controlling a, c, d
Which section of the statement of work (SoW) includes details about what the service entails and
may include major project activities?

a. Purpose
b. Scope
c. Target audience
d. Schedule overview b
"Honesty, responsibility, respect, and fairness are the values . . ." begins what type of saying of
the Project Management Institute that serves as a guide to how they do procurement and other

a. code of ethics
b. requirements
c. motto
d. slogan a
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenditures.
Which type of budget expense creates a future benefit for a company?

a. Capital expenses (CAPEX)

b. Historical expenses
c. Indirect expenses
d. Operating expenses (OPEX) a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager check a vendor's reputation
for delivering quality work, and make a site visit?

a. Selecting
b. Completing
c. Introducing
d. Controlling a
Which of the following factors can lead to scope creep and negatively affect the budget? Select
all that apply.

a. Attainable timeframes and deadlines

b. A vague Statement of Work (SoW)
c. Agreements about the project that aren't officially documented
d. Last-minute asks from priority stakeholders b, c, d
Which of the following statements is typically true regarding budgeting?

a. It's important to not go over budget, but it's recommended to go under budget.
b. It's important to not go under budget, but it's recommended to go over budget.
c. It's recommended to go either over or under budget.
d. It's important to not go over or under budget. d
Which three costs are examples of resource cost rates?

a. The cost of a task buffer

b. The cost of software to help manage a project
c. The cost of labor for a project team
d. The cost of materials when building a house b, c, d
Which of the following is an example of using historical data to develop your project budget?

a. Reaching out to project managers who worked on past projects at the company
b. Thinking about all the parts of your project from the beginning to the end and adding the costs
c. Reviewing past projects that are similar to yours to get an idea of what your budget could
d. Getting quotes from potential vendors c
As a project manager creating a budget, you proactively identify factors that may impact
expenses. You then take action to minimize the budgetary impact of these factors. What is this
task called?

a. Bottom-up approach
b. Baselining the budget
c. Estimating cost
d. Cost controld
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?

a. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount.

b. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.
c. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
d. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier. b
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenses.
Which type of budget expense includes costs for day-to-day tasks within a company?

a. Operating expenses (OPEX)

b. Capital expenses (CAPEX)
c. Reserve expenses
d. Fixed expenses a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager define project resources and
make the case for obtaining them?

a. Selecting
b. Initiating
c. Controlling
d. Completing b
Which of the following accurately describes total cost of ownership (TCO)?

a. TCO factors in expenses associated with a product or service over its lifetime.
b. TCO is the dollar amount used to measure if a project is on track or not.
c. TCO only factors in upfront expenses associated with a product or service.
d. TCO is the additional room in the budget for unexpected costs. a
Fill in the blank: Typically, a project manager organizes a budget by _____. Then, the project
manager lists tasks alongside each task's associated costs.
a. milestones
b. tools
c. teammates
d. dependencies a
Which scenario is an example of planned cost versus actual cost?

a. When planning your project budget, you document the planned cost of labor. To do this, you
use the estimated number of hours your team needs to complete the project. As your project
progresses, you document the total hours your team works to determine the total cost of labor for
your project. This number may be different from your original cost of labor.
b. When planning your project budget, you gather historical data on costs of materials, resources,
and labor to determine how much each will cost. Once you begin procuring these items, you
don't update the actual cost.
c. When planning your project budget, you need to factor in unexpected costs that may occur.
You decide to reserve 5% of your overall budget as a buffer.
d. When planning your project budget, you notice that you need to advertise several job
positions. The cost to post the job descrip a
As a project manager, the project sponsor gives you cost estimates with a set amount of money to
spend. What challenge for effective budgeting does this represent?

a. Lack of historical data

b. Scope creep
c. Pre-allocated budget
d. Insufficient cash flow c
As a project manager, you research and source for a specific service. You then have to manage
that relationship. This is known as what type of procurement?

a. Performance management
b. Budget management
c. Cost management
d. Vendor management d
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager review a vendor's
performance and determine if they are meeting milestones?

a. Selecting
b. Controlling
c. Completing
d. Investigating b
When creating a budget, a project manager must do which of the following? Select all that apply.

a. Budget for surprise expenses

b. Review and reforecast throughout the project
c. Understand stakeholder needs
d. Approve budget increases a, b, c
As a project manager, you're seeking a procurement approach that outlines clear workstreams,
hard deadlines, and financially protects your project against unforeseen circumstances. Which
procurement approach should you choose?

a. Protectionist
b. Agile
c. Robust
d. Traditional d
A document that keeps confidential information within the organization is known as what?

a. Scope of work (SoW)

b. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
c. Request for proposal (RFP)
d. Statement of work (SoW) b
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?

a. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.

b. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier.
c. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
d. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount. a
Fill in the blank: A project manager needs to alter their budget after making changes to the
project schedule and costs. This is necessary in order to _____.

a. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of costs

b. baseline the budget to track project progress of reserves
c. baseline the budget to track project progress of costs
d. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of tasks a
When budgeting a project, you should consider additional expenses such as warranties, supplies,
add-ons, and upgrades. Which budgeting term refers to this concept?

a. Top-down approach
b. Baseline your project
c. Total cost of ownership
d. Bottom-up approach c
Fill in the blank: The process of identifying and evaluating potential risks and issues that could
impact a project is known as _____.

a. risk mitigation
b. risk identification
c. risk management
d. risk analysisc
The risk management process can provide project managers a better understanding of what
information? Select all that apply.

a. What could go wrong with the project

b. When exactly the risk will occur
c. Who the project manager needs to consult about a risk
d. How could the project manager mitigate the potential risk a, c, d
As a project manager practicing risk management, you've already identified the risk. Now, you're
determining the likelihood and potential impact the risk will have on your project. Which risk
management step does this represent?

a. Avoid risks
b. Treat risks
c. Analyze risks
d. Monitor and control risks c
Identify the steps involved in creating and utilizing a fishbone (or cause-and-effect) diagram.

a. Define the problem, identify risks, brainstorm causes, and monitor feedback
b. Define the problem, identify categories, mitigate causes, and monitor feedback
c. Define the problem, identify categories, brainstorm causes, and analyze the causes
d. Define the problem, identify risks, mitigate causes, and analyze the causes c
Fill in the blank: Once an organization has explored the inherent risks of a project, its willingness
to accept the possible outcomes of those risks is known as _____.

a. risk analysis
b. risk assumption
c. risk register
d. risk appetited
What are the most common types of risk that can impact projects?

a. Time risks, budget risks, and external risks

b. Budget risks, scope risks, and internal risks
c. Budget risks, internal risks, and external risks
d. Time risks, budget risks, and scope risks d
Fill in the blank: The four common ways to mitigate risk include _____.

a. avoid it, accept it, reduce or control it, and transfer it

b. accept it, ignore it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
c. accept it, disregard it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
d. avoid it, accept it, disregard it, and transfer it a
Why should project managers communicate risks clearly to key stakeholders? Select all that

a. To get them to provide additional teammates, if necessary

b. To increase trust in the relationship
c. To deflect blame on project issues, if necessary
d. To convince them to provide an increase in budget, if necessary a, b, d
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot start until Task A is
complete. Which type of dependency does this situation represent?

a. Finish to Start (FS)

b. Start to Finish (SF)
c. Finish to Finish (FF)
d. Start to Start (SS) a
Which of the following best describes the executive summary in the risk management plan?

a. Introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks
b. Information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
c. Charts such as the impact chart, probability chart, and the probability and impact matrix
d. Description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan a
Fill in the blank: A potential event that can impact your project if it occurs is called a(n) _____.

a. problem
b. risk
c. delay
d. issue b
When should project managers engage in risk management?

a. Towards the end of the project

b. At the beginning of the project
c. Shortly after the project begins
d. Regularly throughout the project d
As a project manager you are practicing risk management. You have already defined potential
risks, determined their likelihood, and prioritized them. Now, you're making a plan to address
and manage each risk. This represents which risk management step?

a. Analyze risks
b. Monitor and control risks
c. Identify risks
d. Treat risks d
Which of the following tools can project managers use to brainstorm the potential causes of

a. Stakeholder map
b. Project charter
c. Fishbone diagram
d. Risk register c
Which of the following is a tool used to assess and prioritize project risks?

a. Cause-and-effect diagram
b. Fishbone diagram
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Power grid c
Which of the following risk types most commonly impact projects? Select all that apply.

a. Budget risks
b. Scope risks
c. Time risks
d. Inherent risks a, b, c
What does a risk management plan typically contain? Select all that apply.

a. A competitor analysis for each risk

b. An executive summary
c. Probability estimates for each risk
d. A mitigation plan for each risk b, c, d
Which of the following is the best way to communicate a high-level risk to stakeholders?

a. Plan to present the risks and your mitigation plans at the next monthly meeting.
b. Describe the risks in a weekly planning email and briefly explain your plan to mitigate them.
c. Describe the risks and your mitigation plan to stakeholders the next time you see them in
d. Meet with stakeholders in person to present serious risks and your plans to mitigate them.
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot finish until Task A is
complete—the tasks operate at the same time. Which type of dependency does this situation

a. Finish to Finish (FF)

b. Start to Start (SS)
c. Finish to Start (FS)
d. Start to Finish (SF) a
Which steps should be taken when updating a risk management plan? Select all that apply.

a. Remove risks that are no longer relevant.

b. Include any changes in the mitigation plans.
c. Move the plan to a confidential folder.
d. Add newly-identified risks.a, b, d
Which of the following are examples of external risk? Select all that apply.

a. A breakdown in communication among team members

b. A deliverable takes longer than anticipated to complete
c. A project vendor goes out of business
d. A change in regulatory requirements c, d
Which of the following is a recommended method to communicate a medium-level risk to

a. In the weekly planning email, briefly describe the risk and your plan to mitigate it.
b. Send stakeholders a direct email that outlines the risk and includes a detailed explanation of
your mitigation plan.
c. Present the risk and your mitigation plan during the team meeting next month.
d. Call an urgent in-person meeting with stakeholders to present the risk and your plan to
mitigate it. b
Which of the following best describes the risk register in the risk management plan?
a. A list of general information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
b. A description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan
c. A risk assessment technique such as the probability and impact matrix
d. An introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks b
Failing to engage in risk management for your project can have which two of the following

a. You will not be able to use the appropriate tools

b. You will not be able to meet project timelines and goals
c. You will not be able to establish necessary vendor relationships
d. You will not be able to make necessary adjustments to the project plan b, d
Choose the best definition for inherent risk as it relates to project management.

a. The measure of a risk, calculated by its difficulty and frequency

b. The measure of a risk, calculated by its causes and circumstances
c. The measure of a risk, calculated by its timing and dependencies
d. The measure of a risk, calculated by its probability and impact d
Which four of the following should project managers identify before creating a communication

a. Communication barriers
b. Communication methods
c. Project stakeholders
d. Communication goals
e. Anonymous survey questions
f. Project risks a, b, c, d
Fill in the blank: To be effective, your team _____ need to be clear, honest, relevant, and

a. debates
b. expectations
c. documents
d. communications d
What details does a communication plan include? Select all that apply.

a. How communications should sound

b. Who should communicate
c. Where the information communicated is stored
d. Why and how to communicate
e. What to communicate
f. How long communications should be
g. When communication happens b, c, d, e, g
As a project manager, you have a weekly video conference with stakeholders as part of your
communication plan. What two additional details should the communication plan include?
a. Location
b. Duration
c. Goal
d. Key dates c, d
Why should you share your communication plan document with your team? Select all that apply.

a. Let them offer feedback

b. Ensure you aren't missing crucial information
c. Make them aware of the plan
d. Let them make changes to the plana, b, c
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Team selection
b. Culture development
c. Project continuity
d. Change management c, d
Which of the following communication methods is most appropriate for high-level stakeholders
who don't need detailed project updates?

a. Newsletters that summarize key milestones and project progress

b. Virtual check-in meetings to share task progress
c. Frequent status update meetings to report project issues
d. Weekly emails with team action items a
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the

a. Project charter
b. Stakeholder map
c. RACI chart
d. Risk register b, c
What project management best practice includes documenting plans and making them available
to stakeholders?

a. Dependency management
b. Milestone management
c. Risk management
d. Knowledge management d
Which three of the following tools can help organize project plans and documents?

a. An overview sheet (dashboard)

b. A RACI chart
c. A centralized planning document
d. A shared file drive
e. A stakeholder map a, c, d
Fill in the blank: Project managers should identify project stakeholders, communication methods,
communication goals, and communication _____ before creating a communication plan.

a. costs
b. risks
c. consequences
d. frequency d
How can you foster effective communication within your team? Select all that apply.

a. Obtain feedback and incorporate it going forward

b. Allow teammates to use any communication platform they prefer
c. Send identical message content to both teammates and stakeholders
d. Recognize and understand individual differences a, d
As a project manager, you decide to hold video conferences with your core project team and
stakeholders as part of your communication plan. What two additional details should the
communication plan include?

a. Location
b. Resource locations
c. Duration
d. Key dates b, d
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. milestones
b. presentations
c. department reviews
d. check-ins d
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Culture development
b. Team selection
c. Project continuity
d. Change management c, d
Fill in the blank: Daily meetings and quick virtual check-ins are good ways for project managers
to communicate with _____.

a. project customers
b. senior management
c. core team members
d. key stakeholders c
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the

a. Project charter
b. Risk register
c. Stakeholder map
d. RACI chart c, d
How can project managers ensure plan visibility for stakeholders? Select all that apply.

a. Create a risk register

b. Keep documents in a centralized location
c. Assign tasks to specific team members
d. Manage document permissions to give access to relevant information b, d
Which of the following should a project manager include in a centralized planning document,
also known as a dashboard? Select all that apply.

a. Instructions for how to use the centralized planning document

b. Previous project deliverables
c. Links to any non-spreadsheet files
d. A brief project description a, c, d
Which five of the following categories are part of a communication plan?

a. Recipients
b. Communication goals
c. Delivery methods
d. Communication type
e. Key dates
f. Communication style a, b, c, d, e
What are the key benefits of a communication plan? Select all that apply.

a. Keeps people engaged and motivated throughout the project

b. Improves overall effectiveness of communication
c. Provides guidance on technical project terms
d. Involves stakeholders in effective conversations a, b, d
What questions can project managers ask to optimize and streamline communications? Select all
that apply.

a. What is working in how we communicate with you about the project?

b. How can we improve communications with you?
c. How are you implementing the content we communicate?
d. What is not working or is not effective in our communication? a, b, d
Which of the following is true of effective communication in project management? Select all that

a. It is clear, relevant, and frequent

b. It does not require follow-ups
c. It helps projects run on time and meet expectations
d. It continues throughout the entire project a, c, d
What is the purpose of a communication plan?
a. Centralize project documentation
b. Outline a process for knowledge management
c. Organize and document the processes, types, and expectations of communication
d. Establish roles and responsibilities for team members c
As a project manager, part of your communication plan is to identify risks and present barriers
in-person. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Duration
b. Type of communication
c. Frequency
d. Location b, c, d
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. check-ins
b. department reviews
c. milestones
d. presentations a
Project managers should create communication plans to ensure that projects can carry on in their
absence. What is the term for this best practice?

a. continuity
b. substitution
c. follow-through
d. backup a
Which three of the following scenarios represent a deviation from a project plan?

a. A production facility goes out of business

b. A project team hits a major milestone on schedule
c. A company increases its budget for a project
d. A lead designer quits to take another job a, c, d
Why should project managers track changes, dependencies, and risks throughout a project?

a. Keep teams aligned on how to ensure project success

b. Demonstrate the importance of accepting change
c. Determine who made tracking mistakes during the retrospective
d. Help prepare for the next project a
Which tracking method is most useful when project managers need a way to track big milestones
in a project?

a. Burndown chart
b. Project status report
c. Gantt chart
d. Roadmap d
How does a roadmap differ from a burndown chart?
a. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a burndown
chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a burndown chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining
d. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. The project manager
learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. Which of the triple constraints does this change
impact the most?

a. Timeline
b. Budget
c. Scope a
How does a change request form differ from an escalation email?

a. Change request forms enlist leadership to manage proposed changes; escalation emails help
teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
b. Change request forms help teams manage proposed changes; escalation emails enlist
leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
c. Change request forms enlist leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate
next steps; escalation emails help teams manage proposed changes
d. Change request forms help teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next
steps; escalation emails enlist leadership to manage proposed changes b
Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but their design team decides to
test out a new material for the doll's clothes before beginning a new batch. This test has what two
types of dependencies?

a. Mandatory dependency
b. Internal dependency
c. Discretionary dependency
d. External dependency b, c
What tool can project managers use to calculate risk exposure and prioritize risks using high,
medium, and low rankings?

a. ROAM technique
b. Mitigation plan
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Risk register c
Which term refers to the process of enlisting leadership or management to remove an obstacle,
clarify or reinforce priorities, and validate next steps?

a. Elevation
b. Escalation
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure b
How can escalation benefit a project? Select all that apply.

a. Provides checks and balances

b. Speeds up decision-making
c. Encourages team participation
d. Makes external dependencies trackable a, b, c
Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM technique?

a. Restored, organized, accepted, and managed

b. Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated
c. Resolved, owned, allocated, and mitigated
d. Restored, organized, allocated, and managed b
What is project tracking?

a. A method for following the progress of a project's activities.

b. A method for assessing project successes and areas for improvement.
c. A method for responding to project risks.
d. A method for reaching agreement among stakeholders on project scope. a
Which five items should you track throughout the project execution phase?

a. Progress toward milestones

b. Action items
c. Project schedule
d. Project goals
e. Key tasks and activities
f. Project costsa, b, c, e, f
Which tool provides an overview of a project's common elements, summarizes them as a
snapshot, and communicates project status to the team and stakeholders in a centralized place?

a. Roadmap
b. Gantt chart
c. Burndown chart
d. Project status report d
How does a roadmap differ from a Gantt chart?

a. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart measures time
against the amount of work completed and remaining
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a Gantt chart is
useful for large projects with many dependencies
d. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a Gantt chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Which of the following methods can be used to communicate change to stakeholders during a
project? Select all that apply.
a. Change request form
b. Project charter
c. Escalation email
d. Work breakdown structure a, c
Imagine that a restaurant is moving to a new location and must pass a government health
inspection before it can open. What type of dependency is the inspection? Select all that apply.
a. External dependency
b. Discretionary dependency
c. Mandatory dependency
d. Internal dependency a, c
Imagine that a project manager creates a matrix with two variables: risk impact and probability.
They use the matrix to measure potential future losses to a project resulting from specific
activities or events. What is the project manager trying to determine?

a. Risk dependencies
b. Risk appetite
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure d
What should you do in an escalation email? Select all that apply.

a. Make a request.
b. Explain the problem.
c. State your connection to the project.
d. Be serious and assert authority. a, b, c
Imagine that a client wants to add an auction of donated items to a fundraising event. The project
manager is currently executing the project for a dinner and short concert. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?
a. Scope
b. Timeline
c. Budget a
What is the process of identifying risks and issues that could impact a project, and taking steps to
address their potential effects?
a. Project tracking
b. Risk management
c. Escalation
d. Dependency management b
What can project managers do to keep trench war disagreements from bringing projects to a
a. Assess risk exposure
b. Apply the ROAM technique
c. Rely on the project roadmap
d. Send an escalation email d
In the ROAM technique, what does it mean to resolve a risk?

a. To give a team member ownership over a certain risk and entrust them to handle it
b. To understand and accept a risk for what it is because it cannot be resolved
c. To classify a risk as addressed because it no longer creates a problem
d. To reduce the impact of a risk or the likelihood the risk will occur c
Imagine that an aerospace company builds a new line of passenger jets. Increased raw material
costs cause the company to spend more on aluminum than planned. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?
a. Timeline
b. Scope
c. Budget c
What two common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue?
a. Trench wars
b. Misdirected compromises
c. Force majeure
d. Risk appetite a, b
As a project manager, you're implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You assign the
risk to a team member so they can resolve it and monitor it to completion. Which ROAM action
did you take?
a. Resolved
b. Owned
c. Accepted
d. Mitigated b
As a project manager overseeing a product launch, you monitor and inspect the results to ensure
the project is meeting the quality standards. You notice one standard is not being met and take
corrective action to improve the standard. Which quality management concept does the
inspection and corrective action represent?
a. Quality standards
b. Quality assurance
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control d
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality control
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality planning d
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?
a. Empathic listening
b. Quality planning
c. Negotiation
d. Trust-building d
As a project manager, you're doing a user acceptance test (UAT) to test your product. You
present your users with the visual mockup of the product and walk them through each step they
need to take to use the product. What UAT quality control step does this scenario represent?
a. Acceptance criteria
b. User story
c. Critical user journey
d. Edge case journey c
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Research group
b. Comparable group
c. Control group
d. Variable group c
As a project manager, you identified a process-based problem you'd like to improve. Before
implementing a solution, you conduct performance metrics and data collection. This establishes
baseline data that will determine success. What DMAIC step did you apply?

a. Analyze
b. Define
c. Control
d. Measure d
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of the finished
product. To fix the problem, you first identify what you believe is the root cause and brainstorm
solutions with your team. What PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act a
A project team discovers an efficient process to more quickly develop a product. The program
manager implements the idea in several other projects. When the portfolio manager learns that
the more efficient process is working across several projects, they recommend it to several
programs. This scenario exemplifies which best practice?

a. Hierarchical communication
b. Positive feedback
c. Continuous improvement
d. Word-of-mouth communication c
A team successfully delivers a product feature to a client, but misses the deadline. What should
the project manager do to investigate why the product feature was late?

a. Increase the budget

b. Add a team member
c. Hold a retrospective
d. Meet with stakeholders c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you give the team an
opportunity to discuss risks that materialized: Were there any gaps between the original plan and
its execution? Which retrospective step does this represent?

a. Lessons learned
b. Future considerations
c. Next steps
d. Action items a
As a project manager, you're overseeing a product launch. You meet with customers to determine
the product's quality standards. Then, you create processes and documentation necessary to
achieve the expected quality. Which quality management concept do these tasks represent?
a. Assurance planning
b. Assurance standards
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control c
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality planning
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality control b
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?

a. Trust-building
b. Quality planning
c. Negotiation
d. Empathic listening a
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the project manager creates UAT scripts so the testers
better understand the product or service. The project manager writes the scripts based on user
stories, which are best described as what?
a. Feedback from users that includes positive comments, bug reports, and change requests
b. Communications that report on questions, issues, or delays during the testing process
c. Informal, general explanations of a feature that reflect the perspective of an end user
d. Step-by-step instructions that users follow during the testing process c
As a project manager, you have already identified a process-based problem to improve, found its
root cause, and implemented a solution. Now, you take the next step: You monitor the new
process to ensure the changes are beneficial to the team. Which DMAIC step are you currently
a. Define
b. Improve
c. Control
d. Analyze c
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of a finished product.
You have already identified the root cause and brainstormed solutions to the problem with the
team. Now, you and the team attempt to fix the problem by implementing a solution. Which
PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act b
Who can take a beneficial process improvement from one project and implement it across several

a. Program manager
b. Portfolio manager
c. Stakeholder manager
d. Project manager a
Which of the following is a retrospective best practice?

a. Change perspectives so that the team can better understand another person's point of view
b. Use "you" language to communicate clearly and reduce confusion across the team
c. Focus on more negative aspects than positive so the team can improve more quickly
d. Assign blame so teammates know who did what wrong a
What's the main purpose of holding a retrospective?

a. Allow the project manager to explain why the project did or did not succeed
b. Encourage improvements that prepare the team for future projects
c. Let stakeholders give feedback so the team can get a different perspective
d. Determine why the team missed a milestone and update the client b
Which quality management concept must be well-defined at the beginning of the project to help
avoid rework and schedule delays?
a. Quality assurance
b. Quality control
c. Quality standards
d. Quality action c
To receive authentic and honest feedback from customers, what strategy should a project
manager use?

a. Incentivize customers with a gift card because they're more likely to respond
b. Ask for feedback after the project finishes because customers won't fully understand the
product until it's complete
c. Ask for stakeholder feedback and relay it to customers in hopes to close the gap between the
customer's expectation and the project's needs
d. Ask open-ended questions and listen to the customer's current state versus their desired state
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the users identify outliers that the original requirements
didn't account for, such as an extreme use of the product. What UAT quality control step does
this represent?

a. Edge cases
b. Unknown cases
c. User error cases
d. Business cases a
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Variable group
b. Comparable group
c. Research group
d. Control group d
As a project manager applying the PDCA process, you've already attempted to fix a process that
you believe is causing a common customer complaint. As your next step, you compare your
results to the goal to determine if you fixed the issue. What PDCA step will you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act c
Fill in the blank: The way a project manager decides to structure a retrospective depends on

a. the previous project manager's agenda

b. project sponsor preference
c. team and workplace
d. the latest project management trends c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you have a discussion about
risks that could become issues if not addressed this quarter. You also inform the team that you're
passing ownership of the project to someone else. In the retrospective notes, you include the
contact information of the new project manager and links to any relevant documentation. Which
retrospective step does this represent?

a. Future considerations
b. Action items
c. Lessons learned
d. Risks that materialized a
How should a project manager engage in continuous improvement that enhances team
a. Process improvement
b. Team improvement
c. Behavioral improvement
d. Quality improvement a
Which parts of a company ecosystem rely on continuous improvement to have collective and
separate successes? Select all that apply.
a. Portfolios
b. Projects
c. Programs
d. Performances a, b, c
Fill in the blank: _____ is a collection of facts or information.
a. Artifacts
b. Data
c. Statistics
d. Resources b
In which two of the following categories can project managers group metrics?
a. Documentation metrics
b. Productivity metrics
c. Reliability metrics
d. Quality metrics b, d
Which of the following are examples of quality metrics? Select all that apply.
a. cost variance
b. number of changes
c. issues
d. tasks a, b, c
As a project manager prioritizing tasks, you need to determine what is most important to your
client: meeting a deadline or staying within budget. Which method are you using to determine
what data is relevant to your project?
a. Monitoring changes in project metrics
b. Aligning to your stakeholders' priorities
c. Focusing on tasks that have a big impact on the project goal
d. Identifying and responding to signals b
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of collecting and organizing information to help draw
a. Documentation
b. Project management
c. Risk analysis
d. Data analysis d
Which of the following include visual representations of data? Select all that apply.
a. infographics
b. statistics
c. mappings
d. dashboards
e. charts a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. milestone
b. key performance indicator (KPI)
c. task deadline
d. statistic b
Which of the following are ways you can be flexible during a presentation? Select all that apply.
a. Practice to avoid mistakes that could distract from your message
b. Limit practicing so you can improvise based upon audience body language
c. Consider the approach you'd take if an unforeseen event shortens your presentation
d. Imagine and prepare for possible objections
e. Identify and come up with answers to potential audience questions a, c, d, e
As a project manager processing data, you avoid selecting and interpreting data in a way that
supports your pre-existing beliefs. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias a
As a project manager analyzing data, you begin by inquiring about the current state of the
problem, the ideal outcome, and the expectations of your stakeholders. Which data analysis best
practice does this represent?
a. Prepare
b. Share
c. Analyze
d. Process
e. Ask e
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Is the content credible
and trustworthy?", "Are there any data points that skew the information", and "What content can
I eliminate?". In what storytelling step should you ask these questions?
a. Gather the feedback
b. Define the audience
c. Choose a visual representation
d. Find the data
e. Filter and analyze the data e
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to compare trends
and display changes in the data over a set period of time. Which data visualization tool can help?
a. Line graph
b. Scatter plot
c. Bar graph
d. Pie chart a
Fill in the blank: During your project, you monitor the timelines and efficiency of your team.
You collect data on how many tasks they complete, their quality of work, and the time it takes to
complete the tasks. All of these are examples of using data to _____.
a. reduce budget
b. understand your users
c. understand performance
d. solve problems c
What tactics can project managers use to prioritize data? Select all that apply.
a. Prioritize tasks that contribute most to the project goal
b. Identify and respond to signals
c. Set hard deadlines
d. Align metrics to stakeholder priorities a, b, d
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of turning facts into a narrative to communicate something
to your audience.
a. Data analysis
b. Communication
c. Storytelling
d. Statistics c
Fill in the blank: _____ is the graphical representation of information to facilitate understanding.

a. Data visualization
b. Storytelling
c. Presentation
d. Statistics a
Which of the following tactics may help you be memorable during a presentation? Select all that
a. Confirm the audience has no questions before you start.
b. Pace yourself by using intentional pauses.
c. Make eye contact and use friendly facial expressions.
d. Maintain an upright posture with hands at your side.
e. Elevate the volume of your voice to emphasize key points. b, c, d, e
As a project manager processing data, you avoid understanding ambiguous data as either positive
or negative. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Sampling bias
b. Observer bias
c. Confirmation bias
d. Interpretation bias d
As a project manager analyzing data, you review, transform, and organize the data you've
collected. Then, you create graphs with the data to identify patterns and draw conclusions.
Which data analysis best practice does this represent?
a. Ask
b. Process
c. Share
d. Analyze
e. Prepare d
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Who are you presenting
to?," "What are their problems?," and "What do they care about?". In what storytelling step
should you ask these questions?
a. Find the data
b. Define the audience
c. Gather the feedback
d. Shape the story
e. Filter and analyze the data b
Fill in the blank: _____ data are statistical and numerical facts about a project.
a. Mathematical
b. Qualitative
c. Subjective
d. Quantitatived
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. milestone
b. task deadline
c. statistic
d. key performance indicator (KPI) d
As a project manager processing data, you avoid using data that isn't representative of the
population. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias b
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to demonstrate a
relationship between data sets and display values for the data points of two different variables.
Which data visualization tool can help?
a. Line graph
b. Scatter plot
c. Pie chart
d. Bar graph b
From the project manager perspective, which of the following are benefits of using data? Select
all that apply.
a. Understand performance
b. Improve processes
c. Solve problems
d. Increase the project timeline
e. Make better decisions
f. Understand your users a, b, c, e, f
Fill in the blank: _____ is when the project manager determines how long it will take to
complete a project based on resources available.
a. Planning
b. Brainstorming
c. Prediction
d. Projection d
Fill in the blank: _____ data are qualities or things that you can't measure with numerical data.
a. Qualitative
b. Client
c. Objective
d. Quantitativea
What is the third step in storytelling that vets the data for credibility and filters the information?
a. Shape the story
b. Gather the feedback
c. Collect the data
d. Analyze the data
e. Choose a visual representation
f. Define the audience d
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. key performance indicator (KPI)
b. task deadline
c. statistic
d. milestone a
Which of the following are ways to help you give an effective presentation? Select all that apply.
a. Be memorable
b. Be precise
c. Be forceful
d. Be flexible a, b, d
Which of the following are true of work groups? Select all that apply.
a. Their work is coordinated or controlled by a single person or entity.
b. They work with minimal oversight.
c. Their work is independent of a managerial hierarchy.
d. They work toward a common goal. a, d
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Delegate responsibility
b. Create motivation
c. Listen and ask questions
d. Prioritize tasks b
In what two ways does delegating work make project managers more effective leaders?
a. Allows project managers to focus on the project as a whole
b. Gives team members a chance to add value to the project
c. Lets team members feel safe asking questions
d. Makes project managers better at meeting stakeholder needs a, b
What responsibilities do project managers have during the forming stage of team development?
Select all that apply.
a. Listen as the team addresses problems
b. Provide context about the project
c. Establish new team norms
d. Clarify project roles and goals b, d
Imagine your company introduces a new feedback system for employees to share ideas, report
grievances, and receive follow-ups from leadership. This helps to align values within the team
and promotes honesty, respect, and integrity. Which leadership quality does this change
a. Democratic leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Ethical leadership
d. Strategic leadershipc
Imagine a tech company wants to use another firm's processor in its new laptop. The project
manager writes to the firm's CEO about the mutual benefits and projected sales numbers. Which
steps of effective influencing is the project manager demonstrating? Select all that apply.
a. Provide evidence
b. Establish credibility
c. Frame for common ground
d. Connect emotionally a, c
As a project manager, which of the following are your organizational sources of power? Select
all that apply.
a. Role
b. Character
c. Network
d. Reputation a, c, d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Make a decision and test it.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Act and reflect on the outcome. c
Which of the following are strategies a project manager can use to provide air cover for their
team? Select all that apply.
a. Limit teammates' knowledge of stakeholder requests
b. Increase the project's scope to satisfy stakeholder requests
c. Take on tasks when stakeholders request additional work
d. Reject a stakeholder request without explicitly saying "no" a, d
Which three of the following are benefits of teamwork?
a. Fosters creativity
b. Encourages accountability
c. Clarifies roles and responsibilities
d. Helps teams meet project goals a, b, d
As a project manager, you want to create an environment where teammates are reliable and able
to complete their work on time. Which of the five elements of effective teams does this
a. Psychological safety
b. Impact
c. Dependability
d. Structure and clarity c
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Create motivation
b. Prioritize tasks
c. Listen and ask questions
d. Delegate responsibility a
In what two ways can project managers promote psychological safety?
a. Reduce ambiguity by prioritizing tasks
b. Create standardized, measurable, and scalable workflows
c. Encourage contributions from team members of all ranks
d. Schedule time for thoughtful, inclusive discussions c, d
What are Bruce Tuckman's five stages of team development?
a. Conforming, warming, norming, transforming, conforming
b. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
c. Conforming, storming, informing, transforming, adjourning
d. Forming, warming, informing, performing, adjourning b
As a project manager, which of the following are personal sources of power? Select all that
a. Character
b. Role
c. Information
d. Knowledge a, d
Which of the following are steps in the ethical decision-making framework developed by the
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics? Select all that apply.
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Make a decision and test it.
c. Get the facts.
d. Weigh the benefits.
e. Evaluate alternative actions. a, b, c, e
Which of the following statements best describes a project manager providing air cover for their
a. Supports and protects a team from out-of-scope requests or criticism from leadership
b. Shields teammates from having to communicate with stakeholders and leadership
c. Fills in where there are task and skill gaps within the team
d. Creates a proposal to increase the project's timeline, budget, or scope a
Which of the following are true of teams? Select all that apply.
a. Encourage accountability
b. Collaborate to solve problems in service of a shared goal
c. Follow the directives of a single person
d. Foster creativity a, b, d
Imagine you are project managing a merger between two healthcare companies. The project is
large and complex, so you send out weekly emails highlighting the most important tasks. Which
aspect of effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Prioritize tasks
b. Listen and ask questions
c. Promote psychological safety
d. Celebrate team success a
Imagine your company enacted new, family-friendly policies in order to support and retain
employees. Benefits include longer paid leave, flexible work hours, and on-site daycare. Which
leadership quality do these changes demonstrate?
a. Authoritative leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Democratic leadership
d. Strategic leadershipb
As a project manager, you want to provide air cover for your team by not explicitly saying "no"
to a stakeholder's request. Which of the following are two possible strategies to achieve this?
a. Offer to get back to the stakeholder once you gather more information, which may provide
time for the stakeholder to reconsider their request.
b. Explain to the stakeholder that their request won't be possible under the current constraints of
the project.
c. Have each teammate email the stakeholder giving their perspectives on why the request cannot
be completed.
d. Refer the stakeholder to project management best practices such as how to effectively
complete a project. a, b
Imagine you lead a team that keeps failing to hit its weekly targets. To help them get back on
track, you ask them to record the time they spend on each task for five days. You then use this
data to better scale the team's work to hit upcoming targets. Which aspect of effective team
building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Demonstrate empathy and create motivation
b. Create systems that turn chaos into order
c. Promote trust and psychological safety
d. Delegate responsibility and prioritize tasks b
Which of the following actions can a project manager take to support team development? Select
all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Resolve conflicts and listen as the team addresses problems
c. Celebrate final milestones and successes
d. Encourage competition between team members a, b, c
What can project managers do to support ethical and inclusive leadership? Select all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Create equal opportunities for team members to succeed
c. Foster a culture of respect
d. Invite and integrate diverse perspectives b, c, d
What are Jay A. Conger's four steps to effective influencing?
a. Motivate the team; manage team dynamics, resolve conflicts, and celebrate milestones
b. Establish credibility, frame for common ground, provide evidence, and connect emotionally
c. Create equal opportunities, foster a culture of respect; demonstrate ethical leadership, and
align values with the team
d. Form the team, storm through conflict, norm practices, and perform actions b
Which source of organizational power refers to the people you're connected with professionally
and personally?
a. Role
b. Reputation
c. Character
d. Network d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"

a. Recognize an ethical issue.

b. Act and reflect on the outcome.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Make a decision and test it.c
Who is ultimately responsible for coordinating incoming and outgoing communication,
connecting individuals to necessary information, and tracking who needs to receive what
information and when?
a. Project team members
b. The client
c. The project manager
d. Stakeholders c
Which three of the following are benefits of work management and collaboration tools, such as
Asana and Smartsheet?
a. Focus communication within the context of specific tasks
b. Make sharing information and documents easy
c. Send instant messages to teammates
d. Complete work in real time
e. Run effective meetings a, b, d
Fill in the blank: In order to set clear meeting expectations, help attendees prepare, keep
everyone focused on the right topics, and clarify meeting expectations and goals, your meeting
should have a(n) _____.
a. guest speaker
b. timeline
c. leader
d. agenda d
Why should you send any pre-reading materials in advance of a meeting?
a. Provide a summary for you during the meeting
b. Skip over that information in your meeting
c. Save time going over unimportant information
d. Everyone is prepared to participated
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project kick-off
d. Project review c
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to clearly state what you want in an email?
a. Include your request in the subject line of the email.
b. Use acronyms whenever possible to keep the email short.
c. List your request in the last paragraph of the email.
d. Avoid associating calls-to-action with your request. a
Which of the following may help you create an inclusive team environment in meetings? Select
all that apply.
a. Give everyone your full attention.
b. Encourage participants to share a single, similar perspective.
c. Formalize initial check-ins for the group.
d. Use images that reflect the diversity of the world. a, c, d
What can be done during a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Practice active listening and non-verbal communication.
b. Clearly state the meeting's goals at the beginning of the meeting.
c. Encourage everyone to participate, including remote participants.
d. Discourage open-ended and personal questions. a, b, c
What does a project manager have to communicate clearly when managing team documents?
Select all that apply.
a. Who originally created the documents
b. How often the documents get updated
c. Who has access to the documents
d. How documents are used b, c, d
In what type of meeting does the project manager meet with participants one-on-one in order to
cover topics most relevant to them and to better understand their concerns?
a. Project kick-off
b. Retrospective
c. Stakeholder review
d. Status update c
The use, access, or sharing of what types of confidential or need-to-know information is likely
prohibited unless you're given permission? Select all that apply.
a. Internal information about your organization's products and services
b. User data
c. Customer service contact information
d. Financial and business dataa, b, d
Which three of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative?
a. Set a timebox for a meeting comment period
b. Allow participants to set the meeting's purpose and expectation
c. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at
d. Have a digital, shared meeting document
e. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style c, d, e
Which of the following are key reasons to meet with stakeholders? Select all that apply.
a. Present a project update
b. Make a decision or resolve a major issue
c. Provide daily project updates
d. Seek out and listen to feedback a, b, d
What actions may help make a meeting accessible for someone with a hearing impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Speak loudly and slowly.
b. Include all the information presented in a spoken presentation on slides.
c. Add closed captions or subtitles to videos.
d. Face the person you are speaking with. b, c, d
According to a Google study, productive meetings have what three elements in common?
a. Active participation from attendees, a clear and concise agenda, and the correct attendees
b. No personal discussion, a length of at least 30 minutes, and a clear and concise agenda
c. At length of at least 30 minutes, active participation from attendees, and the correct attendees
d. A clear and concise agenda, the participation of three or fewer participants, and the correct
attendees a
Which type of meeting is typically more formal, starts with a project update, and may include a
decision to resolve a major issue?
a. Stakeholder review
b. Retrospective
c. Status update
d. Project kick-off a
When you create an email, in what section should you clearly state what the email is about?
a. Subject line
b. First line of the email
c. Header
d. Closing line of the email a
Which of the following elements do effective meetings always have in common? Select all that
a. Structured
b. Intentional
c. Anticipated
d. Collaborative
e. Inclusive a, b, d, e
Fill in the blank: A key component of inclusivity is ensuring your meetings and presentations are
a. recorded
b. accessible
c. during normal business hours
d. in person b
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project review
d. Project kick-off d
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to structure your writing in an email?
a. Put the email's main idea in the last sentence.
b. Avoid including hyperlinks to additional information.
c. Combine multiple paragraphs into one large paragraph.
d. Use bullets to make the email easier to scan. d
What actions may help make a presentation accessible for someone with a visual impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Use a large font size (minimum 22 points).
b. Describe all meaningful graphics in the presentation.
c. Use low-contrast colors.
d. Provide an accessible electronic format of the presentation. a, b, d
What can be done before a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Recap key action items and share with participants.
b. Invite only the people who need to be there and contribute to the meeting goals.
c. Set aside time to prepare for the meeting and review necessary materials.
d. Prepare an agenda that states the purpose and goals of the meeting. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: A project review meeting is also called a _____.
a. retrospective
b. status update
c. reflection
d. stakeholder review a
What are the impacts of not formally closing a project?
a. The project team will move on to the next project
b. A strained relationship and lack of credibility with customers, users, and vendors
c. Project stakeholders work with project managers to complete the project
d. Not enough work for the team if the project isn't closed b
What are the potential effects on a project team if a project is not closed properly? Select all that
a. Negatively impacts the team's time and effort
b. Encourages the team to move on to new projects
c. Lessons learned could be lost if not recorded correctly
d. Diminishes the team's credibility a, c, d
As a project manager, how can you determine if milestones need a closing process?
a. If a stakeholder requested it in the project charter
b. If the team decides the milestone closing process will waste time
c. If there are more milestones than project tasks
d. If the milestones won't be re-addressed at a later time in the project d
What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
b. Evaluates the project's performance with respect to budget and schedule
c. Provides an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work
a, b, c
In what three ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a
formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project?
a. After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders.
b. After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any
changes that need to be made going forward.
c. A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.
d. A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting. b, c, d
What should a project manager do to ensure an effective closing process? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager confirms the work is done and the agreed-upon closing processes are
b. The project manager invites the stakeholders to provide the notes from their independent
c. The project manager completes a project closeout report.
d. The project manager gives the stakeholders an impact reporting presentation.
e. The project manager hosts a retrospective meeting for the team. a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is an opportunity for _____.
a. feedback and lecture
b. criticism and collaboration
c. planning and introspection
d. reflection and improvement d
Fill in the blank: As a project manager, it is important to avoid two kinds of projects: abandoned
projects and _____ projects.
a. unapproved
b. never-ending
c. incomplete
d. unwritten b
Fill in the blank: The project closeout report is made by project managers primarily for _____.
a. team members
b. project managers
c. stakeholders
d. vendors b
Which of the following are true regarding a team celebration at the end of a project? Select all
that apply.
a. It fuels positive change within the team.
b. It typically needs to be approved by stakeholders.
c. It helps improve collaboration on future projects.
d. It can be a team-building exercise. a, c, d
What happens during a project closing? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager and team confirms all project tasks are complete.
b. The customer identifies new deliverables and ongoing task work.
c. The team obtains formal recognition from key stakeholders that the project is complete.
d. The team executes remaining project management processes, such as procedural or
administrative work. a, c, d
Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as
having a large meeting?
a. Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.
b. Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending.
c. Host a closing celebration with the team.
d. Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team. b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
b. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
c. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered a, b, d
For what three reasons is it important to close a project once it is complete?
a. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team.
b. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
c. It ensures an effective change management process.
d. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
a, b, d
Which document acts as a blueprint for what the team did, how they did it, and what they
a. Project closeout report
b. Retrospective review
c. ROAM analysis
d. Impact report a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a meeting to discuss successes, failures, and possible future
improvements on the project.
a. status update
b. retrospective
c. closeout
d. stakeholder review b
What steps should a project manager take to make sure a project is closed? Select all that apply.
a. Spend any remaining funds in the project's budget
b. Ensure all agreed upon project management processes are complete
c. Get formal recognition from stakeholders that the project is done
d. Confirm all tasks and work are complete b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager reviews documentation for the project, including the statement of work and
RACI chart. The project manager closes the vendor contract, submits all payments, and retrieves
all final deliverables from contracted workers. They send an email communication to ensure all
stakeholders are aware that the project is ending. Finally, the project manager finishes up the
project by gathering final feedback and conducting closing surveys.
What step of the closing process did the project manager skip in this scenario?
a. Refer to documentation created earlier in the project
b. Put together closing documentation, such as creating closeout reports
c. Complete any necessary follow-up work, such as gathering data and information
d. Conduct administrative closure of the procurement process b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
b. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
c. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager needs to include several sections in the closeout report for the Janco car
company's new car series launch. First, the project manager completes the executive summary,
describing the project process and purpose. Second, they note the key accomplishments like
meeting the launch's objectives and highlighting the team's impact on the project. Third, they
identify open items like what the team didn't complete, and add improvement ideas for similar,
future projects. Fourth, they detail the next steps for follow-up projects. Fifth, they list the launch
schedule with project milestones, project on-track status, and setbacks. And sixth, they list the
project resources like the original project plan, stakeholder communications, and documents such
as user manuals on how to unload cars from delivery trucks.
Which item is the project manager missing in their closeout report?
a c
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is the best tool for reflection and _________ .
a. budgeting
b. planning
c. improvement
d. collaboration c
Which closeout report section includes topics such as things the team didn't get to work on and
ideas for changes if they had the time?
a. Executive summary
b. Open items
c. Key accomplishments
d. Lessons learned b
A project manager works with a stakeholder for months to open a community greenhouse. The
stakeholder changes their expectations and the project timeline.
What actions can the project manager take to resolve this issue? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager can establish a timeline to complete this project and propose a follow-up
b. The project manager avoids the stakeholder and continues with their original plan.
c. The project manager can review the contracts with the stakeholder to include the timeline and
the budget.
d. The project manager meets with the team to determine who is not doing their job correctly.
a, c
As a project manager, which of the following should you include in the closeout report? Select
all that apply.
a. Daily project tasks, such as a breakdown in a spreadsheet
b. Resources, such as the original project plan
c. Open items, such as ideas for changes you'd like to make
d. Key accomplishments, such as which objectives the team met b, c, d
What team considerations should the project manager focus on during the closing process?
a. Work with each team member to review the work that they did and the deadlines they missed
b. Encourage the team to review one another's work to find the weak link in the team
c. Review all project tasks to see where the team members could have been involved more
d. Build a culture that allows retrospectives so teams can collaborate and have positive changes
Agile project management works well with projects that take an iterative approach. What does
this mean? Select all that apply.
a. Project deliverables improve continuously based on feedback
b. The team operates within many short blocks of time
c. The project will take longer to complete
d. Project processes are repeated many times during the life cycle of the project a, b, d
As an Agile project manager, you should value individuals and interactions over processes and
tools. What does this mean for your team? Select all that apply.
a. Improve collaboration within the team by effectively using processes and tools to drive and
facilitate your project.
b. Forgo using processes and tools in order to speed up the production process.
c. Work together with your team to help each other achieve the best outcomes possible.
d. Have brief conversations rather than long, drawn out email exchanges. a, c, d
How do Agile teams collaborate with their business partners and stakeholders to create business
value for the organization and their users? Select all that apply.
a. Work together with business people and developers throughout the project
b. Help each other achieve the best outcome
c. Gather feedback at the end of the project only
d. Welcome changing requirements a, b, d
You're the lead project manager at Office Green LLC, a commercial landscaping company
focused on interior plant design. Your company's market research team identifies a major shift to
workers setting up home offices. Your team wants to pursue this business opportunity.
The goal is to deliver their new service, called Virtual Verde, and you don't have any existing
project plans to build off of or time to do a lot of prep work. Which factors do you face? Select
all that apply.
a. Complexity
b. Uncertainty and ambiguity
c. Volatility
d. Budget constraints a, b, c
How can the VUCA concept help you decide to use Agile or Waterfall? Select all that apply.
a. It helps determine if your project needs more predictive stability than the Waterfall method
b. It helps determine if your project is too ambiguous for the Waterfall method.
c. It helps determine whether your project is too volatile for the Waterfall method.
d. It helps determine how complex your project is. b, c, d
As a project manager, what are some reasons you might choose to follow a Scrum methodology?
Select all that apply.
a. It supports and reinforces the Waterfall model.
b. It's free and open for everyone.
c. It offers a regular and predictable meeting and delivery schedule, with predefined agendas and
outcomes for the meetings.
d. It has clear roles and responsibilities for your team, but emphasizes the power of the team as a
whole. b, c, d
What are the four basic activities performed during the product development process of the XP
a. Designing, coding, testing, and listening
b. Designing, collaborating, testing, and summarizing
c. Planning, collaborating, testing, and designing
d. Planning, coding, summarizing, and developing a
Fill in the blank: To get the full benefits from Agile, you must adopt not only its processes, but
also its _____.
a. mindset
b. software
c. terminology
d. platform a
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has an initial set of requirements at kick off,
but you know this list will grow and change. Your team will work with stakeholders to prioritize
requirements as the project moves forward. What approach is the best choice for your project?
a. Scrum
b. Waterfall
c. Linear
d. Agile d
Fill in the blank: Agile project management is _____; the team operates within many short
blocks of time where deliverables will evolve and improve depending on the feedback received.
a. inflexible
b. linear
c. iterative
d. repetitive c
As a project manager, when can an Agile methodology best support your project? Select all that
a. When the project faces constraints, including costs or time
b. When the project receives feedback from diverse stakeholders, with competing interests
c. When the project may need adjustments along the way
d. When the project deliverable is not yet clear b, c, d
As an Agile project manager, why is it important to value customer collaboration over contract
negotiation? Select all that apply.
a. It encourages your team to seek out every opportunity to include the customer or stakeholder
during project execution.
b. It reinforces that customer satisfaction is the highest priority when building a high quality and
valuable product.
c. It saves your organization time and money.
d. It allows the freedom to collaborate with customers early and often. a, b, d
What does VUCA stand for?
a. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
b. Volume, uncertainty, complexity, and accuracy
c. Veracity, uncertainty, collaboration, and accountability
d. Volatility, upheaval, collaboration, and ambiguitya
In the following scenario about team management, the project manager blends which two
A team is developing a software product. During the retrospective for the last sprint, a team
member says, "I need to implement a certain feature, but I don't have much experience building
that particular feature." Someone else on the team is an expert on the feature, so the project
manager pairs them up to build the feature during the next sprint.
a. Waterfall and XP
b. Agile and Scrum
c. Scrum and Kanban
d. Scrum and XP d
Where does Scrum get its name? Select all that apply.
a. Scrum refers to a football team's huddle.
b. Scrum refers to a formation in rugby where players huddle closely together with their heads
down while trying to gain possession of the ball.
c. The purpose of the rugby scrum is for each player on the team to play their role in order to
work together and achieve their shared goal.
d. Scrum is an acronym for the processes that make up the Agile methodology. b, c
To create the most value for the customer, you ensure the customer can ask for additional
features or incremental deliveries throughout the value stream. This is an example of what Lean
methodology principle?
a. Define value
b. Establish pull
c. Create flow
d. Map value stream b
You are managing a project and your customer does not know which features they want in the
end product. How can Agile help solve your customer's problem? Select all that apply.
a. Agile helps your team frequently and quickly get customer feedback. This enables you to
make changes as needed and give your customer the product they really want.
b. Agile helps you create a product requirements document, formally-approved project plans, and
a change control board, with the aim of protecting the team from building something that the
customer doesn't want and minimizing any changes.
c. Agile enables you to produce more than one version of the product. Then, the customer can
decide which one they prefer.
d. Agile acknowledges the fact that things change and is designed to embrace these changes as
your project progresses. a, d
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has clear requirements and goals based on
mandated regulation. Which methodology is the best choice for your project?
a. Scrum
b. Iterative
c. Agile
d. Waterfall d
What does it mean to say that Agile project management takes an iterative approach? Select all
that apply.
a. The project processes are repeated
b. The team takes a subset of all the project's activities and does all the work
c. The activities are completed in a linear fashion
d. The team operates within many shorter blocks of time a, b, d
What does the Agile Manifesto mean by value delivery? Select all that apply.
a. Simplify and maximize the amount of work not done
b. Save clients as much money as possible
c. Deliver products quickly and frequently
d. Deliver highly valuable products to customers a, c, d
Waterfall and Agile include how many of the same phases and tasks?
a. None
b. A couple
c. Most
d. All c
As a Waterfall project manager, your goal is to minimize any changes that could lead to scope
creep. You want to protect your team from building something the client or stakeholders don't
want. What formal and rigorous process could you set up to safeguard against this?
a. Change Control Board
b. Formal communication freeze
c. Kanban board
d. Daily stakeholder meetingsa
In the three pillars of Scrum Theory, what does inspection refer to? Select all that apply.
a. Performing regular evaluations in order to find improvements
b. Continuously checking in on progress and deliverables to detect any undesirable changes
c. Conducting timely checks towards the outcome of a sprint goal to detect undesirable variances
d. Allowing stakeholders a look into project plans a, b, c
In Agile, what is a mission statement?
a. A short statement that explains specific tasks your team members should work on.
b. A short statement that helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
c. A short statement that shows stakeholders what your team's values are.
d. A short statement that gives your team something to work towards and stays constant
throughout the project. d
In Scrum, the Product Owner is responsible for what? Select all that apply.
a. Ensuring the product or service fulfill the customers' needs
b. Helping the Developers understand what to build
c. Coaching and facilitating Scrum events
d. Prioritizing the Product Backlog a, b, d
What are some of the tasks Product Owners are responsible for? Select all that apply.
a. Continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team
b. Ensure the team builds the right product or service
c. Ensure the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all
d. Deal with vendors and contract negotiations a, b, c
What are some of the main responsibilities of a Scrum Master? Select all that apply.
a. Coaching team members to use Agile and Scrum practices
b. Acts as the voice of the customer
c. Facilitates scrum events such as Sprint Retrospectives
d. Minimizes unhelpful interactions or interruptions coming from outside of the team a, c, d
What is the optimal size of a Development Team?
a. 5 to 20 people
b. 1 to 3 people
c. 3 to 9 people
d. 11 to 15 people c
What are the key characteristics of successful Product Owners? Select all that apply.
a. Independent
b. Customer-focused
c. Collaborative
d. Optimistic b, c, d
Scrum Teams behave according to what core values? Select all that apply.
a. Respect
b. Focus
c. Commitment
d. Dissension
e. Openness a, b, c, e
What are attributes of a project team that uses Scrum development? Select all that apply.
a. Cross-functional
b. Independent
c. Customer-oriented
d. Self-managing a, c, d
Which of the following are responsibilities that a Product Owner would typically have and a
project manager would not have? Select all that apply.
a. Create and communicate Product Backlog items
b. Timebox management
c. Monitor team performance
d. Manage stakeholders a, b
Fill in the blank: A Scrum Team should be _____, which means people with different skill sets in
the organization work together to complete the project successfully.
a. decisive
b. self-disciplined
c. cross-functional
d. organized c
What two qualities should a successful Development Team possess? Select all that apply.
a. Cross-functional
b. Independent
c. Self-organizing
d. Self-sufficient a, c
Who on the Scrum Team is responsible for meeting customers' needs and prioritizing the Product
a. Project Manager
b. Scrum Master
c. Development Team
d. Product Owner d
A team member runs into an issue within the project but they aren't sure how to fix it. They share
this problem with the team to ensure everyone is aware of the challenge they encountered.
What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
a. Openness
b. Focus
c. Commitment
d. Respect a
What is one responsibility of both a Product Owner and a project manager?
a. Timebox management
b. Product Backlog management
c. Team performance management
d. Stakeholder management d
Which two of the following statements regarding a product vision are correct?
a. A product vision makes it clear where your team's boundaries are.
b. A product vision tells your team the specific tasks they need to complete.
c. A product vision helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
d. A product vision is a short statement that stays constant throughout the project. a, c
What are a Product Owner's responsibilities? Select all that apply.
a. Clearly communicate and prioritize the Product Backlog
b. Make sure the product fulfills the customers' needs
c. Facilitate Scrum events such as the Sprint Planning and Retrospective
d. Help the team understand the overall goal and mission of the project a, b, d
What is the main difference between a Scrum Master and a project manager?
a. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a coach and facilitator to the Scrum Team
b. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a customer liaison to the Scrum Team
c. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as the main line of communication between stakeholders and the
Scrum Team
d. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a product technical expert to the Scrum Team a
A team member is working on a very specific solution involving a new technology. Teammates
work together to speed up their progress. With their teammates' help, they get it across the finish
What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
a. Openness
b. Courage
c. Respect
d. Focus d
When using Scrum, the team repeats project processes in a timebox. What Agile term does this
approach represent?
a. Increases
b. Increments
c. Iterations
d. Inspections c
What is one difference between a project manager and Scrum Master?
a. There is no difference between the two.
b. The Scrum Master prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a project manager coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
c. The project manager prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a Scrum Master coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
d. The project manager is concerned with the team's performance, while the Scrum Master is
concerned with managing the team's Backlog. c
Fill in the blank: The Product Owner's key responsibility is acting as the voice of the _____
within the team.
a. customer
b. organization
c. stakeholder
d. vendor a
What are some key skills a successful Scrum Master should have? Select all that apply.
a. Leadership
b. Budgeting
c. Coaching
d. Communication a, c, d
What are the benefits of locating a team in the same physical space (also known as co-locating)?
Select all that apply.
a. The team collaborates effectively over video conferencing platforms.
b. The team gets together quickly to get work done or solve a problem.
c. The team delivers a higher quality of work at a quicker rate.
d. The team works across time zones by coordinating schedules. b, c
Which of the following best describes why Scrum Teams refer to the Product Backlog as a living
a. The Product Owner adds items at any time.
b. The team only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
c. The Product Owner only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
d. The stakeholders can add items at any time. d
Which of the following exhibit the best practices for formatting a user story?
a. Paint the client's home because they want to increase the value of their home and protect its
exterior surface.
b. Paint the client's home to increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.
c. As the homeowner, I want my home painted, so that it increases the value of my home and
protects the exterior surfaces.
d. Paint my home because as a homeowner, it will increase its value and protect its exterior
surfaces. c
As a Product Owner doing story estimation, you tell your team to keep their initial estimate
private. This allows team members to form an independent opinion before sharing. Which
effective estimation characteristic does this refer to?
a. Avoid anchoring bias
b. Promote inclusivity
c. Lead to effort discovery
d. Build team trust a
As a Product Owner, you set the initial Sprint duration the team has to work on their items. This
refers to what Scrum concept?
a. Schedule
b. Timebox
c. Time frame
d. Interval b
During what Scrum event will the Scrum Master ask questions like: What has been our average
velocity? Who on the team has any upcoming vacations or work conflicts? Who is responsible
for what Sprint tasks?
a. Sprint Review
b. Sprint Retrospective
c. Daily Scrum
d. Sprint planning d
Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work?
a. Scrum Master
b. Another teammate
c. Product Owner
d. Key stakeholder a
What does the Scrum Team reflect on during a Sprint Retrospective? Select all that apply.
a. Were the improvements in the last Sprint helpful or not?
b. What improvements are worth exploring in the next Sprint?
c. Who was at fault for not accomplishing a story?
d. What's working or not working for the team regarding the people, the processes, and the tools?
e. What updates should the team make to user stories in the next Sprint? a, b, d
Fill in the blank: When a team conducts Sprint Planning, they use the average velocity of _____
to determine how many items they can safely add to their Sprint Backlog.
a. at least three weeks
b. at least three days
c. at least three story points
d. at least three Sprints d
Why would a Scrum Team use a Kanban board? Select all that apply.
a. To visualize tasks
b. To take fewer notes
c. To make it easier to notice work-in-progress (WIP) limits
d. To give a better sense of the team's flow of work a, c, d
Utilizing tools in Scrum helps make the team fully aware of progress and updates. This embodies
which Scrum pillar?
a. Commitment
b. Inspection
c. Transparency
d. Adaptation c
As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for
each item?
a. Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the item
b. The level of effort to complete the item
c. The date the item is due
d. A set value for each item, such as dollar signs
e. A clear description from the perspective of the customer b, d, e
A Product Owner writing a user story needs the story to fit within the planned Sprint. If the user
story is too large, they break it down into multiple, scaled-down stories in order to meet which of
the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria?
a. Estimitable
b. Negotiable
c. Independent
d. Valuable
e. Small e
Which of the following typically happens during a Sprint? Select all that apply.
a. The Product Backlog is refined by the Product Owner as needed.
b. The Sprint Goal is changed by the Product Owner as needed.
c. The project scope is clarified with the Product Owner as more is learned.
d. The work quality improves—or at least stays the same—when compared to the last Sprint.
a, c, d
During the Sprint Review, what does the team unveil that demonstrates what they produced in a
given Sprint that is considered releasable?
a. product increment
b. Product Backlog
c. user story
d. acceptance criteria a
Fill in the blank: Retrospectives in Scrum happen _____ a traditional project.
a. as often as in
b. more often than in
c. less often than in b
What's the overall goal of a burndown chart?
a. Serve as a communication tool for outside stakeholders
b. Provide a way to compare productivity among teams
c. Keep the team aware of how they're doing against their goals
d. Quantify performance for individual team members c
Work in progress (WIP) limits place constraints on how many items a team works on at any
given time. What Scrum value do WIP limits encourage for a team?
a. Courage
b. Openness
c. Focus
d. Commitment c
As a Product Owner, you need to organize and visualize your Backlog. What is an example of a
tool that would make this task easier?
a. Jira or Trello
b. Zoom or Google Chat
c. Gmail or Slack
d. Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint a
How do Product Owners typically organize items in the Backlog?
a. From most to least time-consuming
b. From simplest to most complex
c. From highest to lowest priority
d. From easiest to most difficult c
Fill in the blank: As a Product Owner writing a user story, you want every task to have a clear
Definition of Done. A clear Definition of Done helps the team better understand how much effort
it will take to complete an item. Including a Definition of Done in a user story makes it _____,
one of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story-writing criteria.
a. small
b. negotiable
c. independent
d. estimable
e. valuable d
As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog for a small number of items.
You'd like your team to reach a consensus on the number of items, and you'd also like to
incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?
a. The Bucket System
b. Dot Voting
c. Planning Poker™
d. Affinity Mapping -
Which of the following may indicate a task meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.
a. The product passes all testing requirements.
b. The Product Owner accepts the story.
c. An independent peer group reviews the product.
d. The product meets half of the acceptance criteria. a, b, c
As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Retrospective, you ask the team, "Where did we notice
success?" This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?
a. Be blameless
b. Change up the format
c. Take action
d. Balance negative with positive d
What stakeholder benefit does a team provide when they have a stable velocity and refine their
Product Backlog?
a. Able to compare the team to other teams at the company
b. Know approximately how long it will take to complete the Backlog
c. Verify if the team is productive
d. Able to alter the project's goals, milestones, and deliverables b
Which of the following is a key deliverable of Sprint Planning?
a. The project charter
b. A burndown chart
c. Retrospective notes
d. The Sprint Backlog d
Fill in the blank: You can make sure your team delivers value to customers by building the right
thing, building the thing right, and _____.
a. scaling as fast as possible
b. running it cheaply
c. running it right
d. selling it right c
Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a guide that demonstrates where to go, how to get there, and what
to accomplish along the way in order to maximize value.
a. capacity roadmap
b. value roadmap
c. release roadmap
d. vision roadmap b
Fill in the blank: The product vision defines what the product is, who uses it, and how it supports
the customer's _____.
a. professional reputation
b. financial gains
c. release plan
d. business strategy d
What are some common pitfalls of making a product roadmap? Select all that apply.
a. Pressure teams to achieve deadlines no matter what it takes
b. Put more work into the roadmap than the deliverables
c. Conduct regular reviews of the roadmap with stakeholders and the team
d. Let stakeholders think the roadmap is set and unchangeable a, b, d
Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans to develop a new
learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. Which
of the following factors can potentially push back your release plan date? Select all that apply.
a. A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.
b. The school district increases the project budget and provides additional resources.
c. The Product Owner expands the project to include two additional school districts.
d. Your team realizes an epic will take more time to complete than anticipated. a, c, d
As a project manager, your organization makes a shift to Agile. To create a sense of urgency,
which questions should you ask your team about what's working, and what's not working right
a. What allows our competitors to outperform us and get their products and features to market
more quickly?
b. How can we help you become more productive and supported in your work?
c. What can we do to cut costs in our product creation and Sprint process?
d. How can we change the company's stated mission or values to better align with our work?
a, b
Imagine you are a project manager for a company that adopts a new invoicing process. To ensure
successful adoption, you schedule training sessions so each team member can develop the skills
they need to complete the process. Which of the sources of influence does this scenario
a. Structural ability
b. Structural motivation
c. Personal motivation
d. Personal ability
e. Social ability
f. Social motivation d
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing a new set design for a local news network. You
notice your team is becoming overwhelmed with critical feedback from producers. Then, your
team informs you that they no longer want to receive feedback from the producers. Which Agile
principle do these issues impact the most?
a. Business collaboration
b. Value delivery
c. Retrospectives
d. Team dynamics and culture a
What can you do to avoid making too many or unfounded product assumptions? Select all that
a. Document assumptions and make them transparent to all.
b. Ask the Product Owner to double-check and approve assumptions.
c. Conduct surveys or focus groups to double-check assumptions, where necessary.
d. Discuss assumptions as a team.
e. Reuse assumptions from similar, past projects. a, c, d
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?
a. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
b. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
c. Scrum of Scrums
d. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) c
What are the components of a typical value roadmap?
a. A product roadmap, a vision statement, and development plans
b. A product vision, a product roadmap, and release plans
c. A product vision, a mission statement, and development plans
d. A product roadmap, a mission statement, and release plans b
Which of the following are product roadmap best practices? Select all that apply.
a. Make the roadmap highly noticeable to the team and refer to it frequently.
b. Inform the team you finalized the roadmap.
c. Fine-tune delivery dates for accuracy well in advance.
d. Conduct regular reviews with sponsors, stakeholders, and the team.
e. Indicate highest priority and highest value items.
f. Make the roadmap highly visible to stakeholders. a, d, e, f
Imagine you are a project manager creating release plans for a new cloud storage service. Your
team is performing well, so you decide to push up the estimated release date. Which specific
factors do you take into account to make your decision?
a. The team's capacity and velocity
b. The team's size and the customer's budget
c. The team's willingness and work ethic
d. The team's experience and the customer's timeline a
Does a low level of interpersonal conflict mean that a team is experiencing issues?
a. Yes. A team that rarely has disagreements is not committed enough to the work.
b. No. A team that rarely has disagreements is more productive than a team that disagrees
c. Sometimes. If a team rarely has disagreements, it could mean team members don't feel safe
stating their opinions. c
What can you do to address instability when people leave and join your team frequently? Select
all that apply.
a. Ask new team members to create up-to-date project documentation before starting work.
b. Use pair programming so new team members can learn on the job.
c. Create a quick onboarding process for new team members.
d. Use financial incentives to keep team members from leaving.
e. Schedule shorter sprints so departing team members can wrap up work. b, c, e
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?
a. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
b. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
c. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
d. Scrum of Scrums d
Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.
a. A product roadmap
b. A product playbook
c. A release plan
d. A product vision
e. A mission statement a, c, d
Which of the following provides an overview of the expected product, its high-level
requirements, and an estimated schedule for reaching milestones?
a. A Product Backlog
b. A product vision
c. A product roadmap
d. A value playbook c
Imagine you're a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner
to estimate the team's capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace.
Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?
a. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
b. Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to
maintain a constant workload.
c. Stakeholders and the team developers must work together daily throughout the project.
d. At regular intervals, the development team meets to reflect on how to become more effective.
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To
smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible
to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario
a. Leverage the six sources of influence
b. Clarify measurable results
c. Find vital behaviorsb
Imagine you are a project manager for a mobile game that is experiencing significant technical
issues. While working on the update, your team members appear unhappy and arrive at work
late. What can you do to boost morale and improve the quality of deliverables? Select all that
a. Push back the next release date to give the team more time
b. Run a team brainstorm session to identify areas for improvement
c. Take a training class on team dynamics and how to better work together
d. Change up the workflows by pairing people to work together on hard tasks
e. Require positive attitudes in team meetings b, c, d
Fill in the blank: DevOps combines software development with _____.
a. Business operations
b. Scrum operations
c. Change management operations
d. Information Technology (IT) operations d
What is the first Agile principle?
a. Satisfy the customer through value-driven delivery
b. Save the customer money through cost-driven delivery
c. Satisfy the customer through mission-driven delivery
d. Save the customer time through speed-driven delivery a
What are some of the benefits of developing and maintaining a product roadmap? Select all that
a. Teams follow a reliable plan that does not need to change
b. Teams and stakeholders understand the sequence of deliverables
c. Stakeholders meet with the Product Owner less frequently throughout the project
d. Stakeholders notice incremental value over the course of the project
e. Teams understand how their efforts relate to the project vision b, d, e
Imagine you are a project manager leading Agile adoption at an organization. Why is it
important that you find an executive sponsor to support the change? Select all that apply.
a. It guarantees an increase in the project's budget.
b. It increases your chances of successfully shifting organizational culture.
c. It helps to create a sense of ownership for the change you are creating.
d. It helps to answer your team's questions about what's working and what's not working right
now. b, c
Agile project management works well with projects that take an iterative approach. What does
this mean? Select all that apply.
a. Project deliverables improve continuously based on feedback
b. The team operates within many short blocks of time
c. The project will take longer to complete
d. Project processes are repeated many times during the life cycle of the project a, b, d
As an Agile project manager, you should value individuals and interactions over processes and
tools. What does this mean for your team? Select all that apply.
a. Improve collaboration within the team by effectively using processes and tools to drive and
facilitate your project.
b. Forgo using processes and tools in order to speed up the production process.
c. Work together with your team to help each other achieve the best outcomes possible.
d. Have brief conversations rather than long, drawn out email exchanges. a, c, d
How do Agile teams collaborate with their business partners and stakeholders to create business
value for the organization and their users? Select all that apply.
a. Work together with business people and developers throughout the project
b. Help each other achieve the best outcome
c. Gather feedback at the end of the project only
d. Welcome changing requirements a, b, d
You're the lead project manager at Office Green LLC, a commercial landscaping company
focused on interior plant design. Your company's market research team identifies a major shift to
workers setting up home offices. Your team wants to pursue this business opportunity.
The goal is to deliver their new service, called Virtual Verde, and you don't have any existing
project plans to build off of or time to do a lot of prep work. Which factors do you face? Select
all that apply.
a. Complexity
b. Uncertainty and ambiguity
c. Volatility
d. Budget constraints a, b, c
How can the VUCA concept help you decide to use Agile or Waterfall? Select all that apply.
a. It helps determine if your project needs more predictive stability than the Waterfall method
b. It helps determine if your project is too ambiguous for the Waterfall method.
c. It helps determine whether your project is too volatile for the Waterfall method.
d. It helps determine how complex your project is. b, c, d
As a project manager, what are some reasons you might choose to follow a Scrum methodology?
Select all that apply.
a. It supports and reinforces the Waterfall model.
b. It's free and open for everyone.
c. It offers a regular and predictable meeting and delivery schedule, with predefined agendas and
outcomes for the meetings.
d. It has clear roles and responsibilities for your team, but emphasizes the power of the team as a
whole. b, c, d
What are the four basic activities performed during the product development process of the XP
a. Designing, coding, testing, and listening
b. Designing, collaborating, testing, and summarizing
c. Planning, collaborating, testing, and designing
d. Planning, coding, summarizing, and developing a
Fill in the blank: To get the full benefits from Agile, you must adopt not only its processes, but
also its _____.
a. mindset
b. software
c. terminology
d. platform a
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has an initial set of requirements at kick off,
but you know this list will grow and change. Your team will work with stakeholders to prioritize
requirements as the project moves forward. What approach is the best choice for your project?
a. Scrum
b. Waterfall
c. Linear
d. Agile d
Fill in the blank: Agile project management is _____; the team operates within many short
blocks of time where deliverables will evolve and improve depending on the feedback received.
a. inflexible
b. linear
c. iterative
d. repetitive c
As a project manager, when can an Agile methodology best support your project? Select all that
a. When the project faces constraints, including costs or time
b. When the project receives feedback from diverse stakeholders, with competing interests
c. When the project may need adjustments along the way
d. When the project deliverable is not yet clear b, c, d
As an Agile project manager, why is it important to value customer collaboration over contract
negotiation? Select all that apply.
a. It encourages your team to seek out every opportunity to include the customer or stakeholder
during project execution.
b. It reinforces that customer satisfaction is the highest priority when building a high quality and
valuable product.
c. It saves your organization time and money.
d. It allows the freedom to collaborate with customers early and often. a, b, d
What does VUCA stand for?
a. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
b. Volume, uncertainty, complexity, and accuracy
c. Veracity, uncertainty, collaboration, and accountability
d. Volatility, upheaval, collaboration, and ambiguitya
In the following scenario about team management, the project manager blends which two
A team is developing a software product. During the retrospective for the last sprint, a team
member says, "I need to implement a certain feature, but I don't have much experience building
that particular feature." Someone else on the team is an expert on the feature, so the project
manager pairs them up to build the feature during the next sprint.
a. Waterfall and XP
b. Agile and Scrum
c. Scrum and Kanban
d. Scrum and XP d
Where does Scrum get its name? Select all that apply.
a. Scrum refers to a football team's huddle.
b. Scrum refers to a formation in rugby where players huddle closely together with their heads
down while trying to gain possession of the ball.
c. The purpose of the rugby scrum is for each player on the team to play their role in order to
work together and achieve their shared goal.
d. Scrum is an acronym for the processes that make up the Agile methodology. b, c
To create the most value for the customer, you ensure the customer can ask for additional
features or incremental deliveries throughout the value stream. This is an example of what Lean
methodology principle?
a. Define value
b. Establish pull
c. Create flow
d. Map value stream b
You are managing a project and your customer does not know which features they want in the
end product. How can Agile help solve your customer's problem? Select all that apply.
a. Agile helps your team frequently and quickly get customer feedback. This enables you to
make changes as needed and give your customer the product they really want.
b. Agile helps you create a product requirements document, formally-approved project plans, and
a change control board, with the aim of protecting the team from building something that the
customer doesn't want and minimizing any changes.
c. Agile enables you to produce more than one version of the product. Then, the customer can
decide which one they prefer.
d. Agile acknowledges the fact that things change and is designed to embrace these changes as
your project progresses. a, d
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has clear requirements and goals based on
mandated regulation. Which methodology is the best choice for your project?
a. Scrum
b. Iterative
c. Agile
d. Waterfall d
What does it mean to say that Agile project management takes an iterative approach? Select all
that apply.
a. The project processes are repeated
b. The team takes a subset of all the project's activities and does all the work
c. The activities are completed in a linear fashion
d. The team operates within many shorter blocks of time a, b, d
What does the Agile Manifesto mean by value delivery? Select all that apply.
a. Simplify and maximize the amount of work not done
b. Save clients as much money as possible
c. Deliver products quickly and frequently
d. Deliver highly valuable products to customers a, c, d
Waterfall and Agile include how many of the same phases and tasks?
a. None
b. A couple
c. Most
d. All c
As a Waterfall project manager, your goal is to minimize any changes that could lead to scope
creep. You want to protect your team from building something the client or stakeholders don't
want. What formal and rigorous process could you set up to safeguard against this?
a. Change Control Board
b. Formal communication freeze
c. Kanban board
d. Daily stakeholder meetingsa
In the three pillars of Scrum Theory, what does inspection refer to? Select all that apply.
a. Performing regular evaluations in order to find improvements
b. Continuously checking in on progress and deliverables to detect any undesirable changes
c. Conducting timely checks towards the outcome of a sprint goal to detect undesirable variances
d. Allowing stakeholders a look into project plans a, b, c
In Agile, what is a mission statement?
a. A short statement that explains specific tasks your team members should work on.
b. A short statement that helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
c. A short statement that shows stakeholders what your team's values are.
d. A short statement that gives your team something to work towards and stays constant
throughout the project. d
In Scrum, the Product Owner is responsible for what? Select all that apply.
a. Ensuring the product or service fulfill the customers' needs
b. Helping the Developers understand what to build
c. Coaching and facilitating Scrum events
d. Prioritizing the Product Backlog a, b, d
What are some of the tasks Product Owners are responsible for? Select all that apply.
a. Continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team
b. Ensure the team builds the right product or service
c. Ensure the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all
d. Deal with vendors and contract negotiations a, b, c
What are some of the main responsibilities of a Scrum Master? Select all that apply.
a. Coaching team members to use Agile and Scrum practices
b. Acts as the voice of the customer
c. Facilitates scrum events such as Sprint Retrospectives
d. Minimizes unhelpful interactions or interruptions coming from outside of the team a, c, d
What is the optimal size of a Development Team?
a. 5 to 20 people
b. 1 to 3 people
c. 3 to 9 people
d. 11 to 15 people c
What are the key characteristics of successful Product Owners? Select all that apply.
a. Independent
b. Customer-focused
c. Collaborative
d. Optimistic b, c, d
Scrum Teams behave according to what core values? Select all that apply.
a. Respect
b. Focus
c. Commitment
d. Dissension
e. Openness a, b, c, e
What are attributes of a project team that uses Scrum development? Select all that apply.
a. Cross-functional
b. Independent
c. Customer-oriented
d. Self-managing a, c, d
Which of the following are responsibilities that a Product Owner would typically have and a
project manager would not have? Select all that apply.
a. Create and communicate Product Backlog items
b. Timebox management
c. Monitor team performance
d. Manage stakeholders a, b
Fill in the blank: A Scrum Team should be _____, which means people with different skill sets in
the organization work together to complete the project successfully.
a. decisive
b. self-disciplined
c. cross-functional
d. organized c
What two qualities should a successful Development Team possess? Select all that apply.
a. Cross-functional
b. Independent
c. Self-organizing
d. Self-sufficient a, c
Who on the Scrum Team is responsible for meeting customers' needs and prioritizing the Product
a. Project Manager
b. Scrum Master
c. Development Team
d. Product Owner d
A team member runs into an issue within the project but they aren't sure how to fix it. They share
this problem with the team to ensure everyone is aware of the challenge they encountered.
What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
a. Openness
b. Focus
c. Commitment
d. Respect a
What is one responsibility of both a Product Owner and a project manager?
a. Timebox management
b. Product Backlog management
c. Team performance management
d. Stakeholder management d
Which two of the following statements regarding a product vision are correct?
a. A product vision makes it clear where your team's boundaries are.
b. A product vision tells your team the specific tasks they need to complete.
c. A product vision helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
d. A product vision is a short statement that stays constant throughout the project. a, c
What are a Product Owner's responsibilities? Select all that apply.
a. Clearly communicate and prioritize the Product Backlog
b. Make sure the product fulfills the customers' needs
c. Facilitate Scrum events such as the Sprint Planning and Retrospective
d. Help the team understand the overall goal and mission of the project a, b, d
What is the main difference between a Scrum Master and a project manager?
a. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a coach and facilitator to the Scrum Team
b. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a customer liaison to the Scrum Team
c. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as the main line of communication between stakeholders and the
Scrum Team
d. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a product technical expert to the Scrum Team a
A team member is working on a very specific solution involving a new technology. Teammates
work together to speed up their progress. With their teammates' help, they get it across the finish
What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
a. Openness
b. Courage
c. Respect
d. Focus d
When using Scrum, the team repeats project processes in a timebox. What Agile term does this
approach represent?
a. Increases
b. Increments
c. Iterations
d. Inspections c
What is one difference between a project manager and Scrum Master?
a. There is no difference between the two.
b. The Scrum Master prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a project manager coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
c. The project manager prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a Scrum Master coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
d. The project manager is concerned with the team's performance, while the Scrum Master is
concerned with managing the team's Backlog. c
Fill in the blank: The Product Owner's key responsibility is acting as the voice of the _____
within the team.
a. customer
b. organization
c. stakeholder
d. vendor a
What are some key skills a successful Scrum Master should have? Select all that apply.
a. Leadership
b. Budgeting
c. Coaching
d. Communication a, c, d
What are the benefits of locating a team in the same physical space (also known as co-locating)?
Select all that apply.
a. The team collaborates effectively over video conferencing platforms.
b. The team gets together quickly to get work done or solve a problem.
c. The team delivers a higher quality of work at a quicker rate.
d. The team works across time zones by coordinating schedules. b, c
Which of the following best describes why Scrum Teams refer to the Product Backlog as a living
a. The Product Owner adds items at any time.
b. The team only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
c. The Product Owner only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
d. The stakeholders can add items at any time. d
Which of the following exhibit the best practices for formatting a user story?
a. Paint the client's home because they want to increase the value of their home and protect its
exterior surface.
b. Paint the client's home to increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.
c. As the homeowner, I want my home painted, so that it increases the value of my home and
protects the exterior surfaces.
d. Paint my home because as a homeowner, it will increase its value and protect its exterior
surfaces. c
As a Product Owner doing story estimation, you tell your team to keep their initial estimate
private. This allows team members to form an independent opinion before sharing. Which
effective estimation characteristic does this refer to?
a. Avoid anchoring bias
b. Promote inclusivity
c. Lead to effort discovery
d. Build team trust a
As a Product Owner, you set the initial Sprint duration the team has to work on their items. This
refers to what Scrum concept?
a. Schedule
b. Timebox
c. Time frame
d. Interval b
During what Scrum event will the Scrum Master ask questions like: What has been our average
velocity? Who on the team has any upcoming vacations or work conflicts? Who is responsible
for what Sprint tasks?
a. Sprint Review
b. Sprint Retrospective
c. Daily Scrum
d. Sprint planning d
Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work?
a. Scrum Master
b. Another teammate
c. Product Owner
d. Key stakeholder a
What does the Scrum Team reflect on during a Sprint Retrospective? Select all that apply.
a. Were the improvements in the last Sprint helpful or not?
b. What improvements are worth exploring in the next Sprint?
c. Who was at fault for not accomplishing a story?
d. What's working or not working for the team regarding the people, the processes, and the tools?
e. What updates should the team make to user stories in the next Sprint? a, b, d
Fill in the blank: When a team conducts Sprint Planning, they use the average velocity of _____
to determine how many items they can safely add to their Sprint Backlog.
a. at least three weeks
b. at least three days
c. at least three story points
d. at least three Sprints d
Why would a Scrum Team use a Kanban board? Select all that apply.
a. To visualize tasks
b. To take fewer notes
c. To make it easier to notice work-in-progress (WIP) limits
d. To give a better sense of the team's flow of work a, c, d
Utilizing tools in Scrum helps make the team fully aware of progress and updates. This embodies
which Scrum pillar?
a. Commitment
b. Inspection
c. Transparency
d. Adaptation c
As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for
each item?
a. Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the item
b. The level of effort to complete the item
c. The date the item is due
d. A set value for each item, such as dollar signs
e. A clear description from the perspective of the customer b, d, e
A Product Owner writing a user story needs the story to fit within the planned Sprint. If the user
story is too large, they break it down into multiple, scaled-down stories in order to meet which of
the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria?
a. Estimitable
b. Negotiable
c. Independent
d. Valuable
e. Small e
Which of the following typically happens during a Sprint? Select all that apply.
a. The Product Backlog is refined by the Product Owner as needed.
b. The Sprint Goal is changed by the Product Owner as needed.
c. The project scope is clarified with the Product Owner as more is learned.
d. The work quality improves—or at least stays the same—when compared to the last Sprint.
a, c, d
During the Sprint Review, what does the team unveil that demonstrates what they produced in a
given Sprint that is considered releasable?
a. product increment
b. Product Backlog
c. user story
d. acceptance criteria a
Fill in the blank: Retrospectives in Scrum happen _____ a traditional project.
a. as often as in
b. more often than in
c. less often than in b
What's the overall goal of a burndown chart?
a. Serve as a communication tool for outside stakeholders
b. Provide a way to compare productivity among teams
c. Keep the team aware of how they're doing against their goals
d. Quantify performance for individual team members c
Work in progress (WIP) limits place constraints on how many items a team works on at any
given time. What Scrum value do WIP limits encourage for a team?
a. Courage
b. Openness
c. Focus
d. Commitment c
As a Product Owner, you need to organize and visualize your Backlog. What is an example of a
tool that would make this task easier?
a. Jira or Trello
b. Zoom or Google Chat
c. Gmail or Slack
d. Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint a
How do Product Owners typically organize items in the Backlog?
a. From most to least time-consuming
b. From simplest to most complex
c. From highest to lowest priority
d. From easiest to most difficult c
Fill in the blank: As a Product Owner writing a user story, you want every task to have a clear
Definition of Done. A clear Definition of Done helps the team better understand how much effort
it will take to complete an item. Including a Definition of Done in a user story makes it _____,
one of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story-writing criteria.
a. small
b. negotiable
c. independent
d. estimable
e. valuable d
As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog for a small number of items.
You'd like your team to reach a consensus on the number of items, and you'd also like to
incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?
a. The Bucket System
b. Dot Voting
c. Planning Poker™
d. Affinity Mapping -
Which of the following may indicate a task meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.
a. The product passes all testing requirements.
b. The Product Owner accepts the story.
c. An independent peer group reviews the product.
d. The product meets half of the acceptance criteria. a, b, c
As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Retrospective, you ask the team, "Where did we notice
success?" This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?
a. Be blameless
b. Change up the format
c. Take action
d. Balance negative with positive d
What stakeholder benefit does a team provide when they have a stable velocity and refine their
Product Backlog?
a. Able to compare the team to other teams at the company
b. Know approximately how long it will take to complete the Backlog
c. Verify if the team is productive
d. Able to alter the project's goals, milestones, and deliverables b
Which of the following is a key deliverable of Sprint Planning?
a. The project charter
b. A burndown chart
c. Retrospective notes
d. The Sprint Backlog d
Fill in the blank: You can make sure your team delivers value to customers by building the right
thing, building the thing right, and _____.
a. scaling as fast as possible
b. running it cheaply
c. running it right
d. selling it right c
Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a guide that demonstrates where to go, how to get there, and what
to accomplish along the way in order to maximize value.
a. capacity roadmap
b. value roadmap
c. release roadmap
d. vision roadmap b
Fill in the blank: The product vision defines what the product is, who uses it, and how it supports
the customer's _____.
a. professional reputation
b. financial gains
c. release plan
d. business strategy d
What are some common pitfalls of making a product roadmap? Select all that apply.
a. Pressure teams to achieve deadlines no matter what it takes
b. Put more work into the roadmap than the deliverables
c. Conduct regular reviews of the roadmap with stakeholders and the team
d. Let stakeholders think the roadmap is set and unchangeable a, b, d
Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans to develop a new
learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. Which
of the following factors can potentially push back your release plan date? Select all that apply.
a. A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.
b. The school district increases the project budget and provides additional resources.
c. The Product Owner expands the project to include two additional school districts.
d. Your team realizes an epic will take more time to complete than anticipated. a, c, d
As a project manager, your organization makes a shift to Agile. To create a sense of urgency,
which questions should you ask your team about what's working, and what's not working right
a. What allows our competitors to outperform us and get their products and features to market
more quickly?
b. How can we help you become more productive and supported in your work?
c. What can we do to cut costs in our product creation and Sprint process?
d. How can we change the company's stated mission or values to better align with our work?
a, b
Imagine you are a project manager for a company that adopts a new invoicing process. To ensure
successful adoption, you schedule training sessions so each team member can develop the skills
they need to complete the process. Which of the sources of influence does this scenario
a. Structural ability
b. Structural motivation
c. Personal motivation
d. Personal ability
e. Social ability
f. Social motivation d
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing a new set design for a local news network. You
notice your team is becoming overwhelmed with critical feedback from producers. Then, your
team informs you that they no longer want to receive feedback from the producers. Which Agile
principle do these issues impact the most?
a. Business collaboration
b. Value delivery
c. Retrospectives
d. Team dynamics and culture a
What can you do to avoid making too many or unfounded product assumptions? Select all that
a. Document assumptions and make them transparent to all.
b. Ask the Product Owner to double-check and approve assumptions.
c. Conduct surveys or focus groups to double-check assumptions, where necessary.
d. Discuss assumptions as a team.
e. Reuse assumptions from similar, past projects. a, c, d
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?
a. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
b. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
c. Scrum of Scrums
d. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) c
What are the components of a typical value roadmap?
a. A product roadmap, a vision statement, and development plans
b. A product vision, a product roadmap, and release plans
c. A product vision, a mission statement, and development plans
d. A product roadmap, a mission statement, and release plans b
Which of the following are product roadmap best practices? Select all that apply.
a. Make the roadmap highly noticeable to the team and refer to it frequently.
b. Inform the team you finalized the roadmap.
c. Fine-tune delivery dates for accuracy well in advance.
d. Conduct regular reviews with sponsors, stakeholders, and the team.
e. Indicate highest priority and highest value items.
f. Make the roadmap highly visible to stakeholders. a, d, e, f
Imagine you are a project manager creating release plans for a new cloud storage service. Your
team is performing well, so you decide to push up the estimated release date. Which specific
factors do you take into account to make your decision?
a. The team's capacity and velocity
b. The team's size and the customer's budget
c. The team's willingness and work ethic
d. The team's experience and the customer's timeline a
Does a low level of interpersonal conflict mean that a team is experiencing issues?
a. Yes. A team that rarely has disagreements is not committed enough to the work.
b. No. A team that rarely has disagreements is more productive than a team that disagrees
c. Sometimes. If a team rarely has disagreements, it could mean team members don't feel safe
stating their opinions. c
What can you do to address instability when people leave and join your team frequently? Select
all that apply.
a. Ask new team members to create up-to-date project documentation before starting work.
b. Use pair programming so new team members can learn on the job.
c. Create a quick onboarding process for new team members.
d. Use financial incentives to keep team members from leaving.
e. Schedule shorter sprints so departing team members can wrap up work. b, c, e
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?
a. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
b. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
c. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
d. Scrum of Scrums d
Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.
a. A product roadmap
b. A product playbook
c. A release plan
d. A product vision
e. A mission statement a, c, d
Which of the following provides an overview of the expected product, its high-level
requirements, and an estimated schedule for reaching milestones?
a. A Product Backlog
b. A product vision
c. A product roadmap
d. A value playbook c
Imagine you're a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner
to estimate the team's capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace.
Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?
a. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
b. Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to
maintain a constant workload.
c. Stakeholders and the team developers must work together daily throughout the project.
d. At regular intervals, the development team meets to reflect on how to become more effective.
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To
smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible
to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario
a. Leverage the six sources of influence
b. Clarify measurable results
c. Find vital behaviorsb
Imagine you are a project manager for a mobile game that is experiencing significant technical
issues. While working on the update, your team members appear unhappy and arrive at work
late. What can you do to boost morale and improve the quality of deliverables? Select all that
a. Push back the next release date to give the team more time
b. Run a team brainstorm session to identify areas for improvement
c. Take a training class on team dynamics and how to better work together
d. Change up the workflows by pairing people to work together on hard tasks
e. Require positive attitudes in team meetings b, c, d
Fill in the blank: DevOps combines software development with _____.
a. Business operations
b. Scrum operations
c. Change management operations
d. Information Technology (IT) operations d
What is the first Agile principle?
a. Satisfy the customer through value-driven delivery
b. Save the customer money through cost-driven delivery
c. Satisfy the customer through mission-driven delivery
d. Save the customer time through speed-driven delivery a
What are some of the benefits of developing and maintaining a product roadmap? Select all that
a. Teams follow a reliable plan that does not need to change
b. Teams and stakeholders understand the sequence of deliverables
c. Stakeholders meet with the Product Owner less frequently throughout the project
d. Stakeholders notice incremental value over the course of the project
e. Teams understand how their efforts relate to the project vision b, d, e
Imagine you are a project manager leading Agile adoption at an organization. Why is it
important that you find an executive sponsor to support the change? Select all that apply.
a. It guarantees an increase in the project's budget.
b. It increases your chances of successfully shifting organizational culture.
c. It helps to create a sense of ownership for the change you are creating.
d. It helps to answer your team's questions about what's working and what's not working right
now. b, c
Which three of the following scenarios represent a deviation from a project plan?

a. A production facility goes out of business

b. A project team hits a major milestone on schedule
c. A company increases its budget for a project
d. A lead designer quits to take another job a, c, d
Why should project managers track changes, dependencies, and risks throughout a project?

a. Keep teams aligned on how to ensure project success

b. Demonstrate the importance of accepting change
c. Determine who made tracking mistakes during the retrospective
d. Help prepare for the next project a
Which tracking method is most useful when project managers need a way to track big milestones
in a project?

a. Burndown chart
b. Project status report
c. Gantt chart
d. Roadmap d
How does a roadmap differ from a burndown chart?

a. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a burndown
chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a burndown chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining
d. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. The project manager
learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. Which of the triple constraints does this change
impact the most?

a. Timeline
b. Budget
c. Scope a
How does a change request form differ from an escalation email?
a. Change request forms enlist leadership to manage proposed changes; escalation emails help
teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
b. Change request forms help teams manage proposed changes; escalation emails enlist
leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
c. Change request forms enlist leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate
next steps; escalation emails help teams manage proposed changes
d. Change request forms help teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next
steps; escalation emails enlist leadership to manage proposed changes b
Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but their design team decides to
test out a new material for the doll's clothes before beginning a new batch. This test has what two
types of dependencies?

a. Mandatory dependency
b. Internal dependency
c. Discretionary dependency
d. External dependency b, c
What tool can project managers use to calculate risk exposure and prioritize risks using high,
medium, and low rankings?

a. ROAM technique
b. Mitigation plan
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Risk register c
Which term refers to the process of enlisting leadership or management to remove an obstacle,
clarify or reinforce priorities, and validate next steps?

a. Elevation
b. Escalation
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure b
How can escalation benefit a project? Select all that apply.

a. Provides checks and balances

b. Speeds up decision-making
c. Encourages team participation
d. Makes external dependencies trackable a, b, c
Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM technique?

a. Restored, organized, accepted, and managed

b. Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated
c. Resolved, owned, allocated, and mitigated
d. Restored, organized, allocated, and managed b
What is project tracking?

a. A method for following the progress of a project's activities.

b. A method for assessing project successes and areas for improvement.
c. A method for responding to project risks.
d. A method for reaching agreement among stakeholders on project scope. a
Which five items should you track throughout the project execution phase?

a. Progress toward milestones

b. Action items
c. Project schedule
d. Project goals
e. Key tasks and activities
f. Project costsa, b, c, e, f
Which tool provides an overview of a project's common elements, summarizes them as a
snapshot, and communicates project status to the team and stakeholders in a centralized place?

a. Roadmap
b. Gantt chart
c. Burndown chart
d. Project status report d
How does a roadmap differ from a Gantt chart?

a. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart measures time
against the amount of work completed and remaining
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a Gantt chart is
useful for large projects with many dependencies
d. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a Gantt chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Which of the following methods can be used to communicate change to stakeholders during a
project? Select all that apply.

a. Change request form

b. Project charter
c. Escalation email
d. Work breakdown structure a, c
Imagine that a restaurant is moving to a new location and must pass a government health
inspection before it can open. What type of dependency is the inspection? Select all that apply.
a. External dependency
b. Discretionary dependency
c. Mandatory dependency
d. Internal dependency a, c
Imagine that a project manager creates a matrix with two variables: risk impact and probability.
They use the matrix to measure potential future losses to a project resulting from specific
activities or events. What is the project manager trying to determine?

a. Risk dependencies
b. Risk appetite
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure d
What should you do in an escalation email? Select all that apply.

a. Make a request.
b. Explain the problem.
c. State your connection to the project.
d. Be serious and assert authority. a, b, c
Imagine that a client wants to add an auction of donated items to a fundraising event. The project
manager is currently executing the project for a dinner and short concert. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?
a. Scope
b. Timeline
c. Budget a
What is the process of identifying risks and issues that could impact a project, and taking steps to
address their potential effects?
a. Project tracking
b. Risk management
c. Escalation
d. Dependency management b
What can project managers do to keep trench war disagreements from bringing projects to a
a. Assess risk exposure
b. Apply the ROAM technique
c. Rely on the project roadmap
d. Send an escalation email d
In the ROAM technique, what does it mean to resolve a risk?

a. To give a team member ownership over a certain risk and entrust them to handle it
b. To understand and accept a risk for what it is because it cannot be resolved
c. To classify a risk as addressed because it no longer creates a problem
d. To reduce the impact of a risk or the likelihood the risk will occur c
Imagine that an aerospace company builds a new line of passenger jets. Increased raw material
costs cause the company to spend more on aluminum than planned. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?
a. Timeline
b. Scope
c. Budget c
What two common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue?
a. Trench wars
b. Misdirected compromises
c. Force majeure
d. Risk appetite a, b
As a project manager, you're implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You assign the
risk to a team member so they can resolve it and monitor it to completion. Which ROAM action
did you take?
a. Resolved
b. Owned
c. Accepted
d. Mitigated b
As a project manager overseeing a product launch, you monitor and inspect the results to ensure
the project is meeting the quality standards. You notice one standard is not being met and take
corrective action to improve the standard. Which quality management concept does the
inspection and corrective action represent?
a. Quality standards
b. Quality assurance
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control d
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality control
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality planning d
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?
a. Empathic listening
b. Quality planning
c. Negotiation
d. Trust-building d
As a project manager, you're doing a user acceptance test (UAT) to test your product. You
present your users with the visual mockup of the product and walk them through each step they
need to take to use the product. What UAT quality control step does this scenario represent?
a. Acceptance criteria
b. User story
c. Critical user journey
d. Edge case journey c
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Research group
b. Comparable group
c. Control group
d. Variable group c
As a project manager, you identified a process-based problem you'd like to improve. Before
implementing a solution, you conduct performance metrics and data collection. This establishes
baseline data that will determine success. What DMAIC step did you apply?

a. Analyze
b. Define
c. Control
d. Measure d
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of the finished
product. To fix the problem, you first identify what you believe is the root cause and brainstorm
solutions with your team. What PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act a
A project team discovers an efficient process to more quickly develop a product. The program
manager implements the idea in several other projects. When the portfolio manager learns that
the more efficient process is working across several projects, they recommend it to several
programs. This scenario exemplifies which best practice?

a. Hierarchical communication
b. Positive feedback
c. Continuous improvement
d. Word-of-mouth communication c
A team successfully delivers a product feature to a client, but misses the deadline. What should
the project manager do to investigate why the product feature was late?

a. Increase the budget

b. Add a team member
c. Hold a retrospective
d. Meet with stakeholders c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you give the team an
opportunity to discuss risks that materialized: Were there any gaps between the original plan and
its execution? Which retrospective step does this represent?

a. Lessons learned
b. Future considerations
c. Next steps
d. Action items a
As a project manager, you're overseeing a product launch. You meet with customers to determine
the product's quality standards. Then, you create processes and documentation necessary to
achieve the expected quality. Which quality management concept do these tasks represent?
a. Assurance planning
b. Assurance standards
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control c
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality planning
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality control b
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?

a. Trust-building
b. Quality planning
c. Negotiation
d. Empathic listening a
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the project manager creates UAT scripts so the testers
better understand the product or service. The project manager writes the scripts based on user
stories, which are best described as what?
a. Feedback from users that includes positive comments, bug reports, and change requests
b. Communications that report on questions, issues, or delays during the testing process
c. Informal, general explanations of a feature that reflect the perspective of an end user
d. Step-by-step instructions that users follow during the testing process c
As a project manager, you have already identified a process-based problem to improve, found its
root cause, and implemented a solution. Now, you take the next step: You monitor the new
process to ensure the changes are beneficial to the team. Which DMAIC step are you currently
a. Define
b. Improve
c. Control
d. Analyze c
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of a finished product.
You have already identified the root cause and brainstormed solutions to the problem with the
team. Now, you and the team attempt to fix the problem by implementing a solution. Which
PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act b
Who can take a beneficial process improvement from one project and implement it across several

a. Program manager
b. Portfolio manager
c. Stakeholder manager
d. Project manager a
Which of the following is a retrospective best practice?

a. Change perspectives so that the team can better understand another person's point of view
b. Use "you" language to communicate clearly and reduce confusion across the team
c. Focus on more negative aspects than positive so the team can improve more quickly
d. Assign blame so teammates know who did what wrong a
What's the main purpose of holding a retrospective?

a. Allow the project manager to explain why the project did or did not succeed
b. Encourage improvements that prepare the team for future projects
c. Let stakeholders give feedback so the team can get a different perspective
d. Determine why the team missed a milestone and update the client b
Which quality management concept must be well-defined at the beginning of the project to help
avoid rework and schedule delays?
a. Quality assurance
b. Quality control
c. Quality standards
d. Quality action c
To receive authentic and honest feedback from customers, what strategy should a project
manager use?

a. Incentivize customers with a gift card because they're more likely to respond
b. Ask for feedback after the project finishes because customers won't fully understand the
product until it's complete
c. Ask for stakeholder feedback and relay it to customers in hopes to close the gap between the
customer's expectation and the project's needs
d. Ask open-ended questions and listen to the customer's current state versus their desired state
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the users identify outliers that the original requirements
didn't account for, such as an extreme use of the product. What UAT quality control step does
this represent?

a. Edge cases
b. Unknown cases
c. User error cases
d. Business cases a
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Variable group
b. Comparable group
c. Research group
d. Control group d
As a project manager applying the PDCA process, you've already attempted to fix a process that
you believe is causing a common customer complaint. As your next step, you compare your
results to the goal to determine if you fixed the issue. What PDCA step will you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act c
Fill in the blank: The way a project manager decides to structure a retrospective depends on

a. the previous project manager's agenda

b. project sponsor preference
c. team and workplace
d. the latest project management trends c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you have a discussion about
risks that could become issues if not addressed this quarter. You also inform the team that you're
passing ownership of the project to someone else. In the retrospective notes, you include the
contact information of the new project manager and links to any relevant documentation. Which
retrospective step does this represent?

a. Future considerations
b. Action items
c. Lessons learned
d. Risks that materialized a
How should a project manager engage in continuous improvement that enhances team
a. Process improvement
b. Team improvement
c. Behavioral improvement
d. Quality improvement a
Which parts of a company ecosystem rely on continuous improvement to have collective and
separate successes? Select all that apply.
a. Portfolios
b. Projects
c. Programs
d. Performances a, b, c
Fill in the blank: _____ is a collection of facts or information.
a. Artifacts
b. Data
c. Statistics
d. Resources b
In which two of the following categories can project managers group metrics?
a. Documentation metrics
b. Productivity metrics
c. Reliability metrics
d. Quality metrics b, d
Which of the following are examples of quality metrics? Select all that apply.
a. cost variance
b. number of changes
c. issues
d. tasks a, b, c
As a project manager prioritizing tasks, you need to determine what is most important to your
client: meeting a deadline or staying within budget. Which method are you using to determine
what data is relevant to your project?
a. Monitoring changes in project metrics
b. Aligning to your stakeholders' priorities
c. Focusing on tasks that have a big impact on the project goal
d. Identifying and responding to signals b
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of collecting and organizing information to help draw
a. Documentation
b. Project management
c. Risk analysis
d. Data analysis d
Which of the following include visual representations of data? Select all that apply.
a. infographics
b. statistics
c. mappings
d. dashboards
e. charts a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. milestone
b. key performance indicator (KPI)
c. task deadline
d. statistic b
Which of the following are ways you can be flexible during a presentation? Select all that apply.
a. Practice to avoid mistakes that could distract from your message
b. Limit practicing so you can improvise based upon audience body language
c. Consider the approach you'd take if an unforeseen event shortens your presentation
d. Imagine and prepare for possible objections
e. Identify and come up with answers to potential audience questions a, c, d, e
As a project manager processing data, you avoid selecting and interpreting data in a way that
supports your pre-existing beliefs. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias a
As a project manager analyzing data, you begin by inquiring about the current state of the
problem, the ideal outcome, and the expectations of your stakeholders. Which data analysis best
practice does this represent?
a. Prepare
b. Share
c. Analyze
d. Process
e. Ask e
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Is the content credible
and trustworthy?", "Are there any data points that skew the information", and "What content can
I eliminate?". In what storytelling step should you ask these questions?
a. Gather the feedback
b. Define the audience
c. Choose a visual representation
d. Find the data
e. Filter and analyze the data e
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to compare trends
and display changes in the data over a set period of time. Which data visualization tool can help?
a. Line graph
b. Scatter plot
c. Bar graph
d. Pie chart a
Fill in the blank: During your project, you monitor the timelines and efficiency of your team.
You collect data on how many tasks they complete, their quality of work, and the time it takes to
complete the tasks. All of these are examples of using data to _____.
a. reduce budget
b. understand your users
c. understand performance
d. solve problems c
What tactics can project managers use to prioritize data? Select all that apply.
a. Prioritize tasks that contribute most to the project goal
b. Identify and respond to signals
c. Set hard deadlines
d. Align metrics to stakeholder priorities a, b, d
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of turning facts into a narrative to communicate something
to your audience.
a. Data analysis
b. Communication
c. Storytelling
d. Statistics c
Fill in the blank: _____ is the graphical representation of information to facilitate understanding.

a. Data visualization
b. Storytelling
c. Presentation
d. Statistics a
Which of the following tactics may help you be memorable during a presentation? Select all that
a. Confirm the audience has no questions before you start.
b. Pace yourself by using intentional pauses.
c. Make eye contact and use friendly facial expressions.
d. Maintain an upright posture with hands at your side.
e. Elevate the volume of your voice to emphasize key points. b, c, d, e
As a project manager processing data, you avoid understanding ambiguous data as either positive
or negative. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Sampling bias
b. Observer bias
c. Confirmation bias
d. Interpretation bias d
As a project manager analyzing data, you review, transform, and organize the data you've
collected. Then, you create graphs with the data to identify patterns and draw conclusions.
Which data analysis best practice does this represent?
a. Ask
b. Process
c. Share
d. Analyze
e. Prepare d
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Who are you presenting
to?," "What are their problems?," and "What do they care about?". In what storytelling step
should you ask these questions?
a. Find the data
b. Define the audience
c. Gather the feedback
d. Shape the story
e. Filter and analyze the data b
Fill in the blank: _____ data are statistical and numerical facts about a project.
a. Mathematical
b. Qualitative
c. Subjective
d. Quantitatived
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. milestone
b. task deadline
c. statistic
d. key performance indicator (KPI) d
As a project manager processing data, you avoid using data that isn't representative of the
population. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias b
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to demonstrate a
relationship between data sets and display values for the data points of two different variables.
Which data visualization tool can help?
a. Line graph
b. Scatter plot
c. Pie chart
d. Bar graph b
From the project manager perspective, which of the following are benefits of using data? Select
all that apply.
a. Understand performance
b. Improve processes
c. Solve problems
d. Increase the project timeline
e. Make better decisions
f. Understand your users a, b, c, e, f
Fill in the blank: _____ is when the project manager determines how long it will take to
complete a project based on resources available.
a. Planning
b. Brainstorming
c. Prediction
d. Projection d
Fill in the blank: _____ data are qualities or things that you can't measure with numerical data.
a. Qualitative
b. Client
c. Objective
d. Quantitativea
What is the third step in storytelling that vets the data for credibility and filters the information?
a. Shape the story
b. Gather the feedback
c. Collect the data
d. Analyze the data
e. Choose a visual representation
f. Define the audience d
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. key performance indicator (KPI)
b. task deadline
c. statistic
d. milestone a
Which of the following are ways to help you give an effective presentation? Select all that apply.
a. Be memorable
b. Be precise
c. Be forceful
d. Be flexible a, b, d
Which of the following are true of work groups? Select all that apply.
a. Their work is coordinated or controlled by a single person or entity.
b. They work with minimal oversight.
c. Their work is independent of a managerial hierarchy.
d. They work toward a common goal. a, d
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Delegate responsibility
b. Create motivation
c. Listen and ask questions
d. Prioritize tasks b
In what two ways does delegating work make project managers more effective leaders?
a. Allows project managers to focus on the project as a whole
b. Gives team members a chance to add value to the project
c. Lets team members feel safe asking questions
d. Makes project managers better at meeting stakeholder needs a, b
What responsibilities do project managers have during the forming stage of team development?
Select all that apply.
a. Listen as the team addresses problems
b. Provide context about the project
c. Establish new team norms
d. Clarify project roles and goals b, d
Imagine your company introduces a new feedback system for employees to share ideas, report
grievances, and receive follow-ups from leadership. This helps to align values within the team
and promotes honesty, respect, and integrity. Which leadership quality does this change
a. Democratic leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Ethical leadership
d. Strategic leadershipc
Imagine a tech company wants to use another firm's processor in its new laptop. The project
manager writes to the firm's CEO about the mutual benefits and projected sales numbers. Which
steps of effective influencing is the project manager demonstrating? Select all that apply.
a. Provide evidence
b. Establish credibility
c. Frame for common ground
d. Connect emotionally a, c
As a project manager, which of the following are your organizational sources of power? Select
all that apply.
a. Role
b. Character
c. Network
d. Reputation a, c, d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Make a decision and test it.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Act and reflect on the outcome. c
Which of the following are strategies a project manager can use to provide air cover for their
team? Select all that apply.
a. Limit teammates' knowledge of stakeholder requests
b. Increase the project's scope to satisfy stakeholder requests
c. Take on tasks when stakeholders request additional work
d. Reject a stakeholder request without explicitly saying "no" a, d
Which three of the following are benefits of teamwork?
a. Fosters creativity
b. Encourages accountability
c. Clarifies roles and responsibilities
d. Helps teams meet project goals a, b, d
As a project manager, you want to create an environment where teammates are reliable and able
to complete their work on time. Which of the five elements of effective teams does this
a. Psychological safety
b. Impact
c. Dependability
d. Structure and clarity c
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Create motivation
b. Prioritize tasks
c. Listen and ask questions
d. Delegate responsibility a
In what two ways can project managers promote psychological safety?
a. Reduce ambiguity by prioritizing tasks
b. Create standardized, measurable, and scalable workflows
c. Encourage contributions from team members of all ranks
d. Schedule time for thoughtful, inclusive discussions c, d
What are Bruce Tuckman's five stages of team development?
a. Conforming, warming, norming, transforming, conforming
b. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
c. Conforming, storming, informing, transforming, adjourning
d. Forming, warming, informing, performing, adjourning b
As a project manager, which of the following are personal sources of power? Select all that
a. Character
b. Role
c. Information
d. Knowledge a, d
Which of the following are steps in the ethical decision-making framework developed by the
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics? Select all that apply.
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Make a decision and test it.
c. Get the facts.
d. Weigh the benefits.
e. Evaluate alternative actions. a, b, c, e
Which of the following statements best describes a project manager providing air cover for their
a. Supports and protects a team from out-of-scope requests or criticism from leadership
b. Shields teammates from having to communicate with stakeholders and leadership
c. Fills in where there are task and skill gaps within the team
d. Creates a proposal to increase the project's timeline, budget, or scope a
Which of the following are true of teams? Select all that apply.
a. Encourage accountability
b. Collaborate to solve problems in service of a shared goal
c. Follow the directives of a single person
d. Foster creativity a, b, d
Imagine you are project managing a merger between two healthcare companies. The project is
large and complex, so you send out weekly emails highlighting the most important tasks. Which
aspect of effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Prioritize tasks
b. Listen and ask questions
c. Promote psychological safety
d. Celebrate team success a
Imagine your company enacted new, family-friendly policies in order to support and retain
employees. Benefits include longer paid leave, flexible work hours, and on-site daycare. Which
leadership quality do these changes demonstrate?
a. Authoritative leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Democratic leadership
d. Strategic leadershipb
As a project manager, you want to provide air cover for your team by not explicitly saying "no"
to a stakeholder's request. Which of the following are two possible strategies to achieve this?
a. Offer to get back to the stakeholder once you gather more information, which may provide
time for the stakeholder to reconsider their request.
b. Explain to the stakeholder that their request won't be possible under the current constraints of
the project.
c. Have each teammate email the stakeholder giving their perspectives on why the request cannot
be completed.
d. Refer the stakeholder to project management best practices such as how to effectively
complete a project. a, b
Imagine you lead a team that keeps failing to hit its weekly targets. To help them get back on
track, you ask them to record the time they spend on each task for five days. You then use this
data to better scale the team's work to hit upcoming targets. Which aspect of effective team
building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Demonstrate empathy and create motivation
b. Create systems that turn chaos into order
c. Promote trust and psychological safety
d. Delegate responsibility and prioritize tasks b
Which of the following actions can a project manager take to support team development? Select
all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Resolve conflicts and listen as the team addresses problems
c. Celebrate final milestones and successes
d. Encourage competition between team members a, b, c
What can project managers do to support ethical and inclusive leadership? Select all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Create equal opportunities for team members to succeed
c. Foster a culture of respect
d. Invite and integrate diverse perspectives b, c, d
What are Jay A. Conger's four steps to effective influencing?
a. Motivate the team; manage team dynamics, resolve conflicts, and celebrate milestones
b. Establish credibility, frame for common ground, provide evidence, and connect emotionally
c. Create equal opportunities, foster a culture of respect; demonstrate ethical leadership, and
align values with the team
d. Form the team, storm through conflict, norm practices, and perform actions b
Which source of organizational power refers to the people you're connected with professionally
and personally?
a. Role
b. Reputation
c. Character
d. Network d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"

a. Recognize an ethical issue.

b. Act and reflect on the outcome.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Make a decision and test it.c
Who is ultimately responsible for coordinating incoming and outgoing communication,
connecting individuals to necessary information, and tracking who needs to receive what
information and when?
a. Project team members
b. The client
c. The project manager
d. Stakeholders c
Which three of the following are benefits of work management and collaboration tools, such as
Asana and Smartsheet?
a. Focus communication within the context of specific tasks
b. Make sharing information and documents easy
c. Send instant messages to teammates
d. Complete work in real time
e. Run effective meetings a, b, d
Fill in the blank: In order to set clear meeting expectations, help attendees prepare, keep
everyone focused on the right topics, and clarify meeting expectations and goals, your meeting
should have a(n) _____.
a. guest speaker
b. timeline
c. leader
d. agenda d
Why should you send any pre-reading materials in advance of a meeting?
a. Provide a summary for you during the meeting
b. Skip over that information in your meeting
c. Save time going over unimportant information
d. Everyone is prepared to participated
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project kick-off
d. Project review c
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to clearly state what you want in an email?
a. Include your request in the subject line of the email.
b. Use acronyms whenever possible to keep the email short.
c. List your request in the last paragraph of the email.
d. Avoid associating calls-to-action with your request. a
Which of the following may help you create an inclusive team environment in meetings? Select
all that apply.
a. Give everyone your full attention.
b. Encourage participants to share a single, similar perspective.
c. Formalize initial check-ins for the group.
d. Use images that reflect the diversity of the world. a, c, d
What can be done during a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Practice active listening and non-verbal communication.
b. Clearly state the meeting's goals at the beginning of the meeting.
c. Encourage everyone to participate, including remote participants.
d. Discourage open-ended and personal questions. a, b, c
What does a project manager have to communicate clearly when managing team documents?
Select all that apply.
a. Who originally created the documents
b. How often the documents get updated
c. Who has access to the documents
d. How documents are used b, c, d
In what type of meeting does the project manager meet with participants one-on-one in order to
cover topics most relevant to them and to better understand their concerns?
a. Project kick-off
b. Retrospective
c. Stakeholder review
d. Status update c
The use, access, or sharing of what types of confidential or need-to-know information is likely
prohibited unless you're given permission? Select all that apply.
a. Internal information about your organization's products and services
b. User data
c. Customer service contact information
d. Financial and business dataa, b, d
Which three of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative?
a. Set a timebox for a meeting comment period
b. Allow participants to set the meeting's purpose and expectation
c. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at
d. Have a digital, shared meeting document
e. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style c, d, e
Which of the following are key reasons to meet with stakeholders? Select all that apply.
a. Present a project update
b. Make a decision or resolve a major issue
c. Provide daily project updates
d. Seek out and listen to feedback a, b, d
What actions may help make a meeting accessible for someone with a hearing impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Speak loudly and slowly.
b. Include all the information presented in a spoken presentation on slides.
c. Add closed captions or subtitles to videos.
d. Face the person you are speaking with. b, c, d
According to a Google study, productive meetings have what three elements in common?
a. Active participation from attendees, a clear and concise agenda, and the correct attendees
b. No personal discussion, a length of at least 30 minutes, and a clear and concise agenda
c. At length of at least 30 minutes, active participation from attendees, and the correct attendees
d. A clear and concise agenda, the participation of three or fewer participants, and the correct
attendees a
Which type of meeting is typically more formal, starts with a project update, and may include a
decision to resolve a major issue?
a. Stakeholder review
b. Retrospective
c. Status update
d. Project kick-off a
When you create an email, in what section should you clearly state what the email is about?
a. Subject line
b. First line of the email
c. Header
d. Closing line of the email a
Which of the following elements do effective meetings always have in common? Select all that
a. Structured
b. Intentional
c. Anticipated
d. Collaborative
e. Inclusive a, b, d, e
Fill in the blank: A key component of inclusivity is ensuring your meetings and presentations are
a. recorded
b. accessible
c. during normal business hours
d. in person b
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project review
d. Project kick-off d
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to structure your writing in an email?
a. Put the email's main idea in the last sentence.
b. Avoid including hyperlinks to additional information.
c. Combine multiple paragraphs into one large paragraph.
d. Use bullets to make the email easier to scan. d
What actions may help make a presentation accessible for someone with a visual impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Use a large font size (minimum 22 points).
b. Describe all meaningful graphics in the presentation.
c. Use low-contrast colors.
d. Provide an accessible electronic format of the presentation. a, b, d
What can be done before a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Recap key action items and share with participants.
b. Invite only the people who need to be there and contribute to the meeting goals.
c. Set aside time to prepare for the meeting and review necessary materials.
d. Prepare an agenda that states the purpose and goals of the meeting. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: A project review meeting is also called a _____.
a. retrospective
b. status update
c. reflection
d. stakeholder review a
What are the impacts of not formally closing a project?
a. The project team will move on to the next project
b. A strained relationship and lack of credibility with customers, users, and vendors
c. Project stakeholders work with project managers to complete the project
d. Not enough work for the team if the project isn't closed b
What are the potential effects on a project team if a project is not closed properly? Select all that
a. Negatively impacts the team's time and effort
b. Encourages the team to move on to new projects
c. Lessons learned could be lost if not recorded correctly
d. Diminishes the team's credibility a, c, d
As a project manager, how can you determine if milestones need a closing process?
a. If a stakeholder requested it in the project charter
b. If the team decides the milestone closing process will waste time
c. If there are more milestones than project tasks
d. If the milestones won't be re-addressed at a later time in the project d
What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
b. Evaluates the project's performance with respect to budget and schedule
c. Provides an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work
a, b, c
In what three ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a
formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project?
a. After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders.
b. After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any
changes that need to be made going forward.
c. A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.
d. A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting. b, c, d
What should a project manager do to ensure an effective closing process? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager confirms the work is done and the agreed-upon closing processes are
b. The project manager invites the stakeholders to provide the notes from their independent
c. The project manager completes a project closeout report.
d. The project manager gives the stakeholders an impact reporting presentation.
e. The project manager hosts a retrospective meeting for the team. a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is an opportunity for _____.
a. feedback and lecture
b. criticism and collaboration
c. planning and introspection
d. reflection and improvement d
Fill in the blank: As a project manager, it is important to avoid two kinds of projects: abandoned
projects and _____ projects.
a. unapproved
b. never-ending
c. incomplete
d. unwritten b
Fill in the blank: The project closeout report is made by project managers primarily for _____.
a. team members
b. project managers
c. stakeholders
d. vendors b
Which of the following are true regarding a team celebration at the end of a project? Select all
that apply.
a. It fuels positive change within the team.
b. It typically needs to be approved by stakeholders.
c. It helps improve collaboration on future projects.
d. It can be a team-building exercise. a, c, d
What happens during a project closing? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager and team confirms all project tasks are complete.
b. The customer identifies new deliverables and ongoing task work.
c. The team obtains formal recognition from key stakeholders that the project is complete.
d. The team executes remaining project management processes, such as procedural or
administrative work. a, c, d
Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as
having a large meeting?
a. Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.
b. Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending.
c. Host a closing celebration with the team.
d. Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team. b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
b. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
c. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered a, b, d
For what three reasons is it important to close a project once it is complete?
a. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team.
b. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
c. It ensures an effective change management process.
d. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
a, b, d
Which document acts as a blueprint for what the team did, how they did it, and what they
a. Project closeout report
b. Retrospective review
c. ROAM analysis
d. Impact report a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a meeting to discuss successes, failures, and possible future
improvements on the project.
a. status update
b. retrospective
c. closeout
d. stakeholder review b
What steps should a project manager take to make sure a project is closed? Select all that apply.
a. Spend any remaining funds in the project's budget
b. Ensure all agreed upon project management processes are complete
c. Get formal recognition from stakeholders that the project is done
d. Confirm all tasks and work are complete b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager reviews documentation for the project, including the statement of work and
RACI chart. The project manager closes the vendor contract, submits all payments, and retrieves
all final deliverables from contracted workers. They send an email communication to ensure all
stakeholders are aware that the project is ending. Finally, the project manager finishes up the
project by gathering final feedback and conducting closing surveys.
What step of the closing process did the project manager skip in this scenario?
a. Refer to documentation created earlier in the project
b. Put together closing documentation, such as creating closeout reports
c. Complete any necessary follow-up work, such as gathering data and information
d. Conduct administrative closure of the procurement process b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
b. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
c. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager needs to include several sections in the closeout report for the Janco car
company's new car series launch. First, the project manager completes the executive summary,
describing the project process and purpose. Second, they note the key accomplishments like
meeting the launch's objectives and highlighting the team's impact on the project. Third, they
identify open items like what the team didn't complete, and add improvement ideas for similar,
future projects. Fourth, they detail the next steps for follow-up projects. Fifth, they list the launch
schedule with project milestones, project on-track status, and setbacks. And sixth, they list the
project resources like the original project plan, stakeholder communications, and documents such
as user manuals on how to unload cars from delivery trucks.
Which item is the project manager missing in their closeout report?
a c
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is the best tool for reflection and _________ .
a. budgeting
b. planning
c. improvement
d. collaboration c
Which closeout report section includes topics such as things the team didn't get to work on and
ideas for changes if they had the time?
a. Executive summary
b. Open items
c. Key accomplishments
d. Lessons learned b
A project manager works with a stakeholder for months to open a community greenhouse. The
stakeholder changes their expectations and the project timeline.
What actions can the project manager take to resolve this issue? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager can establish a timeline to complete this project and propose a follow-up
b. The project manager avoids the stakeholder and continues with their original plan.
c. The project manager can review the contracts with the stakeholder to include the timeline and
the budget.
d. The project manager meets with the team to determine who is not doing their job correctly.
a, c
As a project manager, which of the following should you include in the closeout report? Select
all that apply.
a. Daily project tasks, such as a breakdown in a spreadsheet
b. Resources, such as the original project plan
c. Open items, such as ideas for changes you'd like to make
d. Key accomplishments, such as which objectives the team met b, c, d
What team considerations should the project manager focus on during the closing process?
a. Work with each team member to review the work that they did and the deadlines they missed
b. Encourage the team to review one another's work to find the weak link in the team
c. Review all project tasks to see where the team members could have been involved more
d. Build a culture that allows retrospectives so teams can collaborate and have positive changes
Generally, how long should the kick-off meeting last?

a. Less than 20 minutes

b. About one hour
c. Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions
d. One full work day b
Before starting the planning phase, you complete the initiation phase. What steps do stakeholders
or the clients take during the initiation phase?

a. Stakeholders assign a project manager, approve goals, determine the scope and deliverables,
and approve the project charter.
b. Stakeholders assign a project manager, select the tools to manage the project, view meeting
notes, and approve the budget.
c. Stakeholders assign a project manager, determine the scope and deliverables, and select the
d. Stakeholders assign a project manager, review risk management tools, and approve the budget.
Fill in the blank: After the stakeholders assign the project manager, the goals of the project have
to be approved, as well as the scope of the project and its _____.

a. vendors
b. deliverables
c. tools
d. manager b
As a project manager, you're trying to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What
steps should you take? Select all that apply.

a. Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project.
b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals.
c. Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.
d. Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project. a, b, d
Suppose that as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
give examples of tasks that you consider part of the project, and tasks you consider not part of
the project. What agenda section does this represent?
a. Roles
b. Questions
c. Goals and scope
d. Background c
Suppose as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. You accurately define what
work is and is not included in the project. What agenda item does this represent?

a. Project purpose
b. Intended outcome
c. Scope
d. Roles c
As a project manager, you're explaining to your team the difference between a milestone and a
task. How would you explain a task to the team?

a. Tasks are activities that have a flexible finish date because milestones often change.
b. Tasks are milestones that are shorter to complete.
c. Tasks are activities to finish in a set period of time that help reach a milestone.
d. Tasks are milestones with a flexible finish date. c
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Host a check-in meeting with the team

b. Test the website for usability
c. Create initial mock-ups of the website
d. Implement feedback by the designer b, c, d
As a project manager, what is your first step when setting milestones?

a. Consider the needs of your stakeholders

b. Review the project as a whole
c. Have a team meeting
d. Assign deadlines b
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Project timeline
b. Overall workload
c. Task interest
d. Task novelty a, b
Which of the following are important to understand in the planning phase? Select all that apply.

a. Schedules
b. Budgets
c. Customer feedback
d. Risk management a, b, d
What four items do stakeholders need to approve before the planning phase can begin?
a. Project charter
b. Project goals
c. Project scope
d. Project deliverables
e. Project name a, b, c, d
What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply

a. Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.

b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals
c. Get buy-in from key members of the project team
d. Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams
Identify and prepare for risks b, c, d
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
discuss the project plan software the team will be using, which is Google Sheets. You also
discuss how the team will communicate with each other, which includes a team chat and weekly
check-in meetings. What agenda section does this represent?

a. Collaboration
b. Roles
c. Goals and scope
d. Background a
Suppose as a project manager, you're leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking
longer than you expect. How do you get the meeting back on track?

a. Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.
b. Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking
c. Tell specific team members they'll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
d. Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time. d
Which of the following would you consider a project milestone?

a. Web designer implements feedback

b. Web designer creates a proposal
c. Project manager reviews mock-ups
d. Client approves website design d
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Test the website for usability

b. Host a check-in meeting with the team
c. Implement feedback by the designer
d. Create initial mock-ups of the website a, c, d
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

a. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
b. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
c. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized a, b, c
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Task novelty
b. Task interest
c. Project timeline
d. Overall workload c, d
Fill in the blank: When creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager should
focus on _____ rather than actions.

a. deliverables
b. stakeholder needs
c. timeline
d. teammate strengths a
During the project planning phase which of the following occur?

a. The client reviews the project plans for approval

b. The client selects which vendors work on the project
c. The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan
d. The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase c
Suppose as a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional
tasks to the project. You bring your concern about this new regulation to the stakeholders for a
discussion on how to mitigate its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this
situation represent?

a. Task management
b. Budget
c. Schedule
d. Risk management d
Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule
that indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.
a. completion
b. time
c. scope
d. goals a
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Create initial mock-ups of the website

b. Test the website for usability
c. Host a check-in meeting with the team
d. Implement feedback by the designer a, b, d
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.
a. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
b. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
c. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized a, b, c
What are two benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

a. You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone.
b. You can get a sense of each stakeholder's workload.
c. You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks.
d. You can assign tasks to two or more team members. a, c
Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and
rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.

a. Bottom-up scheduling
b. Goal scheduling
c. Top-down scheduling
d. Team scheduling a
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take.
What agenda item does this represent?

a. What comes next

b. Background
c. Introductions
d. Roles a
Suppose that as a project manager you had a goal of publishing a report. Which of the following
would you consider the milestone for this goal?

a. Conduct research
b. Interview a writer
c. Complete first draft of report
d. Draft sections of the report c
Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete

a. Balance the workload of tasks between teammates.

b. Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.
c. Consider teammates' familiarity with the tasks.
d. Add an assignee and due date to each task. a, c, d
Which of the following are relevant project documents you should link to in your project plan?
Select all that apply.

a. RACI charts that define roles and responsibilities for individuals on a team
b. The project charter that defines the project and outlines project goal details
c. Daily review emails and messages between the stakeholders, project manager, and project
d. The organization chart that depicts everyone who works in the company with their contact
information a, b
Fill in the blank: Time estimation predicts the total amount of time required to complete a task,
while the actual time it takes to complete a task _____.

a. depends on stakeholder input

b. may vary depending on overlooked potential risks
c. shouldn't change
d. is not relevant b
A project manager is leading an initiative that includes changing an organization's logo and
slogan. What mandatory tasks should be part of the critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Get employees to respond positively in a survey

b. Determine a new slogan
c. Set a budget
d. Receive sponsor approval b, c, d
Which of the following scenarios exemplify how a project manager can use interpersonal skills?
Select all that apply.

a. The timeline is set for the Office Green project. You tell the web designer on Wednesday that
you'll need a complete mock up for the site by Friday.
b. The web designer on your project tells you that they're not sure they can meet the deadline for
all the mock up pages. You ask the designer some questions about the project, such as what
amount of time they need for each page mock so you can help prioritize what is feasible.
c. The person on your team in charge of contracts now needs to split their work time with
another team. You request a meeting with that team's project manager to identify if any of their
project deliverable dates are competing with your project's timeline.
d. You're managing a project with team members who are on multiple projects. You asked the
team members to prioritize your b, c, d
Tools like Gantt charts and Kanban boards help benefit team members in what three ways?

a. They can translate project contracts like the statement of work (SOW) into number and dollar
b. They can illustrate when they need to complete their individual tasks.
c. They can demonstrate how their individual tasks connect to other tasks in the project.
d. They provide clear context about work project details. b, c, d
As a project manager, you're the main supporter of your project plan. You explain to teammates
why it benefits them to stay on top of the plan. You hope that this persuades the team to support
the plan and update it regularly. What project plan best practice does this represent?

a. Giving yourself time to plan

b. Staying curious
c. Recognizing and planning for the inevitable
d. Championing your plan d
Which of the following strategies could help a team meet a project deadline? Select all that

a. Streamline tasks
b. Increase the team size
c. Rush through task planning
d. Eliminate unnecessary tasks a, b, d
What two steps can a project manager take to overcome the planning fallacy?

a. Increase the project's budget.

b. Expand the project's scope.
c. Consider all risks and carefully examine them.
d. Meet with teammates to uncover potential risks. b, c, d
Which of the following are some steps to create a critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Consult your main customer.

b. Make time estimates.
c. Create a network diagram.
d. Set dependencies. b, c, d
What project management tool typically organizes tasks into columns with labels such as to do,
in progress, and done?

a. Kanban board
b. RACI chart
c. Gantt chart
d. Work breakdown structure (WBS) a
When creating a project plan, you include important points within the schedule that indicate
progress. Which project plan component does this represent?

a. Relevant documentation
b. Time
c. Milestones
d. Tasks c
What tools can a project manager use to account for issues that may cause a project delay? Select
all that apply.

a. Sub-tasks
b. Task buffer
c. Gantt chart
d. Project buffer b, d
What is capacity in project management?

a. The estimated length of time it'll take for the project team to complete project milestones
b. The prediction of the amount of budget to be allocated to complete the project tasks.
c. The amount of work that people assigned to the project can reasonably complete in a set
period of time
d. The total number of people involved in the project c
Which examples below demonstrate a project manager asking an open-ended question? Select all
that apply.

a. What are the steps in your customer feedback review process and what factors do you include
in your report of this review?
b. Will you be able to have the transportation plan for the launch of the new truck series to
dealerships ready by next week?
c. Can you have this web design proposal completed and back to me by close of business Friday?
d. What are the issues I need to be aware of regarding the current project timeline? d
What are the benefits of a Gantt chart? Select all that apply.

a. It features the start and end dates of each task

b. It's a highly visual representation of the project's tasks
c. It has a clear breakdown of who's responsible for what work
d. It displays comments from stakeholders
e. It allows easy communication between teammates
f. It shows when tasks are due for a project a, b, c, f
As a project manager, you realize that with the current timeline, it's unlikely you will meet the
project deadline. Which of the following strategies could help you meet the deadline? Select all
that apply.

a. Revise the project schedule without stakeholder approval.

b. Eliminate any unnecessary tasks.
c. Request more resources, such as an additional team member.
d. Identify tasks that can be done in parallel. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: The _____ is the tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to
complete a task.

a. anchoring bias
b. planning fallacy
c. feedback fallacy
d. confirmation bias b
When creating a critical path, what does a network diagram help visualize? Select all that apply.

a. Which non-essential tasks are not on the critical path

b. The path of work from the start to the end of the project
c. Which skilled teammate can work on each task
d. The tasks that can be performed in parallel a, b, d
Fill in the blank: A Kanban board utilizes cards placed in columns to _____.

a. manage tasks
b. set the timeline
c. estimate the budget
d. organize documents a
Fill in the blank: The main difference between effort estimation and time estimation is that time
estimation includes _____.

a. stakeholder time
b. inactive time
c. marketing time
d. vendor time b
Fill in the blank: To determine the _____ of a project, list the milestones you must reach in order
to meet the project goal on schedule.

a. float time
b. capacity planning details
c. dependencies
d. critical path d
As a project manager, the project is your number one priority. However, you have team members
with competing priorities from other projects. You want to influence them to make your project
their priority. To do this, you bridge the high-level goals of the project and the day-to-day
perspective of the team. You collaborate to find an outcome that works for everyone. What
interpersonal skill did you mainly use in this scenario?

a. Build trust
b. Negotiate effectively
c. Practice patience
d. Ask the right questions b
Which of the following should you include in a project plan that are essential for project success?
Select all that apply.

a. Links to tasks in previously successful projects

b. All project tasks
c. Specifically who are completing what tasks
d. A timeline of when the team will complete the tasks b, c, d
Which of the following are included in the project plan? Select all that apply.

a. Retrospectives
b. Time
c. People
d. Tasks
e. Documentation b, c, d, e
Imagine you're a project manager helping a car company with a new vehicle launch. Your project
goal is to ensure vehicle delivery to dealerships. To achieve this, you speak with stakeholders
and subject matter experts to understand the granular details of the project. This information
helps you know what steps to take to best achieve the project goal. This example includes which
project plan best practice?

a. Give yourself time to plan.

b. Recognize and plan for the inevitable.
c. Achieve buy-in from your team members for your plan.
d. Carefully understand project deliverables, milestones, and tasks. -
As a project manager, you review your budget and notice one vendor is costing more than
anticipated. You shift funds and recalibrate the budget to offset this increased vendor cost. What
is the budgeting term for this task?

a. Setting the baseline

b. Contingency budgeting
c. Reserve analysis
d. Reforecasting d
As a project manager creating a budget, you're thinking about all the parts of a project from
beginning to end—making a list of every material, resource, and contract worker. What do you
call this type of budgeting?

a. Top-down approach
b. Buffers and reserves
c. Contingency
d. Bottom-up approach d
Which scenario is an example of proactive budget management?

a. You're reviewing your budget and realize that it took much longer than you anticipated for a
subject matter expert to complete a task. The labor cost associated with this task is now well over
budget. You must now request a budget increase to cover the cost of the labor.
b. While planning your project budget, you decide that you don't need to add buffers for
unexpected costs. Since you've completed several projects like this one in the past and have
always come in under budget, you feel you don't need to plan for any extra cost.
c. While planning your project budget, you gather historical data and consult with industry
experts. You consider fixed costs, add relevant line items, and set aside a 5% reserve for
unexpected costs.
d. During your project, the market experiences a shortage of a resource that's crucial for your
project's success. Because of the c
Which of the following are steps in the procurement process? Select all that apply.

a. Contract writing
b. Analyzing
c. Initiating
d. Controlling a, c, d
Which section of the statement of work (SoW) includes details about what the service entails and
may include major project activities?

a. Purpose
b. Scope
c. Target audience
d. Schedule overview b
"Honesty, responsibility, respect, and fairness are the values . . ." begins what type of saying of
the Project Management Institute that serves as a guide to how they do procurement and other

a. code of ethics
b. requirements
c. motto
d. slogan a
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenditures.
Which type of budget expense creates a future benefit for a company?

a. Capital expenses (CAPEX)

b. Historical expenses
c. Indirect expenses
d. Operating expenses (OPEX) a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager check a vendor's reputation
for delivering quality work, and make a site visit?

a. Selecting
b. Completing
c. Introducing
d. Controlling a
Which of the following factors can lead to scope creep and negatively affect the budget? Select
all that apply.

a. Attainable timeframes and deadlines

b. A vague Statement of Work (SoW)
c. Agreements about the project that aren't officially documented
d. Last-minute asks from priority stakeholders b, c, d
Which of the following statements is typically true regarding budgeting?

a. It's important to not go over budget, but it's recommended to go under budget.
b. It's important to not go under budget, but it's recommended to go over budget.
c. It's recommended to go either over or under budget.
d. It's important to not go over or under budget. d
Which three costs are examples of resource cost rates?

a. The cost of a task buffer

b. The cost of software to help manage a project
c. The cost of labor for a project team
d. The cost of materials when building a house b, c, d
Which of the following is an example of using historical data to develop your project budget?

a. Reaching out to project managers who worked on past projects at the company
b. Thinking about all the parts of your project from the beginning to the end and adding the costs
c. Reviewing past projects that are similar to yours to get an idea of what your budget could
d. Getting quotes from potential vendors c
As a project manager creating a budget, you proactively identify factors that may impact
expenses. You then take action to minimize the budgetary impact of these factors. What is this
task called?

a. Bottom-up approach
b. Baselining the budget
c. Estimating cost
d. Cost controld
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?

a. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount.

b. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.
c. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
d. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier. b
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenses.
Which type of budget expense includes costs for day-to-day tasks within a company?

a. Operating expenses (OPEX)

b. Capital expenses (CAPEX)
c. Reserve expenses
d. Fixed expenses a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager define project resources and
make the case for obtaining them?

a. Selecting
b. Initiating
c. Controlling
d. Completing b
Which of the following accurately describes total cost of ownership (TCO)?

a. TCO factors in expenses associated with a product or service over its lifetime.
b. TCO is the dollar amount used to measure if a project is on track or not.
c. TCO only factors in upfront expenses associated with a product or service.
d. TCO is the additional room in the budget for unexpected costs. a
Fill in the blank: Typically, a project manager organizes a budget by _____. Then, the project
manager lists tasks alongside each task's associated costs.

a. milestones
b. tools
c. teammates
d. dependencies a
Which scenario is an example of planned cost versus actual cost?
a. When planning your project budget, you document the planned cost of labor. To do this, you
use the estimated number of hours your team needs to complete the project. As your project
progresses, you document the total hours your team works to determine the total cost of labor for
your project. This number may be different from your original cost of labor.
b. When planning your project budget, you gather historical data on costs of materials, resources,
and labor to determine how much each will cost. Once you begin procuring these items, you
don't update the actual cost.
c. When planning your project budget, you need to factor in unexpected costs that may occur.
You decide to reserve 5% of your overall budget as a buffer.
d. When planning your project budget, you notice that you need to advertise several job
positions. The cost to post the job descrip a
As a project manager, the project sponsor gives you cost estimates with a set amount of money to
spend. What challenge for effective budgeting does this represent?

a. Lack of historical data

b. Scope creep
c. Pre-allocated budget
d. Insufficient cash flow c
As a project manager, you research and source for a specific service. You then have to manage
that relationship. This is known as what type of procurement?

a. Performance management
b. Budget management
c. Cost management
d. Vendor management d
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager review a vendor's
performance and determine if they are meeting milestones?

a. Selecting
b. Controlling
c. Completing
d. Investigating b
When creating a budget, a project manager must do which of the following? Select all that apply.

a. Budget for surprise expenses

b. Review and reforecast throughout the project
c. Understand stakeholder needs
d. Approve budget increases a, b, c
As a project manager, you're seeking a procurement approach that outlines clear workstreams,
hard deadlines, and financially protects your project against unforeseen circumstances. Which
procurement approach should you choose?

a. Protectionist
b. Agile
c. Robust
d. Traditional d
A document that keeps confidential information within the organization is known as what?

a. Scope of work (SoW)

b. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
c. Request for proposal (RFP)
d. Statement of work (SoW) b
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?

a. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.

b. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier.
c. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
d. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount. a
Fill in the blank: A project manager needs to alter their budget after making changes to the
project schedule and costs. This is necessary in order to _____.

a. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of costs

b. baseline the budget to track project progress of reserves
c. baseline the budget to track project progress of costs
d. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of tasks a
When budgeting a project, you should consider additional expenses such as warranties, supplies,
add-ons, and upgrades. Which budgeting term refers to this concept?

a. Top-down approach
b. Baseline your project
c. Total cost of ownership
d. Bottom-up approach c
Fill in the blank: The process of identifying and evaluating potential risks and issues that could
impact a project is known as _____.

a. risk mitigation
b. risk identification
c. risk management
d. risk analysisc
The risk management process can provide project managers a better understanding of what
information? Select all that apply.

a. What could go wrong with the project

b. When exactly the risk will occur
c. Who the project manager needs to consult about a risk
d. How could the project manager mitigate the potential risk a, c, d
As a project manager practicing risk management, you've already identified the risk. Now, you're
determining the likelihood and potential impact the risk will have on your project. Which risk
management step does this represent?

a. Avoid risks
b. Treat risks
c. Analyze risks
d. Monitor and control risks c
Identify the steps involved in creating and utilizing a fishbone (or cause-and-effect) diagram.

a. Define the problem, identify risks, brainstorm causes, and monitor feedback
b. Define the problem, identify categories, mitigate causes, and monitor feedback
c. Define the problem, identify categories, brainstorm causes, and analyze the causes
d. Define the problem, identify risks, mitigate causes, and analyze the causes c
Fill in the blank: Once an organization has explored the inherent risks of a project, its willingness
to accept the possible outcomes of those risks is known as _____.

a. risk analysis
b. risk assumption
c. risk register
d. risk appetited
What are the most common types of risk that can impact projects?

a. Time risks, budget risks, and external risks

b. Budget risks, scope risks, and internal risks
c. Budget risks, internal risks, and external risks
d. Time risks, budget risks, and scope risks d
Fill in the blank: The four common ways to mitigate risk include _____.

a. avoid it, accept it, reduce or control it, and transfer it

b. accept it, ignore it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
c. accept it, disregard it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
d. avoid it, accept it, disregard it, and transfer it a
Why should project managers communicate risks clearly to key stakeholders? Select all that

a. To get them to provide additional teammates, if necessary

b. To increase trust in the relationship
c. To deflect blame on project issues, if necessary
d. To convince them to provide an increase in budget, if necessary a, b, d
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot start until Task A is
complete. Which type of dependency does this situation represent?

a. Finish to Start (FS)

b. Start to Finish (SF)
c. Finish to Finish (FF)
d. Start to Start (SS) a
Which of the following best describes the executive summary in the risk management plan?

a. Introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks
b. Information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
c. Charts such as the impact chart, probability chart, and the probability and impact matrix
d. Description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan a
Fill in the blank: A potential event that can impact your project if it occurs is called a(n) _____.

a. problem
b. risk
c. delay
d. issue b
When should project managers engage in risk management?

a. Towards the end of the project

b. At the beginning of the project
c. Shortly after the project begins
d. Regularly throughout the project d
As a project manager you are practicing risk management. You have already defined potential
risks, determined their likelihood, and prioritized them. Now, you're making a plan to address
and manage each risk. This represents which risk management step?

a. Analyze risks
b. Monitor and control risks
c. Identify risks
d. Treat risks d
Which of the following tools can project managers use to brainstorm the potential causes of

a. Stakeholder map
b. Project charter
c. Fishbone diagram
d. Risk register c
Which of the following is a tool used to assess and prioritize project risks?

a. Cause-and-effect diagram
b. Fishbone diagram
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Power grid c
Which of the following risk types most commonly impact projects? Select all that apply.

a. Budget risks
b. Scope risks
c. Time risks
d. Inherent risks a, b, c
What does a risk management plan typically contain? Select all that apply.

a. A competitor analysis for each risk

b. An executive summary
c. Probability estimates for each risk
d. A mitigation plan for each risk b, c, d
Which of the following is the best way to communicate a high-level risk to stakeholders?

a. Plan to present the risks and your mitigation plans at the next monthly meeting.
b. Describe the risks in a weekly planning email and briefly explain your plan to mitigate them.
c. Describe the risks and your mitigation plan to stakeholders the next time you see them in
d. Meet with stakeholders in person to present serious risks and your plans to mitigate them.
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot finish until Task A is
complete—the tasks operate at the same time. Which type of dependency does this situation

a. Finish to Finish (FF)

b. Start to Start (SS)
c. Finish to Start (FS)
d. Start to Finish (SF) a
Which steps should be taken when updating a risk management plan? Select all that apply.

a. Remove risks that are no longer relevant.

b. Include any changes in the mitigation plans.
c. Move the plan to a confidential folder.
d. Add newly-identified risks.a, b, d
Which of the following are examples of external risk? Select all that apply.

a. A breakdown in communication among team members

b. A deliverable takes longer than anticipated to complete
c. A project vendor goes out of business
d. A change in regulatory requirements c, d
Which of the following is a recommended method to communicate a medium-level risk to

a. In the weekly planning email, briefly describe the risk and your plan to mitigate it.
b. Send stakeholders a direct email that outlines the risk and includes a detailed explanation of
your mitigation plan.
c. Present the risk and your mitigation plan during the team meeting next month.
d. Call an urgent in-person meeting with stakeholders to present the risk and your plan to
mitigate it. b
Which of the following best describes the risk register in the risk management plan?

a. A list of general information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
b. A description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan
c. A risk assessment technique such as the probability and impact matrix
d. An introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks b
Failing to engage in risk management for your project can have which two of the following
a. You will not be able to use the appropriate tools
b. You will not be able to meet project timelines and goals
c. You will not be able to establish necessary vendor relationships
d. You will not be able to make necessary adjustments to the project plan b, d
Choose the best definition for inherent risk as it relates to project management.

a. The measure of a risk, calculated by its difficulty and frequency

b. The measure of a risk, calculated by its causes and circumstances
c. The measure of a risk, calculated by its timing and dependencies
d. The measure of a risk, calculated by its probability and impact d
Which four of the following should project managers identify before creating a communication

a. Communication barriers
b. Communication methods
c. Project stakeholders
d. Communication goals
e. Anonymous survey questions
f. Project risks a, b, c, d
Fill in the blank: To be effective, your team _____ need to be clear, honest, relevant, and

a. debates
b. expectations
c. documents
d. communications d
What details does a communication plan include? Select all that apply.

a. How communications should sound

b. Who should communicate
c. Where the information communicated is stored
d. Why and how to communicate
e. What to communicate
f. How long communications should be
g. When communication happens b, c, d, e, g
As a project manager, you have a weekly video conference with stakeholders as part of your
communication plan. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Location
b. Duration
c. Goal
d. Key dates c, d
Why should you share your communication plan document with your team? Select all that apply.

a. Let them offer feedback

b. Ensure you aren't missing crucial information
c. Make them aware of the plan
d. Let them make changes to the plana, b, c
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Team selection
b. Culture development
c. Project continuity
d. Change management c, d
Which of the following communication methods is most appropriate for high-level stakeholders
who don't need detailed project updates?

a. Newsletters that summarize key milestones and project progress

b. Virtual check-in meetings to share task progress
c. Frequent status update meetings to report project issues
d. Weekly emails with team action items a
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the

a. Project charter
b. Stakeholder map
c. RACI chart
d. Risk register b, c
What project management best practice includes documenting plans and making them available
to stakeholders?

a. Dependency management
b. Milestone management
c. Risk management
d. Knowledge management d
Which three of the following tools can help organize project plans and documents?

a. An overview sheet (dashboard)

b. A RACI chart
c. A centralized planning document
d. A shared file drive
e. A stakeholder map a, c, d
Fill in the blank: Project managers should identify project stakeholders, communication methods,
communication goals, and communication _____ before creating a communication plan.

a. costs
b. risks
c. consequences
d. frequency d
How can you foster effective communication within your team? Select all that apply.
a. Obtain feedback and incorporate it going forward
b. Allow teammates to use any communication platform they prefer
c. Send identical message content to both teammates and stakeholders
d. Recognize and understand individual differences a, d
As a project manager, you decide to hold video conferences with your core project team and
stakeholders as part of your communication plan. What two additional details should the
communication plan include?

a. Location
b. Resource locations
c. Duration
d. Key dates b, d
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. milestones
b. presentations
c. department reviews
d. check-ins d
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Culture development
b. Team selection
c. Project continuity
d. Change management c, d
Fill in the blank: Daily meetings and quick virtual check-ins are good ways for project managers
to communicate with _____.

a. project customers
b. senior management
c. core team members
d. key stakeholders c
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the

a. Project charter
b. Risk register
c. Stakeholder map
d. RACI chart c, d
How can project managers ensure plan visibility for stakeholders? Select all that apply.

a. Create a risk register

b. Keep documents in a centralized location
c. Assign tasks to specific team members
d. Manage document permissions to give access to relevant information b, d
Which of the following should a project manager include in a centralized planning document,
also known as a dashboard? Select all that apply.

a. Instructions for how to use the centralized planning document

b. Previous project deliverables
c. Links to any non-spreadsheet files
d. A brief project description a, c, d
Which five of the following categories are part of a communication plan?

a. Recipients
b. Communication goals
c. Delivery methods
d. Communication type
e. Key dates
f. Communication style a, b, c, d, e
What are the key benefits of a communication plan? Select all that apply.

a. Keeps people engaged and motivated throughout the project

b. Improves overall effectiveness of communication
c. Provides guidance on technical project terms
d. Involves stakeholders in effective conversations a, b, d
What questions can project managers ask to optimize and streamline communications? Select all
that apply.

a. What is working in how we communicate with you about the project?

b. How can we improve communications with you?
c. How are you implementing the content we communicate?
d. What is not working or is not effective in our communication? a, b, d
Which of the following is true of effective communication in project management? Select all that

a. It is clear, relevant, and frequent

b. It does not require follow-ups
c. It helps projects run on time and meet expectations
d. It continues throughout the entire project a, c, d
What is the purpose of a communication plan?

a. Centralize project documentation

b. Outline a process for knowledge management
c. Organize and document the processes, types, and expectations of communication
d. Establish roles and responsibilities for team members c
As a project manager, part of your communication plan is to identify risks and present barriers
in-person. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Duration
b. Type of communication
c. Frequency
d. Location b, c, d
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. check-ins
b. department reviews
c. milestones
d. presentations a
Project managers should create communication plans to ensure that projects can carry on in their
absence. What is the term for this best practice?

a. continuity
b. substitution
c. follow-through
d. backup a
Why is it important to initiate a project? Select all that apply.
a. Determine if the project's benefits outweigh the costs
b. Provide a strong foundation and set the stage for success
c. Solidify the scope of a project
d. Help the project manager establish a good reputation a, b, c
What two questions can a project manager ask to determine a project's costs?
a. What value will the project create?
b. How will the user experience be improved?
c. What are the ongoing project costs?
d. How much time will people have to spend on the project? c, d
Fill in the blank: _____ are the first thing a project manager needs to consider during the
initiation phase.
a. Goals
b. Resources
c. Planning
d. Success criteria a
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with the owners
to discuss what outcomes they'd like to ultimately achieve with the project. Which project
initiation component are you trying to determine?

a. Resources
b. Budget
c. Scope
d. Goals d
Imagine that the main supplier for a construction project runs out of steel girders and needs to
obtain more to complete the order. Which key component of project initiation does this scenario

a. Goals
b. Scope
c. Deliverables
d. Resources d
A project charter adds value to projects in what three ways?
a. Includes a plan to mitigate potential risks
b. Sets up a framework for what project work the team needs to do
c. Helps project managers communicate project details to others
d. Allows project managers to get organized b, c, d
Fill in the blank: _____ are gains that are not quantifiable.

a. Yearly profits
b. Intangible benefits
c. Ongoing costs
d. Quarterly income b
You expect that a project will bring in $25,000 USD in revenue per year. You estimate it will
cost $12,000 up front. You also estimate costs of $200 per month for the first 12 months, which
equals $2,400 per year. Using the formula (G-C) ÷ C = ROI, how would you calculate the
project's return on investment (ROI) after the first 12 months?

a. (25,000 - 12,000) ÷ 14,400 = 90%

b. (25,000 - 12,000) ÷ 12,000 = 108%
c. (25,000 - 14,400) ÷ 14,400 = 74%
d. (25,000 - 14,400) ÷ 12,000 = 88% c
Fill in the blank: Project initiation includes determining resources, documenting key
components, and _____.

a. solidifying scope
b. finalizing budgets
c. onboarding the team
d. establishing a schedule a
Imagine that a university hires a construction company to build a new library. Before starting,
the project manager outlines the building materials the project needs. They also outline the roles
and amount of workers to hire. Which key component of project initiation does this scenario

a. Resources
b. Deliverables
c. Success criteria
d. Scope a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a document that defines project goals and outlines what is needed to
accomplish them.
a. project charter
b. risk analysis
c. cost-benefit analysis
d. project schedule a
You expect that a project will bring in $15,000 USD in revenue per year. You estimate it will
cost $10,000 up front. You also estimate costs of $100 per month for the first 12 months, which
equals $1,200 per year. Using the formula (G-C) ÷ C = ROI, how would you calculate the
project's return on investment (ROI) after the first 12 months?

a. (15,000 - 11,200) ÷ 11,200 = 34%

b. (15,000 - 10,000) ÷ 11,200 = 45%
c. (15,000 - 11,200) ÷ 15,000 = 25%
d. (11,200 - 10,000) ÷ 15,000 = 8% a
Fill in the blank: A cost-benefit analysis weighs the potential value of a project against money,
resources, and _____ required.

a. competitors
b. time
c. policies
d. expectationsb
When calculating a cost-benefit analysis for a project, what do you call gains that are not
a. Ongoing costs
b. Yearly profits
c. Quarterly income
d. Intangible benefits d
Why is it important to perform a cost-benefit analysis during the initiation phase? Select all that
a. To set up a framework for what project work the team needs to do
b. To add up the expected value, or benefits, of a project
c. To outline project goals and how to accomplish them
d. To compare the project benefits to the costs c, d
Imagine you're the project manager of a new grocery delivery service. You meet with
stakeholders to decide how to measure project success. Which project initiation component are
you trying to determine?
a. Goals
b. Resources
c. Scope
d. Success criteria d
Which of the following could be considered intangible benefits? Select all that apply.
a. Customer satisfaction
b. Brand perception
c. Income earned
d. Employee satisfaction a, b, d
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you create goals that are a little challenging, but also encourage growth. In this instance,
which SMART criteria are you using?
a. Specific
b. Relevant
c. Time-bound
d. Measurable
e. Attainable e
Which of the following scenarios best represents a project that is going out-of-scope?
a. The deliverable to present your project's pre-launch event at a three-day, in-person conference
is now an online conference. The switch reduces the costs associated with event space, travel,
and people resource time.
b. During the project weekly meeting, the project sponsor adds a new deliverable requirement
that costs $10,000 USD. This addition surpasses the budget by $5,000 USD.
c. The manufacturer of one of the project deliverables just lost power after a large storm. They
don't expect to be in production for one week, delaying the project timeline.
d. During the project weekly meeting, the project manager learns the main vendor will increase
the cost of raw materials by 20% due to an international shortage. b
Consider this Office Green scenario: A member of the marketing team suggests allowing
customers to choose from an additional three plant colors.
What can help prevent project scope creep in this scenario? Select all that apply.
a. Get clarity on project requirements.
b. Go along with the member's suggestion.
c. Make project plans visible.
d. Create a plan for dealing with out-of-scope requests. a, c, d
Fill in the blank: The goal of a project helps to determine the _____.

a. deliverables
b. presentation
c. stakeholders
d. culture a
What is part of a project launch?

a. Defining and managing the project scope.

b. Presenting the final deliverable to the client.
c. Measuring the success of the project.
d. Budgeting the deliverables for success. b
Consider the following scenario: The Director of Product requests a project cost reduction of
25%. However, they also state that the product's final result needs to look and function as
originally agreed with no additions to project workload.
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?
a. Change the project goal
b. Change the team
c. Change the timeline
d. Change the project scope c
Which of the following indicate whether a project manager accomplishes what they set out to

a. Success criteria
b. Accuracy standard
c. Deviation criteria
d. Launch standard a
What's a main difference between the adoption and engagement metrics?
a. Adoption replaces a business metric. Engagement compliments other business metrics.
b. Adoption requires more expensive tools. Engagement requires less expensive tools.
c. Adoption is generally a one-time occurrence. Engagement is ongoing.
d. Adoption is an external metric. Engagement is an internal metric. c
How will you quantify if you're landing a project at its intended goal?

a. Check if the project meets the initial success criteria

b. Ask the clients if they're happy with the result
c. Solicit stakeholders for their opinions
d. Send out feedback surveys to team members a
Suppose that you're starting as a project manager for a new client. What three strategies can you
use to decrease the likelihood of scope creep and make the project a success?

a. Set ground rules and expectations for client involvement once the project begins.
b. Keep complicated documents from the client because you don't want to confuse them.
c. Ask for constructive criticism on the initial product proposal.
d. Show the client the details of what you're going to create and how much it will cost. a, c, d
The objective for a car company is to launch a new series of cars. Which three of the following
could be examples of key results?

a. Create a best-in-class midsize sedan.

b. Improve the customer satisfaction survey score by 15%.
c. Distribute 98% of the product on time to dealerships.
d. Meet production deadlines 95% of the time. b, c, d
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you ask yourself if your team can misinterpret a goal. Which SMART criteria does this
question represent?

a. Attainable
b. Measurable
c. Specific
d. Relevant
e. Time-bound c
Which of the following demonstrates a project manager keeping the project in scope? Select all
that apply.

a. The key stakeholder has had to meet with the project manager several times to define the
project scope. The project manager is delaying meetings and is unclear about project tasks.
b. The key stakeholder meets with the project manager to set the scope and deliverable
agreements in writing. The project manager keeps the key stakeholder informed while
communicating with project team members.
c. The key stakeholder and the project manager clearly define the project scope in the initial
planning stage. The project manager documents all the details to be referred to throughout the
project life cycle.
d. The key stakeholder clearly states the project needs to be completed in six months and must
stay within scope. The project manager has not been able to keep the project on schedule and has
yet to inform the key st b, c
Fill in the blank: Deliverables help project managers, team members, and stakeholders _____
and realize the impact of the project.

a. quantify
b. compare
c. rank
d. adjust a
Consider the following scenario: The Director of Product requests the project manager to add a
new product feature. However, they also state that the team cannot push back the project delivery
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?

a. Change the project goal

b. Change the team
c. Change the timeline
d. Change the budget d
Which of the following is an engagement metric?

a. Double the amount of initial orders.

b. Number of new customer sign-ups for a subscription.
c. A 20% increase of participation time within an app.
d. A 35% increase of first-time customers. c
How will you quantify if you're landing a project at its intended goal?
a. Send out feedback surveys to team members
b. Solicit stakeholders for their opinions
c. Check if the project meets the initial success criteria
d. Ask the clients if they're happy with the result c
Suppose as a project manager you receive a request from a team member to change a process
they believe will make their work more efficient. However, you know that the change may
increase the workload for other team members and extend the project's completion date. How do
you best address this potential internal scope creep?

a. Request from stakeholders an additional team member to take on the additional work.
b. Try it out as a test because the team member making the request has seniority.
c. Remind the team that any process changes will change project scope and may create unknown
risks for the project.
d. Ask the team member who requested the change to take on the additional work from affected
team members. c
Which of the following is true about Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)?

a. OKRs are mainly for team-based metrics and not for individuals.
b. OKRs are rarely used to determine a project's success criteria.
c. There are typically 2-3 objectives for every key result.
d. Adoption and engagement are often used as metrics to measure results. d
Fill in the blank: The difference between a goal and a deliverable is that the goal is the desired
outcome of the project and the deliverable is a _____ of the project.
a. tangible outcome
b. success criteria
c. SMART method
d. progress a
Which two of the following are examples of success criteria?

a. Create a new product feature that will satisfy customers.

b. Implement a training service to meet company objectives.
c. Deliver training to all appropriate teams to ensure at least 98% of the teams are using the new
d. Meet company-wide objective of $50M in revenues. c, d
Which of the following is an adoption metric?

a. A 35% increase in first-time customers.

b. A 20% increase in the amount of tasks completed.
c. Double the amount of time participating within an app.
d. An increase in customer satisfaction score. a
Which scenario demonstrates project landing?

a. The project manager considers positive feedback from the project sponsor as enough evidence
to assume success and reports the project complete.
b. The Director of Product requests to reduce the budget by 25% but the final outcome still needs
to look and function as originally agreed.
c. The car company Janco launches a new car series called the Cruiser ST. The launch is
successful and all the dealerships request more models.
d. The project manager checks back on the project in five years to see if the training program
produces a 20% increase in the county's recycling rate. d
Suppose as a project manager you're receiving requests from stakeholders to add new features to
the product you're developing. How would you deal with this external scope creep?
a. Ignore the requests because the project is already underway.
b. Agree on who can make formal requests and how your team will evaluate and act on those
c. Take a team vote to decide if the team should add the new feature to the product.
d. Implement the initial stakeholders requests and then ban all future requests. b
Fill in the blank: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) combine both a goal and a _______ to
determine a measurable outcome.

a. vision
b. budget
c. metric
d. consensus c
As a project manager, you're using the SMART criteria to craft goals for your team. During the
process, you ask yourself if a goal is aligned to the organization or the company's goals. Which
SMART criteria does this question represent?
a. Relevant
b. Specific
c. Time-bound
d. Attainable
e. Measurable a
Which of the following demonstrates a project manager keeping the project in scope? Select all
that apply.

a. The key stakeholder has had to meet with the project manager several times to define the
project scope. The project manager is delaying meetings and is unclear about project tasks.
b. The key stakeholder and the project manager clearly define the project scope in the initial
planning stage. The project manager documents all the details to be referred to throughout the
project life cycle.
c. The key stakeholder meets with the project manager to set the scope and deliverable
agreements in writing. The project manager keeps the key stakeholder informed while
communicating with project team members.
d. The key stakeholder clearly states the project needs to be completed in six months and must
stay within scope. The project manager has not been able to keep the project on schedule and has
yet to inform the key st b, c
Consider the following scenario:
A new company project isn't going well. The company hires outside evaluators to review the
project. The evaluators tell the company that its plan has too many delays and that the company
won't be able to complete the project on time. They also identify one issue causing a delay is the
company and the investors (stakeholders) have different expectations of what the completed
project should be.
What step could the company have taken to avoid scope creep?

a. Require more detailed bids from the evaluators in writing.

b. Hire a different organization to review the project.
c. Have stakeholder involvement before the project begins.
d. Make the investors adopt the company's project expectations. c
Fill in the blank: The goal of a project helps to determine the _____.

a. stakeholders
b. culture
c. deliverables
d. presentation c
Which of the following scenarios best represents project launch?
a. The client agrees to the initial timeline and budget.
b. The project manager works with stakeholders to develop project goals and deliverables.
c. The website development team researches a specific audience through sales data analysis.
d. The project team releases a new product. d
Consider the following scenario: The Director of Product requests that the project manager do
what they can to finish the project early. However, the Director also states that they cannot spend
any additional funds.
Using the triple constraint model, what trade-off could the project manager use to meet the
Director of Product's request?
a. Change the team
b. Change the project scope
c. Change the budget
d. Change the project goal b
A project manager launches a project to streamline a local city's school bus route schedule to
reduce the amount of time students are on the bus by 30%. What scenario below demonstrates
that the project manager landed at the intended goal?
a. The project manager reviews the data in 3 months to determine if they reduced the amount of
time students spend on the bus by at least 30%.
b. The project manager surveys the team members to ask how they feel about the project success;
their feedback is reviewed and determines the next team.
c. The project manager hands over the project to the client with all of the plans and documents
and considers the project a success.
d. The project manager completes the research and development required for the plan and adds
another county to compare success rates for the project. a
Which of the following responsibilities typically belong to the project manager? Select all that
a. Control change and monitor project quality
b. Develop the project management plan
c. Direct project work and report on progress to stakeholders
d. Sign off on the budget a, b, c
Does the project sponsor fund the project?

a. Yes. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role, which always includes funding the
b. No. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role but does not fund the project.
c. Sometimes. The project sponsor plays a vital leadership role, which sometimes includes
funding the project. c
Which stakeholders are indirectly impacted by a project's success?
a. Secondary stakeholders
b. Minor players
c. Key players
d. Primary stakeholders a
Which of the following are typical responsibilities of project team members? Select all that
a. Take on multiple project tasks
b. Carry out day-to-day project tasks
c. Provide technical expertise
d. Initiate the project a, b, c
Fill in the blank: Stakeholder analysis is the process of identifying stakeholders and grouping
them by _____.
a. interest and influence
b. seniority and experience
c. availability and participation
d. talents and skills a
What is the first step in a stakeholder analysis?

a. List the stakeholders impacted by the project

b. Determine each stakeholder's level of influence
c. Determine each stakeholder's level of interest
d. Assess each stakeholder's ability to participate and find ways to involve them a
Which of the following statements are true of RACI charts? Select all that apply.

a. Define project roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency

b. Record the level of risk stakeholders bring to the project
c. Assess each stakeholder's ability to participate and build necessary partnerships
d. Determine which stakeholders are responsible for which tasks a, d
Which of the following is true of someone who is accountable in a RACI chart?

a. Gives feedback according to their subject matter expertise

b. Carries out the work to complete the tasks
c. Learns about tasks when they are complete
d. Ensures the work gets completed d
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people should be on the team, if they have the time to work on the project, and if they have a
personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when building a team?

a. Team member communication preferences

b. Necessary skills for the project
c. Degree of stakeholder engagement
d. Likelihood of project success b
As a project manager, you're prioritizing stakeholders with a power grid. One stakeholder has
high power and low interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the
a. Show consideration
b. Monitor
c. Meet their needs
d. Manage closely c
Which of the following people are likely to be primary stakeholders in a project? Select all that
a. The project client
b. The project team
c. Business competitors
d. The project sponsora, b, d
What is the purpose of a stakeholder analysis?
a. Determine which stakeholders to exclude from a project
b. Talk to stakeholders and learn about their interests
c. Meet with stakeholders to make major project decisions
d. Identify stakeholders and determine their involvement in a project d
How does stakeholder analysis benefit a project? Select all that apply.
a. Gets the right people involved at the right time
b. Builds partnerships necessary for project success
c. Lowers project costs
d. Helps the project team avoid surprises a, b, d
What does the acronym RACI stand for?
a. Responsible, Appeased, Consulted, Interested
b. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
c. Responsible, Accountable, Considered, Interested
d. Responsible, Accountable, Considered, Informed b
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people should be on the team, if they have the time to work on the project, and what expertise
each team member needs for their tasks. What else should you consider when building a team?
a. Team member motivation
b. Likelihood of project success
c. Degree of project sponsor engagement
d. Whether the project has a strong business case a
As a project manager, you're prioritizing stakeholders with a power grid. One stakeholder has
low power and high interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the

a. Show consideration
b. Monitor
c. Manage closely
d. Meet their needs a
Who is responsible for overseeing the scope, schedule, budget, and quality of a project?
a. Project sponsor
b. Project manager
c. Product lead
d. Primary stakeholders b
Which three of the following responsibilities can belong to the project sponsor?

a. Play a key leadership role throughout the project.

b. Ensure that the project delivers the agreed upon value to the business.
c. Fund the project.
d. Plan and organize the project. a, b, c
Which stakeholders benefit directly (not indirectly) from a project's success? Select all that
a. Secondary stakeholders
b. Key players
c. Minor players
d. Primary stakeholders b, d
Who uses technical and interpersonal skills to carry out day-to-day project tasks?

a. Project manager
b. Project sponsor
c. Secondary stakeholders
d. Project team members d
Which term refers to identifying stakeholders and grouping them by interest and influence?

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Stakeholder monitoring
c. Stakeholder buy-in
d. Steering committee meeting a
What is the main benefit of making a RACI chart?
a. Helps set SMART goals
b. Assesses each stakeholder's ability to participate and build necessary partnerships
c. Determines which stakeholders should fill which roles during a project
d. Illustrates all of the potential risks and opportunities for success c
Which three of the following situations can lead to role confusion on a project?

a. When workloads are unbalanced

b. When team members perform overlapping work
c. When only one person is designated as accountable
d. When ownership of decisions is unclear a, b, d
As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many
people need to be on the team, what expertise each member will need to complete their tasks,
and if they have a personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when
building a team?

a. Whether the project has a strong business case

b. Degree of stakeholder engagement
c. Team member communication preferences
d. Team member availability d
Who is accountable for the project, ensures that it delivers the agreed-upon value, and may also
fund the project?

a. The project sponsor

b. The client
c. The primary stakeholders
d. The project manager a
Which of the following activities are steps in a stakeholder analysis? Select all that apply.

a. Determine which stakeholders should be excluded from the project

b. Assess each stakeholder's level of interest and influence
c. List the stakeholders impacted by the project
d. Assess each stakeholder's reputation and level of experience b, c
Fill in the blank: For small projects, project managers should typically use _____.
a. highest-rated tools
b. more sophisticated tools
c. recently-created tools
d. simple and straightforward tools d
As a project manager, you need to update your project charter with a statement about the tangible
outcome of the project. In which section of the project charter does this information go?

a. Business case
b. Benefits
c. Project scope
d. Project deliverable d
Fill in the blank: A project manager creates a project charter _____ a project proposal.

a. after
b. at the same time as
c. as an introduction to
d. before a
Fill in the blank: Project managers need to ensure project information is _____ through formal
documentation, such as email, a presentation, or a digital document.

a. available only to stakeholders

b. easily accessible to everyone
c. available only to team members
d. easily accessible to the public b
Email and chat are examples of what type of project management tool?

a. Collaboration
b. Scheduling
c. Progress visualization
d. Work management a
A project manager needs a tool to assign tasks and help visualize the team's task progress. Which
tool type should they choose?

a. Chat
b. Email
c. Shared documents
d. Work management d
Digital documents, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word, help a project manager complete
what three tasks?

a. Create agendas
b. Chat efficiently with the team
c. Outline project scope and next steps
d. Track and review team processes a, c, d
A spreadsheet is a versatile tool that helps a project manager to do what? Select all that apply.
a. Manage budgets
b. Track tasks
c. Communicate with teammates
d. Build charts
e. Create timelines a, b, d, e
Fill in the blank: Project managers use tools to manage _____, which typically include the
project's budget, people, and materials.

a. project charters
b. project resources
c. project proposals
d. project timelines b
Which of the following best describes what a living document means?

a. A document that evolves as the project progresses

b. A document that is updated from project to project
c. A digital document stored in the cloud
d. A document that has been shared with the team a
Who does the project manager need to get approval from before indicating a Go for the project?
Select all that apply.
a. Key stakeholders
b. Vendors
c. Project sponsor
d. Project team members a, c
Which are examples of work management tools?

a. Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides

b. Email and chat
c. Asana, Basecamp, and Trello
d. Microsoft Word and Google Docs c
The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to
review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the
project sponsor's request?

a. Scheduling software
b. Visualization cards
c. Chat
d. Spreadsheets d
Collaboration tools allow teammates to do what two tasks?

a. Check in with each other efficiently

b. Comment on topics related to the project
c. Demonstrate an overview of the project
d. Visualize the team's progress a, b
Fill in the blank: Since the project manager uses the project charter throughout the project, it acts
like a _____ for the project.

a. bank
b. storage unit
c. main communication channel
d. compass d
Fill in the blank: If the project has a _____, then it may be worth it for the team to learn a more
sophisticated project management tool.
a. short timeline
b. large scope
c. new project sponsor
d. few deliverables b
What details should be in your project charter? Select all that apply.

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Project goals
c. Deliverables
d. Scope
e. Detailed project plan b, c, d
In which of the following scenarios does the project manager implement documentation well?
Select all that apply.
a. The key stakeholder determines they want to add a feature to the product in development. The
project manager includes this update in the project charter and communicates it to the team.
b. Because the project manager doesn't have all the project's details, they ask a current team
member to onboard the new team member.
c. The project manager shares the project timeline on a cloud-based document sharing program.
d. A stakeholder talks with two different team members and receives conflicting information on
a vendor. They cannot find information about the vendor in the shared document drive. a, c
Work management tools primarily help a project manager complete what two tasks?
a. Track and visualize the team's progress
b. Quickly communicate with team members
c. Build documents, such as meeting agendas
d. Assign roles to team members a, d
The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to
review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the
project sponsor's request?
a. Visualization cards
b. Scheduling software
c. Chat
d. Spreadsheets d
Why is it important for a project manager to properly document a project? Select all that apply.
a. Proper documentation ensures nothing in the project can go wrong.
b. Proper documentation can pave the way for the success of the project within the time
c. Without proper documentation the team members may receive conflicting information about
the project.
d. Proper documentation helps communicate any changes to the project's scope. b, c, d
Collaboration tools such as email or chat allow teams to do what tasks? Select all that apply.
a. Check in on project tasks
b. Work collectively and closely with other team members
c. Plan the budget
d. Visualize project task completion a, b
When developing the project charter, who does the project manager typically work with?
a. the customer only
b. stakeholders only
c. teammates and stakeholders
d. teammates only c
Fill in the blank: To determine the _____ of a project, list the milestones you must reach in order
to meet the project goal on schedule.

a. float time
b. capacity planning details
c. dependencies
d. critical path d
As a project manager, the project is your number one priority. However, you have team members
with competing priorities from other projects. You want to influence them to make your project
their priority. To do this, you bridge the high-level goals of the project and the day-to-day
perspective of the team. You collaborate to find an outcome that works for everyone. What
interpersonal skill did you mainly use in this scenario?

a. Build trust
b. Negotiate effectively
c. Practice patience
d. Ask the right questions b
Which of the following should you include in a project plan that are essential for project success?
Select all that apply.

a. Links to tasks in previously successful projects

b. All project tasks
c. Specifically who are completing what tasks
d. A timeline of when the team will complete the tasks b, c, d
Which of the following are included in the project plan? Select all that apply.

a. Retrospectives
b. Time
c. People
d. Tasks
e. Documentation b, c, d, e
Imagine you're a project manager helping a car company with a new vehicle launch. Your project
goal is to ensure vehicle delivery to dealerships. To achieve this, you speak with stakeholders
and subject matter experts to understand the granular details of the project. This information
helps you know what steps to take to best achieve the project goal. This example includes which
project plan best practice?

a. Give yourself time to plan.

b. Recognize and plan for the inevitable.
c. Achieve buy-in from your team members for your plan.
d. Carefully understand project deliverables, milestones, and tasks. -
As a project manager, you review your budget and notice one vendor is costing more than
anticipated. You shift funds and recalibrate the budget to offset this increased vendor cost. What
is the budgeting term for this task?

a. Setting the baseline

b. Contingency budgeting
c. Reserve analysis
d. Reforecasting d
As a project manager creating a budget, you're thinking about all the parts of a project from
beginning to end—making a list of every material, resource, and contract worker. What do you
call this type of budgeting?

a. Top-down approach
b. Buffers and reserves
c. Contingency
d. Bottom-up approach d
Which scenario is an example of proactive budget management?

a. You're reviewing your budget and realize that it took much longer than you anticipated for a
subject matter expert to complete a task. The labor cost associated with this task is now well over
budget. You must now request a budget increase to cover the cost of the labor.
b. While planning your project budget, you decide that you don't need to add buffers for
unexpected costs. Since you've completed several projects like this one in the past and have
always come in under budget, you feel you don't need to plan for any extra cost.
c. While planning your project budget, you gather historical data and consult with industry
experts. You consider fixed costs, add relevant line items, and set aside a 5% reserve for
unexpected costs.
d. During your project, the market experiences a shortage of a resource that's crucial for your
project's success. Because of the c
Which of the following are steps in the procurement process? Select all that apply.

a. Contract writing
b. Analyzing
c. Initiating
d. Controlling a, c, d
Which section of the statement of work (SoW) includes details about what the service entails and
may include major project activities?
a. Purpose
b. Scope
c. Target audience
d. Schedule overview b
"Honesty, responsibility, respect, and fairness are the values . . ." begins what type of saying of
the Project Management Institute that serves as a guide to how they do procurement and other

a. code of ethics
b. requirements
c. motto
d. slogan a
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenditures.
Which type of budget expense creates a future benefit for a company?

a. Capital expenses (CAPEX)

b. Historical expenses
c. Indirect expenses
d. Operating expenses (OPEX) a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager check a vendor's reputation
for delivering quality work, and make a site visit?

a. Selecting
b. Completing
c. Introducing
d. Controlling a
Which of the following factors can lead to scope creep and negatively affect the budget? Select
all that apply.

a. Attainable timeframes and deadlines

b. A vague Statement of Work (SoW)
c. Agreements about the project that aren't officially documented
d. Last-minute asks from priority stakeholders b, c, d
Which of the following statements is typically true regarding budgeting?

a. It's important to not go over budget, but it's recommended to go under budget.
b. It's important to not go under budget, but it's recommended to go over budget.
c. It's recommended to go either over or under budget.
d. It's important to not go over or under budget. d
Which three costs are examples of resource cost rates?

a. The cost of a task buffer

b. The cost of software to help manage a project
c. The cost of labor for a project team
d. The cost of materials when building a house b, c, d
Which of the following is an example of using historical data to develop your project budget?
a. Reaching out to project managers who worked on past projects at the company
b. Thinking about all the parts of your project from the beginning to the end and adding the costs
c. Reviewing past projects that are similar to yours to get an idea of what your budget could
d. Getting quotes from potential vendors c
As a project manager creating a budget, you proactively identify factors that may impact
expenses. You then take action to minimize the budgetary impact of these factors. What is this
task called?

a. Bottom-up approach
b. Baselining the budget
c. Estimating cost
d. Cost controld
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?

a. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount.

b. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.
c. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
d. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier. b
To create a well-organized budget, a project manager includes different types of expenses.
Which type of budget expense includes costs for day-to-day tasks within a company?

a. Operating expenses (OPEX)

b. Capital expenses (CAPEX)
c. Reserve expenses
d. Fixed expenses a
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager define project resources and
make the case for obtaining them?

a. Selecting
b. Initiating
c. Controlling
d. Completing b
Which of the following accurately describes total cost of ownership (TCO)?

a. TCO factors in expenses associated with a product or service over its lifetime.
b. TCO is the dollar amount used to measure if a project is on track or not.
c. TCO only factors in upfront expenses associated with a product or service.
d. TCO is the additional room in the budget for unexpected costs. a
Fill in the blank: Typically, a project manager organizes a budget by _____. Then, the project
manager lists tasks alongside each task's associated costs.

a. milestones
b. tools
c. teammates
d. dependencies a
Which scenario is an example of planned cost versus actual cost?

a. When planning your project budget, you document the planned cost of labor. To do this, you
use the estimated number of hours your team needs to complete the project. As your project
progresses, you document the total hours your team works to determine the total cost of labor for
your project. This number may be different from your original cost of labor.
b. When planning your project budget, you gather historical data on costs of materials, resources,
and labor to determine how much each will cost. Once you begin procuring these items, you
don't update the actual cost.
c. When planning your project budget, you need to factor in unexpected costs that may occur.
You decide to reserve 5% of your overall budget as a buffer.
d. When planning your project budget, you notice that you need to advertise several job
positions. The cost to post the job descrip a
As a project manager, the project sponsor gives you cost estimates with a set amount of money to
spend. What challenge for effective budgeting does this represent?

a. Lack of historical data

b. Scope creep
c. Pre-allocated budget
d. Insufficient cash flow c
As a project manager, you research and source for a specific service. You then have to manage
that relationship. This is known as what type of procurement?

a. Performance management
b. Budget management
c. Cost management
d. Vendor management d
At what phase in the procurement process would a project manager review a vendor's
performance and determine if they are meeting milestones?

a. Selecting
b. Controlling
c. Completing
d. Investigating b
When creating a budget, a project manager must do which of the following? Select all that apply.

a. Budget for surprise expenses

b. Review and reforecast throughout the project
c. Understand stakeholder needs
d. Approve budget increases a, b, c
As a project manager, you're seeking a procurement approach that outlines clear workstreams,
hard deadlines, and financially protects your project against unforeseen circumstances. Which
procurement approach should you choose?
a. Protectionist
b. Agile
c. Robust
d. Traditional d
A document that keeps confidential information within the organization is known as what?

a. Scope of work (SoW)

b. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
c. Request for proposal (RFP)
d. Statement of work (SoW) b
Which of the following justifies sole-supplier sourcing?

a. The company is cautious about exposing trade secrets.

b. The project sponsor asks to only use one particular supplier.
c. The supplier provided material for the past three projects.
d. The supplier is easy to work with and offers a discount. a
Fill in the blank: A project manager needs to alter their budget after making changes to the
project schedule and costs. This is necessary in order to _____.

a. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of costs

b. baseline the budget to track project progress of reserves
c. baseline the budget to track project progress of costs
d. re-baseline the budget to track project progress of tasks a
When budgeting a project, you should consider additional expenses such as warranties, supplies,
add-ons, and upgrades. Which budgeting term refers to this concept?

a. Top-down approach
b. Baseline your project
c. Total cost of ownership
d. Bottom-up approach c
Fill in the blank: The process of identifying and evaluating potential risks and issues that could
impact a project is known as _____.

a. risk mitigation
b. risk identification
c. risk management
d. risk analysisc
The risk management process can provide project managers a better understanding of what
information? Select all that apply.

a. What could go wrong with the project

b. When exactly the risk will occur
c. Who the project manager needs to consult about a risk
d. How could the project manager mitigate the potential risk a, c, d
As a project manager practicing risk management, you've already identified the risk. Now, you're
determining the likelihood and potential impact the risk will have on your project. Which risk
management step does this represent?

a. Avoid risks
b. Treat risks
c. Analyze risks
d. Monitor and control risks c
Identify the steps involved in creating and utilizing a fishbone (or cause-and-effect) diagram.

a. Define the problem, identify risks, brainstorm causes, and monitor feedback
b. Define the problem, identify categories, mitigate causes, and monitor feedback
c. Define the problem, identify categories, brainstorm causes, and analyze the causes
d. Define the problem, identify risks, mitigate causes, and analyze the causes c
Fill in the blank: Once an organization has explored the inherent risks of a project, its willingness
to accept the possible outcomes of those risks is known as _____.

a. risk analysis
b. risk assumption
c. risk register
d. risk appetited
What are the most common types of risk that can impact projects?

a. Time risks, budget risks, and external risks

b. Budget risks, scope risks, and internal risks
c. Budget risks, internal risks, and external risks
d. Time risks, budget risks, and scope risks d
Fill in the blank: The four common ways to mitigate risk include _____.

a. avoid it, accept it, reduce or control it, and transfer it

b. accept it, ignore it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
c. accept it, disregard it, reduce or control it, and transfer it
d. avoid it, accept it, disregard it, and transfer it a
Why should project managers communicate risks clearly to key stakeholders? Select all that

a. To get them to provide additional teammates, if necessary

b. To increase trust in the relationship
c. To deflect blame on project issues, if necessary
d. To convince them to provide an increase in budget, if necessary a, b, d
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot start until Task A is
complete. Which type of dependency does this situation represent?

a. Finish to Start (FS)

b. Start to Finish (SF)
c. Finish to Finish (FF)
d. Start to Start (SS) a
Which of the following best describes the executive summary in the risk management plan?

a. Introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks
b. Information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
c. Charts such as the impact chart, probability chart, and the probability and impact matrix
d. Description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan a
Fill in the blank: A potential event that can impact your project if it occurs is called a(n) _____.

a. problem
b. risk
c. delay
d. issue b
When should project managers engage in risk management?

a. Towards the end of the project

b. At the beginning of the project
c. Shortly after the project begins
d. Regularly throughout the project d
As a project manager you are practicing risk management. You have already defined potential
risks, determined their likelihood, and prioritized them. Now, you're making a plan to address
and manage each risk. This represents which risk management step?

a. Analyze risks
b. Monitor and control risks
c. Identify risks
d. Treat risks d
Which of the following tools can project managers use to brainstorm the potential causes of

a. Stakeholder map
b. Project charter
c. Fishbone diagram
d. Risk register c
Which of the following is a tool used to assess and prioritize project risks?

a. Cause-and-effect diagram
b. Fishbone diagram
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Power grid c
Which of the following risk types most commonly impact projects? Select all that apply.

a. Budget risks
b. Scope risks
c. Time risks
d. Inherent risks a, b, c
What does a risk management plan typically contain? Select all that apply.

a. A competitor analysis for each risk

b. An executive summary
c. Probability estimates for each risk
d. A mitigation plan for each risk b, c, d
Which of the following is the best way to communicate a high-level risk to stakeholders?

a. Plan to present the risks and your mitigation plans at the next monthly meeting.
b. Describe the risks in a weekly planning email and briefly explain your plan to mitigate them.
c. Describe the risks and your mitigation plan to stakeholders the next time you see them in
d. Meet with stakeholders in person to present serious risks and your plans to mitigate them.
As a project manager, you're identifying task dependencies. Task B cannot finish until Task A is
complete—the tasks operate at the same time. Which type of dependency does this situation

a. Finish to Finish (FF)

b. Start to Start (SS)
c. Finish to Start (FS)
d. Start to Finish (SF) a
Which steps should be taken when updating a risk management plan? Select all that apply.

a. Remove risks that are no longer relevant.

b. Include any changes in the mitigation plans.
c. Move the plan to a confidential folder.
d. Add newly-identified risks.a, b, d
Which of the following are examples of external risk? Select all that apply.

a. A breakdown in communication among team members

b. A deliverable takes longer than anticipated to complete
c. A project vendor goes out of business
d. A change in regulatory requirements c, d
Which of the following is a recommended method to communicate a medium-level risk to

a. In the weekly planning email, briefly describe the risk and your plan to mitigate it.
b. Send stakeholders a direct email that outlines the risk and includes a detailed explanation of
your mitigation plan.
c. Present the risk and your mitigation plan during the team meeting next month.
d. Call an urgent in-person meeting with stakeholders to present the risk and your plan to
mitigate it. b
Which of the following best describes the risk register in the risk management plan?

a. A list of general information such as the plan's status, creation date, and uploaded date
b. A description of each risk, its risk rating, and a mitigation plan
c. A risk assessment technique such as the probability and impact matrix
d. An introduction to the conditions of the project and an outline of the potential risks b
Failing to engage in risk management for your project can have which two of the following

a. You will not be able to use the appropriate tools

b. You will not be able to meet project timelines and goals
c. You will not be able to establish necessary vendor relationships
d. You will not be able to make necessary adjustments to the project plan b, d
Choose the best definition for inherent risk as it relates to project management.

a. The measure of a risk, calculated by its difficulty and frequency

b. The measure of a risk, calculated by its causes and circumstances
c. The measure of a risk, calculated by its timing and dependencies
d. The measure of a risk, calculated by its probability and impact d
Which four of the following should project managers identify before creating a communication

a. Communication barriers
b. Communication methods
c. Project stakeholders
d. Communication goals
e. Anonymous survey questions
f. Project risks a, b, c, d
Fill in the blank: To be effective, your team _____ need to be clear, honest, relevant, and

a. debates
b. expectations
c. documents
d. communications d
What details does a communication plan include? Select all that apply.

a. How communications should sound

b. Who should communicate
c. Where the information communicated is stored
d. Why and how to communicate
e. What to communicate
f. How long communications should be
g. When communication happens b, c, d, e, g
As a project manager, you have a weekly video conference with stakeholders as part of your
communication plan. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Location
b. Duration
c. Goal
d. Key dates c, d
Why should you share your communication plan document with your team? Select all that apply.

a. Let them offer feedback

b. Ensure you aren't missing crucial information
c. Make them aware of the plan
d. Let them make changes to the plana, b, c
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Team selection
b. Culture development
c. Project continuity
d. Change management c, d
Which of the following communication methods is most appropriate for high-level stakeholders
who don't need detailed project updates?

a. Newsletters that summarize key milestones and project progress

b. Virtual check-in meetings to share task progress
c. Frequent status update meetings to report project issues
d. Weekly emails with team action items a
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the

a. Project charter
b. Stakeholder map
c. RACI chart
d. Risk register b, c
What project management best practice includes documenting plans and making them available
to stakeholders?

a. Dependency management
b. Milestone management
c. Risk management
d. Knowledge management d
Which three of the following tools can help organize project plans and documents?

a. An overview sheet (dashboard)

b. A RACI chart
c. A centralized planning document
d. A shared file drive
e. A stakeholder map a, c, d
Fill in the blank: Project managers should identify project stakeholders, communication methods,
communication goals, and communication _____ before creating a communication plan.
a. costs
b. risks
c. consequences
d. frequency d
How can you foster effective communication within your team? Select all that apply.

a. Obtain feedback and incorporate it going forward

b. Allow teammates to use any communication platform they prefer
c. Send identical message content to both teammates and stakeholders
d. Recognize and understand individual differences a, d
As a project manager, you decide to hold video conferences with your core project team and
stakeholders as part of your communication plan. What two additional details should the
communication plan include?

a. Location
b. Resource locations
c. Duration
d. Key dates b, d
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. milestones
b. presentations
c. department reviews
d. check-ins d
An effective project management communication plan can help with which of the following
processes? Select all that apply.

a. Culture development
b. Team selection
c. Project continuity
d. Change management c, d
Fill in the blank: Daily meetings and quick virtual check-ins are good ways for project managers
to communicate with _____.

a. project customers
b. senior management
c. core team members
d. key stakeholders c
Which two tools can help determine the best type of communication for those involved with the

a. Project charter
b. Risk register
c. Stakeholder map
d. RACI chart c, d
How can project managers ensure plan visibility for stakeholders? Select all that apply.

a. Create a risk register

b. Keep documents in a centralized location
c. Assign tasks to specific team members
d. Manage document permissions to give access to relevant information b, d
Which of the following should a project manager include in a centralized planning document,
also known as a dashboard? Select all that apply.

a. Instructions for how to use the centralized planning document

b. Previous project deliverables
c. Links to any non-spreadsheet files
d. A brief project description a, c, d
Which five of the following categories are part of a communication plan?

a. Recipients
b. Communication goals
c. Delivery methods
d. Communication type
e. Key dates
f. Communication style a, b, c, d, e
What are the key benefits of a communication plan? Select all that apply.

a. Keeps people engaged and motivated throughout the project

b. Improves overall effectiveness of communication
c. Provides guidance on technical project terms
d. Involves stakeholders in effective conversations a, b, d
What questions can project managers ask to optimize and streamline communications? Select all
that apply.

a. What is working in how we communicate with you about the project?

b. How can we improve communications with you?
c. How are you implementing the content we communicate?
d. What is not working or is not effective in our communication? a, b, d
Which of the following is true of effective communication in project management? Select all that

a. It is clear, relevant, and frequent

b. It does not require follow-ups
c. It helps projects run on time and meet expectations
d. It continues throughout the entire project a, c, d
What is the purpose of a communication plan?

a. Centralize project documentation

b. Outline a process for knowledge management
c. Organize and document the processes, types, and expectations of communication
d. Establish roles and responsibilities for team members c
As a project manager, part of your communication plan is to identify risks and present barriers
in-person. What two additional details should the communication plan include?

a. Duration
b. Type of communication
c. Frequency
d. Location b, c, d
Fill in the blank: Scheduling routine _____ will help you understand what is and is not working
in your communication plan.

a. check-ins
b. department reviews
c. milestones
d. presentations a
Project managers should create communication plans to ensure that projects can carry on in their
absence. What is the term for this best practice?

a. continuity
b. substitution
c. follow-through
d. backup a
Generally, how long should the kick-off meeting last?

a. Less than 20 minutes

b. About one hour
c. Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions
d. One full work day b
Before starting the planning phase, you complete the initiation phase. What steps do stakeholders
or the clients take during the initiation phase?

a. Stakeholders assign a project manager, approve goals, determine the scope and deliverables,
and approve the project charter.
b. Stakeholders assign a project manager, select the tools to manage the project, view meeting
notes, and approve the budget.
c. Stakeholders assign a project manager, determine the scope and deliverables, and select the
d. Stakeholders assign a project manager, review risk management tools, and approve the budget.
Fill in the blank: After the stakeholders assign the project manager, the goals of the project have
to be approved, as well as the scope of the project and its _____.

a. vendors
b. deliverables
c. tools
d. manager b
As a project manager, you're trying to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What
steps should you take? Select all that apply.

a. Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project.
b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals.
c. Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.
d. Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project. a, b, d
Suppose that as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
give examples of tasks that you consider part of the project, and tasks you consider not part of
the project. What agenda section does this represent?

a. Roles
b. Questions
c. Goals and scope
d. Background c
Suppose as a project manager, you're running a kick-off meeting. You accurately define what
work is and is not included in the project. What agenda item does this represent?

a. Project purpose
b. Intended outcome
c. Scope
d. Roles c
As a project manager, you're explaining to your team the difference between a milestone and a
task. How would you explain a task to the team?

a. Tasks are activities that have a flexible finish date because milestones often change.
b. Tasks are milestones that are shorter to complete.
c. Tasks are activities to finish in a set period of time that help reach a milestone.
d. Tasks are milestones with a flexible finish date. c
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Host a check-in meeting with the team

b. Test the website for usability
c. Create initial mock-ups of the website
d. Implement feedback by the designer b, c, d
As a project manager, what is your first step when setting milestones?

a. Consider the needs of your stakeholders

b. Review the project as a whole
c. Have a team meeting
d. Assign deadlines b
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Project timeline
b. Overall workload
c. Task interest
d. Task novelty a, b
Which of the following are important to understand in the planning phase? Select all that apply.

a. Schedules
b. Budgets
c. Customer feedback
d. Risk management a, b, d
What four items do stakeholders need to approve before the planning phase can begin?

a. Project charter
b. Project goals
c. Project scope
d. Project deliverables
e. Project name a, b, c, d
What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply

a. Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.

b. Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals
c. Get buy-in from key members of the project team
d. Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams
Identify and prepare for risks b, c, d
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
discuss the project plan software the team will be using, which is Google Sheets. You also
discuss how the team will communicate with each other, which includes a team chat and weekly
check-in meetings. What agenda section does this represent?

a. Collaboration
b. Roles
c. Goals and scope
d. Background a
Suppose as a project manager, you're leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking
longer than you expect. How do you get the meeting back on track?

a. Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.
b. Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking
c. Tell specific team members they'll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
d. Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time. d
Which of the following would you consider a project milestone?

a. Web designer implements feedback

b. Web designer creates a proposal
c. Project manager reviews mock-ups
d. Client approves website design d
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Test the website for usability

b. Host a check-in meeting with the team
c. Implement feedback by the designer
d. Create initial mock-ups of the website a, c, d
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

a. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
b. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
c. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized a, b, c
When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?

a. Task novelty
b. Task interest
c. Project timeline
d. Overall workload c, d
Fill in the blank: When creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager should
focus on _____ rather than actions.

a. deliverables
b. stakeholder needs
c. timeline
d. teammate strengths a
During the project planning phase which of the following occur?

a. The client reviews the project plans for approval

b. The client selects which vendors work on the project
c. The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan
d. The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase c
Suppose as a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional
tasks to the project. You bring your concern about this new regulation to the stakeholders for a
discussion on how to mitigate its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this
situation represent?

a. Task management
b. Budget
c. Schedule
d. Risk management d
Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule
that indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.
a. completion
b. time
c. scope
d. goals a
Imagine that you're a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities
might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

a. Create initial mock-ups of the website

b. Test the website for usability
c. Host a check-in meeting with the team
d. Implement feedback by the designer a, b, d
When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

a. Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders
b. Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks
are how to get there
c. Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project
d. Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized a, b, c
What are two benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

a. You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone.
b. You can get a sense of each stakeholder's workload.
c. You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks.
d. You can assign tasks to two or more team members. a, c
Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and
rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.

a. Bottom-up scheduling
b. Goal scheduling
c. Top-down scheduling
d. Team scheduling a
Suppose that as a project manager you're running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you
spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take.
What agenda item does this represent?

a. What comes next

b. Background
c. Introductions
d. Roles a
Suppose that as a project manager you had a goal of publishing a report. Which of the following
would you consider the milestone for this goal?

a. Conduct research
b. Interview a writer
c. Complete first draft of report
d. Draft sections of the report c
Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete
a. Balance the workload of tasks between teammates.
b. Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.
c. Consider teammates' familiarity with the tasks.
d. Add an assignee and due date to each task. a, c, d
Which of the following are relevant project documents you should link to in your project plan?
Select all that apply.

a. RACI charts that define roles and responsibilities for individuals on a team
b. The project charter that defines the project and outlines project goal details
c. Daily review emails and messages between the stakeholders, project manager, and project
d. The organization chart that depicts everyone who works in the company with their contact
information a, b
Fill in the blank: Time estimation predicts the total amount of time required to complete a task,
while the actual time it takes to complete a task _____.

a. depends on stakeholder input

b. may vary depending on overlooked potential risks
c. shouldn't change
d. is not relevant b
A project manager is leading an initiative that includes changing an organization's logo and
slogan. What mandatory tasks should be part of the critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Get employees to respond positively in a survey

b. Determine a new slogan
c. Set a budget
d. Receive sponsor approval b, c, d
Which of the following scenarios exemplify how a project manager can use interpersonal skills?
Select all that apply.

a. The timeline is set for the Office Green project. You tell the web designer on Wednesday that
you'll need a complete mock up for the site by Friday.
b. The web designer on your project tells you that they're not sure they can meet the deadline for
all the mock up pages. You ask the designer some questions about the project, such as what
amount of time they need for each page mock so you can help prioritize what is feasible.
c. The person on your team in charge of contracts now needs to split their work time with
another team. You request a meeting with that team's project manager to identify if any of their
project deliverable dates are competing with your project's timeline.
d. You're managing a project with team members who are on multiple projects. You asked the
team members to prioritize your b, c, d
Tools like Gantt charts and Kanban boards help benefit team members in what three ways?

a. They can translate project contracts like the statement of work (SOW) into number and dollar
b. They can illustrate when they need to complete their individual tasks.
c. They can demonstrate how their individual tasks connect to other tasks in the project.
d. They provide clear context about work project details. b, c, d
As a project manager, you're the main supporter of your project plan. You explain to teammates
why it benefits them to stay on top of the plan. You hope that this persuades the team to support
the plan and update it regularly. What project plan best practice does this represent?

a. Giving yourself time to plan

b. Staying curious
c. Recognizing and planning for the inevitable
d. Championing your plan d
Which of the following strategies could help a team meet a project deadline? Select all that

a. Streamline tasks
b. Increase the team size
c. Rush through task planning
d. Eliminate unnecessary tasks a, b, d
What two steps can a project manager take to overcome the planning fallacy?

a. Increase the project's budget.

b. Expand the project's scope.
c. Consider all risks and carefully examine them.
d. Meet with teammates to uncover potential risks. b, c, d
Which of the following are some steps to create a critical path? Select all that apply.

a. Consult your main customer.

b. Make time estimates.
c. Create a network diagram.
d. Set dependencies. b, c, d
What project management tool typically organizes tasks into columns with labels such as to do,
in progress, and done?

a. Kanban board
b. RACI chart
c. Gantt chart
d. Work breakdown structure (WBS) a
When creating a project plan, you include important points within the schedule that indicate
progress. Which project plan component does this represent?

a. Relevant documentation
b. Time
c. Milestones
d. Tasks c
What tools can a project manager use to account for issues that may cause a project delay? Select
all that apply.
a. Sub-tasks
b. Task buffer
c. Gantt chart
d. Project buffer b, d
What is capacity in project management?

a. The estimated length of time it'll take for the project team to complete project milestones
b. The prediction of the amount of budget to be allocated to complete the project tasks.
c. The amount of work that people assigned to the project can reasonably complete in a set
period of time
d. The total number of people involved in the project c
Which examples below demonstrate a project manager asking an open-ended question? Select all
that apply.

a. What are the steps in your customer feedback review process and what factors do you include
in your report of this review?
b. Will you be able to have the transportation plan for the launch of the new truck series to
dealerships ready by next week?
c. Can you have this web design proposal completed and back to me by close of business Friday?
d. What are the issues I need to be aware of regarding the current project timeline? d
What are the benefits of a Gantt chart? Select all that apply.

a. It features the start and end dates of each task

b. It's a highly visual representation of the project's tasks
c. It has a clear breakdown of who's responsible for what work
d. It displays comments from stakeholders
e. It allows easy communication between teammates
f. It shows when tasks are due for a project a, b, c, f
As a project manager, you realize that with the current timeline, it's unlikely you will meet the
project deadline. Which of the following strategies could help you meet the deadline? Select all
that apply.

a. Revise the project schedule without stakeholder approval.

b. Eliminate any unnecessary tasks.
c. Request more resources, such as an additional team member.
d. Identify tasks that can be done in parallel. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: The _____ is the tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to
complete a task.

a. anchoring bias
b. planning fallacy
c. feedback fallacy
d. confirmation bias b
When creating a critical path, what does a network diagram help visualize? Select all that apply.

a. Which non-essential tasks are not on the critical path

b. The path of work from the start to the end of the project
c. Which skilled teammate can work on each task
d. The tasks that can be performed in parallel a, b, d
Fill in the blank: A Kanban board utilizes cards placed in columns to _____.

a. manage tasks
b. set the timeline
c. estimate the budget
d. organize documents a
Fill in the blank: The main difference between effort estimation and time estimation is that time
estimation includes _____.

a. stakeholder time
b. inactive time
c. marketing time
d. vendor time b
As a project manager applying the PDCA process, you've already attempted to fix a process that
you believe is causing a common customer complaint. As your next step, you compare your
results to the goal to determine if you fixed the issue. What PDCA step will you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act c
Fill in the blank: The way a project manager decides to structure a retrospective depends on

a. the previous project manager's agenda

b. project sponsor preference
c. team and workplace
d. the latest project management trends c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you have a discussion about
risks that could become issues if not addressed this quarter. You also inform the team that you're
passing ownership of the project to someone else. In the retrospective notes, you include the
contact information of the new project manager and links to any relevant documentation. Which
retrospective step does this represent?

a. Future considerations
b. Action items
c. Lessons learned
d. Risks that materialized a
How should a project manager engage in continuous improvement that enhances team
a. Process improvement
b. Team improvement
c. Behavioral improvement
d. Quality improvement a
Which parts of a company ecosystem rely on continuous improvement to have collective and
separate successes? Select all that apply.
a. Portfolios
b. Projects
c. Programs
d. Performances a, b, c
Fill in the blank: _____ is a collection of facts or information.
a. Artifacts
b. Data
c. Statistics
d. Resources b
In which two of the following categories can project managers group metrics?
a. Documentation metrics
b. Productivity metrics
c. Reliability metrics
d. Quality metrics b, d
Which of the following are examples of quality metrics? Select all that apply.
a. cost variance
b. number of changes
c. issues
d. tasks a, b, c
As a project manager prioritizing tasks, you need to determine what is most important to your
client: meeting a deadline or staying within budget. Which method are you using to determine
what data is relevant to your project?
a. Monitoring changes in project metrics
b. Aligning to your stakeholders' priorities
c. Focusing on tasks that have a big impact on the project goal
d. Identifying and responding to signals b
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of collecting and organizing information to help draw
a. Documentation
b. Project management
c. Risk analysis
d. Data analysis d
Which of the following include visual representations of data? Select all that apply.
a. infographics
b. statistics
c. mappings
d. dashboards
e. charts a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. milestone
b. key performance indicator (KPI)
c. task deadline
d. statistic b
Which of the following are ways you can be flexible during a presentation? Select all that apply.
a. Practice to avoid mistakes that could distract from your message
b. Limit practicing so you can improvise based upon audience body language
c. Consider the approach you'd take if an unforeseen event shortens your presentation
d. Imagine and prepare for possible objections
e. Identify and come up with answers to potential audience questions a, c, d, e
As a project manager processing data, you avoid selecting and interpreting data in a way that
supports your pre-existing beliefs. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias a
As a project manager analyzing data, you begin by inquiring about the current state of the
problem, the ideal outcome, and the expectations of your stakeholders. Which data analysis best
practice does this represent?
a. Prepare
b. Share
c. Analyze
d. Process
e. Ask e
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Is the content credible
and trustworthy?", "Are there any data points that skew the information", and "What content can
I eliminate?". In what storytelling step should you ask these questions?
a. Gather the feedback
b. Define the audience
c. Choose a visual representation
d. Find the data
e. Filter and analyze the data e
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to compare trends
and display changes in the data over a set period of time. Which data visualization tool can help?
a. Line graph
b. Scatter plot
c. Bar graph
d. Pie chart a
Fill in the blank: During your project, you monitor the timelines and efficiency of your team.
You collect data on how many tasks they complete, their quality of work, and the time it takes to
complete the tasks. All of these are examples of using data to _____.
a. reduce budget
b. understand your users
c. understand performance
d. solve problems c
What tactics can project managers use to prioritize data? Select all that apply.
a. Prioritize tasks that contribute most to the project goal
b. Identify and respond to signals
c. Set hard deadlines
d. Align metrics to stakeholder priorities a, b, d
Fill in the blank: _____ is the process of turning facts into a narrative to communicate something
to your audience.
a. Data analysis
b. Communication
c. Storytelling
d. Statistics c
Fill in the blank: _____ is the graphical representation of information to facilitate understanding.

a. Data visualization
b. Storytelling
c. Presentation
d. Statistics a
Which of the following tactics may help you be memorable during a presentation? Select all that
a. Confirm the audience has no questions before you start.
b. Pace yourself by using intentional pauses.
c. Make eye contact and use friendly facial expressions.
d. Maintain an upright posture with hands at your side.
e. Elevate the volume of your voice to emphasize key points. b, c, d, e
As a project manager processing data, you avoid understanding ambiguous data as either positive
or negative. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Sampling bias
b. Observer bias
c. Confirmation bias
d. Interpretation bias d
As a project manager analyzing data, you review, transform, and organize the data you've
collected. Then, you create graphs with the data to identify patterns and draw conclusions.
Which data analysis best practice does this represent?
a. Ask
b. Process
c. Share
d. Analyze
e. Prepare d
As a project manager creating a story, you ask yourself questions like: "Who are you presenting
to?," "What are their problems?," and "What do they care about?". In what storytelling step
should you ask these questions?
a. Find the data
b. Define the audience
c. Gather the feedback
d. Shape the story
e. Filter and analyze the data b
Fill in the blank: _____ data are statistical and numerical facts about a project.
a. Mathematical
b. Qualitative
c. Subjective
d. Quantitatived
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. milestone
b. task deadline
c. statistic
d. key performance indicator (KPI) d
As a project manager processing data, you avoid using data that isn't representative of the
population. This tactic helps avoid which data bias?
a. Confirmation bias
b. Sampling bias
c. Observer bias
d. Interpretation bias b
Imagine you're preparing a data presentation. To explain your data, you need to demonstrate a
relationship between data sets and display values for the data points of two different variables.
Which data visualization tool can help?
a. Line graph
b. Scatter plot
c. Pie chart
d. Bar graph b
From the project manager perspective, which of the following are benefits of using data? Select
all that apply.
a. Understand performance
b. Improve processes
c. Solve problems
d. Increase the project timeline
e. Make better decisions
f. Understand your users a, b, c, e, f
Fill in the blank: _____ is when the project manager determines how long it will take to
complete a project based on resources available.
a. Planning
b. Brainstorming
c. Prediction
d. Projection d
Fill in the blank: _____ data are qualities or things that you can't measure with numerical data.
a. Qualitative
b. Client
c. Objective
d. Quantitativea
What is the third step in storytelling that vets the data for credibility and filters the information?
a. Shape the story
b. Gather the feedback
c. Collect the data
d. Analyze the data
e. Choose a visual representation
f. Define the audience d
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a measurable value or metric that demonstrates how effective an
organization is at achieving important objectives.
a. key performance indicator (KPI)
b. task deadline
c. statistic
d. milestone a
Which of the following are ways to help you give an effective presentation? Select all that apply.
a. Be memorable
b. Be precise
c. Be forceful
d. Be flexible a, b, d
Which of the following are true of work groups? Select all that apply.
a. Their work is coordinated or controlled by a single person or entity.
b. They work with minimal oversight.
c. Their work is independent of a managerial hierarchy.
d. They work toward a common goal. a, d
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Delegate responsibility
b. Create motivation
c. Listen and ask questions
d. Prioritize tasks b
In what two ways does delegating work make project managers more effective leaders?
a. Allows project managers to focus on the project as a whole
b. Gives team members a chance to add value to the project
c. Lets team members feel safe asking questions
d. Makes project managers better at meeting stakeholder needs a, b
What responsibilities do project managers have during the forming stage of team development?
Select all that apply.
a. Listen as the team addresses problems
b. Provide context about the project
c. Establish new team norms
d. Clarify project roles and goals b, d
Imagine your company introduces a new feedback system for employees to share ideas, report
grievances, and receive follow-ups from leadership. This helps to align values within the team
and promotes honesty, respect, and integrity. Which leadership quality does this change
a. Democratic leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Ethical leadership
d. Strategic leadershipc
Imagine a tech company wants to use another firm's processor in its new laptop. The project
manager writes to the firm's CEO about the mutual benefits and projected sales numbers. Which
steps of effective influencing is the project manager demonstrating? Select all that apply.
a. Provide evidence
b. Establish credibility
c. Frame for common ground
d. Connect emotionally a, c
As a project manager, which of the following are your organizational sources of power? Select
all that apply.
a. Role
b. Character
c. Network
d. Reputation a, c, d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Make a decision and test it.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Act and reflect on the outcome. c
Which of the following are strategies a project manager can use to provide air cover for their
team? Select all that apply.
a. Limit teammates' knowledge of stakeholder requests
b. Increase the project's scope to satisfy stakeholder requests
c. Take on tasks when stakeholders request additional work
d. Reject a stakeholder request without explicitly saying "no" a, d
Which three of the following are benefits of teamwork?
a. Fosters creativity
b. Encourages accountability
c. Clarifies roles and responsibilities
d. Helps teams meet project goals a, b, d
As a project manager, you want to create an environment where teammates are reliable and able
to complete their work on time. Which of the five elements of effective teams does this
a. Psychological safety
b. Impact
c. Dependability
d. Structure and clarity c
Imagine you are managing a long-term project with few clear milestones. To keep up momentum
and morale, you wrap up weekly meetings by highlighting the team's best work. Which aspect of
effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Create motivation
b. Prioritize tasks
c. Listen and ask questions
d. Delegate responsibility a
In what two ways can project managers promote psychological safety?
a. Reduce ambiguity by prioritizing tasks
b. Create standardized, measurable, and scalable workflows
c. Encourage contributions from team members of all ranks
d. Schedule time for thoughtful, inclusive discussions c, d
What are Bruce Tuckman's five stages of team development?
a. Conforming, warming, norming, transforming, conforming
b. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
c. Conforming, storming, informing, transforming, adjourning
d. Forming, warming, informing, performing, adjourning b
As a project manager, which of the following are personal sources of power? Select all that
a. Character
b. Role
c. Information
d. Knowledge a, d
Which of the following are steps in the ethical decision-making framework developed by the
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics? Select all that apply.
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Make a decision and test it.
c. Get the facts.
d. Weigh the benefits.
e. Evaluate alternative actions. a, b, c, e
Which of the following statements best describes a project manager providing air cover for their
a. Supports and protects a team from out-of-scope requests or criticism from leadership
b. Shields teammates from having to communicate with stakeholders and leadership
c. Fills in where there are task and skill gaps within the team
d. Creates a proposal to increase the project's timeline, budget, or scope a
Which of the following are true of teams? Select all that apply.
a. Encourage accountability
b. Collaborate to solve problems in service of a shared goal
c. Follow the directives of a single person
d. Foster creativity a, b, d
Imagine you are project managing a merger between two healthcare companies. The project is
large and complex, so you send out weekly emails highlighting the most important tasks. Which
aspect of effective team building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Prioritize tasks
b. Listen and ask questions
c. Promote psychological safety
d. Celebrate team success a
Imagine your company enacted new, family-friendly policies in order to support and retain
employees. Benefits include longer paid leave, flexible work hours, and on-site daycare. Which
leadership quality do these changes demonstrate?
a. Authoritative leadership
b. Inclusive leadership
c. Democratic leadership
d. Strategic leadershipb
As a project manager, you want to provide air cover for your team by not explicitly saying "no"
to a stakeholder's request. Which of the following are two possible strategies to achieve this?
a. Offer to get back to the stakeholder once you gather more information, which may provide
time for the stakeholder to reconsider their request.
b. Explain to the stakeholder that their request won't be possible under the current constraints of
the project.
c. Have each teammate email the stakeholder giving their perspectives on why the request cannot
be completed.
d. Refer the stakeholder to project management best practices such as how to effectively
complete a project. a, b
Imagine you lead a team that keeps failing to hit its weekly targets. To help them get back on
track, you ask them to record the time they spend on each task for five days. You then use this
data to better scale the team's work to hit upcoming targets. Which aspect of effective team
building does this scenario demonstrate?
a. Demonstrate empathy and create motivation
b. Create systems that turn chaos into order
c. Promote trust and psychological safety
d. Delegate responsibility and prioritize tasks b
Which of the following actions can a project manager take to support team development? Select
all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Resolve conflicts and listen as the team addresses problems
c. Celebrate final milestones and successes
d. Encourage competition between team members a, b, c
What can project managers do to support ethical and inclusive leadership? Select all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Create equal opportunities for team members to succeed
c. Foster a culture of respect
d. Invite and integrate diverse perspectives b, c, d
What are Jay A. Conger's four steps to effective influencing?
a. Motivate the team; manage team dynamics, resolve conflicts, and celebrate milestones
b. Establish credibility, frame for common ground, provide evidence, and connect emotionally
c. Create equal opportunities, foster a culture of respect; demonstrate ethical leadership, and
align values with the team
d. Form the team, storm through conflict, norm practices, and perform actions b
Which source of organizational power refers to the people you're connected with professionally
and personally?
a. Role
b. Reputation
c. Character
d. Network d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"

a. Recognize an ethical issue.

b. Act and reflect on the outcome.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Make a decision and test it.c
Who is ultimately responsible for coordinating incoming and outgoing communication,
connecting individuals to necessary information, and tracking who needs to receive what
information and when?
a. Project team members
b. The client
c. The project manager
d. Stakeholders c
Which three of the following are benefits of work management and collaboration tools, such as
Asana and Smartsheet?
a. Focus communication within the context of specific tasks
b. Make sharing information and documents easy
c. Send instant messages to teammates
d. Complete work in real time
e. Run effective meetings a, b, d
Fill in the blank: In order to set clear meeting expectations, help attendees prepare, keep
everyone focused on the right topics, and clarify meeting expectations and goals, your meeting
should have a(n) _____.
a. guest speaker
b. timeline
c. leader
d. agenda d
Why should you send any pre-reading materials in advance of a meeting?
a. Provide a summary for you during the meeting
b. Skip over that information in your meeting
c. Save time going over unimportant information
d. Everyone is prepared to participated
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project kick-off
d. Project review c
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to clearly state what you want in an email?
a. Include your request in the subject line of the email.
b. Use acronyms whenever possible to keep the email short.
c. List your request in the last paragraph of the email.
d. Avoid associating calls-to-action with your request. a
Which of the following may help you create an inclusive team environment in meetings? Select
all that apply.
a. Give everyone your full attention.
b. Encourage participants to share a single, similar perspective.
c. Formalize initial check-ins for the group.
d. Use images that reflect the diversity of the world. a, c, d
What can be done during a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Practice active listening and non-verbal communication.
b. Clearly state the meeting's goals at the beginning of the meeting.
c. Encourage everyone to participate, including remote participants.
d. Discourage open-ended and personal questions. a, b, c
What does a project manager have to communicate clearly when managing team documents?
Select all that apply.
a. Who originally created the documents
b. How often the documents get updated
c. Who has access to the documents
d. How documents are used b, c, d
In what type of meeting does the project manager meet with participants one-on-one in order to
cover topics most relevant to them and to better understand their concerns?
a. Project kick-off
b. Retrospective
c. Stakeholder review
d. Status update c
The use, access, or sharing of what types of confidential or need-to-know information is likely
prohibited unless you're given permission? Select all that apply.
a. Internal information about your organization's products and services
b. User data
c. Customer service contact information
d. Financial and business dataa, b, d
Which three of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative?
a. Set a timebox for a meeting comment period
b. Allow participants to set the meeting's purpose and expectation
c. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at
d. Have a digital, shared meeting document
e. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style c, d, e
Which of the following are key reasons to meet with stakeholders? Select all that apply.
a. Present a project update
b. Make a decision or resolve a major issue
c. Provide daily project updates
d. Seek out and listen to feedback a, b, d
What actions may help make a meeting accessible for someone with a hearing impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Speak loudly and slowly.
b. Include all the information presented in a spoken presentation on slides.
c. Add closed captions or subtitles to videos.
d. Face the person you are speaking with. b, c, d
According to a Google study, productive meetings have what three elements in common?
a. Active participation from attendees, a clear and concise agenda, and the correct attendees
b. No personal discussion, a length of at least 30 minutes, and a clear and concise agenda
c. At length of at least 30 minutes, active participation from attendees, and the correct attendees
d. A clear and concise agenda, the participation of three or fewer participants, and the correct
attendees a
Which type of meeting is typically more formal, starts with a project update, and may include a
decision to resolve a major issue?
a. Stakeholder review
b. Retrospective
c. Status update
d. Project kick-off a
When you create an email, in what section should you clearly state what the email is about?
a. Subject line
b. First line of the email
c. Header
d. Closing line of the email a
Which of the following elements do effective meetings always have in common? Select all that
a. Structured
b. Intentional
c. Anticipated
d. Collaborative
e. Inclusive a, b, d, e
Fill in the blank: A key component of inclusivity is ensuring your meetings and presentations are
a. recorded
b. accessible
c. during normal business hours
d. in person b
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project review
d. Project kick-off d
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to structure your writing in an email?
a. Put the email's main idea in the last sentence.
b. Avoid including hyperlinks to additional information.
c. Combine multiple paragraphs into one large paragraph.
d. Use bullets to make the email easier to scan. d
What actions may help make a presentation accessible for someone with a visual impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Use a large font size (minimum 22 points).
b. Describe all meaningful graphics in the presentation.
c. Use low-contrast colors.
d. Provide an accessible electronic format of the presentation. a, b, d
What can be done before a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Recap key action items and share with participants.
b. Invite only the people who need to be there and contribute to the meeting goals.
c. Set aside time to prepare for the meeting and review necessary materials.
d. Prepare an agenda that states the purpose and goals of the meeting. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: A project review meeting is also called a _____.
a. retrospective
b. status update
c. reflection
d. stakeholder review a
What are the impacts of not formally closing a project?
a. The project team will move on to the next project
b. A strained relationship and lack of credibility with customers, users, and vendors
c. Project stakeholders work with project managers to complete the project
d. Not enough work for the team if the project isn't closed b
What are the potential effects on a project team if a project is not closed properly? Select all that
a. Negatively impacts the team's time and effort
b. Encourages the team to move on to new projects
c. Lessons learned could be lost if not recorded correctly
d. Diminishes the team's credibility a, c, d
As a project manager, how can you determine if milestones need a closing process?
a. If a stakeholder requested it in the project charter
b. If the team decides the milestone closing process will waste time
c. If there are more milestones than project tasks
d. If the milestones won't be re-addressed at a later time in the project d
What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
b. Evaluates the project's performance with respect to budget and schedule
c. Provides an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work
a, b, c
In what three ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a
formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project?
a. After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders.
b. After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any
changes that need to be made going forward.
c. A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.
d. A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting. b, c, d
What should a project manager do to ensure an effective closing process? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager confirms the work is done and the agreed-upon closing processes are
b. The project manager invites the stakeholders to provide the notes from their independent
c. The project manager completes a project closeout report.
d. The project manager gives the stakeholders an impact reporting presentation.
e. The project manager hosts a retrospective meeting for the team. a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is an opportunity for _____.
a. feedback and lecture
b. criticism and collaboration
c. planning and introspection
d. reflection and improvement d
Fill in the blank: As a project manager, it is important to avoid two kinds of projects: abandoned
projects and _____ projects.
a. unapproved
b. never-ending
c. incomplete
d. unwritten b
Fill in the blank: The project closeout report is made by project managers primarily for _____.
a. team members
b. project managers
c. stakeholders
d. vendors b
Which of the following are true regarding a team celebration at the end of a project? Select all
that apply.
a. It fuels positive change within the team.
b. It typically needs to be approved by stakeholders.
c. It helps improve collaboration on future projects.
d. It can be a team-building exercise. a, c, d
What happens during a project closing? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager and team confirms all project tasks are complete.
b. The customer identifies new deliverables and ongoing task work.
c. The team obtains formal recognition from key stakeholders that the project is complete.
d. The team executes remaining project management processes, such as procedural or
administrative work. a, c, d
Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as
having a large meeting?
a. Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.
b. Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending.
c. Host a closing celebration with the team.
d. Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team. b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
b. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
c. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered a, b, d
For what three reasons is it important to close a project once it is complete?
a. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team.
b. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
c. It ensures an effective change management process.
d. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
a, b, d
Which document acts as a blueprint for what the team did, how they did it, and what they
a. Project closeout report
b. Retrospective review
c. ROAM analysis
d. Impact report a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a meeting to discuss successes, failures, and possible future
improvements on the project.
a. status update
b. retrospective
c. closeout
d. stakeholder review b
What steps should a project manager take to make sure a project is closed? Select all that apply.
a. Spend any remaining funds in the project's budget
b. Ensure all agreed upon project management processes are complete
c. Get formal recognition from stakeholders that the project is done
d. Confirm all tasks and work are complete b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager reviews documentation for the project, including the statement of work and
RACI chart. The project manager closes the vendor contract, submits all payments, and retrieves
all final deliverables from contracted workers. They send an email communication to ensure all
stakeholders are aware that the project is ending. Finally, the project manager finishes up the
project by gathering final feedback and conducting closing surveys.
What step of the closing process did the project manager skip in this scenario?
a. Refer to documentation created earlier in the project
b. Put together closing documentation, such as creating closeout reports
c. Complete any necessary follow-up work, such as gathering data and information
d. Conduct administrative closure of the procurement process b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
b. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
c. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager needs to include several sections in the closeout report for the Janco car
company's new car series launch. First, the project manager completes the executive summary,
describing the project process and purpose. Second, they note the key accomplishments like
meeting the launch's objectives and highlighting the team's impact on the project. Third, they
identify open items like what the team didn't complete, and add improvement ideas for similar,
future projects. Fourth, they detail the next steps for follow-up projects. Fifth, they list the launch
schedule with project milestones, project on-track status, and setbacks. And sixth, they list the
project resources like the original project plan, stakeholder communications, and documents such
as user manuals on how to unload cars from delivery trucks.
Which item is the project manager missing in their closeout report?
a c
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is the best tool for reflection and _________ .
a. budgeting
b. planning
c. improvement
d. collaboration c
Which closeout report section includes topics such as things the team didn't get to work on and
ideas for changes if they had the time?
a. Executive summary
b. Open items
c. Key accomplishments
d. Lessons learned b
A project manager works with a stakeholder for months to open a community greenhouse. The
stakeholder changes their expectations and the project timeline.
What actions can the project manager take to resolve this issue? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager can establish a timeline to complete this project and propose a follow-up
b. The project manager avoids the stakeholder and continues with their original plan.
c. The project manager can review the contracts with the stakeholder to include the timeline and
the budget.
d. The project manager meets with the team to determine who is not doing their job correctly.
a, c
As a project manager, which of the following should you include in the closeout report? Select
all that apply.
a. Daily project tasks, such as a breakdown in a spreadsheet
b. Resources, such as the original project plan
c. Open items, such as ideas for changes you'd like to make
d. Key accomplishments, such as which objectives the team met b, c, d
What team considerations should the project manager focus on during the closing process?
a. Work with each team member to review the work that they did and the deadlines they missed
b. Encourage the team to review one another's work to find the weak link in the team
c. Review all project tasks to see where the team members could have been involved more
d. Build a culture that allows retrospectives so teams can collaborate and have positive changes
Which three of the following scenarios represent a deviation from a project plan?

a. A production facility goes out of business

b. A project team hits a major milestone on schedule
c. A company increases its budget for a project
d. A lead designer quits to take another job a, c, d
Why should project managers track changes, dependencies, and risks throughout a project?

a. Keep teams aligned on how to ensure project success

b. Demonstrate the importance of accepting change
c. Determine who made tracking mistakes during the retrospective
d. Help prepare for the next project a
Which tracking method is most useful when project managers need a way to track big milestones
in a project?

a. Burndown chart
b. Project status report
c. Gantt chart
d. Roadmap d
How does a roadmap differ from a burndown chart?
a. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a burndown
chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a burndown chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining
d. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. The project manager
learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. Which of the triple constraints does this change
impact the most?

a. Timeline
b. Budget
c. Scope a
How does a change request form differ from an escalation email?

a. Change request forms enlist leadership to manage proposed changes; escalation emails help
teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
b. Change request forms help teams manage proposed changes; escalation emails enlist
leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
c. Change request forms enlist leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate
next steps; escalation emails help teams manage proposed changes
d. Change request forms help teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next
steps; escalation emails enlist leadership to manage proposed changes b
Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but their design team decides to
test out a new material for the doll's clothes before beginning a new batch. This test has what two
types of dependencies?

a. Mandatory dependency
b. Internal dependency
c. Discretionary dependency
d. External dependency b, c
What tool can project managers use to calculate risk exposure and prioritize risks using high,
medium, and low rankings?

a. ROAM technique
b. Mitigation plan
c. Probability and impact matrix
d. Risk register c
Which term refers to the process of enlisting leadership or management to remove an obstacle,
clarify or reinforce priorities, and validate next steps?

a. Elevation
b. Escalation
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure b
How can escalation benefit a project? Select all that apply.

a. Provides checks and balances

b. Speeds up decision-making
c. Encourages team participation
d. Makes external dependencies trackable a, b, c
Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM technique?

a. Restored, organized, accepted, and managed

b. Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated
c. Resolved, owned, allocated, and mitigated
d. Restored, organized, allocated, and managed b
What is project tracking?

a. A method for following the progress of a project's activities.

b. A method for assessing project successes and areas for improvement.
c. A method for responding to project risks.
d. A method for reaching agreement among stakeholders on project scope. a
Which five items should you track throughout the project execution phase?

a. Progress toward milestones

b. Action items
c. Project schedule
d. Project goals
e. Key tasks and activities
f. Project costsa, b, c, e, f
Which tool provides an overview of a project's common elements, summarizes them as a
snapshot, and communicates project status to the team and stakeholders in a centralized place?

a. Roadmap
b. Gantt chart
c. Burndown chart
d. Project status report d
How does a roadmap differ from a Gantt chart?

a. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart measures time
against the amount of work completed and remaining
b. A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart tracks big
milestones and includes a high-level project overview
c. A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a Gantt chart is
useful for large projects with many dependencies
d. A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a Gantt chart
is useful for large projects with many dependencies c
Which of the following methods can be used to communicate change to stakeholders during a
project? Select all that apply.

a. Change request form

b. Project charter
c. Escalation email
d. Work breakdown structure a, c
Imagine that a restaurant is moving to a new location and must pass a government health
inspection before it can open. What type of dependency is the inspection? Select all that apply.
a. External dependency
b. Discretionary dependency
c. Mandatory dependency
d. Internal dependency a, c
Imagine that a project manager creates a matrix with two variables: risk impact and probability.
They use the matrix to measure potential future losses to a project resulting from specific
activities or events. What is the project manager trying to determine?

a. Risk dependencies
b. Risk appetite
c. Risk management
d. Risk exposure d
What should you do in an escalation email? Select all that apply.

a. Make a request.
b. Explain the problem.
c. State your connection to the project.
d. Be serious and assert authority. a, b, c
Imagine that a client wants to add an auction of donated items to a fundraising event. The project
manager is currently executing the project for a dinner and short concert. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?
a. Scope
b. Timeline
c. Budget a
What is the process of identifying risks and issues that could impact a project, and taking steps to
address their potential effects?
a. Project tracking
b. Risk management
c. Escalation
d. Dependency management b
What can project managers do to keep trench war disagreements from bringing projects to a
a. Assess risk exposure
b. Apply the ROAM technique
c. Rely on the project roadmap
d. Send an escalation email d
In the ROAM technique, what does it mean to resolve a risk?
a. To give a team member ownership over a certain risk and entrust them to handle it
b. To understand and accept a risk for what it is because it cannot be resolved
c. To classify a risk as addressed because it no longer creates a problem
d. To reduce the impact of a risk or the likelihood the risk will occur c
Imagine that an aerospace company builds a new line of passenger jets. Increased raw material
costs cause the company to spend more on aluminum than planned. Which of the triple
constraints does this change impact the most?
a. Timeline
b. Scope
c. Budget c
What two common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue?
a. Trench wars
b. Misdirected compromises
c. Force majeure
d. Risk appetite a, b
As a project manager, you're implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You assign the
risk to a team member so they can resolve it and monitor it to completion. Which ROAM action
did you take?
a. Resolved
b. Owned
c. Accepted
d. Mitigated b
As a project manager overseeing a product launch, you monitor and inspect the results to ensure
the project is meeting the quality standards. You notice one standard is not being met and take
corrective action to improve the standard. Which quality management concept does the
inspection and corrective action represent?
a. Quality standards
b. Quality assurance
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control d
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality control
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality planning d
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?
a. Empathic listening
b. Quality planning
c. Negotiation
d. Trust-building d
As a project manager, you're doing a user acceptance test (UAT) to test your product. You
present your users with the visual mockup of the product and walk them through each step they
need to take to use the product. What UAT quality control step does this scenario represent?
a. Acceptance criteria
b. User story
c. Critical user journey
d. Edge case journey c
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Research group
b. Comparable group
c. Control group
d. Variable group c
As a project manager, you identified a process-based problem you'd like to improve. Before
implementing a solution, you conduct performance metrics and data collection. This establishes
baseline data that will determine success. What DMAIC step did you apply?

a. Analyze
b. Define
c. Control
d. Measure d
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of the finished
product. To fix the problem, you first identify what you believe is the root cause and brainstorm
solutions with your team. What PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act a
A project team discovers an efficient process to more quickly develop a product. The program
manager implements the idea in several other projects. When the portfolio manager learns that
the more efficient process is working across several projects, they recommend it to several
programs. This scenario exemplifies which best practice?

a. Hierarchical communication
b. Positive feedback
c. Continuous improvement
d. Word-of-mouth communication c
A team successfully delivers a product feature to a client, but misses the deadline. What should
the project manager do to investigate why the product feature was late?

a. Increase the budget

b. Add a team member
c. Hold a retrospective
d. Meet with stakeholders c
As a project manager, you hold a retrospective. During the meeting, you give the team an
opportunity to discuss risks that materialized: Were there any gaps between the original plan and
its execution? Which retrospective step does this represent?

a. Lessons learned
b. Future considerations
c. Next steps
d. Action items a
As a project manager, you're overseeing a product launch. You meet with customers to determine
the product's quality standards. Then, you create processes and documentation necessary to
achieve the expected quality. Which quality management concept do these tasks represent?
a. Assurance planning
b. Assurance standards
c. Quality planning
d. Quality control c
During which step of the quality management process does a project manager ask questions such
as: "How will I determine if the quality measures will lead to project success?" and "What
outcome do my customers want at the end of this project?"

a. Quality action
b. Quality planning
c. Quality assurance
d. Quality control b
A project manager sets clear expectations with customers about when they'll communicate
certain project updates and changes. To gain the customers' confidence, the project manager also
provides situational examples of when they may communicate. Which soft skill does this project
manager use with their customers?

a. Trust-building
b. Quality planning
c. Negotiation
d. Empathic listening a
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the project manager creates UAT scripts so the testers
better understand the product or service. The project manager writes the scripts based on user
stories, which are best described as what?
a. Feedback from users that includes positive comments, bug reports, and change requests
b. Communications that report on questions, issues, or delays during the testing process
c. Informal, general explanations of a feature that reflect the perspective of an end user
d. Step-by-step instructions that users follow during the testing process c
As a project manager, you have already identified a process-based problem to improve, found its
root cause, and implemented a solution. Now, you take the next step: You monitor the new
process to ensure the changes are beneficial to the team. Which DMAIC step are you currently
a. Define
b. Improve
c. Control
d. Analyze c
As a project manager, you learn a customer is not satisfied with the quality of a finished product.
You have already identified the root cause and brainstormed solutions to the problem with the
team. Now, you and the team attempt to fix the problem by implementing a solution. Which
PDCA step did you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act b
Who can take a beneficial process improvement from one project and implement it across several

a. Program manager
b. Portfolio manager
c. Stakeholder manager
d. Project manager a
Which of the following is a retrospective best practice?

a. Change perspectives so that the team can better understand another person's point of view
b. Use "you" language to communicate clearly and reduce confusion across the team
c. Focus on more negative aspects than positive so the team can improve more quickly
d. Assign blame so teammates know who did what wrong a
What's the main purpose of holding a retrospective?

a. Allow the project manager to explain why the project did or did not succeed
b. Encourage improvements that prepare the team for future projects
c. Let stakeholders give feedback so the team can get a different perspective
d. Determine why the team missed a milestone and update the client b
Which quality management concept must be well-defined at the beginning of the project to help
avoid rework and schedule delays?
a. Quality assurance
b. Quality control
c. Quality standards
d. Quality action c
To receive authentic and honest feedback from customers, what strategy should a project
manager use?

a. Incentivize customers with a gift card because they're more likely to respond
b. Ask for feedback after the project finishes because customers won't fully understand the
product until it's complete
c. Ask for stakeholder feedback and relay it to customers in hopes to close the gap between the
customer's expectation and the project's needs
d. Ask open-ended questions and listen to the customer's current state versus their desired state
During a user acceptance test (UAT), the users identify outliers that the original requirements
didn't account for, such as an extreme use of the product. What UAT quality control step does
this represent?

a. Edge cases
b. Unknown cases
c. User error cases
d. Business cases a
Before running a process improvement experiment, a project manager needs to first identify
processes to change and leave unchanged. What's the experiment-related term for the unchanged

a. Variable group
b. Comparable group
c. Research group
d. Control group d
As a project manager applying the PDCA process, you've already attempted to fix a process that
you believe is causing a common customer complaint. As your next step, you compare your
results to the goal to determine if you fixed the issue. What PDCA step will you apply?

a. Plan
b. Do
c. Check
d. Act c
What can project managers do to support ethical and inclusive leadership? Select all that apply.
a. Delegate tasks and motivate team members
b. Create equal opportunities for team members to succeed
c. Foster a culture of respect
d. Invite and integrate diverse perspectives b, c, d
What are Jay A. Conger's four steps to effective influencing?
a. Motivate the team; manage team dynamics, resolve conflicts, and celebrate milestones
b. Establish credibility, frame for common ground, provide evidence, and connect emotionally
c. Create equal opportunities, foster a culture of respect; demonstrate ethical leadership, and
align values with the team
d. Form the team, storm through conflict, norm practices, and perform actions b
Which source of organizational power refers to the people you're connected with professionally
and personally?
a. Role
b. Reputation
c. Character
d. Network d
Which step in the ethical decision-making framework could include a question such as "Which
option will produce the most good and do the least harm?"
a. Recognize an ethical issue.
b. Act and reflect on the outcome.
c. Evaluate alternative actions.
d. Make a decision and test it.c
Who is ultimately responsible for coordinating incoming and outgoing communication,
connecting individuals to necessary information, and tracking who needs to receive what
information and when?
a. Project team members
b. The client
c. The project manager
d. Stakeholders c
Which three of the following are benefits of work management and collaboration tools, such as
Asana and Smartsheet?
a. Focus communication within the context of specific tasks
b. Make sharing information and documents easy
c. Send instant messages to teammates
d. Complete work in real time
e. Run effective meetings a, b, d
Fill in the blank: In order to set clear meeting expectations, help attendees prepare, keep
everyone focused on the right topics, and clarify meeting expectations and goals, your meeting
should have a(n) _____.
a. guest speaker
b. timeline
c. leader
d. agenda d
Why should you send any pre-reading materials in advance of a meeting?
a. Provide a summary for you during the meeting
b. Skip over that information in your meeting
c. Save time going over unimportant information
d. Everyone is prepared to participated
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project kick-off
d. Project review c
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to clearly state what you want in an email?
a. Include your request in the subject line of the email.
b. Use acronyms whenever possible to keep the email short.
c. List your request in the last paragraph of the email.
d. Avoid associating calls-to-action with your request. a
Which of the following may help you create an inclusive team environment in meetings? Select
all that apply.
a. Give everyone your full attention.
b. Encourage participants to share a single, similar perspective.
c. Formalize initial check-ins for the group.
d. Use images that reflect the diversity of the world. a, c, d
What can be done during a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Practice active listening and non-verbal communication.
b. Clearly state the meeting's goals at the beginning of the meeting.
c. Encourage everyone to participate, including remote participants.
d. Discourage open-ended and personal questions. a, b, c
What does a project manager have to communicate clearly when managing team documents?
Select all that apply.
a. Who originally created the documents
b. How often the documents get updated
c. Who has access to the documents
d. How documents are used b, c, d
In what type of meeting does the project manager meet with participants one-on-one in order to
cover topics most relevant to them and to better understand their concerns?
a. Project kick-off
b. Retrospective
c. Stakeholder review
d. Status update c
The use, access, or sharing of what types of confidential or need-to-know information is likely
prohibited unless you're given permission? Select all that apply.
a. Internal information about your organization's products and services
b. User data
c. Customer service contact information
d. Financial and business dataa, b, d
Which three of the following are ways to make a meeting more collaborative?
a. Set a timebox for a meeting comment period
b. Allow participants to set the meeting's purpose and expectation
c. Ensure the agenda isn't full of presentations where participants are talked at
d. Have a digital, shared meeting document
e. Let participants respond in their preferred communication style c, d, e
Which of the following are key reasons to meet with stakeholders? Select all that apply.
a. Present a project update
b. Make a decision or resolve a major issue
c. Provide daily project updates
d. Seek out and listen to feedback a, b, d
What actions may help make a meeting accessible for someone with a hearing impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Speak loudly and slowly.
b. Include all the information presented in a spoken presentation on slides.
c. Add closed captions or subtitles to videos.
d. Face the person you are speaking with. b, c, d
According to a Google study, productive meetings have what three elements in common?
a. Active participation from attendees, a clear and concise agenda, and the correct attendees
b. No personal discussion, a length of at least 30 minutes, and a clear and concise agenda
c. At length of at least 30 minutes, active participation from attendees, and the correct attendees
d. A clear and concise agenda, the participation of three or fewer participants, and the correct
attendees a
Which type of meeting is typically more formal, starts with a project update, and may include a
decision to resolve a major issue?
a. Stakeholder review
b. Retrospective
c. Status update
d. Project kick-off a
When you create an email, in what section should you clearly state what the email is about?
a. Subject line
b. First line of the email
c. Header
d. Closing line of the email a
Which of the following elements do effective meetings always have in common? Select all that
a. Structured
b. Intentional
c. Anticipated
d. Collaborative
e. Inclusive a, b, d, e
Fill in the blank: A key component of inclusivity is ensuring your meetings and presentations are
a. recorded
b. accessible
c. during normal business hours
d. in person b
Which meeting type is the official beginning of the project and serves as a way to align the
team's understanding of the project goals with actual plans and procedures.
a. Stakeholder review
b. Status update
c. Project review
d. Project kick-off d
Which of the following is a best practice when trying to structure your writing in an email?
a. Put the email's main idea in the last sentence.
b. Avoid including hyperlinks to additional information.
c. Combine multiple paragraphs into one large paragraph.
d. Use bullets to make the email easier to scan. d
What actions may help make a presentation accessible for someone with a visual impairment?
Select all that apply.
a. Use a large font size (minimum 22 points).
b. Describe all meaningful graphics in the presentation.
c. Use low-contrast colors.
d. Provide an accessible electronic format of the presentation. a, b, d
What can be done before a meeting to facilitate a more productive meeting? Select all that apply.
a. Recap key action items and share with participants.
b. Invite only the people who need to be there and contribute to the meeting goals.
c. Set aside time to prepare for the meeting and review necessary materials.
d. Prepare an agenda that states the purpose and goals of the meeting. b, c, d
Fill in the blank: A project review meeting is also called a _____.
a. retrospective
b. status update
c. reflection
d. stakeholder review a
What are the impacts of not formally closing a project?
a. The project team will move on to the next project
b. A strained relationship and lack of credibility with customers, users, and vendors
c. Project stakeholders work with project managers to complete the project
d. Not enough work for the team if the project isn't closed b
What are the potential effects on a project team if a project is not closed properly? Select all that
a. Negatively impacts the team's time and effort
b. Encourages the team to move on to new projects
c. Lessons learned could be lost if not recorded correctly
d. Diminishes the team's credibility a, c, d
As a project manager, how can you determine if milestones need a closing process?
a. If a stakeholder requested it in the project charter
b. If the team decides the milestone closing process will waste time
c. If there are more milestones than project tasks
d. If the milestones won't be re-addressed at a later time in the project d
What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered
b. Evaluates the project's performance with respect to budget and schedule
c. Provides an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work
a, b, c
In what three ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a
formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project?
a. After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders.
b. After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any
changes that need to be made going forward.
c. A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.
d. A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting. b, c, d
What should a project manager do to ensure an effective closing process? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager confirms the work is done and the agreed-upon closing processes are
b. The project manager invites the stakeholders to provide the notes from their independent
c. The project manager completes a project closeout report.
d. The project manager gives the stakeholders an impact reporting presentation.
e. The project manager hosts a retrospective meeting for the team. a, c, d, e
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is an opportunity for _____.
a. feedback and lecture
b. criticism and collaboration
c. planning and introspection
d. reflection and improvement d
Fill in the blank: As a project manager, it is important to avoid two kinds of projects: abandoned
projects and _____ projects.
a. unapproved
b. never-ending
c. incomplete
d. unwritten b
Fill in the blank: The project closeout report is made by project managers primarily for _____.
a. team members
b. project managers
c. stakeholders
d. vendors b
Which of the following are true regarding a team celebration at the end of a project? Select all
that apply.
a. It fuels positive change within the team.
b. It typically needs to be approved by stakeholders.
c. It helps improve collaboration on future projects.
d. It can be a team-building exercise. a, c, d
What happens during a project closing? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager and team confirms all project tasks are complete.
b. The customer identifies new deliverables and ongoing task work.
c. The team obtains formal recognition from key stakeholders that the project is complete.
d. The team executes remaining project management processes, such as procedural or
administrative work. a, c, d
Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as
having a large meeting?
a. Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.
b. Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending.
c. Host a closing celebration with the team.
d. Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team. b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
b. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
c. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered a, b, d
For what three reasons is it important to close a project once it is complete?
a. It protects the credibility of the project manager and project team.
b. It helps an organization avoid unfavorable scenarios, such as stakeholders that are unaware the
project has ended.
c. It ensures an effective change management process.
d. It helps project managers avoid incidents such as abandoned projects or never-ending projects.
a, b, d
Which document acts as a blueprint for what the team did, how they did it, and what they
a. Project closeout report
b. Retrospective review
c. ROAM analysis
d. Impact report a
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a meeting to discuss successes, failures, and possible future
improvements on the project.
a. status update
b. retrospective
c. closeout
d. stakeholder review b
What steps should a project manager take to make sure a project is closed? Select all that apply.
a. Spend any remaining funds in the project's budget
b. Ensure all agreed upon project management processes are complete
c. Get formal recognition from stakeholders that the project is done
d. Confirm all tasks and work are complete b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager reviews documentation for the project, including the statement of work and
RACI chart. The project manager closes the vendor contract, submits all payments, and retrieves
all final deliverables from contracted workers. They send an email communication to ensure all
stakeholders are aware that the project is ending. Finally, the project manager finishes up the
project by gathering final feedback and conducting closing surveys.
What step of the closing process did the project manager skip in this scenario?
a. Refer to documentation created earlier in the project
b. Put together closing documentation, such as creating closeout reports
c. Complete any necessary follow-up work, such as gathering data and information
d. Conduct administrative closure of the procurement process b
What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.
a. Celebrate the team's success with a formal congratulations
b. Review the project's performance in respect to budget and schedule
c. Provide an evaluation of the quality of work
d. Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered b, c, d
Consider the following scenario:
The project manager needs to include several sections in the closeout report for the Janco car
company's new car series launch. First, the project manager completes the executive summary,
describing the project process and purpose. Second, they note the key accomplishments like
meeting the launch's objectives and highlighting the team's impact on the project. Third, they
identify open items like what the team didn't complete, and add improvement ideas for similar,
future projects. Fourth, they detail the next steps for follow-up projects. Fifth, they list the launch
schedule with project milestones, project on-track status, and setbacks. And sixth, they list the
project resources like the original project plan, stakeholder communications, and documents such
as user manuals on how to unload cars from delivery trucks.
Which item is the project manager missing in their closeout report?
a c
Fill in the blank: A retrospective is the best tool for reflection and _________ .
a. budgeting
b. planning
c. improvement
d. collaboration c
Which closeout report section includes topics such as things the team didn't get to work on and
ideas for changes if they had the time?
a. Executive summary
b. Open items
c. Key accomplishments
d. Lessons learned b
A project manager works with a stakeholder for months to open a community greenhouse. The
stakeholder changes their expectations and the project timeline.
What actions can the project manager take to resolve this issue? Select all that apply.
a. The project manager can establish a timeline to complete this project and propose a follow-up
b. The project manager avoids the stakeholder and continues with their original plan.
c. The project manager can review the contracts with the stakeholder to include the timeline and
the budget.
d. The project manager meets with the team to determine who is not doing their job correctly.
a, c
As a project manager, which of the following should you include in the closeout report? Select
all that apply.
a. Daily project tasks, such as a breakdown in a spreadsheet
b. Resources, such as the original project plan
c. Open items, such as ideas for changes you'd like to make
d. Key accomplishments, such as which objectives the team met b, c, d
What team considerations should the project manager focus on during the closing process?
a. Work with each team member to review the work that they did and the deadlines they missed
b. Encourage the team to review one another's work to find the weak link in the team
c. Review all project tasks to see where the team members could have been involved more
d. Build a culture that allows retrospectives so teams can collaborate and have positive changes
During what Scrum event will the Scrum Master ask questions like: What has been our average
velocity? Who on the team has any upcoming vacations or work conflicts? Who is responsible
for what Sprint tasks?
a. Sprint Review
b. Sprint Retrospective
c. Daily Scrum
d. Sprint planning d
Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work?
a. Scrum Master
b. Another teammate
c. Product Owner
d. Key stakeholder a
What does the Scrum Team reflect on during a Sprint Retrospective? Select all that apply.
a. Were the improvements in the last Sprint helpful or not?
b. What improvements are worth exploring in the next Sprint?
c. Who was at fault for not accomplishing a story?
d. What's working or not working for the team regarding the people, the processes, and the tools?
e. What updates should the team make to user stories in the next Sprint? a, b, d
Fill in the blank: When a team conducts Sprint Planning, they use the average velocity of _____
to determine how many items they can safely add to their Sprint Backlog.
a. at least three weeks
b. at least three days
c. at least three story points
d. at least three Sprints d
Why would a Scrum Team use a Kanban board? Select all that apply.
a. To visualize tasks
b. To take fewer notes
c. To make it easier to notice work-in-progress (WIP) limits
d. To give a better sense of the team's flow of work a, c, d
Utilizing tools in Scrum helps make the team fully aware of progress and updates. This embodies
which Scrum pillar?
a. Commitment
b. Inspection
c. Transparency
d. Adaptation c
As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for
each item?
a. Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the item
b. The level of effort to complete the item
c. The date the item is due
d. A set value for each item, such as dollar signs
e. A clear description from the perspective of the customer b, d, e
A Product Owner writing a user story needs the story to fit within the planned Sprint. If the user
story is too large, they break it down into multiple, scaled-down stories in order to meet which of
the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria?
a. Estimitable
b. Negotiable
c. Independent
d. Valuable
e. Small e
Which of the following typically happens during a Sprint? Select all that apply.
a. The Product Backlog is refined by the Product Owner as needed.
b. The Sprint Goal is changed by the Product Owner as needed.
c. The project scope is clarified with the Product Owner as more is learned.
d. The work quality improves—or at least stays the same—when compared to the last Sprint.
a, c, d
During the Sprint Review, what does the team unveil that demonstrates what they produced in a
given Sprint that is considered releasable?
a. product increment
b. Product Backlog
c. user story
d. acceptance criteria a
Fill in the blank: Retrospectives in Scrum happen _____ a traditional project.
a. as often as in
b. more often than in
c. less often than in b
What's the overall goal of a burndown chart?
a. Serve as a communication tool for outside stakeholders
b. Provide a way to compare productivity among teams
c. Keep the team aware of how they're doing against their goals
d. Quantify performance for individual team members c
Work in progress (WIP) limits place constraints on how many items a team works on at any
given time. What Scrum value do WIP limits encourage for a team?
a. Courage
b. Openness
c. Focus
d. Commitment c
As a Product Owner, you need to organize and visualize your Backlog. What is an example of a
tool that would make this task easier?
a. Jira or Trello
b. Zoom or Google Chat
c. Gmail or Slack
d. Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint a
How do Product Owners typically organize items in the Backlog?
a. From most to least time-consuming
b. From simplest to most complex
c. From highest to lowest priority
d. From easiest to most difficult c
Fill in the blank: As a Product Owner writing a user story, you want every task to have a clear
Definition of Done. A clear Definition of Done helps the team better understand how much effort
it will take to complete an item. Including a Definition of Done in a user story makes it _____,
one of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story-writing criteria.
a. small
b. negotiable
c. independent
d. estimable
e. valuable d
As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog for a small number of items.
You'd like your team to reach a consensus on the number of items, and you'd also like to
incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?
a. The Bucket System
b. Dot Voting
c. Planning Poker™
d. Affinity Mapping -
Which of the following may indicate a task meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.
a. The product passes all testing requirements.
b. The Product Owner accepts the story.
c. An independent peer group reviews the product.
d. The product meets half of the acceptance criteria. a, b, c
As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Retrospective, you ask the team, "Where did we notice
success?" This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?
a. Be blameless
b. Change up the format
c. Take action
d. Balance negative with positive d
What stakeholder benefit does a team provide when they have a stable velocity and refine their
Product Backlog?
a. Able to compare the team to other teams at the company
b. Know approximately how long it will take to complete the Backlog
c. Verify if the team is productive
d. Able to alter the project's goals, milestones, and deliverables b
Which of the following is a key deliverable of Sprint Planning?
a. The project charter
b. A burndown chart
c. Retrospective notes
d. The Sprint Backlog d
Fill in the blank: You can make sure your team delivers value to customers by building the right
thing, building the thing right, and _____.
a. scaling as fast as possible
b. running it cheaply
c. running it right
d. selling it right c
Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a guide that demonstrates where to go, how to get there, and what
to accomplish along the way in order to maximize value.
a. capacity roadmap
b. value roadmap
c. release roadmap
d. vision roadmap b
Fill in the blank: The product vision defines what the product is, who uses it, and how it supports
the customer's _____.
a. professional reputation
b. financial gains
c. release plan
d. business strategy d
What are some common pitfalls of making a product roadmap? Select all that apply.
a. Pressure teams to achieve deadlines no matter what it takes
b. Put more work into the roadmap than the deliverables
c. Conduct regular reviews of the roadmap with stakeholders and the team
d. Let stakeholders think the roadmap is set and unchangeable a, b, d
Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans to develop a new
learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. Which
of the following factors can potentially push back your release plan date? Select all that apply.
a. A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.
b. The school district increases the project budget and provides additional resources.
c. The Product Owner expands the project to include two additional school districts.
d. Your team realizes an epic will take more time to complete than anticipated. a, c, d
As a project manager, your organization makes a shift to Agile. To create a sense of urgency,
which questions should you ask your team about what's working, and what's not working right
a. What allows our competitors to outperform us and get their products and features to market
more quickly?
b. How can we help you become more productive and supported in your work?
c. What can we do to cut costs in our product creation and Sprint process?
d. How can we change the company's stated mission or values to better align with our work?
a, b
Imagine you are a project manager for a company that adopts a new invoicing process. To ensure
successful adoption, you schedule training sessions so each team member can develop the skills
they need to complete the process. Which of the sources of influence does this scenario
a. Structural ability
b. Structural motivation
c. Personal motivation
d. Personal ability
e. Social ability
f. Social motivation d
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing a new set design for a local news network. You
notice your team is becoming overwhelmed with critical feedback from producers. Then, your
team informs you that they no longer want to receive feedback from the producers. Which Agile
principle do these issues impact the most?
a. Business collaboration
b. Value delivery
c. Retrospectives
d. Team dynamics and culture a
What can you do to avoid making too many or unfounded product assumptions? Select all that
a. Document assumptions and make them transparent to all.
b. Ask the Product Owner to double-check and approve assumptions.
c. Conduct surveys or focus groups to double-check assumptions, where necessary.
d. Discuss assumptions as a team.
e. Reuse assumptions from similar, past projects. a, c, d
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?
a. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
b. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
c. Scrum of Scrums
d. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) c
What are the components of a typical value roadmap?
a. A product roadmap, a vision statement, and development plans
b. A product vision, a product roadmap, and release plans
c. A product vision, a mission statement, and development plans
d. A product roadmap, a mission statement, and release plans b
Which of the following are product roadmap best practices? Select all that apply.
a. Make the roadmap highly noticeable to the team and refer to it frequently.
b. Inform the team you finalized the roadmap.
c. Fine-tune delivery dates for accuracy well in advance.
d. Conduct regular reviews with sponsors, stakeholders, and the team.
e. Indicate highest priority and highest value items.
f. Make the roadmap highly visible to stakeholders. a, d, e, f
Imagine you are a project manager creating release plans for a new cloud storage service. Your
team is performing well, so you decide to push up the estimated release date. Which specific
factors do you take into account to make your decision?
a. The team's capacity and velocity
b. The team's size and the customer's budget
c. The team's willingness and work ethic
d. The team's experience and the customer's timeline a
Does a low level of interpersonal conflict mean that a team is experiencing issues?
a. Yes. A team that rarely has disagreements is not committed enough to the work.
b. No. A team that rarely has disagreements is more productive than a team that disagrees
c. Sometimes. If a team rarely has disagreements, it could mean team members don't feel safe
stating their opinions. c
What can you do to address instability when people leave and join your team frequently? Select
all that apply.
a. Ask new team members to create up-to-date project documentation before starting work.
b. Use pair programming so new team members can learn on the job.
c. Create a quick onboarding process for new team members.
d. Use financial incentives to keep team members from leaving.
e. Schedule shorter sprints so departing team members can wrap up work. b, c, e
Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to
better coordinate work on a single product across teams?
a. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
b. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
c. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
d. Scrum of Scrums d
Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.
a. A product roadmap
b. A product playbook
c. A release plan
d. A product vision
e. A mission statement a, c, d
Which of the following provides an overview of the expected product, its high-level
requirements, and an estimated schedule for reaching milestones?
a. A Product Backlog
b. A product vision
c. A product roadmap
d. A value playbook c
Imagine you're a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner
to estimate the team's capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace.
Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?
a. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
b. Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to
maintain a constant workload.
c. Stakeholders and the team developers must work together daily throughout the project.
d. At regular intervals, the development team meets to reflect on how to become more effective.
Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To
smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible
to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario
a. Leverage the six sources of influence
b. Clarify measurable results
c. Find vital behaviorsb
Imagine you are a project manager for a mobile game that is experiencing significant technical
issues. While working on the update, your team members appear unhappy and arrive at work
late. What can you do to boost morale and improve the quality of deliverables? Select all that
a. Push back the next release date to give the team more time
b. Run a team brainstorm session to identify areas for improvement
c. Take a training class on team dynamics and how to better work together
d. Change up the workflows by pairing people to work together on hard tasks
e. Require positive attitudes in team meetings b, c, d
Fill in the blank: DevOps combines software development with _____.
a. Business operations
b. Scrum operations
c. Change management operations
d. Information Technology (IT) operations d
What is the first Agile principle?
a. Satisfy the customer through value-driven delivery
b. Save the customer money through cost-driven delivery
c. Satisfy the customer through mission-driven delivery
d. Save the customer time through speed-driven delivery a
What are some of the benefits of developing and maintaining a product roadmap? Select all that
a. Teams follow a reliable plan that does not need to change
b. Teams and stakeholders understand the sequence of deliverables
c. Stakeholders meet with the Product Owner less frequently throughout the project
d. Stakeholders notice incremental value over the course of the project
e. Teams understand how their efforts relate to the project vision b, d, e
Imagine you are a project manager leading Agile adoption at an organization. Why is it
important that you find an executive sponsor to support the change? Select all that apply.
a. It guarantees an increase in the project's budget.
b. It increases your chances of successfully shifting organizational culture.
c. It helps to create a sense of ownership for the change you are creating.
d. It helps to answer your team's questions about what's working and what's not working right
now. b, c
Agile project management works well with projects that take an iterative approach. What does
this mean? Select all that apply.
a. Project deliverables improve continuously based on feedback
b. The team operates within many short blocks of time
c. The project will take longer to complete
d. Project processes are repeated many times during the life cycle of the project a, b, d
As an Agile project manager, you should value individuals and interactions over processes and
tools. What does this mean for your team? Select all that apply.
a. Improve collaboration within the team by effectively using processes and tools to drive and
facilitate your project.
b. Forgo using processes and tools in order to speed up the production process.
c. Work together with your team to help each other achieve the best outcomes possible.
d. Have brief conversations rather than long, drawn out email exchanges. a, c, d
How do Agile teams collaborate with their business partners and stakeholders to create business
value for the organization and their users? Select all that apply.
a. Work together with business people and developers throughout the project
b. Help each other achieve the best outcome
c. Gather feedback at the end of the project only
d. Welcome changing requirements a, b, d
You're the lead project manager at Office Green LLC, a commercial landscaping company
focused on interior plant design. Your company's market research team identifies a major shift to
workers setting up home offices. Your team wants to pursue this business opportunity.
The goal is to deliver their new service, called Virtual Verde, and you don't have any existing
project plans to build off of or time to do a lot of prep work. Which factors do you face? Select
all that apply.
a. Complexity
b. Uncertainty and ambiguity
c. Volatility
d. Budget constraints a, b, c
How can the VUCA concept help you decide to use Agile or Waterfall? Select all that apply.
a. It helps determine if your project needs more predictive stability than the Waterfall method
b. It helps determine if your project is too ambiguous for the Waterfall method.
c. It helps determine whether your project is too volatile for the Waterfall method.
d. It helps determine how complex your project is. b, c, d
As a project manager, what are some reasons you might choose to follow a Scrum methodology?
Select all that apply.
a. It supports and reinforces the Waterfall model.
b. It's free and open for everyone.
c. It offers a regular and predictable meeting and delivery schedule, with predefined agendas and
outcomes for the meetings.
d. It has clear roles and responsibilities for your team, but emphasizes the power of the team as a
whole. b, c, d
What are the four basic activities performed during the product development process of the XP
a. Designing, coding, testing, and listening
b. Designing, collaborating, testing, and summarizing
c. Planning, collaborating, testing, and designing
d. Planning, coding, summarizing, and developing a
Fill in the blank: To get the full benefits from Agile, you must adopt not only its processes, but
also its _____.
a. mindset
b. software
c. terminology
d. platform a
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has an initial set of requirements at kick off,
but you know this list will grow and change. Your team will work with stakeholders to prioritize
requirements as the project moves forward. What approach is the best choice for your project?
a. Scrum
b. Waterfall
c. Linear
d. Agile d
Fill in the blank: Agile project management is _____; the team operates within many short
blocks of time where deliverables will evolve and improve depending on the feedback received.
a. inflexible
b. linear
c. iterative
d. repetitive c
As a project manager, when can an Agile methodology best support your project? Select all that
a. When the project faces constraints, including costs or time
b. When the project receives feedback from diverse stakeholders, with competing interests
c. When the project may need adjustments along the way
d. When the project deliverable is not yet clear b, c, d
As an Agile project manager, why is it important to value customer collaboration over contract
negotiation? Select all that apply.
a. It encourages your team to seek out every opportunity to include the customer or stakeholder
during project execution.
b. It reinforces that customer satisfaction is the highest priority when building a high quality and
valuable product.
c. It saves your organization time and money.
d. It allows the freedom to collaborate with customers early and often. a, b, d
What does VUCA stand for?
a. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
b. Volume, uncertainty, complexity, and accuracy
c. Veracity, uncertainty, collaboration, and accountability
d. Volatility, upheaval, collaboration, and ambiguitya
In the following scenario about team management, the project manager blends which two
A team is developing a software product. During the retrospective for the last sprint, a team
member says, "I need to implement a certain feature, but I don't have much experience building
that particular feature." Someone else on the team is an expert on the feature, so the project
manager pairs them up to build the feature during the next sprint.
a. Waterfall and XP
b. Agile and Scrum
c. Scrum and Kanban
d. Scrum and XP d
Where does Scrum get its name? Select all that apply.
a. Scrum refers to a football team's huddle.
b. Scrum refers to a formation in rugby where players huddle closely together with their heads
down while trying to gain possession of the ball.
c. The purpose of the rugby scrum is for each player on the team to play their role in order to
work together and achieve their shared goal.
d. Scrum is an acronym for the processes that make up the Agile methodology. b, c
To create the most value for the customer, you ensure the customer can ask for additional
features or incremental deliveries throughout the value stream. This is an example of what Lean
methodology principle?
a. Define value
b. Establish pull
c. Create flow
d. Map value stream b
You are managing a project and your customer does not know which features they want in the
end product. How can Agile help solve your customer's problem? Select all that apply.
a. Agile helps your team frequently and quickly get customer feedback. This enables you to
make changes as needed and give your customer the product they really want.
b. Agile helps you create a product requirements document, formally-approved project plans, and
a change control board, with the aim of protecting the team from building something that the
customer doesn't want and minimizing any changes.
c. Agile enables you to produce more than one version of the product. Then, the customer can
decide which one they prefer.
d. Agile acknowledges the fact that things change and is designed to embrace these changes as
your project progresses. a, d
As a project manager, you're leading a project that has clear requirements and goals based on
mandated regulation. Which methodology is the best choice for your project?
a. Scrum
b. Iterative
c. Agile
d. Waterfall d
What does it mean to say that Agile project management takes an iterative approach? Select all
that apply.
a. The project processes are repeated
b. The team takes a subset of all the project's activities and does all the work
c. The activities are completed in a linear fashion
d. The team operates within many shorter blocks of time a, b, d
What does the Agile Manifesto mean by value delivery? Select all that apply.
a. Simplify and maximize the amount of work not done
b. Save clients as much money as possible
c. Deliver products quickly and frequently
d. Deliver highly valuable products to customers a, c, d
Waterfall and Agile include how many of the same phases and tasks?
a. None
b. A couple
c. Most
d. All c
As a Waterfall project manager, your goal is to minimize any changes that could lead to scope
creep. You want to protect your team from building something the client or stakeholders don't
want. What formal and rigorous process could you set up to safeguard against this?
a. Change Control Board
b. Formal communication freeze
c. Kanban board
d. Daily stakeholder meetingsa
In the three pillars of Scrum Theory, what does inspection refer to? Select all that apply.
a. Performing regular evaluations in order to find improvements
b. Continuously checking in on progress and deliverables to detect any undesirable changes
c. Conducting timely checks towards the outcome of a sprint goal to detect undesirable variances
d. Allowing stakeholders a look into project plans a, b, c
In Agile, what is a mission statement?
a. A short statement that explains specific tasks your team members should work on.
b. A short statement that helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
c. A short statement that shows stakeholders what your team's values are.
d. A short statement that gives your team something to work towards and stays constant
throughout the project. d
In Scrum, the Product Owner is responsible for what? Select all that apply.
a. Ensuring the product or service fulfill the customers' needs
b. Helping the Developers understand what to build
c. Coaching and facilitating Scrum events
d. Prioritizing the Product Backlog a, b, d
What are some of the tasks Product Owners are responsible for? Select all that apply.
a. Continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team
b. Ensure the team builds the right product or service
c. Ensure the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all
d. Deal with vendors and contract negotiations a, b, c
What are some of the main responsibilities of a Scrum Master? Select all that apply.
a. Coaching team members to use Agile and Scrum practices
b. Acts as the voice of the customer
c. Facilitates scrum events such as Sprint Retrospectives
d. Minimizes unhelpful interactions or interruptions coming from outside of the team a, c, d
What is the optimal size of a Development Team?
a. 5 to 20 people
b. 1 to 3 people
c. 3 to 9 people
d. 11 to 15 people c
What are the key characteristics of successful Product Owners? Select all that apply.
a. Independent
b. Customer-focused
c. Collaborative
d. Optimistic b, c, d
Scrum Teams behave according to what core values? Select all that apply.
a. Respect
b. Focus
c. Commitment
d. Dissension
e. Openness a, b, c, e
What are attributes of a project team that uses Scrum development? Select all that apply.
a. Cross-functional
b. Independent
c. Customer-oriented
d. Self-managing a, c, d
Which of the following are responsibilities that a Product Owner would typically have and a
project manager would not have? Select all that apply.
a. Create and communicate Product Backlog items
b. Timebox management
c. Monitor team performance
d. Manage stakeholders a, b
Fill in the blank: A Scrum Team should be _____, which means people with different skill sets in
the organization work together to complete the project successfully.
a. decisive
b. self-disciplined
c. cross-functional
d. organized c
What two qualities should a successful Development Team possess? Select all that apply.
a. Cross-functional
b. Independent
c. Self-organizing
d. Self-sufficient a, c
Who on the Scrum Team is responsible for meeting customers' needs and prioritizing the Product
a. Project Manager
b. Scrum Master
c. Development Team
d. Product Owner d
A team member runs into an issue within the project but they aren't sure how to fix it. They share
this problem with the team to ensure everyone is aware of the challenge they encountered.
What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
a. Openness
b. Focus
c. Commitment
d. Respect a
What is one responsibility of both a Product Owner and a project manager?
a. Timebox management
b. Product Backlog management
c. Team performance management
d. Stakeholder management d
Which two of the following statements regarding a product vision are correct?
a. A product vision makes it clear where your team's boundaries are.
b. A product vision tells your team the specific tasks they need to complete.
c. A product vision helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they're done.
d. A product vision is a short statement that stays constant throughout the project. a, c
What are a Product Owner's responsibilities? Select all that apply.
a. Clearly communicate and prioritize the Product Backlog
b. Make sure the product fulfills the customers' needs
c. Facilitate Scrum events such as the Sprint Planning and Retrospective
d. Help the team understand the overall goal and mission of the project a, b, d
What is the main difference between a Scrum Master and a project manager?
a. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a coach and facilitator to the Scrum Team
b. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a customer liaison to the Scrum Team
c. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as the main line of communication between stakeholders and the
Scrum Team
d. A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a product technical expert to the Scrum Team a
A team member is working on a very specific solution involving a new technology. Teammates
work together to speed up their progress. With their teammates' help, they get it across the finish
What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
a. Openness
b. Courage
c. Respect
d. Focus d
When using Scrum, the team repeats project processes in a timebox. What Agile term does this
approach represent?
a. Increases
b. Increments
c. Iterations
d. Inspections c
What is one difference between a project manager and Scrum Master?
a. There is no difference between the two.
b. The Scrum Master prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a project manager coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
c. The project manager prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns
responsibilities, while a Scrum Master coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them.
d. The project manager is concerned with the team's performance, while the Scrum Master is
concerned with managing the team's Backlog. c
Fill in the blank: The Product Owner's key responsibility is acting as the voice of the _____
within the team.
a. customer
b. organization
c. stakeholder
d. vendor a
What are some key skills a successful Scrum Master should have? Select all that apply.
a. Leadership
b. Budgeting
c. Coaching
d. Communication a, c, d
What are the benefits of locating a team in the same physical space (also known as co-locating)?
Select all that apply.
a. The team collaborates effectively over video conferencing platforms.
b. The team gets together quickly to get work done or solve a problem.
c. The team delivers a higher quality of work at a quicker rate.
d. The team works across time zones by coordinating schedules. b, c
Which of the following best describes why Scrum Teams refer to the Product Backlog as a living
a. The Product Owner adds items at any time.
b. The team only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
c. The Product Owner only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
d. The stakeholders can add items at any time. d
Which of the following exhibit the best practices for formatting a user story?
a. Paint the client's home because they want to increase the value of their home and protect its
exterior surface.
b. Paint the client's home to increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.
c. As the homeowner, I want my home painted, so that it increases the value of my home and
protects the exterior surfaces.
d. Paint my home because as a homeowner, it will increase its value and protect its exterior
surfaces. c
As a Product Owner doing story estimation, you tell your team to keep their initial estimate
private. This allows team members to form an independent opinion before sharing. Which
effective estimation characteristic does this refer to?
a. Avoid anchoring bias
b. Promote inclusivity
c. Lead to effort discovery
d. Build team trust a
As a Product Owner, you set the initial Sprint duration the team has to work on their items. This
refers to what Scrum concept?
a. Schedule
b. Timebox
c. Time frame
d. Interval b

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