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U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Maryland; and
U.S. Army Physical Fitness School, Fort Benning, Georgia

ABSTRACT KEY WORDS exercise, fitness, calisthenics, dumbbell, pro-

gressive overload
Knapik, JJ, Rieger, W, Palkoska, F, Van Camp, S, and Darakjy, S.
United States Army physical readiness training: rationale
and evaluation of the physical training doctrine. J Strength

Cond Res 23(4): 1353–1362, 2009—This paper reviews the raditionally, physical fitness has been emphasized
rationale and evaluations of Physical Readiness Training (PRT), as a critical element in the success of military
operations (9,41,44,46) because the occupational
the new U.S. Army physical training doctrine designed to
tasks that soldiers perform frequently require
improve soldiers’ physical capability for military operations.
a high level of physical effort (14,22,24,27,54,55). Physical
The purposes of PRT are to improve physical fitness, prevent
fitness is increased by physical training of the proper mode,
injuries, progressively train soldiers, and develop soldiers’ self- frequency, duration, and intensity (1,38). However, physical
confidence and discipline. The PRT follows the principles of training also has its downside: as the amount of physical
progressive overload, regularity, specificity, precision, variety, activity increases, so do injury rates (23,35,36,42,49,57).
and balance. Specificity was achieved by examining the Injuries can result in physical limitations and disability, which
standard list of military (warrior) tasks and determining 1) the compromise military readiness. A critical goal of military
physical requirements, 2) the fitness components involved, physical training is balancing the need to improve and
and 3) the training activities that most likely could improve maintain a high fitness level while minimizing injury risk.
the military tasks. Injury-prevention features include reduced The U.S. Army Physical Fitness School (USAPFS) has
running mileage, exercise variety (cross-training), and gradual, responsibility for developing physical training doctrine in
the U.S. Army. During the last 7 years, the USAPFS has
progressive training. In 3 military field studies, the overall
redesigned Army physical training; this new program is called
adjusted risk of injury was 1.5–1.8 times higher in groups of
Physical Readiness Training (PRT). In 2001, USAPFS asked
soldiers performing traditional military physical training pro-
the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion to evaluate the
grams when compared with groups using a PRT program. influence of this new physical training program on injuries
Scores on the Army Physical Fitness Test were similar or higher and physical fitness. Since that time, PRT has been evaluated
in groups using PRT programs. In an 8-week laboratory study in 3 Army environments (Basic Combat Training ½BCT,
comparing PRT with a weightlifting/running program, both Ordnance Advanced Individual Training ½AIT, and an
programs resulted in major improvements in militarily relevant operational infantry unit) and in 1 laboratory study. The
tasks (e.g., 3.2-km walk/run with 32-kg load, 400-m run with 18- purposes of this paper are to 1) provide the rationale for PRT
kg load, 5- to 30-second rushes to and from prone position, 80- and 2) describe the results of the fitness and injury evaluations
kg casualty drag, obstacle course). When compared with of PRT as it was introduced into the military.
traditional military physical training programs, PRT consistently PURPOSES OF PHYSICAL READINESS TRAINING
resulted in fewer injuries and in equal or greater improvements
The purposes of PRT are to improve physical fitness, prevent
in fitness and military task performance.
injuries, progressively train soldiers, and develop soldiers’ self-
confidence and discipline (3).
Physical Fitness
Address correspondence to Joseph Knapik, Physical fitness has been defined in a number of ways
23(4)/1353–1362 (6,7,16,21,43,47,58), but a simple definition that incorporates
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research many aspects of the others is that physical fitness is a set of
Ó 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association attributes that allow the performance of physical activity (43).

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 | 1353

U.S. Army Physical Training Rationale and Evaluation

The attributes or components of physical fitness have been training. A number of studies of runners and individuals in
determined through factor analytic studies that provide basic military training have shown that longer running
construct validity for the fitness concept (11,34). Fitness mileage is associated with a higher injury incidence
components were determined by providing individuals with (23,35,36,42,49,52). Studies in 3 military services have shown
a broad array of physical performance tests for which that reducing running mileage can reduce injury incidence
quantitative measures could be obtained. Correlational and without compromising improvements in aerobic fitness
factor analytic techniques were used to assemble the tests (23,52,57). An analysis of these military studies suggests that
into groups having commonality. After a long series of the total running mileage in the 9-week Army BCT program
studies, a number of components were identified, although can be about 25 miles (33), especially in groups of trainees
different authors categorized these components somewhat who are in the lower half of the distribution of aerobic fitness
differently because of the types of tests involved in the levels for recruits first entering military service. Improve-
different studies (8,11–13,20,45,61). For example, a factor ments in aerobic fitness are achieved with both interval
related to cardiovascular endurance could not emerge if there training and long-distance running. This low running mileage
was no long-term endurance activity, which was the case in also must be viewed in light of the fact that recruits perform
studies before 1972. Table 1 provides the components of additional occupational running (not part of routine physical
physical fitness and their definitions assembled from training) through obstacle, confidence, and bayonet courses
a number of sources (7,8,11,16,20,47). and perform lower-intensity aerobic endeavors such as drill
The USAPFS has simplified the components of fitness and ceremony, foot marches out to training areas, and other
to strength, endurance, and mobility, in consonance with activities. Running distances for each week of basic training
others (20). Endurance refers to cardiorespiratory endurance, and the rationale for these distances have been presented
whereas the strength concept incorporates muscular strength, previously (33). Less certain at this point are the running
muscular endurance (anaerobic endurance), and power. distances that are desirable for soldiers in operational units
Mobility is movement proficiency and is considered the who have already achieved a baseline level of aerobic fitness.
skilled application of strength and endurance to occupational Another potential injury reduction feature is the variety of
tasks. The mobility concept incorporates balance, flexibility, exercises in the program. There are no studies indicating that
coordination, speed, and agility. Physical fitness improve- exercise variety will reduce injuries, but sports medicine
ments in the PRT program are achieved through drills professionals often endorse ‘‘cross-training’’ for this purpose
(described later) designed to improve the individual com- (56). The cross-training concept simply involves alternating
ponents of fitness. different types of exercises on different days. Exercises are
different in the sense that they involve different energy
Injury Prevention systems (aerobic, anaerobic) or different muscle groups in
Another purpose of PRT is to prevent injuries. Injury- alternating training sessions. Reducing the repetitive use of
prevention measures include reduced running mileage, energy systems or muscle groups may allow more time for
a greater variety of exercises, and enforced progressive recovery and reduce the probability of overuse injuries.

TABLE 1. Components of physical fitness.

Fitness Fitness
component subcomponent Definition

Endurance Cardiorespiratory
endurance Ability of a muscle group to sustain external forces for long periods of time
Strength Muscular strength Maximal force exerted by a muscle group in a single voluntary contraction
Muscular endurance Ability of a muscle group to exert external forces for a short period of time
Power Ability to exert force in a short period of time
Mobility Flexibility Range of motion achieved at a joint
Balance Maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving
Speed Ability to perform movements in a short period of time
Agility Ability to change the position of the entire body in space with speed and
Coordination Ability to use the senses, such as seeing or hearing, together with the body parts
in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately

Adapted from Corbin et al. (8), Hogan (20), and Pate (47).

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Progressive Training armor, artillery, engineering, aircrew, electronics, communi-

Progressive training is both an injury-prevention feature and cation, health care, administration, mechanical, and craft-
a training feature of PRT. Progressive training involves the work, just to mention a few. In the current environment,
prescriptive, gradual introduction of exercise stress to allow overseas deployments and returns from these deployments
steady adaptations to higher levels of physical performance (redeployments) are facts of military life and must be
(43). The PRT activities are prescriptive. The training considered in physical training programs.
activities, drill repetitions, and running distances are carefully
laid out for the trainer in each training session. The PRT
Regularity means training frequently and on a set schedule.
activities are gradual because they are introduced slowly and
Regularity is achieved by a physical training doctrine that
repetitions are increased gradually over multiple training
requires enforced regular physical training at least 3 times per
sessions. For example, running mileage in BCT is increased
week. Training leaders are encouraged to train the compo-
steadily on a measured schedule (33), and the number
nents of physical fitness up to 5 times per week. Training
of speed running repetitions is increased similarly (29).
schedules are provided in military publications to achieve this
Although the principle of progressive training is endorsed by
level of training (3,48).
trainers and exercise physiologists (4,43,60), few studies have
tested this principle for its injury reduction potential. One Specificity
study (51) did attempt to examine a gradual vs. sudden Specificity means training to improve the occupational tasks
increase in running mileage, but the group involved in the soldiers perform. Specificity was achieved by attempting to
gradual mileage increase also ran fewer miles, confounding match military tasks (warrior tasks) to specific physical
the effects of progressive training alone. training activities and specific physical fitness components.
Self-Confidence and Discipline Military (warrior) tasks are those military activities required of
Another purpose of PRT is to develop soldier self-confidence all soldiers (39). Tables 2 and 3 provide examples of how
and discipline. Fitness has been shown to be related to self- military tasks were matched to fitness components and
confidence and self-discipline (19,37). Individuals who main- training activities. Table 2 shows the required military urban
tain fitness tend to be more self-confident, self-disciplined, operation skills of ‘‘movement’’ and ‘‘entry technique,’’ and
psychologically resilient, and competitive (19). Discipline Table 3 shows the military task of shooting. Each task has
also is enhanced by having soldiers exercise in large groups to several subtasks. A panel of subject matter experts rated each
very precise standards. subtask on a 3-point scale as to the fitness components
involved and also determined whether or not a specific PRT
PHYSICAL READINESS TRAINING PRINCIPLES activity might improve task performance. Discrepancies were
The PRT follows the exercise principles of progressive resolved by consensus. Figure 1 is a more dynamic example
overload, regularity, and specificity as previously defined of how a specific military activity (exiting a vehicle) was
(43,48,50,60). Additional principles developed by the linked to a specific physical training activity (the high
USAPFS include precision, variety, and balance (3,48). jumper). Figure 2 provides another example.

Progressive Overload Precision, Variety, Balance

Progressive overload is achieved by the prescriptive, gradual Precision involves exact execution of the exercises so that the
training program designed around the U.S. Army military most beneficial stress can be imparted to the muscles, bones,
training cycle. This military training cycle takes a civilian and and joints (5,10,30). Variety (also an injury-prevention
integrates that individual into the military through education measure) is achieved by providing a wide range of training
and experiences in BCT, AIT, and multiple deployments exercises to avoid boredom and to allow for better recovery
and redeployments in operational Army units. Individuals (56). Balance has a double meaning, ensuring that 1) fitness
entering the U.S. Army begin their careers by completing components are considered to the extent that they are
BCT, in which they acquire basic soldering skills including an involved in military tasks and 2) antagonistic muscle groups
introduction to Army physical training. In BCT, PRT involves (e.g., hamstrings/quadriceps) are exercised (25,32,59).
fundamental and easily performed physical training tasks
(e.g., calisthenics, dumbbell drills, climbing drills, running). PHYSICAL READINESS TRAINING DRILLS
Progressive overload is accomplished by increasing the num- The PRT involves minimal equipment and is designed to be as
ber of repetitions of each exercise and by increasing the deployable as the soldier so that the program can be used in any
complexity and difficulty of the exercises (e.g., log drills) as the environment in which the soldier operates. The major PRT
individual advances from BCT to AIT and into operational exercises and drills are shown in Tables 2 and 3 under the
military units. In AIT, soldiers learn their military occupa- columns headed ‘‘PRT activities.’’ The PRT activities were
tional specialty. In operational units, soldiers use the skills organized into groups of ‘‘drills’’ that involved similar types of
and knowledge they have acquired in training and may be movements. The exact exercises involved in each drill are
assigned to a very wide array of units including infantry, described in a publication (3) and are available online at

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 | 1355

TABLE 2. An example of matching military (warrior) tasks (urban operations skills) to fitness components and physical training activities.

Fitness component Physical Readiness Training activity

Joint urban Physical Guerrilla Climbing Speed Shuttle Log Obstacle
Military task operation skill requirement Strength Endurance Mobility Calisthenics drills Dumbbells drills running running drills Stretching course
Movement Cross open Sprint, crouch 3 1 2 X X X X X X
Move between Sprint, crouch 3 1 2 X X X X X X
Move parallel Sprint, crouch, 3 1 3 X X X X X X
to building step/jump
Move past Enter/exit, prone 3 1 3 X X X X X
window position
Move around Climb wall, roll, 3 1 2 X X X X X
corners land
Cross a wall Sprint, crouch 3 1 2 X X X X X X X X X
Use a Sprint, enter/exit 3 1 3 X X X X X X
doorway prone, kneel
U.S. Army Physical Training Rationale and Evaluation

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Subtotal (SME 21 7 17
Entry Upper building Carry/lift ladder, 3 1 3 X X X X X X X
technique levels climb ladder,
pull, lift/support
Use of Throw, pull, 3 1 3 X X X X X X X
grappling ascend rope
Scaling walls Climb rope, hook 3 1 2 X X X X X X X
leg over
window sill
Rappelling Lower body 2 1 3 X X X
Entry at lower Exit prone, sprint, 3 1 2 X X X X X X X X
levels lift/pull another
Use of hand Overhand/ 2 1 3 X X X X X
grenades underhand
Subtotal (SME 16 6 15
Total (SME 37 13 32

Numbers under fitness components indicate subject matter expert (SME) ratings for the contribution of a particular fitness component to a particular physical requirement; marks
under Physical Readiness Training activities indicate SME’s opinion that activity assists in improving the physical requirement of the skill. The SME ratings are based on a 3-point scale in
which higher numbers indicate higher scores.
TABLE 3. An example of matching a military (warrior) task (shoot a weapon) to fitness components and physical training activities.

Fitness component Physical Readiness Training activity

Guerrilla Climbing Speed Shuttle Log Obstacle

Military task: shoot Physical requirement Strength Endurance Mobility Calisthenics drills Dumbbells drills running running drills Stretching course

Qualify with assigned Stand/sit/lie prone, 1 1 2 X X

weapon hold weapon
Correct malfunction Stand/sit/lie prone, 1 1 2 X X
with assigned fine motor
weapon manipulation
Engage targets Stand/sit/lie prone 1 1 2 X X
with M16, M240,
and M60
Engage targets Stand/lie 2 1 2 X X X
with M249 SAW prone/hyperextend
Engage targets Stand/lie 2 1 2 X X X
with M2 prone/hyperextend
0.50-caliber MG back
Engage targets with Stand/lie 2 1 2 X X X
MK-19 40-mm MG prone/hyperextend
Correct malfunction Stand/lie 2 1 2 X X X
of MG prone/hyperextend

back/fine motor
Engage target using Stand/sit/lie prone 1 1 2 X X
night vision sight
Engage target using Stand/sit/lie prone 1 1 2 X X
an aiming light
Employ mines and Fine 1 1 2 X X
hand grenades motor/crouch/throw
Total (SME ratings) 14 10 20

Numbers under fitness components indicate subject matter expert (SME) ratings for the contribution of a particular fitness component to a particular physical requirement; marks
under Physical Readiness Training activities indicate SME’s opinion that Physical Readiness Training activity assists in improving the physical requirement of the skill. The SME ratings
are based on a 3-point scale in which higher numbers indicate higher scores.
SAW = squad automatic weapon; MG = machine gun.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 |

U.S. Army Physical Training Rationale and Evaluation

Some PRT drills are designed

to improve a single fitness
component, whereas other
drills are designed to improve
a wider array of fitness compo-
nents. Examples of drills tar-
geted to a single fitness
component are stretching drills
designed primarily for flexibility
improvement and long-dis-
tance and speed running de-
signed primarily to improve
cardiorespiratory endurance.
Fitness components enhanced
by multiple drills include
strength, which is improved
by dumbbell drills, climbing
drills, certain calisthenic exer-
cise (e.g., forward lunges, back-
ward lunges), climbing drills,
and certain calisthenic exercises
(e.g., push-ups, mountain
climber); agility, which is en-
hanced by shuttle running and
certain obstacle course events;
and balance and coordination,
which are developed by precise
execution of calisthenic exer-
cises, by movement drills, and
by certain obstacle/confidence
course events.

There have now been a series of
3 field evaluations that have
compared PRT against tradi-
tional Army physical training.
There is also 1 laboratory in-
vestigation that compared PRT
against an aerobic and weight
training program.
The first evaluation of PRT
(31) was conducted during the
9 weeks of BCT. A PRT group
Figure 1. Example of linking a military operational task to a physical training event. The top picture shows soldiers
exiting a vehicle. The text and picture below show the high jumper exercise, which duplicates some of the motion
(n = 1284) performed calis-
involved in exiting vehicles. thenics, dumbbell drills, guer-
rilla drills, interval training, and
long-distance running. A con- The pro- trol group (n = 1296) conducted a more traditional physical
gram can be subdivided further into on-ground tasks (e.g., training program consisting of stretching, calisthenics, sit-up
running, calisthenics, guerrilla drills), off-ground tasks (e.g., and push-up practice, and ability group running. Injuries were
climbing drills, conditioning obstacle courses, confidence evaluated by examining the medical records of all partic-
obstacle courses), and combatives (close, medium, long-range). ipants for overuse injuries defined operationally as those
Combative activities are described in another publication (2). presumed to involve repetitive microtrauma (e.g., stress
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Figure 2. Example of linking a military operational task to a physical training event. The top picture shows a soldier after executing lunge and ending up in a squat
position. The text and picture below show the forward lung exercise, which duplicates some of the motion involved in the lung and squat.

fractures, stress reactions, bursitis, fasciitis, tendonitis). 2 minutes, and a 2-mile run for time. ‘‘Passing’’ criteria for the
Physical fitness was measured with the Army Physical APFT are age- and gender adjusted (48). Both groups had
Fitness Test (APFT), which involves the maximum number a total of 34 physical training sessions. At the end of the 9-
of push-ups in 2 minutes, the maximum number of sit-ups in week BCT cycle and after adjusting for covariates known to

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 | 1359

U.S. Army Physical Training Rationale and Evaluation

influence injuries, men in the control group had an injury risk (n = 467). At the end of the 9-week evaluation, systematic
1.5 times higher (95% confidence interval ½CI = 1.0–2.1) than medical records screening indicated that control group
men in the PRT group; women in the control group had an soldiers were 1.2 (95% CI = 0.9–1.7) times more likely to
injury risk 1.4 times higher (95% CI = 1.1–1.8) than women in suffer an overuse injury and 1.4 (95% CI = 1.0–2.0) times
the PRT group. There were no differences between the PRT more likely to experience a lower-extremity overuse injury.
and control group in the proportion of trainees passing the Fitness differences were not evaluated.
initial APFTgiven at the start of training; however, on the final It should be noted that all of these evaluations were
APFT, the PRT group had a higher pass rate than the control conducted while PRT was being phased into Army physical
group (83 vs. 75%, p , 0.01). training. The PRTgroups were those that were trained on the
Thus, on the first investigation injury risk was lower and new techniques early during the phase-in process, whereas
APFT scores were higher in the PRT group. However, the control groups were those that were required to phase in PRT
Army leadership expressed some concern over the cost and later but were using traditional training at the time of the
logistics associated with some of the drills and desired evaluations. Thus, subjects were not randomized into groups.
a second investigation to verify the results of the first. The Further, the Ordnance School evaluation involved a multiple
PRT program was modified based on lessons learned in the intervention program that included injury-prevention educa-
first investigation, input from the military leadership, and tion for the training cadre, a weekly injury report, and
feedback from the trainers. In another study (29), a PRTgroup a monthly injury-prevention meeting, besides the training
(n = 829) was compared with a control group (n = 1138) that program. Despite these potential confounders, all 4 studies
implemented a traditional BCT physical training program were consistent in showing that injury rates were lower or
that was similar to the program in the previous BCT study. tended to be lower in the PRT program when compared with
This time, injury data were obtained from a medical traditional Army physical training programs. The 2 basic
surveillance system that collected injuries as ICD-9 codes training studies (29,31) indicated that APFT pass rates were
and specific codes were used to define injuries (28). After higher in the PRT group, but there were no group fitness
adjusting for covariates known to influence injuries, men in differences in the Ordnance AIT evaluation (26), and fitness
the control group had an injury risk 1.6 times greater (95% differences were not assessed in the infantry evaluation.
CI = 1.2–2.0) than men in the PRT group; women in the A laboratory study (15,17,18) compared a group using PRT
control group had an injury risk 1.5 times greater (95% CI = (n = 17) with a group performing weight training, running,
1.2–1.8) than women in the PRT group. There were no group interval training, agility drills, and progressively loaded hikes
differences in the proportion of trainees passing the initial (n = 15). The programs were conducted for 8 weeks, 5 dwk21,
APFT, but, on the final APFT, pass rates were higher for the for 1.5 hd21. Pre- and posttest measures were designed to
PRT group (84 vs. 88%, p = 0.02). Thus, the results of this simulate occupational military tasks and included 1) a 3.2-km
investigation generally confirm the first BCT evaluation. run with a 32-kg backpack load, 2) a 400-m run with an 18-kg
Another investigation was conducted in an Ordnance AIT backpack load, 3) an obstacle course, 4) 5 3 30-m rushes to
unit (26). A historical control group (n = 2259) was compared and from the prone position, 5) an 80-kg casualty drag across
with an intervention group (n = 1283). The intervention 50 m, 6) a standing vertical jump, 7) a standing horizontal
group conducted the PRT program, and the historical control jump, and 8) a 3.2-km unloaded run. Additional pre-post
group performed a traditional Army physical training pro- measures included a treadmill V_ O2max and body composi-
gram consisting of stretching, calisthenics, push-up/sit-up tion assessment using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
exercises, and running. Trainers in the intervention group (DEXA). Both groups improved significantly on all simulated
were also given a special injury-prevention training course, occupational military tasks, and improvements did not differ
were provided with weekly injury rates, and participated in between groups except on the obstacle course, on which the
an injury advisory committee that met on a monthly basis to PRT group’s performance improvement was significantly
discuss injury problems. At the completion of the 9-month greater (16 vs. 10%). The V_ O2max and DEXA body com-
intervention period, and after adjusting for known injury risk position changes were not different between groups. Thus,
factors, men in the control group had an injury risk 1.5 times similar improvements were obtained with both programs
greater (95% CI = 1.2–1.8) than men in the PRT group; despite considerably less equipment involvement with the
women in the control group had an injury risk 1.8 times PRT program.
greater (95% CI = 1.1–2.8) than women in the PRTgroup. On
the final APFT, pass rates were not different between the FUTURE FOCUS
PRT and control groups (80 vs. 82%, respectively; p = 0.17). Developing efforts in PRT focus on further increasing the
Most recently, PRT was evaluated in an infantry unit fitness of soldiers once they reach their operational units and
preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. In this evaluation, how to cycle or periodize physical training in light of the
a battalion of male soldiers (n = 477) using the PRT program frequent deployments in which soldiers now participate.
was compared with a battalion of male soldiers using Emerging research has demonstrated that losses in fitness are
a traditional but highly varied physical training program much less than expected in some types of deployments. It was
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