Alternate Sealed Beast (Draft)

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Copyright Holder: Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Viz Media,

Shonen Jump and all affiliated partners
Art: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
Cover Illustrator: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
Interior Illustrators: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
System Creator: Kingsare4ever (Tommie)
Editor: Batasi “A"
Re-Balancer: Batasi “A”
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura

Realizing and developing your connection to a Sealed
Beast is a slow-going process often filled with conflict
for control or maybe a path towards understanding your
companion. Generally, having a Sealed Beast is seen as a
burden, though one that conveniently gives great power.
Power which possessing a god, alien, eldritch horror, etc.
would naturally result in. The origins of your Sealed
Beast could be an accidental pact with the dark idiot gods
from beyond the observable universe, the combined past
lives of your ancestors and all their experiences, an
alternate personality that possesses suppressed power, a
developing artificial intelligence that turns your bio
mass into nanomachines, an ancient demon god and so
many other things. How a jinchūriki, a bearer of a Sealed
Beast, is viewed by the world, varies dramatically from
setting to setting. Even the origins of a Sealed Beast, how
they are sealed, and their powers, can vary greatly and in
no way should be limited in origin to the canonical
Tailed Beasts, which could be viewed as simple animals
with immense power.
A Sealed Beast is a tool that can be used for both plot &
mechanical relevance. Both the DM and the Player can
benefit from including this into the narrative. The Sealed
Beast has been designed to fit into any story. This is a
powerful class mod and should not be handed out freely
without careful consideration into enemy choice, team
composition and campaign power levels.
Gaining a Sealed Beast should always be a struggle and
filled with trials and tribulations and should not be
something that is planned for without some level of
story contrivance. This advancement and power are not
something that should come easy, or should be planned
for, this power should only come as the result of a major
emotionally traumatic event in the character’s life or a
twist on something that happened in their past. As there
is no direct path to attaining it, the decision for when it’s
unlocked is wholly in the hands of the DM and/or players
as they build the world.
Leveling up a Sealed Beast is not a particularly difficult
task, which is part of what makes it so powerful. The
Sealed Beast can be present inside a character from even
the first level. However, as time progresses, how much
access a character has to their Sealed Beast grows as the
seal containing them slowly weakens, along with the
power available to the character. This Class Mod levels
up congruently with a player’s character level.

When you finally gain the Sealed Beast Class Mod, you
gain the following class mod features.
Beginning at the first level of the Sealed Beast Class
mod, you either realize, or come into contact with this
dormant beast within you for the first time. This beast
should start out as extraordinarily hostile towards you,
either because of a natural hate towards humans or
simply because you hold them captive and make them
powerless. At this point, you finally get to see the beast
up close and are able to discern its racial traits. Select the
type of beast inside you. Work with your DM so that this
choice goes along with the narrative being put forth. The
beast within you can potentially provide you with a
series of unique benefits based on its type. While you and
the DM will be the final decision makers in regards to
what is sealed inside you. You do have some leeway in
how that beast will benefit you mechanically.


The term Beast is a general term used to discern the nature
of the creature or entity sealed inside you. This entity can be
called anything you and your table wishes, but for the
purpose of this class mod description it will be described as
a beast. The below choices are common types of things that
would be sealed within a shinobi for a variety of reasons.
Some of these choices are not canon to the Naruto Manga or
Anime, but instead potential tropes from other Anime within
the Shonen Genre.
When choosing a Sealed Beast within you, you do not
need to go with the core beast type. The below are examples
and purely a guide. You may instead want a Necrotic Angel,
an Elemental Monstrosity or even a Divine Sage Beast.

A celestial creature. A heavenly figure. Divine power. This is
an Angel in all its glory. But this angel within you may have
been captured and restrained by the forces that be, and you
happened to be the sacrifice to house or store this
incomprehensible divine power. This beast wishes to escape
back to its own domain by any means. While it may not
inherently want its host dead. It also will not actively work
against its own self-interest in regards to getting free.
• Your Twisted Chakra has a white, golden, or some other
bright color hue to it.
• Your Twisted Chakra Cloak takes on an angelic form with
Wings and other angelic qualities.
• Your Twisted Chakra Cloak grants you the Celestial
creature type, in addition to humanoid.
• Your Vermilion Arts takes on a holy feel to them.

CONSTRUCT • Your Twisted Chakra is a primal and wildly powerful
Elementals, Artificial beings, Mechanical Engines, and other source of strength. Your chakra gains a wild, untamed and
beasts that constitute a non-organic make up. This primal feel to it. It may take on a brown, green, grey or
Construct within you was specifically designed to be a yellow hue to it.
weapon of mass destruction. A tool of unrivaled power. An • Your Twisted Chakra Cloak takes on the shape of the
engine of devastation. This Construct was placed inside you Monstrosity inside you. It becomes more solid. More real.
to incubate. Your use of this construct grants it the More alive the stronger your chakra cloak becomes,
experience needed to accomplish its goals one day. This gaining more defining features of the monstrosity.
beast doesn’t have a wish. It doesn’t want or need as much • Your Twisted Chakra Cloak grants you the monstrosity
as it has a primary directive. It cannot be reasoned with, nor creature type, in addition to humanoid.
does it have any rational outside of its primary directives. • Your Vermilion Arts becomes primal in nature. Harboring

• Your Twisted Chakra has a more artificial feel to it, the power of the world itself. When used it feels like the
world itself is fighting alongside you.
resulting in unnatural colors and hues. Your chakra
moves in a less fluid way, instead moving in purely
geometric methods such as triangles or squares.
A beast who has no physical form. A specter. A Ghoul. A
• Your Twisted Chakra Cloak takes on a shape exactly like
Phantom. A spirit who does not belong on this side. This
what the final form of the Sealed Construct is within you.
beast is one who’s strength and power has posed an
Whether that be an Elemental or a pseudo mechanical
existential threat to the living. A long dead shinobi or
Samurai’s spirit. The soul of a demon. The soul of an
• Your Twisted Chakra Cloak grants you the Construct
Ōtsutsuki. The spirit of a long dead deity. This Phantasm
creature type, in addition to humanoid.
very existence brings threat of destruction by its very
• Your Vermilion Arts has a geometric, non-natural feel to
nature. These Phantasm’s are usually only sealable within
the bodies of strong spirited individuals. Those who’s wills

DEMON may be powerful enough to stave off the attempted

possessions by the Phantasm. While this phantasm maybe
A Yokai, An Abyssal Fiend, A Kappa, A Devil from the
the spirit of such a person or creature, it does not house any
deepest reaches of the underworld or a corrupted individual
of their previous ambitions, feelings, goals, or restrictions.
who’s been consumed by the Celestial Doctrine of Yomi
This Phantasm carries the face and lingering memories of
(Underworld). This Beast is one you may be familiar with
that person, but not their humanity. It wants nothing more
from the series proper of Naruto. Massive engines of death
than to return to the world of the living, even if it has to
and destruction. These beasts harbor unmatched power,
wear you as its new skin.
chakra, force, and authority. This beast may have been
placed inside you, for you to act as a prison for one of these • Your Twisted Chakra is ethereal in nature. Carrying the
beasts. To keep it locked away so the current generation no power of the spirit currently sealed inside you. Its past
longer needs to deal with it. You have been used as a stop strength is your new strength.
gap between the previous generation and the next. This • Your Twisted Chakra Cloak takes on an ethereal look and
beast wants nothing more than to escape. Threatening you, forms a shell that has a similar silhouette to the spirits
urging you to use its power. Begging you to just die so it can pass life.
be free. This beast is generally the most hostile. • Your Twisted Chakra Cloak grants you the Undead creature

• Your Twisted Chakra is wild and sinister. It has an air of

type, in addition to humanoid.
• Your Vermilion Arts become ethereal in nature. Harboring
destruction and power behind it. Your chakra may become
a ghastly power that carries the memories of the spirit
more hostile in its color palette; Red, Orange, Black, Dark
inside you. You may garner some of these memories
Green etc.
• Your Twisted Chakra Cloak takes on the shape of the beast
through use.
inside you. It may take you through a series of stages.
Growing tails, wings, arms, legs, heads etc.
A rogue Sage Toad from Mount Myōboku, a hyper
• Your Twisted Chakra Cloak grants you the Demon creature
dangerous Sage Snake from Ryūchi Cave. These beasts are
type, in addition to humanoid.
extremely powerful and on rare occasions cannot be
• Your Vermilion Arts has a wild and sinister feel to them.
reasoned with or stopped by normal means. So, sealing
People in the presence of these arts generally do not feel
them away becomes the best and only viable option.
• Your Twisted Chakra is Sage like in nature. Carrying the
MONSTROSITY unique traits of Raw Nature Energy in its purest form.
A beast born out of an Abnormal marriage of nature and Your power is the raw power most sages strive after.
circumstance. A Tarrasque, a Chimera, an Androsphinx. A • Your Twisted Chakra Cloak takes on a regal and Sage like
mistake (or curse) born of the world itself. A creature of this look. This chakra wraps itself into a shape that closely
type was sealed away as a last-ditch effort to keep its power resembles the Sage beast inside you
in check. You just happen to be the only one those in power • Your Twisted Chakra Cloak grants you the Sage Beast
were willing to sacrifice at the time. These beasts do not creature type, in addition to humanoid.
have rationales or even language. They are a mix of both • Your Vermilion Arts have a powerful calm attached to
intelligent and primal creatures who are scared, angry, and them. People in the presence of these arts generally feel a
driven by the primal need to escape. You may be able to take since of hope or despair depending on how this is used.
advantage of their situation, the more you take from them,
the more room they have to fight back. These beasts while
hostile, are not intentionally so. Their hostility comes from
their primal instincts reacting as if they were a caged bird.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Beginning at
1st level of this Class Mod, you’ve first learned how to access
the beast inside. When you fall to 0 hit points, see an ally or
close friend reduced to 0 hit points, or experience extreme
grief (Player + DM discretion), your emotional turmoil
grants you access to your mind palace. Here you can contact
your captive and either ask for or force out their power.

Twisted Chakra is the virtually bottomless source of chakra
available to the Sealed Beast. This vast well of chakra is
seemingly ever present, and a definite additional resource
for hosts to draw from. You begin with 0 access to this
chakra as your sealed beast has not given you access to
your own pool of it.
As a free action when you trigger Desperate Times, you
enter your mind palace, a place of mental serenity that
both you and your sealed beast inhabit, while in this mind
palace, the passage of time of delayed. For every hour of
time, you remain in this mind palace, 6 seconds passes in
real time. While here, you can communicate with your
sealed beast and begin to either bargain for or forcefully
draw out their vast reserve of chakra.
Beginning at 1st level of this class mod, regardless of the
method used below to gain Twisted Chakra, your Twisted
Chakra pool maximum, can never be more than 200 times
your level in this class mod. Twisted Chakra you use from
your Twisted Chakra pool, must be spent it first before
spending your own chakra. You cannot access Twisted
Chakra outside of Desperate Rage and Controlled Rage.

If you are bargaining for this chakra, make a Bargain
Check, using your Charisma ability modifier. You cannot
gain the benefit of any bonus to Charisma or this check
outside of this Class Mod. The DC for Bargaining is
calculated as follows;
Bargain DC = 10 – Sealed Companion Level
On a success, your beast becomes willing to grant you 30
Twisted Chakra for you to access for the duration of the
Desperate Times class mod feature, which is known as a
single Batch. You gain additional Batches of chakra equal to
the difference between your roll and the Bargain DC. For
every two Batches you gain with the Bargain Check, you
increase your Bargain DC by +1. You can spend a week of
Downtime reducing your Sealed Beasts annoyance towards
you and your weakness to reduce the Bargain DC by 1.

If you are forcefully drawing out their vast reserve of
chakra, make a Withdraw Check, using Constitution ability
modifier. You cannot gain the benefit of any bonus to
Constitution or this check outside this Class Mod. The DC
for Withdrawing is calculated as follows;
Withdraw DC = 12 - Sealed Beast Level
On a success, your beast is forced to grant you one Batch
of Twisted chakra against its will for the duration of your
Desperate Times. Doing this will forcefully draw out
chakra from the Sealed Beast within you, but it may make
it more hostile towards you. Each batch of Twisted Chakra
gained this way is instead equal to 20 Twisted Chakra. You
can choose to gain additional Batches of chakra up to the
difference between your roll and the Withdraw DC. For
every Batch you gain with the Withdraw Check increase
your Bargain DC by 1. You can spend 5 weeks of Downtime
to reduce the Bargain DC by 1.

For every two Batches of Twisted Chakra you gain with a
Withdraw or Bargain Check, you gain 1 Seal Bleed. For every
10 Seal Bleed you have, you decrease your Withdraw DC by 1.
Seal Bleed cannot be restored by any means outside of this
class mod feature.
You do learn how to reduce damage the seal takes by
fixing the seal ever so slightly by using your knowledge of
Fuinjutsu. When you would gain the benefit of 1 week of
Downtime, you may spend this time repairing the seal. You
or a willing creature must make two checks, and must pass
both in order to successfully repair the seal’s bleed. If
another creature makes the checks, your Downtime is still
spent. You must succeed a Constitution (Chakra control)
check and an Intelligence (Ninshou) check vs a DC 20. You
cannot gain the benefit of any bonuses to these checks
outside this Class Mod. If you succeed in both checks. Roll
2d4 reducing the amount of Seal Bleed you have
accumulated. If at any time your Seal Bleed surpasses the
maximum allowed by your Class Mod table, your Seal fails
and your Sealed Beast is released, resulting in your death.
If you have acquired 20 or more Seal Bleed at any time,
your seal has become damaged beyond repair. Your Seal
Bleed cannot be reduced below 10. If you have had 30 or
more Seal Bleed at any time your seal bleed cannot be
reduced below 20 and if you have had 40 or more Seal Bleed
at any time, your seal bleed cannot be reduced below 30.


Seal Bleed Effect
5+ Your Vermillion Save DC and Attack Bonus increase by +1.
This happens again for each 10 Seal Bleed that you have.
10+ Jutsu costs can’t be decreased by any means. You begin to
gain some of your Sealed Beast’s memories and experience
its joy or anguish while it completed its acts of destruction or
while being sealed.
15+ Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu you cast gain a -1 penalty to
Save DC and Attack Bonus. This happens again for each 15
Seal Bleed that you have. Also, animals begin to run in fear
while near you. When you are interacting with animals in any
way, you have disadvantage on the check.
20+ You have nightmares of your sealed beast and all of the
damage they have or could cause. You find it difficult to
sleep peacefully. You occasionally do not gain the benefit of
long rests, instead treating them as short rests. When you
would take a long rest, roll a d20. On a roll of 5 or lower, you
instead gain the benefits of a Short Rest. You gain
disadvantage on this roll a 35+ Seal Bleed.
25+ You gain an additional 10 Twisted Chakra whenever you
Withdraw. This happens again for each 25 Seal Bleed that
you have. Also, people who are more perceptive than others
can sense something is off about you. You have
disadvantage on social checks with non-hostile creatures
with a passive perception of 15 or more.
30+ Jutsu you cast have an increased cost equal to their rank.
This increases again by your level in this Class Mod at 45+
Seal Bleed. Also, your Sealed beast can now interact with
you, without you entering the mind palace.
40+ Your Withdraw DC decreases by 3.

Beginning at 1st level of this class mod, the beast inside
you has figured out a perfect time to attempt to take
control, such as when you’ve acquired its chakra while
being close to losing consciousness or desperate for the
power your beast can grant you. When you successfully
obtain Twisted Chakra after triggering the Desperate
Times feature, you must make a Charisma Ability check
vs your Desperate Rage DC, known as a Desperate Rage
Check. You cannot gain the benefit of any bonus to
Charisma or this check outside this Class Mod. The DC
for your Desperate Rage is calculated as follows;
Desperate Rage DC = 11 + (Sealed Bleed ÷ 10)
If you succeed your Desperate Rage Check, you
instead enter Controlled Rage. On a failure you enter a
Desperate Rage as the Sealed Beast’s chakra
overwhelms your mind and personality. You begin to
strongly resemble your Sealed Beast, becoming
distinctly inhuman both in behavior and physical
mutations. You gain the following benefits:
• When you enter Desperate Rage, you regain a number of
Hit Points equal to 20 times your level in this Class Mod.
• If your Strength and Dexterity Ability scores are below 20, You’ve reached a powerful state of synchronization
with your Sealed Beast, using its power but not being
they become 20 for the duration. If they are already 20,
increase them by 2. overwhelmed or influenced by it. You are surrounded by
• a light aura of Twisted Chakra that resembles a light
You gain Multiattack (2)
flame of your Twisted Chakra’s color and your features
o Multiattack (2): You make 3 unarmed attacks, when you
only change minimally. When you successfully obtain
would take the Attack Action.
• Twisted Chakra after triggering the Desperate Times
Your unarmed damage die becomes 1d12.
• feature and pass a Desperate Rage Check, you exit
Jutsu you cast have their damage increased by two
Desperate Rage and instead gain the following benefits:
steps. This becomes three steps at 3rd level of this
Class Mod and four steps at 5th. You instead gain a +1 • If you are at 0 hit points when you enter Controlled Rage,
to damage for each die rolled if this would increase the you regain a number of Hit Points equal to 20 times your
damage beyond a d12. level in this Class Mod.
• Your movement speed is doubled. • Increase your Strength and Dexterity Scores by +2.
• You gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws • Your Unarmed Damage die becomes a d8.
• You must use every action you have to attempt to deal • All unarmed or weapon attacks you make count as
damage or kill, or to directly increase your chances of Chakra enhanced.
dealing damage or killing, ignoring all other abilities. • Whenever you would deal damage of any type you
• You must attack your currently targeted creature until increase your damage die by +1.
they are dead or dying, starting with the creature that • You gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws.
triggered your Desperate Rage, unconcerned with
This feature ends as soon as you run out of Twisted
collateral damage. If a creature damages you or attempts
Chakra, all hostile enemies flee or are defeated, 1-
to harm you, you can target them for 1 round before you
minute passes, or you end it as an Action, whichever
must go back to targeting the triggering creature. If no
happens first.
creature has attempted to harm you or you have killed
your target, you instead target the nearest
hostile creature.
• You can only cast Vermilion Arts, but you
gain an additional Action which you must
use to cast a Vermilion Art with the
intention of damaging a hostile creature.
• If at any point you would have enough
Twisted Chakra to enter a higher Twisted
Chakra Cloak, you immediately enter the
highest one available to you, spending
Twisted Chakra as normal. This can only
trigger once. This becomes twice at the 3rd
level of Sealed Beast.

Beginning at the 1st level of this class mod, you have
an innate understanding on how to utilize a Vermilion
Art. Secrets techniques and abilities that happen to be
monstrously powerful and unique to the beast within
you. These arts fall into one of 3 categories. Abilities,
Passives and Techniques. The Vermilion Arts you
gain help define the type of Sealed beast within you.
You can gain the benefits of some of your Vermilion
Arts while not even benefitting from any active class
mod features. While some you can only benefit from
while you have certain class mod features active.
Select the Vermilion Arts that define the beast inside
you. You Cannot switch these once learned.
You must select one Technique for every level you
gain in this Class Mod. You calculate your Vermilion
attack bonus and Save DC as follows;
Vermilion Save DC = 12 + Your Level in this Class Mod
+ Your Proficiency Bonus.
Vermilion Attack Bonus: Twice your level in this
Class Mod + your Proficiency Bonus.

Some of your Jutsu have become so natural to you

that you are able to use them even while Desperate
Rage has consumed your mind. Select one Jutsu that
you know that deals damage on a successful Attack
Roll or failed Saving Throw. It is both a Vermilion Art
and a Jutsu for the duration of Desperate Rage, using
your Vermilion Save DC and Vermilion Attack Bonus
if they are higher. You can pick a second Jutsu at 3rd
level of this Class Mod and a third at 5th. You can
switch these Jutsu whenever you gain a Character Level.

While you are under the effects of Desperate Rage your Seal
is at its weakest. More and more Twisted Chakra enters your
system either from your own emotional state and desire for
power, or your Sealed Beast’s machinations.
• At the end of each of your turns, you remake the
Desperate Rage Check to regain control of your body. On a
success, you end Desperate Rage and enter Controlled
Rage. On a failure, you must remake your Bargain or
Withdraw Check, repeating your choice at the start of
Desperate Times, gaining more Twisted Chakra and Seal
Bleed as a result.
• At any point if you run out of Twisted Chakra while
benefiting from Desperate Rage, you immediately remake
your Bargain or Withdraw Check, ending Desperate Rage
on a failure. If you are making a Withdraw Check, you
cannot choose to withdraw less than your check result
would allow.
• If you cannot see the creature that triggered your
Desperate Rage, you can make your Desperate Rage
Check at advantage.
• After you enter Desperate Rage, you can’t enter it again
until you take a Short Rest.
• Beginning at 3rd level of this Class Mod, the first time you
would succeed a Desperate Rage Check, you instead fail.
This can happen once per Long Rest.
• At 5th level of this Class Mod, you have disadvantage on
Desperate Rage Checks.

You’ve started modifying your Seal for optimal
functionality, seeing your Sealed Beast as a tool or
battery for your own purposes. You begin tightening the
bindings on your captive and sucking them dry of their
chakra. A seal modified in this way may be designed to
torture the Sealed Beast to make it harder for them to
resist you, or to carve physical openings into them to
more easily funnel out their energy.
This path is locked to characters that pursue power
above all else, even if it’s for what they see as a necessity
or a just cause. Once chosen you cannot go back. Your
Desperate Rage is far more intense and dangerous,
either from your own uncontrollable urge to use your
beast to its full potential, the massively increased flow of
Twisted Chakra through your body, or the Sealed Beast's
burning vengeance and hatred for you in the few
moments it can influence you.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod, you’ve started
repurposing your seal for optimal efficiency. Repairing the
seal becomes easier and the amount of chakra that can be
accessed increases, becoming almost too much to handle.
Inside your seal, chains spring up around your Sealed Beast
and a thin trail of chakra can be seen leaking out. The
amount of Seal Bleed you can repair after a week of
downtime is instead 4d4. This increases to 6d4 at 5th level
of Sealed Beast. Also, your Seal Bleed is reduced by 1
whenever you would take a Long Rest. While you are in
Controlled Rage, you must attempt to remake your
Withdraw Check to continue to gain Twisted Chakra.

CAGED BEAST Your Maximum Seal Bleed increases by 20 and the amount
Beginning at 4th level in this class mod, you’ve put much of Twisted Chakra you gain per Batch when making a
more secure bindings on your Sealed Beast, allowing you to Withdraw Check increases by 20. Also, if you succeed a
draw on more power without them escaping. However, this Desperate Rage check, you can choose to not enter
does not reduce the various downsides that arise from Controlled Rage, however, after succeeding the check, you
using so much foreign chakra as some become even more can end choose to end Desperate Rage as an Action on your
severe as you pass your previous limits. Inside your seal, turn at any time.

the chains surrounding Sealed Beast become torii or iron
bars. The mental cage which houses your beast gains
Beginning at 5th level in this class mod, your Sealed Beast
additional locks and the chakra leaking out becomes a
can’t resist you, and if they do, there’s nothing a little
small stream.
motivation can’t fix. You’ve become the master of your
Sealed Beast. On the outside, your seal is a magnificent
piece of work, with spiraling or crossword like designs that
spread far beyond its original boundaries. However, on the
inside, each addition is simply a way for you to torture and
draw on the beast’s power. They are pierced, burned,
stretched, and crushed. Pray that they never escape
because the hate they feel for you now is indescribable. You
can use your Action to enter Desperate Rage, choosing a
target you can see to focus your aggression on for the
duration. Also, when making a Withdraw Check, you can
give yourself 1 Seal Bleed to gain four additional Batches of
Twisted Chakra as there is no way for the Sealed Beast to
resist. You can do this up to your Twisted Chakra

SEALED COMPANION By willingly being granted chakra instead of forcing it
out, your seal is far less damaged. You count as having 20
Below is a list of optional features for the Sealed Beast
less Seal Bleed for the purposes of the Sealed Bleed Table
Class mod, that offers an alternative, but slightly weaker
and Desperate Rage DC, this does not count for all other
option for the Sealed Beast Class mod. These options are
features, such as Unleashed Beast or requirements for
for players that want to attempt to find a middle ground,
Sealed Companion features. Also, your Twisted Cloak’s
work with, or even befriend their Sealed beast in some way.
bonuses to Vermillion Attack Bonus and Save DC are
When you would gain the 3rd level of this Class Mod, you
halved. However, Your Twisted Cloaks have a decreased
can choose to not increase your level in this Class Mod,
cost equal to 10 times your Sealed Companion Level (Min
instead waiting for a time at which your Sealed Beast is
10) and no longer increase your Desperate Rage DC. Once
ready to trust you with more power. When you do this, you
per Long Rest, when you roll initiative, you can enter your
cannot gain any benefits from the Controlled Beast Class
mind palace and make a Bargain Check. On a success you
Mod feature. While you are benefiting from this feature,
enter Controlled Rage.
your Bargain Check DC is decreased by your level in this
Class Mod.
At any point in time your Sealed Beast can take away
At 4th level of this Class Mod, if you have no more than 15
these optional features if it feels that you are Seal Bleed and are in a scenario or fight where you have
manipulating it in any way, either by lying, going found common ground with your Sealed Beast, you can
against your word, or forcing it to give you chakra choose to take this feature. When you do, you and the
against its will more than it is willing to accept. Sealed beast, have become friends. Your bonds have grown
Similarly, you can choose to lose these features and
to a point where your Sealed Beast has shared its true name
instead gain the benefits of Controlled Beast, though with you, whatever that may be. Your Sealed Beast is
you can never go back.
always willing to grant you Twisted Chakra. As a result,
You've started seeing the Sealed Beast inside you as a
your chakras have melded and its chakra has much fewer
person, equal, or maybe even a friend, though the feeling negative effects on your body.
may not be mutual. However, your treatment hasn't When you would gain this feature, you advance to the
gone unnoticed. You are more respectful of your Sealed
fifth level of the Sealed Beast Class mod.
Beast and want to avoid using them as much as possible. You no longer gain Seal Bleed from Bargain Checks
In exchange, the Sealed Beast is much less likely to
and lose the Desperate Influence and Desperate Rage
manipulate you, disrupt your chakra, and influence your Class Mod features, instead immediately entering
Controlled Rage. As a Bonus Action, you can exchange

chakra with your Sealed Beast. For every 10 Chakra you
spend, you receive 40 Twisted Chakra. When you do this,
At 2nd level of this Class Mod, if you have no more than 5
you can immediately enter Controlled Rage without
Seal Bleed and are in a scenario or fight where you have
triggering Desperate Times. Also, you count as 1 Stage
found common ground with your Sealed Beast, you can
lower for the purposes of receiving downsides after
choose to take this feature. You have shown your Sealed
exiting a Twisted Cloak.
beast that you can be reasonable and are more than willing
to use its power, but only if you are both on the same page.
When you would gain this feature, you advance to the
third level of the Sealed Beast Class mod.
When you are under the effects of Desperate
Rage, you no longer gain an additional Action
to cast Vermillion Arts. However, you can now
cast Jutsu, as long as their sole purpose is to
attempt to deal damage or kill, or to directly
increase your chances of dealing damage or
killing. These Jutsu don’t use your Vermillion
Attack Bonus and Vermillion Save DC. Once
per Long Rest, if you are reduced to less than
half health, you can trigger Desperate Times
as your companion briefly considers the worth
of your life.

At 3rd level of this Class Mod, if you have no
more than 10 Seal Bleed and are in a scenario
or fight where you have found common
ground with your Sealed Beast, you can choose
to take this feature. You have shown your
Sealed beast that you and it can negotiate. You
have become far more amicable compared to
where you once were. You have shown your
Sealed Beast that you can be viewed as an ally,
and not someone it must be weary of.
When you would gain this feature, you
advance to the fourth level of the Sealed Beast
Class mod.

Twisted Chakra swells and encircles you twisting and
coiling around your very being. Your Chakra cloak takes the
shape of a of your sealed beast based on far you’ve
progressed in this class mod. Twisted Hit Points are a
special type of Hit Point that takes damage in place of you,
but after depleting any Temporary Hit Points. Twisted Hit
Points can’t be recovered by any means outside of
reactivating this feature.
You count all Twisted Hit Points gained from Twisted
Chaka Cloaks as part of your Hit Point total and maximum.
This class mod feature lasts until the end of your
Desperate Rage or Controlled Rage, until one minute has
passed, or you are knocked unconscious, even if all Twisted
Hit Points are depleted. Downsides gained from Twisted
Chakra Cloaks can’t be prevented, removed, or healed
through other means. After exiting your Twisted Cloak,
you gain the following downsides as it eats at your body:
• After exiting Twisted Cloak, Stage 2 or higher, reduce your
Maximum Hit Points by Xd10 until you take a long rest.
(X = Twice the highest Twisted Cloak Stage you were in.)
• After exiting Twisted Cloak, Stage 3 or higher, you gain the
Slowed and Weakened conditions for Xd4 minutes.
(X = The highest Twisted Cloak Stage you were in.)
• After exiting Twisted Cloak, Stage 4 or higher, you gain 2
ranks of Exhaustion until you take a Long Rest.

TWISTED CLOAK, STAGE 1 • Your Speed is increased by 15.

Beginning at 2nd level in this class mod, you have reached • Your Strength and Dexterity increases by +2
a point where the swelling of Twisted chakra has reached a • You gain a +1 Bonus to all Saving throws.
boiling point. • As an Action you can make 3 Vermillion Attacks dealing
As a Bonus Action, while you are under the effects of 5d6 + Proficiency Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing
Desperate Rage or Controlled Rage and have a Twisted damage (DM Discretion) using claws made of chakra.
Chakra pool of at least 200 Twisted Chaka, you are able to • Slashing damage (DM Discretion).
spend 30 Twisted Chakra to enter this Twisted Chakra • Your melee attacks increase their range by 5 feet.
Cloak Stage. When you do, your Chakra Cloak takes on an • You gain 50 Twisted Hit Points.
infantile shape in its best attempt to facilitate the look and • You regain 5 Hit Points at the start of your turn.
feel of your Sealed beast. You gain the following benefits: • You can cast Tier 1 Vermilion Art Techniques.


Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod, you gain access to
the second level of your Twisted chakra cloak. Your
Twisted Cloak begin to grow in similarities to your sealed
As a Bonus Action, while you are under the effects of
Desperate Rage or Controlled Rage and have a Twisted
Chakra pool of at least 300 Twisted Chaka, you can spend
60 Twisted Chakra to enter this Twisted Chakra Cloak
Stage, gaining the following benefits;
• Your Speed is increased by 30.
• Your Strength and Dexterity increases by +2
• You gain a +2 Bonus to all Saving throws.
• As an Action you can make 3 Vermillion Attacks dealing
5d8 + Proficiency Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing
damage (DM Discretion) using claws made of chakra.
• You gain a bonus to your Vermilion Attack Bonus and
Vermilion Save DC equal to your Sealed Beast level.
• Your melee attacks increase their range by 10 feet.
• You gain 75 Twisted Hit points.
• You regain 10 Hit Points at the start of your turn.
• You can cast Tier 2 Vermilion Art Techniques.
• While in this Twisted Chakra Cloak Stage, your
Desperate Rage DC increases by 1.

Beginning at 4th level in this class mod, you have teetered • Your speed is increased by 80.
on the edge of oblivion. You gain access to the Penultimate • Increase your Strength and Dexterity by +6
level of your Twisted Chakra Cloak. Your Twisted Cloak • You gain a +5 Bonus to all Saving throws.
begins to bleed as it tears the skin from your flesh leaving • As an Action you can make 3 Vermillion Attacks dealing
behind muscle and bone. You are but a few steps away from 7d12 + Proficiency Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing
fulling devolving into the beast within. damage (DM Discretion) using claws made of chakra.
As a Bonus Action, while you are under the effects of • You gain a bonus to your Vermilion Attack Bonus equal
Desperate Rage or Controlled Rage and have a Twisted to your Sealed Beast level and a bonus to your Vermilion
chakra pool of at least 400 Twisted Chaka you may spend Save DC equal to twice your Sealed Beast level.
90 Twisted Chakra to enter this Twisted Chakra Cloak • You gain a bonus to your attack rolls equal to your Sealed
Stage, gaining the following benefits: Beast level
• Your speed is increased by 60. • Your melee attacks increase their range by 25 feet.
• Your Strength and Dexterity increases by +4. • You gain 200 Twisted Hit Points.
• You gain a +3 Bonus to all Saving throws. • You gain resistance all damage.
• As an Action you can make 3 Vermillion Attacks dealing • You regain 20 Hit Points and 20 Twisted Hit Points at
6d10 + Proficiency Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing the start of your turn.
damage (DM Discretion) using claws made of chakra. • You can cast Tier 4 Vermilion Art Techniques.
• You gain a bonus to your Vermilion Attack Bonus and • While in this Twisted Chakra Cloak Stage, your
Vermilion Save DC equal to your Sealed Beast level. Desperate Rage DC increases by 3.
• You gain a bonus to your attack rolls equal to your Sealed
Beast level.
• Your melee attacks increase their range by 20 feet.
• You gain 100 Twisted Hit points.
• You gain resistance to Slashing, Piercing and
Bludgeoning damage.
• You regain 15 Hit Points at the start of your
• You can cast Tier 3 Vermilion Art Techniques.
• While in this Twisted Chakra Cloak Stage, your
Desperate Rage DC increases by 2.


Finally, at 5th level in this class mod, you gain
access to what makes your sealed beast such a
terror, and you have complete understanding of
the power you have within you. Your Twisted
Chakra takes on a more compete form. It
solidifies and becomes less a construct of chakra
and more its own entity that you drive. As a
Bonus Action, while you are under the effects of
Desperate Rage or Controlled Rage and have a
Twisted chakra pool of at least 500 Twisted
Chaka you may spend 120 Twisted Chakra to
enter this final stage of your Twisted Chakra
Cloak gaining the following benefits:

Alternatively, at 5th level in this class mod, you gain the
ability to manifest your Sealed beast as a full-on Chakra
As a full-turn-action, while you are under the effects
of Desperate Rage or Controlled Rage and have a
Twisted chakra pool of at least 800 Twisted Chaka you
may spend 150 Twisted Chakra to enter this alternative
stage of your Twisted Chakra Cloak gaining the benefits
of your Twisted Avatar, for the next minute. While
summoned, you are inside the head or core of your
Twisted Avatar. You cannot be directly targeted,
damaged, or affected by any means for the duration of
this form. You cannot act while this construct is active. It
acts on your turn, being able to use your Action, Bonus
action, movement or reactions as you see fit;

Twisted Resistances. Your Twisted Avatar uses its Constitution + your

proficiency bonus for all of its Saving throws.
Gargantuan Construct Twisted Power. You gain a bonus to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls and Save DC
equal to Twice your Sealed Beast level. Also, your Arts and Attacks can
Armor Class 25 + (Your Sealed Beast Level) never deal less than half damage.
Hit Points 500
Twisted Toughness. Your Twisted Avatar gains a number of Temporary Hit
Speed 150 ft
points equal to the Twisted Chakra Cost of any Twisted Art it casts and
regains 50 Hit Points at the beginning of each of its turns.
30 (+10) 28 (+9) 30 (+10) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) Twisted Dominance. Your Twisted Beast Cloak Increases its Vermilion
Attack bonus and Vermillion Save DC by your Sealed beast level, and its
Damage Immunity Chakra Damage Saving Throws by Half of your Sealed Beast Level.
Condition Immunities All
Damage Resistances All
Senses Passive Perception 10 Multiattack. Your Twisted Beast Cloak can make 3 Natural Weapon attacks
this turn.
Twisted Art. Your Twisted Avatar can cast one of your Vermilion Arts as if you Natural Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: + Vermilion Art Attack Bonus to hit,
had cast it. You spend Twisted Chakra as normal when doing this, you also Reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 8d12 + 10 Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing
use your Attack bonuses and Save DC. Also, you can cast Tier 5 Vermilion damage. (DM Discretion)
Art Techniques.

If you are killed inside your mind palace, all other allied
You have come so far. Only to be pushed to this point,
creatures whose mental projects were summoned to aid
with little chance of stopping this great escape. When
you are shunted back to the real world and their mind
you would surpass the Maximum Seal Bleed allowed by
immediately takes all damage they took while inside the
your level in this Class Mod, your Seal, made to contain
mind palace as psychic damage. Psychic damage dealt
the sealed beast within you, has become as thin as paper,
this way cannot be resisted, or reduced in any way. If
with little chance to be repaired further.
they had any jutsu or features active at the time, it
You and up to 3 creatures within 90 feet of you, of your
immediately ends, and they immediately suffer any
choice whom you know are your friends and are willing,
effects this may cause. Features used in the mind palace
mental projections of themselves are pulled into your
count against any use limitations. If you are killed, the
mind palace with you. These projections are an
sealed beast will transform using your body as a catalyst
extension of their chakra and souls, putting them in just
back into its true form, regardless of size or location. If it
as much danger as you.
transforms within a room too small to hold it, the room
You and all your allies, have all equipment you had
and all surrounding constricting space is destroyed by
prior to teleporting. They have all of their Hit Points and
the sudden expansion of mass and weight.
Chakra for the purpose of this fight.
While inside of your mind palace you and all allies who
have come, are confronted with your sealed beast in
If you succeed in the battle, your mind palace resets, and
their full glory, released and unbound. The sealed beast you have a choice to make regarding your sealed beast.
wants freedom and through you they will achieve it. You can choose to either seal them away permanently,
Before initiative is rolled, you can attempt a DC 35 reducing your level in this class mod to 4, but losing the
Charisma (Persuasion) check to talk down your Sealed
Desperate Rage and Desperate Influence features.
Beast. On a successful check, they delay their escape, and Alternatively, you can choose to do nothing. If you
your death. Your Seal Bleed is reduced to 1 bellow its choose to do nothing, you increase your Twisted Chakra
maximum and you lose access to your Class Mod until
Maximum by 100, your Bargain DC is reset, you gain the
you take a Full Rest. You and all creatures you entered
potential to access the Sealed Companion features that
with, exit your mind palace and return to the previous you previously may not have qualified for and the beast
places you were prior to teleporting.
remains silent for 1 month as it licks its wounds, waiting
If you cannot convince them, combat begins. Your for its next chance to strike. Your allies do not take any
objective is to reduce the sealed beasts Hit points by psychic damage as a result of this conflict. But creatures
Half. If a creature is killed in your mind palace, their must finish the duration of any jutsu, features or
mind is destroyed in the process immediately killing abilities they are currently using before returning to
them in the real world. If they are revived after the their body.
battle, their mind is far to fractured to be considered If the sealed beast inside you is somehow killed, you
sentient or living, if at all. lose this class mod permanently.
Your sealed beast is a Level 30, Solo, Adversary, but
unlike other Level 30 Adversaries, who have 31 total stat
points they can distribute, this adversary has 40, at
minimum, 10 of those points are dedicated towards
Constitution. Below is an example of a Sealed beast,
named Kurama, The Nine-Tailed Fox.

Critical Defense. Critical hits against Kurama are treated as normal hits.
Demonic Blood. Kurama has proficiency in all saving throws.
Gargantuan Demon, Tailed Beast, Solo (4), Iconic, Prof +12 Demonic Legacy. Kurama regains 30 Hit Points at the start of his turn.
Level: 30 (100,000 XP)
Demonic Strength. Kurama deals an additional 30 damage with his Claw, and
Tail Swipe attacks.
Armor Class 31 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 1823
Chakra Points 1823
Vermillion Arts. +32 to hit, (Vermillion Save DC 37)
Speed 150 ft
Initiative +7 Tier 1 (Cost 15): Beast Consumption, Beast Roar, Beast Crash
Tier 2 (Cost 25): Beast Deflection
Tier 3 (Cost 40): Beast Flare
30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)
Tier 4 (Cost 55): Beast Bomb, Beast Beam
Saving Throws Str +26, Dex, +26, Con, +26, Int +20, Wis +19, Cha +19
Skills Acrobatics +22, Athletics +22, Chakra Control +34, Intimidation +27, Insight
Multiattack. Kurama can make 3 attacks his Claws or 9 with his Tail Swipes.
+8, Perception +15
Damage Resistances All Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +26 to hit, Reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 18d8 + 10
Damage Immunity Chakra Damage, Weapon Attacks Slashing damage.
Condition Immunity Berserk, Blooding, Blinded, Burned, Charmed, Dazed, Tail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +22 to hit, Reach 55 ft., one target. Hit: 3d10 + 10
Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Shocked, Bludgeoning damage.
Slowed, Stunned, Weakened.
Senses Darkvision 120ft, Passive Perception 25
Kurama can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from the options below. Only
Iconic Determination. Kurama gains 6 additional uses of his Legendary one Legendary Action can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Resistance. creature’s turn. Kurama regains spent Legendary Actions at the start of his
Iconic Resistance. Kurama reduces all damage he takes by half his level. turn.
Iconic Power. Kurama’s damage can’t be reduced by more than 5 and ignores Attack. Kurama makes a Claw attack, or 3 Tail Swipes, or casts a Vermillion Art
Resistance and Immunity. with the casting time of 1 Action.
Improved Critical. When Kurama scores a critical hit, he treats all rolls of 1 or Defend. Kurama can use a Legendary Action to take additional Reactions up to
2, as if he rolled a maximum on the die. 1 Reaction per triggering creature’s turn.
Life Eater. When Kurama reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points, they immediately Move. Kurama can use a Legendary Action to Dash to engage a fleeing creature.
die, skipping any death saving throws. Additionally, as long as Kurama is
alive, the creature cannot be revived by any means.
14If Kurama fails a Saving Throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Passive Arts are Arts you automatically have access to,
sometimes even without using accessing your Sealed
Beast. You can have a maximum of 2 Passives.

Vermilion Art Type: Passive
Your body has become accustomed to Twisted chakra
Vermilion Art Type: Passive
and you begin to feel the power of your sealed beast even
Your Twisted chakra has the ability to harden and
when you are at rest.
materialize solid material like Earth.
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature;
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature;
• You gain a +1 Bonus to all ability scores.
• You gain the Earth Release Affinity. Select 3 Jutsu with
• You gain proficiency in one Saving throw of your
the earth release keyword that you qualify for. Add
them to your known jutsu list immediately as if

DEVILISH CLAWS innately taught by your Sealed beast. (If you have any
preexisting Nature Release affinities you also qualify
Vermilion Art Type: Passive
for Jutsu with both the Earth Release Nature release
Your Twisted Chakra Forms Claws that allow you a
greater destructive power. and the pre-existing Nature Release keywords.)
You gain the following Benefits Only when you are You gain the following benefits while you are under the
gaining the benefits of Desperate Rage or Twisted effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
Chakra Cloak:
• Ninjutsu, you cast with the Earth Release Keyword
• You can, as a Bonus Action make an additional 2 cannot be negated or countered
unarmed attacks, if you spent your action making • You can cast Ninjutsu with the Earth Release Keyword
unarmed attacks. of B-Rank or lower without Handsigns (HS)
• When you would hit a creature two or more times in a Components.
single turn using an unarmed attack, the target • Jutsu you cast with the Earth Release Keyword ignore
creature makes a constitution saving throw, being Damage Reduction and Resistance, and treat
Dazed on a failed save until the end of your next turn. Immunity as Resistance.
• You can make opportunity attacks without spending a • Creatures who are vulnerable to Earth damage, instead
reaction. take Four times as much damage from your Earth
You gain the following benefits while you are under the release jutsu.
effects of Twisted Chakra Cloak:
• You can add your Dexterity Modifier to one of your
claw attacks once per turn.
• A creature triggers an opportunity attack from you for
every 10 feet they move within your melee range.
• Your claw attacks add your Sealed Beast Level to their
damage rolls.

Vermilion Art Type: Passive Vermilion Art Type: Passive
Your Twisted chakra has the ability to ignite like flames. Your body has begun to feel light as a feather. You feel faster,
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even more agile, more in control of your movements;
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature; • You gain a +2 Bonus to your Dexterity Ability score. You
• You gain the Fire Release Affinity. Select 3 Jutsu with gain an additional +1 bonus equal to the Twisted Chakra
the fire release keyword that you qualify for. Add them Cloak stage you are benefiting from.
to your known jutsu list immediately as if innately • Your speed is increased by 10.
taught by your Sealed beast. (If you have any
You gain the following benefits while you are under the
preexisting Nature Release affinities you also qualify
effects of Desperate Rage, or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
for Jutsu with both the Fire Release Nature release and
the pre-existing Nature Release keywords.) • Ability checks made using Dexterity are made at advantage.
• You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
You gain the following benefits while you are under the • Your AC can never be reduced by any means.
effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak. • Creatures can never gain advantage on attack rolls against
• Ninjutsu you cast with the Fire Release Keyword you.
cannot be negated or countered.
• You can cast Ninjutsu with the Fire Release Keyword of
B-Rank or lower without Handsigns (HS) DEVILISH MIGHT
Components. Vermilion Art Type: Passive
• Jutsu you cast with the Fire Release Keyword ignore Your Twisted Chakra Reinforces your Strength that allow
Damage Reduction and Resistance, and treat you to reach higher limits of your physical prowess.
Immunity as Resistance. • You gain a +2 Bonus to your Strength Ability Score.
• Creatures who are vulnerable to Fire damage, instead
You gain an additional +1 bonus equal to the Twisted
take Four times as much damage from your Fire Chakra Cloak Stage you are benefiting from.
release jutsu. • Your maximum bulk is increased by 10.
• When you take damage from a melee attack, you can,
DEVILISH FOCUS as a reaction, reduce the damage taken by twice your
Vermilion Art Type: Passive
Strength Modifier.
You can feel the eb and flow of Twisted chakra within
you. You can feel how it meshes with your normal You gain the following benefits while you are under the
chakra, and every so often you can feel it leak out into effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
your normal chakra supply • Vermilion Arts that require a Melee Attack of any type
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even increases their Damage die by +1.
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature; • Unarmed attacks that you make cannot be made at
• Ninjutsu and Taijutsu you cast gain a +1 bonus to disadvantage by any means.
Attack Rolls. • You can never be moved in any direction against your
• Genjutsu you cast gain a +1 Bonus to Save DC’s. will.

You gain the following benefits while you are under the
effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
• Ability checks made using Constitution are made at
• Ninjutsu and Genjutsu you cast do not cost chakra to
concentrate on.

Vermilion Art Type: Passive Vermilion Art Type: Passive
The twisted chakra has found a way to move in and out of Your Twisted chakra has the ability to vibrate and
you avoiding detection from the Seal. This chakra electrocute like jolts of lightning.
continues to flow around you in such a way that, it reacts You gain the following Benefits at all times, even
and begins to influence those around you. without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature;
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even • You gain the Lightning Release Affinity. Select 3 Jutsu
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature
with the lightning release keyword that you qualify
• You gain proficiency in Intimidation. If you already have for. Add them to your known jutsu list immediately as
proficiency, you instead add your Sealed Beast Level to if innately taught by your Sealed beast. (If you have
any Ability check made to Intimidate. any preexisting Nature Release affinities you also
qualify for Jutsu with both the Lightning Release
You gain the following benefits while you are under the
Nature release and the pre-existing Nature Release
effects of Desperate Rage, or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
• When you take an Action to Intimidate a creature, all
You gain the following benefits while you are under the
creatures of your choice within 90 feet of you can
effects of Desperate Rage, or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
immediately feel your presence and the bloodlust it
presents. Select creatures must succeed a Wisdom saving • Ninjutsu, you cast with the Lightning Release Keyword
throw vs your Vermilion Save DC. On a failure they gain cannot be negated or countered.
3 ranks of fear against you for the next hour. Creatures • You can cast Ninjutsu with the Lightning Release
with Chakra sight makes this Save at disadvantage. A Keyword of B-Rank or lower without Handsigns (HS)
creature affected by this feature regardless of if they pass Components.
or fail, becomes immune to further application of it for • Jutsu you cast with the Lightning Release Keyword
24 hours. You can use this feature once per short rest. ignore Damage Reduction and Resistance, and treat
• When you would be Banished, Teleported, or moved by Immunity as Resistance.
any means and you are required to make a saving throw • Creatures who are vulnerable to Lightning damage,
of any type, you instead succeed automatically, suffering instead take Four times as much damage from your
no effects. When a hostile creature would be banished, Lightning release jutsu.
teleported, or moved by any and they are within 30 feet
of you. You can spend 15 Twisted Chakra for each DEVILISH POWER
banished, teleported, or moved creature, forcing each Vermilion Art Type: Passive
one to make a Strength saving throw vs your Vermilion You are able to output a massive amount of force inherent
Save DC. On a failed save, you pull them within 5 feet of to you due to your Twisted Chakra. This power acts like a
you and they cannot be banished, teleported or moved by steroid with seemingly no drawback. This strength feels
anything else, except you until the end of your next turn. bottomless.
You gain the following benefits while you are under the
effects of Desperate Rage, or Twisted Chakra Cloak:
• Taijutsu and Bukijutsu you cast applies your Proficiency
bonus to damage rolls.
• Attacks, Jutsu or Features that use your Strength and
Vermillion Arts ignore Damage Reduction and
Resistance and treats Immunity as Resistance.
• Taijutsu and Bukijutsu you are concentrating cannot be
ended by damage, being Incapacitated, or losing the
ability to mold chakra.

Vermilion Art Type: Passive Vermilion Art Type: Passive
Your Twisted chakra has the ability to bend and adapt Your Twisted chakra has the ability to sharpen itself like
like water. blades.
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even You gain the following Benefits at all times, even
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature; without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature;
• You gain the Water Release Affinity. Select 3 Jutsu with You gain the Wind Release Affinity. Select 3 Jutsu with
the water release keyword that you qualify for. Add the wind release keyword that you qualify for. Add them
them to your known jutsu list immediately as if to your known jutsu list immediately as if innately
innately taught by your Sealed beast. (If you have any taught by your Sealed beast. (If you have any preexisting
preexisting Nature Release affinities you also qualify Nature Release affinities you also qualify for Jutsu with
for Jutsu with both the Water Release Nature release both the wind Release Nature release and the pre-
and the pre-existing Nature Release keywords.) existing Nature Release keywords.

You gain the following benefits while you are under the You gain the following benefits while you are under the
effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak. effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
• Ninjutsu you cast with the Water Release Keyword • Ninjutsu, you cast with the Wind Release Keyword
cannot be negated or countered. cannot be negated or countered.
• You can cast Ninjutsu with the Water Release Keyword • You can cast Ninjutsu with the Wind Release Keyword
of B-Rank or lower without Handsigns (HS) of B-Rank or lower without Handsigns (HS)
Components. Components.
• Jutsu you cast with the Water Release Keyword ignore • Jutsu, you cast with the Wind Release Keyword ignore
Damage Reduction and Resistance, and treat Damage Reduction and Resistance, and treat
Immunity as Resistance. Immunity as Resistance.
• Creatures who are vulnerable to Cold damage, instead • Creatures who are vulnerable to Wind damage, instead
take Four times as much damage from your Water take Four times as much damage from your Wind
release jutsu. release jutsu.


Vermilion Art Type: Passive Vermilion Art Type: Passive
Your Twisted chakra has found a way to enhance your Your Twisted Chakra forms wings, gills, or claws that
will. Your ability to push through have virtually tripled, allow you the ability of special movement such as flight,
and your ability to push forward with your ambition has swimming or burrowing.
also been magnified further. You gain the following Benefits Only when you are
You gain the following Benefits at all times, even gaining the benefits of Twisted Chakra Cloak;
without benefiting from any other Class mod Feature; • You gain a flying, burrow, or swimming speed equal to
• You gain a +2 bonus to all Intelligence, Wisdom & your speed. (Choose one)
Charisma Saving throws. • When you would trigger an attack of opportunity while
• You have a +2 Bonus to all Saving throws against Jutsu flying or swimming or burrowing the triggering attack
and Arts with the Fuinjutsu Keyword. is made at disadvantage.
• You can, as a reaction use your Wings or Chakra Arms
You gain the following benefits while you are under the
to intercept an attack that would deal damage to you.
effects of Desperate Rage or Twisted Chakra Cloak.
Your Wings have 40 Hit points. When their hit points
• As a Bonus Action, you may spend 10 Twisted Chakra are reduced to 0, they are destroyed until you use a
to immediately end any one, Genjutsu effect on you. Full Turn Action and 15 Twisted Chakra to regenerate

Ability Arts are Arts you can activate while you have
access to your Twisted Chakra. You can have a maximum
of 3 Abilities.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Twisted chakra pushes your body to the absolute
extremes of what a shinobi’s body can do.
Once per turn, by spending 15 Twisted Chakra, you
gain an additional Action which you can use to take the
Attack Action or cast a Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, or Taijutsu.
Additionally, when you make an attack with a chakra
claw granted by your Twisted Chakra Cloak, you can
make an additional attack once per turn.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
When you would cast a jutsu using Twisted Chakra, the
jutsu cast erupts with the power of your sealed beast.
As a Bonus Action, while casting a Jutsu of any type,
using Twisted Chakra, choose one of the following:
• If your jutsu deals damage or heals hit points, you can Vermilion Art Type: Ability
increase the damage or healing dice by 2 steps. Your Twisted Chakra empowers jutsu you to shred
(D4 > D6 > D8 > D10 > D12). through any defense that stands in your way.
• If your jutsu summons a structure, creature, or By spending an additional 10 Twisted Chakra,
construct with hit points, it gains additional hit points whenever you cast a Vermilion Art or activate a feature,
equal to your Proficiency bonus times the rank of your creatures who are the target of or would make a saving
jutsu cast. (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A- throw against the effect of any Art or feature you use
Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5) cannot benefit from any bonuses to their AC, saving
• If your Jutsu requires a saving throw of any type, throw, Ability checks, Temporary hit points, Damage
affected creatures cannot gain advantage. reduction, Resistance or immunity from any Jutsu they
may cast or are currently under the effects of. (Ex.
VERMILION AUTHORITY Substitution Technique, Bless, Absorb Heat, etc.)
Vermilion Art Type: Ability
When a hostile creature would attempt to cast a jutsu, VERMILION INSTINCT
make an attack, or use an ability, feature or trait that Vermilion Art Type: Ability
targets. You may as a Reaction spend 25 Twisted Chakra. Your Sealed beasts’ instincts becomes your own. You
When you do, for the next minute, you release enough instinctually know where attacks come from almost as if
chakra to tinge the air itself with a weight of malice and you had a 6th sense for these things. Once per round,
authority. All hostile creatures who are within 120 feet of when you would be hit with an attack, you may spend 1
you, who do not target you with any jutsu, ability, Twisted Chakra to increase your AC by 1, up to the
feature or trait they use, adds 2d20 to their attack rolls difference between your AC and the rolled attack +1,
taking the lower of the result. against that attack. If the attack was a critical Hit, if you
If their jutsu, ability, feature or trait does not require raise your AC to an amount equal to the Critical hits
an attack roll, then they instead must succeed a Wisdom result +5, you treat it as a miss.
Saving throw, doubling the cost of their jutsu, ability,
feature or trait (if any). VERMILION RAGE
Vermilion Art Type: Ability
VERMILION BLEED Your Sealed beasts’ indignation becomes your own. You
Vermilion Art Type: Ability may as a Bonus Action spend 15 Twisted chakra to treat
You have learned to enforce your will on your Sealed the first successful attack on your turn as a Critical hit.
Beast. Your body has a much easier time pushing back its When you do, until the end of your next turn you cannot
chakra and repairing itself. When you would complete a score another critical hit and creatures have advantage
Long Rest, reduce the amount of Seal Bleed you have by on their first attack against you until the beginning of
1. When you would spend Downtime to reduce your Seal your next turn.
Bleed, you reduce it by an additional 1d4.
If you succeed a Bargain or Withdraw check by 10 or
more and receive at least 10 Batches of Twisted Chakra,
you also reduce the amount of Seal Bleed you would gain
from this attempt by 1.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Sealed beasts’ size can become your own. While Your Sealed beasts’ fortitude becomes your own. While
gaining the benefits of your Twisted Chakra Cloak, gaining the benefits of your Twisted Chakra Cloak, you
Stage 2, as a Bonus Action, you can spend 5 Twisted can further alter your form to imitate the true form of
Chakra, temporarily increasing your size by one your Sealed Beast, growing armor, scales, or even a shell.
category. You can do this an additional time for each As a Bonus Action you can spend 10 Twisted Chakra,
Twisted Chakra Cloak Stage you are in beyond the 2nd. increasing your Twisted Hit Points and Maximum
If you are in Twisted Chakra Cloak, Stage 5, your size Twisted Hit Points by 30 times the Twisted Chakra Cloak
doesn’t increase, however, you can count as having Stage you are benefiting from. This effect doesn’t stack.
increased by up to 4 categories for the purposes of this
Art. For every 5 Twisted Chakra spent you increase your VERMILION DEFIANCE
size by 1 category and greatly boost your strength and Vermilion Art Type: Ability
durability. (Medium>Large> Huge>Gargantuan) When you would make a saving throw as a result of being
If there isn’t enough room for you to increase your within a Jutsu’s target area, you may as a reaction roar
size, this ability fails but you do not spend the Twisted with the ferocity only your sealed beast could conjure.
Chakra. This benefit last for the duration of your Twisted When you do, you spend multiples of 5 twisted chakra.
Chakra cloak, or until you dismiss your growth in size as For every 5 twisted chakra you spend, you reduce the
a bonus action. For the duration, when you make a damage you would take by 4d12.
Strength Check or Saving throw, you add 1d10 per size If you reduce the damage you would take to 0 the
category increase to the check. Also, while under the triggering creature(s) must succeed a Strength saving
effects of this Art, reduce all damage you take by 3 times throw. On a failed save the target is assaulted by a wave
the Twisted Chakra Cloak Stage you are in. However, of force originating from your roar, being thrown back
you cannot gain the benefits of damage reduction from 60 feet in a straight line. They can spend their reaction
your armor by any means as you completely outgrow it. to make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check vs Your
Vermilion Save DC. On a success, they land standing
upright. On a failed check they land prone. If they would
hit a wall as a part of being thrown back, they make this
Check at disadvantage, instead taking triple falling
damage as if they fall from the distance thrown back.
Additionally, if at any point you cannot Mold chakra
(CM), as an Action you can spend 15 Twisted Chakra to
regain the ability to Mold Chakra regardless of the
conditions imposed on you.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Twisted chakra repairs damage from even the most
extreme damage. While gaining the benefits of your
Twisted Chakra Cloak, as a Bonus Action, you may
spend 5 Twisted chakra, recovering 5d8+5 Hit Points or
ending 1 condition (excluding exhaustion), you are
currently under the effects of immediately.
Additionally, by spending 30 Twisted Chakra, while
gaining the benefits of your Twisted Chakra Cloak,
Stage 2 or higher you can regenerate a missing organ or
limb even if it is permanently crippled. Alternatively, you
can end an effect you are under as long as it can be
healed by casting a Medical Jutsu of S-Rank or lower.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Sealed beasts’ resistances become your own. As a
Bonus Action you can spend 15 Twisted Chakra, granting
you resistance to up to 3 damage types from the
following for your Dormant Rages Duration;
Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Fire, Cold, Wind,
Earth, Lightning, Acid, Poison, Force, Necrotic and
You can only gain the benefit of this Vermilion Art
once per casting. If you cast this Vermilion Art again, you
do not gain 3 additional resistances, instead choosing 3
new resistances to replace your old resistances.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Twisted Chakra creates a construct shield of chakra
to protect you from incoming attacks without your
input. As a Bonus action, by spending 10 Twisted Chakra
you gain 30 Twisted Shields for the next minute. Twisted
Shields take damage in place of your temporary hit
points for its duration. At the beginning of each of your
turns, you can choose to spend Twisted chakra to repair
your Twisted Shields. For each Twisted Chakra you
spend you regain 3 Twisted Shields.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Sealed beasts’ tenacity becomes your own. As a
Bonus Action, you can spend 10 Twisted Chakra,
granting you advantage on all attacks you make until the
beginning of your next turn. Additionally, creatures
cannot gain advantage on attacks against you during
that same time period.

Vermilion Art Type: Ability
Your Sealed beasts’ toughness becomes your own. As a
bonus action you can spend 15 Twisted Chakra, granting
you immunity to up to 3 conditions types from the
following for the next minute; Berserk, Bleeding,
Blinded, Burned, Charmed, Chilled, Corroded, Dazed,
Deafened, Poisoned, Exhaustion, Fear, Grappled,
Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained,
Shocked, Slowed, Stunned and Weakened as long as
they are from hostile sources. You can only gain the
benefit of this Vermilion Art once per casting. If you use
this Vermilion Art again, you do not gain 3 additional
immunities, instead choosing 3 new immunities to
replace your old immunities.

Vermilion Art Type: Technique
BEAST BARRIER Classification: Vermilion Art
Vermilion Art Type: Technique Tier: 3rd Tier Art
Classification: Vermilion Art Casting Time: 1 Action
Tier: 2nd Tier Art Range: 120 Feet
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you or Duration: Instant
another creature within 15 feet of you must succeed a Components: CM
saving throw, or would take damage. Cost: 30 Twisted Chakra
Range: Self (15-foot radius Sphere) Keywords:
Duration: 1 Round Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a
Components: CM sphere of compressed malice. Created from both yin and
Cost: 15 Twisted Chakra yang release along with your blood. This ball compresses
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a large in your mouth before you release it like a cannon
barrier. All creatures of your choice in range are treated towards your target. Make a Ranged Vermilion Attack
as if they are sharing in all Twisted Hit Points you dealing 30d12 Necrotic damage. Additionally, on a hit the
currently have left and become immune to the damage target is moved in a straight line until it reaches the end
and all associated effects while you still have Twisted Hit of this Art’s range and all creatures, within 30 feet of the
Points. If multiple creatures would take damage from a target’s new location, excluding the target, must
single casting of a jutsu or effect, you instead take the succeed a Dexterity saving throw taking 20d10 Necrotic
highest instance of damage reducing your Twisted Hit damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful
Points by the result. save as the Beast Bomb detonates.
If you miss your attack your attack does not dissipate
BEAST BEAM harmlessly, instead it continues in a straight line until it
Vermilion Art Type: Technique reaches the end of its range or until it strikes another
Classification: Vermilion Art creature in its path or a structure, when it does it
Tier: 3rd Tier Art explodes forcing all creatures within 30 feet of its ending
Casting Time: 1 Action position to make a Dexterity saving throw taking 20d10
Range: Self (120 Foot Line) Necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much on a
Duration: Instant successful on.
Components: CM A straight line 15 feet wide and up to 120 feet long
Cost: 25 Twisted Chakra between you and your attacks ending destination is now
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a 15- counted as difficult terrain as your beast bomb tears
foot wide, 120-foot-long, beam of destruction. All through everything in its path.
creatures who are in this beams path must succeed a When you use this Vermilion art, you cannot use it
Dexterity Saving throw. again until 1d4 turns of your turns have passed.
On a failed save creatures take 26d12 Necrotic damage. Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its
Additionally, any creature who failed their saving throw base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
by 10 or more; All non-chakra enhanced weapons and you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase
equipment they have is immediately destroyed by the the damage done by 4d12 and 4d10 respectively per tier.
destructive property of this Vermilion Art. On a
successful save creatures take half damage, and suffer
no further effects.
When you use this Vermilion art, you cannot use it
again until 1d4 turns of your turns have passed.
Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its
base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase
the range of the line by 30 feet and its damage by 4d12
per tier.

Vermilion Art Type: Technique Vermilion Art Type: Technique
Classification: Vermilion Art Classification: Tier 1 Vermilion Art
Tier: 1st Tier Art Casting Time: 1 Action
Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self (90 Foot Cube)
Range: Self (120-foot Cone) Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Components: CM
Components: CM Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra
Cost: 15 Twisted Chakra Description: You use Twisted Chakra to upheave and
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a volley destabilize an entire area. Your twisted Chakra begins to
of smaller less focused beast bombs. Roll 8d4. You seep into all creatures with chakra. Creature within
generate that many smaller spheres of power that you range, must succeed a Constitution Saving throw. On a
fire wildly in a cone in front of you. All creatures in this failed save they double the cost of all jutsu, features, and
cone’s radius, must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. On traits until the end of their next turn as your Vermilion
a failed save, they take xd8 Necrotic damage, or half as chakra eats away at their chakra network. On a
much on a successful save. (X = The result of your 8d4 successful save, they instead cannot reduce the cost of
Roll.) any jutsu, features or traits until the end of your next
Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its turn.
base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase BEAST CRASH
the size of the initial die by 1 step. (D6>D8>D10>D12) Vermilion Art Type: Technique
Classification: Tier 1 Vermilion Art
BEAST CLAW Casting Time: 1 Action
Vermilion Art Type: Technique Range: 120 feet
Classification: Tier 1 Vermilion Art Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1 Action Components: CM
Range: 30 Feet Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra
Duration: Instant Description: You use the strength Twisted Chakra
Components: CM provides you, to propel yourself faster than anything
Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra naturally occurring in nature can, going so far as to
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a shatter sound and even crack the air. You extend your
massive arm of chakra usually in the shape of a claw or arm attempting to Lariat a creature you can see within
beast maw. Make a Melee Vermilion Attack. On a hit you range. Make a Melee Vermilion Attack, against the
deal 16d12 Necrotic Damage. target. On a hit, you slam your arm into them with all of
The target creature is then marked until the end of the built-up force and inertia you’ve garnered from your
your next turn with your Twisted Chakra. If you Attack a movement. The target takes 30d8 Necrotic Damage and
Creature marked with your Twisted Chakra you have must succeed a Strength saving throw. On a failed save,
advantage on the first attack roll made against them. If it is knocked prone and Dazed until the end of your next
they would make a Saving throw to resist a Vermilion Art turn.
you cast, they make the save at disadvantage
Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its
base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase
the damage done by 6d12 per tier.

Vermilion Art Type: Technique
Classification: Tier 3 Vermilion Art
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you
would take damage from a Ninjutsu or Genjutsu or Art
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Components: CM
Cost: 25 Twisted Chakra
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a
massive maw of chakra in the same shape as your beast’s
head or something similar as it catches the attack in its
mouth consuming the chakra that constitutes the jutsu.
You nullify all damage and ignore all effects the jutsu
would impose, instead gaining Twisted Hit Points equal
to the amount of damage you would have taken,
repairing any missing Twisted Hit Points your Twisted
Chakra Cloak might be missing. Any excess past your
maximum Twisted Hit Points becomes Temporary Hit
When you use this Vermilion art, you cannot use it
again until 1d4 turns of your turns have passed.

Vermilion Art Type: Technique Vermilion Art Type: Technique
Classification: Tier 1 Vermilion Art Classification: Tier 0 Vermilion Art
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
would take damage. Range: Self (60-foot radius sphere)
Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Until dispelled
Duration: Instant Components: CM
Components: CM Cost: 15 Twisted Chakra
Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra Description: You use Twisted Chakra to create a field of
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a influence around yourself. You do not pay Chakra cost to
massive arm, shield, tail or other appendage that your maintain this Vermilion Art. For the duration, you are
beast would have. When you do you immediately use this aware of all creatures and effects within the radius. You
appendage to smack away an attack that would have cannot be surprised. Attacks against you deal reduced
dealt damage to you completely converting its force into damage equal to twice your level in this class mod.
a shockwave. Roll 10d12 + Your Character level, reducing Creatures in this radius always count as being seen or
the damage you would take by the result. Then the heard for the purpose of casting jutsu or Vermilion Arts.
triggering creature and all creatures in a 15-foot cone This Art can be dispelled by effects that would end a
must succeed a Dexterity saving throw taking damage jutsu’s duration. If attempted, use your Vermilion Art DC.
equal to the amount you reduced the triggering attack
Vermilion Art Type: Technique
BEAST DEVASTATION Classification: Tier 1 Vermilion Art
Vermilion Art Type: Technique Casting Time: 1 Action
Classification: Tier 3 Vermilion Art Range: Self (30-foot Radius Sphere)
Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Instant
Range: 120 feet (90-Foot Cube) Components: CM
Duration: Instant Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra
Components: CM Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a
Cost: 25 Twisted Chakra gargantuan explosion of deteriorating Twisted chakra. All
Description: You use Twisted Chakra undo the fabric of creatures within range must succeed a Constitution
what is real and what isn’t as your beasts will is forced saving throw, taking 15d12 Necrotic damage on failed save
upon the world itself. Select a space you can see within and becoming blinded until the end of their next turn,
120 feet of you. You generate a temporary construct of weakened for the next minute, and dazed for the next
chakra emulating your Sealed beast which performs a hour.
series of attacks on the area before then dissipating. All Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its
creatures (except you) in a 90-foot cube on the chosen base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
space must do one of the following; you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase the
• Strength Saving Throw: size of the sphere by 20 feet and its damage by 3d12 per
o On a failed save, each target is crushed beneath

the weight of your Sealed beast’s chakra
construct, taking 25d12 Necrotic Damage, or half
Vermilion Art Type: Technique
as much on a successful one.
Classification: Tier 1 Vermilion Art
• Dexterity Saving throw:
Casting Time: 1 Action.
o On a failed save, each target takes 30d10 Necrotic
Range: 120 feet (60-foot Cube)
Damage, or 1/3rd as much on a successful one.
Duration: Concentration, Until dispelled.
• Constitution Saving throw:
Components: CM
o On a failed save, each target takes 38d8 Necrotic
Cost: 8 Twisted Chakra
Damage, or 1/4th as much on a successful one.
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a
A creature who is reduced to 0 hit points by this Art is multitude of chakra arms, claws, mouths and other
turned into Twisted Chakra and consumed by your offensive appendages that assault all creatures in the
Twisted Chakra Cloak, unable to be revived by any select area. All creatures of your choice in range when you
means. You regain 10 Twisted Hit Points for each cast this Vermilion Art or who begins their turn in the
creature killed by this Art. area, must succeed a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d12
Necrotic Damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
At the start of your turn, you may move the target area
this affects up to 60 feet to another location.
Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its
base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase the
size of the cube by 10 feet and its damage by 3d12 per tier.

Vermilion Art Type: Technique
Classification: Tier 0 Vermilion Art
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (60 Foot Cone)
Duration: Instant
Components: CM
Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra
Description: You use Twisted Chakra to generate a
shockwave of force when you roar. All creatures who are
in this cone must succeed a Strength Saving throw. On a
failed save creatures are thrown back 90 feet falling
prone and being dazed until the end of your next turn. If
they would stop their movement from impacting a
structure or another creature then both creatures and
structures take double falling damage as if they fell an
equivalent distance.
Tier X. You can magnify your Vermilion art beyond its
base power. By increasing its Twisted Chakra cost by 5,
you increase the tier of this art by 1. If you do, increase
the size of the cone by 20 feet per tier.

Vermilion Art Type: Technique
Classification: Tier 0 Vermilion Art
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 Minute
Components: CM
Cost: 10 Twisted Chakra
Description: You use Twisted Chakra removes all
obstructions from your view as you no longer need to use
your eyes to truly see. You gain Blind Sight and True
sight up to 120 feet.

All players and DM’s want to include huge monsters in SEALED BEAST VERMILION ART
their campaigns, and even more so, they would love to
include iconic beasts such as the Nine Tailed Fox, or the
8 Tails, or maybe even create their own! But there are a
few traps and pit falls that can trap both a player and DM Sealed Beast, Level 1
in this regard when using this Class Mod.
• Vermilion Assault- When Naruto began to make use
• This was not, and is not designed to replicate all of the
of the 9 Tails Chakra, he tended to use it as a Steroid to
abilities of a Jinchuriki. This was designed with the amplify his physical stats. It led to him overwhelming
idea that not all campaigns want to use the Tailed his enemies (like Haku) with brute strength.
beasts, but potentially use other sealed away • Vermilion Augmentation- When Naruto would tap
monsters. into the chakra of the 9 Tails, his Ninjutsu (Including
• Players DO NOT get to decide what is sealed inside Shadow Clones) would be amplified accordingly.
them. This is not designed to be a cart Blanche build
your own inner monster. This is still a narrative tool. Sealed Beast, Level 2
When you inform your player that they will have a • Vermilion Empowerment- When Naruto would
Sealed Beast, or when you seal a Beast within them, be amplify his Rasengan with 9 Tails chakra, he could
prepared to have a List of Vermilion Arts that they output huge spike in power able to tear through just
CANNOT take. Not all Sealed beasts can fly, use about any defense in his way.
multiple elements, grow in size, swim, breathe • Vermilion Defiance- While Naruto was in his 1 Tailed
underwater, negate teleportation, have enhanced Kyuubi Cloak, just his roar was enough to completely
sensory abilities, etc. Set a line and never cross it. destabilize incoming attacks, completely invalidating
• Do not be afraid to impose additional penalties to them.
players who attempt to manipulate and abuse this
(Optional Level 2 Arts)
Class Mod. I am certain both I and the Kage Council are
fully aware of all feature interactions in regards to this • Beast Field- Naruto could conjure arms of chakra to
class mod and potential future Classes, Features, assault an entire area with little difficulty. This creates
Feats, etc. If there happens to be an issue do not areas of denial or damage that makes it hard to fight
hesitate to reach out to the Developers about any him in this state.
questions you may have HERE.
Sealed Beast, Level 3
• This class mod will not embody the later half of
Shippuden when Naruto achieved what is known as • Beast Bomb- Naruto in this state could reliably pump

Kyuubi Chakra Mode or KCM for short. The design out Beast bombs with enough force to completely blow
intents behind this class mod was to embody the early through mountains
design philosophy with how early Naruto and Naruto • Beast Claw- Naruto in this state could completely

Shippuden regarded Sealed beasts and the dangers overwhelm his enemies with claws made of chakra as
they posed to the host and everyone around the host. his primary form of offense.
• Fuinjutsu do not need to have specific text dedicated (Optional Level 3 Arts)
towards restraining a sealed beast. If you have a
• Vermilion Rage- Naruto’s attacks are brutally
situation where a player, or NPC wants to try to
powerful. In this state he is able to overwhelm Pein
restrain a players Sealed beast via sealing Jutsu
(Fuinjutsu) and want a way to gamify the situation, rather easily completely breaking through his shields
and defenses.
you should perform a skill challenge for the NPC to
• Beast Crash- Naruto can exert enough force to
pass. Intelligence (Ninshou) vs Vermilion Save DC. On
a successful check, the Fuinjutsu can temporarily seal completely break lesser opponents with a single
away the sealed beasts Chakra for a limited amount of attack. He has shown to be able to with a well places
time. leap, crush his enemies.
• Beast Bullet- Naruto can fire off multiple, weaker
• This is a highly lethal class mod. There is a high
chance for the user of this class to TPK the rest of beast bombs rather harshly.
his/her/their allies. Keep this in mind before giving Sealed Beast, Level 4
this out.
• Beast Devastation- At this point Naruto is conjuring
• Players with this class mod WILL have more resources
or slowly becoming Kurama. His chakra reserves are
than all of players, even those with class mods of their
immeasurable and he is a world altering threat.
own. This can be off set with threats who have either,
• Beast Flare- Naruto has the ability to completely
more Hit points, or traps that drain the users actual
devastate the battlefield by destroying everything in
Chakra reserves.
his immediate area.
• A DM’s goal when a player has this class mod, is to
reduce this select players hit points as quickly as
possible to force the player into a compromising
position. This should really only be done when you are
managing a boss battle. Force the player into a
situation where their class mod triggers against their
best interest.

Upon receiving the 6th level of this Class Mod, you
unlock the most powerful transformation of all. By
combining your chakra and the Twisted Chakra of the You mastered your beast completely and are willing to
Sealed Beast, you can multiply its potency exponentially, sacrifice it for power. While in Baryon Mode, you are
though the risk to using it is great. locked in a constant struggle, trying to outlive your
Gaining Baryon Mode is completely DM and game Sealed Beast. You forcibly combine your life forces,
dependent. As there is no direct path to attaining it, the receiving a power greater than the sum of its parts.
decision for when or if this portion of the Class Mod is At the start of each turn that you are in Baryon Mode,
used is wholly in the hands of the DM and/or players as you must reduce your Maximum Hit Points by 1d10 and
they build the world. your beast’s Maximum Twisted Chakra by 4d10. Add the
resluts together, you gain an amount of Fusion Chakra
TWISTED CLOAK, STAGE X equal to half of the result, replacing any Fusion Chakra
you might already have. You can spend Fusion Chakra as
At 6th level in this class mod, you have discovered the
you would normal chakra.
secret power only a Sealed Beast can grant. As a Bonus
If your Maximum Hit Points are reduced to 0, you die
Action, you can start combining your chakra with that of
and your Sealed Beast is released upon the world.
your Sealed Beast, in a manner similar to nuclear fusion,
Alternatively, if your Sealed Beast’s Maximum Twisted
entering Baryon Mode. Your Twisted Chakra takes on the
Chakra is reduced to 0 first, you lose this Class Mod as
appearance of a balanced fusion between you and your
the beast is consumed as fuel by your seal.
Sealed Beast, representing your human form and the
Maximum Hit Points and Twisted Chakra lost through
Sealed Beast’s power in one, more compete, form. You
Sacrificial Beast can be regained by spending Downtime
gain the following benefits:
to recover both at a rate of 5 Maximum Hit Points and
• Your speed is increased by 240. Twisted Chakra per week.
• Increase your Strength and Dexterity by +10
• You gain a +9 Bonus to all Saving throws.
• As an Action you can make 3 Vermillion Attacks dealing
Due to your close friendship, your Sealed Companion
8d12 + Proficiency Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing
will gladly give their life to save yours. While in Baryon
damage (DM Discretion) using claws made of chakra.
Mode, if your life force starts to run low, they’ll pick up
• You gain a bonus to your attack rolls and Save DCs equal
the slack, potentially without even telling you.
to three times your Sealed Beast level.
At the start of each turn that you are in Baryon Mode,
• Your melee attacks increase their range by 50 feet.
you must reduce your chakra by 1d10 and the maximum
• You gain 500 Twisted Hit Points.
Twisted Chakra of your Sealed Beast by 4d10. Add the
• You gain Resistance all damage.
results together, you gain an amount of Fusion Chakra
• You gain immunity to all conditions
equal to half of the result, replacing any Fusion Chakra
• You regain 30 Hit Points and 30 Twisted Hit Points at
you might already have. You can spend Fusion Chakra as
the start of your turn.
you would normal chakra.
• You can cast Tier 6 Vermilion Art Techniques.
If your Chakra Points are reduced below half, they are
• If you fail a saving throw or are hit by an attack, you can
no longer reduced at the start of your turn. Instead, the
spend Fusion Chakra up to the difference between your
Maximum Twisted Chakra of your Sealed Beast are
result and the Save DC or your AC and the attack roll,
reduced by an additional 1d10, however you only gain an
increasing your AC against that attack roll or your saving
amount of Fusion Chakra equal to a fourth of the result.
throw result by the amount spent.
If your Sealed Beast’s Maximum Twisted Chakra is
• You can spend any amount of Fusion Chakra and regain a
reduced to 0, you lose this Class Mod as the beast gives
number of hit points equal to five times the Fusion
its life to fuel your transformation.
Chakra spent.
Maximum Twisted Chakra lost through Chakra Fusion
You can end Baryon Mode as an Action on your turn.
can be regained by spending Downtime to recover at a
rate of 5 Maximum Twisted Chakra per week.


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