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英语自学网论坛 http://bbs.selfstudying.

com 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

《国际 商业书 信大全 》 WORD 打印版

1)A first enquiry

Dear Sirs,

We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.

We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our

Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?

We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are

Yours faithfully,
Sandra Jones
A first enquiry
第 一 次 询 价
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 :
We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.
从 伯 明 翰 . 史 密 斯 公 司 ! 获 悉 贵 公 司 制 作 了 一 系 列 款 式 新 颖 的 皮 革 手 提 包 .
We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our
本 公 司 经 营 高 档 零 售 业 务 , 虽 然 销 量 不 多 , 但 货 品 属 优 质 高 档 .
Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?
现 恳 请 惠 寄 货 品 目 录 、 价 格 表 和 付 款 方 式 细 则 .
We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are
此 外 , 如 蒙 提 供 各 类 皮 革 样 本 , 不 胜 感 激 .
Yours faithfully,
Sandra Jones
Useful phrases
1.We have learned from … that you
从 … 获 悉 贵 公 司 …
2.We operate a quality retail business
本 公 司 经 营 高 档 零 售 业 务
3.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue
现 恳 请 惠 寄 货 品 目 录 …
4.We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of
如 蒙 提 供 各 类 … 样 本 , 不 胜 感 激
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Say how you obtained the company’s address and indicate what you are interested in.
各 知 如 何 取 得 收 信 人 地 址 及 发 信 原 因 .

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2.Introduce yourself and describe your field of activity.

自 我 介 绍 有 关 经 营 的 业 务 范 围
3.Make your main request.
提 出 请 求
4.The second request is going to cost the company more. Make it tactfully.
第 二 个 请 求 花 费 较 大 , 需 要 得 体 地 提 出 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.
(I have been told by/I have heard from…)
(…handbags in several different leathers…)
We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our

Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?

We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are
(It would be very helpful if…)
(…from which you make the handbags.)
Comments 评 注
The enquiry is brief and to the point, telling the reader exactly what the enquiry is about. It requests the usual free
literature and politely asks for an additional item:   samples.
(2) Reply to a first enquiry
Dear Ms Jones,

Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.

We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the
skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products.

I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as
crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality.

Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.
She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only
the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most
discriminating buyer.

We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully
illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you
examples when she calls.

We look forward to receiving an order from you.

Yours sincerely,
Damien Carr
Marketing Vice-President

Reply to a first enquiry

答 复 第 一 次 询 价

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Dear Ms Jones,
琼 斯 女 士 :
Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
7 月 16 日 来 函 询 价 忆 收 到 . 得 悉 贵 公 司 对 我 们 的 产 品 有 兴 趣 , 实 感 荣 幸 .
We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the
skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products.
兹 奉 上 我 们 最 新 的 产 品 目 绿 和 常 用 的 皮 革 样 本 , 谨 供 参 考 .
I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as
crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality.
Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.
She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only
the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most
discriminating buyer.
We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully
illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you
examples when she calls.
韦 恩 太 太 拜 访 时 将 向 您 展 示 样 本 .
We look forward to receiving an order from you.
期 待 接 到 您 的 订 单 .
Yours sincerely,
Damien Carr
Marketing Vice-President
销 售 部 副 总 经 理
Useful phrases
1. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
得 悉 贵 公 司 对 我 们 的 产 品 有 兴 趣 , 实 感 荣 幸 .
2. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples.
很 抱 歉 未 能 寄 上 全 套 样 本 …
3. She will have with her a wide range of our products.
携 同 各 类 产 品 …
4. We think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used
… 相 信 也 会 同 意 我 们 的 产 品 质 料 上 乘 、 手 工 精 巧 …
5. The high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer.
… 能 吸 引 最 有 鉴 赏 力 的 买 主 .

Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Make the reference clear and respond.
确 认 来 函 , 作 出 响 应 .
2.State what acting you are taking
详 述 现 正 采 取 的 措 施
3.Explain why you have not been able to meet the request in full
解 释 未 能 满 足 收 信 人 所 有 要 求
4.Add details of any follow-up action
告 知 其 它 后 续 措 施
5.Broaden the customer’s interest, hoping to sell additional products.
吸 引 收 信 人 对 其 他 产 品 的 兴 趣 , 尽 量 推 销

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Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
(I refer to your…)
(I am glad to…)
We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the
skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products.

I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as
crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality.
(I am sorry to…)
(I can assure you, however,…)
Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.
She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only
the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most
discriminating buyer.
(…that we use the best quality materials…)
(…the most discerning…)
We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully
illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you
examples when she calls.

We look forward to receiving an order from you.


Comments 评 注
This is a concise, yet full, response to the enquiry. It demonstrates the efficiency and dynamism of the company’s
approach. The visit of a sales representative will almost certainly lead to a sale.
(3)An enquiry for steel screws

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a
quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.

It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.

We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because
we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have
confidence in the quality of your products.

We look forward to hearing from you by return.

Yours faithfully,
Nigel Brown
Purchasing Manager
An enquiry for steel screws
钢 螺 钉 询 价
Dear Sirs,
营 业 部 主 管 ,
We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a
quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.
胜 感 激 .

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It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.
如 能 惠 寄 样 本 和 价 格 表 , 亦 必 感 谢 不 尽 .
We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because
we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have
confidence in the quality of your products.
We look forward to hearing from you by return.
专 此 候 复 .
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Brown
Purchasing Manager
采 购 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per…
如 蒙 惠 赐 上 述 报 价 单 , 不 胜 感 激 .
2.It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.
如 能 惠 寄 样 本 和 价 格 表 , 亦 必 感 谢 不 尽 .
3. We have confidence in the quality of your products.
… 闻 悉 贵 公 司 货 品 质 优 价 廉 …
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.State the enquiry clearly, giving details.
详 细 告 知 询 价 项 目 和 细 则
2.State any additional requests
说 明 其 它 请 求
3.Explain why you are approaching this particular company
解 释 选 择 与 收 信 人 公 司 接 洽 的 原 因 .
4.Ask for a quick response
要 求 尽 早 回 复 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a
quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.
(We would like to purchase…)
(We would be grateful if…)
It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.
(We would appreciate it…)
We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because
we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have
confidence in the quality of your products.
(We previously purchased…)
(…we are given to understand…)
(…more competitive prices…)
We look forward to hearing from you by return.
Comments 评 注
The enquiry is clearly stated with all relevant details at this stage. It makes it clear that the prospective purchaser
wishes to buy quite large quantities but wants top quality products at very competitive prices.
(4)Reply to an enquiry for steel screws
Dear Mr Brown,
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to
our final confirmation:

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Production: Steel screws

Specifications: As per the attached list
Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net
Quantity: 100 boxes
Price: As per the attached list
Shipment: January/February 1996
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of

Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.

If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.

Yours sincerely,
K T Chang
Sales Manager
Reply to an enquiry for steel screws
答 复 钢 螺 钉 询 价
Dear Mr Brown,
布 朗 先 生 ,
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1998. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to
our final confirmation:
贵 公 司 1998 年 10 月 2 日 询 价 函 收 悉 . 如 下 报 价 需 在 本 公 司 确 认 后 , 方 可 有 效 :
Production: Steel screws
产 品 : 钢 螺 钉
Specifications: As per the attached list
规 格 : 依 照 附 表
Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net
包 装 : 凈 重 5 公 斤 散 装 箱
Quantity: 100 boxes
数 量 :100 箱
Price: As per the attached list
价 格 : 依 照 附 表
Shipment: January/February 1999
装 运 :1999 年 1 月 至 2 月
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of
付 款 : 保 况 不 可 撤 销 即 期 信 用 证 , 需 于 装 运 前 230 天 开 立
Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.
另 函 附 寄 各 型 号 样 本 、 商 品 目 录 和 价 格 表 .
If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.
如 题 公 司 接 受 上 述 报 价 , 请 尽 早 落 实 定 单 为 盼 .
Yours sincerely,
K T Chang
Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases
1.We would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation
如 下 报 价 需 在 本 公 司 确 认 后 , 方 可 有 效
2. Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.
另 函 附 寄 各 型 号 样 本 、 商 品 目 录 和 价 格 表 .

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Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Acknowledge the enquiry identifying the reference
确 认 来 函 和 查 询 事 宜 .
2.Tabulate the details of the offer for absolute clarity. Define the method of payment (letter of credit) precisely.
把 各 项 要 点 详 列 成 表 . 清 楚 注 明 付 款 规 定 .
3.List samples and other enclosures to be sent in a separate parcel.
告 知 有 关 附 件 和 样 本 将 另 函 寄 奉 .
4.Encourage a speedy reply
敦 促 早 日 回 复 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to
our final confirmation:
(In reply to your enquiry of…)
(The offer is conditional on our final confirmation.)
Production: Steel screws
Specifications: As per the attached list
Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net
Quantity: 100 boxes
Price: As per the attached list
Shipment: January/February 1996
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of

Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.

If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.
(If our offer is acceptable…)
Comments 评 注
The offer is concise and clear. The method of payment, letter of credit, is the securest form of payment when
dealing with export orders. Tabulating details of an offer provides a simple checklist for the customers to follow.
The offer is conditional to allow for any unforeseen problems such as cost increases.
的 成 本 上 涨 . 以 信 用 证 付 款 是 处 理 出 口 订 货 最 可 靠 的 方 法 .

(5)Asking for a pro forma invoice

Dear Sirs,
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:

Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.

Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that
we can get our client’s confirmation.

We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be
opened in your favour.

Yours faithfully,
T S Khayam
Import Manager
Asking for a pro forma invoice
索 取 形 式 发 标

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Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 :
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:
本 公 司 客 户 要 求 获 得 下 列 产 品 的 形 式 发 票
Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.
狮 牌 21 型 镀 铬 指 甲 钳 2500 打
Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that
we can get our client’s confirmation.
现 请 贵 公 司 尽 快 寄 送 一 式 三 份 的 形 式 发 票 给 我 们 , 以 便 取 得 该 客 户 的 确 认 .
We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be
opened in your favour.
Yours faithfully,
T S Khayam
Import Manager
进 口 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.One of our clients has asked us to obtain …
本 公 司 客 户 要 求 获 得 …
2. We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence.
申 请 进 口 许 可 证 并 无 困 难 .
3. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.
此 事 一 经 同 意 , 本 公 司 将 立 即 开 立 以 贵 公 司 为 收 款 人 的 信 用 证 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.State the request and identify the product
告 知 请 求 和 有 关 的 产 品 .
2.Give details of the proposed order and the reasons for requesting the pro forma invoice
详 细 暂 拟 订 单 细 节 和 请 求 发 出 形 式 发 票
3.Add any other details and state the proposed method of payment
附 加 其 它 资 料 和 列 明 暂 拟 的 付 款 方 法 .
Alternative phrases
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:
(One of our customers has asked us to get…)
Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.

Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that
we can get our client’s confirmation.
(Please send three copies of your pro forma invoice …)
We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be
opened in your favour.
(We will not encounter any difficulty in…)
Comments 评 注
A pro forma invoice is not a request for payment. It is a simple way of showing a potential customer what an order
is going to cost. It makes the vendor go through the actual process of costing the order. In this case the pro forma
invoice is required for a third party. A dozen(12) is still a quantity often used by some traders. A gross(144) is also
used, but less frequently.
取 的 .’ 打 ’ (12 件 ) 仍 常 用 于 商 业 贸 易 中 , 但 ’ 罗 ’ (144 件 , 即 12 打 ) 刚 较 为 少 见 .

(6)Sending a pro forma invoice

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Dear Mr Khayam,
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1999, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in

For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling
very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
M T Lui
Export Manager
Sending a pro forma invoice
寄 送 形 式 发 票
Dear Mr Khayam,
哈 亚 姆 先 生 ,
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1996, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in
现 应 1999 年 7 月 14 日 的 要 求 , 谨 寄 上 形 式 发 票 一 式 三 份 .
For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling
very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.
We look forward to hearing from you.
烦 请 早 日 赐 复
Yours sincerely,
M T Lui
Export Manager
出 口 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1. We have much pleasure in sending you…
谨 奉 上 …
2. Our offers usually remain open for about a week
本 公 司 的 报 价 一 般 有 效 期 一 周
3. We suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.
贵 公 司 宜 尽 早 回 复
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the request and state what action you are taking.
确 认 来 函 并 告 知 采 取 的 措 施
2. Encourage the potential customer to act quickly.
敦 促 收 信 人 尽 早 回 复
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1999, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in
(In answer to your request of…)
(…we enclose our…)
For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling
very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.
(…our offers are normally firm for…)
(Since the product is selling quickly, please respond as soon as possible)
We look forward to hearing from you.

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Comments 评 注
This is concise response to a request. At the same time it encourages and early reply. The language is rather formal
with a few redundant. Set phrases are, however, used; see the phrases on the right for simpler alternative.
(7)Offering a substitute
Dear Mrs Stones,
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.

We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to
supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.

We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close

500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre

CIF New York, including your commission of 2%

A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.

Your sincerely,
J S Chowdry
Sales Manager
Offering a substitute
提 供 代 用 品 报 盘
Dear Mrs Stones,
斯 通 太 太 ,
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.
贵 公 司 9 月 23 日 询 问 有 关 634 号 印 花 棉 布 价 格 的 电 传 已 收 到 , 多 谢 来 函 .
We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to
supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close
然 而 , 本 公 司 另 有 出 产 类 似 的 织 品 . 现 报 上 虚 盘 如 下 :
500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre
CIF New York, including your commission of 2%
482 号 印 花 棉 布 500 件 , 每 米 1.5 美 元 纽 约
到 岸 价 , 当 中 包 括 贵 公 司 佣 金 2%
A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.
随 函 敬 附 样 本 供 贵 公 司 参 考 . 若 满 意 样 本 质 量 , 请 尽 快 电 传 复 实 .

Your sincerely,
J S Chowdry
Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases
1. We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
但 因 有 关 产 品 需 求 殷 切 , 未 能 满 足 公 司 要 求 , 深 感 遗 憾 .
2. We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close
然 而 , 本 公 司 另 有 出 产 类 似 的 织 品 .
3. A sample is enclosed for your reference

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随 函 敬 附 样 本 供 贵 公 司 参 考
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the reference and goods.
确 认 来 函 , 列 明 有 关 货 品 .
2. State the reason why you can not accept the order
解 释 未 能 满 足 收 信 人 要 求 的 原 因
3. Offer a substitute with details of the offer
提 供 代 用 品 及 列 明 有 关 详 情 .
4. Enclose anything required by the prospective purchaser to make a decision. Urge acceptance.
附 寄 代 用 品 样 本 , 敦 促 回 复 .
Alternative phrases
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.
(Many thanks for…)
We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to
supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
(We are grateful for…)
(…and, as a result, we are very sorry that…)
(…the goods you required because of heavy demand)
We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close

500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre

CIF New York, including your commission of 2%

A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.
(If the sample is…)
Comments 评 注
The seller is unable to accept an order and state the reasons. In a case like this, it is a good idea to offer a
substitute in an effort to win an order. It appears that the prospective buyer is an intermediary or agent who
operates on commission which is included in the price of the goods.
价 内 .

(8)Inability to supply goods

Dear Sirs,
We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk.
As you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are consequently fully committed
at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested.
We assure you , however , that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should your
customers require other silks, please let us know.
Yours faithfully,
C C Ho
Inability to supply goods
无 法 供 货
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 ,
We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk.
贵 公 司 8 月 12 日 的 电 传 已 收 到 , 现 就 有 关 黑 色 丝 绸 供 货 问 题 电 复 .
As you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are consequently fully committed
at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested.

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We assure you , however , that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should your
customers require other silks, please let us know.
Yours faithfully,
C C Ho
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1. Demand for…has been heavy since…
上 述 货 品 的 需 求 量 极 高
2. We are fully committed at the moment
本 公 司 暂 未 能 承 接 定 单 …
3. We shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available
他 日 一 旦 有 新 货 源 , 本 公 司 定 当 立 即 与 贵 公 司 联 络
4. Should your customers require other…please let us know
若 贵 客 户 需 要 其 它 丝 绸 货 品 , 亦 请 告 知 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the reference and the goods
确 认 来 函
2. Explain why you can not supply the goods
解 释 未 能 供 货 的 原 因
3. Say that you will keep the enquiry before you until such time as the goods become available, and that you will
contact the client at that time. Remind the client that other goods are available.
说 明 如 有 新 货 源 将 立 即 供 给 对 方 , 并 询 问 是 否 需 要 其 它 种 类 的 丝 绸 .
Alternative phrases

We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk.
(With reference to…)
As you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are consequently fully committed
at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested.
(You may know that …)
(As a result, we are…)
(…we can not make you an offer…)
We assure you , however , that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should your
customers require other silks, please let us know.
(You can be sure that…)
(If your custo9mers…)
(…please contact us.)
Comments 评 注
This letter briefly explain why goods are not available, keeps the enquiry open, and tries to sell other goods which
are available.
本函简要解释未能供货的原因 ,承诺一俟有新货源 ,必实时供给收信人 ,发信人亦试图促销其它产品 .

(9)Declining an order
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your order no. 488 for tin plate sheets which we received today.

We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.

Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain
availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves.

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In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets. You can be
assure of our best attention at all times.

Yours faithfully,
Margaret Brown
Export Manager
Declining an order
拒 绝 接 受 订 货
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 ,
Thank you for your order no. 488 for tin plate sheets which we received today.
今 天 收 到 贵 公 司 4 5 8 号 镀 锡 薄 板 的 定 单 .
We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.
因 为 存 货 短 缺 , 未 能 供 应 贵 公 司 所 需 货 品 , 特 此 致 歉 .
Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain
availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves.
司 .
In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets. You can be
assure of our best attention at all times.
若 贵 公 司 需 要 其 它 金 属 薄 板 型 号 的 资 料 , 我 们 乐 意 随 时 效 劳 .
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Brown
Export Manager
出 口 部 经 理
Useful phrases
1. We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.
因 为 存 货 短 缺 , 未 能 供 应 贵 公 司 所 需 货 品 , 特 此 致 歉 .
2. Our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain
availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves.
制 造 商 尚 未 确 定 原 料 供 应 是 否 充 足 , 所 以 不 能 接 受 其 它 定 单 .
3. You can be assure of our best attention at all times.
我 们 乐 意 随 时 效 劳 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the reference
确 认 有 关 事 项
2. Apologize for not being able to accept the order, giving the reason.
解 释 未 能 供 货 的 原 因 , 加 以 道 歉
3. Explain the future position and promise to be in touch later.
说 明 将 来 的 情 况 , 答 允 保 持 联 络
4. Try to obtain orders for other goods.
争 取 其 它 订 单
Alternative phrases

Thank you for your order no. 488 for tin plate sheets which we received today.

We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.
(Because of shortage…)
Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain

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availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves.
(…can not promise to accept your…)
(…because the supply of raw materials is uncertain…)
(…when supply returns to normal.)
In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets. You can be
assure of our best attention at all times.

(We shall attend to your enquiries promptly

Comments 评 注
The letter states the position clearly and briefly. It gives honest information about future supplies and tries to sell
other goods.
本 函 简 要 说 明 现 状 , 告 知 货 品 的 未 来 供 应 情 况 , 借 机 争 取 促 销 其 它 货 品 .

(10)A repeat order

Dear Sirs,
We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite

Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market , we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500
dozens of the same style and size.

We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the

If the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the
specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.

Yours faithfully,
Fiona Green
Head Buyer
A repeat order
再 次 订 货
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 ,
We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite
本 公 司 忆 收 到 上 述 由 蓝 海 号 船 载 运 的 货 品 , 其 质 量 令 人 满 意 .
Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market , we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500
dozens of the same style and size.
预 计 销 量 将 会 增 加 , 现 欲 增 订 500 打 相 同 式 样 的 尺 码 的 货 品 .
We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the
如 蒙 及 早 安 排 装 运 此 批 货 品 , 以 应 燃 眉 之 急 , 本 公 司 将 万 分 感 激 .
If the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the
specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.
贵 公 司 若 无 此 存 货 , 恳 请 建 议 可 行 的 替 代 品 及 其 资 料
Yours faithfully,
Fiona Green
Head Buyer
采 购 部 主 任
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1. We find the goods quite satisfactory.

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其 质 量 令 人 满 意 .
2. We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the
如 蒙 及 早 安 排 装 运 此 批 货 品 , 以 应 燃 眉 之 急 , 本 公 司 将 万 分 感 激 .
3. We would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods
which can be shipped from stock.
恳 请 建 议 可 行 的 替 代 品 及 其 资 料
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the order and product State what has happened.
确 认 有 关 货 品 , 表 示 满 意
2. Give details of the repeat order.
提 出 要 求 增 订 的 原 因
3. Urge prompt delivery
敦 促 尽 早 落 实 订 单
4. Ask for details of a substitute if you think the goods may not be in stock
如 该 货 短 缺 , 请 求 提 供 替 代 用 品
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite
(The above shipment has arrived safely by SS Blue Seas and we are pleased to say that the goods are satisfied)
Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market , we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500
dozens of the same style and size.
(…sell more of this product…)
We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the
(…as we need the goods urgently…)
If the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the
specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.
(…if you would tell us…)
Comments 评 注
The supplier will be pleased by the complimentary tone of this letter. As a result. , s/he will do the best to oblige
the purchaser by responding promptly.
收 信 人 获 得 赞 赏 , 定 必 从 速 回 复 发 信 人 , 并 安 排 有 关 增 订 事 宜 .

( 十 )Thank a customer for an order

Dear Mr Dakin,
Thank you for your order no.464 of 20 September.
The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.
The package is being airfreighted to your on Swissair . The relevant documentation is enclosed.
I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship
between our companies.
The next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction.
Yours sincerely,
Jean-Pierre Prost
Sales Manager
Thank a customer for an order
感 谢 客 户 订 货
Dear Mr Dakin,
代 金 先 生 .
Thank you for your order no.464 of 20 September.

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谢 谢 9 月 20 日 第 464 号 定 单 .
The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.
今 天 我 已 亲 自 监 督 发 送 您 自 展 展 览 室 挑 选 的 产 品
The package is being airfreighted to your on Swissair . The relevant documentation is enclosed.
该 产 品 随 附 有 关 文 件 经 瑞 士 航 空 公 司 运 送 .
I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship
between our companies.
很 荣 幸 与 您 会 面 , 衷 心 希 望 是 次 定 单 能 加 强 双 方 的 关 系 .
The next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction.
下 次 到 方 前 , 烦 请 赐 知 , 以 能 安 排 与 本 公 司 董 事 会 共 进 午 餐 .
Yours sincerely,
Jean-Pierre Prost
Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases
1.The models you selected went out today under my personal supervison.
今 天 我 已 亲 自 监 督 发 送 您 自 展 览 室 挑 选 的 产 品 .
2.I hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationshiop between our companies.
衷 心 希 望 是 次 定 单 能 加 强 双 方 的 关 系 .
1.Identify the reference
指 出 有 关 的 定 单
2.Give the shipping date.
交 待 装 运 其 和 运 输 方 式
3.State the means of delivery and mention the enclosure
提 及 货 口 随 附 文 件 送 上
4&5 End with a friendly message.
建 立 友 好 关 系
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your order no.464 of 20 September.
(Many thanks for …)
The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.
(The goods your chose…)
The package is being airfreighted to your on Swissair . The relevant documentation is enclosed.
(I enclose the relevant documents.)
I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship
between our companies.
The next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction.
(When you visit us again…)
Comments 评 注
This letter confirms shipment of an order. The vendor makes it clear that he will personally supervise transactions.
The offer of hospitality should further consolidate the business relationship.
业 务 发 展 .

( 十 一 )Selling more to a steady customer

Dear Sirs,
I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from
We are most gratified that you have, for several years,included a selection of our products in your mail-order

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catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady.

We believe that we will find our new designs most attractive . They should get a very good reception in your
Once you have had time to study the supplement ,please let us know if you would like to take the matter further.
We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.
For your information ,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the
North American market.
We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Reeve
Export Manager
Selling more to a steady customer
向 长 期 客 户 推 销 新 产 品
Dear Sirs,
采 购 部 主 管 ,
I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from
随 函 寄 奉 配 有 插 图 的 商 品 目 录 附 页 , 介 绍 最 新 设 计 的 产 品 .
We are most gratified that you have, for several years,included a selection of our products in your mail-order
catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady.
We believe that we will find our new designs most attractive . They should get a very good reception in your
最 新 设 计 的 产 品 巧 夺 天 工 , 定 能 吸 引 顾 客 选 购 .
Once you have had time to study the supplement ,please let us know if you would like to take the matter further.
We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.
烦 请 参 阅 上 述 附 页 , 若 需 查 看 样 本 , 请 赐 复 , 本 公 司 乐 意 效 劳 .
For your information ,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the
North American market.
本公司现正设计一系列款式古典的英国餐具 ,适合北美市场需求.如感兴趣,亦请赐知.
We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
愿 进 一 步 加 强 联 系 , 并 候 复 音 .
Yours faithfully,
Peter Reeve
Export Manager
出 口 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We believe that you will find our new designs most attractive.
最 新 设 计 的 产 品 巧 夺 天 工 …
2.Please let us know if you would like to take the matter further.
… 本 公 司 乐 意 效 劳 .
3.For your information…
如 感 兴 趣 , 亦 请 赐 知 .
4.We will keep you informed on our progress.
愿 进 一 步 加 强 联 系 …
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Refer to the enclosure
提 及 附 件
2.Thank the company for their business
感 谢 客 户 长 期 惠 顾
3.Refer to the new products

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介 绍 新 产 品 .
4.Offer further service.
提 供 进 一 步 服 务 .
5.Describe future development.
简 述 未 来 发 展 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from
(Please find enclosed…)
We are most gratified that you have, for several years,included a selection of our products in your mail-order
catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady.
(We are very pleased…)
(We sales that have resulted…)
We believe that we will find our new designs most attractive . They should get a very good reception in your
(We think that…)
(There should be a good market for them in you country)
Once you have had time to study the supplement ,please let us know if you would like to take the matter further.
We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.
(When you have looked at…)
For your information ,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the
North American market.
(…which should sell well…)
We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
Comments 评 注
The vendor already sells to the recipient of the letter. He is now supporting the existing sales and trying to
encourage an expansion in business. The letter’s main purpose is to maintain the recipient’s interest in the
vendor’s products and keep him informed of developments.
情 况 的 资 料 .

(12)Canvassing advertisers for a trade directory

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind
which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was
a wise move on your part.
We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1995. The new edition
will be expanded to include major manufacturers of pluming equipment in the European Community.
For proper coverage in the directory ,you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple
listing, you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.
You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and
hardware trades.
Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.
Thanks again for your business.
Yours fainthfully.
Brian Price
Canvassing advertisers for a trade directory
为 商 贸 指 南 兜 揽 广 告 客 户
Dear Sirs,
敬 启 者 ,
Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind

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which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was
a wise move on your part.
刊 登 广 告 确 是 明 智 之 举 .
We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1995. The new edition
will be expanded to include major manufacturers of pluming equipment in the European Community.
现 正 筹 备 1995 年 4 月 版 的 贸 易 指 南 , 新 版 会 罗 列 欧 洲 共 同 体 的 主 要 锅 管 业 制 造 商 .
For proper coverage in the directory ,you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple
listing, you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.
获 半 价 优 惠 .
You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and
hardware trades.
该 指 南 将 分 送 给 所 有 建 筑 公 司 和 五 金 器 具 公 司 的 主 管 .
Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.
烦 请 填 妥 随 附 表 格 , 边 同 广 告 费 用 一 并 寄 回 .
Thanks again for your business.
专 此 盼 候 佳 音 .
Yours fainthfully.
Brian Price
经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We are currently compiling a new edition of…
现 在 正 筹 备 …
2.For proper coverage…
为 达 到 出 色 的 宣 传 效 果 …
3.If you do opt for…you will be able to…
如 蒙 惠 顾 … 将 可 获 …
4.Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.
烦 请 填 妥 随 附 表 格 , 边 同 广 告 费 用 一 并 寄 回 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Thank the client for his business and describe the circulation of the directory.
感 谢 客 户 惠 顾 , 简 述 指 南 的 流 通 量 .
2.Write about the new edition and the plans for wider circulatin.
告 知 关 于 新 版 筹 备 工 作 和 扩 大 流 通 量 之 事 宜 .
3.Encourage the client to take more space
促 请 客 户 刊 登 更 多 的 广 告 .
4.Stress the importance of the people who will get the directory.
强 调 指 南 对 读 者 的 重 要
5.Mention the enclosures
提 及 附 件
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind
which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was
a wise move on your part.
(At the moment you are listed…)
We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1995. The new edition
will be expanded to include major manufacturers of pluming equipment in the European Community.
(We are putting together…)

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(Coverage in the new edition will be increased…)

For proper coverage in the directory ,you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple
listing, you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.
(If you decide on a multiple entry…)
You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and
hardware trades.
(We can assure you that…)
Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.
Thanks again for your business.
(…and enclose the correct fee.)
Comments 评 注
The letter has two main purpose . The first is to keep the client’s business. The second is to try to sell more
advertising space. To achieve these aims, the letter stresses the wider circulation of the new edition , the
importance of the people who will receive it and the usefulness of multiple listing.
本信的目的有两个: 保持与客户现有的商业联系和促销更多广告版面.因此,本信强调新版扩大发行,读者包
括 有 关 行 业 的 决 策 人 , 以 及 刊 登 不 同 类 别 广 告 的 优 惠 .

(13)A request to use a customer as a reference

Dear Mr Legrand,
Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are so pleased with the refurbishment
of your hotel.
As you know, in our line of work, we depend on good reports about our projects to win further business. Our
clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves.
With our permission, we would like to use hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the
hotel industry. Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you?
It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course,
stay overnight at least.
I will call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Gould
A request to use a customer as a reference
请 求 客 户 作 推 荐 人
Dear Mr Legrand,
勒 格 朗 先 生 ,
Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are so pleased with the refurbishment
of your hotel.
从 11 月 2 日 的 来 函 得 悉 阁 下 对 贵 饭 店 的 整 修 感 到 满 意 , 此 消 息 对 本 公 司 实 是 一 大 鼓 .
As you know, in our line of work, we depend on good reports about our projects to win further business. Our
clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves.
设 计 行 业 重 视 声 誉 , 客 人 在 选 择 设 计 公 司 时 必 然 会 有 所 比 较 .
With our permission, we would like to use hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the
hotel industry. Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you?
It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course,
stay overnight at least.
I will call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Gould
经 理

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 20

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Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We are delighted to hear that…
… 此 消 息 对 本 公 司 实 是 一 大 鼓 励
2.We depend on good reports about our projects to win further business.
… 重 视 声 誉 …
3.With your permission ,we would like to use…a reference
如 蒙 允 许 , 本 公 司 欲 请 贵 饭 店 作 推 荐 人 …
4.It would be most helpful if…
… 定 必 有 莫 大 帮 助 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Acknowledge the letter. Thank the client for his praise.
告 知 客 户 收 到 来 信 , 感 谢 称 赞 .
2.Mention the need for references in your business.
提 及 有 关 的 业 务 需 要 .
3.Ask the client if he is willing to act as a referee.
请 求 客 户 作 推 荐 人 .
4.Hold out the promise of business for the client if he cooperates.
如 客 户 应 许 作 推 荐 人 , 承 诺 加 强 业 务 合 作 .
5.Urge a reply and express again your gratitude.
给 予 充 中 时 间 考 虙 , 并 再 次 感 谢 赞 赏 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are so pleased with the refurbishment
of your hotel.
(We are pleased …)
As you know, in our line of work, we depend on good reports about our projects to win further business. Our
clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves.
(…,in our profession,…)
(Our clients always consider their options…)
With our permission, we would like to use hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the
hotel industry. Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you?
(…similar projects…)
(Could we suggest that prospective clients call you?)
It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course,
stay overnight at least.
I will call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.
Comments 评 注
The letter takes advantage of a satisfied reaction from a client to attempt to recruit a referee. The writer is astute in
that he indicates that the referee will be rewarded with extra business. It is important to offer some kind of
incentive when asking for a favour of this kind.
必 需 的 .

(14) Announcing a price increase

Dear sirs,
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997.

You will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have
been introduced. Our range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular
lines,however,have been retained unchanged.

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You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and
some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not,however,increased our prices across the board. In many
cases,there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all.

We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our
service will continue to be first class.

We look forward to receiving your orders.

Yours faithfully,
Tim Smith
Export Sales Manager
Announcing a price increase
通 知 客 户 价 格 调 整
Dear sirs,
敬 启 者 ,
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997.
仅 附 上 新 的 产 品 目 录 和 价 格 表 ,. 修 床 价 格 定 于 1997 年 4 月 11 日 起 生 效 .
You will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have
been introduced. Our range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular
lines,however,have been retained unchanged.
You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and
some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not,however,increased our prices across the board. In many
cases,there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all.
We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our
service will continue to be first class.
本 公 司 坚 守 一 贯 信 念 , 务 求 出 产 优 质 之 耐 用 消 费 品 , 适 应 顾 客 的 需 要 .
We look forward to receiving your orders.
盼 继 续 合 作 .
Yours faithfully,
Tim Smith
Export Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We enclose our new catalogue and price list
仅 附 上 新 的 产 品 目 录 和 价 格 表 .
2.You will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range.
产 品 系 列 有 一 大 革 新 …
3.Some price increases have been unavoidable.
… 边 带 令 货 品 价 格 上 涨 . 势
4.We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard
本 公 司 坚 守 一 贯 信 念 , 务 求 出 产 优 质 之 耐 用 消 费 品 …
5.Our service will continue to be first class.
… 迎 合 顾 客 的 需 要 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Announce the impending price increases and refer to the enclosure
通 知 价 格 调 长 和 提 及 随 附 文 件 .
2.Describe the changes in the product lines
介 绍 产 品 系 列 的 改 动

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3.Give the reason for the price increases and describe them.
说 明 价 格 调 升 的 原 因 和 情 况
4.Stress that the high quality of your products and service is unchanged.
强 调 产 品 质 量 和 服 务 水 准 维 持 不 变 .
5.Canvass new orders
兜 揽 新 订 单 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997.
(Please find enclosed…)
You will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have
been introduced. Our range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular
lines,however,have been retained unchanged.
(…we have made some changes…)
(We have introduced a number of improved models)
(We have completely redesigned our range of washing machines.)
You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and
some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not,however,increased our prices across the board. In many
cases,there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all.
(…the prices of all our products…)
We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our
service will continue to be first class.
(…we have maintained the high quality of our consumer durables…)
We look forward to receiving your orders
Comments 评 注
This is a reasoned announcement of a price increase. The impact is softened by telling the client that some lines
are not affected and by stressing continued quality.
这封信通知客户价格调升事宜 .为令客户安心,指出只有部分货品需调整价格 ,又强调保持质量不变 .

(15)Explaining a price increase

Dear sirs,
I enclose our new price list,which will come into effect from the end of this month.

You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on
some models of which we hold large stocks. We feel we should explain why we have increased our prices.

We are paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year. Some of our subcontractors have
raised their prices by as much as 15%.

As you know ,we take great pride in our machines and are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability
which we have achieved over the last 40 years. We will not compromise that reputation because of rising costs.
We have,therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our machines.

We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your orders.

Yours faithfully,
Andrew Gray
Export Sales Manager
Explaining a price increase
说 明 价 格 调 整 原 因
Dear sirs,
执 事 先 生 ,
I enclose our new price list,which will come into effect from the end of this month.

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现 仅 附 上 本 公 司 新 价 格 表 . 新 价 格 将 于 本 月 底 生 效 .
You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on
some models of which we hold large stocks. We feel we should explain why we have increased our prices.
除 了 存 货 充 裕 的 商 品 外 , 其 余 大 部 分 货 品 均 已 调 长 价 格 .
We are paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year. Some of our subcontractors have
raised their prices by as much as 15%.
是 次 调 整 原 因 是 原 材 料 价 格 长 幅 上 涨 10%, 一 些 承 包 商 的 价 格 调 升 15%
As you know ,we take great pride in our machines and are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability
which we have achieved over the last 40 years. We will not compromise that reputation because of rising costs.
We have,therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our machines.
过 去 40 年 , 本 公 司 生 产 的 机 器 品 质 优 良 、 性 能 可 靠 . 今 为 确 保 产 品 质 量 , 唯 有 调 整 价 格 .
We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your orders.
上 述 情 况 , 还 望 考 虑 . 愿 能 与 贵 公 司 保 持 紧 密 合 作 .

Yours faithfully,
Andrew Gray
Export Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1….will come into effect from the end of this month.
… 将 于 本 月 底 生 效
2. We feel we should explain why we have increased our prices.
是 次 调 整 原 因 是 …
3.We take great pride in our … are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability which we have
本 公 司 生 产 的 机 器 品 质 优 良 、 性 能 可 靠 .
4.We hope you will understand our position.
上 述 情 况 , 还 望 考 虑 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Refer to the enclosures.
提 及 附 件 .
2.Discuss the price list.
指 出 价 格 调 整 范 围 .
3.Give the reason for the price increase
举 出 涨 价 理 由 .
4.Stress that quality and reliability will be maintained.
强 调 货 品 保 持 质 量 , 值 得 信 赖 .
5.Appeal to the client for understanding and ask for orders.
请 求 客 户 理 解 , 并 保 持 合 作 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
I enclose our new price list,which will come into effect from the end of this month.
(…that will apply from…)
You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on
some models of which we hold large stocks. We feel we should explain why we have increased our prices.
(We have not done so on some models because we hold large stocks)
We are paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year. Some of our subcontractors have
raised their prices by as much as 15%.

As you know ,we take great pride in our machines and are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability
which we have achieved over the last 40 years. We will not compromise that reputation because of rising costs.
We have,therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our machines.

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(We will not jeopardize…)

We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your orders.
Comments 评 注
The letter gives valid reasons for the increases and stresses the quality of the products.
本 信 说 明 价 格 调 整 原 因 , 强 调 保 持 质 量 , 令 客 户 安 心 .

(16)Answering a thank-you letter

Dear Mr Hussein,

We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.

We are now in our fifth year of operation, and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of
customer satisfaction with our installations.

We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that if you need to
contact us at any time in the future, our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.

If we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.

Yours sincerely,
Grant Benson
Chief Engineer
Answering a thank-you letter
回 复 感 谢 信
Dear Mr Hussein,
候 赛 因 先 生 ,
We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.

承 蒙 来 信 赞 扬 本 公 司 提 供 的 空 调 维 修 工 程 服 务 , 欣 喜 不 已 .
We are now in our fifth year of operation , and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of
customer satisfaction with our installations.
五 年 前 开 业 至 今 , 屡 获 客 户 来 函 嘉 奖 , 本 公 司 荣 幸 之 至 .
We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that if you need to
contact us at any time in the future, our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.
劳 .
If we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.
在 此 谨 再 衷 心 谢 贵 公 司 的 赞 赏 , 并 请 继 续 保 持 联 络 .
Yours sincerely,
Grant Benson
Chief Engineer
总 工 程 师
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We greatly appreciate…… 欣 喜 不 已 .
2.…a high level of customer satisfaction…
… 来 函 嘉 奖 …
3.We are pleased that our staff assisted you so capably
欣 悉 贵 公 司 赏 识 技 术 人 员 的 服 务 .
4.If we can be of service to your again,please let us know.
他 日 若 有 任 何 需 要 , 亦 请 与 本 公 司 联 络 .

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Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Identify the letter and offer thanks.
确 认 来 信 , 表 示 谢 意
2.Confirm the client’s opinion.
认 同 客 户 的 赞 赏 .
3.Offer future service.
提 出 今 后 的 服 务 .
4.End with a friendly message.
再 次 感 谢 客 户 的 嘉 奖 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.

(Many thanks for…)

We are now in our fifth year of operation , and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of
customer satisfaction with our installations.
(We have now been operating for five years…)
We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that if you need to
contact us at any time in the future, our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.
(We are glad to hear that…)
(…will be pleased to respond…)
If we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.
Comments 评 注 :
This is a gracious response to a thank-you letter. The letter is intended to secure the loyalty of a satisfied customer.

此 信 用 来 答 复 客 户 的 感 谢 信 , 借 此 巩 固 双 方 的 业 务 关 系 .

17)Refering a customer elsewhere

Dear sirs,
Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.
We regret to say that we do not manufacture finished apparel. Our factory products only silk cloth which we sell
to textile merchants and clothing manufacturers.
We can , however, recommend a factory here that produces high quality silk apparel and would be able to
manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards.
Swan Textile Corporation
The Industrial Zone
We supply the factory with all their silk materials. I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination.
Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products, we can supply the Swan factory with
We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings.
Yours faithfully,
C C Ho
Refering a customer elsewhere
请 客 户 征 询 其 它 公 司
Dear sirs,
敬 复 者 ,
Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.
谢 谢 5 月 5 日 来 函 查 询 关 于 丝 绸 罩 衫 的 事 宜 .
We regret to say that we do not manufacture finished apparel. Our factory products only silk cloth which we sell
to textile merchants and clothing manufacturers.

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分 歉 意 .
We can , however, recommend a factory here that produces high quality silk apparel and would be able to
manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards.
服 装 :
Swan Textile Corporation
The Industrial Zone
蛇 口 工 业 区 天 鹅 纺 织 品 公 司
We supply the factory with all their silk materials. I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination.
Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products, we can supply the Swan factory with

We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings.
愿 上 述 资 料 对 贵 公 司 有 所 帮 助 . 谨 祝 生 意 兴 隆 , 事 事 顺 达 .
Yours faithfully,
C C Ho
经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.Thank you for your enquiry of …concerning
谢 谢 .. 月 .. 日 来 函 查 询 …
2.We regret to say that we do not manufacture
没 有 制 造 … , 因 而 未 能 接 受 贵 公 司 订 货 , 谨 表 示 万 分 歉 意
3.We can , however, recommend…
然 而 , 本 公 司 乐 意 推 荐 …
4.Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products…
如 贵 公 司 认 为 适 合 .
5.We hope that this will be of help to you.
愿 上 述 资 料 对 贵 公 司 有 所 帮 助
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Identify the enquiry
确 认 来 函
2.State why you can not supply the goods.
解 释 未 能 落 实 客 户 需 求 的 原 因 .
3.Recommend a factory that can supply the goods.
推 荐 能 供 货 的 厂 家 .
4.If possible,obtain a share of the business.
尽 可 能 促 销 产 品 , 参 与 合 作 .
5.End with a friendly message.
以 祝 颂 语 收 结 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.
(We refer to…)
We regret to say that we do not manufacture finished apparel. Our factory products only silk cloth which we sell
to textile merchants and clothing manufacturers.
(We are sorry,but…)
We can , however, recommend a factory here that produces high quality silk apparel and would be able to

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manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards.

(We would,however, like to suggest…)
Swan Textile Corporation
The Industrial Zone
We supply the factory with all their silk materials. I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination.
Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products, we can supply the Swan factory with
(I enclose samples of…)
We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings.
(We are pleased to be of assistance…)

Comments 评 注
The letter sets out to assist the prospective purchaser by suggesting a supplier. At the same time, it tries to win a
share of the business. The purchaser will be grateful for the help given. The inclusion of samples might lead to
sales by the silk company.
(18) Offering better service
Dear sirs,

Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I appreciate for the delivery problems you had with us last month.

I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handing your
account. We know we made a mistake on your last order.
Although we replaced it for you, we want to make sure it does not happen again.

We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future orders. It includes your firm’s particular
specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe we can service your company better and
help your operations run more smoothly with this safeguard.

Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.
Yours faithfully,
Marco Grassi
Export Manager
Offering better service
改 善 服 务
Dear sirs,
执 事 先 生 ,
Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I appreciate for the delivery problems you had with us last month.
感 谢 1 月 26 日 来 信 , 对 上 月 贵 公 司 遇 到 的 交 货 问 题 , 深 感 歉 意 .
I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handing your
account. We know we made a mistake on your last order. Although we replaced it for you, we want to make sure it
does not happen again.
更 有 效 方 法 处 理 贵 公 司 事 务 , 并 为 此 特 别 设 计 清 单 .
We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future orders. It includes your firm’s particular
specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe we can service your company better and
help your operations run more smoothly with this safeguard.
司 提 供 更 佳 服 务 , 促 进 双 方 合 作 .
Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.
如 欲 增 设 任 何 栏 目 于 该 清 单 上 , 恳 求 惠 示 .
Yours faithfully,

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Marco Grassi
Export Manager
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us…
对 … 贵 公 司 遇 到 的 交 货 问 题 , 深 感 歉 意 .
2.I have had a meeting…to work out a better system for handing your account.
… 本 公 司 生 产、 运输 和出 口部 经理 已商 议制 订更 有效 方法 处理 贵公 司事 务 .
3.…your firm’s particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions.
… 特 殊 规 格 、 包 装 要 求 和 标 志 说 明 等 栏 目 .
4.Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.
如 欲 增 设 任 何 栏 目 于 该 清 单 上 , 恳 求 惠 示 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Identify the complaint and apologize
确 认 投 诉 , 表 示 歉 意
2.Say what action you have taken
指 出 已 采 取 的 措 施
3.Introduce the new system
介 绍 新 制 度
4.Invite the customer to offer advice
请 客 户 提 意 见
Alternative phrases
Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I appreciate for the delivery problems you had with us last month.
(We offer our sincere apologies for …)
I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handing your
account. We know we made a mistake on your last order. Although we replaced it for you, we want to make sure it
does not happen again.
(…to devise a better system for…)
(…rectified our mistake,…)
We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future orders. It includes your firm’s particular
specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe we can service your company better and
help your operations run more smoothly with this safeguard.
(…offer a better service…)
Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.
(…any additional headings…)
Comments 评 注 :
The company wisely admits its mistake. To reassure the customer, it gives information about the new system
designed to eliminate errors in the future.

(19)Refusing a customer’s request

Dear Mrs Jones,
Thank you for your enquiry of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear form a valued customer.

I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for technical information regarding our softens systems. The
fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.

I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help,
do not hesitate to contact us again.

Yours sincerely,

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Peter Bold
Refusing a customer’s request
拒 绝 客 户 的 要 求
Dear Mrs Jones,
琼 斯 太 太 ,
Thank you for your enquiry of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear form a valued customer.
8 月 25 日 来 信 收 悉 , 谨 此 致 谢 .
I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for technical information regarding our softens systems. The
fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.
透 露 , 尚 祈 见 谅 .
I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help,
do not hesitate to contact us again.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Bold
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer.
… 谨 此 致 谢
2.I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for…
本 公 司 亦 不 便 透 露 , 尚 祈 见 谅 .
3.I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.
希 望 不 会 因 此 为 贵 公 司 造 成 不 便
4.If there any other way in which we can help ,do not hesitate to contact us again.
如 需 本 公 司 协 助 其 它 事 宜 , 欢 迎 随 时 赐 顾 垂 询 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Identify the enquiry
确 认 来 函
2.Reject the request politely and give the reason
礼 貌 地 谢 绝 要 求 , 并 说 明 原 因
3.End with a friendly message.
欢 迎 客 户 查 询
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your enquiry of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear form a valued customer.
(Many thanks for…)
(We are glad to hear from an old customer)
I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for technical information regarding our softens systems. The
fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.
(I am sorry ,but we…)
(In fact ,…)
I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help,
do not hesitate to contact us again.
(…pleased contact us again.)
Comments 评 注
This letter responds to an attempt by a client to obtain sensitive information. It states the company policy clearly,
but softens the refusal by mentioning that the company is to different from other companies in this respect.

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20)Dealing with a difficult customer

Dear sirs,
We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship. Of late, we have not been
able to provide the kind of service we both want.

The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to
confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances, you have returned goods that were
originally ordered.

To solve the problem, I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on
any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it.

I trust that this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly.

Yours faithfully,
James Brown
Dealing with a difficult custome
应 付 难 办 的 客 户 ,
Dear sirs,
敬 启 者 ,
We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship. Of late, we have not been
able to provide the kind of service we both want.
The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to
confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances, you have returned goods that were
originally ordered.
困 惑 .
To solve the problem, I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on
any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it.
单 修 改 后 电 传 副 本 , 供 贵 公 司 查 核 .
I trust that this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly.
盼 望 上 述 办 法 能 减 少 延 误 , 促 进 双 方 业 务 发 展 .
Yours faithfully,
James Brown
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship.
承 蒙 多 年 惠 顾 , 本 公 司 感 激 万 分 .
2.This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies.
… 导 致 了 双 方 公 司 工 作 中 的 混 乱 和 困 惑
3.I trust that this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operating to run smoothly.
盼 望 上 述 办 法 能 减 少 延 误 , 促 进 双 方 业 务 发 展 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Introduce the subject of the letter
概 括 信 件 内 容
2.Set out the problem
指 出 问 题

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3.Propose a solution
建 议 解 决 方 法
4.Express the hope that the situation will be improved.
期 望 情 况 得 到 改 善
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship. Of late, we have not been
able to provide the kind of service we both want.
(We have been trading…)
The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to
confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances, you have returned goods that were
originally ordered.
(…after they have made them.)
(On several occasions,…)
(…that you originally ordered.)
To solve the problem, I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on
any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it.
(To eradicate the problem…)
(…to check it …)
I trust that this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly.
(I hope that this arrangement will reduce delays and errors, and permit…)
Comments 评 注
The letter attempts to bring some order to a chaotic situation. It suggests a method of dealing with the problem by
introducing a system of ordering that should lead the customer to more disciplined behaviour.
本 信 就 买 卖 双 方 合 作 上 的 问 题 提 出 解 决 方 法 , 期 望 客 户 今 后 能 遵 守 .

(21)Congratulations to a new business

Dear Sirs,
It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels.
Congratulations on your bold venture.
As you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating
with you in your European venture.
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help.
We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.
Yours faithfully,
J P Howell
Congratulations to a new business
祝 贺 新 公 司 成 立
Dear Sirs,
敬 启 者 ,
It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels.
Congratulations on your bold venture.
刚 刚 得 悉 贵 公 司 于 布 鲁 塞 尔 成 立 新 的 欧 洲 总 部 . , 谨 祝 大 展 鸿 图 .
As you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating
with you in your European venture.
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help.
如 需 本 公 司 效 劳 , 务 请 告 知 , 本 公 司 定 必 悉 力 以 赴 .
We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.
谨 祝 前 途 似 锦 .
Yours faithfully,

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J P Howell
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.It has just come to our attention that…
刚 刚 得 悉 贵 公 司 …
2.Our companies have had a long business association in…
鉴 于 双 方 于 英 国 的 长 期 合 作 联 系
3.Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you.
如 需 本 公 司 效 劳 , 务 请 告 知
4.We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.
谨 祝 前 途 似 锦 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.State what caused you to write
阐 明 发 信 人 的 主 要 目 的
2.Congratulate the company
祝 贺 收 信 人 成 立 新 公 司
3.Remind the company of your business relationship
表 明 希 望 双 方 建 立 合 作 关 系
4.Encourage enquiries
提 出 愿 为 对 方 效 劳
5.Wish the new venture good luck.
送 上 祝 辞
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels.
(We have just learned that…)
Congratulations on your bold venture.
(We extend our congratulations…)
As you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating
with you in your European venture.
(We would be delighted to collaborate…)
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help.
We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.
(Please contact us…)
Comments 评 注
When a new venture starts, it is a good policy to offer your best wishes. Such a letter also reminds the company of
the services you can offer.
发 信 祝 贺 别 人 成 立 新 公 司 是 明 智 的 手 法 , 并 可 顺 带 推 广 服 务 和 产 品 .

(22) An informal request for an appointment

Dear Henry,
Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarket proposal?
We want to make a dicision by the beginning of next month. We would very much like to hear your thoughts
before we make any definite plans.
Could you choose a venue for the meeting? I can fly to London any time. Perhaps you would prefer Lyon or
Paris? I leave it to you to choose.
I look forward to seeing you again.
Best regards,
Pierre Cros

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An informal request for an appointment

非 正 式 的 预 约 要 求
Dear Henry,
亨 利 ,
Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarket proposal?
您 好 ! 未 知 能 否 于 本 月 会 面 , 商 谈 有 关 特 大 自 助 市 场 的 建 议 呢 ?
We want to make a dicision by the beginning of next month. We would very much like to hear your thoughts
before we make any definite plans.
Could you choose a venue for the meeting? I can fly to London any time. Perhaps you would prefer Lyon or
Paris? I leave it to you to choose.
敢 问 能 否 先 定 会 面 地 点 ? 在 伦 敦 、 巴 黎 或 是 里 昂 商 谈 都 可 以 , 悉 随 尊 便 .
I look forward to seeing you again.
期 待 与 您 会 面
Best regards,
Pierre Cros
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.Could we meet some time this month to discuss…
未 知 能 否 于 本 月 会 面 , 商 谈 有 关 …
2.We would very much like to hear your thoughts before…
… 希 望 能 咨 询 您 的 意 见 .
3.Could you choose a venue for the meeting?
敢 问 能 否 选 定 会 面 地 点 .
4.I look forward to seeing you again.
期 待 与 您 会 面 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.State the subject of the letter
阐 明 发 信 的 原 因
2.Give further information
解 释 有 关 详 情
3.Discuss the possible venue and ask the recipient to respond.
商 讨 会 面 地 点 , 请 求 对 方 回 复 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarket proposal?
(Would it be possible to…)
We want to make a dicision by the beginning of next month. We would very much like to hear your thoughts
before we make any definite plans.
(We have to decide...)
(We’d be grateful for…)
Could you choose a venue for the meeting? I can fly to London any time. Perhaps you would prefer Lyon or
Paris? I leave it to you to choose.
(Would you like to select…)
(I’ll leave it up to you.)
I look forward to seeing you again.
Comments 评 注
This is a friendly , informal letter suggesting a meeting. The tone is light, as is appropriate between old friends.
友 好 而 非 正 式 的 预 约 会 面 , 信 的 语 调 轻 松 , 适 用 于 相 识 已 久 的 朋 友 .

23)Identifying a distributor

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Dear Sirs,
Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20
countries. A product specification brochure is enclosed.

We are considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate your assistance. In
particular, we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region.

We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly professional manner. They must be fully
conversant with the technical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensive understanding of all the
features of the lines they represent.

We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organizations
that match our requirements. We shall then contact them to explore the possibility of establishing a mutually
acceptable business relationship.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours faithfully ,
Charles Strong
Export Manger
Identifying a distributor
物 色 代 理 商
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 :
Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20
countries. A product specification brochure is enclosed.
We are considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate your assistance. In
particular, we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region.
We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly professional manner. They must be fully
conversant with the technical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensive understanding of all the
features of the lines they represent.
该 等 代 理 商 需 通 晓 印 刷 业 的 各 种 技 和 洞 悉 业 内 情 况 .
We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organizations
that match our requirements. We shall then contact them to explore the possibility of establishing a mutually
acceptable business relationship.
系 .
Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter.
若 蒙 惠 告 , 不 胜 感 荷 !
Yours faithfully ,
Charles Strong
Export Manger
出 口 部 经 理
附 件 :( 产 品 规 格 说 明 书 )
Useful phrases
1. A product specification brochure is enclosed.
随 函 附 上 产 品 规 格 说 明 说 , 谨 供 参 考 .
2. we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region.

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3. We would be very grateful if you could

如 能 … 则 感 激 不 尽 `
4. …to explore the possibility of establishing a mutually acceptable business relationship.
… 建 立 互 利 的 业 务 关 系 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Introduce your company
介 绍 公 司 情 况
2.Say what you plan to do
告 知 发 展 计 划
3.Describe the kind of agent you want.
叙 述 所 需 经 销 商 条 件 .
4.Make your request
提 出 要 求
5.Express your thanks for any help given.
感 谢 收 信 人 的 帮 助
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语 .
Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20
countries. A product specification brochure is enclosed.
(I enclose a product specification brochure.)
We are considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate your assistance. In
particular, we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region.
(We are thinking about…)
(…we would welcome your help)
We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly professional manner. They must be fully
conversant with the technical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensive understanding of all the
features of the lines they represent.
(We would like to find…)
(They must be knowledgeable about the technical aspects…)
We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organizations
that match our requirements. We shall then contact them to explore the possibility of establishing a mutually
acceptable business relationship.
(…that fulfil our requirements…)
(…to look into…)
Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter.
Comments 评 注
The letter comprehensively outlines the company’s requirements for a distributor.
本 信 全 面 而 概 括 的 地 说 明 发 信 人 寻 求 适 合 经 销 商 的 需 要

(24)Welcoming a distributor
Dear Mr Leclerc,

I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our team. I know that you
will be equally proud of our products.

Our European Sales Representative Gerin, will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feel free to call
him any time you have a problem. If I can ever be of service ,please call me.

I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meetin you . In the meantime, the best of
luck with our product line.

Yours sincerely,
Mark Jones

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Managing Director
Welcoming a distributor
欢 迎 新 代 理 商
Dear Mr Leclerc,
勒 克 莱 尔 先 生 ,
I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our team. I know that you
will be equally proud of our products.
欢 迎 加 入 本 公 司 成 为 我 们 的 一 分 子 . 相 信 您 也 会 以 本 公 司 的 产 品 为 荣 .
Our European Sales Representative Gerin, will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feel free to call
him any time you have a problem. If I can ever be of service ,please call me.
欧洲销售代表安东尼 .格林会定期与您联络,遇有问题可与他商讨 .若有其它需要,欢迎向我提出.
I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meetin you . In the meantime, the best of
luck with our product line.
下 月 我 将 赴 法 国 一 游 , 期 望 能 与 您 会 面 . 谨 祝 产 品 销 售 节 节 上 升 .
Yours sincerely,
Mark Jones
Managing Director
总 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We are very pleased to have you on our team.
欢 迎 ... 成 为 我 们 的 一 分 子 .
2.Please feel free to call him any time you have a problem
... 遇 有 问 题 可 与 他 商 讨 .
3.The best of luck with our product line.
谨 祝 产 品 销 量 节 节 上 升 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Welcome the distributor.
欢 迎 代 理 商 加 入 .
2.Give the names of people to contact regarding problems.
告 知 收 信 人 日 后 的 联 络 安 排 .
3.Add any further information and wish the distributor luck.
提 供 其 它 资 料 和 预 祝 成 功
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our team. I know that you
will be equally proud of our products.
(Welcome to...)
(We are delighted to have you working with us.)
Our European Sales Representative Gerin, will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feel free to call
him any time you have a problem. If I can ever be of service ,please call me.
( regular contact with you.)
I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meetin you . In the meantime, the best of
luck with our product line.
(I shall be visiting...)
Comments 评 注
This is a friendly letter welcoming a distributor . It contains sufficient information at this stage.
本 信 欢 迎 新 代 理 商 加 入 , 详 列 有 关 日 后 联 络 和 会 面 的 安 排

25) Requesting an appointment

Dear Sirs,

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 37

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

Would you be interested in stocking a radical new departure in laptop computers? I would very much like to brief
you on this great innovation. Could we make an appointment?

The machine is the same size as most laptops but comes with some totally new features. In addition, the price will
undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.

I shall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October if you would like to know more, just fax or telex me.

Yours faithfully,
T C Wong
Export Manger
Requesting an appointment
要 求 约 见
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 :
Would you be interested in stocking a radical new departure in laptop computers? I would very much like to brief
you on this great innovation. Could we make an appointment?
贵公司有没有考虑配置最新型号的手提电脑 ?本公司诚意推介该崭新产品 ,盼能预约时间作一介绍 .
The machine is the same size as most laptops but comes with some totally new features. In addition, the price will
undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.
该 计 算 机 体 积 和 同 类 计 算 机 相 仿 , 但 配 备 多 项 先 进 功 能 ,. 其 零 售 价 较 同 类 产 品 便 宜 20% 以 上 .
I shall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October if you would like to know more, just fax or telex me.
本 人 将 于 9 月 1 日 至 10 月 20 日 逗 留 英 国 . 如 蒙 拨 冗 了 解 该 产 品 资 料 , 烦 请 函 复 .
Yours faithfully,
T C Wong
Export Manger
出 品 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.Would you be interested in stocking…?
贵 公 司 有 没 有 考 虑 配 置 …
2.…this great innovation…
… 该 崭 新 产 品 …
3.….some totally new features…
… 配 备 多 项 先 进 功 能
4.The retail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least…
其 零 售 价 较 同 类 产 品 便 宜 …
5.If you would like to know more,just fax or telex me.
如 蒙 拨 冗 了 解 该 产 品 资 料 , 烦 请 函 复 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Give the subject of your letter and make your request.
阐 明 发 信 目 的 和 要 求
2.Tell the prospect about the product.
告 知 新 产 品 的 前 景
3.Give the dates when you would like the appointment.
提 出 要 求 会 面 的 日 期
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Would you be interested in stocking a radical new departure in laptop computers? I would very much like to brief
you on this great innovation. Could we make an appointment?
(Are you interested in …)

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 38

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

(…tell you about…)

The machine is the same size as most laptops but comes with some totally new features. In addition, the price will
undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.
(…retail price will be 20% lower than that of its competitors)
I shall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October if you would like to know more, just fax or telex me.
Comments 评 注 :
The letter is businesslike and to the point. It is intended to interest the recipient the prospect in the product in the
produce and obtain an appointment.
本 信 条 理 清 楚 , 简 明 扼 要 , 能 引 起 收 信 人 对 该 产 品 的 兴 趣 和 要 求 会 面 .

(26) Refusing a request for an appointment

Dear Mr Wong,
Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer.

I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for an appointment.

We currently have the sole agency for another computer. Under the terms of the contract, we are barred from
stocking any other company’s products.

The sole agency comes under review in six months’ time. Contact us then and we may be able to consider your
new product.

Yours sincerely,
Anthony Carr
Purchasing Mnager
Refusing a request for an appointment
婉 拒 约 见
Dear Mr Wong,
王 先 生 ,
Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer.
7 月 7 日 有 关 新 型 号 手 提 电 脑 来 函 收 悉 .
I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for an appointment.
本 公 司 暂 未 能 安 排 会 面 , 深 感 歉 意 .
We currently have the sole agency for another computer. Under the terms of the contract, we are barred from
stocking any other company’s products.
The sole agency comes under review in six months’ time. Contact us then and we may be able to consider your
new product.
该 代 理 权 将 于 六 个 月 后 期 满 , 届 时 烦 请 再 作 联 系 , 共 商 贵 产 品 代 理 事 宜 .
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Carr
Purchasing Mnager
采 购 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1. I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for an appointment.
本 公 司 暂 未 能 安 排 会 面 , 深 感 歉 意 .
2. We currently have the sole agency for…
现 时 正 为 另 一 计 算 机 公 司 担 任 独 家 代 理
3. Under the terms of the contract, we are barred from…
根 据 合 理 条 款
4. The sole agency comes under review in six months’ time.

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 39

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

该 代 理 权 将 于 六 个 月 后 期 满
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Acknowledge the request.
确 认 来 函 和 要 求
2.Refuse the request politely.
礼 貌 地 回 绝 要 求
3.Explain the refusal.
解 释 原 因
4.Leave the way open for future negotiations.
为 将 来 可 能 的 合 作 机 会 留 有 余 地 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer.
(Many thanks for…)
I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for an appointment.
(I am sorry to tell you…)
We currently have the sole agency for another computer. Under the terms of the contract, we are barred from
stocking any other company’s products.
(At the moment, we…)
(…we can not sell any other…)
The sole agency comes under review in six months’ time. Contact us then and we may be able to consider your
new product.
(We will review the sole agency…)
(Get in touch with us…)
Comments 评 注
The writer does not want to waste time on seeing the vendor at this stage, since he is barred from doing business
with him. He does, however, keep his options open for the future.

(27)Agreeting to a request for an appointment

Dear Mr Chan,
Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will be in the UK during the whole of November.

We are quite interested by the fathion knitwear illustrated in you catalogue. As a fashion chain, we might consider
having some of our own designs manufactured in China.

Please let me know when you would like to call on us. The week beginning 6 November would suit me best.

I look forward to meeting you and discussing this matter.

Yours sincerely,
J P Wright
Agreeting to a request for an appointment
同 意 约 见
Dear Mr Chan,
陈 先 生 :
Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will be in the UK during the whole of November.
感 谢 9 月 15 日 的 来 信 , 欣 闻 阁 下 将 于 11 月 逗 留 伦 敦 一 个 月 , 望 到 时 能 拨 冗 相 会 .
We are quite interested by the fathion knitwear illustrated in you catalogue. As a fashion chain, we might consider
having some of our own designs manufactured in China.

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 40

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

发 售 .
Please let me know when you would like to call on us. The week beginning 6 November would suit me best.
如 能 于 11 月 6 日 或 其 后 数 天 抽 空 来 访 , 当 感 激 不 尽 ..
I look forward to meeting you and discussing this matter.
期 待 与 您 的 会 面 , 商 讨 有 关 事 宜 .
Yours sincerely,
J P Wright
Useful phrases
1. I note that you will be…
欣 闻 阁 下 将 于 … 逗 留
2. We are quite interested by the … illustrated in you catalogue.
本 公 司 对 贵 公 司 商 品 目 录 中 的 … 深 感 兴 趣
3. We might consider having some of our own designs manufactured in…
现 正 研 究 设 计 款 式 , 在 … 制 造 …
4. Please let me know when you would like to call on us.
如 能 于 … 抽 空 来 访 …
1.Identify the reference
确 认 来 信 .
2.Express your interest.
表 示 兴 趣 .
3.Invite the vendor to make an appointment.
请 求 卖 主 安 排 会 面 .
Alternative phrases
Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will be in the UK during the whole of November.
( I see that you…)
We are quite interested by the fathion knitwear illustrated in you catalogue. As a fashion chain, we might consider
having some of our own designs manufactured in China.
(…we may consider…)
Please let me know when you would like to call on us. The week beginning 6 November would suit me best.
(Could you let me know…)
(…is best for me.)
I look forward to meeting you and discussing this matter.
The letter agrees to the request and briefly outlines the probable topic to be discussed at the meeting.
本 信 表 明 同 意 收 信 人 的 要 求 , 并 提 议 会 面 的 讨 论 内 容 .

Dear Mrs Cau,

Welcome to Bradley&Sons. We are delighted to have you as one of our customers. You can be sure that we will do
everything in our power to merit your business.

Our efforts always revolve around the needs of our customers. If you have any special requests about shipments,
merchandise, payment or product modifications, please let us know.

I shall arrange for our European Sales Representative to call on you at least once a month. He will make sure that
our business relationship runs smoothly.

Many thanks for your confidence in us.

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 41

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

Yours sincerely,
John Bradley
Managing Director
Welcoming a new customer
欢 迎 新 客 户
Dear Mrs Cau,
曹 女 士 ,
Welcome to Bradley&Sons. We are delighted to have you as one of our customers. You can be sure that we will do
everything in our power to merit your business.
闻 悉 本 公 司 有 幸 为 阁 下 服 务 , 雀 跃 万 分 . 必 定 竭 尽 全 力 , 不 负 所 托 .
Our efforts always revolve around the needs of our customers. If you have any special requests about shipments,
merchandise, payment or product modifications, please let us know.

I shall arrange for our European Sales Representative to call on you at least once a month. He will make sure that
our business relationship runs smoothly.
Many thanks for your confidence in us.
得 到 客 下 的 信 任 , 谨 此 再 三 致 谢 .
Yours sincerely,
John Bradley
Managing Director
总 经 理
Useful phrases
1. You can be sure that we will do everything in our power to merit your business.
必 定 竭 尽 全 力 , 不 负 所 托 .
2. Our efforts always revolve around the needs of our customers.
本 公 司 秉 承 传 统 宗 旨 , 尽 量 满 足 客 户 的 需 求 .
3. If you have any special requests ,please let us know.
阁 下 如 对 … 有 任 何 要 求 , 还 请 告 知 .
4. I shall arrange for our … to call on you at least …
本 公 司 的 … 拜 访 阁 下 最 少 …
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Welcome the new customer
欢 迎 新 客 户
2.Assure him of your best attention all times.
保 证 服 务 质 量 .
3.Add any further useful information
提 供 其 它 有 关 资 料
4.Express your thanks for his business
感 谢 收 信 人 惠 顾
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Welcome to Bradley&Sons. We are delighted to have you as one of our customers. You can be sure that we will do
everything in our power to merit your business.
(I would like to welcome you to…)
(I can assure you…)
Our efforts always revolve around the needs of our customers. If you have any special requests about shipments,
merchandise, payment or product modifications, please let us know.
(We always make a great effort to attend to…)

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 42

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

I shall arrange for our European Sales Representative to call on you at least once a month. He will make sure that
our business relationship runs smoothly.
(I shall instruct our…)
(He will ensure…)
Many thanks for your confidence in us.
Comments 评 注
This is a friendly letter which assures the new customer that he will be taken care of at all times.
本 信 向 收 信 人 保 证 服 务 质 量 , 礼 貌 周 到 .

(29)Terminating a business relationship

Dear Sirs,

Further to our telephone conversation of this morning, I am enclosing the formal letter terminating our contract.

In view of the collapse in the market for your Minimaniac doll, we can no longer undertake to distribute it.

We shall try to dispose of the stocks we do have at a discount.

We have enjoyed working with you. When you get next idea for a popular toy, please get in touch with us.

Very best wishes.

Yours faithfully,
T S Chan
Terminating a business relationship
终 止 商 业 关 系
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 ,
Further to our telephone conversation of this morning, I am enclosing the formal letter terminating our contract.
根 据 今 早 的 电 话 谈 话 , 现 谨 奉 止 终 止 双 方 合 同 的 正 式 函 件 .
In view of the collapse in the market for your Minimaniac doll, we can no longer undertake to distribute it.
鉴 于 贵 公 司 的 迷 你 玩 具 销 售 量 暴 跌 , 本 公 司 不 能 继 续 推 销 该 货 品
We shall try to dispose of the stocks we do have at a discount.
库 存 货 品 亦 将 设 法 削 价 倾 销 .
We have enjoyed working with you. When you get next idea for a popular toy, please get in touch with us.
双 方 合 作 素 来 愉 快 如 对 流 行 玩 具 有 新 颖 构 思 , 炴 请 不 吝 赐 教 .

Very best wishes.

Yours faithfully,
T S Chan
附 件 : 终 止 双 方 合 同 的 函 件
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.Further to our telephone conversation of this morning…
根 据 今 早 上 的 电 话 谈 话 …
2.In view of the collapse in the market for…
鉴 于 … 销 售 量 暴 跌
3.We have enjoyed working with you.

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双 方 合 作 素 来 愉 快
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Confirm the telephone conversation
确 认 电 话 联 络 的 事 宜
2.State your decision
表 明 已 作 出 的 决 定 .
3.Refer to current s tocks.
提 及 现 存 货 品 的 促 销 方 法 .
4.End with a friendly message and try to keep the possibility of future collaboration open.
为 将 来 可 能 的 合 作 机 会 留 有 余 地 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Further to our telephone conversation of this morning, I am enclosing the formal letter terminating our contract.
(I refer to …)
In view of the collapse in the market for your Minimaniac doll, we can no longer undertake to distribute it.
(Owing to the collapse…)
We shall try to dispose of the stocks we do have at a discount.
(We shall try to sell off…)
We have enjoyed working with you. When you get next idea for a popular toy, please get in touch with us.
(…our business relationship)
(…please contact us.)
Very best wishes.
Comments 评 注
This is a friendly letter terminating a business relationship, giving valid reasons for doing so.
本 信 有 礼 地 告 知 收 信 人 终 止 合 作 关 系 的 决 定 , 并 解 释 原 因 .

1)A first enquiry

Dear Sirs,

We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.

We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our

Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?

We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are

Yours faithfully,
Sandra Jones
A first enquiry
第 一 次 询 价
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 :
We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.
从 伯 明 翰 . 史 密 斯 公 司 ! 获 悉 贵 公 司 制 作 了 一 系 列 款 式 新 颖 的 皮 革 手 提 包 .
We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 44

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

本 公 司 经 营 高 档 零 售 业 务 , 虽 然 销 量 不 多 , 但 货 品 属 优 质 高 档 .
Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?
现 恳 请 惠 寄 货 品 目 录 、 价 格 表 和 付 款 方 式 细 则 .
We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are
此 外 , 如 蒙 提 供 各 类 皮 革 样 本 , 不 胜 感 激 .
Yours faithfully,
Sandra Jones
Useful phrases
1.We have learned from … that you
从 … 获 悉 贵 公 司 …
2.We operate a quality retail business
本 公 司 经 营 高 档 零 售 业 务
3.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue
现 恳 请 惠 寄 货 品 目 录 …
4.We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of
如 蒙 提 供 各 类 … 样 本 , 不 胜 感 激
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Say how you obtained the company’s address and indicate what you are interested in.
各 知 如 何 取 得 收 信 人 地 址 及 发 信 原 因 .
2.Introduce yourself and describe your field of activity.
自 我 介 绍 有 关 经 营 的 业 务 范 围
3.Make your main request.
提 出 请 求
4.The second request is going to cost the company more. Make it tactfully.
第 二 个 请 求 花 费 较 大 , 需 要 得 体 地 提 出 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.
(I have been told by/I have heard from…)
(…handbags in several different leathers…)
We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our

Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?

We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are
(It would be very helpful if…)
(…from which you make the handbags.)
Comments 评 注
The enquiry is brief and to the point, telling the reader exactly what the enquiry is about. It requests the usual free
literature and politely asks for an additional item:   samples.

(2) Reply to a first enquiry

Dear Ms Jones,

Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 45

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the
skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products.

I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as
crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality.

Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.
She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only
the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most
discriminating buyer.

We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully
illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you
examples when she calls.

We look forward to receiving an order from you.

Yours sincerely,
Damien Carr
Marketing Vice-President

Reply to a first enquiry

答 复 第 一 次 询 价
Dear Ms Jones,
琼 斯 女 士 :
Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
7 月 16 日 来 函 询 价 忆 收 到 . 得 悉 贵 公 司 对 我 们 的 产 品 有 兴 趣 , 实 感 荣 幸 .
We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the
skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products.
兹 奉 上 我 们 最 新 的 产 品 目 绿 和 常 用 的 皮 革 样 本 , 谨 供 参 考 .
I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as
crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality.
Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.
She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only
the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most
discriminating buyer.
We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully
illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you
examples when she calls.
韦 恩 太 太 拜 访 时 将 向 您 展 示 样 本 .
We look forward to receiving an order from you.
期 待 接 到 您 的 订 单 .
Yours sincerely,
Damien Carr
Marketing Vice-President
销 售 部 副 总 经 理
Useful phrases
1. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.

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得 悉 贵 公 司 对 我 们 的 产 品 有 兴 趣 , 实 感 荣 幸 .
2. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples.
很 抱 歉 未 能 寄 上 全 套 样 本 …
3. She will have with her a wide range of our products.
携 同 各 类 产 品 …
4. We think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used
… 相 信 也 会 同 意 我 们 的 产 品 质 料 上 乘 、 手 工 精 巧 …
5. The high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer.
… 能 吸 引 最 有 鉴 赏 力 的 买 主 .

Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Make the reference clear and respond.
确 认 来 函 , 作 出 响 应 .
2.State what acting you are taking
详 述 现 正 采 取 的 措 施
3.Explain why you have not been able to meet the request in full
解 释 未 能 满 足 收 信 人 所 有 要 求
4.Add details of any follow-up action
告 知 其 它 后 续 措 施
5.Broaden the customer’s interest, hoping to sell additional products.
吸 引 收 信 人 对 其 他 产 品 的 兴 趣 , 尽 量 推 销
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
(I refer to your…)
(I am glad to…)
We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the
skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products.

I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as
crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality.
(I am sorry to…)
(I can assure you, however,…)
Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.
She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only
the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most
discriminating buyer.
(…that we use the best quality materials…)
(…the most discerning…)
We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully
illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you
examples when she calls.

We look forward to receiving an order from you.


Comments 评 注
This is a concise, yet full, response to the enquiry. It demonstrates the efficiency and dynamism of the company’s
approach. The visit of a sales representative will almost certainly lead to a sale.

(3)An enquiry for steel screws

BEC 学习交流空间 (BEC 互动问答) 47

英语自学网论坛 商务英语 四六级英语 自考英语 基础英语

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a
quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.

It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.

We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because
we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have
confidence in the quality of your products.

We look forward to hearing from you by return.

Yours faithfully,
Nigel Brown
Purchasing Manager
An enquiry for steel screws
钢 螺 钉 询 价
Dear Sirs,
营 业 部 主 管 ,
We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a
quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.
胜 感 激 .
It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.
如 能 惠 寄 样 本 和 价 格 表 , 亦 必 感 谢 不 尽 .
We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because
we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have
confidence in the quality of your products.
We look forward to hearing from you by return.
专 此 候 复 .
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Brown
Purchasing Manager
采 购 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per…
如 蒙 惠 赐 上 述 报 价 单 , 不 胜 感 激 .
2.It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.
如 能 惠 寄 样 本 和 价 格 表 , 亦 必 感 谢 不 尽 .
3. We have confidence in the quality of your products.
… 闻 悉 贵 公 司 货 品 质 优 价 廉 …
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.State the enquiry clearly, giving details.
详 细 告 知 询 价 项 目 和 细 则
2.State any additional requests
说 明 其 它 请 求
3.Explain why you are approaching this particular company
解 释 选 择 与 收 信 人 公 司 接 洽 的 原 因 .

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4.Ask for a quick response

要 求 尽 早 回 复 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a
quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.
(We would like to purchase…)
(We would be grateful if…)
It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.
(We would appreciate it…)
We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because
we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have
confidence in the quality of your products.
(We previously purchased…)
(…we are given to understand…)
(…more competitive prices…)
We look forward to hearing from you by return.
Comments 评 注
The enquiry is clearly stated with all relevant details at this stage. It makes it clear that the prospective purchaser
wishes to buy quite large quantities but wants top quality products at very competitive prices.

(4)Reply to an enquiry for steel screws

Dear Mr Brown,
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to
our final confirmation:

Production: Steel screws

Specifications: As per the attached list
Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net
Quantity: 100 boxes
Price: As per the attached list
Shipment: January/February 1996
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of

Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.

If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.

Yours sincerely,
K T Chang
Sales Manager
Reply to an enquiry for steel screws
答 复 钢 螺 钉 询 价
Dear Mr Brown,
布 朗 先 生 ,
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1998. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to
our final confirmation:
贵 公 司 1998 年 10 月 2 日 询 价 函 收 悉 . 如 下 报 价 需 在 本 公 司 确 认 后 , 方 可 有 效 :
Production: Steel screws
产 品 : 钢 螺 钉
Specifications: As per the attached list

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规 格 : 依 照 附 表
Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net
包 装 : 凈 重 5 公 斤 散 装 箱
Quantity: 100 boxes
数 量 :100 箱
Price: As per the attached list
价 格 : 依 照 附 表
Shipment: January/February 1999
装 运 :1999 年 1 月 至 2 月
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of
付 款 : 保 况 不 可 撤 销 即 期 信 用 证 , 需 于 装 运 前 230 天 开 立
Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.
另 函 附 寄 各 型 号 样 本 、 商 品 目 录 和 价 格 表 .
If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.
如 题 公 司 接 受 上 述 报 价 , 请 尽 早 落 实 定 单 为 盼 .
Yours sincerely,
K T Chang
Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases
1.We would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation
如 下 报 价 需 在 本 公 司 确 认 后 , 方 可 有 效
2. Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.
另 函 附 寄 各 型 号 样 本 、 商 品 目 录 和 价 格 表 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.Acknowledge the enquiry identifying the reference
确 认 来 函 和 查 询 事 宜 .
2.Tabulate the details of the offer for absolute clarity. Define the method of payment (letter of credit) precisely.
把 各 项 要 点 详 列 成 表 . 清 楚 注 明 付 款 规 定 .
3.List samples and other enclosures to be sent in a separate parcel.
告 知 有 关 附 件 和 样 本 将 另 函 寄 奉 .
4.Encourage a speedy reply
敦 促 早 日 回 复 .
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to
our final confirmation:
(In reply to your enquiry of…)
(The offer is conditional on our final confirmation.)
Production: Steel screws
Specifications: As per the attached list
Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net
Quantity: 100 boxes
Price: As per the attached list
Shipment: January/February 1996
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of

Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.

If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.

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(If our offer is acceptable…)

Comments 评 注
The offer is concise and clear. The method of payment, letter of credit, is the securest form of payment when
dealing with export orders. Tabulating details of an offer provides a simple checklist for the customers to follow.
The offer is conditional to allow for any unforeseen problems such as cost increases.
的 成 本 上 涨 . 以 信 用 证 付 款 是 处 理 出 口 订 货 最 可 靠 的 方 法 .

(5)Asking for a pro forma invoice

Dear Sirs,
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:

Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.

Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that
we can get our client’s confirmation.

We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be
opened in your favour.

Yours faithfully,
T S Khayam
Import Manager
Asking for a pro forma invoice
索 取 形 式 发 标
Dear Sirs,
执 事 先 生 :
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:
本 公 司 客 户 要 求 获 得 下 列 产 品 的 形 式 发 票
Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.
狮 牌 21 型 镀 铬 指 甲 钳 2500 打
Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that
we can get our client’s confirmation.
现 请 贵 公 司 尽 快 寄 送 一 式 三 份 的 形 式 发 票 给 我 们 , 以 便 取 得 该 客 户 的 确 认 .
We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be
opened in your favour.
Yours faithfully,
T S Khayam
Import Manager
进 口 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1.One of our clients has asked us to obtain …
本 公 司 客 户 要 求 获 得 …
2. We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence.
申 请 进 口 许 可 证 并 无 困 难 .
3. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.
此 事 一 经 同 意 , 本 公 司 将 立 即 开 立 以 贵 公 司 为 收 款 人 的 信 用 证 .
Notes 段 意 解 说
1.State the request and identify the product

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告 知 请 求 和 有 关 的 产 品 .
2.Give details of the proposed order and the reasons for requesting the pro forma invoice
详 细 暂 拟 订 单 细 节 和 请 求 发 出 形 式 发 票
3.Add any other details and state the proposed method of payment
附 加 其 它 资 料 和 列 明 暂 拟 的 付 款 方 法 .
Alternative phrases
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:
(One of our customers has asked us to get…)
Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.

Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that
we can get our client’s confirmation.
(Please send three copies of your pro forma invoice …)
We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be
opened in your favour.
(We will not encounter any difficulty in…)
Comments 评 注
A pro forma invoice is not a request for payment. It is a simple way of showing a potential customer what an order
is going to cost. It makes the vendor go through the actual process of costing the order. In this case the pro forma
invoice is required for a third party. A dozen(12) is still a quantity often used by some traders. A gross(144) is also
used, but less frequently.
取 的 .’ 打 ’ (12 件 ) 仍 常 用 于 商 业 贸 易 中 , 但 ’ 罗 ’ (144 件 , 即 12 打 ) 刚 较 为 少 见 .

(6)Sending a pro forma invoice

Dear Mr Khayam,
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1999, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in

For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling
very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
M T Lui
Export Manager
Sending a pro forma invoice
寄 送 形 式 发 票
Dear Mr Khayam,
哈 亚 姆 先 生 ,
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1996, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in
现 应 1999 年 7 月 14 日 的 要 求 , 谨 寄 上 形 式 发 票 一 式 三 份 .
For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling
very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.
We look forward to hearing from you.
烦 请 早 日 赐 复
Yours sincerely,
M T Lui
Export Manager

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出 口 部 经 理
Useful phrases 实 用 短 语
1. We have much pleasure in sending you…
谨 奉 上 …
2. Our offers usually remain open for about a week
本 公 司 的 报 价 一 般 有 效 期 一 周
3. We suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.
贵 公 司 宜 尽 早 回 复
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the request and state what action you are taking.
确 认 来 函 并 告 知 采 取 的 措 施
2. Encourage the potential customer to act quickly.
敦 促 收 信 人 尽 早 回 复
Alternative phrases 替 代 用 语
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1999, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in
(In answer to your request of…)
(…we enclose our…)
For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling
very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.
(…our offers are normally firm for…)
(Since the product is selling quickly, please respond as soon as possible)
We look forward to hearing from you.
Comments 评 注
This is concise response to a request. At the same time it encourages and early reply. The language is rather formal
with a few redundant. Set phrases are, however, used; see the phrases on the right for simpler alternative.
本 信 先 就 来 函 作 简 复 , 并 催 促 收 信 人 早 日 回 复 . 文 字 规 范 而 简 洁

(7)Offering a substitute
Dear Mrs Stones,
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.

We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to
supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.

We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close

500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre

CIF New York, including your commission of 2%

A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.

Your sincerely,
J S Chowdry
Sales Manager
Offering a substitute
提 供 代 用 品 报 盘
Dear Mrs Stones,
斯 通 太 太 ,

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Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.
贵 公 司 9 月 23 日 询 问 有 关 634 号 印 花 棉 布 价 格 的 电 传 已 收 到 , 多 谢 来 函 .
We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to
supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close
然 而 , 本 公 司 另 有 出 产 类 似 的 织 品 . 现 报 上 虚 盘 如 下 :
500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre
CIF New York, including your commission of 2%
482 号 印 花 棉 布 500 件 , 每 米 1.5 美 元 纽 约
到 岸 价 , 当 中 包 括 贵 公 司 佣 金 2%
A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.
随 函 敬 附 样 本 供 贵 公 司 参 考 . 若 满 意 样 本 质 量 , 请 尽 快 电 传 复 实 .

Your sincerely,
J S Chowdry
Sales Manager
销 售 部 经 理
Useful phrases
1. We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
但 因 有 关 产 品 需 求 殷 切 , 未 能 满 足 公 司 要 求 , 深 感 遗 憾 .
2. We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close
然 而 , 本 公 司 另 有 出 产 类 似 的 织 品 .
3. A sample is enclosed for your reference
随 函 敬 附 样 本 供 贵 公 司 参 考
Notes 段 意 解 说
1. Identify the reference and goods.
确 认 来 函 , 列 明 有 关 货 品 .
2. State the reason why you can not accept the order
解 释 未 能 满 足 收 信 人 要 求 的 原 因
3. Offer a substitute with details of the offer
提 供 代 用 品 及 列 明 有 关 详 情 .
4. Enclose anything required by the prospective purchaser to make a decision. Urge acceptance.
附 寄 代 用 品 样 本 , 敦 促 回 复 .
Alternative phrases
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.
(Many thanks for…)
We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to
supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
(We are grateful for…)
(…and, as a result, we are very sorry that…)
(…the goods you required because of heavy demand)
We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close

500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre

CIF New York, including your commission of 2%

A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.

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(If the sample is…)

Comments 评 注
The seller is unable to accept an order and state the reasons. In a case like this, it is a good idea to offer a
substitute in an effort to win an order. It appears that the prospective buyer is an intermediary or agent who
operates on commission which is included in the price of the goods.
价 内 .

(8)Inability to supply goods

Dear Sirs,
We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk.
As you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are consequen

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