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Clans in this Docuement

will list every clan in this document, in alphabetical Iburi Clan (PDF)
order. I will also list the clan lore for each clan to give
readers an early preview into what the clan entails, Born of Ash
other than just it's name. You can click the header for The Iburi Clan is a seclusive clan scattered all throughout the
each clan to take you to the page where it appears, Land of Fire. Members of this clan possess a powerful kekkei
and next to the header in parenthesis will be the genkai that allows them to transform themselves into smoke.
standalone PDF for the clan on Google Drive. Some In the past, this versatile ability proved to be a curse rather
of the standalone PDFs have more bonus content than what I than a blessing, as it could not be controlled, causing some of
have featured in this compendium. the Iburi to be dispersed and killed in the winds. This burden,
however, was resolved by one of the Leaf's legendary Sannin,
Clans granting the later generations of Iburi mastery of their power.
Feel free to let me know if you any clarification for any of Kurashi Clan (PDF)
these clans, or have any balance concerns. Feats for each of
these clans along with the Bloodline charts can be found at Seekers of Truth
the end of this document. Adversary Traits are also included. Believed to be descendents of the Nara clan, or to at least
Link to Google Drive Version of this Compendium have a close history with the Nara, the Kurashi are a clan that
Link to GSheet with Clan Code/How to add Clans Guide primarily resides within the Land of Fire, though they can be
found in most of the 5 Great Nations as private investigators
Chinoike Clan (PDF) or police detectives. The Kurashi utilize techniques using
shadows, manifesting jutsu that seemingly use spirits and
Blood Architects other supernatural forces to aid them in finding the truth.
The Chinoike is a clan that was active in the land of lightning
then exiled to the valley of hell in the land of hot water which Makishin Clan (PDF)
then led to peace for generations until a civil war broke out
and many of the Chinoike clan died. In the present day, only a Slumbering Chaos
few Chinoike remain, scattered throught the world. The Makishin clan is one of unknown origin. Members of this
clan do not share a family name, nor a birthplace. Makishin
Genwa Clan (PDF) can be found all across the 5 great nations, where they tend
to keep to themselves. Rumored to have a history with the
Dimension Walkers Jugo clan, the Makishin possess an accursed power that turns
The Genwa Clan is clan that formerly hailed from Land of them into beings of chaos on the frontlines, constantly
Rain. Members of this clan commonly share an affinity with bringing forth destruction and terror to their enemies.
Lightning, and occasionally, they can manifest something
greater. A powerful nature release transformation known as Sankaku Clan (PDF)
Data Release, which possesses a unique affinity for
technology. The Genwa formally worked with the Akatsuki to Beat-Em Up
gather information during the rule of Hanzo of the The Sankaku Clan is a clan that hails proudly from the
Salamander. However, after his defeat and the rise of Pain, Getsugakure (Literally meaning: Land of the Moon). Unlike
the Genwa were forced into hiding, eventually splitting from the majority of clans, members of this clan share a close
the Rain and scattering themselves among other lands. tight-knit comradery community, never straying too far from
home unless in a group. On the battlefield, the Sankaku
Hylia Clan (PDF) possesses a commanding presence and masterful skill of
Taijutsu and Combination jutsu. Shinobi of this clan boast
Will of the Gods their ability to make the most of what they currently have
The Hylia Clan is a clan that bears no proper family name, as available, as opposed to specializing in multiple different
its people hail from lands abroad. Instead, members of the fields.
Hylia clan share a common faith, one that believes that the
deities above shine a path for each mortal for them to follow. Shinigami Clan (PDF)
As children, the members of the Hylia Clan are branded with
a small seal on their palm, unique to each user. This seal Hell's Butterfly (READ ME)
grow with age and is believed to help clan members mature The Shinigami Clan is a clan of no clear family name,
with great Power, Wisdom, and Courage. although they are believed to have originated near the border
This clan is separated into three branches, all of which of the Land of Iron and Fire. Members of this clan, as
focus on a particular virtue of the Hylia Clan faith, walking a opposed to blood, are connected by similar beliefs and ideals,
path of self-discovery. The Power, Wisdom, and Courage and wield with them a special sword that is the manifestation
paths. Members of this clan focus of developing the skills and of their chakra and spirit, the Zanpakuto. Masters of both
knowledge to best aid them on their journey to discover their blade and jutsu, members of their Shinigami clan are a
respective virtue. dominant force of the battlefield.
Wukong Clan(s) (PDF)
The Wukong Clan is a prideful race hailing from the Land of
Earth. At least, that is what is written. From the very
beginning of their clan's existence, rumors have spread that
the progenitors of the Wukong clan hailed from a domain far
beyond the Earth, from amongst the stars. In the present day,
the Wukong have split into two factions. The Elite and Low-
Class. Both clans live far apart and resent one another.
Battleborn Spirit (Low-Class Wukong)
The Low-Class Wukong are one of two factions within the
Wukong family. They are perceived as failures by the Elite
faction due to the Low-Class losing their precious kekkei-
genkai, their Wukong tail, along with their ability to
synthesize Primal Energy within their bodies. But, despite
this, the Low-Class Wukong have remained strong, using the
remnants of their power and their more down-to-earth
mindset to develop their own, adaptable, strength.
Prideful Legacy (Elite Wukong)
The Elite are a prideful sort that focus on the inherent power
of their clan's ability to manipulate their unique energy and
their prowess with the clan's unique kekkei genkai, a monkey-
like tail. This unassuming tail provides the strongest of
Wukong with additional power and, as the legend says, under
the light of the moon the power of the Elite is unveiled.
Ketsuryūgan: The fabled Ketsuryūgan of the Chinoike
Chinoike Clan clan, this haunting dojutsu is able to manipulate the blood of
Update: August 19th, 2023. the enemies of the Chinoike clan to destroy them upon the
"You're going to tell me everything you know or else!" The inside. This eye is also the catalyst for incredible genjutsu
Mist captain yells at a wounded farmer, pointing a sword at that rivals the Sharingan in power.
his neck. The farmer appears to be in a dazed trace. Beneath Beginning at 3rd level, you can as a bonus
their feet lie the bodies of 5 warriors who tried fighting off the action spend 5 chakra to activate this
mist shinobi but to no avail. The farmer gives no answer. mythical dojutsu for 10 minutes. While
"Ugh! This guy is useless! Tonima, use your genjutsu to figure this eye is active, you have resistance to
out where those Anbu went!" "On it boss!" Tonima moves necrotic damage and advantage on rolls
towards the old man and weaves the signs to enter his mind. to avoid gaining the bleeding condition.
Near instantaneously, Tomina is surrounded by a pool of red Additionally, whenever you deal cold
water and is greeted by a pair of ominous black and red eyes damage, you can change the damage type to
in the sky. He ends his jutsu and recoils in horror, dazed and necrotic.
in a pool of sweat. Before the captain and the other squad Starting at 7th level, your eye improves the
can ask what is wrong, a voice can be heard in the distance. circulation of blood. You become immune to the bleeding
"You mist shinobi really are all brawn no brain." A man walks condition, and creatures that you apply the bleeding
from behind the trees and faces toward the Mist. As the Mist condition to increase the damage die of the bleeding
began exclaiming at the mysterious figure, the man calmly condition by 1 step, up to the maximum of a d12.
responds. "The residents of this village died a long time ago." Starting at 15th level, when a creature takes damage from
The eyes of the man turn black with an ominous red as the the bleeding condition that was inflicted by you, they take an
corpses and the wounded villager begin rapidly producing a additional amount of flat damage equal to the ranks of
black, cancerous growth from their bodies. In a flash, the bleeding they possess.
bodies erupt, turning the Mist to ash." For the duration of your Ketsuryūgan, you can take the
following actions in combat on your turn. You can use these
----Kikushi Uchiha clan features a number of times equal to your Wisdom
The Long Road, Ch. 30 excerpt. modifier (Min. 1) per rest.
Action: You can supercharge the circulation of blood
Blood Architects within yourself and allied creatures within a 15-foot radius
The Chinoike is a clan that was active in the land of lightning of you for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom
and then exiled to the valley of hell in the land of hot water modifier. All affected creatures gain a bonus to AC, attack,
which then led to peace for generations until a civil war broke and damage rolls equal to 1/3rd your proficiency bonus.
out and many of the Chinoike clan died. In the present day, They also increase their movement speed by half. Starting
only a few Chinoike remain, scattered throughout the world. at 7th level, affected creatures increase their critical threat
range by +1, ignoring critical threat range limits, and gain
Chinoike Traits an additional reaction, which can only be used to make 1
Ability Score Increase: +2 Wis or Int, +1 Dex unarmed or weapon attack, or take an attack of
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. opportunity.
Proficiencies: Illusions, pick one Chakra Control or Ninshou Bonus Action: When you cast a jutsu with the Water
Passive Affinity: You begin with the Water release affinity. Release keyword, you can use the prowess of the
Ketsuryūgan to mold the excess chakra of the jutsu to
Chinoike Features improve your defense, and drain the life force of enemies.
Chinoike Techniques: The Chinoike have access to a You gain temporary hit points equal to your jutsu's Save
separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add these DC + your proficiency bonus for the next minute, and if
jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the your jutsu deals damage, you recover Xd4 hit points,
normal jutsu list. where X is equal to the number of damage die used in the
Sanguine Prowess: Beginning at 1st level, you begin to jutsu. (Ex. Dealing 6d10 damage recovers 6d4 hit points).
understand how to manipulate iron present in liquids and If the creature is resistant to your damage, halve the
develop an affinity towards techniques with blood. When you amount gained.
would cast a jutsu with the Water Release keyword, as part of Reaction: You improve the flow of blood within the brain
the same action, you can cut yourself and release a small to enhance you or an allies mental acuity to defend
amount of blood, losing 1d4 hit points. In exchange, the jutsu against attacks of the mind. When you or an allied
cast gains the benefit of being near a sufficient source of creature within 30 feet would fail an Intelligence,
water, if applicable. If not applicable, reduce the cost of the Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can grant the
jutsu by -2 (Min. 1). creature a bonus to these types of saving throws equal to
Starting at 3rd level, your control over blood in conjunction your Wisdom modifier, until the end of your next turn.
with water release chakra improves, becoming far more Beginning at 7th level, the affected creature gains
complex and intricate. When a jutsu would benefit from this advantage on rolls to resist Mental and Sensory
feature, you can grant the jutsu, once per casting, an conditions, and resistance to psychic damage, for the
additional die of damage, healing, or a +1 to Save DC. At 11th duration. Starting at 18th level, when you would fail a
level, you can pick a 2nd benefit, or one benefit twice. saving throw against a genjutsu, you can choose to
automatically succeed, suffering no damage or effects.
Blood Pact: Starting at 7th level, by leaving traces of your Your Patron adds half your Wisdom modifier, rounded up,
blood within your allies, you can form a bond with one to any death saving throws. If your Patron would
another, your blood acting like an aegis. automatically fail a death saving throw, they instead roll
During a long rest, you and one willing creature can spend another saving throw, rather than immediately fail.
1 hit die each to transfuse each other blood into yourselves. Lastly, if a creature would attempt to read the mind or
The allied creature becomes known as your Patron. While force one your Patron to give information or act against
bonded to a creature this way, you both gain the following their will, the triggering creature(s) must make a
benefits until both of you complete a full rest; At 15th level, Charisma saving throw against your Genjutsu Save DC.
you can have a 2nd Patron. On a failed save, the creature sees the eyes of your
You know if you and your Patron are within 1 mile of each Ketsuryūgan appear and they immediately take Xd10
other. You also know if they are dead or out of chakra. psychic damage, where X equals your proficiency bonus.
The jutsu or ability which triggered this feature,
You and your Patron are aware of any negative conditions immediately fails. Affected creatures who are unprepared
affecting each other, provided you are both within 1 mile. for this effect, are surprised. Once this ability activates,
When either you or your Patron would recieve healing your Blood Pact with this Patriot ends.
from a medical jutsu, the creature in question can use
their reaction to split the healing between one another, as
long as you both are within 90 feet of each other.
Alternative Chinoike Clan
Blast here. There is another version of the Chinoike
that is incredibly popular as well, created by
Symphonics. If you would like a twist on the
Chinoike you know, with a higher focus on the
Ketsuryugan itself, feel free to check it out.
Blood Daggers
Chinoike Clan Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Bloodletting Weaponry Range: Self
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: 10 Minutes
Rank: D-Rank Components: HS, CM
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Cost: 5 Chakra
Range: Self Keyword: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Description: You manipulate the water and iron in the
Components: HS, CM atmosphere to make two iron-rich aqua daggers that swirl
Cost: 5 Chakra around you in the air. As a bonus action, you can send out one
Keyword: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu dagger at a creature within 60 feet. Make a ranged ninjutsu
Description: You bite your thumb and swathe your arm to attack, dealing 3d6 + your Ninjutsu ability modifier in
the side, forming a melee weapon in your hand using the piercing damage on hit. Once all daggers have been thrown,
blood of your thumb and the water molecules in the air. this jutsu ends.
Select one melee weapon of your choice. You create this If your Ketsuryūgan is active while this jutsu is active,
weapon as a +1 weapon. This weapon loses the heavy increase the damage die of each dagger by 1 step.
property if it possessed it, and gains the Finesse property if it At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
does not possess it. You are always proficient with weapons D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the number
you create with this jutsu, and can use Wisdom for weapon of daggers created by +1.
attack and damage rolls. The weapon's damage can be either
cold or necrotic (you choose upon casting). Once per turn, Enhanced Circulation
when you attack with this weapon, you can make an Classification: Hijutsu
additional weapon attack. Rank: D-Rank
If your Ketsuryūgan is active while this jutsu is active, Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you are
once per turn, when you land a hit with this weapon, the targeted or take damage from an attack, or would make a
affected creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw Constitution saving throw.
or gain 1 rank of bleeding, or Lacerated if they are currently Range: Self
Lacerated. Duration: 1 Round
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Components: CM
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. If cast to B-Rank, Cost: 5 Chakra
this jutsu no longer requires concentration, and the Keywords: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu
weapon becomes a +2 weapon. If cast to S-Rank, Description: You quickly improve the blood flow to your
the weapon becomes a +3 weapon and gains heart, briefly granting you heightened reaction speed
an additional weapon property of your and survivability. Until the start of your next turn,
choice. increase your AC by +5, including against the
triggering attack, and you have advantage on
Constitution saving throws.
Genjutsu: Ichorous Illusions! At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
Classification: Hijutsu D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 4 and the rank of
Rank: D-Rank the Genjutsu that can be cast by 1 (D>C>B>A>S).
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet C-Rank
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Genjutsu: Blood Lake!
Components: HS,CM Classification: Hijutsu
Cost: 5 Chakra Rank: C-Rank
Keyword: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual, Unaware Casting Time: 1 Action
Description: As part of the requirements for casting this Range: 30 feet
jutsu, you must have the Ketsuryūgan clan feature active. Duration: Instant
You make eye contact with a creature and place them under a Components: HS, CM
unique genjutsu which hijacks the blood flow to their brain. Cost: 9 Chakra
The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. Affected Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual, Tactile
creatures can repeat their saving throw at the end of each of Description: A genjutsu that causes the target to experience
their turns, and once per turn when they would take damage. a drowning sensation, exhausting themselves as if their body
A creature resistant or immune to fear has advantage on this truly underwent physical trauma. Select one target within
saving throw. range. This creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw.
Critical Success: This jutsu ends and the target becomes Creatures can gain no more than 2 ranks of Exhaustion with
immune to this jutsu for 1d4+1 rounds. this jutsu. If this jutsu is used while your Ketsuryūgan is
Success: The creature experiences a mild tension headache, active, all creatures within 5 feet of the target, of your choice,
but is able to resist this jutsu's effects, ending this jutsu. must also make this saving throw.
Failure: The target begins to hallucinate, distorting the Critical Success: The creature is able to resist this jutsu
appearance of creatures around them, making them unable effects, and cannot be affected by this jutsu for 1 minute.
to distinguish friend from foe. When the target would go to Success: The creature is able to resist this jutsu's effects.
target one of your allies, it must succeed a perception Failure: The creature loses sight of their surroundings, and
check vs your Genjutsu Save DC. On a failure, the creature sees a small fissure open underneath their feet, revealing a
believes your ally to be one of their allies, and attacks a red ocean. The creature falls into water and feels as
creature that is hostile to you within range instead. If there though it has been trapped for several days, constantly
is no such creature within range, their attack or jutsu fails. trying to escape and not drown. The creature gains 1 rank
The creature is also unable to utilize or benefit from of Exhaustion for 1d4 rounds.
abilities that would allow them to omit creatures from Critical Failure: Same effects as a failure, but the target
being affected by an attack or jutsu for the duration. takes 4d8 psychic damage, and the Exhaustion lasts for
Critical Failure: Same effects as a failure, however, the 1d4+1 rounds. They also gain 2 ranks of Exhaustion.
creature is now swarmed with panic. A creature under this At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
jutsu's effects can only move, take the attack action, or cast C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the range by 15
a jutsu of C-Rank or lower on their turn. feet, and the duration of the Exhaustion condition by 1 round.
Genjutsu: Ketsuryūgan! Red Death
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Action or Bonus Action
Range: 60 feet Range: Weapon's Range
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Components: CM Components: HS, W (Any Weapon or Blood Dagger)
Cost: 5 Chakra Cost: 9 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual, Tactile Keywords: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu
Description: As part of the requirements for casting this Description: You infuse a weapon or dagger from the Blood
jutsu, you must have the Ketsuryūgan clan feature active. Daggers hijutsu and enhanced it with vile blood, so potent
You look into the eyes of a creature and utilize your that it appears almost black. Once this jutsu is cast, until the
Ketsuryūgan to make your genjutsu more effective. end of your next turn, the next weapon attack or Ninjutsu
As part of casting this jutsu, you can cast any D-Rank attack made with your weapon (whichever it uses), deals an
Genjutsu that you know that has a casting time of 1 action or additional 3d10 cold damage. The creature must also make a
bonus action, does not have the range of self, and does not Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 rank of bleeding, or
have the NT or M components, at no additional chakra cost. Lacerated if they are currently lacerated on a failed save.
The range of the genjutsu cast becomes the range of this Once you land this attack, this jutsu ends.
jutsu and can only affect the target you are making eye If this jutsu is used while your Ketsuryugan is active, this
contact with. This jutsu can be used without breaking stealth. jutsu's damage also deals damage to the creature's chakra
Your Genjutsu gains a +1 to attack, damage die, and initial points, and on a failed save the creature becomes unable to
Save DC. If the Genjutsu allows the creature to repeat their recover hit or chakra points until the end of your next turn.
saving throw to end the jutsu's effect, they do so at
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Genjutsu: Numbness!
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage Classification: Hijutsu
by 2d10. Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Sanguine Sphere Range: 30 feet
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: 1 Minute
Rank: C-Rank Components: HS, CM
Casting Time: 1 Action Cost: 12 Chakra
Range: 60 feet Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Unaware, Tactile
Duration: Instant Description: As part of the requirements for casting this
Components: HS, CM jutsu, you must have the Ketsuryūgan clan feature active.
Cost: 7 Chakra Make a ranged genjutsu attack against 1 creature in range.
Keywords: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu On a hit, you make a creature feel invincible, distracting them
Description: You form a large 10-foot sphere of water in from the fact that their body has been compromised.
front of you and spit fresh blood into a sphere, turning it Each time the creature takes damage while this jutsu is
completely red. You then move the sphere to a point within active, if they possess damage reduction, their damage
range and cause it to explode into shards of water. reduction value is treated as half, otherwise, they take an
Each creature of your choice within 20 feet of the sphere extra 1d6 + your Genjutsu ability modifier in necrotic
when it explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a damage, which cannot be reduced. A creature cannot be
failed save, creatures take 6d6 cold damage and gain 2 ranks under this jutsu's effects multiple times.
of bleeding, or half the ranks of bleeding as ranks of This jutsu's effects can trigger a number of times equal to
Lacerated if they are currently Lacerated. If an affected your proficiency bonus, after which this jutsu ends.
creature already has ranks of bleeding or is Lacerated, on a
failed save, you can alternatively choose to give them the A-Rank
Weakened condition for the duration of their bleeding and/or
lacerated condition. Blood Dragon Ascension
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Classification: Hijutsu
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage by Rank: A-Rank
1d6, and the ranks of bleeding by +1. Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
B-Rank Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: CM, CS
Blood Clot Spikes Cost: Special (20 Chakra)
Classification: Hijutsu Keywords: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Rank: B-Rank Description: As a part of the requirements of this jutsu, you
Casting Time: 1 Action must have the Ketsuryūgan active and be near a sufficient
Range: 60 feet source of water. You slash both of your wrists and allow the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute blood to pour into the water below. The wounds on your arms
Components: HS, CM heal and the water bubbles and boils, until it erupts into a
Cost: 12 Chakra dragon with multiple heads. The Blood Dragon uses the
Keywords: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu following statistics; When this dragon is summoned, you can
Description: As part of the requirements for this jutsu, the choose to stand on top of it, on one of its many heads.
creature must have at least one rank of Bleeding. You command the Dragon and it only listens to you (no
You manipulate the blood of a creature to make spikes of action needed), acting at the end of each of your turns. It is
their own blood, attacking themself. The creature must make proficient in all saving throws, using your Ninjutsu or
a Strength saving throw, becoming restrained, falling prone, Genjutsu ability modifier as its proficiency bonus and uses
and unable to make hand signs for the duration. your ninjutsu or genjutsu attack bonus and save DC for
If your Ketsuryugan is active effects that require it. (You
when you cast this jutsu, the must decide whether the Blood
creature makes this saving Dragon uses your Ninjutsu or
throw at disadvantage, and if Genjutsu scores on casting.
the creature remains under This cannot be changed later,
this jutsu's effects for an and it must use the same
entire minute, they fall score for both its proficiency
unconscious due to a lack bonus and attack and save
of oxygen. dc).
Blood Dragon Liquidus Body. Creatures are able to pass through your body
at your summoner's discretion. If a creature ends their turn in
Gargantuan construct, Unaligned
your space, they are immediately ejected out of you in a
space that can hold them.
Armor Class: 15 + Your Ninjutsu or Genjutsu Ability Modifier
Hit Points: 170 (16d10 + 75)
Speed: 50ft. Multiattack: The Blood Dragon can attack 2 times with its
Bite or Hydra Bullet.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit:
3d10 + 6 cold or necrotic damage (pick one).
23 (+6) 12 (+1) 25 (+7) 1 (-5) 10 (0) 1 (-5)
Hydra Bullet: Ranged Weapon Attack: Range (60/120), one
creature. Hit: 4d6+6 cold or necrotic damage (pick one)
Damage Vulnerability Earth
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Viscious Vortex: The heads of the dragon converge and form
into a gargantuan torrent of water, ripping everything it
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
touches to shreds. The dragon travels to a space within its
Condition Immunities: Bleeding, Bruised, All Mental and Sensory,
movement speed, taking a specific path that you designate.
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned. Each creature within this path must succeed a Dexterity
Senses: Blindsight 60ft, Passive Perception 10 saving throw, taking 10d4 cold or necrotic damage (pick
one) and having their movement speed reduced by half until
Elemental Weapons. The Blood Dragon's attacks are chakra the end of their next turn on a failure, or half as much
enhanced. damage and no further effects on a success.

Immutable Form. The Blood Dragon is immune to any Jutsu or Blood Ocean (Recharge 9-10): The Blood Dragon casts
effect that would alter its form. Genjutsu: Blood Lake at A-Rank as if you had cast it twice, at
two different locations.
Ineffable Makeup. The Blood Dragon cannot be dispelled by
any jutsu of A-Rank or Lower.
Starting at 7th level, you can read the data stored within
Genwa Clan Recording Scrolls, Data Scrolls, and Data Server Scrolls just
Update: August 19th, 2023. by touching them. Additionally, you can spend 1 chakra die to
"Remind me why I'm bringing you along again?" An Iburi attempt to create a keycard out of pure data release. Make a
Shinobi states to his partner as they approach a large steel Ninshou check vs. a DC equal to 8 + a rank of your choosing.
door barricaded with advanced technology. "Sir! Because my On a success, you create a keycard that lasts for 1 day, able to
skills can get us into the enemy fortress! Sir!" The nervous open doors in facilities equal to or lower than the rank you
partner stands upright, sending a small wave of sweat at the choose, a number of times equal to half your proficiency
Iburi. "Right... Well listen let's hurry on up before we get bonus, rounded up, before dispersing. This can even open
caught-" In an instant, a chain of smoke explosions appears doors that are not technological. (E-Rank: 2, D-Rank: 5, C-
from far behind the pair, as a myriad of Sand Shinobi Rank: 9, B-Rank: 13, A-Rank: 17, S-Rank: 21)
emerge. "Ah great. Hidden Sand." The Iburi laces a chained Stable Frequency: Starting at 1st level, you learn how to
hand scythe with his smoke kekkei genkai. "Listen man, use electricity to increase the range and depth perception of
hurry up and get us in. Wind natures are kind of a problem Sensory jutsu. Select a number of jutsu you have known with
for me." The Hidden Sand quickly marches towards the two the Sensory keyword equal to your proficiency bonus. These
in a loud charge, before a sudden blue flash blinds all, and the jutsu gain the Lightning Release keyword.
Hidden Sand lie incapacitated in a sea of spectral blue When you cast a Genwa Hijutsu or jutsu with the Sensory
swords. The Iburi turns towards his partner, gobsmacked. and Lightning Release keywords, that requires concentration,
"W-Well...You said that these guys would be trouble for you." you can double the jutsu's cost to change the duration to 1
The Iburi pauses then grins. "Hey kid what's your name?" minute, without concentration, though you can end the jutsu
"Sir! Yugene Genwa! Sir!" The Iburi pats Yugene on the early as a bonus action. You can only benefit from this feature
shoulder. "Yugene. I think we're gonna be great together." once at a given time.
Data Channels: Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to
-- Delsan Iburi tap into the frequencies of various Shinobi networks across
The Long Road, Ch. 30 excerpt. the 5 great nations, gathering new covert information which
you are able to use to improve your own abilities; like free
Dimension Walkers lessons. You gain 2 Data Channels as shown on the Data
The Genwa Clan is clan that formerly hailed from Land of Channel table. You gain an additional Data Channel at 11th,
Rain. Members of this clan commonly share an affinity with 15th, and 18th levels. You can switch any number of Data
Lightning, and occasionally, they can manifest something Channels when you gain a level.
greater. A powerful nature release transformation known as Data Release: The Genwa have a unique talent for
Data Release, which possesses a unique affinity for manifesting Data Release, due to their close affinity to
technology. The Genwa formally worked with the Akatsuki to Lightning release. Starting at 7th level, when you cast a jutsu
gather information during the rule of Hanzo of the with the Lightning release keyword, you can change the
Salamander. However, after his defeat and the rise of Pain, damage type to force and increase the damage dealt by 1 step
the Genwa were forced into hiding, eventually splitting from or Save DC by +1, once per casting.
the Rain and scattering themselves among other lands. Starting at 11th level, when you affect a creature with a
Genwa Hijutsu, you can perform a Data Leak on the
Genwa Traits creature. When you do, you data mine 2 of the following
Ability Score Increase: +2 Int, +1 Dex pieces of information, the data being displayed above their
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. head as floating text that only you can see. You can perform a
Skill Proficiencies: Ninshou, Sleight of Hand Data Leak twice per long rest. At 18th level, this feature
Extra Language: Machine-Speak. You can understand and resets on a short rest.
communicate with machines. Two of the creature's attack bonuses.
Passive Affinity: You have the Lightning Release Affinity. Two of the creature's saving
throw bonuses.
Genwa Features Two of the creature's Save DCs.
Genwa Clan Jutsu: The Genwa Clan has access to a The amount of hit and chakra
separate list of jutsu unique to their clan. You can add these points the creature has lost.
jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the Number of Tenacity Die/Legendary
normal jutsu list(s). Resistances.
1s and 0s: Starting at 1st level, you are a natural wiz when All General, Role,
it comes to machines. You gain proficiency in the Hacker and or Clan Traits
Security kits. You also always count as possessing a Radio (Pick
Link, and your signal cannot be interfered with or traced one).
using ninja tools.
Starting at 3rd level, you ignore penalties and have
advantage on checks made with the Hacker and Security kits.
When you would need one of these kits but do not have one
or have any remaining charges, you can spend 5 chakra to
temporarily create the kit for 1 minute, and can spend 2
chakra to create/replenish any charges.
Data Channels
Channel Prerequisite Effect Genwa Clan Jutsu
- You overhear conversations of Hidden
Cloud Shinobi and the tactic of chakra
resonance utilized to make them harder Data Release: Blade Crash
to attack. You have advantage on saving
throws against jutsu with the Lightning Classification: Hijutsu
Release keyword. Up to twice per turn, Rank: D-Rank
when you cast a jutsu with the Lightning Casting Time: 1 Action
release keyword, your AC increases by +1 Range: 30 feet
until the start of your next turn.
Duration: Special
Hidden 11th level You overhear conversations of Hidden Components: HS, CM
Leaf Leaf Shinobi and their ability to utilize
fire release chakra to guarantee success Cost: 5 Chakra
in battle. When you would cast a Genwa Keyword: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
Hijutsu that deals damage, you deal an Description: You manifest Data Release within your hands
additional amount of flat damage equal as you mold it into a more stable shape, creating a digital
to half the amount of damage die used.
sword that you throw at an enemy in order to pin them.
Hidden - You overhear conversations of Hidden Make a ranged ninjutsu attack against a creature within
Mist Mist Shinobi and their ability to use the
existing environment to efficiently cast range, dealing 2d8 force damage and imposing a grappling
jutsu. Reduce the cost of Genwa Hijutsu contest against the creature on a hit. For this contest, you
by -1. While near a sufficient source of may use your Ninshou skill. If you succeed this check, the
electricity, reduce the cost of jutsu with
the Lightning Release keyword by -1 and
creature is pinned to the ground by the sword for 1 minute,
you do not need to spend chakra to restrained. A creature restrained this way can use its action
maintain concentration of Lightning on subsequent turns to remake the check, ending this
Release jutsu. condition on a success.
Hidden 7th level You overhear conversations of Hidden At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
Rain Rain Shinobi discussing a different D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage
method of breathing that improves the
flow of one's chakra network. You ignore
by 2d8.
the HS component of Genwa Hijutsu.
While concentrating or benefitting from Data Release: Firewall
a Lightning Release jutsu, you gain Classification: Hijutsu
resistance to chakra damage. Rank: D-Rank
Hidden 7th level You overhear conversations of Hidden Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you would
Sand Sand Shinobi and their ability to mold take damage
chakra to shield their bodies. Once per
turn, when you cast a jutsu with the Range: Self
Lightning Release keyword, you gain a Duration: 1 Round
number of temporary hit points equal to Components: HS, CM
your Ninjutsu ability modifier, and
double the amount if it was a Genwa
Cost: 5 Chakra
Hijutsu. This feature cannot stack with Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
itself, but can stack with temporary hit Description: As a reaction when you would take damage, you
points granted by Lightning Release can quickly manifest a barrier of data release to protect you.
jutsu. Reduce the initial instance of damage you would receive by
Hidden - You overhear conversations of Hidden 3d8. After this occurs, your barrier splits from yourself,
Sound Sound Shinobi and their strategies for
stealth. You gain proficiency in Stealth
transforming into a shield of your design. This shield floats
and Illusions, and can use Intelligence for around you, and while you have a shield, the next time you
these skills. While benefitting from a take damage, you can block with a shield, reducing the
Genwa Clan hijutsu, you gain a +3 bonus damage taken by 4d4. After you block with a shield, it is
to checks made with these skills.
destroyed. This jutsu ends early if all shields you possess are
Hidden - You overhear conversations of Hidden destroyed. For each shield you possess, you gain a +1 bonus
Stars Star Shinobi and maneuvers used to read
the chakra signatures of others. You have
to AC.
advantage on saving throws against the At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
Blinded condition from sources of light, D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage
or that would imitate light. When looking reduced by 1d8. If cast to B-Rank, increase the number of
at a creature within 120 feet, you
automatically learn of its chakra natures.
shields created by +1, and the damage reduction for each
shield to d6s. If cast to S-Rank, increase the number of
- You overhear conversations of Hidden
Stone Shinobi and the techniques used
shields created by +1, and the damage reduction for each
to fortify creations of chakra. When you shield to d8s.
create a construct using a jutsu with the
Lightning Release keyword, it gains
additional hit points equal to half your
Ninjutsu Save DC.
Data Release: Surge C-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank Data Release: Compile
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Classification: Hijutsu
Range: Self Rank: C-Rank
Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Components: HS, CM Range: Touch
Cost: 4 Chakra Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release Components: CM
Description: You weave signs to manifest your Data Release Cost: 9 Chakra
chakra behind you, forming into holographic wings of a color Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
of your choice. Until the end of the next turn, you gain flying Description: You generate a stream of Data release which
speed equal to your movement speed and ignore difficult flows down your arms which converges into either a large
terrain. Additionally, when you first cast this jutsu, your broadsword of opake blue chakra, or two large claws of
movement speed is doubled until the start of your next turn. translucent red chakra. You cannot lose concentration of this
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above jutsu as the result of taking damage or failing a concentration
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. check. On your turn, you can spend 3 chakra to switch your
If cast to C-Rank or higher, you can choose to concentrate weapon to the other weapon this jutsu provides.
on this jutsu, giving it a casting time of Concentration, up to 1 Data Sword: This sword deals 2d6 force damage and
minute. possesses the Deadly, Finesse, Light, and Versatile (d8)
If cast to B-Rank or higher, you can concentrate on this properties. This sword uses Intelligence for attack and
jutsu for 10 minutes, and your movement speed is instead damage rolls, as well as your Taijutsu ability modifier for
tripled until the start of your next turn. Bukijutsu of an equal rank to this jutsu. This sword can
If cast to A-Rank or higher, this jutsu no longer requires cast any Bukijutsu that does not require a ranged weapon,
you to concentrate on it to benefit from it for 10 minutes. and that deals Slashing damage.
If cast to S-Rank or higher, your movement speed is Data Claws: These claws deal 3d4 force damage and
doubled for the duration of this jutsu, and your movement possess the Critical, Finesse, Light, and Unarmed
speed is initially quadrupled until the start of your next turn. properties, and can use Intelligence for attack and damage
rolls, as well as your Taijutsu ability modifier for Taijutsu
Data Release: Torrent of an equal rank to this jutsu.
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
Casting Time: 1 Action C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and gain a +1 to
Range: 30 feet unarmed and weapon attack and damage rolls with your Data
Duration: Instant weaponry.
Components: CM
Cost: 5 Chakra Data Release: VPN
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release Classification: Hijutsu
Description: You outstretch your hand and launch a series of Rank: C-Rank
prismatic particles and glitches that cause your arm to Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action, or Reaction
appear pixelated and emit 10 feet of bright light of any color. Range: Touch
Make two ranged ninjutsu attacks against a creature within Duration: Special
30 feet as you launch blasts of data at them, dealing 2d8 Components: HS, CM
force damage and imposing a Strength saving throw on each Cost: 8 Chakra
hit. On a failed save, the creature is knocked back 10 feet and Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release, Sensory
falls prone. Description: You quickly cover a willing creature within
A creature knocked prone and/or reach in a reservoir of Data Release chakra, generating an
knocked out of this jutsu's range, obscuring aura to immerse the creature. For the duration, the
as a result of this jutsu, does not creature does not produce sound and is Invisible, until they
result in consecutive attack rolls make an attack, deal damage, or receive damage.
made with this jutsu to be made at At the end of each of your turns (or every 10 minutes, if not
disadvantage due to the in combat), you must spend 4 chakra, plus +1 chakra for each
creature being prone, or prevent instance of this jutsu you have active at a time. Creatures
the creature from targeted due to under this jutsu's effects can mentally communicate with
limited range. each other across any distance.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the range you can
increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, affect creatures from by 10 feet, and the number of creatures
and the number of attacks made by you can affect during this jutsu's initial casting by +1.
Data Release: Zip Blade
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 90 feet
Data Angel/Demon
Large Celestial/Demonic Construct, unaligned
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM Armor Class 17 + your Ninjutsu ability modifier
Cost: 9 Chakra Hit Points 90 (10d8+45)
Keyword: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release Speed 40ft flying (Can hover)
Description: You mark a target within range and generate 3
holographic blades which fly at them like a zipline. Make a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ranged ninjutsu attack. On a hit, the target takes 4d10 force
damage and is Shocked until the end of your next turn. This 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
attack roll ignores bonuses to AC from a jutsu, trait, or
feature (excluding changes to AC calculation). This jutsu Damage Immunities Acid, Necrotic, Poison, Lightning

deals double damage to structures, constructs, and objects. Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing from non-
chakra enhanced weapons
If you exceed the target's AC by 5 or more, the swords Condition Immunities All Mental and Sensory, Exhaustion,
collide in a small explosion on the target. Each creature Petrified, Poisoned
within 5 feet of the target, other than the target, of your Senses Chakra Sight 30ft, Passive Perception
choice, must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take half
the damage dealt. Embedded Programming. Data Angels/Demons can only be
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above commanded by their summoner. They are proficient with all
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage saving throws, using their summoner's Ninjutsu ability
by 1d10. modifier as their proficiency bonus. They also use their
summoner's Ninjutsu attack bonus and Save DC. The
summoner can command any number of Angels/Demons to
B-Rank move on their turn (no action required) and can command one
as a bonus action to take its action. At S-Rank, the summoner
Data Release: Antivirus can command one Angel/Demon to take its action on their
Classification: Hijutsu turn (no action required), once per round.

Rank: B-Rank Engineered Ability. Depending on your summoners selection of

Casting Time: 1 Action a Data Angel or Data Demon, you gain the following;
Range: 15 feet Angel: You are classified as a Celestial, and gain a
Broadsword melee weapon that deals 2d6+3 force damage on
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute hit. You emit an invigorating healing aura. Allies (excluding
Components: HS, CM, CS other Angels) within 20 feet of you gain a +1 to AC and saving
Cost: Special (12 Chakra) throws, and recover 5 hit points at the start of each of their
turns. (This can stack up to twice, with multiple Angels.)
Keyword: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning Release Demon: You are classified as a Demon, and gain a Claws
Description: You release a pulse of Data Release from melee weapon that deal 3d4+3 force damage on hit. You have
yourself which can causes an angel or demonic construct to a wrathful presence. For every Demon within 30 feet of you,
materialize and fight alongside you. When you cast this jutsu, your attacks gain a +1 to attack rolls and Save DC. Allies within
15 feet of you ignore resistance and treat immunity as
choose between a Data Angel or Data Demon. Your choice resistance. (This cannot stack.)
affects the appearance and abilities of your construct. Angels Holographic Weapons. The attacks from Data Angels/Demons
appear as winged centurion knights, meant to aid the weak. are chakra enhanced.
Demons appear as monsters, meant to punish the wicked. Immutable Form. Data Angels/Demons are immune to any
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Jutsu or effect that would alter their form.
B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 4, and the number
of constructs created by +1. You can choose whether these Actions
additional constructs are Angels or Demons. Multiattack. You can make two attacks with your Broadsword
or Claws respectively.
Dive Bomb. You fly high into the air and soar down with
incredible speed, sending down a blast of blue (angel) or red
(demon) chakra at a space within 60 feet. All creatures within
15 feet of this space of your choice must succeed a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d6 + half your Summoner's level in force
damage on a failed save, or half on a success.
(Angel) Blue Laser. You launch a beam of blue chakra in a 60-
foot long, 5-foot wide line. Each creature within range of your
choice must succeed a Wisdom saving throw, taking 5d8
force damage and becoming Blinded until the start of their
next turn, or half damage and no effects on a success.
(Demon) Red Missiles. You spin in mid-air and form 3 spheres
of red chakra. Make 3 ranged ninjutsu attacks. On a hit, the
creature takes 1d12+3 force damage and must succeed a
Constitution saving throw, becoming Weakened until the end
of their next turn on a failed save.
Data Release: Data Visualization A-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank Data Release: DDos Attack
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action Classification: Hijutsu
Range: Touch Rank: A-Rank
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Action
Components: HS, CM Range: 90-foot Cube
Cost: 10 Chakra Duration: Instant
Keyword: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sensory, Lightning Release Components: HS, CM
Description: You touch a willing or incapacitated creature Cost: 22 Chakra
and begin combing through their memories searching for a Keyword: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
specific event. The creature does not need to remember said Description: The ultimate jutsu of the Genwa Clan, the
event at the present moment to use this jutsu, they simply absolute culmination of all Data Release techniques. You
need to have seen or heard it. Make a Ninshou or Sleight of stick your hands out in front of you, forming two large discs
Hand check with your choice of Dexterity or Intelligence vs. a of data release, one blue, one red. The sky darkens, causing
DC equal to how far back the memory was recorded. (Within your discs to become the brightest source of light. You then
the past day: 12, Within the past week: 16, Within the crash your hands together, shattering the discs and releasing
past month: 20, Within the past six months: 24, Within particles in a 90-foot cube in front of you. From these
the past year: 28, Within the past five years: 32, six or particles, Data Angels and Data Demons form, soaring past
more years: 36+) all creatures, slashing, clawing, and blasting at them.
On a success, you locate the memory and retract your hand Each creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw,
from the creature, holding a sphere of Data Release taking 7d8 Force damage, becoming Weakened, and falling
containing a copy of the memory. The length of the memory prone on failed save, or half damage and no further effects on
starts at 10 minutes, though you can, as many times as you'd a success.
like, increase the cost of this jutsu by 1 to add one more The angels and demons then rise into the air and dive
minute. You can then choose to broadcast the memory in a down with incredible force, resulting in a massive explosion.
small cloud of lightning across a 15-foot space that you could Creatures must succeed a Strength saving throw, at
reach, or place it into a monitor. disadvantage if they failed their Dexterity saving throw, or
Alternatively, you can crush the orb, releasing the memory take 7d8 Force damage and become Dazed and Shocked, or
into the minds of all willing creatures within 15 feet. Each take half damage and no further effects on a success.
creature is immersed completely in the memory, standing the
same place it was recorded, perfectly recreated, and able to
explore/move in their own way as if they were time travelers.
When viewing a memory, you can freely pause, rewind, or
fast forward through the memory, and can move up to 60 feet
in the memory's space, potentially revealing new information.
Once you succeed this check and end this jutsu, you cannot
use this jutsu on the creature again for 1 day, and cannot cast
this jutsu again for the next 8 hours as the
technique is taxing.

Extra Content
The Genwa clan has recieved a lot of love and
support from the community, which is just
awesome :). In the jutsu section of this document,
there are additional hijutsu for the Genwa, some
made by myself, and the rest by the community.
Read Me
About this Clan
Hi! Blast here. Firstly, I would like to just thank you for Hylian Slash
Classification: Hijutsu
checking out this document. Every view means a lot! Rank: A-Rank
This clan has been out for some time now, around 6 Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action
months, and I'm updating it on 10/30/22. A lot has changed Range: 30 feet
for the better with this clan, but I wanted to make a brief Duration: Instant
introduction to explain the clan and address the concerns Components: CM
people have had with its design. If you have any questions or Cost: 30 Chakra
concerns with this clan, feel free to hit me up! :) Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash
Description: You summon forth a jutsu of divine
"What is the Hylia Clan?" strength by bringing out the full power of your seal
of fate. You begin to generate a prismatic aura of
The Hylia clan is one of my most ambitious projects. It is a 3 light and your eyes shift to a golden yellow for but
branch clan inspired by the Legend of Zelda series. The 3 a moment. You raise your hand in front of you with
branches featured focus on the 3 pieces of the Triforce; the back of your palm towards a creature within
Power, Wisdom, and Courage. range that you can see. The creature must make a
The majority of the clan's features are shared and the 3rd Dexterity saving throw. On a success, this jutsu
level feature, Blessing of the Gods, and hijutsu, are where fails.
clan members diverge. On a failed save, the seal in your hand manifests
This design of this clan pushes players towards a direction physically and surrounds the creature, restraining
with their piece of the triforce (The actual lore of this clan and incapacitating them for the duration of this
has been written to not clash with the world of Naruto) and jutsu. You then teleport to the creature with
over time, players unlock the other pieces of the triforce and incredible speed and make a number of melee
integrate it into their kit. Yes, you can acquire all 3 pieces of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus in the blink
triforce in this clan, i.e, all 3 branches. of an eye. You can choose for these attacks to be
ninjutsu (you strike the enemy with bursts of
radiant energy) or taijutsu attacks (you strike the
"Wouldn't 3 branches make this enemy with your fists or a weapon) at casting. On
clan too powerful?" each hit, you deal 2d6 force damage.
If 5 or more of your attacks hit, you make one
This is a reasonable question. Short answer, maybe. Going final melee attack, of the same type as the previous
into this clan all that time ago, I was aware that the premise attacks, dazing the creature and knocking them
had the potential to get out of hand. You get so much with this back 60 feet + an additional 5 feet for every attack
clan by the end, I had to design it with care. that was successful. This jutsu then ends.
The "Branch distinct" features, in my opinion, are very
average on their own. Nothing they have is truly spectacular
on its own, and they nowhere near the kits of clans such as
Shakuton, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Inuzuka, etc, that all boast an
incredible amount of synergy.
This was an intentional decision made by me, as I wanted
the powers to feel a bit lackluster on their own, but shine
brightly when brought together. I should also note that the
ability to acquire all 3 branches was balanced around the
length of time it would take to accomplish.
You get one branch at 3rd level, need a 12th level feat to a
second branch, and finally, you get the last branch at 18th. By
the time you get your 2nd and 3rd branches, the intent is that
the party overall has gotten so much stronger that a Hylia
doesn't feel out of place or out of line with their own power.
"Can I play with just 1-2 Branches?"
You can certainly do this if you like, though I believe you
should try the clan as is first. That being said, this clan would
not hold up if you only took 1 branch, both in terms of
features and hijutsu (a lot of this clan's hijutsu is utility). I
recommend playing with 2 branches by removing the 18th
level feature, and I would also give players this extra jutsu
on the right as a 2nd A-Rank to accommodate for the power
they have lost by not having the other branch(s).
Path of Fate: At 1st level, select which seal was marked
Hylia Clan onto your palm as a child. This cannot be changed later on.
Update: August 19th, 2022. Seal of Power: Those marked with the Seal of Power
A group of 5 jonin stand before a heavily armored man have an intense drive to grow mighty and strong. Above all
standing above the innocent bodies of a village burning to else, strength is the most important factor in one's life. You
ruin. A profound terror among the Land of Wind, the rogue gain access to Hylia Clan jutsu with the Power keyword.
shinobi known as Nosaki stands in the center of the fourth Seal of Wisdom: Those marked with the Seal of Wisdom
village he has destroyed within the past year. Trembling in aspire to be great scholars. Typically the most wealthy
fear, the Shinobi draw their weapons, preparing to fight. The with this seal, as their fortune aids them to grow and
armored man laughs maniacally like a demonic hyena as the develop wonderous techniques with their chakra. You gain
shinobi are surrounded by dark energy, causing them to access to Hylia Clan jutsu with the Wisdom keyword.
painfully rise to the ground and drop their weapons. As the Seal of Courage: Those marked with the Seal of Courage
shinobi begin writhing in agony, they plead for the Nosaki to are innately altruistic. They typically train to become great
spare them, to which he responds by amassing a large ball of Shinobi, not out of a desire for strength, but out of a
malicious lightning chakra. "Weaklings." With a smirk, he desire to protect the common people, no matter what. You
throws the orb at the group of 5. When all seems lost, a male gain access to Hylia Clan jutsu with the Courage keyword.
shinobi jumps in between the energy and the shinobi, and
with a glistening strike of his sword, he deflects the orb back Journey of the Chosen: Members of the Hylia Clan are
Nosaki, generating a massive explosion. A golden chakra known for having good fortune when accomplishing their
washes over the 5 shinobi, dispelling the malicious chakra endeavors, which they acquit to their strong faith.
and healing their wounds, as a kunoichi emerges from the Starting at 1st level, select one of the following: Training,
left. "I told you all to wait! Not pursue him without our Jutsu Learning/Creation, or Seal Crafting. The downtime
escort!" Asuka walks next to Rinku, who never turned from needed to complete any task in the category you chose is
the explosion. He waits patiently for the evil to resurface, and reduced by 1 week (The downtime to complete a task can
Noaski does. "So, you've returned have you." Noaski brushes never be reduced below 1 Week). This downtime reduction
the debris from his armor. "This time." Asuka says, taking a increases to 2 weeks at 7th level and 3 weeks at 15th level.
readying stance alongside Rinku. "This time we'll finish you!" At 7th level, the ryo cost for the activity you chose is
reduced by half, as you always find a way to make ends meet.
----Miyamoto Uzumaki At 15th level, you select another one of the listed activities
The Long Road, Ch. 20 excerpt. to gain the benefits of this feature.
Goddess' Guidance: Starting at 1st level, through your
Will of the Gods faith you have learned to harness your shinobi talents under
The Hylia Clan is a clan that bears no proper family name, as the light of your seal. Hylia Hijutsu you cast, treat your
its people hail from lands abroad. Instead, members of the casting modifier as +2 higher, up to a modifier of +5.
Hylia clan share a common faith, one that believes that the Blessing of the Gods: Starting from 3rd level, each
deities above shine a path for each mortal for them to follow. member receives what they believe to be a gift from the gods
As children, the members of the Hylia Clan are branded with above. Depending on the path you chose with the Path of
a small seal on their palm, unique to each user. This seal Fate feature, you gain specific divine blessings;
grows with age and is believed to help clan members mature Blessing of Power:
with great Power, Wisdom, and Courage.
This clan is separated into three branches, all of which You gain 30 feet of Darkvision and Tremorsense.
focus on a particular virtue of the Hylia Clan faith, walking a You increase your maximum hit points or chakra points by
path of self-discovery. The Power, Wisdom, and Courage your proficiency bonus (Pick one). At 11th level you boost
paths. Members of this clan focus on developing the skills the other resource you did not choose at 3rd level as well.
and knowledge to best aid them on their journey to discover You gain a special pool of dice known as Calamity Die,
their respective virtue. which are d8s. You gain a maximum number of Calamity
Die equal to your Constitution modifier. You regain half of
Hylia Traits your spent dice on a short rest, and all on a long rest. You
Ability Score Increase: +2 Con, +1 to Str, Dex, or Wis can use these dice for the following, once per turn.
(Pick one) Beyond Strength: When you make a Strength or
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Constitution skill check or saving throw, you can
Skill Proficiencies: Ninshou, Pick one between: Acrobatics, add up to 1 Calamity Die to the result.
Survival, or Perception Calamitous Defense: When you would reduce
damage or gain temporary hit points, you can
Hylia Features spend any number of Calamity Die, adding twice
Wanderer's Techniques: The Hylia have access to a the result to the damage reduced or as temporary
separate list of jutsu unique to their clan. You can add these hit points.
jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from your Dominant Force: When a creature would make a
normal jutsu list(s). You can only add these jutsu to your list saving throw against you, you can reduce their
as you are marked with the correct seal from the clan, result by half the result of 1 Calamity Die (Min. 1).
denoted by the keywords of the jutsu of the Hylia clan. Peerless Power: When you would roll to maintain
concentration, you add up to 2 Calamity Die.
At 11th level, you would roll for initative and have no Divine Element: Beginning at 7th level your connection
Calamity Die remaining, you may spend 1 Chakra Die to with the divine grows. Select one of the following nature
regain half of your maximum Calamity Die, rounded up. releases Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning, or the
Medical keyword. You gain access to jutsu with your chosen
Blessing of Wisdom: release's keyword, or the medical keyword.
When you cast a Hylia clan jutsu that deals damage, you
You gain two proficiencies split amongst skills or tool kits. can change the damage type to that of your Divine Element
If you are already proficient, you instead gain expertise. (Water=Cold, Medical=Poison), giving the jutsu your
Select between the Sensory or Fuinjutsu keywords. Jutsu element's keyword. If you cast a jutsu that already has your
with your chosen keyword have their cost reduced by -1, element's keyword, reduce the cost of the jutsu by 2 (Min. 1)
can be learned in half the required time, and your ability At 15th level, you have +3 bonus to checks to maintain
scores count as +2 higher for the purposes of casting such concentration of jutsu with your element's keyword, and
jutsu through ability score restrictions. At 11th level, these negate any detrimental effects or interactions jutsu with your
benefits apply to the other keyword you did not choose. element may have against the superior element. If you
You gain a special item known as the Goddess Artifact. instead picked the Medical keyword, Medical jutsu you cast
This artifact can be any item of your description, weighs 1 give an additional die of healing, and when absolving
bulk, and if for any reason it is destroyed or lost, it returns creatures of effects or conditions that call for a medical jutsu
to you at the conclusion of a rest or after 12 hours have of a specific rank, medical jutsu you cast counts as if was cast
passed. This artifact has a number of charges equal to at S-Rank.
your proficiency bonus per long rest. When you cast a Paths Convergence: Finally at 18th level, the Seal given to
Ninjutsu, you may spend 1 charge (or 3 chakra, if you have you at birth begins to glow and change, allowing you the
no charges remaining) to add your Goddess Artifact as a powers of a different path. Select another seal from the Path
component, granting your jutsu the following benefits; of Fate feature. You gain the full benefits of this seal and 1
You ignore the HS and CS components. Hylia clan jutsu with the keyword of the path you chose.
You gain a +1d6 bonus to clash checks.
Your jutsu gains an additional two die of damage or
healing, once per casting.
Your jutsu can target an additional creature (if it
could already target multiple creatures for its rank)
or increases its range and area of effect by 15 feet
and 5 feet respectively (Pick one).'
You treat any 1s or 2s rolled on jutsu's damage or
healing die, as 3s.
At 11th level, you regain half your expended charges of the
Goddess Artifact on a short rest.
Blessing of Courage:
Your base movement speed increases to 35 feet, and you
gain proficiency in 3 weapons of your choice.
You have advantage on saving throws being Charmed or
Frightened, and neither condition can be automatically
given to you without a saving throw. At 11th level, you are
immune to both conditions.
Whenever you would roll a natural 1 on an attack roll,
ability check, or saving throw, you can choose to reroll,
taking the second result. You can do this before the result
of your roll is determined, a number of times equal to half
your proficiency bonus, rounded up, per long rest. You one
use of this feature on a short rest.
Once per long rest in combat, when you become Bloodied,
you can automatically give yourself a Will of Fire. When
this ability triggers, you have advantage on the next attack
roll and saving throw you make in combat.
At 11th level, you ignore resistance and treat immunity as
resistance when attacking Aberrations, Beasts, Demons,
and Monstrosities. Twice per turn, you can add a 2d8 to
damage rolls you make against these types of adversaries.
Diamond Barrier
Hylia Clan Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
D-Rank: Casting Time: 1 Reaction, when you would take damage.
Focus Spirit Range: Self
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: Instant
Rank: D-Rank Components: HS, CM, CS, M
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Cost: 5 Chakra
Range: Self Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Wisdom Path
Duration: 1 Round Description: In response to being damaged, you quickly call
Components: M upon the wise power of your seal and form a spinning
Cost: 3 Chakra crystalline blue barrier to defend yourself. Reduce the
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Power Path damage taken by 4d8 + your ninjutsu ability modifier. Hostile
Description: You take in a deep breath as you tense your creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed a Dexterity
muscles, elevate your senses, and fill your mind with intense saving throw or take 4d8 force damage.
focus. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +1 bonus to If this jutsu reduces the damage of a ranged attack to 0 or
AC, reduce all damage you recieve by -5 and you cannot be lower, you can contest the attack roll with a Ninshou check (if
moved against your will. you have expertise, roll a +1d4 bonus in place of expertise). If
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above you succeed, the attack is deflected back at the target if they
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the duration are within 120, dealing half damage and no effects on a hit.
by 1 round. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
D-Rank, increase the cost by 3, and the damage reduction by
Malicious Shockwave a 2d8+2.
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank Spirit Cleave
Casting Time: 1 Action Classification: Hijutsu
Range: Self (15-foot cone) Rank: D-Rank
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Action or Bonus Action
Components: HS, CM, M Range: Self
Cost: 5 Chakra Duration: 1 Minute
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual, Power Path Components: HS, CM, CS
Description: You drive your fist into the ground below, Cost: 5 Chakra
sending a shockwave of dark energy in a 15-foot Cone. All Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Wisdom Path
creatures within range must make a Dexterity saving throw, Description: Using the divination powers of the Wisdom
taking your unarmed damage + 2d6 force damage on a Seal, you find a noble spirit within your domain of existance
failure, or half as much damage on a success. and anoint them with a set of knightly armor to serve you. A
After performing the shockwave, you may select one Large Phantom Knight of a design of your description forms
affected creature and impose a Charisma saving throw. If you next to you. This jutsu can be cast as an action or bonus
choose to impose a saving throw, this jutsu gains a duration action for different effects;
of Concentration, up to 1 minute. Otherwise, it gains a Action. If this jutsu is cast as an action, the knight charges
duration of Instant. forth in a 60-foot line making a sweeping attack against all
If you are benefitting from the Phantom's Embrace or creatures of your choice that it passes through (The Phantom
Calamity jutsu, you can target 1 additional creature with the Knight may pass through another creature's space). Make one
Charisma saving throw, for each jutsu active. melee Ninjutsu attack and compare the result against each
Success: This jutsu's effects end on the target and they creature's AC. On a hit, you deal 3d10 force damage and
remove all ranks of fear as the illusion dissapears. creature's must succeed a Strength saving throw or be
Failure: The target sees a distant mirage of a demonic, knocked back 20 feet and gain 2 ranks of Bleeding. The
eldritch beast made of smoke approaching them. The knight then disappears and this jutsu then ends.
target gains 1 rank of Fear for the duration, and increases Bonus Action If this jutsu is cast as a bonus action, the
the cost of all their jutsu by twice their ranks of Fear. At the knight remains where it was summoned and you declare a
start of each of the target's turns, they may repeat the situation that must occur before the knight will attack.
saving throw, gaining another rank of Fear on a failure. Examples including commanding the knight to attack when a
Critical Failure: Same effects as a failure, but the target creature enters within a certain range of you, or when you
sees the beast at their feed following their every move. For would hit a creature with a melee attack. Regardless, the
the duration, the creature's speed is halved and cannot be knight can only move 30 feet before dispersing, and when it
increased, they cannot Dash, Disengage, or Dodge, and attacks, it can only target one creature as if this jutsu was
suffer a penalty to all attack rolls equal to their ranks of cast as an Action.
Fear. Targets who critical fail make their next repeat saving At Higher Ranks: For each rank this jutsu is cast above D-
throw at the end of their next turn, not at the start. Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and increase the
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above range the knight can travel by 15 feet, and the damage by
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the length of the 2d10 (if used an Action) or 1d10 (if used as a Bonus Action).
Cone by 5 feet, and the damage by 2d6.
Adaptive Armor Divine Winds
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self Range: 5 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: 12 hours
Components: HS, CM, NT (Light or Medium Armor) Components: CM
Cost: 5 Chakra Cost: Special
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Courage Path Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
Description: You form a barrier of chakra around your armor Description: A signature Hylia clan jutsu used primarily to
which materializes more protective material to aid you. The aid in endeavors that require intense and arduous
appearance of this jutsu is up to your discretion. exploration. You place a small orb of green chakra in front of
For the duration, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and +3 DR you. This orb emits a 5-foot radius of bright light and a 10-
against all sources of damage. Alternatively, you may choose foot radius of dim light.
to forgo the either AC bonus or DR bonus to instead infuse a For 10 chakra, as a full turn action on your turn when you
nature release, or the medical keyword, into this armor. are within 5 miles of the orb, you and all willing creatures
Doing so grants you resistance to your chosen within 5 feet of you are teleported to the location of the orb.
element/keyword's damage type (Water=Cold/Medical= This jutsu then ends.
Poison). and advantage against saving throws associated with
the element/keyword (Earth=Bruised, Wind=Bleeding, Z-Target
Fire=Burned, Water=Chilled, Lightning=Shocked, Medical= Classification: Hijutsu
Poison). Rank: D-Rank
If your chosen element/keyword is your Divine Element, Casting Time: Special
you gain immunity to its damage type and condition. Range: 60 feet
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Duration: Special
D-Rank, increase the cost by 3. At C-Rank, this jutsu's Components: HS, CM
duration becomes 10 minutes. At B-Rank, this jutsu's Cost: 5 Chakra
duration becomes 1 hour and no longer requires Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sensory
concentration. At A-Rank, you benefit from both the AC and Description: You utilize the latent power of your seal to
DR, regardless or whether you infuse an element or not. At S- source information about a foe from the divine. Once per
Rank, this jutsu duration becomes 8 hours. round, you can target a creature within range and make an
Insight, Martial Arts, or Survival check (Pick one) vs. a DC
Peerless Focus equal to 5 + the creature's level. Casting this jutsu does not
Classification: Hijutsu break stealth, and this jutsu counts as a Skill-Action using the
Rank: D-Rank ability score associated with the skill chosen.
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action On a success, you gain the benefits of the Read the Enemy
Range: Self Skill Action against the target until the start of your next turn,
Duration: 1 Round and you learn new information about your target. The more
Components: M, W (Any) you succeed this check by, the more useful and relevent the
Cost: 5 Chakra information should be, as detailed below.
Keywords: Hijutsu, Bukijutsu, Courage Path If fighting the same or like enemies, such as a band of
Description: Those who march down the path of courage are monsters or a group of shinobi from the same village, the
exceptional with a blade, and you are no different. After information garnered should be more generalized and less
casting this jutsu, when you take the attack action increase specific to the particular individual this jutsu is cast on.
the number of attacks you can make with a weapon by +1. For Match or exceed the DC by 1-4: You learn the enemy's
every hit that lands with the attack action, increase your name, level, as well as a short description of their fighting
attack bonus by +1 until the end of the turn. style and history.
At Higher Levels: For each rank you upcast this jutsu, Exceed the DC by 5 or more: Additionally, you learn the
increase the cost by 3. If upcast to C-Rank, if you hit with at adversary's race and affiliation, as well as hints as to what
least 2 attacks you can force the target creature to make a this creature's weakness may be, or warnings for tactics
Strength saving throw, knocking them prone and back 15 feet that should be avoided against this foe.
on a failure. Exceed the DC by 10 or more: Additionally, you learn
If upcast to B-Rank, this jutsu gains the Combo keyword the creature's adversary role and number of Tenacity Die
and you can target one affected creature with a Bukijutsu and Legendary Resistances. You also may learn more
Finisher as a reaction, regardless of range, once per turn, detrimental or secretive information about the creature.
ignoring its listed casting time. All boosts to attack and
critical threat range from this jutsu apply to the Finisher cast. Once you sucessfully use this jutsu on a particular
If upcast to A-Rank, increase the number of attacks you creature, you cannot do so on them again until you complete
make with the attack action by +1. a long rest.
If upcast to S-Rank, for each attack you land with your
weapon your critical threat range increases by +1 until the
end of the turn.
Phantom's Embrace
Using Z-Target Classification: Hijutsu
Z-Target is a very fun jutsu that can provide a great Rank: C-Rank
opportunity for DMs to add additional lore for their Casting Time: 1 Action
bosses. Below is an example of information that Range: Self
could be given when a player successfully uses this Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
jutsu, using Haku from the official Bingo Book. Components: CM, M
Match DC: "Haku, Level: 8. Haku, loyal to Cost: Special (9 Chakra)
Zabuza, is a dangerous adversary who wields Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Power Path
the power of Ice Release. Try not to freeze!" Description: Fiery chakra begins to emerge from your feet,
Exceed DC by 5+: "Haku, Level: 8. Haku, loyal to gradually traveling up your body until it reaches your head,
Zabuza, is a dangerous shinobi of the Yuki clan, forming a demonic looking skull of your design, which
known for their Ice Release. He is particularly releases incredibly potent chakra all around you.
dextrious, so set your focus on simple attacks!" For the duration of this jutsu, you gain 30 feet of flying
Exceed DC by 10+: "Haku, Level 8 Solo (TD: 8). speed, and up to twice per turn when you deal damage that
Haku, loyal to Zabuza, is one of the sole either includes your unarmed damage or that is a damage roll
remaining shinobi of the Yuki clan, wiped out with a Hylia Hijutsu, you deal an additional +1d10 force
due to fear of their Ice Release kekkei-genaki. damage. Lastly, you have +2 bonus to saving throws against
Haku is particularly dextrious and fantastic at Mental and Sensory conditions, and have resistance to
attack from stealth. Try to use jutsu and abilities psychic damage.
that can help detect him, and utilize attack rolls If you cast this jutsu while Force Spirit is currently active,
as opposed to large area of effects!" or if you cast Force Spirit while this jutsu is active, you gain
the benefits of Force Spirit for the duration of this jutsu.
C-Rank Domain Imprisonment
Classification: Hijutsu
Warlock Punch Rank: C-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Action
Rank: C-Rank Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
Range: Touch Components: HS, CS
Duration: Instant Cost: 9 Chakra
Components: CM, M Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Wisdom Path
Cost: 8 Chakra Description: You channel the power of your chakra seal to
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Power Path send out a wave of energy to seal a creature. Select one
Description: A massive amount of dark chakra begins to creature within range. This creature must make a Charisma
emanate from your body and soul, converging into your fist saving throw, at disadvantage if they are an Aberration, a
as aim to strike a creature. Beast, Demon, Monstrositity, Plant, or Undead.
Make a melee taijutsu attack. On hit, you On a failure, the creature is trapped in a crystal barrier.
deal your unarmed damage + 4d10 They are incapacitated and their movement speed becomes 0.
necrotic damage and the creature At the start of each of their turns and whenever they take
must succeed a Wisdom saving damage from a source other than this jutsu, they remake
throw or gain 1 rank of Fear the saving throw, breaking free and ending this jutsu
until the end of your next turn. on a success. If they fail this saving throw again
This jutsu scores a critical hit at the beginning of their turn, they take 2d12
on 19-20. force damage and 2d12 chakra damage.
If you successfully score a
critical hit with this jutsu, the
creature automatically fails their
Wisdom save and is also knocked
back 20 feet.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast
this jutsu above C-Rank, increase the cost of
this jutsu by 3, the damage by 3d10, the
critical threat range by +1, and the
ranks of fear by +1.
Graceful Restoration Hurricane Spin Slash
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: Special
Range: 20 feet Range: Special
Duration: Instant Duration: Special
Components: HS, CM Components: M, W (Any Melee)
Cost: 9 Chakra Cost: Special
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical, Wisdom Path Keywords: Hijutsu, Bukijutsu, Clash, Courage Path
Description: You channel a golden, heavenly orb of chakra Description: You channel all of your might into your blade
and send it towards a willing creature within range, absolving and take a mighty swing, casting all enemies aside. This jutsu
them from their pain. The creature regains 4d6 hit points and can be used as an action or full turn action for a specific cost.
is cured of all ranks of any one condition affecting them from Action (6 Chakra): Make a melee Taijutsu attack and
a jutsu of equal rank or lower, if any, excluding the following compare the result against all hostile creatures around you
conditions. (Exhaustion, Grappled, Restrained, Invisible, within your weapon's range. Your weapon is treated as having
Incapacitated, Unconscious). the Reach(1) property for this jutsu, it has no Reach. If your
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above attack roll matches or exceeds a target's AC, the creature
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the healing by takes your weapon's damage + 4d8 and must succeed a
1d6, and the number of creatures you can target by 1. Strength save or be knocked back 15 feet and fall prone.
Full Turn Action (9 Chakra): You begin spinning widely,
Dimension Shift moving up to your movement speed in any direction (Max.
Classification: Hijutsu 60ft). Each creature that would be caught within your
Rank: C-Rank weapon's range, once per turn, must make a Dexterity saving
Casting Time: 1 Action throw, taking your weapon's damage + 5d4 on a failed save, or
Range: Touch half as much on a success.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour After casting this jutsu as a full turn action, at the start of
Components: HS, CM, CS, A flat surface your subsequent turns you can immediately cast this jutsu
Cost: 9 Chakra again as a full turn action at half cost. If you perform this
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Courage Path jutsu for 2 or more turns consecutively, once you stop using
Description: As part of casting this jutsu you must be able to this jutsu, you are Dazed until the start of your next turn as
make contact with a flat surface that could hold a silhouette you feel motion sick.
of a creature of your size. You form hand signs and then At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
touch a surface, placing a large seal on the area which begins C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage
pulling you inside of it. You become a 2D illustration of by 2d8 or 2d4 respectively.
yourself, your back flush to the wall. Your field of vision is
halved to 180° degrees, allowing you to see what is in front Divine Wrath
and at your sides in the 3D world. Classification: Hijutsu
While in this state, you cannot cast jutsu, but you can move Rank: C-Rank
up your movement speed along the walls, able to go through Casting Time: 1 Action
even the smallest of cracks. You do not make noise and have Range: Self (30-foot radius)
a chakra signature so faint, only a Sensory jutsu of B-Rank or Duration: Instant
higher, or True Sight, can detect you. You have advantage on Components: HS, CM
checks to maintain stealth, and only have to roll for stealth Cost: 9 Chakra
when you move if a creature could notice you move. Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash
If a creature would destroy a surface that you are on, this Description: You manifest a small crystal of chakra in your
jutsu immediately ends and you lose hit palm and in quick succession smash it into the ground below
points equal to the damage you, releasing a sphere of energy all around you. Creatures of
dealt to the surface. your choice within a 20-foot radius must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d12 force damage and falling prone on
a failed save, or half damage on a success.
When you cast this jutsu, you may choose to infuse a
nature release keyword or the medical keyword into it. If you
do, this jutsu's damage changes to the damage type
associated with your keyword (Water = Cold, Medical =
Poison), and this jutsu inflicts an additional conditon on a
failed save. (Earth = Bruised, Wind = Bleeding, Fire = Burned,
Water = Chilled, Lightning = Shocked, Medical = Envenomed)
If this keyword infused into this jutsu is your Divine
Element, you can choose which targets are affected by this
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C- Rank, increase the cost by 3, and the damage by 2d12.
B-Rank Goddess' Binding Seal
Classification: Hijutsu
Malicious Force Rank: B-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Action
Rank: B-Rank Range: 120 Feet
Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Concentration, up to 5 rounds
Range: Special Components: HS, CM, CS
Duration: Instant Cost: 14 Chakra
Components: HS, CM Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Wisdom Path
Cost: 14 Chakra Description: You outstretch your hand and the Wisdom seal
Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Tactile, Power Path engraved into you at birth briefly arises, appearing as an
Description: You outstretch your hand and the Power seal effigy of itself of Huge size at an empty space that can hold it
engraved into you at birth begins to glow brightly, as shadowy within 120 feet. This seal cannot be placed within 20 feet of
golden chakra begins to surround your hand. When you cast any creature.
this jutsu, you can choose to produce a Malicious Force All hostile creatures that start or enter within 60 feet of the
Wave or Malicious Force Burst; If this jutsu is cast while seal must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the
you are benefitting from the Phantom's Embrace or Calamity target takes 3d8 force damage, is grappled, and is unable to
jutsu, reduce the cost of this jutsu by -1, for each one active. make hand signs while they are within 60 feet of the seal.
Malicious Force Wave: You send out a wave of disruptive They are also moved 10 feet closer to the seal. On a success,
energy in a 30-foot long, 15-foot wide line. All creature's must the target instead half as much damage and is treated as
make a Charisma saving throw; being within difficult terrain. Creature's repeat this saving
Critical Success: The target becomes immune to the throw at the start of each of their turns while within 60 feet of
Malicious Force Wave for 1d4 rounds. the seal.
Success: The target gains 1 rank of Fear until the end of If an affected target's movement would push them inside of
their next turn. the seal's space, they must immediately make a Charisma
Failure: The target briefly sees only you and themselves, as saving throw. On a failure, they are moved inside the seal's
everything else becomes black, unable to percieve or space and trapped, becoming Incapaciated for the duration
hear anyone or anything. The target gains 3 ranks of and automatically failing this jutsu's Dexterity saving throw.
Fear and is Confused for 1 minute. They also drop any Target's trapped inside the seal remake the Charisma savign
items they may be holding. Affected targets repeat this throw at the end of each of their turns, being ejected 30 feet
saving throw at the end of their turns, ending this jutsu's away from the seal on a success.
effects on a success. Creatures outside of the seal can target it with an attack in
Critical Failure: Same effects as a Failure, and the target attempt to destroy it. The seal has 10d10 hit points and an
gains additional rank of Fear, is Slowed, and falls prone. AC equal to your Ninjutsu DC. If destroyed, this jutsu ends
Malicious Force Burst: Select a space within 90 feet of you. early.
You generate a torrent of malicious chakra in a 15-foot cube The amount of spaces this seal takes up determines the
originating from this space. All creature's within range must maximum number of creatures that may fit inside it. As an
make a Wisdom saving throw; action, when there is at least one creature trapped inside the
Success: The target takes half as much damage and seal, you can cause the seal to
suffers no other effects. collapse on itself and explode.
Failure: The target takes 8d8 psychic damage, is Each creature trapped
Dazed and Concussed. You also fling the target up to 30 must make a Strength
feet away along the ground. saving throw at
Critical Failure: The target takes 8d10 psychic damage, disadvantage, taking
is Dazed, Concussed, and for the next minute, has their 7d10 force damage on a
AC reduced by -1 and DR reduced by -3. You also fling failure, ignoring DR and
the target up to 10 feet in the air, and up to 60 feet away THP, or half as much
along the ground. damage on a success. This
You can cast this jutsu as an action in two different ways. If jutsu then ends.
this jutsu is cast while gaining the benefits of the Phantom's
Embrace or Calamity hijutsu, reduce the cost of this jutsu by
2 for each jutsu active.
Ethereal Boomerang A-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Calamity
Rank: B-Rank Classification: Hijutsu
Casting Time: 1 Action, or Reaction Rank: A-Rank
Range: 90 feet Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instant Range: Self
Components: CM, W (Any Shuriken or Chakram) Duration: 1 Minute
Cost: 12 Chakra Components: HS, CM
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, Courage Path Cost: 22 Chakra
Description: You take a shuriken or chakram in hand and Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Power Path
infuse it with the chakra of your seal, changing its behavior. Description: This jutsu cannot be cast while benefitting from
Action: Make a ranged taijutsu attack on up to 3 different the Hylia Clan A-Ranks for the Wisdom or Courage paths.
creatures within range as you throw the boomerang in an arc. An aura of darkness surrounds you, taking the appearence
On a hit, the creature takes your weapon's damage + 3d12 of an feral firey demon. For the duration, the sky above
force damage and must make a Constitution saving throw, becomes dark, and the moon turns blood red if it is present.
becoming Dazed on a failure. When this jutsu is used this You gain the following benefits; Once this jutsu ends, you
way, you can choose to infuse a nature release or the medical gain 2 ranks of Exhaustion and 2 ranks of Weakened.
keyword into it, changing its damage and effects.
Earth: The boomerang deals earth damage and on a You become Huge, and are classifed as a Demon.
failed save creatures gains 2 ranks of Bruised. Increase all movement speeds you possess by +40ft.
Wind: The boomerang deals wind damage and on a failed At the start of each of your turns, roll 2d10. Gain the result
save creatures gain 3 ranks of Bleeding. as both hit points and as temporary hit points.
Fire: The boomerang deals fire damage and on a failed You have advantage on rolls to resist Physical conditions.
save, creatures gain 1 rank of Burned, and are blinded Creatures that attack you while within 15 feet take 2d10
until the end of their next turn. fire and necrotic damage as your flames jump at them.
Water: The boomerang deals cold damage and creatures Gain a +15ft bonus to range for unarmed/Taijutsu attacks.
make their saving throw at disadvantage, becoming Your unarmed damage die increases by +1, and deals fire
Chilled on a failure. and necrotic damage. Once per turn, when you cast a
Lightning: The boomerang deals lightning damage and Taijutsu or make an unarmed attack, make an additional
on a failed save, creatures gain 2 ranks of Shocked. unarmed attack.
Medical: The boomerang deals poison damage and on a The Focus Spirit and Phantom's Embrace hijutsu, if cast,
failed save, creatures become Poisoned for 1d4 rounds. no longer require concentration for you to gain their
benefits and last until this jutsu ends.
Reaction: You target up to 3 objects that can be interacted Lastly, you gain access to the following Calamitious
with within range. If the object is tiny or small, you can have Techniques. These techniques require either an Action or
the boomerang bring it back to you. This jutsu deals no Bonus Action to perform, though on your turn you may
damage or effects, cannot miss, and costs 1 chakra per target perform each technique once, per casting of this jutsu,
in place of its listed cost when cast this way. without spending any actions. You cannot use more than
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above one Technique per turn without spending action economy.
B-Rank, increase the cost by 3, and either the damage by Calamity Fireball (Action): You throw a ball of black
1d12 or number of targets by +1 (Pick one). fire at a point within 60ft. Creatures within 20ft of the ball
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8 fire and
Divine Protection necrotic damage and being Burned, Corroded, and
Classification: Hijutsu Weakened. On a success, creatures take only half damage.
Rank: B-Rank Calamity Roar (Action): You let out a loud primal roar.
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action All creatures within 30 feet of you, other than you, must
Range: Self succeed a Charisma saving throw or gain 1 rank of Fear.
Duration: 1 Minute You then teleport to each creature who failed and make an
Components: HS, CS unarmed attack, dealing an additional 4d8 fire damage.
Cost: 14 Chakra Calamity Step (Bonus Action): You morph into a
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu gaseous beast and violently move to a space within 90ft
Description: You channel the divine protection of the gods however you wish, passing through creatures if they are in
into yourself with your chakra seal. For the duration, a crystal your path. Each creature you pass through must make a
spiraling blue aura surrounds you. You become proficient in Strength saving throw. On a failure, target's fall prone and
one saving throws of your choice and reduce all damage you take 3d8 necrotic damage. On a success, target's take half
receive by -3. You also negate the damage of conditions that as much damage and no further effects.
would deal damage to you, such as Burned, Bleeding, etc, or Calamity's Ruin (Bonus Action): You punch the air
effects that would deal extra damage for having a conditon. and send out 4, 10-foot radius globules of flame within 90
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above feet at different spaces, which last until the end of your
B-Rank, increase the cost by 3 and the damage reduction by next turn. Creatures that enter or start their turn in a glob
1. At S-Rank, you gain proficiency in a 2nd saving throw. take 15 fire damage, and must succeed a Constitution
saving throw or gain 2 ranks of Burned.
Bow of Light Fierce Deity
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: A-Rank Rank: A-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: 1 Minute
Components: HS, CM Components: HS, CM, W (Any)
Cost: Special (20 Chakra) Cost: 25 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Wisdom Path Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, Courage Path
Description: This jutsu cannot be cast while benefitting from Description: This jutsu cannot be cast while benefitting from
the Hylia Clan A-Ranks for the Power or Courage paths. the Hylia Clan A-Ranks for the Power or Wisdom paths.
You conjure up a heavenly bow of primordial strength The seal embedded within your palm begins to resonante
known as the Bow of Light. This bow, of your own design, with a golden-green glow, enveloping your body. Runes
can only be wielded by you and possesses the Deadly, appear all over your body and clothes, magnifying your
Finesse, Light, and Range (150/300) properties. The weapon strength and resilience. Your weapon is also transformed into
damage of this bow is 2d8 force damage, and this bow can a tool of mass destruction. You gain the following benefits;
use your Ninjutsu attack bonus for weapon/Taijutsu attacks. Once this jutsu ends, you gain 2 ranks of Exhaustion and 2
The Bow of Light can be used as a component in any ranks of Slowed.
Bukijutsu that requires a ranged weapon, disregarding
damage type requirements. You become large in size.
Attacks with the Bow of Light can never be made at You gain 30 feet of true sight, and 60 feet of blindsight.
disadvantage, and its damage cannot be reduced by more Your Constitution and Taijutsu ability score become 24.
than 5 (including resistance and immunity). This bow and You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice
ammunition radiate with 30 feet of bright light and 60 feet of your level. While you have these temporary hit points, you
dim light which pierces chakra-enhanced darkness. have resistance to all damage.
As an action or reaction, you can summon forth the full When you make an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw,
power of your Seal and imbue it into the Bow of Light. Once twice per round you may spend 5 chakra to make the roll
you use either of these actions, this jutsu immediately ends. at advantage.
Action: You fire a great shot from the Bow of Light in a If a creature makes an attack of opportunity against you,
120-foot long, 10-foot wide line. Make one ranged taijutsu you can immediately take the attack action.
attack and compare the result against the AC of each You gain an additional reaction per turn. This reaction can
creature within range. If your result matches or exceeds their only be used to defend yourself or an allied creature.
AC, they take 8d10 force damage and are knocked back 15 Allies (other than you) within 15 feet of you, may add a
feet and fall prone. If you score a critical hit with this attack, +1d6 bonus to any attack roll or saving throw they make,
only the first creature hit suffers the effects of the critical hit. once per turn. You may impose a -1d4 penalty to one
Reaction: You fire a shot from the Bow of Light to deliver attack roll or saving throw a hostile creature makes, once
finality to conflict. Make one ranged taijutsu attack against a per turn, so long as they are within the same range.
creature within the Bow of Light's normal range. You feel as The bonus to damage rolls you possess from your
though you are in slow motion, giving intense focus and Blessing of Courage feature against specific adversary
advantage on your attack roll. On a hit, the creature 12d12 types can trigger any number of times per turn, and
force damage. If this reduces the creature to 0 hit points they ignores half of any DR.
are immediately killed and banished from the material plane. Lastly, your weapon is transformed into a large version of
itself with a double helix design. Your weapon gains a +1
to attack and damage rolls, and critical threat range.
Depending on whether your weapon is a melee or ranged
weapon, it gains the following ability;
Melee: Twice per turn, when you make a weapon
attack with your weapon, you can spend 3 chakra to
launch a 10-foot wide white beam of energy originating
from you in a 30-foot line. All hostile creatures caught
within this line must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking your weapon's damage on a failure.
Ranged: Twice per turn, when you make a weapon
attack with your weapon, you can spend 3 chakra to
release a pulse of white energy from where your shot
lands in a 20-foot radius. All hostile creatures within
range must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking your
weapon's damage on failure.
Starting at 3rd level, your body becomes more tolerant to
Iburi Clan flame. Whenever you take fire damage, you reduce the
Update: August 19th, 2023. damage taken by -3. At 7th level, your resilience to fire
"Damn. It's blazing in here. Fui! Turn on the vents!" After a improves. You gain resistance to fire damage.
long days work, Kuro rocked back in his chair, shutting his Starting at 11th level, you gain immunity to the Burned
eyes. He and the other shinobi in his battalion were laying condition and you can attempt to end the Burned condition
low and catching some rest after completing their mission on an allied creature within 15 feet of you as a bonus action.
"I'm on it, I'm on it." As the cool air began to rush in, Kuro When you attempt the Survival skill check to end the Burned
began to slowly doze off. That is, until the air begin to condition, you make your check at advantage.
gradually become warmer and warmer. "Hey what the hell?!" Will-O-Wisps: Beginning at 3rd level, your clan's kekkei
The sounds of clashing kunai and punches being thrown genkai grants you unparalleled control over the smoke
could be heard echoing through the room, accompanied by created by fire. When you target a creature with a jutsu with
pained groans and profanities. Kuro opened his eyes to see the Fire Release keyword that requires an attack roll, you can
two of his men fighting each other, one pressing a kunai at spread the smoke and cinders produced by the fire to
the other's chest, seemingly against his will. "Fui! Don't!-" As creatures within 5 feet of the original target, excluding you
the shinobi fell to the ground, Fui stood in confusion, but just and the target. Each creature that would be affected must
as quickly as he began to question what just happened, make a Dexterity saving throw, taking half the damage dealt
smoke emanates from his mouth, eyes, and nose, taking the to the original target on a failed save, or none on a success.
form of an unknown Shinobi from the Land of Fire. The The range of this effect increases to 10 feet at 11th level.
shinobi wraps his legs around Fui, taking him down in one You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your
fell swoop. As Kuro begins to slowly reach for his blade, a proficiency bonus, rounded up, per long rest. At 15th level,
gust of smoke blows it out of his reach, and in a burst of wind, this becomes your full proficiency bonus.
the Shinobi appears and presses a kunai to his throat. The Aberration of Smoke: Starting at 7th level, you begin to
Shinobi reaches for a radio link on his jacket. "Jōki, I'm in." weave the remnants of smoke from Fire jutsu you cast into
yourself, allowing you to quickly maneuver around the
---- Jōki Hatake battlefield like a gust of ash. As a bonus action, you can
The Long Road, Ch. 42 excerpt. briefly morph your body into smoke and move to a location
within 10 feet, without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Born of Ash You can also use this feature after casting a jutsu with the
The Iburi Clan is a seclusive clan scattered all throughout the Fire Release keyword by spending 3 chakra. You can use this
Land of Fire. Members of this clan possess a powerful kekkei ability no more than once per round.
genkai that allows them to transform themselves into smoke. The range you can move with this feature increases to 15ft
In the past, this versatile ability proved to be a curse rather at 11th level and at 18th level, when you use this feature, your
than a blessing, as it could not be controlled, causing some of AC increases by +1 until the start of your next turn.
the Iburi to be dispersed and killed in the winds. This burden, Smoke Release: The Iburi clan has a unique talent of
however, was resolved by one of the Leaf's legendary Sannin, manifesting Smoke Release, an augmentative release that
granting the later generations of Iburi mastery of their power. improves the area of effect of fire, and its destructive
capabilities. Starting at 7th level, when you cast a jutsu with
Iburi Traits the Fire Release Keyword, you can change the damage type to
Ability Score Increase: +2 Int, +1 Con fire, and give affected creatures a -2 penalty to one saving
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. throw against the jutsu or your Will-O-Wisps feature.
Skill Proficiencies: Chakra Control, Survival Beginning at 15th level, twice per rest, when you deal Fire
Passive Affinity: You begin with the Fire release affinity. damage, you can choose to
Fire Literacy: Your Ninjutsu ability score is counted as being automatically
+2 higher, for the purpose of casting jutsu of B-Rank or blind all
higher with the Fire Release Keyword through any ability affected
score restrictions (SHB, pg.104). creatures
until the end of
Iburi Features each of their
Iburi Techniques: The Iburi have access to a separate list turns.
of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add these Jutsu to your
jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the Normal jutsu list.
Fire Release Simplicity: When creating or learning
Ninjutsu with the Fire Release affinity, reduce the time it
takes to complete the task by half. This does not stack with
other similar effects.
Ashen Resilience: Starting at 1st level, your clan's unique
kekkei genkai grants you the ability to control the smoke
within and nearby your body. Whenever you take knockback,
the distance you travel is always halved. You also add a 1d6
bonus to saving throws against Genjutsu with the Inhale
keyword, as your smoke body naturally filters out toxins.
Incinerating Burst
Iburi Clan Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Chimney Dance Range: 15 feet
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: Instant
Rank: D-Rank Components: CM, M
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Cost: 5 Chakra
Range: Self Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Fire Release
Duration: 1 Minute Description: Your body briefly erupts into smoke which
Components: CM, M bursts into fire. You shed 20-feet of bright light and 10 feet of
Cost: 4 Chakra dim light thereafter. You morph your body into smoke,
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release moving to a space within 5 feet of the target as you
Description: Your feet begin to release small cinders which simultaneously go for a flaming uppercut. Make a melee
convert the air surrounding them into smoke which you use ninjutsu or taijutsu attack. On a hit, you deal 1d8+1 Fire
to propel your movement. For the duration, your movement damage and the creature becomes Burned until the end of
speed increases by 10 feet and you gain an additional their next turn.
reaction per round. This reaction can only be used to take If you hit your first attack, you can make a 2nd attack
attacks of opportunity. Creatures provoke attacks of against the creature or another creature within range, as you
opportunity if they move in or out of 10 feet of you. If you hit morph into smoke again, comboing into a spin kick from
with an attack of opportunity, you deal an additional 1d8+1 of above or a lateral kick. On a hit, you deal 1d8+1 Fire damage
Fire damage. and the creature must make a Strength saving throw against
If you are currently receiving the benefits of the Smoke your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Save DC, whichever is higher. On a
Form jutsu, you make attacks of opportunity at advantage, failed save, if you choose to perform a spin kick from above,
and the bonus damage increases to a d10. they are knocked prone. If you choose to make a lateral kick,
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above they are knocked back 15 feet.
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. If cast to B-Rank At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
or higher, increase the damage by 1d8+1 and you can use C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage
your movement speed to fly and can hover. If cast to S-Rank, by 1d8+1. If cast to B-Rank, you can perform this jutsu as a
increase the damage by 1d8+1 and you gain an extra reaction reaction, when you would take an attack of opportunity, as if
which you can only use to take an attack of opportunity. you cast this jutsu at C-Rank.
Fume Substitution Sulfur Bomb
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you are Casting Time: 1 Action
targeted by an attack or would take damage from an attack Range: 60 feet (15-foot sphere)
that targets you. Duration: Instant
Range: Self Components: HS, CM
Duration: 1 Round Cost: 5 Chakra
Components: CM Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release, Clash
Cost: 5 Chakra Description: You generate a large quantity of smoke in your
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release hand and throw it at space within 60 feet, generating a 15-
Description: You quickly morph your body into smoke to foot sphere of smoke. Each creature within the sphere must
avoid being struck by an enemy's assault. Increase your AC make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6+3 Fire damage
by +5 for the triggering attack, and for every other attack you and falling prone on a failed save, or half as much damage
are targeted with, you reduce the attack roll by a 1d4, and no further effects.
potentially causing the attack to miss you. For each The smoke created by this jutsu persists for 1 minute,
attack that misses you as a result of this jutsu, causing creatures within to become heavily obscured for as
you may move to a space within 10 feet of long as they still within, though you can see through the
you as a gust of smoke. This smoke just fine. Creatures that end their turns within this
does not provoke attacks of smoke cloud, take 1d10+1 necrotic damage which cannot be
opportunity. reduced by any means. If the creature remains in the smoke
If you are currently cloud for the entire minute, they fall Unconscious, unable to
recieving the benefits of the breathe.
Smoke Form hijutsu, you can At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
instead move up to 15 feet when an attack D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage
misses you as a result of this jutsu, and reduce by 2d6. If upcast to B-Rank or higher, you can disperse the
consecutive attacks by 1d6+1. leftover smoke as a free action on your turn, otherwise, the
smoke now lasts 10 minutes.
C-Rank At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the temporary hit
Cinder Field points gained by 1 die, or the save bonus by +1 (Pick one).
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank Smoke Dragon
Casting Time: 1 Action Classification: Hijutsu
Range: Self (15-foot radius) Rank: C-Rank
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute Casting Time: 1 Action
Components: HS, CM Range: Self (90-foot line)
Cost: 9 Chakra Duration: Instant
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release Components: HS, CM
Description: You breathe out an enormous quantity of smoke Cost: 9 Chakra
from your mouth creating a field of heavy gas all around you. Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release, Clash
You do not need to spend chakra to concentrate on this jutsu. Description: You emit a large amount of fumes and gasses
For the duration, a 15-foot radius of smoke surrounds you, from your body and produce a large dragon construct in front
lightly obscuring you from creatures who cannot see through of you. You send this dragon out in a 90-foot long, 5-foot wide
chakra enhanced smoke. Creatures, other than you, that line. All creatures within range of your choice must make a
enter or start their turn within the field of smoke take 5 Fire Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8+4 Fire damage and
damage, plus an additonal 5 Fire damage for every 5 feet they becoming dazed until the end of their next turn on a failed
willingly move within this radius, as the air they breath burns save. You can control how long this line becomes.
their lungs. This damage cannot be reduced by any means. If you are currently receiving the benefits of the Smoke
Creatures who possess a breathing apparatus do not take Form hijutsu, you can morph your whole body into smoke
damage from walking in this jutsu's area of effect. and travel with the dragon without expending your movement
Additionally, when you deal fire damage to creatures within speed. Upon ending your movement, creatures within 10 feet
this radius, you deal an additional die of fire damage, once of you provoke attack of opportunity attacks.
per turn, and ignore resistance to fire damage. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
This jutsu ends early if you move more than 90 feet from C-Rank, increase the cost by 3, the damage by 2d8+2. If
your original location. upcast to A-Rank, increase the width of the line by 5 feet.
Smoke Aegis B-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank Burning Sweep
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, when another creature you could Classification: Hijutsu
reach with your movement speed would be hit with an attack Rank: B-Rank
or fail a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw. Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Movement Speed Range: Self (25-long, 65-foot wide, 30-foot high cube)
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Components: CM, M Components: HS, CM
Cost: 8 Chakra Cost: 14 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Fire Release, Clash Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release
Description: You see an ally within range begin to succumb Description: You aggressively slash the air in front of you,
to peril and quickly move to protect them. Select a creature creating two large pillars far in front of you that generate a
you could reach with your full movement. large gust of wind and ash. You then use smoke to levitate
You morph your body into smoke and manifest in the space into the air, creating two more pillars in front of you at your
your ally was in, your smoke form producing gusts that push sides, creating a 25-foot long, 65-foot wide, 30-foot high cube.
them 5 feet behind you. If this jutsu was done in response to Creatures caught in the awesome forces of smoke and
an attack roll, the attack automatically hits you and you raise wind within this jutsu's range must make a Dexterity saving
both arms up and form a smoke barrier with 5d6 temporary throw, as the pillars return to your arms and you expel the
hit points. If this jutsu was used in response to a failed save, energy towards them all. Creatures that cannot be moved
the creature you protected no longer suffers the effects of a make this saving throw at advantage.
failed save, and you roll the saving throw in their place at Creatures who fail their saving throw against this jutsu
disadvantage, with a +2 bonus. take 9d6+9 Fire damage and gain 1 rank of Burned.
If you reduce the attacks damage to 0, or succeed the Creatures who fail their saving throw by 5 or more have the
saving throw, you immediately counter with a melee Ninjutsu wind knocked out of them, reducing their movement speed to
attack, dealing your unarmed damage in fire damage and 0 until the end of their next turn.
knocking the creature back 15 feet on hit. If you are currently receiving the benefits of the Smoke
If you are currently receiving the benefits of the Smoke Form hijutsu, creatures of Medium size or smaller make this
Form hijutsu, you can move to a creature within double your jutsu's saving throw at disadvantage, and the damage
movement speed, your barrier gains 5d8+your Ninjutsu increases by 1 step.
ability modifier in temporary hit points if it is an attack, or At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
gain a +3 bonus to the saving throw. B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage
by 1 step (1d6<1d8<1d10<1d12).
Smoke Form When this jutsu ends, you reappear in a space within 5 feet
Classification: Hijutsu of the creature you were possessing, and automatically end
Rank: B-Rank your Smoke Form jutsu.
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self Orbital Drop
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Classification: Hijutsu
Components: HS, CM Rank: A-Rank
Cost: 14 Chakra Casting Time: 1 Action
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fire Release Range: Movement Speed (120-Foot sphere)
Description: You turn yourself and your clothes into smoke Duration: Instant
for the duration of this jutsu. You still appear mostly the Components: CM, M
same, however, smoke continues to perspire off your body Cost: 20 Chakra
and fall to the ground beneath you, like a reservoir. When you Keywords: Ninjutsu, Hijutsu, Fire Release
move, your body quickly shifts into smoke. Description: As part of the requirements for casting this
For the duration of this jutsu, you do not provoke attacks of jutsu, you must be benefitting from the Smoke Form hijutsu.
opportunity when you move, and are able to pass through You move up to your movement speed at a space within range
small gaps and cracks, large enough for air to get through. and send yourself high into the air with a burst of smoke.
You are also immune to fall damage. Your body splits into 3 pillars of smoke that rise tangent to
Your weapon attacks deal an additional die of fire damage, each other 200 feet into the air. As the smoke pillars rise,
once per turn, and you gain immunity to fire damage, whilst they are set on fire from the friction in the air. These pillars
also gaining vulnerability to Wind damage. merge and reform into your body, and you begin hurling back
Your AC increases by +2, and the Iburi Clan hijutsu you down to earth like a missle.
cast other than this one have their cost reduced by 2 (Min. 1). As you hit the ground, you create a massive explosion,
annihilating creatures within a 120-foot sphere. Each
A-Rank creature within range must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking 10d10+10 Fire damage, gaining 3 ranks of Burned,
Body Oxidation Technique (Optional) and becoming blinded until the end of their next turn on a
Classification: Hijutsu failed save. On a successful save, creatures take half damage
Rank: A-Rank and gain only 1 rank of Burned. If a creature possesses any
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action ranks of Burned prior to being affected by this jutsu, this
Range: 30 feet jutsu ignores any resistances and immunities to Fire damage
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute the creature may have.
Components: HS, CM The area this jutsu effects permanently becomes difficult
Cost: Special (18 Chakra) terrain, and as this jutsu concludes, your Smoke Form jutsu
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Fire Release automatically ends.
Description: As part of the requirements for casting this
jutsu, you must be benefitting from the Smoke Form hijutsu.
The signature jutsu of the Iburi clan, where the user enters
the body of a creature and takes control of their actions. You
cannot lose concentration on this jutsu as a result of taking
Select a creature within range. This creature must make a
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you entire their
body, rendering them incapacitated and unable to move.
While in a creature's body, you feel all sensations their body
feels and cannot take actions or reactions, or concentrate on
other jutsu. Additionally, whenever the creature takes damage
from an exterior source, you take half the damage they took
as Necrotic damage.
At the start of each of the creature's turns, they repeat the
Charisma saving throw, expelling you from their body on a
success, or remaining incapacitated and unable to move on
failure. At the start of each of your own turns, you can impose
a Constitution or Intelligence saving throw on the creature.
After imposing either saving throw, your turn ends.
Constitution Save: On a failed Constitution saving throw,
the creature takes 5d12 necrotic damage which bypasses
resistance, immunity, and temporary hit points. The
creature also gains 3 stacks of internal bleeding.
Intelligence Save: On a failed Intelligence saving throw,
you command the creature to move and take 1 Action that
they can take, other than a class or adversary feature.
Kurashi Clan ○ Well Connected: Within an hour in a new
"Just stay calm Keiko, I'll get you back to your parents safe." town or city, you are able to locate and build
The detective says to a young girl as they quietly jump down connections to gain access to many kinds of
to an alleyway pervaded by rain under a cloudy night sky. "I'm resources, such as Lodgings, information regarding a
scared." The girl weeps softly, but just as her tears come the person or object of interest, and where to purchase
alleyway is suddenly surrounded by her kidnappers, a rebel goods, both legal and illegal.
organization known as a Dosomu, trying to gain leverage in At 15th level, you select a second school for this feature.
the city's government by kidnapping the daughter of the In addition to the specific benefits of each school,
mayor. The girl whimpers and covers her face in fear as the you gain proficiency in all skills associated with the
detective takes a protective stance. "Now hot shot, you give us chosen mental attribute, as well as being treated as
back the girl and we promise to kill you qui-" A flash of red having expertise for the purpose of qualifying for Skill
light glosses over the detective's eyes as the lead kidnapper Based Actions made with this attribute.
notices the shadows in the alleyway begin to move. Suddenly, Lastly, you gain access to a list of Skill-Based Actions
multiple beasts of shadow form and attack all kidnappers, exclusive to the Kurashi clan, listed at the end of this clan.
driving them back into the darkness. The girl opens her eyes You know a number of these Skill-Based actions equal to half
as she hears the kidnappers scream, but these screams your proficiency bonus, rounded up.
quickly fade, and a small creature of shadow gently wipes Each Kurashi Skill-Based Action has a specific School of
away the girl's tears before morphing into a small wolf Academia attributed to it. While you do not need to have a
beneath her feet, lifting the girl on its back. "I made you a specific school to acquire a Kurashi Skill-Based action, if you
promise Keiko." The detective says. "You'll get home safe." possess the attributed school, you may perform the Skill-
----Yuri Nara Based Action as a bonus action (if it can be performed as an
The Long Road, Ch. 30 excerpt. action) and cannot make checks with it at disadvantage.
Umbral Channeler: Also at 1st level, you have become
Seekers of Truth adept at using your intellect and shadows to manipulate the
chakra needed for Kurashi Hijutsu. You may cast Kurashi
Believed to be descendents of the Nara clan, or to at least Hijutsu using any ability modifier that you have focused on
have a close history with the Nara, the Kurashi are a clan that with your School of Academia feature, in place of your
primarily resides within the Land of Fire, though they can be normal jutsu casting modifier.
found in most of the 5 Great Nations as private investigators
or police detectives. The Kurashi utilize techniques using
shadows, manifesting jutsu that seemingly use spirits and
other supernatural forces to aid them in finding the truth.
Kurashi Traits
Ability Score Increase: +2 Int or Wis or Cha, +1 Con
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Photographic Memory: You can accurately recall anything
you have seen, heard, or read within the past 3 months.
Kurashi Features
Kurashi Clan Jutsu: The Kurashi have access to a
separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add these
Jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the
Normal jutsu list.
School of Academia: As a Kurashi, you are taught
methods to conduct a proper investigation. Starting at 1st
level, select one of the following schools. Each school is
based a single mental attribute (Intelligence, Wisdom,
Charisma) and grants the following benefits;
School of Intelligence: This school places an emphasis
on deductive reasoning and logical analysis. When
learning Skill category feats using Downtime, reduce the
downtime needed by 1/3rd your proficiency bonus.
School of Wisdom: This school places an emphasis on
observation and careful study. You gain a bonus to Passive
Perception and Insight equal to your Wisdom modifier.
School of Charisma: This school places emphasis on
leadership and conversational tactics. You gain the Well
Connected trait.
Intuitive Investigator: Starting at 3rd level, when you
would make a check using the mental ability score attributed Kurashi Clan Jutsu
to your School of Academia, you add a +1d4 bonus to the
result if you are engaged in a social encounter, or a flat +2 D-Rank
bonus if the check is made in combat. At 11th level, this Haunting Darkness
bonus increases to a +1d6 and +3 respectively. At 18th level, Classification: Hijutsu
this bonus increases to +1d8 and +4 respectively. Rank: D-Rank
Preternatural Awareness: Starting at 3rd level, you begin Casting Time: 1 Action
to develop a sense for detecting the unnatural. A number of Range: Self (20-foot radius)
times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) per Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
long rest, you may as an Action send your shadows out in a Components: HS, CM
radius around yourself, equal to 20 times your proficiency Cost: 5 Chakra
bonus in feet. Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual, Auditory, Tactile
Your shadows are able to detect the presence of a non- Description: A large shadow begins to expand from your feet
human creature type within the radius, such as an and haunting sounds can be heard by other creatures as it
Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Demon, etc. This does not tell nears them. All creatures within range must make a Wisdom
you their exact location, but will inform you which creature saving throw. You impose a -1 penalty if this jutsu is cast
type(s) you are detecting and their general direction. during Sundown/Twilight, and a -2 penalty if this jutsu is
This feature can also be used to detect if there was recent used during Night. These penalties only apply to this jutsu's
paranormal, magical, or chakra based activity within an area initial saving throw. Affected creatures may reattempt their
or an object, and may illustrate a faint towards whatever saving throw at the end of each of their turns.
person or thing caused these effects.
A creature under the effects of the Suppress Chakra, Skill Critical Success: Affected creature is able to resist this
Based Action, or a Sensory jutsu, feature, or trait that would jutsu's effects.
hide their presence (such as the Nondetection jutsu), is Success: Affected creature is able to resist most of this
undetected by this trait. At 18th level, such effects no longer jutsu's effects, being slightly shaken and reducing their
inhibit you from detecting a creature or presence. movement speed by -10 feet until the end of their next turn.
At 7th level, you do not need to spend a use of this feature Failure: Affected creature sees their worst fears begin to
to automatically detect a creature's creature type. You simply manifest and take form from the shadow beneath them.
require direct eye-contact. For the duration, they are Frightened and Slowed, and take
Paranormal Vision: Starting at 7th level, your ability to 3d4 psychic damage at the start of each of their turns.
sense the paranormal grows. You gain 60 feet of Darkvision. Critical Failure: Same effects as a failure, plus an additional
This Darkvision is unique in that it allows you to interact and rank of Fear and Slowed for the duration.
communicate with spirits and other supernatural entities that At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
most eyes cannot detect. D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the radius by 5
At 15th level, you instead gain 120 feet of Darkvision. You feet, and the damage by 3d4.
also gain 60 feet of chakra sight, and are immune to effects
that would alter your visual perception (This does not make Umbral Strike
you immune to Genjutsu with the visual keyword, but you will Classification: Hijutsu
always be aware if such a jutsu is affecting you and can Rank: D-Rank
attempt to dispel it, even if the jutsu normally disallows it). Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: CM
Cost: 5 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: You manifest a limb of a creature of darkness
over your arm as you target a creature within range for an
attack. Make a ranged Ninjutsu attack. You may perform a
melee Ninjutsu (or Taijutsu) attack if the target is within 10ft.
On a hit you deal 3d8 force damage. If you choose to deal a
melee attack, increase the damage dealt by your unarmed
damage. Also on a hit, you may use one of the following Skill-
Based Actions (Shove, Steal, Trip). You may use your
Ninjutsu ability modifier for these Skill-Based Actions.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. If cast to C-Rank
or higher, increase the damage of this jutsu by 1 step. If cast
to B-Rank or higher, increase the number of attacks by +1. If
cast to A-Rank or higher, increase the damage die of this
jutsu by 1 step. If cast to S-Rank, increase the number of
attacks by +1.
Shadow Leap Umbral Stalk: You decide to have your shadow remain
Classification: Hijutsu with the target. This jutsu's duration becomes 24 hours
Rank: D-Rank and for the duration, you are aware of whether the target
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action is conscious as well as their general direction. At any
Range: Movement Speed point, you may as a Full Turn Action manifest your shadow
Duration: Special from underneath the target. For the next minute, you are
Components: HS, CM, CS blinded to your surroundings, and instead see through the
Cost: 5 Chakra eyes of your Shadow Beast, controlling it. The Shadow
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu Beast has 1 hit point, an AC equal to your Ninjutsu Save
Description: You conjure a beast of shadow and momentarily DC, and 60 feet of movement speed. The Beast shares
merge with it, becoming a living shadow as you teleport to a your ability scores, skill proficiencies, and Kurashi clan
source of darkness within range. If you teleport to a space features. You may have your Beast explore and interact
that is not within 10 feet of any hostile creature, you may with the environment for the duration. After the duration
immediately take the Hide action as part casting this jutsu, concludes, the Beast is dispelled and this jutsu ends.
making your Stealth check at advantage. You may use your At Higher Ranks: For each rank cast above D-Rank,
Ninjutsu ability modifier in place of Dexterity for this check. increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage by 1d12, and
If you succeed, for the next minute (concentration) you do the number of targets by +1 (You decide to use Umbral
not produce sound while you remain in stealth, and as a Revenge or Umbral Stalk for each creature; Only one
bonus action on subsequent turns you may teleport with this creature can be targeted by Umbral Stalk at a time.) If cast
jutsu again and immediately Hide once more with no need to B-Rank, the Shadow Beast cannot be detected by jutsu
for additional Stealth checks. with the Sensory keyword.
Alternatively, if you do teleport to a space within 10 feet of
a creature, you do not immediately Hide. Instead, the next C-Rank
attack you make against the closest target before the end of
the current turn is made at advantage and deals an additional Spectre Aegis
2d10 force damage, once per casting. On a hit, you gain the Classification: Hijutsu
benefits of the Disengage action. This jutsu then ends. Rank: C-Rank
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you take
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage damage or fail a saving throw
by 1d10. Range: Self
Duration: 1 Round
Awaiting Penumbra Components: HS, CM
Classification: Hijutsu Cost: 7 Chakra
Rank: D-Rank Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Casting Time: 1 Action Description: You deploy your monstrous shadows to protect
Range: 30 feet you from harm. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +3
Duration: Special bonus to AC and a +2 bonus initial saving throw made.
Components: HS, CM, CS Also, once per casting, select one of the following effects;
Cost: 5 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Sensory Lash Out: If the triggering creature you activated this
Description: You attempt to invade another creature's jutsu against is within 20 feet of you, you can command
shadow, commanding one of your creations to lie in waiting. your shadows to lash out. Make a melee Ninjutsu attack
Select one creature within range. The range of this jutsu is against the target, dealing 2d8 necrotic damage. On a
doubled during Sundown/Twilight and tripled during Night. critical hit, the target gains 1 rank of bleeding and is
Casting this jutsu does not break stealth. knocked back 15 feet.
Make an Illusions skill check at advantage vs the target's Strengthen Self: You command your shadows to
passive perception. On a success, your shadow hides within strengthen your defenses even more. Increase the bonus
the target's shadow, and your target is unaware this has to AC and saving throws by +1, and gain 2d8 temporary
occurred. This jutsu fails against Nara targets or targets that hit points for the duration.
do not have a shadow. Support Allies: An altruistic command. You command
Also on a success, choose between Umbral Revenge or your shadows to protect your allies instead of yourself. A
Umbral Stalk starting from your next turn. If you do not number of allies, other than you, equal to your Ninjutsu
declare an effect within the next minute, this jutsu ends early. ability modifier, gain the benefits of this jutsu as if you
chose Strengthen Self.
Umbral Revenge: As a bonus action, you command your At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
creation to emerge from the target's shadow and attack.
Make a melee Ninjutsu attack, dealing 1d12 + your C-Rank, increase the chakra cost by 3, and the damage or
Ninjutsu ability modifier in force damage and imposing a temporary hit points by 2d8. If cast to B-Rank or higher, when
Wisdom saving throw on a hit. On a failure, the target is you use Lash Out gain a +1 bonus to critical threat range. If
Dazzled and Blinded until the end of their next turn. The cast to A-Rank or higher, increase the number of attacks
first time this effect is used on a target per long rest, the made with Lash Out by +1. If cast to S-Rank, gain an
target is Surprised for the duration of the attack. This additional +1 to critical threat range with Lash Out.
jutsu then ends.
Call to the Void: Lesser Shade
Classification: Hijutsu Lesser Shade
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action X construct, Unaligned, Proficiency bonus = Ninjutsu or
Genjutsu ability modifier (pick one)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute Armor Class: 16 + Proficiency bonus
Components: HS, CM, CS Hit Points: 50 (10d6 + 15)
Cost: Special (9 Chakra) Speed: 40ft.
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: You weave signs and command your shadow to
split, the fragment moving up to 30 feet away from you and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
forming into a Lesser Shade. A Lesser Shade is a creature 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
of your own description, and uses the following statistics; If
this jutsu is cast during Sundown/Twilight, gain advantage on Damage Vulnerability Damage dealt from sources that are also
checks to maintain concentration. If cast during Night, gain accompanied by bright light.
the aforementioned effect, and when you roll for Damage Resistances Necrotic
concentration, you may pay 1/3rd this jutsu's chakra cost to Damage Immunities: Psychic

maintain concentration automatically. Condition Immunities: All Mental/Sensory, Stunned, Poisoned

Senses: Blindsight 30ft., Passive Perception
The Lesser Shade is proficient in all saving throws, uses
your Ninjutsu (or Genjutsu) Attack Bonus and Save DC, and One with the Void. When summoned during
can be commanded as part of summoning it and as a bonus Sundown/Twilight, gain 15 temporary hit points. When
action on subsequent turns. summoned during Night, gain 30 temporary hit points and
When you first summon the Lesser Shade, you designate increase all ability scores by +2.
its Focus. Select from one of the following below. Void Form. The Lesser Shade is immune to any Jutsu or effect
Companion Focus. Your Companion Shade is geared to that would alter its form, and cannot be dispelled or controlled
assistance and is of Large size. It gains a +20 bonus to by any jutsu of a rank less than the rank this jutsu was cast at.
movement speed, ignores difficult terrain, and shares your Void Weapons The Lesser Shade's attacks are chakra enhanced.
skill proficiencies, and it may carry any creature of medium
size or lower without any reduction to its movement speed. Multiattack: The Lesser Shade can make up to two attacks with
Guardian Focus. Your Guardian Shade is geared towards its Shade Strike.
protection and is of Medium size. It produces a 15-foot aura Shade Strike: Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 10 ft., one
that grants all allies (other than itself) within it +3 DR. The creature. Hit: 1d10+4 force or cold damage (pick one). On an
Lesser Shade may, as a reaction, redirect an attack made attack roll of 16-20, the target is knocked back 10 feet (the
Lesser Shade may move with the target without expending its
against an ally (other than itself) within 15 feet towards itself. speed).
When it does so, it reduces the damage by 3d8.
Warrior Focus. Your Warrior Shade is geared towards
combat and is of Medium size. It gains a +1 bonus to attack Shadow Dragon
and damage rolls with its weapons and an additional 15hp. Classification: Hijutsu
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Rank: C-Rank
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the hit points Casting Time: 1 Action
of the Lesser Shade by 3d6+8. If cast to A-Rank, you may Range: Self (30-foot radius)
summon a second Lesser Shade. This new Lesser Shade Duration: Instant
must have a different Focus. You can command this new Components: HS, CM, CS
shade at the end of your turns, as opposed to a bonus action. Cost: 8 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual, Tactile, Fuinjutsu,
Description: You pull from the darkness around you and
manifest the head of a hungry "dragon" above you. This
starving dragon hungers and blesses those who feed it.
All hostile creatures within range, up to an amount equal to
your Genjutsu ability modiifer must make a Wisdom saving
throw as the dragon opens its mouth and begins to feast
upon their shadows. Creatures that do not have a Shadow, or
who are of the Nara clan, automatically pass this saving
throw. On a failed saving throw, the target is Dazed and has
their movement speed halved until the end of their next turn.
The dragon then exhales, releasing a spores of mending
shadow. All allied creatures within range recover a total of
4d6+4 hit points (divide these hit points amongst all allied
creatures). For each hostile creature who failed their saving
throw, increase the hit point total by 1d6+2.
Chimeric Adumbration Reach of Shadows
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute Duration: 10 minutes
Components: HS, CM, CS Components: HS, CM, CS, NT (Special)
Cost: 12 Chakra Cost: 10 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Sensory
Description: Using your own creativity, you channel your Description: A signature jutsu useful for deriving
shadows into various different forms, manifesting a multitude information while all means to acquire the info seem lost. To
of different abilities. As part of this jutsu's casting, you may cast this jutsu, you must be standing near a location where a
use any of the following abilities. For the duration of this creature died within the past 72 hours. You weave a single
jutsu, you may use any of these abilities as action or bonus sign, conjuring two creatures of shadow to dive into the abyss
action. During Sundown/Twilight, gain advantage on below where blood was split.
concentration checks. During Night, damage cannot make Make an Insight or Investigation check vs a DC equal to 10
you lose concentration. These effects only apply to this jutsu. + the creature's level (Only your DM is aware of DC value). On
Umbral Breath: You breathe a wave of purple flame in a a failure, this jutsu fails as your monsters of shadow come
30-foot cone originating from yourself. All creatures in back with nothing.
range must make a Dexterity saving throw. Success: Half On a success, your monsters drag the soul of the creature
damage, no effects. Failure: 5d12 force, Dazed, Dazzled. that was killed through the void, holding them aloft in the air,
The affected area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute. restrained. The soul of the creature cannot be damaged and
Umbral Claw: You manifest a claw of shadow. Make a cannot take any actions, but can speak as it has
melee Ninjutsu (or Genjutsu) attack, dealing your its full intelligence and memory. This
unarmed damage + 4d10 force damage. This damage jutsu fails if the targeted soul is sealed by
deals double damage to structures, constructs, and some effect or thing.
objects. On a hit you create a minor ripple in space, Every minute, the soul can attempt a
causing all targets other than you within 10 feet to Charisma saving throw to break free.
succeed a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to While conversing with the spirit, twice
10 feet closer to where the target was hit. per casting you can command your
Umbral Tentacle: You manifest a tentacle over shadows to slightly harm the soul to
your arm. Make a ranged Ninjutsu (or intimidate it, giving you or
Genjutsu) attack up to 60ft. an ally advantage on your next
On a hit, the target is Wisdom or Charisma check.
restrained and you may throw them up Once this jutsu ends or the soul breaks
to 30 feet in any direction. free, it returns to the spirit realm and
Umbral Spores: You produce toxic spores. Select a cannot be affected by this jutsu again.
point within 90 feet. All creatures within a 20-foot
cube must make a Wisdom saving throw. Success:
Half damage, no effects. Failure: 10d4 psychic
damage, Confused.
A-Rank Additionally, while this jutsu is active treat all other
Kurashi Hijutsu as being cast during Night, and if any Lesser
Call to the Void: Deific Shade Shades are present from the Call to the Void: Lesser
Classification: Hijutsu Shade Hijutsu, they become Greater Shades.
Rank: A-Rank Greater Shades gain a +2 bonus to all ability scores (up to
Casting Time: 1 Action a maximum of 22), and gain an extra 20 hp. They also gain
Range: 120 feet (90-foot radius) additional benefits, depending on their focus.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute Companion Focus: The Companion Shade gains a flying
Components: HS, CM, CS speed equal to its movement speed and may carry up two
Cost: 18 Chakra medium or smaller creatures. All creatures riding recover
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu 2d10 hit points at the start of each of their turns.
Description: You weave signs and command your entire Guardian Focus: The Guardian Shade gains resistance
shadow to move up to 120 feet from you. For the duration of to all damage and when it would interpose an attack, it
this jutsu, your movement speed is halved. Your shadow may make one attack using Shade Strike against the
erupts into a gaseous maniacal being that expands in a 90- triggering creature.
foot radius. This being represents a Kurashi's deepest fears Warrior Shade: The Warrior Shade gains a +1 to attack
and repressed emotions. When you would make a and critical threat range, and increases the damage die of
concentration check for this jutsu, you may spend 6 chakra to its weapons by +1. It may also make three attacks with the
automatically succeed the check. Multiattack trait.
All creatures inside this radius cannot be seen from
outside of it (and likewise, creatures within cannot see out of Once this jutsu ends, you must make a flat d20 check. You
it). All creatures inside this radius (other than you) cannot cannot add any modifiers to this check. If your result is 11 or
take the Dash, Hide, or Disengage actions and have their less, you fall prone and are Dazed until the end of your next
speed reduced by -20 feet. At the start of your turns, all turn, as you begin to have a seizure. If you succeed, you are
hostile creatures must make a Charisma saving throw; Concussed, but are otherwise stable. Regardless
Targets make this saving throw with a of your result, gain 1 rank of Fear against yourself.
-1d4 penalty if this jutsu is used
during Sundown/Twilight, or, if at
Night, at
Success: Targets
take half as much
damage (9d8) and
gain 1 rank of Fear
until the end of their
next turn.
Failure: Targets take
9d8 psychic damage
and gain 2 ranks
of Fear and Slowed until
the end of your next turn.
Critical Failure: Targets take
10d10 psychic damage and
gain 3 ranks of Fear and
Slowed until the end
of your next turn.
You may ask your DM a question, to which they can provide
Kurashi Skill-Based Actions a yes or no answer. Alternatively, you may allow your DM to
Skill Action: Analyze Creature give you a hint in the form of a single sentence (The higher
your result, the less vague the hint should be). You may use
Attributed School: School of Wisdom Deduce Path twice per full rest, with the 2nd use before a
You attempt to see through a target's facade and learn their full rest increasing the DC by +5.
true strengths, weaknesses, and aspects of character. As an
action, make a Wisdom ability check vs a DC equal to 8 + the Skill Action: Study Object/Area
target's rank (E-Rank: 0, D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2....). On a Attributed School: School of Wisdom
success you learn one of the following pieces of information, Over the next 10 minutes, you calm your breathing and
plus an additional piece of info every every 3 you succeed by. carefully begin to comb through an object or area, analyzing
You learn the target's highest ability score. every crevice and minute detail until its story is revealed to
Any one item they possess of the highest emotional or you. If studying an area, the area cannot exceed 10 times
material value, or relevance to the situation at hand. your proficiency bonus (ft). Make a Wisdom ability check vs. a
Any emotions the creature is attempting to conceal, such DC equal to 10 + the rank of mission you actively in (No
as anger, love, stress, etc. You also learn if they lied to you. Mission/E-Rank: 0, D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2....)
A personality trait you can exploit. On a success, if observing an object, you learn where the
You learn the creature's greatest weakness such as a object was made, who previously owned this object, how it
vulnerability or a more specific weakness (DM discretion). found its way into your possession, and one significant
personality trait about its previous owner.
Skill Action: Columbo Method If you were observing an area, you can determine the types
Attributed School: School of Charisma of people who utilize this room, the room's purpose, the
You have studied the work of former Kurashi detectives and routine of events that normally occur in this room and any
have cracked the code of interrogation. Good charisma and deviations in this routine that may have recently occurred
clever wordplay. While out of combat, you may use this action (Such as a fight, presence of a foreign entity, etc). You also
in one of two ways, Good Cop or Bad Cop. (DC = 13 + (3 x learn of any secret entrances or contraptions that may exist.
the target's rank)) If you fail to use this action, you must wait
1 minute before you can attempt it again on that creature. Skill Action: Suppress Disruption
Good Cop: You attempt to persuade a target to give you Attributed School: School of Intelligence
the info you need with your good charm. Make a You detect that you and your allies abilities are being
Performance or Persuasion skill check. If Performance, suppressed by a target and act to stop it. When you suspect a
you pull out a convient item that the target likes, such as a hostile creature possesses or is utilizing a feature, jutsu, or
can of soda. If you Persuasion, you pretend to be on their trait that would negatively affect d20 rolls made by you or
side and understand their point of view. Success: You your allies in some way (Ex. Disadvantage, penalties, etc), you
perform the Make an Impression/ Request Skill-Based may make an Intelligence ability check as an action vs. a DC
action as if you passed by 10+, and the target is, of 8 + the creature's rank (E-Rank: 0, D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2....).
unbeknownst to them, Charmed for 1 hour. While On a success, you learn of all features, traits, and jutsu the
Charmed this way, you gain advantage on all Performance target has that are causing these penalities and are able to
/Persuasion checks against them. prevent one of these abilities from activating for the next
Bad Cop: You attempt to intimidate your target either minute. If another hostile creature would possess/activate the
through pain or by sowing doubt. Make a Deception or same ability, they also cannot utilize it for the duration. Once
Intimidation skill check. If Deception, you slander and you succeed this check, you must wait 1 hour or spend 1 Hit
berate your target, perhaps accusing them of a falsehood. Die before you can use Suppress Disruption again.
If Intimidation, you manifest a creature of shadow to Skill Action: Uplifting Shadows
quickly attack the target, such as bashing their head into a
desk (the target gains 1 rank of bleeding). Success: You Attributed School: School of Charisma
perform the Coerce Skill-Based Action as if you succeed You summon forth multiple shadows to aid your allies in their
by 10+, and the target is, unbeknownst to them, course of action, as well as bolster their vigor, as an Action or
Frightened for 1 hour. While Frightened this way, you gain Reaction. You may use Uplifting Shadows a number of
advantage on all Deception/Intimidation checks on them. times equal to half your proficiency per long rest, rounded up.
Action: Make a Charisma check vs. a DC of 10 + the
Skill Action: Deduce Path number of allies within 30 feet of you wish to assist.
Attributed School: School of Intelligence Success: all allies gain the benefits of the Help Action for
You carefully lay out all the facts in front of you and decide their next attack roll or skill check.
what your next course of action should be. If in a situation Reaction: When you roll for initiative, make a Charisma
where you are unsure how to proceed, you may make an ability check vs a DC of 10 + the level of the creature with the
Intelligence ability check as an action vs a DC equal to 12 + highest level (your DM does not need to tell you this value,
the rank of mission you actively participating in (No Mission/ just if you passed or failed). Success: All allies roll your
E-Rank: 0 D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2...). On a success, you may ask Intuitive Investigator dice bonus. They increase their
your DM for advice on how to proceed in one of two ways. initiaitive by the result and gain temporary, hit points and
chakra points, equal to four times the result.
Magical Persistence: Starting at 1st level, you begin to
Makishin Clan notice that your allies tire significantly quicker than you. You
Me and Denki were cornered in critical condition, nearing have advantage on saving throws to resist gaining Exhaustion
the verge of defeat from the Hidden Cloud Jonin. Denki was and can remove 1 rank of Exhaustion on a short rest, and
still giving his all, but I could tell he was fighting to stay half of your total ranks of Exhaustion on a long rest. At 18th
conscious. "Denki! We can't beat them! We have to get out of level, you cannot gain Exhaustion from hostile effects.
her-" An arrow finds its way into my knee, crippling my body, Majin Transformation: Starting at 3rd level, you are able
and masking my judgment in pain. "You really think we're just to awaken the terror your clan is known for. As an action, you
going to let you go?" "This is where your story ends, punks." can activate your Majin Form using a curse-like seal infused
Denki weakly walks over to the cloud to cover me. "I....can deeply into your DNA to alter your body temporarily. Your
still keep fighting..." "Denki don't! We can't win!" The leader eyes turn a deep red, your flesh becomes a rubbery-like
of the Cloud Jonin walks over to Denki, brandishing a kunai substance of a color of your choosing, your teeth become
in hand before charging at him. "You really should've listened sharper, and your overall presence becomes much more
to your friend!" Denki's chakra suddenly surges, turning a demonic. While transformed, you gain the following benefits;
pink color, as he quickly catches the man's hand, the kunai You can activate this form for 1 minute, twice per long rest.
going straight through his palm. "heh..." Just before I pass You gain another use of this form at 11th and 18th levels.
out, I hear Denki cackle and see his skin change color. Hours You gain 15 feet of Chakra Sight. This increases to 30 feet
later, when I awake, I find Denki and me lying in a crater, and at 7th level.
in the distance, I see the ashes of what had been our enemy. As part of entering this form, you can make a Constitution
-- Korian Sankaku ability check vs a DC equal to 8 + your current total ranks
Journey to the West, Ch. 5 excerpt. of any Mental or Sensory conditions you possess. If you
succeed this check, you remove all of these conditions.
Slumbering Chaos Your limbs are able to stretch far from your body. Your
unarmed strikes have their range increased by 10 feet.
The Makishin clan is one of unknown origin. Members of this This increases to 15 feet at 7th level and 20 feet at 15th
clan do not share a family name, nor a birthplace. Makishin level. This range increase also applies to Taijutsu.
can be found all across the 5 great nations, where they tend Makishin Hijutsu you cast gain a +1 to attack rolls and
to keep to themselves. Rumored to have a history with the Save DC. Starting at 11th level, Makishin Hijutsu increase
Jugo clan, the Makishin possess an accursed power that turns their damage dealt by 1 step. Starting at 18th level, once
them into beings of chaos on the frontlines, constantly per casting, Makishin Hijutsu deal an extra die of damage.
bringing forth destruction and terror to their enemies. At 7th level, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
you recieve is reduced by -5. When you are critically hit,
Makishin Traits you can spend 2 hit die to treat the hit as a normal hit.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Con, +1 Dex or Wis At 7th level, you regain hit points equal to half your
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. proficiency bonus, rounded up, at the start of each of your
Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Ninshou turns. You do not gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points
and you do not benefit from this healing out of combat.
Makishin Features At 11th level, you have advantage on saving throws against
Makishin Hijutsu: The Makishin Clan has access to a jutsu that would disable your chakra molding, Fuinjutsu,
separate list of jutsu unique to their clan. You can add these and jutsu that would poison or envenom you.
jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the At 18th level, you become immune to the Slowed and
normal jutsu list(s). Weakened conditions.
Makishin Soul: Your time in solace leads you to meditate
much more so than your peers, attuning you far more to the
spiritual. Starting at 1st level, you learn one Taijutsu
Fighting Stance. You can also use Constitution as your
casting modifier for Makishin Hijutsu, and your unarmed
attack and damage rolls.
Starting at 3rd level, once per round, as an action or bonus
action, you can take in a deep breath and emit an aura of
vibrant white chakra. When you do this, gasses, mist, rain,
and smoke within 15 feet of you are dispersed, and allies
within 15 feet of you gain advantage on the next attack roll,
ability check, or saving throw they make within the next
minute. This increases to the next two rolls at 7th level and
three rolls at 15th level. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to half your proficiency bonus, per long rest.
At 7th level, the range of this feature increases to 20 feet,
and when used, you can spend any number of chakra die, up
to an amount equal to your Constitution modifier, gaining the
result of all die rolled as temporary chakra points.
At 15th level, you can use this feature as a free action.
Makishin Clan Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
D-Rank Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you would
Big Boom take damage.
Classification: Hijutsu Range: 30 feet
Rank: D-Rank Duration: 1 Round
Casting Time: 1 Action Components: M
Range: Self (15-foot radius) Cost: 5 Chakra
Duration: Instant Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu
Components: HS, CM Description: You flow a stream of chakra throughout your
Cost: 5 Chakra body making it soft like rubber. You gain resistance to
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, and halve all
Description: You stomp your feet on the ground with knockback you may receive until the beginning of your next
immense force and cross both your arms in front of your turn.
chest, as violent energy begins swirling all around you, If used while your Majin Transformation is active, you
emitting 5 feet of bright light. All creatures within a 15-foot instead gain immunity to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
radius, other than you, must make a Strength saving throw as Slashing damage, and cannot be moved against your will.
you release all the energy you've collected in a massive
explosion. On a failed save, creatures take 4d6 + your Star Shower Breath
Ninjutsu ability modifier in force damage and become Dazed. Classification: Hijutsu
Creatures who succeed only take half damage and no further Rank: D-Rank
effects. The affected area becomes difficult terrain, which Casting Time: 1 Action
does not inhibit your own movement. Range: Self (30-foot Cone)
If this jutsu is used while your Majin Transformation is Duration: Instant
active, increase the damage of this jutsu by 1 step, and Components: CM
creatures within 5 feet of you roll at disadvantage. Cost: 5 Chakra
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage Description: You take in a massive gulp of air and exhale a
by 2d6+2. wave of chakra enhanced wind. Each creature within a 30-
foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10
Mystic Ball Attack force damage, and gaining 1 rank of Weakened and being
Classification: Hijutsu knocked back 15 feet on a failure, or half damage and only 5
Rank: D-Rank feet of knockback on a success. Constructs, Objects, and
Casting Time: 1 Action Structures take double damage from this jutsu.
Range: 15 feet At Higher Ranks: For each rank this jutsu is cast above D-
Duration: Instant Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage by
Components: M 2d10. You can also add a nature release keyword to this jutsu,
Cost: 4 Chakra changing its damage type to which corresponds to the release
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu chosen (Water=Cold), and imposing an additional effect
Description: You flow a stream of chakra throughout your towards affected creatures.
body to make it malleable, like rubber. You jump into the air Earth: The affected area becomes difficult terrain, and on
and curl your arms and legs until your body is in the shape of a failed save, creatures become Bruised.
a ball. You then ram yourself into a target within range, as if Wind: For each rank upcast, the length of this cone
you were playing a game of dodgeball, except you are the increases by 5 feet, and on a failed save, creatures gain 1
dodgeball. rank of Bleeding.
Make a melee taijutsu attack. On a hit, the creature takes Fire: This jutsu deals an additional amount of flat damage
your unarmed damage + 2d8 in bludgeoning damage and equal to the amount of damage dice rolled, and on a failed
must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked back 20 save. creatures become Burned.
feet and fall prone. With each consecutive attack you make as Water: The affected area becomes a sufficient source of
a part of casting this jutsu, you move to within 5 feet of the water for 2 Water Release Ninjutsu of a rank lower than
target just before making the attack. the rank this jutsu was cast, and on a failed save,
If this jutsu is used while your Majin Transformation is creatures become Chilled.
active, once per turn, you can spend additional chakra to Lightning: The next Lightning Release jutsu you cast is
target one affected creature with a Makishin Ninjutsu of B- automatically Overcharged, or has its cost reduced by -2
Rank or lower, at no cost, ignoring range and listed casting (Min. 1) if it cannot be overcharged. On a failed save,
time. The amount of chakra required depends on the rank of creatures become Shocked.
the Ninjutsu cast. (D-Rank: 6, C-Rank: 9, B-Rank: 12)
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. If cast to B-Rank
or higher, increase the number of attacks by +1. If cast to S-
Rank or higher, increase the number of attacks by +1.
C-Rank Supreme Life Healing
Classification: Hijutsu
Coiling Mass Attack Rank: C-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Action
Rank: C-Rank Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Instant
Range: 30 feet Components: HS, CM
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute Cost: 8 Chakra
Components: CM, M Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical
Cost: 8 Chakra Description: You channel life giving medical chakra into your
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu palm and send it to a creature within reach to alleviate them
Description: You form a solid mass of elastic chakra and from their misery. Select a creature you can reach. This
throw it at a creature within 30 feet of you to wrap around creature recovers 1d12 + your Ninjutsu ability modifier + half
and restrain them. Make a ranged taijutsu attack. On a hit, your proficiency bonus in hit points, removes 1 failed death
the target falls prone and is restrained. At the start of each of saving throw, and is cured of all ranks of any one condition
the creature's turns, they immediately take 2d10 necrotic from a jutsu of equal rank or lower, if any, excluding the
damage, and you gain half the result as hit points. A creature following conditions. (Exhaustion, Grappled, Restrained,
can make an Athletics check vs. your Taijutsu Save DC as an Invisible, Incapacitated, Unconscious)
action on its turn, breaking free and ending this jutsu on a At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
success. They also repeat this saving throw each time they C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the healing
take damage from sources other than this jutsu. by 1d12. If cast to B-Rank or higher, increase the number of
If this jutsu is used while your Majin Transformation is conditions removed by +1. If cast to S-Rank, increase the
active, you regain the full amount of damage dealt as hit number of conditions removed by +1.
points, and do not spend chakra to concentrate on this jutsu.
Mystic Leg Technique B-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Cataclysmic Burst
Rank: C-Rank Classification: Hijutsu
Casting Time: 1 Action Rank: B-Rank
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instant Range: 60 feet
Components: HS, CM Duration: Instant
Cost: 9 Chakra Components: HS, CM
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Cost: 13 Chakra
Description: You flow a stream of chakra throughout your Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash
body to make it malleable, like rubber. You select a target Description: You channel your chakra into a large 30-foot
within 60 feet and extend your leg as if it were made of sphere above you which radiates 20 feet of bright light and 40
elastic to hit the creature. Make a ranged taijutsu attack, feet of dim light. You throw this sphere within 60 feet of you.
dealing your unarmed damage + 4d6. Regardless of a hit or The space the sphere travels becomes difficult terrain, and all
miss, you reel the rest of your body your foot, moving yourself creatures that would be in path of the sphere must make a
to a space directly in front of the creature. Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d10 + your Ninjutsu
When you move to the space directly in front of them you ability modifier in force damage, falling prone, and
attempt to headbutt the creature. Make a melee taijutsu becoming Weakened on a failed save, or half as much
attack, dealing your unarmed damage and knocking the damage and no effects on a success. This jutsu deals
creature back 30 feet. double damage to constructs, structures, and objects.
If this jutsu is used while your Majin If this jutsu is used on a creature affected by a
Transformation is active, once per turn, you can Makishin Taijutsu within the current round,
spend additional chakra to target one affected this jutsu deals an additional 2 die of damage.
creature with a Makishin Ninjutsu of Additionally, creatures who would make
B-Rank or lower, at no cost, ignoring their saving throw within the center of
range and listed casting time. The the sphere do so at disadvantage.
amount of chakra required Creatures are considered in
depends on the rank of the the center of the sphere if they
Ninjutsu cast. (D-Rank: 5, would still be within the jutsu's
C-Rank: 8, B-Rank: 11) area of effect if the jutsu
At Higher Ranks: For was a 5-foot wide line.
each rank you cast this jutsu At Higher Ranks: For each
above C-Rank, increase the rank you cast this jutsu above
cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage by 1d6, and B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu
the range by 15 feet. by 3, the damage by 2d10, and the
range the sphere travels by 15 feet.
Sweet Tooth
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 15 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM, CS
Cost: 14 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Description: An evolved form of the "Advanced
Transformation" Ninjutsu. You stick a finger out towards a
creature within range and fire out a beam of pink chakra.
Make a ranged ninjutsu attack. On a hit, the creature begins
experiencing excruciating pain all over as their body begins
to be transformed. The creature must succeed a Charisma
saving throw, or else be turned into a small dessert of your
choice, such as a Jawbreaker, a muffin, etc.
The dessert flies towards you and you take a large bite. The
creature loses 5d10 hit points, and you regain hit points
equal to the amount. You then throw the rest of the desert 15
feet to the side, and the creature reverts back to normal. A
creature who succeeds the saving throw against this jutsu A-Rank
cannot be affected by it again for 1d4 rounds. Cyclone Stream
If this jutsu is used while your Majin Transformation is Classification: Hijutsu
active, increase the range by 15 feet and add your Ninjutsu Rank: A-Rank
ability modifier to the hit points gained. Casting Time: Special
Range: Special
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM, CS
Cost: Special (20 Chakra)
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Clash
Description: A magnificent jutsu of multiple parts. As an
action, you outstretch your hands in front of you and release
beams of golden chakra from each one of your fingers. These
beams travel in a 90-foot cone, and all hostile creatures
within range must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
4d12 force damage and being knocked prone and Dazed on a
failure, or only half damage on a success. These beams fly
high into the sky before returning and flying back towards
you before dispersing. Each hostile creature must the
previous Dexterity saving throw again, suffering the same
effects on a success or failure respectively.
After casting this jutsu as an action, you can cast this jutsu
again, at half cost, as a bonus action. If you do, the beams do
not disperse when returning to you, instead converging and
forming into a huge tornado 20 feet above you. All hostile
creatures within 90 feet of the tornado must make a Strength
saving throw, with a -2 penalty for each Dexterity saving
throw they failed from this jutsu. On a failed save, a creature
is sucked into the center of this tornado, taking 3d12 force
damage and gaining 3 ranks of bleeding.
After casting this jutsu as an action and bonus action, you
can cast this jutsu again, at half cost, as a reaction. When you
do, the tornado launches all creatures to the ground at a
point 60 feet away, with each creature landing next to each
other in a space that can hold them. The tornado then
condenses and fires a neon green beam from its center at all
creatures. Make one ranged Ninjutsu attack and compare the
result against each creature's AC, dealing twice the result of
your Ninjutsu ability modifier + your proficiency bonus in
force damage.
Sankaku Features
Sankaku Clan Sankaku Hijutsu: The Sankaku Clan has access to a
Knee deep within the great Shinobi tournament, three seperate list of jutsu unique to their clan. You can add these
brothers of the Sankaku clan find themselves facing an all- jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the
powerful shinobi from the hidden mist, readying a massive normal jutsu list(s). Allied creatures can ignore the Hijutsu
blade of water above himself. The elder brother quickly forms keyword to assist you in casting Sankaku Combination jutsu.
a plane. "Mace! Clove! Quickly circle around him! We have to Undetectable Chakra: Starting at 1st level, you gain 30
use the Penta formation!" "Yes sir!" The younger brothers feet of Blindsight. You also cannot be sensed with special
exclaim. In an incredibly quick display. Mace and Clove sights/senses such as a blindsight or Chakra Sensing. This
quickly circle behind the mist shinobi and dash forward, does not stop True Sight, however, until you are 18th level.
kicking both of the shinobi's arms forcing his weapon to fall You are also hidden from Sensory jutsu of D-Rank or lower.
before jumping and doing a quick back spin-kick knocking This increases to C-Rank at 3rd level and B-Rank at 7th level.
the far behind them. The older brother quickly readies and Bold Presence: Also at 1st level, you can use Strength for
punches the air, sending a massive wave of red chakra, Sankaku Ninjutsu. When you participate in a Combination
sending the shinobi flying into the tournament walls before jutsu that would gain benefits depending on the highest
falling unconscious. "Yeah! We did it!" "Awesome work older Charisma modifier among the casters, you can instead use
bro!" The older brother chuckles and boasts of their victory. your Strength in place of your Charisma.
"Of course we did! We brothers are the strongest Shinobi At 3rd level, when you cast a Sankaku Hijutsu, with the
there is!" Combination keyword, you gain all Charisma based benefits
-- Gingara Wukong that you qualify for, instead of only the highest.
Journey to the West, Ch. 9 excerpt. At 7th level, once per turn, when you or a creature would
assist in casting a Sankaku Combination jutsu, you or the
Beat-Em Up creature can opt to spend their action or bonus action for the
round, instead of using their reaction.
The Sankaku Clan is a clan that hails proudly from the Danger Points: For the Sankaku Clan, danger is the best
Getsugakure (Literally meaning: Land of the Moon). Unlike source of inspiration. Starting at 3rd level, you gain a number
the majority of clans, members of this clan share a close of Danger Points equal to your level, per short rest. When
tight-knit comradery community, never straying too far from you cast a Sankaku Hijutsu, Taijutsu, or jutsu with the
home unless in a group. On the battlefield, the Sankaku Combination keyword, and hit at least twice with a single
possesses a commanding presence and masterful skill of casting or at least 2 or more creatures fail their saving throw
Taijutsu and Combination jutsu. Shinobi of this clan boast against your jutsu, you recover one Danger Point per
their ability to make the most of what they currently have additional successful attack or failed save after the first. You
available, as opposed to specializing in multiple different can recover up to 3 Danger Points this way per turn.
fields. You can spend Danger Points in the following ways;
Sankaku Traits When a creature fails their skill check to assist in casting
Ability Score Increase: a Combination jutsu you cast or are assisting in, you can
+2 Str, +1 Int or spend Danger Points to increase their result by +1 per
Wis point spent, potentially turning their failure into a success.
Speed: Your base Spend up to 3 Danger Points to increase an attack roll
walking speed is 35 feet. with a Taijutsu attack, Sankaku Hijutsu, Combination
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, jutsu, or unarmed/weapon attack by +1, per point spent.
Chakra Control Spend any number of Danger Points to increase your
Combination Literacy: All speed by 5ft. per point until the end of your next turn.
ability scores are counted as First Impressions: Starting at 7th level, you do your best
being +2 higher, for to act fast within the battle to set the precedent for victory.
the purpose of You have advantage on Initiative checks, and can use Danger
casting Higher Points to increase your initiative result by +1 per point spent.
Ranked You also gain a 2d6 bonus to damage rolls against creatures
Combination who have yet to act in combat. At 11th level, once per short
jutsu through rest, you can give yourself an extra bonus action and reaction
any Ability Score during the first round of combat.
Restrictions. At 15th level, you carry strong alertness. While you are
above half of your max hit points, you cannot be Surprised.
Ravaging Combos: Starting at 11th level, you gain a +1 to
critical threat range with Sankuku Hijutsu, Taijutsu, and
attack rolls made with Combination jutsu. Once per round,
when you score a critical hit with these listed jutsu types, you
regain 2 Danger Points. At 15th level, allies that assist you in
casting Combination jutsu also gain this bonus to critical
threat range. At 18th level, this bonus becomes a +2.
Venomous Breath
Sankaku Clan Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when a creature
Power Sledgehammer would miss you with an attack.
Classification: Hijutsu Range: Special
Rank: D-Rank Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1 Action Components: CM, M
Range: Touch Cost: 3 Chakra
Duration: Instant Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Medical
Components: M Description: You employ a dirty tactic to catch your foes off
Cost: 4 Chakra guard. When a creature misses you with an attack, you can
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu leap over the creature and land in a space behind them that
Description: You perform a potential three piece combo to can hold you, simultaneously exhaling a breath of purple mist
lock an opponent down. Make two melee taijutsu attacks, at them. The target must succeed a Constitution saving
dealing your unarmed damage + 1d4. On each hit, the throw, or become Blinded until the end of their next turn.
creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or If the target is Poisoned or Envenomed, they roll with a
become Dazed. If both attacks were successful, you can -1d4 penalty, and gains the blinded condition for the duration
follow up with a 3rd melee taijutsu attack, dealing your of their Poisoned or Envenomed condition on a failure
unarmed damage and knocking the creature prone on a hit. (whichever lasts longer).
This third attack scores a critical hit on a 19-20. These
attacks do not add your ability modifier. Sankaku Style: Hypebeast
Danger Amplification: By using Danger Points, you can Classification: Hijutsu
improve this jutsu's effect. When you impose a Constitution Rank: D-Rank
saving throw with this jutsu, you can spend 2 Danger Points Casting Time: 1 Action or 1 Reaction, when you would roll
to cause the creature to become Weakened until the end of for initiative
your next turn on a failure. You must declare you are Range: Self (20-foot radius)
spending Danger Points for this purpose before you attack. Duration: 5 Rounds
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Components: HS, CM
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and both Cost: Special (28 Chakra)
instances of damage by 1d4. If cast to B-Rank or higher, Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Combination
increase the damage die by 1 step, and you can now add half Description: You boast a claim of victory, of determination,
your ability modifier to each attack. If cast to S-Rank or or anything you can think of to boost your allies morale. You
higher, increase the damage die by 1 step, and you now add raise your fist to the air and create a pulse of clear chakra to
your full ability modifier to each attack. empower allied creatures within 20 feet. All allied creatures
gain the following benefits for the duration;
Crimson Blaster
Classification: Hijutsu All creatures gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Rank: D-Rank All creatures gain a bonus to initiative checks equal to
Casting Time: 1 Action your Strength modifier.
Range: 60 feet Once per turn, an affected creature can give themselves a
Duration: Instant +1d4 bonus to a single skill check, attack roll, saving
Components: HS, CM, M throw, or damage roll.
Cost: 5 Chakra All creatures, other than you, can spend and roll up to 2
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash hit die and 2 chakra die. The creatures gain temporary hit
Description: You rapidly form a hand sign and then jump points equal to the result of their hit die and temporary
high into the air and channel chakra into your legs, forming it chakra equal to the result of their chakra die.
into a sphere in front of you which you then kick towards a All creatures know of any conditions affecting each other.
creature within range. Make a ranged ninjutsu attack, dealing All creatures are aware of each other's exact location.
2d8 + your Ninjutsu ability modifier in force damage. Combination: If this jutsu is cast as a Combination jutsu,
Danger Amplification: By using Danger Points, you can increase the duration of this jutsu by 1 round per additional
improve this jutsu's effect. You can spend 3 Danger Points. caster, excluding yourself.
When you do, until the end of your turn, you can target one Any creature who assists in casting this jutsu as a
affected creature with a Jutsu with the Finisher keyword combination jutsu increases this jutsu's supportive abilities
regardless of range, once per turn, using either an Action or based on the highest Charisma modifier within the group of
Bonus action, ignoring its listed casting time. casters. (+0-1: No change. +2: Increase the bonus to AC
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above gained by +1. +3: Affected creatures increase their movement
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. If cast to B-Rank, speed by 15 feet and ignore difficult terrain. +4: Affected
increase the number of attacks made by +1. If cast to S-Rank, creatures reduce the first instance of damage they take per
increase the number of attacks made by +1. round by -5. +5: Affected creatures can now roll up to 4 hit die
and 4 chakra die.)
C-Rank Power Crusher
Classification: Hijutsu
Crimson Pressure Rank: C-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you would
Rank: C-Rank take damage from an attack
Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self
Range: 90 feet Duration: 1 Round
Duration: Instant Components: CM, M
Components: CM, M Cost: Special (6 Chakra)
Cost: 9 Chakra Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Clash, Finisher Description: A powerful taijutsu of the Sankaku Clan where
Description: A more powerful, altered version of the the user channels chakra within their muscles to absorb and
"Crimson Blaster" hijutsu. Using the same technique as redirect the negative feedback of attacks received. This jutsu
Crimson Blaster, you amplify one sphere further, making it cannot be cast while wearing heavy armor.
huge. Make a ranged taijutsu attack against a creature within When you would be damaged by an attack, you contest the
range, dealing your 4d10 force damage as you create a large attack roll with a Constitution (Chakra Control) check. If you
explosion. The creature must make a Strength saving throw, have expertise in Chakra Control, you instead add a +1d4
becoming Deafened until the end of their next turn due to the bonus in place of expertise. Critical hits cause you to always
sound of the explosion and being knocked prone on a failed roll at disadvantage unless the critical hit can be negated.
save. If you succeed this contest, you reduce the damage dealt by
If this jutsu is cast as a Finisher, you instead deal 6d10 half and you gain 1 stack of Feedback until the end of the
force damage on hit. Regardless of a hit or miss, the area next turn. When you would make an unarmed attack, or cast
within a 15-foot radius of the creature becomes difficult a Taijutsu or Sankaku Hijutsu, you can convert any stacks of
terrain, and all creatures other than the target within this Feedback you have into 1 extra damage die. You also gain an
radius must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take half extra reaction until the end of the turn, which you can use to
damage. cast this jutsu again at half cost.
Danger Amplification: By using Danger Points, you can If you fail this contest, you reduce the damage by 2d8, and
improve this jutsu's effect. You can increase the radius of this can't use this reaction again until the start of your next turn.
jutsu when used as a Finisher by 5ft per Danger Point spent, Danger Amplification: By using Danger Points, you can
up a maximum increase of 15ft. If you spend 3 Danger Points improve this jutsu's effect. When you would be critically hit
this way, all affected creatures must make the Strength while gaining this jutsu's benefits, you can spend 2 Danger
saving throw to avoid becoming Deafened. Points to treat the critical hit as a normal hit.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage Venomous Fists
by 2d10. Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 Minute
Components: CM, M
Cost: 7 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Medical
Description: You take in a big gulp of air and use medical
chakra to isolate the toxic carbon dioxide within the
atmosphere. You exhale this mixture onto your fists, causing
them to be surrounded in a purple smog of poisonous chakra
for the duration. This jutsu ends early if you reach 0 hit
For the duration, your unarmed damage becomes poison
and increases by 1 step. If this would cause your unarmed
damage to go beyond a d12, your unarmed damage instead
increases by +2.
Twice per turn, when you hit a creature with an unarmed
or taijutsu attack using your fists, they must succeed a
Constitution saving throw or become Envenomed for the
duration of this jutsu. If you score a critical hit, the creature
makes this saving throw at disadvantage, and is also
Poisoned on a failed save for the duration.
Sankaku Style: Wombo Combo B-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank Crimson Comet Crash
Casting Time: 1 Action Classification: Hijutsu
Range: Movement Speed Rank: B-Rank
Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Action
Components: CM, M Range: 60 Feet
Cost: Special (49 Chakra) Duration: Instant
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combo, Combination Components: CM, M
Description: This jutsu can only be cast if you have one or Cost: 13 Chakra
two other casters within 30 feet of you. Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu
You dash towards a creature within range and go for a Description: You generate a large amount of chakra in your
punch to knock the wind out of them, followed by a grapple legs, causing them to be surrounded in blazing red energy.
into a throw, placing trust within your allies to finish the Select a creature within 60 feet. You teleport to this creature
combo. Make a melee taijutsu attack, dealing your unarmed and immediately make two melee taijutsu attacks as you
damage on hit and imposing a Constitution saving throw. On strike them with two kicks, dealing your unarmed damage +
a failed save, the creature gains 1 rank of Bruised. You then 1d8. For every two attacks that hit, the target must succeed a
make a grappling contest against the creature, at advantage if Strength saving throw, with a -2 penalty per attack that hits,
the creature failed their Constitution saving throw. If you or be knocked 30 feet in any direction of your choice. You can
succeed, you grab the creature and spin them around rapidly. only knock a creature upwards once. On a failed save, if you
You then throw the creature a space within 30 feet and the would make more attacks with this jutsu, you teleport to
other casters of this jutsu can target them with a Taijutsu or them again to continue your assault. If you score a critical hit
Bukijutsu Finisher, with a casting time of 1 action or bonus with this jutsu, instead of doubling the damage die, increase
action, once per turn, regardless of range, ignoring listed the damage die of this jutsu to 1d12s for the attack that
casting time. scores the critical hit,
Combination: When this jutsu is cast, it gains additional Danger Amplification: By using Danger Points, you can
effects based on who has the highest Charisma modifier improve this jutsu's effect. When you teleport to a creature
between all casters. using this jutsu, you can spend 2 Danger Points to make an
Athletics check contested by the target's passive perception.
+0-1: No Change. If you succeed this check, the target is surprised for the next
+2-3: The target makes their Constitution saving throw two attacks you make against them during this turn.
with a -1d4 penalty. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
+4-5: The creature cannot take reactions against Finishers B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the number of
cast against them until the end of the turn if you attacks made by +2.
succeeded your grapple contest.
Sankaku Penatrator If 2 or more casters successfully hit their attacks, you
Classification: Hijutsu teleport back to where you were initially standing, all other
Rank: B-Rank casters teleporting next you in the closest space that can hold
Casting Time: 1 Action them, abreast each other facing the target.
Range: 60 feet All creatures then cast a Ninjutsu of C-Rank or lower that
Duration: Instant makes a single attack roll or imposes a saving throw across
Components: HS, CM an area of effect that is a line or cone at the creature, ignoring
Cost: 14 Chakra range. All Ninjutsu cast combine into one epic blast.
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash Make a Ninjutsu attack roll using the highest Ninjutsu
Description: You generate a red aura which causes the attack roll amongst all casters, affecting the creature with all
ground to shake and debris to disperse. You make a fist and Ninjutsu used on a hit that required an attack roll. This attack
begin shifting your aura into it, causing your hand to begin roll cannot score a critical hit. For jutsu that required a saving
radiating with a burning red glow. Make a ranged Ninjutsu throw, the creature must make a single Constitution saving
attack against a creature within range as you fire a piercing throw, suffering the damage and effects of all jutsu used that
beam of chakra. On a hit, you deal 9d6 force damage, which impose a saving throw on a failed save, or half damage on a
ignores cover, damage reduction, and temporary hit points. success.
All creatures in between you and the triggering creature Once this jutsu concludes, all casters gain 1 rank of
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a Weakened, and you gain 1 rank of Exhaustion for 1d4+2
failed save, or none on a success. rounds. This exhaustion cannot be removed by any means
Danger Amplification: By using Danger Points, you can and must run its course. You cannot cast this jutsu again until
improve this jutsu's effect. For each Danger Point you spend you lose this rank of exhaustion.
on this jutsu, you increase the damage die of this jutsu by 1 Combination: When this jutsu is cast, it gains additional
step, up to a d12. If you spend at least 2 Danger Points on effects based on who has the highest Charisma modifier
this jutsu, this jutsu ignores resistance and treats immunity between both casters.
as resistance. If you spend at least 4 Danger Points on this +0-1: No Change
jutsu, this jutsu ignores both resistance and immunity. +2-3: The damage of this jutsu increases by 1 step.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above +4-5: All creatures gain a +1d4 bonus to hit with their
B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and gain a +2 taijutsu attack rolls.
bonus to Clash checks.
Sankaku Style: Dangerous Geometry
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: A-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action
Range: Special
Duration: Instant
Components: CM, M
Cost: Special (77 Chakra, 9 Danger Points)
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combination
Description: This jutsu can only be cast if you have 3 to 5
casters within 30 feet of you.
You release a gargantuan amount of chakra, emitting 30-
foot bright light from yourself, which gathers and forms into a
bestial effigy of your design that can be seen by onlookers.
Your potent energy spreads to allied creatures within 30 feet
of you, exciting their blood and intensifying their strength as
they manifest their own bestial effigy.
Select a creature within 120 feet of you. You and all allied
creatures assisting this jutsu begin circling the creature from
a 15-foot distance with immense, unquantifiable speed,
forming a shape with a number of corners equal to how many
creatures are performing this jutsu (For example, 3 casters
create a triangle, 5 casters create a pentagon.)
Each creature then, one by one, makes a melee taijutsu
attack as they go in for a punch, kick, or headbutt, dealing
their unarmed damage + 9d4 and knocking the creature 10
feet in a direction as the next creature in order goes in for
their own attack. If any creature scores a critical hit, instead
of doubling the damage, add twice their ability modifier to the
damage roll.
Kido Mixed Fighter: You can use Dexterity as your
Shinigami Clan Ninjutsu ability modifier for Shinigami Ninjutsu.
Update: August 19th, 2023. Zanjutsu Adept: Jutsu you cast with your Zanpakuto as a
The cloaked man walked forward still, no fear in his eyes. He component have their chakra cost reduced by -2 (Min. 1).
put his hand on the blade of his sword and spoke into it. Zanjutsu Agility: Your speed increases by 5 feet for every
Suddently, it stopped being a sword...becoming a large scythe. hit you land your Zanpakuto on your turn. If you hit with
I then realized, I was the fool who had angered a reaper. at least two attacks, you gain the benefits of the Dash or
Disengage action, until the end of your next turn.
----Dib Haruno Zanjutsu Spirit: Jutsu you cast that use your Zanpakuto
Ragnarok, Ch. 21 excerpt as a component gain a +1 to Save DC.
Shikai: Starting at 7th level, you learn the true name of
Hell's Butterfly your Zanpakuto, and when you speak its name, your blade
The Shinigami Clan is a clan of no clear family name, evolves into a new form. As a bonus action while in combat,
although they are believed to have originated near the border you can spend 5 chakra and shout the name of your blade to
of the Land of Iron and Fire. Members of this clan, as transform it into its 2nd form, the Shikai, until the end of
opposed to blood, are connected by similar beliefs and ideals, combat. Decide with your DM what your Shikai looks like.
and wield a special sword that manifests their chakra and While in this form, your weapon deals an additional die of
spirit, the Zanpakuto. Masters of both blade and jutsu, the damage. It also gains two new weapon properties of your
Shinigami are a dominant force of the battlefield. choice. Your Shikai cannot gain the Ammunition and Loading
properties, though it can gain the ranged property. If you take
Shinigami Traits the ranged property, the range your Shikai gains is (30/60).
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dex or Int, +1 Dex or Int (You Properties of the same name that do not normally stack, such
cannot select the same ASI twice.) as the Deadly property, are able to stack, but they cannot
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet. stack more than twice. If you take the Range property twice,
Skill Proficiencies: Ninshou, Martial Arts the range increases by half the second time.
Shinigami Kenjutsu: You are proficient in Katanas. Also at 7th level, you gain the ability to store any jutsu you
know into your Zanpakuto. While a jutsu is stored in your
Shinigami Features weapon, the weapon's damage type counts as the damage
Kido Techniques: The Shinigami Clan has access to a type of the jutsu stored, in addition to its listed damage type,
separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add these for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity. You
Jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the can switch the jutsu stored on a rest of any type.
Normal jutsu list(s). Death's Chosen: Starting at 11th level, you have
Kido Training Path: Starting at 1st level, you select your strengthened the connection to the soul and the spectral
Kido training path, picking between Bakudo or Hado. Your plane, so much so that your spirit exudes a powerful aura
chosen training path determines the Shinigami Clan Hijutsu causing creatures to fall from your sheer presence alone.
you can select with the corresponding keyword. Bakudo On your turn, you can give yourself 45 feet of a unique
provides you with more defensive techniques, while Hado is variant of True Sight known as Soul Sense for 10 minutes by
more offensive. You cannot change your chosen path later. spending 1 chakra die. Alongside the benefits of True Sight,
Zanpakuto: Beginning at the 1st level, you gain a weapon using Soul Sense, you can sense the emotional state of
that is the manifestation of your chakra, called a Zanpakuto, creatures within range. You also gain a rough
which takes the form of a Greater Katana. Weapon attacks understanding of the strength of creatures and how
you make with your Zanpakuto can use Intelligence in place it compares to your own by comparing your level to
of Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls. You also their level to see which is higher or lower, although
gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with your Zanpakuto. This your DM may inform you that a specific creatures
increases to a +2 at 11th level, and a +3 at 18th level. If your power is not what you would expect.
Zanpakuto is destroyed, you regain it fully restored on a rest. Additionally, while Soul Sense is active, you
Mastered Body and Mind: Starting at 3rd level, you've exude an aura of Spiritual Pressure. Minions,
adopted your own unique set of techniques to use alongside and hostile creatures less than your level begin
your Zanpukuto and Shinigami Hijutsu. Select two of the to feel weak and fatigued while within 15 feet
following techniques below. You can select another technique of you. Affected creatures are treated as being
at 7th and 15th levels. within difficult terrain, and take an additional
amount of damage equal to your level when
Kido Adaptation: When you cast a Shinigami Ninjutsu, they would take damage, once
you can choose to add your Zanpakuto as a component. per round.
When you do, the jutsu's range changes to your weapon's At 15th level, your Soul Sense's
range, the attack roll, if any, changes to a taijutsu attack, visual range increases to 60 feet, and your
and you add your weapon's damage. This does not add Spiritual Pressure affects hostile creatures
your weapon's ability modifier to the damage roll(s). within 30 feet of you. At 18th level,
Kido Defensive Body: When you cast a jutsu that Standards are now affected by your
increases your AC, or provides you with temporary hit Spiritual Pressure, regardless of level.
points, increase the bonus to AC by +1 or the temporary
hit points gained by 2 extra dice respectively.
D-Rank Kido Technique: Hado #4. Byakurai
Classification: Hijutsu
Kido Technique: Bakudo # 1: Sai Rank: D-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Action
Rank: D-Rank Range: Self (30-foot line)
Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Instant
Range: 30 feet Components: HS, CM
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute Cost: 5 Chakra
Components: HS, CM Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Hado Style
Cost: 4 Chakra Description: The practitioner gathers high-density spiritual
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bakudo Style energy, which they discharge from as they point at the
Description: The practitioner points their index and middle intended target with their index finger, and generates a
fingers at the intended target, causing the target's arms to concentrated bolt of chakra to use against the target.
lock behind their back. Select a target creature in range. They Make a ranged ninjutsu attack against a target creature,
must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become dealing 3d6 lightning damage on a hit. All creatures in
restrained and unable to form hand seals for the duration. At between you and the target must all make a Dexterity Saving
the end of each of their turns and whenever they take throw, taking half damage on a failed saving throw.
damage, they can remake the save to end this condition. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the amount by 2d6.
creatures you can target by +1.
Hohou Technique: Hirenkyaku
Kido Technique: Hado #1. Sho Classification: Hijutsu
Classification: Hijutsu Rank: D-Rank
Rank: D-Rank Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self
Range: 15 feet Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Components: HS, CM, M
Components: HS, CM Cost: 5 Chakra
Cost: 5 Chakra Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Hado Style Description: A highly advanced, secret form of the water
Description: As the practitioner points at their target with walking and wall walking technique most shinobi learn, you
their index finger, a small amount of chakra is dispelled from gather the chakra beneath your feet to run on air. Until the
the tip of the index finger with enough force to thrust a end of your turn, you gain a flying speed equal to your
considerable amount of kinetic energy at a target, which is walking speed.
pushed back from the practitioner. At the end of this jutsu's duration, if you have not landed,
Select a target creature in range. They must succeed a the residual chakra slows you and brings you
Strength saving throw or be knocked back by an amount safely to the nearest surface.
equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. If a creature knocked At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast
back by this jutsu collides with a solid object, their movement this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost
is stopped, taking falling damage as if they had fallen an equal of this jutsu by 3. If cast at C-Rank, this
distance. Creatures that take fall damage from this jutsu start jutsu gains a duration of Concentration,
their fall damage die at a d8. up to 1 minute, with no additional
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above chakra cost to maintain
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the range by 10 concentration. If cast at A-Rank,
feet and the knockback by 10 feet. this jutsu loses the Concentration
duration, and simply lasts for up to
Kido Technique: Bakudo #8. Seki 1 minute.
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you are Notice
targeted or take damage from an attack roll. Blast here. I have given control of this clan over to
Range: Self KadenUchiha, who has made an Alt-Shinigami here.
Duration: 1 Round I am leaving this version up for those who want it,
Components: HS, CM but I would encourage using either the Era of
Cost: 5 Chakra Change version of Shinigami (which can be found
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bakudo Style in their version of Team 7 and is managed by
Description: The practitioner generates an orb of light blue Artemys, the original creator) or using
energy which repels whatever strikes it. Increase your AC by KadenUchiha's version.
+4 until the start of your next turn. If this increase would
cause a melee attack to miss, the triggering creature is
knocked back 10 feet.
Hohou Technique: Senka C-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank Kido Technique: Bakudo #26. Kyokko
Casting Time: 1 Action Classification: Hijutsu
Range: 30 feet Rank: C-Rank
Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Action
Components: HS, CM, CS, M Range: Self
Cost: 5 Chakra Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu Components: CM, W(Zanpakuto)
Description: You utilize the advanced movements of Shunpo Cost: 9 Chakra
to appear directly behind a creature and attack them to seal Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, Bakudo Style
away their chakra, moving too quickly for your target to tell Description: The practitioner hides their physical form by
which direction the attack came from. bending the light around them. For the duration, you become
You move to a space within 30 feet where you could reach invisible. This jutsu ends early if you cast any jutsu or make
a creature within your unarmed range. Make a melee any type of attack.
ninjutsu attack. You move so fast that the opponent has no At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
time to react to this attack. On a hit, you place a chakra seal C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. At B-Rank this
on the creature that lasts until the end of their next turn. jutsu no longer takes chakra to concentrate on and lasts 10
While this special chakra seal is in place, the creature must minutes. At A-Rank it also masks the user's chakra, also
make a Constitution saving throw each time it casts a jutsu hiding them from Chakra Sight and chakra-based alarms. At
that requires chakra molding. On a failed save, they are S-Rank the duration increases to 1 hour.
unable to mold the chakra to cast the jutsu.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Kido Technique:Hado #33. Sokatsui
D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the distance Classification: Hijutsu
you can move by 15 feet. Rank: C-Rank
If cast at C-Rank or higher, the seal remains Casting Time: 1 Action
for up to 1 minute, and the target can use an Range: 60 feet
action on their turn to make an Intelligence Duration: Instant
(Ninshou) check against your ninjutsu save Components: HS, CM
DC, removing the seal and ending the Cost: 8 Chakra
jutsu's effects on a success. Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Hado Style
If cast at B-Rank or higher, the check to Description: The practitioner aims the palm of their hand at
remove the seal is made at disadvantage. their target and generates a torrent of blue chakra at them.
If cast at A-Rank or higher, the save Make a ranged ninjutsu attack against a creature in range.
to successfully cast a jutsu is made On a hit, you deal 6d6 force damage and the creature must
at disadvantage. succeed a Constitution saving throw, becoming dazed on a
If cast at S-Rank, the seal failed save. If the target is restrained you can forgo gaining
remains for up to 10 minutes. advantage to your attack roll and instead impose
disadvantage on the creature's Constitution saving throw.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage
by 2d6.
Kido Technique: Bakudo #39. Enkosen Kido Technique: Hado #58. Tenran
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 reaction when you are targeted or take Casting Time: 1 Action
damage from an attack roll, or when you are forced to make a Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Strength or Dexterity saving throw from a Line or Cone Duration: Instant
Range: Self Components: HS or W(Zanpakuto), CM
Duration: 1 Round Cost: 9 Chakra
Components: CM, W(Zanpakuto) Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, Hado Style
Cost: 8 Chakra Description: As part of casting this jutsu you must have 1
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, Bakudo Style free hand for hand seals, or your Zanpakuto. Levitating their
Description: Using either both hands or their Zanpakutō in a sheathed Zanpakutō in front of them, the practitioner lightly
blocking motion, the practitioner generates a dull yellow hits one of its ends, causing it to spin like a fan. Stopping it,
energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of the practitioner fires a widening tornado-like blast.
condensed chakra, in front of themselves, blocking an All creatures in a 30-foot cone in front of you must make a
opponent's attack. Strength save, taking 4d10 Wind damage and falling prone
When you are targeted with an attack, or from a line or on a failed save, or half damage and no effects on a success.
cone area of effect, you can summon this disk, giving yourself At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
2d10 temporary hit points and advantage on Strength and C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the length of the
Dexterity saving throws, until the start of your next turn. If cone by 10 feet, and the damage by 1d10.
you succeed on either saving throw, you take no damage or
effects. Reiatsu Technique: Kai
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Classification: Hijutsu
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the Disk's HP Rank: C-Rank
by 1d10. Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (15-foot radius)
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 9 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash
Description: The practitioner manifests a brief flare of
intense chakra around themselves. All creatures within 15
feet of you must succeed a Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone. Creatures within 5 feet of you make this
saving throw at disadvantage. Creatures who fail by 5 or
more become Dazed. Creatures who fail by 10 or more are
shocked by your awesome power, becoming Frightened of
you until the end of your next turn.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the radius by
5 feet.
Kido Technique: Bakudo #61. Rikujokoro
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: HS, CM, CS
Cost: 14 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Bakudo Style
Description: Pointing their index finger at the target, the
practitioner generates a spark of yellow chakra, which
summons six thin, wide beams of seals that slam into a
target's midsection and hold them in place.
The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, they are unable to move any part of their body, including
the parts not struck by the beams. They are restrained and
incapacitated for the duration. At the end of their turn, they
can remake the save to end both conditions.
Kido Technique: Hado #73 Sōren Sōkatsui
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM, CS
Cost: 14 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Hado Style
Description: An advanced form of Hado #33. Sokatsui.
Generating blue energy with their index and middle fingers,
the practitioner makes a pushing motion with both palms to
push the gathered energy toward the target in a blast.
Make 2 ranged ninjutsu attacks, either targeting the same
or different creatures, dealing 4d8 + your Ninjutsu ability
modifier in fire damage on each hit. If the same creature is
hit by two or more attacks from this jutsu they must succeed
a Constitution saving throw or gain 2 ranks of Burned.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3. If cast to S-Rank,
increase the number of attacks by +1.
Hakuda Technique: Shunko
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: CM, M
Cost: Special (14 Chakra)
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
Description: Your chakra explodes from your back,
manifesting in a bestial form of your choice around you. Each
creature within 15 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 5d8 force damage on a failed save, or half as
much on a successful one. For the jutsu's duration, you gain
the following benefits; You have advantage on concentration
checks to maintain concentration of this jutsu.
• Your movement speed is doubled.
• You gain resistance to force damage.
• Aside from this jutsu, Shinigami Hijutsu do not require you
to spend chakra to maintain.
• Shinigami hijutsu increase their damage die by 1 step.
• As an action, you can forcefully end this jutsu in an
explosion. Choose either a cylinder, line, or sphere.
Cylinder: Choose a point within 60 feet of you. Each creature
in a cylinder 50 feet high, with a 20-foot radius must make
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 6d10
force damage and are dazed. On a successful save, they
take half as much damage and no other effects.
Line: Each creature in a line 15 feet wide and 60 feet long
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they
take 10d6 force damage and are knocked prone. On a
successful save, they take half as much damage and no
other effects.
Sphere: Each creature in a 25-foot radius around
you must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking 8d8 force damege and being
knocked to the edge of the arena
on a failed save, or half
damage and no effects
on a success.
A-Rank Kido Technique: Bakudo #99 Bankin
Classification: Hijutsu
Kido Technique: Hado #90: Kurohitsugi Rank: A-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Action
Rank: A-Rank Range: 30 feet
Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Range: 120 feet (40-foot cube) Components: HS, CM
Duration: Concentration, up to 5 rounds Cost: 26 Chakra
Components: HS, CM Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Bakudo Style
Cost: 20 Chakra Description: The practitioner holds their palms away from
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Hado Style themselves, with their arms extended out to the sides, before
Description: Kurohitsugi is a high-level Kidō which seals its clasping their hands together, with the fingers intertwined
target in a black spiritual coffin. The practitioner generates intricately, causing their target's arms to be bound to their
purple and black chakra, which envelops the target with a back with spiritual fabric and iron shafts. Select a target
powerful torrent of gravity before taking the form of a box of creature in range. They must succeed 3 saving throws in the
black energy, covered in several spear-like protrusions which following order;
pierce the box, lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Strength Save: On a failed save, creatures are restrained
Select a point in range to summon the coffin. All creatures and cannot weave hand signs.
inside when it appears must make a Strength saving throw Dexterity Save: On a failed save, creatures take 8d8
and a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed Strength save, the Piercing Damage as they are nailed to the ground. On a
creature becomes Slowed for as long as they are within the success, creatures take half damage.
area. On a failed Dexterity save, the creature takes 8d10 Constitution Save: On a failed save, creatures gain two
Necrotic damage, or half as much on a success. At the start of ranks of Weakened and gain disadvantage on all attack rolls,
each creature's turn, they remake the Strength and Dexterity as their body is out of sync.
saving throws, continuing to be Slowed on a failed Strength The target creature can use an action to remake one of
save and taking 8d10 necrotic damage on a failed Dexterity their failed saves on their turn. If a creature has failed all 3
saving throw, or half as much on a success. saves for 1 minute, they are incapacitated for 1 week.
Quick Adaptability: Not being as blessed as the Elite
Wukong Clan (Low-Class) faction, the Low-Class Wukong have honed their instincts to
A group of gleeful bandits decide to take a short rest after give them more of an edge in battle through martial arts and
running from the village they had just stolen from an hour quick thinking, as opposed to having their iconic energy.
prior. "Look at this haul Toriyama!" "Yeah you're right Starting at 3rd level, you gain a special form of die known as
Toyotaro, with all this gold we'll be swimming in Ryo forever!" Adaptability Die (d4s). You may hold a maximum number of
As they celebrate with their bounty, they hear an approaching these die equal to your proficiency bonus. You gain one die by
child's voice calling out to them. A young boy, no older than 8 performing any of the following actions in combat;
years old comes to a quick stop before them. The two thieves Successfully landing an attack, without spending an
look at each other in confusion. "Hey." The boy says. "Are you Adaptability die. You can gain a number of die this way
the guys who took my grandpa's treasure just now?" The two equal to half your proficiency bonus, per turn.
thieves snicker. "Yeah, we did." "What do you think you're Using your reaction to either, reduce incoming damage in
going to do about it kid? Beat it." The two thieves begin to some way by at least half, or launch a counterattack.
pack up their haul. "Oh, well that stuff is really important to When an attack misses you or you succeed a Dexterity
me so I'll need it back." One of the thieves brandishes a knife. saving throw, while using the dodge action.
"Listen kid, why don't you just walk away before you get hur-" When you defeat or KO an enemy.
In a flash, the young boy jumps high into the air and slams Once per combat, when you would first become Bloodied.
down a quarterstaff onto the head of one of the thieves, Succeeding a roll where you would have disadvantage or
knocking him out instantly. The other thief is quickly taken roll with a penalty as the result of a hostile creature.
aback, before charging at the boy. The boy quickly dodges
and kicks the thief in the back, knocking him into a tree, Once per turn you may use these die in the following ways;
unconscious. "Sorry guys! I wasn't really asking!" The boy Adaptive Attacks: You can spend 1 die when you make a
says, running back to his home with the stolen goods in toe. melee attack roll, adding the die to the result.
-- Retired Shinobi Gohan Adaptive Evasion: Once per round, when you have less
Journey to the West, Ch. 1 excerpt. than your max hit points, you can spend 1 die and raise
your AC half the result (Min. 1), until the start of your next
Battleborn Spirit turn.
The Low-Class Wukong are one of two factions within the Adaptive Expertise: When you would make a saving
Wukong family. They are perceived as failures by the Elite throw, you can spend 1 die and add it to the result if you
faction due to the Low-Class losing the ability to manifest the aren't fully proficient, or half if you are proficient (Min. 1).
iconic kekkei-genkai of the Wukong Clan, the Wukong Tail. It Adaptive Skillset: As a reaction, when a creature would
is perceived that this occurred due to a disconnect between cast a jutsu, you can attempt to copy it by spending 1 die.
the Low-Class and the roots of the Wukong ancestor. Despite You must have access to all of the jutsu's keywords and the
this, the Low-Class Wukong remain strong and use the jutsu can be no more than your highest rank jutsu known
remnants of their power to manifest a new power. in order to attempt this. Roll a d20 and add the result of
the die. This roll cannot benefit from any bonuses to the
Wukong Traits roll outside of this feature. If the result is higher a 12 or
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dex or Int, Con +1 (Your Choice) higher, you successfully learn the jutsu until you complete
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft. a short rest, and the Downtime needed to learn said jutsu
Skill Proficiencies: Ninshou; Pick one of the following skills: is reduced by 3 weeks. Once you successfully copy a jutsu,
Martial Arts or Acrobatics you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.
Weapon Proficiencies: Quarterstaffs Adaptive Spirit: Whenever you possess a Physical or
Mental condition from a hostile source, at the start of your
Wukong Features next turn you can spend 1 die to repeat the roll you failed
Primal Technique Remnants: The Low-Class Wukong to gain the condition, adding the die to the result,
have access to a separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. removing the condition on a success. Each time you fail to
You can add these jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting remove the condition this way, your Adaptability die
jutsu from the normal jutsu list. increases by 1 step for this feature only. If there was such
Wukong Agility: Starting at 1st level, you gain a climbing no roll to gain this condition, you can spend
speed equal to your walking speed and while in difficult 1 die and end the condition on a 4.
terrain, your movement speed is increased by half until you At the conclusion of a rest, you lose all
exit the area designated as difficult terrain. At 7th level, you Adaptability Dice. At 11th level, you can use
ignore difficult terrain and you have advantage on checks and up to two of these features per turn. At 15th
saving throws against hostile effects that would reduce your level, twice per short rest when you would
movement speed in any way. use an Adaptability Die feature, you can
Latent Zenkai Boost: Beginning at 7th level the power of spend an additional die to calculate
your bloodline intensifies, reaching its peak whenever you your results. At 18th level, you
would be close to your demise. Once per long rest, when you always begin combat with an
are reduced to 0 hit points and are healed for at least 1 hit amount of Adaptability die
point, you gain temporary hit points equal to triple your level equal to half your maximum.
and gain a number of Adaptability Die equal to half your max.
Primal Chakra Wave
Low-Class Wukong Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Chakra Recharge Range: Self (30-foot line)
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
Rank: D-Rank Components: HS, CM
Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action Cost: 5 Chakra
Range: Self Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash
Duration: Instant Description: You take a charging stance, cupping both your
Components: HS, CM hands together and bringing them behind you at your side.
Cost: Special Chakra collects between your palms, generating a powerful
Keywords: Hijutsu sphere in between them. While concentrating on this jutsu,
Description: You take in a deep breath and pull chakra from both your hands are occupied and cannot form hand signs.
the environment, generating an aura of chakra around you of You do not need to expend chakra to maintain concentration
your chakra color. You may spend a number of Chakra Die up of this jutsu, and can stop concentrating on it at any point.
to half your level. For each chakra die spent, roll 2 Starting from your next turn, you may use your action to
Adaptability Die (this does not spend any). You gain the result fire a 30-foot long, 5-foot wide beam of chakra at a target.
of all die rolled + 1 for each Adaptability Die rolled, as chakra. Make a ranged ninjutsu attack against a target within range,
If regaining chakra this way goes beyond your maximum, the dealing 5d6 force damage on hit. All creatures whose space
difference becomes temporary chakra. your line passes through become a target of this jutsu,
comparing their AC vs your attack result. If you score a
Meteor Smackdown critical hit with this jutsu, only your original target suffers the
Classification: Hijutsu effects of the critical hit.
Rank: D-Rank Charge: At the start of consecutive turns after casting this
Casting Time: 1 Action jutsu, you can choose to delay attacking with this jutsu,
Range: Touch instead spending your action to continue charging
Duration: Instant the attack. For each turn you spend charging this jutsu, it
Components: M deals an additional die of damage, and increases the damage
Cost: 5 Chakra dealt by 1 step. You can charge this jutsu a number of times
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combo equal to half your proficiency bonus before this jutsu ends
Description: You launch a flurry of punches and kicks at an early.
opponent within range. Make 3 melee taijutsu attacks. On At Higher Ranks: For each rank above D-Rank, increase
each hit, you deal your unarmed damage + 1d4, but you do the cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage by 2d6, and the length
not add your ability modifier to the damage rolls. If you hit by 10 feet. If upcast to at least C-Rank, you can attack with
with at least 2 of your attacks the target must succeed a this jutsu the turn you cast it. If upcast to B-Rank, increase
Constitution saving throw or become unable to take reactions the width of the line by 5 feet. If upcast to S-Rank, increase
until the end of the turn. If you hit with all 3 attacks, this the width of the line by 5 feet.
save is made at disadvantage.
Until the end of your turn, you can target Solar Flare
one affected creature with a Taijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Finisher regardless of range, once Rank: D-Rank
per turn, using either an Action or Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Bonus action, ignoring its listed casting Range: Self (15-foot radius)
time. Duration: Instant
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you Components: HS, CM
cast this jutsu above D-Rank, Cost: 3 Chakra
increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
the damage die by 1 step Description: You quickly put your hands to
(d4<d6<d8<d10<d12), and ignore 2 DR your forehead and shut your eyes before
that the target may have on each hit. If cast to generating an incredibly bright light. Each
B-Rank or higher, this jutsu deals an additional creature within range in all directions that
die of damage on each hit. sees the light must succeed a Wisdom saving
throw or become Blinded and Dazzled
until the end of their next turn.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast
this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost
of the jutsu by 3. For each rank upcast,
choose between one of the following
options; Increase the radius by 15ft, or
impose a -1 penalty on creatures who
make the Wisdom saving throw.
C-Rank At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage
Primal Chakra Disc by 2d6 or the knockback by 10 feet (pick one) if used as an
Classification: Hijutsu action, or the knockback by 5 feet if used as a reaction. If
Rank: C-Rank upcast to A-Rank as a reaction, the resistance and immunity
Casting Time: 1 Action granted by this reaction lasts until the start of your next turn.
Range: Self (60 feet)
Duration: Instant Realm King Fist
Components: HS, CM Classification: Hijutsu
Cost: 9 Chakra Rank: C-Rank
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Description: An iconic technique of the Low-Class Wukong, Range: Self
rumored to have been developed to counter a mythical power Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
of the Elite Wukong. You channel chakra into your hand and Components: CM, M
raise it high, forming a large razor-sharp disc of energy. Cost: 10 Chakra
Make a ranged Ninjutsu attack against a creature within Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu
range. On hit, you deal 7d6 Slashing damage, which ignores Description: You focus and briefly awaken the latent primal
temporary hit points. The target must also make a strength in your blood, dramatically increasing your heart
Constitution saving throw, gaining 2 ranks of bleeding on a rate and generating a prominent red aura around yourself.
failed save as the jutsu goes straight through them. You cannot lose concentration of this jutsu as a result of
Additionally, if you aim this jutsu at an extraneous taking damage, and you cannot concentrate on any jutsu
appendage the target may have, such as a horn, tail, or other than Wukong hijutsu while this jutsu is active. Once per
tentacles, and deal at least 25 damage with this jutsu, the round, as a bonus action or reaction, you can upcast this jutsu
creature must make a Strength saving throw, losing said by 1 rank by paying its upcast cost, up to a rank you are able
extraneous appendage on a failed save. to cast this jutsu to. This jutsu ends early if used in tandem
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above with the Eight Inner-Gates.
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, and the damage For the duration you increase your movement speed by
by 2d6. If upcast to A-Rank or higher, you can alternatively half, your Strength and Dexterity scores increase by +2 and
choose to command the Primal Chakra Disc like a drone, your unarmed damage die becomes a 1d6 if it is not already
giving this jutsu a duration of Concentration, up to 1 minute. or you do not possess unarmed damage die. If your unarmed
The drone has an AC equal to your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Save damage is higher than a 1d6, increase your unarmed damage
DC, whichever is higher, and 1 hit point. As a bonus action on die by 1 step (1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8>2d10).
your turn, you can command the disc to move up to 60 feet At Higher Ranks: For each rank this jutsu is cast above C-
and attack one creature as if you cast this jutsu at C-Rank. If Rank, increase the cost by 3. If this jutsu is cast at B-Rank or
the disc reaches 0 hit points, this jutsu immediately ends. You higher, you instead double your movement speed and
can also turn this jutsu into a drone upon missing a creature increase your unarmed damage die by another step.
with the jutsu by spending 4 chakra. If this jutsu is cast at A-Rank or higher, you instead triple
your movement speed, your Strength and Dexterity increase
Spirit Shot by +4 instead, and increase your unarmed damage die
Classification: Hijutsu by another step. At this level and beyond, the
Rank: C-Rank intense strain of this jutsu begins to
Casting Time: 1 Action or 1 Reaction, which you take when damage you. Lose 5 hit points at
you would be targeted by or take damage from an attack the start of each of your turns
Range: Self (10-foot radius) which cannot be reduced in any
Duration: Instant way. Once this jutsu ends, you
Components: CM become Weakened.
Cost: 8 Chakra If this jutsu is cast at
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu S-Rank, quadruple your
Description: You concentrate chakra all around your body, movement speed,
extending out your arms as you send this energy outward all increase your
around you. If cast as an action, each creature within range Strength and Dexterity
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 force scores by +6 instead, and
damage and being knocked back 20 feet on failure, or half as your unarmed damage
much damage and knockback on a success. die by another step, and
If cast as a reaction, your energy becomes so potent that it your unarmed
forms a dense barrier around you. You gain resistance to the critical threat range
triggering damage type until the end of the attacking by +1. Once this
creature's turn and all creatures who are within 5 feet of you jutsu ends, you gain
are knocked back 5 feet. For this duration, you are also the Weakened
immune to non-chakra enhanced damage. condition, which
can only be
removed by taking a long rest.
Wild Sense Realm King Binding
Classification: Hijutsu Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when an attack Casting Time: 1 Action
misses you, or you succeed a Strength, Dexterity, or Range: 15 Feet
Constitution saving throw. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Special Components: HS, CM
Duration: Instant Cost: 12 Chakra
Components: M Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Cost: 7 Chakra Description: You close your eyes and take in a deep breath
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combo as you channel chakra into your palms. You then quickly open
Description: As part of the requirements for casting this your eyes and make an expanding circle of energy with your
jutsu, the triggering creature must be within range of half of hands, forming a ring around a creature. Select one target
your movement speed. Faster than the eye can see, when an within range. That target must make a Charisma saving
enemy is shocked by your agility, you quickly seize the throw. If the target is under the effects of the Berserk
opportunity for a counterattack. condition, they make their saving throw at disadvantage.
You teleport to a creature within range of half your On a failed saving throw, the target creature has their
movement and make a melee taijutsu attack at advantage as movement speed reduced to 0 and loses the ability to take
you punch or kick them away. On a hit, the creature takes actions for the duration of this jutsu. At the end of each of the
your unarmed damage and must make a Dexterity saving creature's turns, they can make a Strength or Charisma
throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked back 30 feet saving throw, using their physical strength or force of spirit to
and is Bruised. On a success a creature is knocked back 5 break free, ending this jutsu on a successful saving throw.
feet. If you score a critical hit, the creature automatically fails A creature under the effects of this jutsu has all status
their saving throw. conditions they possess suspended for the duration of this
Until the end of your next turn, you can target one affected jutsu, their effects not triggering. Additionally, you and all
creature with a Taijutsu Finisher, regardless of range, once allied creatures gain a +1d6 bonus to skill checks that you
per turn, using either an Action or Bonus action, ignoring its would roll in an attempt to decieve or persuade the creature.
listed casting time. If an affected creature would take damage from a creature
hostile to them, or be forced to make a saving throw against
B-Rank: an obviously harmful effect, this jutsu immediately ends once
they take damage or make the saving throw, gaining an
Meteor Dragon Strike additional reaction which they can use to move up to their
Classification: Hijutsu movement speed.
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: CM, M
Cost: 14 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Clash, Finisher
Description: You begin charging forward up to 60 feet,
channeling an immense amount of radiant chakra within
your fist which explodes into a golden dragon of your
description. Make a melee Taijutsu attack on up to 3
creatures of your choice that you would pass with your
movement. On a hit, you deal your unarmed damage + 7d6
force damage as you strike and pass through each creature.
If this jutsu is cast as a Finisher, you target a single
creature and make a melee taijutsu attack dealing your
unarmed damage + 10d8 force damage on hit, ignoring
resistance and treating immunity as resistance.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage
die by one step. (d4<d6<d8<d10<d12). If upcast to S-Rank or
higher as a Finisher, this jutsu ignores both resistance and
Forced Spirit Fission
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: A-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: CM, M
Cost: 20 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Description: You channel chakra into your hands and instead
of condensing it, you reverse the process, while in contact
with another creature. Make a melee Taijutsu or Ninjutsu
attack. On hit, you deal 12d8 force damage to the creature's
hit points and half the result to their chakra. If the affected
creature is currently benefitting from a jutsu, they must make
a concentration check with a penalty equal to Xd4, where X
equals how many jutsu they are benefitting from.
This check must be rolled regardless of whether the jutsu
requires concentration, and even if they are not the original
caster of the jutsu. If the jutsu does require concentration,
they make their concentration check at disadvantage. If the
target is unable to lose concentration as the result of a jutsu,
trait, or feature, they still must roll, but the Xd4 penalty given
by this jutsu is halved. If the target is not benefitting from any
jutsu, they must succeed a Constitution saving throw or lose
the ability to concentrate on jutsu for 2d4 rounds.
Additionally, if the creature has stolen any form of chakra
or energy from other creatures and still possesses it, they
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
these chakras/energies are immediately expelled in their
entirety and returned to their original owner(s). If having
these chakras/energies returned would go beyond the
owner(s) maximums, the difference becomes temporary
chakra or a temporary form of whatever the energy may be.
a weapon with the Thrown property. In the event you lose
Wukong Clan (Elite) your tail, it grows back after 24 hours.
"We're completely surrounded!" Bardin states in a panic as Beginning at 3rd level, your Tail improves your body's
he is pressed into a corner by multiple of the enemy. Bardin strength and maneuverability. When making a Strength or
had gone into battle with multiple teammates, but they Dexterity skill check, you can add your proficiency bonus to
couldn't have been prepared for the sheer number of the roll if you wouldn't already. This feature does not apply if
powerful shinobi that the hidden grass possessed. He had you are rolling as part of a clash, or rolling for Stealth.
shot a flare and requested for backup, but now he is Beginning at 7th level, as a bonus action, you can attempt
beginning to lose all hope. "What I am going to do!?" As the to grapple a creature within 5 feet of you with your tail. (See
enemy draws in closer, Bardin begins seeing his life flash rules for grappling). If you succeed this grapple, you quickly
before his eyes, but the visage is soon broken by a familiar wrap your tail around your leg and flip them over, knocking
voice. "I don't know Bardin, what are you going to do?" them prone. The next attack that targets the creature gains a
Bardin opens his eyes and looks toward the voice. Standing +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
atop the hill, he soon recognizes the figure as his comrade Prideful Focus: The Elite Wukong are known for being
Arame. "Arame!" Arame smirks. "Seriously, I don't extremely prideful and arrogant. They do not hesitate to
understand why you all couldn't have just waited for me." showcase their incredible strength when they can. Beginning
Arame quickly performs rapid hand signs and gathers a ball at 3rd level, you gain and dedicate your pride to one of the
of energy in front of her, firing it at the enemy surrounding following Talents; At 15th level, you gain a 2nd Talent.
Bardin blowing them asunder. Arame then jumps and lands Battleborn Talent. Your skill on the frontlines exceeds all
in front of Bardin. "Well. It's too late now. Time to clean up." other shinobi. You gain a +2 to initiative rolls and your
-- Earth Shinobi Toei unarmed damage die becomes a 1d6. If it already a 1d6, it
Dilapidated Journal, predating the First Great Shinobi War increases by 1 step. Starting at 11th level, whenever you
deal your unarmed damage, you may add half your
proficiency bonus, rounded up, to the damage roll. You
Prideful Legacy may do this up to twice per turn. Starting at 18th level,
The Elite Wukong are a prideful sort that boast powerful your bonus to initiative becomes a +4.
chakra techniques and possess a unique kekkei-genkai in Mental Talent: Your mental acuity crushes all who are
form of a monkey-like tail. This unassuming attribute is feebleminded. You gain an additional D-Rank hijutsu of
rumored to showcase their connection to the fabled Wukong your choice, and your Passive Perception and Passive
Ancestor, proving their superiority and strength over the Low- Insight increases by an amount equal to half your
Class Wukong. Some legends even state that this tail can proficiency bonus. When you would make a Wisdom or
lead to a power capable of destroying entire villages. Charisma saving throw, you can change it to an
Intelligence saving throw. You may do this once per short
Elite Wukong Traits rest. You gain an additional use of this feature at 11th and
Ability Score Increase: +2 Str or Int, Con +1 (Your choice) 18th levels.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Tenacious Talent: Your stubbornness to never back down
Skill Proficiencies: Chakra Control; Pick one between yields to no one. Once per short rest, you can cast any
Athletics or Martial Arts. jutsu that requires an attack roll or imposes a saving
Armor Proficiency: You are proficient in Medium armor. throw, and casting of 1 action, as a reaction, granting it the
clash keyword. If the jutsu already has the clash keyword,
Elite Wukong Features add a 1d4 to your clash check. Starting at 11th level, once
Primal Techniques: The Elite Wukong have access to a per turn, while you are at 50% or less of your current hit
separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add these points, you can roll a Constitution (Survival) check against
jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the a DC of 25. (This check cannot benefit from expertise.) On
normal jutsu list. a success, you activate your Zenkai Boost.
Naturally Gifted: The Elite Wukong are known for being Starting at 18th level, when you initiate a
exceptional shinobi from a very early age. Starting at 1st level, clash, you roll at advantage.
when you would roll a Hit Die or Chakra Die to regain HP or Zenkai Boost: Starting at 7th level, your
chakra, you may roll an extra hit or chakra die (This does not persistance in battle makes the beckoning
spend one) and add it to the result. You can do this a number light of the afterlife nothing but a boon for
of times equal to half your proficiency, per long rest. you to conquer. When you first reach 0
Starting at 7th level, you are immune to hostile effects that hit points and are healed to at least 1 hit
would reduce hit points or chakra points you would regain. point, you gain temporary hit points equal
Ancestral Blood: The Elite Wukong, compared to the Low- to twice your level and temporary
Class Wukong, are far more in touch with their roots. You are chakra equal to half the amount. Your
born with a brown primate-like tail that you keep wrapped primary jutsu casting modifiers, and their
around your waist most of the time. Beginning at 1st level, maximums, increase by +2, and any failed
your Tail is strong enough to hold small items such as death saves you possess, are removed.
Lanterns or small thrown weapons such as Kunai or You lose all benefits after 1 hour and
Shiruken, while keeping your hands free. If holding the latter, can only activate this feature once per
you can as a bonus action make a ranged weapon attack with long rest.
Primal Energy Rings
Elite Wukong Clan Jutsu Classification: Hijutsu
D-Rank Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Arrogant Denial Range: 30 Feet
Classification: Hijutsu Duration: 1 Minute
Rank: D-Rank Components: HS, CM
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you take Cost: 5 Chakra
damage. Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
Range: Self Description: A technique developed for catching swifty
Duration: 1 Round opponents, such as the Low-Class Wukong. You weave a
Components: M simple sign, outstretching your index and middle finger
Cost: 3 Chakra together, causing rings of chakra to form and bind a creature.
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Select one creature in range. The creature must make a
Description: "What's the matter? Monkey got your tongue?" Strength saving throw, becoming restrained for the duration
As a reaction when a hostile creature would damage you, you on a failed save. If the creature is within 10 feet of a wall or
can in response make a small derogatory gesture and wall-like surface, you can bind the creature against that wall.
announce to the target that their attack will mean nothing. If used on an airborne creature, they make their saving throw
You cannot use this jutsu if you have 1 or more ranks of fear at disadvantage.
against the triggering creature. At the start of each of the creature's turns they can make a
Until the start of your next turn, you gain resistance to all Strength or Dexterity (Martial Arts) check against your
damage and have advantage on saving throws from the Ninjutsu Save DC, breaking free on a success.
triggering creature. However, your pronounced arrogance At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
causes you to wain all concern. The triggering creature has D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the range by 15
advantage on attack rolls against you, and you cannot gain feet, and the creature
any bonuses to saving throws they impose on you outside of gains a -1 penalty to their initial saving throw for each rank
this jutsu and Elite Wukong features. this jutsu is upcast to.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
D-Rank, increase the cost by 3, and reduce each instance of Shimmering Slash
damage from the triggering creature by 1d8. If this jutsu is Classification: Hijutsu
cast to A-Rank, you ignore effects that would prevent your Rank: D-Rank
saving throws from being made at advantage, and you halve Casting Time: 1 Action
the damage you receive from the creature, instead of gaining Range: Movement Speed
resistance (this cannot stack with resistance). Duration: Instant
Components: M, W (Any Melee)
Comet Burst Attack Cost: 5 Chakra
Classification: Hijutsu Keywords: Hijutsu, Bukijutsu, Combo
Rank: D-Rank Description: You channel the primal energy within you and
Casting Time: 1 Action dash towards a creature at full speed for a resounding strike
Range: 60 Feet with your blade. Move up to your movement speed at a
Duration: Instant creature you could reach with your weapon. This does not
Components: HS, CM provoke an attack of opportunity. Make a melee taijutsu
Cost: 5 Chakra attack against the creature, dealing your weapons damage +
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu 2d8. On a successful hit, you gain the benefit of the
Description: You raise your hand, disengage action until the start of your next turn.
outstretching your palm and condensing Until the end of your next turn, you can target one
explosive chakra into an orb in the middle affected creature with a Bukijutsu Finisher or
of your palm. Make a ranged Ninjutsu Elite Wukong Hijutsu Finisher, regardless of
attack against a creature within range, range, once per turn, using either an Action or
taking 3d10 + your Ninjutsu ability modifier in Bonus action, ignoring its listed casting time.
force damage on a hit. Attacking with this jutsu at At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this
close range does not impose disadvantage on the jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this
attack roll. jutsu by 3 and the damage by 1d8. If cast to B-Rank
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu or higher, increase the number of attacks made by
above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the +1. If cast to S-Rank or higher, increase the
range by 30 feet, and the damage by 2d10. If cast to number of attacks made by +1.
B-Rank, on a hit the explosion generated causes the area
within 15 feet of the creature to become difficult terrain. All
other creatures within this area of effect, excluding you and
the target, must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take half
the damage of this jutsu.
C-Ranks At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage by
Blazing Strike 1d8 in all instances, and the distance you throw the creature
Classification: Hijutsu in the Finisher by 20ft. If cast to B-Rank or higher, as a
Rank: C-Rank Finisher, if the creature is reduced to 0 hit points from the
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action ranged taijutsu attack, they are immediately killed.
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instant Primal Energy Gun
Components: HS, CM Classification: Hijutsu
Cost: 7 Chakra Rank: C-Rank
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu Casting Time: 1 Action
Description: You cannot ignore this jutsu’s HS requirement. Range: Self (45-foot line)
You make weird but necessary hand seals in order to build up Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
heat in your hands, after it’s done you quickly fire the energy Components: HS, CM
at a creature within range. Make a ranged ninjutsu attack, Cost: 8 Chakra
dealing 9d4 fire damage and giving 1 rank of Burned on a hit. Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash
Until the end of your turn, the target can be targeted by Description: You curl your fingers and clasp your hands
Jutsu with the Finisher keyword or Elite Wukong Bukijutsu together so that the palm of one hand is on the back of the
or Taijutsu regardless of range, once per turn, using either an other. You begin gathering an incredible amount of energy, so
Action or Bonus action, ignoring its listed casting time. potent that it singes your eyebrows and hair ever so slightly.
If you cast a Jutsu that makes attacks this way, and hit all You then fire a 45-foot long, 5-foot wide Fuchia-colored beam
attacks that it makes, you may use your reaction to blast the of chakra. If this jutsu is used while in midair, your
creature with a final burst of energy, dealing three times your momentum is stopped, allowing you to hover in place. You do
proficiency bonus as fire damage against the target. not spend chakra to maintain concentration of this jutsu.
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above Make a ranged ninjutsu attack against a creature within
C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage by range, dealing 6d8 force damage on hit. All creatures whose
1d4, and the range by +15ft. If cast to B-Rank or higher, if the space your line passes through must make a Dexterity saving
reaction of this jutsu reduces the target to 0 hit points, they throw, taking the damage of this jutsu on a failed save, or half
are immediately killed. as much on a success. This jutsu then ends.
Charge: When this jutsu is cast and at the start of
Blazing Dome Attack consecutive turns after casting, you can choose to delay your
Classification: Hijutsu attack, instead spending your action to continue charging the
Rank: C-Rank attack. For each turn you spend charging this jutsu, it deals
Casting Time: 1 Action an additional 2 die of damage, and increases the damage
Range: Touch dealt by 1 step. You can charge this jutsu a number of times
Duration: Instant equal to half your proficiency bonus before this jutsu ends
Components: Special early.
Cost: 9 Chakra At Higher
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Finisher Ranks: For each
Description: As part of casting this jutsu, your target must be rank you cast this
above you. You raise your hands high above you and create a jutsu above C-Rank,
dome of blazing orange chakra all around you. Select one increase the cost of
target that is above you, no matter the distance. You fire a this jutsu by 3, the
beam from this dome, making a ranged Taijutsu attack damage by 1d8, and
against the target. On a hit, the target takes 5d8+your the length of the
Taijutsu ability modifier in force damage. Additionally, all line by 10 feet.
creatures within 10 feet of you, of your choice, must succeed
a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d8 force damage and be
knocked 10 feet away from you and fall prone.
If this jutsu is used as a Finisher, your target does not
need to be airborne. Make one melee taijutsu attack as you go
in for a punch, dealing your unarmed damage on a hit.
Regardless of a hit or miss, you grab the target and initiate a
grapple contest. If you succeed, you grapple the creature and
begin spinning them wildly in multiple circles. The creature
must make a Strength saving throw, at disadvantage if your
melee taijutsu attack scored a hit. On a failed save, the
creature becomes motion sick and cannot take reactions until
the end of the turn. Regardless of a success or failure, you
throw the creature 40 feet into the air, and follow up with the
ranged Taijutsu attack of this jutsu, as if you didn't cast this
jutsu as a Finisher.
B-Rank 2 Charges: Affected creatures gain 2 ranks of Burned and
are Dazed.
Gravity Bash 3 Charges: Affected creatures gain 2 ranks of Burned,
Classification: Hijutsu and are Incapacitated until the start of their next turn.
Rank: B-Rank At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above
Casting Time: 1 Action B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the damage
Range: Movement Speed by 1d12.
Duration: Instant
Components: CM, M
Cost: 14 Chakra A-Rank
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Finisher, Clash Final Atonement
Description: You quickly raise your hand to the sky and Classification: Hijutsu
charge up a large amount of chakra which shoots high into Rank: A-Rank
the sky, sending dirt and other small debris flying all around Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action
you. The beam rapidly compresses into the sphere and you Range: Self (150-foot sphere)
charge at a creature within range of your full movement and Duration: Instant
make a melee Taijutsu attack. On hit, you deal 6d10 force Components: HS, CM
damage and the creature must make a Strength saving throw, Cost: Special (1 Chakra)
becoming dazed until the end of their next turn and being Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Kinjutsu
knocked back 60 feet. If a creature knocked back by this jutsu Description: A forbidden jutsu that goes against the prideful,
collides with a solid object, their movement is stopped, taking arrogant nature of the Elite Wukong. This jutsu is used, not
falling damage as if they had fallen an equal distance. for one's self, but to preserve the future and safety of those
If this jutsu is used as a Finisher, this jutsu now deals you hold dear. You weave but a single sign, an ancient hand
8d10 force damage and the creature makes their saving sign from the Wukong of old. The primordial technique
throw at disadvantage, gaining the effects of a failed save and causes nature energy to begin manifesting and gather inside
knocked back an additional 30 feet. yourself. The sky darkens and you become the brightest
At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above source of light.
B-Rank, increase the cost by 3, the damage by 1d10 As the energy gathers, you will is spoken through it. All
respectively, and the knockback by 15 feet. allied creatures within 150 feet of you have their movement
speed replenished and quadrupled until the end of the turn
Primal Energy Flash and gain an immediate reaction which allows them to take
Classification: Hijutsu their movement.
Rank: B-Rank With a loud battle cry, you unleash all of the energy you
Casting Time: 1 Action have gathered inside of yourself, generating a gargantuan
Range: Self (60-foot line) explosion that takes up a 150-foot sphere. All creatures in
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute range take 75d4 + the result of all of your remaining hit die +
Components: HS, CM 100 force damage, ignoring resistance, immunity, and
Cost: 14 Chakra damage reduction. Unattended objects and structures within
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash range of this jutsu are vaporized. As the dust settles, you die,
Description: You take a charging stance, outstretching both your corpse becoming petrified in stone, becoming a
of your arms at your sides and beginning to charge bright testament to your final noble act.
golden chakra all around yourself. For the duration of this
jutsu, you emit 60 feet of bright light and 60 feet of dim light
thereafter. Additionally, if this jutsu is used while in midair,
your momentum is stopped, allowing you to hover in place.
At the start of your next turn as an action, you can fire out a
10-foot wide, 60-foot long beam of chakra at a creature within
range. Make a ranged ninjutsu attack and compare the result
against each creature's AC. On a hit, the creature takes 7d12
force damage and becomes burned. This jutsu then ends. If
you score a critical hit with this jutsu only the first target hit
by this jutsu, suffers the effects of the critical hit.
Charge: When this jutsu is cast and at the start of
consecutive turns after casting, you can choose to delay your
attack, instead spending your action to continue charging the
attack. For each turn you spend charging this jutsu, the jutsu
deals an additional die of damage, increases its width by 5
feet, its length by 15 feet, and deals additional effects, listed
below. You can charge this jutsu a number of times equal to
half your proficiency bonus before this jutsu ends early.
1 Charges: Affected creatures are Burned and Dazed.
Spirit Sword Convergence
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: A-Rank
Casting Time: Special
Range: Self
Duration: Special (Concentration)
Components: CM, W (Any Melee)
Cost: Special (20 Chakra)
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu
Description: You take a weapon in hand and raise it high into
the sky, pouring your chakra and mixing it with the energy of
nature. This jutsu can be cast even with a broken weapon.
Your weapon grows massively in size and begins radiating
light of your chakra color. You gain the following benefits for
the duration of this jutsu; When you cast this jutsu, allies
within 60 feet of you, other than you, can lend you 10 chakra
(no action required) to enhance this jutsu further.
This jutsu lasts for 5 rounds, plus an additional round for
each ally that assists you in casting this jutsu, other than
yourself. If 3 or more allies assist you, this jutsu no longer
requires concentration. The casting time of this jutsu is a full
turn action, is reduced by 1 step for each ally that assists you.
(1 Full Turn Action>1 Action>1 Bonus Action)
Your weapon deals an additional die of damage, and gains
a +1 to attack and damage rolls for each allied creature
that assists you (Max. +3). If 3 or more allies assist you,
once per turn, when you make an attack with this weapon,
you can make an additional weapon attack.
Your weapon increases its critical threat range by +1 for
weapon and taijutsu attacks. For each ally that assists you,
increase this bonus by +1 (Max. +3). If 3 or more allies
assist you, you ignore immunity to critical hits.
Your weapon gains the Blocking, Deadly, and Reach
properties. For each ally that assists you, you gain an
additional rank of reach. If 3 or more allies assist you,
your ranks of reach also increase the range of Bukijutsu.
Your weapon is instantly repaired, cannot be broken, and
emits 20 feet of bright light and 40 feet of dim light. For
each ally that assists you, you increase both light sources
by 20 feet. If 3 or more allies assist you, this light dispels
chakra-enhanced darkness.
Your movement speed is doubled, and you ignore difficult
terrain. For each ally that assists you, increase your
movement speed by +20 feet. If 3 or more allies assist you,
you are immune to all effects that would lower your
movement speed.
You gain 7 temporary hit points at the start of each of your
turns (this does not stack with itself). For each ally that
assists you, increase the temporary hit points gained by
+7. If 3 or more allies assist you, while you have these
temporary hit points, reduce all damage you receive by -5.
You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws. For each ally that
assists you, increase this bonus by +1 (up to a +3). If 3 or
more allies assist you, you cannot make saving throws at
Efficient Ketsuryūgan
Clan Feats Category: Clan
Chinoike Prerequisite: Chinoike Clan, Level 8+
Your Ketsuryūgan improves in efficiency and speed due to
Blood Medicine your dedication to your clan's bloodwork. You gain the
Category: Clan following benefits;
Prerequisite: Chinoike Clan
To improve your manipulation of blood, you decide to take Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by +1, to the
some time to study in the medical industry. You gain the maximum of 20.
following benefits; Reduce the cost of activating your Ketsuryūgan by half.
You can use your Ketsuryūgan features a number of times
You gain the ability to learn jutsu with the Medical equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.
keyword. Chinoike Hijutsu you cast that would receive additional
All Chinoike Hijutsu you know gain the Medical keyword. benefits from your Ketsuryūgan being active at casting,
Medical jutsu you cast can benefit from your Sanguine no longer require you to have your Ketsuryūgan active
Prowess feature and Ketsuryūgan bonus action ability. prior to receiving the benefits. This is not the same as
Whenever you heal a creature with a jutsu with the hijutsu which require you to have your Ketsuryūgan active
medical keyword, you can automatically remove bleeding in order to cast the jutsu in the first place.
condition from them.
Tethered Plasma
Sanguine Adept Category: Clan
Category: Clan Prerequisite: Chinoike Clan, Level 12+
Prerequisite: Chinoike Clan, Level 8+ The bond that you form with creatures under the effects of
You become more efficient with your blood techniques, whilst your Blood Pact feature grows stronger. You gain the
simultaneously learning new ways to mold blood for following benefits;
additional benefits; You gain the following benefits;
Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to the
Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, up to the maximum of 20.
maximum of 20. Features of your Blood Pact that have a set range, have
When you damage yourself to your Sanguine Prowess that range doubled.
feature, you instead lose 2 hit points, instead of 1d4. Patrons gain resistance to Necrotic damage and
You can now use corpses as a sufficient source of water. advantage against the bleeding condition for the duration
When you do, you also simultaneously gain the benefits of of your Blood Pact. If your Ketsuryūgan is active, they
your Sanguine Prowess feature, without needing to use are instead immune to the bleeding condition.
your own blood. The amount of times this can be done When you and your Patron would share hit points gained
with a corpse depends on its size. (Tiny-0 uses, Small-1, from a medical jutsu, the creature being healed can spend
Medium-3, Large-6, Huge-10, Gargantuan-20) 5 chakra instead of their reaction to do so.
You gain new options for your Sanguine Prowess feature; Patrons can benefit use your Sanguine Prowess feature
Impose a -1d4 penalty against creatures who would as if you used it at 3rd level. The amount of times this can
attempt to counter, dispel, negate, or clash your be performed is equal to your Constitution modifier, and
jutsu. uses of this feature are shared between all Patrons.
Deal an additional amount of chakra damage to one
affected creature equal to the amount of damage Genwa
die used by the jutsu. (Ex. Dealing 6d10 cold Uplink
damage also deals 6 chakra damage) Category: Clan
Reduce the movement speed of all affected Prerequisite: Genwa Clan
creatures by -10ft, to a minimum of 5ft, until the Your mind is constantly flooded with new information from
end of your next turn. your surrounding environment, due to the over fluxing nature
of Data Release. You dedicate time to meditate and focus
your kekkei genkai's energy to utilize its potential. You gain
the following benefits;
Increase your Intelligence or Dexterity score by 1, up to a
maximum of 20.
All of your ability scores are counted as being +2 higher,
for the purpose of casting higher ranked Sensory jutsu
through any ability score restrictions.
You can learn and create jutsu with the Sensory keyword
in half the time.
Liveleak Heaven's Hellfire
Category: Clan Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Genwa Clan, Level 4+ Prerequisite: Genwa Clan, Level 12+
The Genwa are best known for their ability to uncover the The power and influence of technology continue to grow as
truth and expose it to the masses. While you do not have the world continues to evolve. You are a part of this trend,
many elders to teach you their ways, you learn of the exceeding all those around you who have become dated. You
infamous nature of the Genwa, and figure out how do it all gain the following benefits;
yourself. You gain the following benefits; You gain access to another Data Channel.
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to a maximum of You can perform a Data Leak a number of times equal to
20. your Intelligence modifier, instead of only twice.
Reduce the cost of all Genwa Hijutsu by -1. When you would use Stable Frequency to change the
When you cast a jutsu with the Lightning Release keyword duration of a jutsu to 1 minute, you no longer have to
with a duration greater than instant, that does not require double the jutsu's cost to do so. If you still do, the duration
concentration, its duration is automatically doubled. becomes 3 minutes.
You can always connect to the Ninja-Net, no matter the You cannot lose concentration of Genwa Hijutsu as the
distance or interference, as long as you are on the same result of taking damage or failing a concentration check.
plane of existence as the servers used to run it.
Once per short rest, you can choose to begin Hylia
streaming your vision to a device you are holding or Force of Power
that can accessed through the Ninja-Net (Ex. a Category: Clan
computer screen in the Hokage's office while you Prerequisite: Hylia Clan, Power Path, Level 8+
are in the Hidden Rain.) This counts as Through intense training and prayer, you awaken more power
concentration, and you must spend 3 chakra at the from the seal of Power, giving you the following benefits;
start of each of your turns to maintain this.
Increase your Strength or Constitution scores by +1, up to
Zero to Hero the maximum of 20.
Category: Clan You can now use two of your Calamity Die abilities per
Prerequisite: Genwa Clan, Level 4+ turn, so long as you use two different abilities.
You discover a method of using Data Release to store raw Once per casting, when you cast a Hylia Hijutsu that
information within yourself, as if you had a second mind, requires concentration, you can spend 1 Calamity Die to
enabling you to subconsciously mold lightning more ignore the chakra cost of the jutsu for a number of rounds
effectively. You gain the following benefits; equal to half the die result (Min. 1).
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to a maximum of Twice per long rest, when you spend Calamity Die, you
20. can give yourself a bonus to your next damage roll equal
When you cast a jutsu with the Lightning Release keyword to the result of all die rolled on your turn, and a bonus to
that can be Overcharged, you can choose to spend 4 AC equal to the start of your next turn equal to half the
chakra as opposed to a bonus action to overcharge it. result of the highest die rolled on your turn.
You always count as possessing a Recording Scroll, and Force of Wisdom
the amount of words and audio you can record in a Category: Clan
Recording scroll is doubled. You can share the contents Prerequisite: Hylia Clan, Wisdom Path
you have stored by broadcasting it to a device you can see, Through intense training and prayer, you awaken more power
or creating a small cloud of Data Release that shows from the seal of Wisdom, giving you the following benefits;
onlookers what you have stored.
Twice per short rest, when you would cast a Genwa Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom scores by +1, up to
Hijutsu, you can cast another Genwa Hijutsu at half cost, the maximum of 20.
as part of the same action. The 2nd jutsu cast cannot deal You gain proficiency in Wisdom or Intelligence saving
damage or affect a hostile creature. throws (pick one).
Ninjutsu you cast with the Sensory or Fuinjutsu keyword,
automatically gain the benefits of your Goddess Artifact.
When you use your Goddess Artifact, you gain additional
A golden aura of chakra surrounds you when used.
You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to
the cost of the jutsu for 1 minute.
You ignore the CM component of your jutsu.
Creatures have disadvantage on checks to dispel,
counter, or interrupt your jutsu and double the
chakra cost to active such effects (If there is no
chakra cost associated with their effect, they must
expend an amount of chakra equal to your level to
use it).
Force of Courage
Hylian Steed Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Hylia Clan, Courage Path, Level 4+
X-Rank, Herbivorian Sage Creature, unaligned
Through intense training and prayer, you awaken more power
Armor Class Calculated Summon AC + 3. from the seal of Courage, giving you the following benefits;
Hit Points Calculated Summon Hit Points + 30. Increase your Dexterity or Charisma scores by +1, up to
Speed Calculated Summon Speed + 30ft.
the maximum of 20.
When you would reroll a natural 1, your new result is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA unable to be a 1. If it is, reroll until it is not.
X (+X) X (+X) X (+X) X (+X) X (+X) X (+X)
Choose two weapons that you are proficient in. These
weapons become Master Weapons for you. Master
Condition Resistances. Grappled, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Weapons can only ever be wielded by you, are
Restrained, Stunned unbreakable, and Bukijutsu you cast with a Master
Saving Throws All Weapon can use your weapon's attack bonus in place of
Skills Athletics, History, Persuasion your taijutsu attack bonus.
Senses Keen Sight, Keen Smell, Darkvision 60ft While moving, as an action you can spend 10 Chakra to
Languages Common (Comprehend) summon an ethereal horse known as the Hylian Steed.
You, and a creature you are holding, automatically mount
Bonded Spirit. You and your Hylian Steed can your steed when summoned as it appears below you. You
telepathically communicate within a 1 mile distance. can unsummon the Hylian Steed as an action. If your
While the Steed cannot speak, it can communicate Hylian Steed dies, it is unsummoned, and cannot be
emotions. Additionally, jutsu you cast that would only summoned for 1 hour. The Hylian Steed uses the
affect you, also affect your Hylian Steed.
following statistics;
Courageous Stride. The Hylian Steed ignores difficult
terrain, has double its normal jump height, and has a Legend of the Chosen
water walking speed equal to its movement speed. While Category: Clan
mounted on the Steed, the rider can spend their bonus Prerequisite: Hylia Clan, Level 12+
action, a number of times equal to your Charisma The seal marked on your palm from birth begins to glow and
modifier (Min. 1) per long rest, to double to Steed's
movement speed and grant it the benefits of the Dodge change, allowing you access to the abilities and seal of
and Disengage actions for 1 round. another path of the Hylia clan, granting you the following
Ethereal Form. The Hylian Steed can carry up to 2
medium sized creatures, or 1 large creature. The Hylian Increase any ability score by +1, up to the maximum of 20.
Steed protects itself and its riders from the first 60 feet
of fall damage, afterwhich both the rider and mount take
Select another Path from the Path of Fate that you did
fall damage as normal. In combat, the Hylian Steed not choose. You gain the full benefits of this seal and 1
disappears at the end of its summoner's turn. The Hylian Hylia clan jutsu with the keyword of the path you chose.
Steed also disappears if you are unmounted from it and it
cannot see you for an entire minute. When the Hylian
Steed disappears, all riders and objects it was carrying fall
gently to the ground.
Loyal Steed. The Hylian Steed only listens to you or your
allies in the event of your absence. The Hylian Steed
cannot be controlled or mounted against its will. If a
creature attempts to mount the horse without
permission, they fall through the horse.
Sage Beast. Your Hylian Steed takes the hit die, skill
proficiencies, statistics, and summon features of the
Horse Summon (This summon can be found in the Team
7 Compendium) of the Summoning Technique. Your
Steed's rank counts as your highest known jutsu rank.
Ability score improvements and summon features your
Steed takes, cannot be changed once distributed. Your
Steed's size can never be greater than large. The Hylian
Steed begins with all 3 D-Rank features of the Horse
Summon, and gains an additional rank based feature each
time your rank would increase. The Hylian Steed cannot
take traits that would allow it to deal damage or attack, as
it cannot attack itself (It may take traits that would enable
a rider to boost their attack or damage roll, however).
Iburi Rebellious Cinders
Category: Clan
Weaponized Fumes Prerequisite: Iburi Clan, Level 12+
Category: Clan The destructive nature of your Will-O-Wisp improves,
Prerequisite: Iburi Clan allowing you to broaden the type of jutsu that can benefit
You have become so adept at manipulating smoke that you from this ability. You gain the following benefits;
are able to formulate the particles necessary in the air to
create a weapon without spending much, if any, chakra. You Increase your Intelligence score by +1, up to the maximum
gain the following benefits; of 20.
You can now use your Will-O-Wisp feature on Fire
Increase your Intelligence score by +1, up to the maximum Release jutsu that require a saving throw. If the jutsu
of 20. targets creatures, you may target an additional creature. If
You gain a special natural weapon known as Smoke Shot. the jutsu affects creatures within a certain radius, you may
This weapon counts a ranged weapon and cannot have increase the radius of creature's affected by 5 feet.
seals. This weapon uses your Ninjutsu attack bonus and When you would use your Will-O-Wisp feature on a Fire
has a range of (30/60). On a hit, you deal 1dX fire damage, Release jutsu that requires an attack roll, the radius of
where X is equal to double your Intelligence modifier creatures affected increases by 5 feet and you can now
(Min. 1d4/ Max. 1d12). Weapon attacks with this weapon choose which creatures are effected.
count as making an attack roll with a jutsu with the Fire Creatures that fail the saving throw against your Will-O-
Release keyword for the purposes of Iburi Clan features, Wisp feature now take the full damage that the original
feats, and hijutsu. target would've taken.
Select a damage type between Bludgeoning, Slashing, and
Piercing. Your Smoke Shot weapon's damage now counts Kurashi
as the damage type you chose for the purpose of casting
Bukijutsu that require a ranged weapon of a specific No Stone Left Unturned
damage type. Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Kurashi Clan, Level 8+
Ash and Dust You return to your studies at schools of the Kurashi clan and
Category: Clan work to excel in a new field. You gain the following benefits;
Prerequisite: Iburi Clan, Level 8+ Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by
The flames you generate leave behind a myriad of ash and +1, to the maximum of 20.
dust within their wake. You gain the following benefits; You gain access to another School from your School of
Increase your Intelligence score by +1, up to the maximum Academia feature.
of 20. Select one School from your School of Academia
Twice per long rest, When you succeed in a clash with a feature. You gain proficiency in the saving throw attributed
jutsu with the Fire Release keyword, you can blind the to your chosen school's attribute. At 16th level, you may
losing creature until the end of their next turn. select a second school's saving throw to become proficient
When you are within 15 feet of a source of fire or smoke, in.
that does not come a chakra based source, you can siphon
the smoke to refuel your energy, once per full rest. When Shadow Weaver
you do, spend a number of chakra die equal to half your Category: Clan
proficiency bonus, rolling each die, and adding your Prerequisite: Kurashi Clan, Level 4+
Intelligence and Constitution modifier to the final result, You study the strange jutsu techniques of the Kurashi clan
regaining the result as chakra. The source of fire and/or and focus on gaining the utmost efficiency out of your
smoke is immediately exstinguished. "creatures" of shadow. You gain the following benefits;
If you have the Smoke Shot natural weapon, it gains an Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by
additional die of damage, and its range becomes (60/120). +1, to the maximum of 20.
Select a number of E-Rank jutsu equal to half your
proficiency bonus that you do not already know (excluding
True Strike). These jutsu are denoted as Shadow Jutsu
for you. You may treat Shadow Jutsu as Kurashi Hijutsu,
and may, once per round, cast a Shadow Jutsu without any
components nor any actions. You may switch any number
of these jutsu on a full rest.
You gain access to a new Kurashi Skill-Based Action
known as Mold Shadow.
Kurashi Armament Training Makishin
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Kurashi Clan Natural Disaster
You learn of another School of the Kurashi clan where clan Category: Clan
members are trained to utilize weaponry as opposed to Prerequisite: Makishin Clan
investigative technique. You decide attending this school You focus on manifesting a nature release, and harness your
would be in your best interest. Gain the following benefits; chaotic energy to empower the chakra transformation. You
gain the following benefits;
You gain proficiency in Matchlock Rifles and Matchlock
Pistols. These weapons become known as Kurashi Increase your Intelligence or Constitution score by 1, up to
Armament for you. a maximum of 20.
On a rest, you may choose to modify a Kurashi You select one of the 5 following Nature Releases. Earth,
Armament to improve its usability at the cost of its Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning. You are now able to add
lethality. If you do, until your next rest your chosen jutsu with the corresponding Keyword to your jutsu list.
Kurashi Armament loses the Volatile property, but You learn one jutsu with your element's keyword of your
reduces its damage die by -1. highest known rank or lower, this does not count against
When you would run out of ammunition for a Kurashi your Jutsu Known. You learn one additional jutsu of your
Armament, you may as a bonus action spend 3 chakra to highest rank or lower, that does not count against your
summon a creature of shadow to replenish the weapon's Jutsu Known at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels.
ammunition, giving you a new stack of ammunition which While in your Majin Transformation jutsu you cast with
lasts for 10 minutes or until fully used up. your chosen element gain any improvements given to
Once per turn, when you would declare an attack with a Makishin Hijutsu within the transformation itself.
Kurashi Armament, you may make a Shadow Attack. The Wall Standing Tall
When you make a Shadow Attack, a creature of shadow Category: Clan
emerges and amplifies the attack, giving it one of the Prerequisite: Makishin Clan, Level 4+
following effects. Each effect requires you to spend a 5 You have become a pillar of fortitude and power, the wall that
chakra to take effect. guards those who you deem closest by causing chaos to your
Binding Shadow: On a hit, your Shadow Attack foes. You gain the following benefits;
bursts. The target must succeed a Charisma saving
throw against your Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, or Genjutsu Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, up to a
Save DC (pick one) or become Restrained and maximum of 20.
Blinded until the end of their next turn as creatures You can remove up to 2 ranks of Exhaustion per short
of shadow erupt from your attack and bind them. rest, and remove all ranks on a long rest.
Culling Shadow: Your Shadow Attack is split in While in your Majin Transformation, you gain the
two. Select one other target within range of your following benefits;
Kurashi Armament. If your attack matches or Your movement speed increases by 15ft.
exceeds their AC, they take half the attack's Upon transforming, you gain a number of
damage. temporary hp equal to your proficiency bonus.
Piercing Shadow: Your Shadow Attack is made at You are immune to the Bleeding condition.
advantage and on a hit, you bypass all damage
reduction and temporary hit points the creature Makishin Power
may have. Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Makishin Clan, Level 12+
Your inner wrathful energy is constantly overflowing,
elevating your power and causing your body to constantly
repair itself. You gain the following benefits;
Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, up to a
maximum of 20.
Your Makishin Soul can be used an additional time per
long rest.
While in your Majin Transformation, you gain the
following benefits;
Makishin Hijutsu ignore resistance, all DR, and
treat immunity as resistance against structures,
constructs, and objects.
Once per rest, when entering your Makishin
Transformation, you can choose to automatically
succeed the check to remove any Mental or
Sensory conditions you may possess.
You regain hit points equal to your full proficiency
bonus at the start of each of your turns, instead of
only half.
Big Bad Boss
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Makishin Clan, Level 16+, both Makishin
Power and The Wall Standing Tall Clan feats
Your Makishin strength knows no bounds. The battlefield is
your playground, the hearts of even the most evil of foes
quiver at the mere sight of your transformation. Your power is
penultimate. You gain the following benefits;
You cannot lose the ability to mold or generate chakra.
Once per full rest, when you would be killed, a surge of
chakra gathers where you stood, reforming you and
allowing you to revive with 1/3rd of your maximum hit
points restored, though you gain 2 ranks of Exhaustion.
While in your Majin Transformation, you gain the
following benefits;
You gain a +1 to attack and Save DC with Makishin
When you would lose or lose function of an organ
or limb, you can spend 2 hit die to immediately
regenerate said organ or limb. Toxic Display
You reduce all damage you receive by -5, and treat Category: Clan
critical hits made against you as normal hits. Prerequisite: Sankaku Clan, Level 4+
You realize that the best way to win a battle is to debilitate
Sankaku your foes to the point where they can no longer fight with
Bold Display poison. You decide that the Sankaku Clan's poison abilities
Category: Clan only scratch the surface, so you decide to do your own
Prerequisite: Sankaku Clan research. You gain the following benefits;
You were born to lead your allies in battle and possess an Increase your Strength or Intelligence score by +1, up to a
incredible fortitude under extreme pressure. You train to maximum of 20.
never falter in battle. You gain the following benefits; You gain the ability to learn jutsu with the Medical
Increase your Strength or Constitution score by +1, up to keyword that deal Poison damage or inflict the
a maximum of 20. Envenomed/Poisoned conditions. Danger Points may be
You may calculate your AC with Strength. While using used to increase the attack roll result of these jutsu.
Strength this way, if your Strength modifier goes beyond a You may use Strength as your learning score for these
+5, instead of increasing your AC more, the bonus to AC jutsu, as well as for the Medicine Skill and Medicine Kits.
you would normally recieve becomes DR instead. Additionally, when you deal damage with a Sankaku
You ignore any nature release keyword limitation on Ninjutsu, you may change the damage type to Poison.
learning and casting jutsu with the Combination keyword, When allies assist you in casting Sankaku Combination
and allies may also ignore these limitations to assist you Hijutsu, they are treated as having the jutsu on their
in casting Combination jutsu. known list.
Per full rest, select a number of jutsu you have known Epic Display
with the Combination keyword equal to half your Category: Clan
proficiency bonus. You may use Strength for attack, Prerequisite: Sankaku Clan, Level 8+
damage, and Save DC calculation for these jutsu. You are the most flashy shinobi on the team. You pride
yourself on the quickest to act, having the coolest jutsu, and
carrying the entire team. You gain the following benefits;
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by +1, up to a
maximum of 20.
You can now recover up to 5 Danger Points in a turn.
When you spend Danger Points to increase a creature's
skill check to assist in a Combination jutsu, increase their
result by +2 per Danger Point spent, instead of only +1.
When you spend Danger Points to increase an attack roll,
on a hit, ignore a number of the target's DR equal to 3
times the Danger Points spent.
When you spend Danger Points to increase your speed,
up to 3 times per turn, increase your speed by +10ft,
instead of 5ft. If you spend at least 4 Danger Points to
boost your speed, you gain the benefits Disengage action
and may Dodge as a bonus action on that turn.
(Optional Feat) Danger Doping Your Zanpakuto becomes Superior in quality, increasing
Category: Clan, Rare its maximum amount of seal slots from 5 to 7.
Prerequisite: Sankaku Clan, Level 12+ Bankai
You gain access to a special fruit passed down within the Category: Clan
Sankaku clan, rumored to have similar effects to the food Prerequisite: Shinigami Clan, Level 16+
pills of the legendary Akimichi clan. You gain 1 Danger Dope You awaken the 3rd and final form of your Zanpakuto, known
fruit, which possesses no bulk and costs 1000 Ryo. You can as the Bankai. This power only emerges to the strongest of
rebuy a pill on a long rest and during downtime, but you can the Shinigami, so much so that its existence is considered a
only have 1 pill at a time. You can consume this fruit on your fable even amongst the clan's eldest ranks. And now, this
turn (no action required). When you do, your muscles enlarge mythical power is yours to wield. Compared to your
and you emit an aura of fiery chakra, gaining the following Zanpakuto's Shikai form, its Bankai form is more grandiose
benefits for 1 minute; After 1 minute, you lose all Danger in appearance and ability. You gain the following benefits;
Points and gain 2 ranks of Exhaustion, and must succeed a
DC 30 Constitution saving throw or gain 2 more Exhaustion. As a bonus action while your Zanpakuto is in its Shikai
Your Strength and Constitution scores become 24. form, you can spend 5 chakra to transform it into its
Your speed is doubled and you ignore difficult terrain. Bankai form. If your Zanpakuto is not transformed, you
You cannot be Weakened, Restrained, or Slowed. can spend an additional 5 chakra to activate its Bankai
Your unarmed damage increases by 1 die. form. Your Bankai remains active until the end of combat.
All Sankaku Hijutsu you cast, without a Special cost, have Your Death's Chosen feature is always active while your
their chakra cost halved. Bankai is active.
You regain 1d4+1 Danger Points at the start of each turn. While in your Bankai Form, your weapon gains all the
Taijutsu, Sankaku Hijutsu, and jutsu with the benefits of its Shikai form and deals an additional die of
Combination keyword that you cast or assist in casting, damage. Your weapon also gains an additional 2 weapon
increase the damage dealt by 1 step, treat any 1s or 2s properties, following the same rules as your Shikai,
rolled on damage rolls as 3s, and have their Save DC on however, properties can now stack up to three times,
the turn of casting increased by +1. instead of only two times.
Your Zanpakuto has always been an extension of your
Shinigami soul, and your Bankai represents your soul at its peak
state. Your Dexterity and Intelligence scores increase by
Kido Master +2 and their maximums also increase by +2 while
Category: Clan wielding your weapon.
Prerequisite: Shinigami Clan, Level 4+ Creatures who would be affected by your Spiritual
You have dedicated yourself to the study of Kido and have Pressure are Weakened while they are within range,
perfected your Shinigami Weapon Stance. You gain the ignoring immunity to the Weakened condition. On your
following benefits; turn, you can spend 5 chakra to flair your spiritual
pressure to potentially cause hostile creatures within
Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by +1, up to range, who aren't being affected, to succumb to it. Each of
the maximum of 20. these creatures must succeed a Charisma saving throw
You pick another option from your Mastered Body and against your highest save DC or become affected by your
Mind feature. Spiritual Pressure for as long as they are within range.
You can learn jutsu from both branches of Kido. Once you do this, you cannot do so again for 1 minute.
You can create/learn Shinigami hijutsu in half the time.
Constant Release Shikai
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Shinigami Clan, Level 8+
You have become Master Swordsmen and have become one
with your Zanpakuto, to the point where your Zanpakuto is
always in Shikai form. You gain the following benefits;
Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by +1, up to
the maximum of 20.
Once your Zanpakuto is transformed into its Shikai form,
it remains in this state for 24 hours. Activating your Shikai
also no longer takes a bonus action.
You can now use the jutsu you store within your Shikai as
if your Shikai possessed the Storing Seal, following the
same rules as the storing seal. This special variant of the
Storing Seal has a number of charges equal to half your
Intelligence modifier, rounded up. When you cast the jutsu
stored within your weapon, it is treated as a Shinigami
Hijutsu at casting. You regain 1 charge of your weapon's
charges on a short rest, and all charges on a long rest.
Wukong (Low-Class) Dragon Soul
Category: Clan
Battle Instincts Prerequisite: Low-Class Wukong Clan Level 16+
Category: Clan Your journey as the underdog warrior that never backs down
Prerequisite: Low Class Wukong Clan, Level 4+ from battle even when all odds are against them as molded
Your adaptive prowess in battle is immense compared to the you into a legendary shinobi, whose adventures and virtues
majority of your clan. Without thinking, your body moves shall be passed down as instruments to teach the Low-Class
instinctually, as if every part of you has a mind of its own. You Wukong for generations. You gain the following benefits;
gain the following benefits;
When you would begin combat, you gain a number of
Increase your Dexterity, Constitution, or Intelligence score temporary hit points and temporary chakra points equal
by 1, to a maximum of 20. to your Constitution modifier + twice the number of
While equipped with a Quarterstaff, you can use your hostile creatures who roll initative with you.
Quarterstaff in place of your fists for unarmed attacks and When you first become bloodied in combat (Fall below
Taijutsu. 50% or less of your maximum hp), you can choose to
When you roll your Adaptability Die, you may reroll any trigger your Latent Zenkai Boost feature. If you do, once
1s. You must use the 2nd result. the combat concludes, you gain 2 ranks of Exhaustion.
You gain a new use for your Adaptability Die called You gain new options for your Adaptability Die.
Adaptive Pressure. Adaptive Force. When you would deal damage
Adaptive Pressure: Once per turn when a creature with a Low-Class Wukong Hijutsu, you can spend a
would succeed a saving throw imposed by you, you number of Adaptability Die equal to the jutsu's rank
may increase the Save DC for the ability you used (D/C-Rank: 1, B/A-Rank: 2, S-Rank: 3). If you do,
by half the result of one adaptability die until the add the spent die to the first damage roll, and the
start of your next turn. (Min. 1) You may use this jutsu cast now ignores half of all damage reduction.
feature twice per short rest. Adaptive Tenacity. When you would make an
Natural Selection attack roll or saving throw with disadvantage, you
Category: Clan can spend one Adaptability Die to make the roll
Prerequisite: Low Class Wukong Clan, Level 12+ normally. If used while Bloodied, this technique can
Despite the loss of your clan's iconic power and kekkei grant you advantage if you would not normally roll
genkai, you have progressed so far in becoming a warrior that at disadvantage.
your ancestors still smile upon you. You gain the following Adaptive Soul. Once per long rest when you roll for
benefits; initative, you can spend up to your remaining
Adaptability Die, adding them to your initative
Increase your Dexterity, Constitution, or Intelligence score result. If you do and you go first, you gain an
by 1, to a maximum of 20. additional action during the first round of combat.
Whenever you receive an Adaptability Die, you gain an
additional die. Wukong (Elite)
When you roll an Adaptability Die, you may double the Warrior of the Elite Wukong
result. You may do this twice per long rest. Category: Clan
Your Latent Zenkai Boost feature now recharges on a Prerequisite: Elite Wukong Clan
short rest. From birth, you have always naturally excelled above your
peers, so much so that you cause even the most experienced
fighters to question the validity of their ranking when
comparing themselves to you. You gain the following benefits;
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, up to the
maximum of 20.
You gain a Taijutsu or Weapon fighting stance.
You gain proficiency in heavy armor. Armor you acquire is
more durable and flexible than most. Gain +2 DR when
wearing armor of any type, against all damage but psychic.
You can spend your extra hit and chakra die from your
Naturally Gifted to activate or replenish uses of class
features or feat abilities.
Over 9000
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Elite Wukong Clan, Level 8+ Bonus Content
Your power level is immeasurable, beyond what you could've The Wukong Clan features a host of additional
ever dreamed. Your chakra causes the ground to shake, the content in its solo document, including a clan
water to quiver, the clouds to part. You gain the following exclusive class mod. The solo document can be
benefits; found here.

Increase your Constitution score by 1, up to the maximum

of 20.
You gain another Talent for your Prideful Focus feature.
When your Zenkai Boost is activated, you regain a
number of hit points and chakra points equal to the
amount of temporary hit points and temporary chakra
points gained, respectively.
You learn the Oppressive Aura Ninjutsu. If you already
possessed this jutsu, you can select another D-Rank
Ninjutsu that you qualify for. When you cast Oppressive
Aura, it gains the Hijutsu keyword, its area of effect is
increased by 10 feet, and creatures who fail the saving
throw take force damage equal to your level. Alternatively,
you can forgo any negative effects this jutsu can bring to
grant yourself advantage on an Intimidation or Persuasion
Royal Lineage
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Elite Wukong Clan, Level 4+
Within your cells contains the purest of Elite Wukong blood,
tying you closer to the fabled Wukong ancestor than the
majority of your clan. You gain the following benefits;
Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence score by
1, up to the maximum of 20.
You can take this feat multiple times.
Select one of your known Talents from your Prideful
Focus feature. This Talent becomes known as an Elite
Talent, gaining the following benefits;
Battleborn Elite: Select between Ninjutsu, Genjutsu,
Taijutsu, or Bukijutsu. Once per casting, when you deal
damage with your chosen jutsu type, you can increase the
damage by 1 step.
Mental Elite: You gain an additional number of uses of
your Mental Talent feature equal to half your proficiency
bonus, rounded up. Use of this feature against Genjutsu,
also grants you advantage.
Tenacious Elite: You can use this feature to clash an
additional time. The DC to trigger your Zenaki Boost
feature is lowered to 22. Additionally, when your Zenkai
Boost is triggered, select one creature you can see. Until
the end of combat, each time the creature damages you,
you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls and 1 point of
damage reduction against them. This resets at the end of
each of your turns.
Adversary Exclusive Jutsu Makishin
Mass Extinction
Classification: Hijutsu
Exploding Human Technique Rank: S-Rank
Classification: Hijutsu Casting Time: 1 Full Turn Action
Rank: S-Rank
Range: 1 Mile
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: Special
Components: HS, CM, CS
Range: Touch
Cost: Special
Duration: Special
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu
Components: CM Description: As part of the requirements for casting
Cost: 66 Chakra this jutsu, you must have your Majin Transformation
Keyword: Hijutsu, Water Release, Ninjutsu, Medical active. You raise your hand high into the sky. The
Description: The most infamous jutsu of the Chinoike clan, capable clouds darken and the winds begin to howl as an
of wreaking utmost havoc upon entire villages. As part of the aura of purple chakra surrounds you. You emit 1
requirements for casting this jutsu, you must have the Ketsuryūgan mile of bright light for the duration. Energy pools
clan feature active. You can use this jutsu as part of dealing necrotic within your hand and fires into the sky, splitting
damage to a bleeding creature with a melee attack roll, or when you into hundreds of beams which fly and attack your
would have a corpse nearby that you can touch. Depending on how foes within range. The range and cost of this jutsu
you cast this jutsu, the effects change. starts at 1 mile and 100 chakra respectively. You
Dealing Necrotic Damage: You can only cast this jutsu this way
can increase the cost of this jutsu by 100 chakra to
once per minute. Just before your attack connects, you make a small
increase the range by an additional mile.
All creatures of your choice that are 5 or less
incision on your finger releasing a small amount of blood which
than your character are level within range are
infuses into the creature's wounds. As your chakra begins pouring
immediately struck by a beam, otherwise, make a
into them, their flesh begins to warp and expand, turning black and ranged Ninjutsu attack. You do not need line of
cancerous. At the start of each of the creature's turns, the creature sight to target creatures with this jutsu, however,
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the this jutsu automatically fails to hit creatures you
creature takes 10d10 necrotic damage, which cannot be reduced by cannot see that are benefiting from an ability that
any means, is Slowed, and has disadvantage on all saving throws would prevent them from being detected by
(excluding this one) and attack rolls. This saving throw is repeated at Sensory jutsu of B-Rank or lower.
the start of each of the creature's turns. On a success, the damage Creatures hit by a beam take 10 times your
they receive is halved, and they have a -1d6 penalty to all saving character level in force damage, which ignores
throws (excluding this one) and attack rolls. For each saving throw resistance and treats immunity as resistance. The
they fail, the damage increases by 5d10. If they fail two saving ground within a 15-foot radius of a creature struck
throws, they are Stunned. If they fail 3 saving throws, or are reduced
by a beam becomes a crater of difficult terrain.
to 0 hit points, they immediately die, exploding in a bloody affair.
Once this jutsu ends, you cannot cast it again
This jutsu ends early if the creature succeeds 3 saving throws, is
for 1 year.
targeted with a medical jutsu of S-Rank that removes conditions
twice, medical Art that removes conditions, if you lose the ability to
mold chakra, or if you choose to end it yourself.
Corpse: If this jutsu is used on a corpse, the corpse is reanimated, Note From Blasteroid
granting you full control over them. The corpse appears as it did in This jutsu is essentially a class mod art (debatebly
life, however, they possess a zombie-like gait to their walk, and have even beyond that) and as such this jutsu should be
red eyes. A corpse retains all statistics it possessed when it was used with great responsibility. If you plan on using
alive, possesses 20 hit points, and gains a +20 bonus to movement this jutsu, I recommend you only use it one time in
speed. On your turn, you command as many corpses as you possess the campaign ever, and have that one time be an
to move to a space within their movement speeds. As a bonus extremely impactful moment for the campaign
action, you can cause a corpse to explode in a bloody affair. Each moving forward.
creature within 15 feet of the corpse must succeed a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 8d12 force damage and being knocked prone
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. This
explosion also occurs if a corpse reaches 0 hit points, or gains the
bleeding condition. A corpse can be harmlessly freed from this jutsu
if it loses the ability to mold chakra.
Bloodline Latent Charts (Legacy)
Bloodline Latent
Latent Latent
Bloodline Feature Latent Feature Effect
Chinoike Latent You have begun to develop an affinity for using blood to empower your jutsu. You gain the Sanguine Prowess feature
Ketsuryūgan at 3rd level, however, activating this feature causes you to take 3 necrotic damage, instead of 1d4. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. At 11th level, you gain the Blood Pact
feature up to 7th level.
Genwa Latent Data As you sleep you begin hearing digitalized chatter and murmurings, the precursor to a latent power emerging within
Release you. You gain the 1s and 0s feature up to 3rd level, and gain 1 Data Channel. You gain additional Data Channels at 7th
and 15th levels.
Hylia Latent Fate You uncover a seal scribed onto the back of your palm. Select the type of seal as if you had the Path of Fate feature.
Depending on the seal you chose, you gain one of the following features:
Power: Your maximum hit points increase by half your proficiency bonus and you gain a pool of Calamity Die (d4s)
equal to your Constitution modifier. Select two of the abilities to spend your Calamity Die on. These are the only
abilities that you can use.
Wisdom: You gain proficiency in one skill or tool kit of your choice. If you are already proficient in your selection, you
instead gain expertise. You also gain the Goddess Artifact feature, which costs 5 chakra for you to use as opposed to
Courage: Your base movement speed increases by 5 feet and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid being
charmed or frightened. When you would roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can
choose to reroll the roll, taking the second result. You can do this twice per short rest.
Iburi Latent Smoke You gain the Fire Release Affinity and reduce all Fire damage you recieve by half your proficiency bonus. Additionally,
Release whenever you take knockback, you can have the distance you travel, a number of times equal to your Intelligence
modifier per short rest. Starting at 3rd level, you gain the Will-O-Wisps feature up to 11th level.
Kurashi Latent You learn of your ancestry to the Kurashi and seek out their wisdom. Choose one of the three Schools from the
Umbral Schools of Academia feature. You gain this school, gaining its unique feature and two skill proficiencies associated
Channeler with the School's ability score (you are treated as proficient in all skills with this score for the purpose of qualifying
for Skill-Actions. You also gain one Kurashi Skill-Based Action of your choice. You gain another at 3rd and 11th levels.
At 7th level, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made with your school's score.
Makishin Latent From within the depths of your bosom, you sense a chaotic drive. You gain the Makishin Soul feature up to 3rd level,
Makishin Soul though you do not gain the fighting stance. At 11th level, you gain the 7th level improvements to this feature,
though allies can only roll up to 2 chakra die to gain temporary chakra.
Sankaku Latent You were born with an innate ability to lead and command your allies. You gain the Undetectable Chakra feature up to
Presence 1st level. You also gain a number of Danger Points equal to half your level, and can regain up to 2 Danger Points in a
turn following the Danger Points feature. Starting at 11th level, Sankaku Hijutsu and jutsu with the Combination
keyword you cast gain a +1 to critical threat range.
Shinigami Latent Kido You have learned of the Kido techniques of the Shinigami clan and have begun to adapt their knowledge into your
Technique skillset. You gain the Zanpakuto feature, gaining a weapon with the statistics of a standard Katana. At 7th level, you
gain a +1 to damage rolls with your Zanpakuto. This increases to +2 at 15th level. You also gain the Kido Training Path
and Mastered Body and Mind features. You select one technique for your Mastered Body and Mind feature. You can
select another at 11th and 18th levels.
Low-Class Latent Your spirit begins to resonate for battle like the Low-Class Wukong. You gain the Wukong Agility feature up to 1st
Wukong Adaptability level. You also gain the Quick Adaptability feature up to 3rd level. The maximum number of adaptability die you can
possess is equal to half your proficiency bonus. Select 2 of the listed ways to regain Adaptability Dice. These are the
only ways you can gain/regain these dice. Select two of the listed Adaptive abilities to spend your die on. These are
the only abilities you can spend your die on. Starting at 7th level, when you reach 0 hit points and are healed for at
least 1 hit point, you regain a number of hit points equal to twice your level, and gain a number of Adaptability Die
equal to half your maximum.
Elite Latent Deep within your blood, your Primal Energy reserves awaken. When you would roll Hit Die or Chakra Die to regain hit
Wukong Ancestral points or chakra points respectively, you can roll an additional die, adding it to the result (this does not spend the
Blood die). You can benefit from this feature twice per long rest. At 7th level, you gain one Talent from the Prideful Focus
feature, up to 11th level.
Bloodline Realized (Legacy)
Realized Realized
Bloodline Feature Realized Feature Effect
Chinoike Realized You have manifested a single Ketsuryūgan. You gain the Ketsuryūgan clan feature up to 11th level. You can spend
Ketsuryūgan 10 chakra to activate this mythical dojutsu for 1 minute, and can use the Ketsuryūgan features a number of times
equal to half your Wisdom modifier, rounded up, per rest. (If you attain the Efficient Ketsuryūgan feat, your uses
increase to a maximum of 6). Your Sanguine Prowess feature also improves. You can the benefits of the feature up
to 11th level, and uses of this feature now reset on a short rest, instead of a long rest.
Genwa Realized Data You become able to fully manifest the kekkei genkai known as a Data Release, a chakra transformation with an
Release affinity for technology. You gain the Lightning Release affinity. You gain the Data Release feature up to 11th level,
however, you can only perform a Data Leak once per long rest. Finally, when you cast a Genwa Hijutsu or Sensory
jutsu with the Lightning Release keyword, that requires concentration, you can double the jutsu's cost to change
its duration to 1 minute. You can be affected by 1 instance of this ability at a time.
Hylia Realized Fate Your seal grows in power as flashes of greatness appear to you. You gain the Journey of the Chosen and Divine
Element features up to 7th level.
Iburi Realized You gain the Abberations of Smoke and Smoke Release clan features up to 7th level. Additionally, when you are
Smoke targeted by a Genjutsu with the Inhale keyword, you add a 1d4 to your saving throw.
Kurashi Realized Your skills of intuition and shadow manipulation are fully realized. You gain another Kurashi Skill-Based Action, and
Umbral gain access to the Paranormal Vision feature as if you were 7th level. You also gain access to the Preternatural
Channeler Awareness feature as if you 7th level. At 16th level, your bonus to your school's skill checks now applies to ability
checks with your school's score.
Makishin Realized You have learned to tap into your chaotic potential. You gain the Majin Transformation feature up to 7th level. You
Makishin Soul also gain the Magical Persistence feature up to 1st level.
Sankaku Latent You possess an incredible intuition for battle, able to uplift your allies from a dreadful situation with ease. You have
Presence advantage on initiative checks and can use Danger Points to increase your initiative result at a rate of 2 Danger
Points for a +1 bonus. When you are the first to go in combat, you gain a 2d4 bonus to damage rolls, and either an
additional bonus action or reaction (pick one) until the end of your next turn. This effect can only trigger once per
Shinigami Realized Kido The bond with your Zanpakuto improves, elevating its power alongside your own. You gain the Shikai feature. You
Technique also gain the Death's Chosen feature up to 11th level, although your Soul Sense range is reduced to 30 feet, and
your Spiritual Pressure range is reduced to 10 feet.
Low Class Realized You have fully honed in your battleborn spirit. You gain the Quick Adaptability feature up to 11th level. Additionally,
Wukong Adaptability select two ways to regain your Adaptability Dice. You can now recover Adaptability Die this way. Select one of the
listed Adaptive abilities to spend your die on. You can now spend die to use this ability as well.
Elite Wukong Realized The ancestry of your bloodline is realized. You gain the Ancestral Blood feature up to 7th level. When you would
Ancestral make a Strength or Dexterity skill check, that is not for Stealth or part of a Clash, you can add a 1d4 to the result,
Blood so long as you have your tail. When you first reach 0 hit points and are healed for at least 1 hit point, you
immediately gain hit points and chakra points equal to your character level, and any failed death saves you have are
removed. The benefits of this feature last 1 hour, and can only trigger once per full rest.
Bloodline Latent Charts
Latent Chinoike
Ability Bloodline
Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent 1 Beginning at 1st level, when you cast a jutsu with the Water Release keyword, you can sacrifice 1d6 hit points as
Sanguine part of casting the jutsu to give the jutsu the benefits it would receive for being near a sufficient source of water.
Prowess I You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Latent 2 (You must have Latent Sanguine Prowess II) Beginning at 1st level, when this feature is used if the jutsu cast does
Sanguine not gain any benefits for being near a sufficient source of water, reduce the cost of the jutsu by -1 (Min.1).
Prowess II
Latent 2 (You must have Latent Sanguine Prowess II) Beginning at 7th level, when you use this feature, your jutsu gains one
Sanguine of the following benefits: +1 to damage die. +1 to healing die. +1 to Save DC.
Prowess III
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Sanguine Prowess III) Beginning at 7th level, uses of this feature now reset on a short rest,
Sanguine and if you cast a jutsu that does gain any special benefits for being near a sufficient source of water, reduce the
Prowess IV cost of the jutsu by -2 (Min. 1), instead of -1.
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Sanguine Prowess IV) Beginning at 15th level, when you use this feature, you can select an
Sanguine additional benefit for your jutsu.
Prowess V
Latent 3 Beginning at 7th level, you have learned how to activate your Ketsuryūgan. As a bonus action, you can spend 10
Ketsuryūgan chakra to activate this latent Dojutsu for 1 minute. While active, you have advantage on rolls to resist the bleeding
condition, and can change cold damage to deal to necrotic. You can also use any combination of the Ketsuryūgan's
action-based abilities twice per rest. (If you gain the Efficient Ketsuryūgan Clan Feat, you gain a number of uses of
these features equal to your Wisdom modifier)
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Ketsuryūgan I) Beginning at 11th level, for the duration of your Ketsuryūgan, you become
Ketsuryūgan II immune to the bleeding condition, and gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Latent 5 (You must have Latent Ketsuryūgan II) Beginning at 18th level, when a creature takes damage from the bleeding
Ketsuryūgan III condition that was inflicted by you while the Ketsuryūgan is active, they take additional damage equal to their total
ranks of bleeding.
Latent Blood 3 (You must have Latent Ketsuryūgan I and Latent Sanguine Prowess I ) Beginning at 11th level, you gain the Blood
Pact Pact feature of the Chinoike clan up to 7th level. This feature instead persists until either you and your Patron
complete a long rest.
D-Rank Hijutsu 2 You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Chinoike Hijutsu.
C-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Chinoike Hijutsu.
B-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Chinoike Hijutsu.
A-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Chinoike Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Chinoike Clan as a prerequisite.
Latent Genwa
Ability Bloodline
Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent 1s and 2 Beginning at 1st level, you gain proficiency in either the Hackers or Security Kit (pick one). You also always count as
0s I possessing a Radio Link, and can't have your signal interferred or traced with Ninja Tools.
Latent 1s and 3 (You must have Latent 1s and 0s I) Beginning at 3rd level, you have advantage on checks made with the kit you
0s II selected with Latent 1s and 0s I, and cannot make checks with this kit with any penalties. Additionally, you spend 5
chakra to grant yourself another use of this kit, even if you have run out of uses.
Latent 1s and 4 (You must have Latent 1s and 0s II) Beginning at 11th level, you can attempt to make a keycard of a specific rank by
0s III rolling a Ninshou check vs. a DC equal to 8 + the rank selected (E-Rank: 4, D-Rank: 7, C-Rank: 11, B-Rank: 15, A-
Rank: 19, S-Rank: 23). On a success, you spend 2 chakra die and create a keycard that can open a number of doors,
equal to or less than the rank of the keycard chosen, a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, before
dispersing. The doors need not be technology to be opened with the keycard. You can do this twice per long rest.
Latent 1 Beginning at 1st level, you gain the Machine-Speak trait of the Genwa Clan. To benefit from this trait, you must
Dimension spend 3 chakra on your turn (no action required) to benefit from it for the next minute.
Latent Data 2 Beginning at 3rd level, you gain 1 Data Channel of your choice.
Channels I
Latent Data 3 (You must have Latent Data Channels I) Beginning at 11th level, you gain 1 Data Channel of your choice.
Channels II
Latent Data 4 (You must have Latent Data Channels II) Beginning at 18th level, you gain 2 Data Channels of your choice.
Channels III
Latent Data 3 Beginning at 7th level, when you cast a jutsu with the Lightning Release keyword, you can change the damage type
Release I to force, increase the damage dealt by 1 step.
Latent Data 4 (You must have Latent Data Release I) Beginning at 15th level, once per long rest, when you use your Data Release I
Release II feature, you can perform a Data Leak on one affected creature, learning two of the following pieces of information
as listed in the Genwa Data Release feature.
D-Rank 2 You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Genwa Hijutsu.
C-Rank 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Genwa Hijutsu.
B-Rank 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Genwa Hijutsu.
A-Rank 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Genwa Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Genwa Clan as a prerequisite.
Latent Hylia
Ability Bloodline
Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent Fated 0 You gain the Path of Fate feature, choosing between the Path of Power, Path of Wisdom, or Path of Courage. Your
Path chosen path affects your bloodline feature, feat, and jutsu selection.
Latent 2 (You must have Latent Fated Path) Beginning at 1st level, select one of the following options; Training, Jutsu
Chosen Learning/Creation, or Seal Crafting. Reduce the downtime required for your chosen activity by -1. This stacks with
Journey I other effects that reduce downtime, to a minimum of 1 week.
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Chosen Journey I) Beginning at 7th level, the downtime reduction for your chosen activity
Chosen becomes a -2 and the ryo needed for your chosen activity is reduced by half.
Journey II
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Chosen Journey II) Beginning at 15th level, the downtime reduction becomes a -3.
Journey III
Blessing of 5 (You must have Latent Fated Path for Path of Power) Beginning at 3rd level, you gain a bonus to your maximum hit
the Gods points equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up. ,You gain a number of Calamity Die (d4s) equal to your
(Power) I Constitution modifier. You regain half your spent die on a short rest, and all die on a long rest. You can use these die
for the Beyond Strength or Calamitous Defense abilities.
Blessing of 5 (You must have Latent Blessing of the Gods (Power) I) Beginning at 11th level, you gain 30 feet of Darkvision and
the Gods Tremorsense, and increase your maximum chakra points by half your proficiency bonus, rounded up. You can now
(Power) II use the Peerless Power ability for your Calamity Die. Twice per long rest, when you would begin your turn and have no
Calamity Die remaining, you can spend 1 chakra die to regain half your maximum Calamity die, rounded up.
Blessing of 5 (You must have Latent Fated Path for Path of Wisdom) Beginning at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one toolkit or
the Gods skill of your choice. If you select a toolkit or skill you are already proficient in, you instead gain expertise.
(Wisdom) I Additionally, choose between the Sensory or Fuinjutsu keywords. Your ability scores are counted as being +2 high
for the purposes of casting Ninjutsu of your chosen keyword's type, and you can learn Ninjutsu with your chosen
keyword in half the time. Finally, you gain the Goddess Artifact blessing of the Wisdom Branch. Adding the Goddess
Artifact as a component to your Ninjutsu requires 3 chakra, and doing so allows you to ignore the HS and CS
components, treat all 1s rolled on your jutsu's damage/healing die as 2s, and increase the damage/healing die by 1.
Blessing of 5 (You must have Latent Blessing of the Gods (Wisdom) I) Beginning at 11th level, you can select a 2nd toolkit or skill
the Gods to gain proficiency in, or expertise if you are already proficient. You gain a +1 to Ninjutsu Attacks and Save DC.
(Wisdom) II Finally, when you use your Goddess Artifact, you gain additional benefits; You have advantage on clash checks, and
you can target an additional creature if your jutsu already targets multiple creatures, or increase the jutsu's area of
effect by 5 feet.
Blessing of 5 (You must have Latent Fated Path for Path of Courage) You gain proficiency in 2 weapons of your choice. You have
the Gods advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed or frightened, and neither condition can be automatically given
(Courage) I to you without a saving throw. Lastly, when you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you
can reroll and take the 2nd result. You can do this twice per long rest.
Blessing of 5 (You must have Latent Blessing of the Gods (Courage) I) Beginning at 11th level, you gain immunity to the Charmed
the Gods and Frightened conditions, and can reroll natural 1s an additional time before needing a long rest. Your movement
(Courage) II speed increases by 5 feet. You also ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance when attacking Aberrations,
Beasts, Demons, and Monstrosities, and up to two times per turn, gain a 2d6 bonus to damage rolls against these
types of adversaries.
Latent Divine 3 (You must have Latent Blessing of the Gods (Power), (Wisdom), or (Courage) II) Beginning at 7th level, select nature
Element I release picking between Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, or Lightning. You gain access to jutsu with your chosen keyword.
When you cast a Hylia Hijutsu, you can add your chosen element's keyword and change the damage type to that of
your element (Water=Cold). If you cast a jutsu that already has your element's keyword, reduce the cost of the jutsu
by -1 (Min. 1).
Latent Divine 4 (You must have Latent Divine Element I) Beginning at 18th level, you reduce the cost of jutsu with your chosen
Element II element's keyword by -2, instead of -1. You have advantage on checks to maintain concentration of jutsu with your
chosen element's keyword.
D-Rank 2 (You must have Latent Fated Path) You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Hylia Hijutsu
C-Rank 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Hylia Hijutsu.
B-Rank 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Hylia Hijutsu.
A-Rank 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Hylia Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 (You must have Latent Fated Path) You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Hylia Clan as a prerequisite.
Latent Iburi
Ability Bloodline
Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent Ashen 2 Beginning at 3rd level, you halve all knockback you recieve and reduce all fire damage you recieve by -3.
Resilience I
Latent Ashen 4 (You must have Latent Ashen Resilience I) Beginning at 11th level, instead of reducing fire damage you recieve by
Resilience II -3, you gain resistance to fire damage. A number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest, you can
add a 1d6 to saving throws against Genjutsu with the Inhale keyword.
Latent Will-O- 2 Beginning at 3rd level, when you target a creature with a jutsu with the Fire Release keyword that requires an
Wisps I attack roll, you can cause the flames and smoke of your jutsu to spread towards all creatures within 5 feet of the
original creature, excluding you and the target. All creatures within range must succeed a Dexterity saving throw
against your jutsu's Save DC or take half damage. You can use this feature twice per long rest.
Latent Will-O- 4 (You must have Latent Will-O-Wisps I) Beginning at 15th level, the range of this feature increases to 10 feet, and
Wisps II you gain an additional two uses. Additionally, you regain your uses of this feature on a short rest, instead of a long
Latent Smoke 2 Beginning at 7th level, as a bonus action after casting a jutsu with the Fire Release keyword, you can morph
Abberation I yourself to smoke and move to a space within 10 feet without provoking an attack of opportunity. You can also
spend 5 chakra after casting a jutsu with the Fire Release keyword to use this feature without spending a bonus
action. You can benefit from this feature once per round.
Latent Smoke 4 (You must have Latent Smoke Abberation I) Beginning at 18th level, when you use this feature, your AC increases
Abberation II by +1 until the start of your next turn.
Latent Smoke 3 Beginning at 7th level, when you cast a jutsu with the Fire Release keyword, you can change the damage type to
Release I fire, and impose a -2 penalty on the first saving throw one affected creature makes against your jutsu or your Will-
O-Wisps feature, if you have it.
Latent Smoke 4 (You must have Latent Smoke Release I) Beginning at 15th level, once per rest, when you cast a jutsu with the Fire
Release II Release keyword, you can blind all affected creatures until the end of each of their turns.
D-Rank Hijutsu 2 You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Iburi Hijutsu.
C-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Iburi Hijutsu.
B-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Iburi Hijutsu.
A-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Iburi Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Iburi as a prerequisite.
Latent Kurashi
Bloodline Bloodline
Ability Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent School of 0 Beginning at 1st level, you learn of your roots to the Kurashi Clan and seek to educate yourself on their ways by
Academia I attending one of their schools. Select one school from the Schools of Academia feature. You proficiency two
skills associated with your chosen school, and are treated as being proficient for the purpose of qualifying for
Skill-Based Actions with your School's attributed ability score.
Latent School of 1 (You must have Latent School of Academia I) Beginning at 3rd level, you gain access one Skill-Based Action
Academia II exclusive to the Kurashi Clan. If this Skill Based Action is attributed to your school, you are unable to make
checks with the Skill-Based Action at disadvantage.
Latent School of 3 (You must have Latent School of Academia II) Beginning at 7th level, you gain access to another Skill Based
Academia III Action exclusive to Kurashi clan, and proficiency in another skill attributed to your school.
Latent School of 4 (You must have Latent School of Academia II) Beginning at 11th level, you gain access to another Skill Based
Academia IV Action attributed to the Kurashi clan, and gain half proficiency in all skills associated with your chosen school
that you do not have proficiency in.
Latent Umbral 2 (You must have Latent School of Academia I) You may cast Kurashi Hijutsu using the ability modifier associated
Channeler with your chosen school that you selected with Latent School of Academia I.
Latent Intuitive 4 (You must have Latent School of Academia I) Beginning at 7th level, you gain a +1d4 bonus to skill checks made
Investigator I using the ability score attributed to your chosen school. If this bonus is applied while in combat, this bonus
becomes a +2 instead. You may apply this bonus a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long
rest, recovering half your expended uses on a short rest.
Latent Intuitive 2 (You must have Latent Intuitive Investigator I) Beginning at 18th level, you no longer have a rest limitation when
Investigator II using Latent Intuitive Investigator I.
Latent 2 (You must have Latent Intuitive Investigator I) Beginning at 7th level, you gain the Preternatural Awareness Clan
Preternatural feature as if you were 3rd level. You may use this feature twice per long rest.
Awareness I
Latent 3 (You must have Preternatural Awareness I) Beginning at 15th level, you regain one expended use of Latent
Preternatural Preternatural Awareness on a short rest, and gain the 7th level benefit of the Preternatural Awareness feature.
Awareness II
Latent 4 (You must have Latent School of Academia I) Beginning at 11th level, you gain 45 feet of Darkvision. This
Paranormal darkvision allows you to see, interact, and communicate with spirits and supernatural entities.
D-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have Latent School of Academia I) You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Kurashi Hijutsu.
C-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Kurashi Hijutsu.
B-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Kurashi Hijutsu.
A-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Kurashi Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 (You must have Latent School of Academia I) You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Kurashi Clan as a
Latent Makishin
Bloodline Bloodline
Ability Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent Makishin 1 Beginning at 3rd level, once per round, as a bonus action, you can take a deep breath and release an aura of
Soul I white chakra within a 10-foot radius. Within this radius, gasses, mists, rain, and smoke are dispersed, and
allied creatures gain advantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw they make within the next
minute. You can do this twice per long rest.
Latent Makishin 2 (You must have Latent Makishin Soul I) Beginning at 7th level, the range of this feature increases to 20 feet,
Soul II and grants advantage on up to 2 rolls, instead of just one.
Latent Makishin 2 (You must have Latent Makishin Soul II) Beginning at 7th level, when this feature is activated, you can spend
Soul III any number of chakra die up to your Constitution modifier, gaining the result as temporary chakra points.
Latent Makishin 3 (You must have Latent Makishin Soul III) Beginning at 18th level, you can use this feature as a free action.
Soul IV
Latent Magical 5 You have advantage on saving throws to avoid gaining the Exhaustion condition from hostile effects. You also
Persistence remove 1 rank of Exhaustion on a short rest, and up to ranks of Exhaustion on a long rest.
Latent Majin 3 Beginning at 7th level, you gain the Majin Transformation feature up to 3rd level, however, you can only use
Transformation I this form once per long rest.
Latent Majin 4 (You must have Latent Majin Transformation I) Beginning at 15th level, you gain the Majin Transformation
Transformation II feature up to 7th level.
Latent Majin 5 (You must have Latent Majin Transformation II) Beginning at 18th level, you gain an additional use of your Majin
Transformation III Transformation
D-Rank Hijutsu 2 You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Makishin Hijutsu.
C-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Makishin Hijutsu.
B-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Makishin Hijutsu.
A-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Makishin Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Makishin as a prerequisite.
Latent Sankaku
Bloodline Bloodline
Ability Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent Sankaku 0 Beginning at 1st level, allied creatures are able to ignore the Hijutsu component to assist you in casting
Style Sankaku Hijutsu.
Latent Bold 1 Beginning at 3rd level, you can use Strength for Sankaku Ninjutsu, and in place of your Charisma modifier for
Presence I Combination jutsu you participate in of D-Rank or lower that would gain additional benefits depending on the
highest Charisma modifier among the casters.
Latent Bold 2 (You must have Latent Bold Presence I) Beginning at 7th level, when you cast a Sankaku Hijutsu, with the
Presence II Combination keyword, you gain all Charisma based benefits that you qualify for, instead of only the highest.
Additionally, you can substitute your Charisma for Strength in Combination jutsu of C-Rank or lower now.
Latent Bold 3 (You must have Latent Bold Presence II) Beginning at 7th level, allied creatures that would assist in casting a
Presence III Sankaku Combination Hijutsu can opt to use their action or bonus action, in place of their reaction, once per
turn. Additionally, you can substitute your Charisma for Strength in Combination jutsu of B-Rank or lower now.
Latent 1 Beginning at 1st level, you cannot be detected by special sights such as tremorsense or blindsight (excluding
Undetectable true sight), and are hidden from Sensory jutsu of D-Rank or lower.
Chakra I
Latent 2 (You must have Latent Undetectable Chakra I) Beginning at 11th level, you are automatically hidden from
Undetectable Sensory jutsu of C-Rank or lower, and gain 15 feet of blindsight.
Chakra II
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Undetectable Chakra II) Beginning at 11th level, you are automatically hidden from
Undetectable Sensory jutsu of B-Rank or lower, and gain an additional 15 feet of blindsight (30ft total).
Chakra III
Latent Danger 3 Beginning at 7th level, you gain the Danger Points feature. Your maximum Danger Points is equal to half your
Points level, you regain all Danger Points on a long rest, and have access to 1st bullet point and 3rd bullet point for
abilities to spend your Danger Points.
Latent First 2 Beginning at 7th level, you have advantage on initiative checks, and can spend Danger Points to increase your
Impressions I initiative result.
Latent First 2 (You must have Latent First Impressions I) Beginning at 15th level, you cannot be surprised while above half of
Impressions II your maximum hit points.
Latent First 3 (You must have Latent First Impressions II) Beginning at 18th level, you gain a +2 to damage rolls against
Impressions III creatures who have not acted yet in combat, and once per long rest, you can give yourself an additional bonus
action or reaction (pick one) during the first round of combat.
Latent Ravaging 3 (You must have Latent Danger Points) Beginning at 11th level, you gain +1 to critical threat range with Sankaku
Combos Hijutsu, Taijutsu, and jutsu with the Combination keyword.
D-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have Latent Sankaku Style) You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Sankaku Hijutsu.
C-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Sankaku Hijutsu.
B-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Sankaku Hijutsu.
A-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Sankaku Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Sankaku as a prerequisite.
Latent Shinigami
Bloodline Bloodline
Ability Name Point Cost Ability Description
Latent Shinigami 0 You gain proficiency in Katanas, and gain the Kido Training Path feature. Your choice of Bakudo or Hado
Kinjutsu determines the Shinigami Hijutsu you are able to select, if you decide to learn Shinigami Hijutsu.
Latent 0 (You must have Latent Shinigami Kinjutsu) Beginning at 1st level, you gain a weapon that is a manifestation of
Zanpakuto I your chakra known as the Zanpakuto. The Zanpakuto takes on the attributes of a Katana, and can use Intelligence
for attack and damage rolls. You gain a +1 to damage rolls with your Zanpakuto. If your Zanpakuto is ever lost or
destroyed, you regain it on a long rest, fully restored.
Latent 3 (You must have Latent Zanpakuto I) Beginning at 11th level, you instead gain a +2 to damage rolls with your
Zanpakuto II Zanpakuto, and it becomes Greater in quality.
Latent Shikai I 4 (You must have Latent Zanpakuto II) Beginning at 7th level, you gain the Shikai feature, however, you cannot store
a jutsu within your Zanpakuto, and once you end the combat you have activated your Shikai, you cannot activate
it again until you take a long rest. If you attempt to activate your Shikai before taking a long rest, you must spend
5 chakra die.
Latent Shikai II 5 (You must have Latent Shikai I) Beginning at 15th level, you can now store a jutsu with your Zanpakuto, gaining
the second half of the Shikai feature. Reactivating your Shikai before taking a long rest now only costs 2 chakra
die, instead of 5.
Latent Mastered 2 (You must have Latent Zanpakuto I) Beginning at 3rd level, you gain 1 technique from the Mastered Body and
Body and Mind I Mind feature.
Latent Mastered 3 (You must have Latent Mastered Body and Mind I) Beginning at 7th level, you gain another technique from the
Body and Mind II Mastered Body and Mind feature.
Latent Mastered 3 (You must have Latent Mastered Body and Mind II) Beginning at 11th level, you gain another technique from the
Body and Mind Mastered Body and Mind feature.
Latent Spiritual 2 (You must have Latent Zanpakuto I) Beginning at 11th level, on your turn, you can give yourself 30 feet of true
Pressure I sight for 1 minute by spending 10 chakra. This true sight enables you to sense the emotional state of creatures
and learn whether a creature's power is equal, inferior, or superior to yours (as informed by the DM).
Latent Spiritual 3 (You must have Latent Spiritual Pressure I) Beginning at 18th level, while your true sight is active from your
Pressure II Spiritual Pressure feature, hostile minions and standards within 10 feet begin to feel weak and fatigued while near
you. While within this range, these creatures are treated as being within difficult terrain, and take additional
damage equal to your proficiency bonus when they would take damage, once per round.
D-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have Latent Shinigami Kinjutsu) You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Shinigami Hijutsu.
C-Rank Hijutsu 2 (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Shinigami Hijutsu.
B-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Shinigami Hijutsu.
A-Rank Hijutsu 3 (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Shinigami Hijutsu.
Clan Feats 5 You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Shinigami as a prerequisite.
Adversary Traits
Chinoike Genwa
Clan Passive Clan Passive
Ketsuryūgan. This adversary posseses the Ketsuryūgan, 1's and 0's. This adversary's chakra network is constantly
granting them the following benefits when active; overflowing with information, causing you to synergize with
60 feet of chakra sight. the data in the world. You can communicate with machines,
Resistance to Necrotic damage and immunity to bleeding. and can influence the decisions, visuals, and movements of
non-sentient machines you can see (DMs interpretation). You
When you deal cold damage, you can change the damage gain advantage in Intelligence saving throws and can never
type to necrotic and add your Wisdom modifier to the make this saving throw with disadvantage.
damage dealt, or increase the Save DC by +1.
When a hostile creature in combat takes damage from the Traits
bleeding condition, increase the damage dealt by 1 step. Data Channels (D-Rank). You gain a number of Data
Traits Channels of the Genwa Clan equal to your Intelligence
Bloody Recycling. (D-Rank) If there is a corpse within 30 modifier.
feet of you, you can use this corpse twice as a sufficient Data Release (B-Rank). Jutsu you cast with the Lightning
source of water for jutsu. If you use this trait alongside the Release keyword can deal force damage, gain +1 to attack
Sanguine Prowess trait, you can both benefits that the jutsu and damage rolls, Save DC, and increase their damage dealt
can receive for being near a sufficient source of water. by 1 step.
Exploding Human Technique. (S-Rank) You learn the Data Miner (C-Rank). Twice per combat, when you affect a
adversary exclusive hijutsu, Exploding Human Technique. creature with a jutsu with the Lightning Release keyword, you
Ichorous Defense (B-Rank). As a bonus action, you can can do one of the following;
remove all ranks of bleeding from a creature within 60 feet. Change any saving throw the jutsu imposes to target the
Additionally, when you cast a jutsu with the Water Release saving throw the creature possesses with the lowest
keyword, you can double the cost of the jutsu to gain bonus.
temporary hit points equal to the jutsu's Save DC, and gain Reduce any number of uses they have of a class or clan
back a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt with feature by -2.
the jutsu to a single target. Halve their proficiency bonus for an attack roll, ability
Mental Medicine (A-Rank). When one or more allies within check, or saving throw they make before the end of your
60 feet of you would fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or next turn. (you can choose when this happens.)
Charisma saving throw, you can use your reaction to allow Source Code (C-Rank). Twice per combat, when you cast a
them to automatically succeed, suffering no damage or jutsu with the Lightning Release keyword, you can cast a
effects. You can do this twice per encounter. Genwa Hijutsu as part of the same action, at no cost.
Plasmaic Supercharge (Recharge 5-6) (C-Rank). As an Stable Frequency (B-Rank). All Sensory jutsu you possess
action, you can grant all allies within 30 feet a +2 bonus to gain the lightning release keyword. When you cast a jutsu
attack and damage rolls, +1 AC, +20 feet of movement speed, with the Sensory and Lightning Release keyword, its duration
and an additional reaction. These effects last until the end of automatically doubled and you have advantage on checks to
each of their turns. maintain concentration.
Sanguine Prowess. (D-Rank) When you cast a jutsu with
the Water Release keyword, you can as part of the same Hylia
action release a small amount of blood, infusing it with the Clan Passive
jutsu. The jutsu gains the benefits of being near a sufficient Fated Path. You were gifted with a special seal at birth which
source of water, and gains a +1 to damage die, healing die, bestows great strength and guidance. Choose one or more
and Save DC. If the jutsu gains no benefits for being near a seals this adversary was possesses, between Power, Wisdom
sufficient source of water, double these bonuses. or Courage. This adversary gains the following benefits
attributed to their seal, as well as an extra hijutsu with the
seal's keyword, and an extra trait attributed to this seal.
Power: Increase your maximum hit points and chakra by
10 times your Constitution modifier. Gain 60 feet of
Blindsight and True Sight.
Wisdom: Increase your Wisdom and Intelligence scores,
and maximums, by 1/4th your level. Gain expertise in a
number of skills equal to 1/3rd your proficiency bonus.
Courage: Increase your movement speed by 15ft, and Iburi
become immune to all Mental conditions. You also have
advantage on rolls to resist effects that would cause you to Clan Passive
act against your own will, such as the Command Genjutsu. Abberation of Smoke. Your body is like an abberation of
pure smoke, empowering your flames and shielding you from
Traits toxic air. You gain a +1d8 bonus to saving throws to resist
Beyond Strength (Power) (B-Rank). You have advantage on airborne poisons and Genjutsu with the Inhale keyword. You
Strength and Constitution saving throws and ability checks. are also resistant to Fire damage, and immune to the Burned
condition. As a bonus action, you can remove all stacks of the
Calamitous Defense (Power) (C-Rank). When you would burned condition from a creature within 30 feet of you.
reduce damage or gain temporary hit points, add your level to
the damage reduced or temporary hit points gained. Traits
Ashen Movement (C-Rank). You are immune to knockback
Dominant Force (Power) (A-Rank). All your Save DCs and up to two times per round, when you cast a jutsu with the
increase by +1 and creatures cannot gain advantage on Fire release keyword or deal Fire damage, you can move up
saving throws you impose. to 15 in any direction as a gust of smoke, without provoking
an attack of opportunity.
Peerless Power (Power) (A-Rank) You cannot lose
concentration of Hylia hijutsu. Smoke Release (A-Rank). Your Save DC for jutsu with the
Fire Release keyword is increased by +2. When you deal fire
Goddess Artifact (Wisdom) (D-Rank). You gain a special damage, you can as a bonus action blind all affected
tablet that you can use as a component for Ninjutsu and creatures until the start of your next turn. Once you use this
Genjutsu. You can increase the cost of the jutsu by 5 to gain trait, you must spend 2 Tenacity Die as a bonus action to be
the benefits of the Goddess Artifact feature of the Hylia clan. elligible to use it again.
Insight of the Gods (Wisdom) (B-Rank). Creatures always Will-O-Wisp (C-Rank). When you hit a creature with an
roll at disadvantage when attempting to dispel your jutsu, and attack roll that deals Fire damage, you can force each
you have advantage on checks to dispel jutsu. creature within 10 feet of the where the attack lands, other
Voice of Wisdom (Wisdom) (C-Rank). Your passive than you or the original target, to make a Dexterity saving
perception and passive insight increase by your Intelligence throw, taking the damage the original target took on a failed
or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher). You can mentally save, or half as much on a success.
communicate to allies within 1 mile. Weaponized Fumes (D-Rank). You can a special natural
Wise Countermeasures (Wisdom) (A-Rank). You gain an weapon known as Smoke Shot. This weapon has a range of
additional reaction per round, which you can use to cast a (60/90), uses your Ninjutsu attack bonus and deals Xd6 Fire
jutsu with the casting time of a reaction, take the dodge damage, where X is equal to half your Intelligence modifier,
action, or help action. rounded up. You can use Smoke Shot in place of a Ranged
weapon for any bukijutsu. Attacks with Smoke Shot count as
Master Swordsman (Courage) (A-Rank). You gain a +2 to an attack roll with a jutsu with the Fire Release keyword.
weapon attacks with weapons you wield. Additionally,
weapons you wield ignore resistance and treat immunity as Kurashi
resistance, and cannot be broken.
Clan Passive
Preserving Drive (Courage) (C-Rank). Whenever you roll a Well-Educated. Select one mental ability score between
natural 1, 2, or 3 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Increase this ability score
throw, you can choose to reroll, taking the 2nd result. You can by an amount equal to your Rank (E-Rank: 1, D-Rank: 2, C-
do this once per round. Rank: 3...), gain proficiency in this score's saving throw, and
expertise all skills with this score.
Slayer of Beasts (Wisdom) (B-Rank). You have advantage
on attack rolls and deal an additional die of damage against Traits
Aberrations, Beasts, Celestials, Demons, Monstrosities, Kurashi Armament Training (C-Rank). You gain proficiency
Mutants, Plants, and Undead. in Matchlock Rifles and Pistols. These weapons lose the
Volatile property and attacks made with them count as
Undying Will (Courage) (A-Rank). Once per combat, you Kurashi Hijutsu attacks and may be made using the ability
can give yourself a Will of Fire. score you focused with your passive. Additionally, these
weapons cannot run out of ammunition and you may use any
Shadow Attack from the Kurashi Armament Training feat.
Shadow Weaver (D-Rank). You may cast any E-Rank as if
you knew it, treating them as Kurashi Hijutsu and casting
them out components. Once per round, you may cast an E-
Rank as a free action.
Paranormal Vision (B-Rank). Gain 60 feet of True Sight. Natural Born Chaos (D-Rank). You gain one Nature Release
affinity. Jutsu with your chosen nature release's keyword
Preternatural Awareness (A-Rank). You ignore effects of a count as Makishin Hijutsu.
rank less than your rank that would prevent you from
detecting/sensing a creature. Additionally, you can gauge a The Wall Standing Tall (A-Rank). At the start of each of
creature's class, race, and elements just from looking at them. your turns, you regain hit points equal to half your proficiency
bonus. On your turn, if you have lost or lost function of an
Intuition (B-Rank). Gain a +1d4 bonus to all checks made organ or limb you can spend 10 chakra to restore full
with any Mental ability score. You also have advantage on functionality for said limb.
effects that would mind control you.
Clan Passive
Clan Passive Alpha Presence. You bolster a presence of authority and
Makishin Transformation. You possesses a terrifying power confidence. When participating in a Combination jutsu, your
that when unleashed, can bring forth utter chaos and Strength modifier can be used in place of your Charisma
destruction. On this adversary's Elite or Legendary action, it modifier, for calculating the extra benefits granted. If the
can spend 5 Tenacity Die to enter its Majin Transformation, Combination jutsu is an Sankaku Hijutsu, you gain all
gaining the following benefits; Charisma based benefits, instead of just the highest. Finally,
35 feet of chakra sight. creatures automatically succeed checks to assist you in
+1 bonus to all attack rolls and Save DCs. Combination jutsu you cast.
Gain damage reduction equal to half your Con modifier.
10ft of bonus range for unarmed strikes and Taijutsu. Traits
Bold Display (A-Rank). You can use Strength for your armor
Traits class, and reduce all damage you receive by -3. You are also
Big Bad Bosses (S-Rank). You must have the Majin immune to critical hits, and increase the damage die of
Transformation trait to take this trait. You are now Sankaku hijutsu you cast by 1 step.
permanently in your Majin Form. You gain a +2 to Danger in the Name (C-Rank). You gain a number of
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. You are Danger Points equal to your proficiency bonus. You can
also immune to the Slowed and Weakened conditions. You spend these points in same way as list in the Sankaku Clan
also gain flying speed equal to your movement speed. Finally, feature. You regain a number of Danger Points equal to half
once per full rest, when you are killed, you can revive with a your proficiency bonus at the start of each of your turns.
number of hit points equal to twice the product of your level
plus your Constitution modifier. Crushing Legacy (A-Rank). Once per full rest, you can
Chaotic Drive (A-Rank). Once per long rest, when you are choose to be under the effects of the Power Crusher Hijutsu
affected by a jutsu a creature casts, you can use your reaction for 1 minute. When using Power Crusher this way, you can
to automatically learn the jutsu, and add the Hijutsu keyword contest the Save DCs of hostile creatures that damage you
to it. As part of the same reaction, you can spend 3 Tenacity with a jutsu that requires a saving throw, however, on a
Dice or 1 Legendary Resistance to immediately cast the jutsu successful check you must spend 2 Danger Points to be able
on the triggering creature. If casting this jutsu would trigger a to use activate this jutsu again during the same round, and on
clash, you add a +2 to your clash check. a failed check you do not reduce the damage dealt. Finally,
you can choose to spend 1 stack of Feedback to increase your
Extinction Attack (S-Rank). You gain access to the size by 1 step, to a maximum of gargantuan.
adversary exclusive hijutsu, Mass Extinction. Danger Doping (S-Rank). Once per long rest, you can take a
Makishin Soul (D-Rank). As a bonus action, you can release special drug that increases your power and gives you a
an aura of chakra in a 15-foot radius. All allied creatures frightening aura. For 1 minute or until you reach 0 hit points,
within range can grant themselves advantage on the next your Strength score is increased by +4, your movement speed
attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that they make is doubled, your attack bonuses and Save DC increase by +2,
within the next minute. You can do this a number of times and you become immune to the Weakened, Restrained, and
equal to your proficiency bonus per short rest. Slowed conditions. Once this minute ends you gain 2 ranks
of Exhaustion.
Magical Persistence (B-Rank). You are immune to
Exhaustion. You are also immune to effects that would First Impressions (B-Rank). You have advantage on
prevent you from molding or generating chakra. Initiative checks and gain an additional bonus action and
reaction during the first round of combat.
Majin Power (A-Rank). You are immune to critical hits, and
damage you deal ignores resistance and treat immunity as Flashy Display (C-Rank). You can take the dodge action as a
resistance. You also deal double damage to structures, bonus action, and increase your unarmed damage by 1 step.
constructs, and objects. When you hit a creature with two attacks on a turn, you can
automatically take the disengage action against the creature.
Ravaging Combos (C-Rank). Increase the critical threat Wukong (Low-Class)
range of all your attacks by +1, and Sankaku Hijutsu by an
extra +1 (+2). Clan Passive
Low-Class Wukong. You were born with a freeflowing spirit
Toxic Display (B-Rank). When you deal damage, you can and a spirit for battle. You ignore difficult terrain, and double
change the damage type to Poison and add your proficiency your movement speed in it. You also are immune to effects
bonus to the damage rolled. You ignore resistance to Poison that would reduce your movement speed in any way. Gain an
damage and treat immunity as resistance. Once per combat, additional number of Clan traits equal half your Constitution
when you deal Poison damage, you can automatically modifier (Max. 3).
Envenom and Poison a creature for 1 minute. These
conditions are treated as being given by a jutsu of B-Rank. Traits
Undetectable Chakra (D-Rank). You gain 30 feet of Born to Battle (B-Rank). When you make an attack roll, you
blindsight and cannot be surprised. Additionally, you cannot can add a 1d4 to the result, and to the attack's damage roll. If
be detected by Sensory jutsu of a rank lower than your you are an Elite adversary, you instead roll a 1d4+1. If you are
adversary rank. a solo, for each phase transition you enter after the first,
increase the 1d4 by 1 step. You can use this trait up to two
Shinigami times per turn.
Clan Passive Determined to Fight (D-Rank). When you would gain a
Zanpakuto. You are gifted with a special blade known as a condition from a hostile source, you can roll a 1d6. On a roll
Zanpakuto. This blade can be of any design and name of your of 4 or higher, you automatically remove all ranks of the
choice. When using this weapon, you gain a +1 to attack rolls condition. You can remove one condition this way per round.
and a +3 to damage rolls. Additionally, you may opt to use You can use this trait a number of times equal to your
Intelligence to calculate this weapon's attack bonus, as well Constitution modifier per combat. If you are an Elite
as your Taijutsu ability modifier for Bukijutsu cast with it. adversary, you roll a 1d6+1. If you enter a phase transition,
decrease the number you must match or exceed by 1 for each
Traits phase transition after the 1st.
Bankai (A-Rank). You must have the Shikai feature to gain Latent Zenkai (B-Rank). When you first fall to 0 hit points,
this feature. As a bonus action, you can spend 20 chakra to you instead fall to 1 hit point, gain temporary hit points and
awaken your Zanpakuto into its final form, the Bankai. While temporary chakra equal to twice your level, and immediately
in this form, it gains the benefits from being in its Shikai cast a jutsu that would improve your abilities with the range
form, gains an additional 2 weapon properties, and deals an of self that does not affect a hostile creature, ignoring the
additional die of damage. Your proficiency bonus also listed casting time. This can activate once per full rest.
increases by 1.
Death's Chosen (C-Rank). As a bonus action, you can give Monkey See, Monkey Do (A-Rank). As a reaction, when a
yourself 60 feet of true sight for 10 minutes. While this is creature casts a jutsu within 30 feet of you, you can add the
jutsu to your jutsu known list, ignoring ability score
active, creatures below your level that enter or begin their requirements. As part of the same reaction, you can cast that
turn within 20 feet of you become weakened and take an same jutsu at the creature, using their ability scores unless
additional die of damage, whenever you deal damage to them. yours are higher. You can do this once per combat.
Mastered Body (B-Rank). Shinigami Ninjutsu you cast that Stubborn Target (C-Rank). Once per round, you can
require an attack roll always add your Zanpakuto's weapon increase your AC by 1d4 until the end of the turn. If you are
damage to damage rolls. Additionally, jutsu that boost your an Elite or Solo adversary, you instead increase your AC by
AC or give temporary hit points, give +1 more AC or 2 extra 1d4+1. You can use this trait three times per combat. If you
dice of thp for the duration. enter a phase transition, you regain two uses of this trait.
Mastered Mind (D-Rank). Your movement speed is
increased by 15 feet and when when you hit with at least two Wukong (Elite)
attacks with your Zanpakuto, you gain the benefits of either Clan Passive
the Dash or Disengage actions until the end of the current Elite Wukong. The blood of your ancestors flow through you,
turn. granting you immense pride and strength to back it up. You
Shikai (C-Rank). On your turn, you can spend 5 chakra to become immune to the Slowed and Weakened conditions,
awaken your Zanpakuto into its second form, the Shikai. and increase your proficiency bonus by +1. Select one the
When you do, your weapon gains 2 new weapon properties, Talents of the Elite Wukong clan. You gain this talent's
which are able to stack with one another. Your weapon respecitve trait, which does not count against your trait limit.
damage also increases by 1 die and by 1 die step.
Ancestral Blood (C-Rank). You gain gain a monkey-like tail,
which grants you the ability to add your proficiency bonus to
any Strength or Dexterity check that doesn't already include
your proficiency bonus. Once on your turn, you can attempt
to grapple contest a creature within 5 feet, knocking them
prone on a success and dealing damage equal to your level on
your next two attacks.
Battleborn Elite (D-Rank). You have advantage on initiative
checks, and deal an additional amount of damage with your
unarmed, weapon, taijutsu, and bukijutsu equal to your
Constitution modifier, twice per turn.
Mental Elite (S-Rank). You gain an additional amount of
jutsu equal to 1/3rd your level. Your Passive Perception and
Passive Deception increases by half your level. Finally, when
you would make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
saving throw, you can change the saving throw to any other
saving throw you wish.
Primal Energy (B-Rank). Once per turn, increase the
damage die by 1 step and the save DC of your jutsu by 1.
Jutsu that use an attack roll and hit a single target, can hit
targets within 5ft of the creature you are targeting.
Tenacious Elite (A-Rank). You have advantage on Clash
checks and, if you have the Zenkai Boost trait, you can
activate it whenever when you are bloodied. A number of
times equal half your proficiency bonus per long rest, you can
cast any jutsu with the casting time of 1 action or bonus
action, as a reaction, to initate a clash.
Zenkai Boost (B-Rank). Once per combat, when you reach
0 hit points, you regain 10 x Con mod HP, and chakra equal
to half as much. In addition, your jutsu casting modifiers
increase by +4 until combat is finished.
Credits and Extras
Created by: Blasteroid
Naruto 5e System: Kingsare4ever Special Thanks
Made With: The Homebrewery I've gotten a lot of help when creating all of my
clans. When it came to concepts, ideas, balancing
My Other Works (especially with balancing....), playtesting, I couldn't
have done it alone. I shall list everyone who has
B's Assortment of Random Things aided me in making my clans in some way or
This document has links to everything and other stuff, such another.
as jutsu, that does not have a standalone document. Asolo, Bloodraven, Kai, Fundy, galen876, Forte,
KadenUchiha, Kaioshin_, Kingsare4ever, mind_faze,
Mr. Heguydudeman, Optimal Style
B's Adversaries from Another Realm TrueRulerOfNone, Schmeelo, Scrub, Strangerkun,
A small document containing a short list of adversaries for Rathdan, Witheredgnome86, Yaco, 👑💥《King
fun encounters for the game. Ozzie》💥👑, ❀malice!❀
Lunar Slayer
My Homebrew Class made with ❀malice!❀#9187 inspired
by Bloodborne.
My Subclasses
Below is a link to my subclasses document. Each subclass
has its own standalone PDF which is linked right next to the
subclass just like this doc.
B's Homebrew Subclasses
My Class Mods
Below are my various class mods made for the system.
Lord of Cinder
A Weapon Oriented Class Mod inspired by Dark Souls.
Sacred Beast of Twilight
A class mod inspired by the Legend of Zelda series, made for
people who utilize summons or have a close bond with a
sage-like creature.
Super Wukong
A Wukong Clan class mod that awakens the golden warrior.
Super Kosoku
A class mod for Mind_Faze's Kosoku clan.

Other Stuff to Check Out

Here are some links to other documents that have been made
by the community that you may like;
Dolor's Subclasses
Kaden's Clans
Getsukage's Case of Clans
Galen, Anbu Captain's Subclasses
Optimal Style's Subclasses

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