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Character A - Teacher (Mr.


Character B - Student (Tom)

Tom: (Stays behind after class to have a conversation with the teacher) Good day, Sir. I'd like to talk to
you about my dream job.

Mr. Johnson: Hello, Tom. Of course! What do you want to discuss regarding your dream job?

Tom: I'm very passionate about computer science, and I aspire to become a top-notch software
developer. I've heard that the field has great potential and plenty of job opportunities.

Mr. Johnson: That's an excellent choice, Tom. Being a software developer is a promising career path. But
what preparations have you made to achieve this dream?

Tom: I have started learning basic programming and have been involved in some small projects.
However, I feel that I lack essential knowledge and skills.

Mr. Johnson: That's great, Tom. Preparation is crucial in achieving your goal. To become a top software
developer, you should:

1. Continuously learn: Make sure to stay updated with the latest knowledge in the programming field.
Take online courses, read books, and explore new technologies.

2. Practice and build projects: Create personal projects or participate in open-source projects. This will
help you gain practical skills and build an impressive portfolio.

3. Soft skills: Develop not only technical skills but also soft skills like communication, teamwork, and
project management. This will enable you to communicate effectively and work efficiently in a real-world
work environment.

4. Networking: Build a professional network by participating in events, joining communities, and

connecting with experts in the field. Networking can open up opportunities and provide valuable

Tom: Thank you so much for the valuable advice, sir. I will definitely follow the guidelines you've
provided. However, I do have some concerns.

Mr. Johnson: Of course, Tom. Don't hesitate to ask further questions.

Tom: I'm worried that there are so many people pursuing the same dream, and the competition is tough.
How can I stand out and attract the attention of potential employers?

Mr. Johnson: That's a valid concern, Tom. Competition in the IT field can indeed be fierce. To stand out,
you can:

1. Build a personal brand: Create a professional profile and a personal website (if possible) to showcase
your portfolio and achievements. Additionally, promote yourself on industry-specific social media

2. Networking: Connect with experts and influencers in the industry. Attend conferences, events, and
online communities to meet, exchange experiences, and seek opportunities.
3. Seek internship opportunities: Internships are a great way to gain real-world experience and build a
professional network. Look for internship programs in tech companies or open-source projects to apply
what you've learned.

4. Develop specialized skills: In addition to learning the basics of programming, focus on a specific area
such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, or mobile app development. Becoming an expert in a niche
field will help you stand out and compete better.

Tom: Thank you, Mr. Johnson, for your helpful advice and encouragement. I will take these suggestions
to heart and strive to achieve my dreams.

Mr. Johnson: You're welcome, Tom! I believe that if you work hard and stay dedicated, you will achieve
your goals. Remember that the journey to becoming a top software developer is a continuous process of
learning and growth.

Tom: I will keep that in mind, sir. Once again, thank you for your support and guidance.

Mr. Johnson: Goodbye, Tom! Wishing you a great day and success on your journey.

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