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Note : Attempt all the questions. Each question carries two (2) marks.

SÔ¨¦ : GÀ»õ ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. JÆöÁõßÔØS® Cμsk (2) ©v¨ö£sPÒ.

1. The new phrases in the preamble viz, “Socialist, Secular” and “Unity and Integrity of
the Nation” has been inserted in The Constitution of India by the
1) 24th Amendment Act 2) 25th Amendment Act
3) 42 Amendment Act
nd 4) 44th Amendment Act

“©ua \õº¤ßø©, ö£õxÄøhø©”, ©ØÖ® “JØÖø©²® J¸ø©¨£õk® Eøh¯ ÷u\®” GßÓ

ÁõºzøuPÒ C¢u Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦z v¸zua \mhzvß ‰»® öPõsk Á쨣mhx?
1) C¸£zv |õßPõÁx \mhzv¸zu® 2) C¸£zøu¢uõÁx \mhzv¸zu®
3) |õØ£zvμshõÁx \mhzv¸zu® 4) |õØ£zv |õßPõÁx \mhzv¸zu®

2. In which case the Supreme Court has said that the preamble to the Constitution is a
key to open the mind of the Constitutional makers?
1) Keshavanda Bharathi Vs State of Kerala
2) In Re Berubari case
3) Golaknath Vs State of Punjab
4) S.R.Bommai Vs Union of India

Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦a \mhzvß •P¨¦øμ¯õÚx Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦a \mhzøu E¸ÁõUQ¯ÁºPÎß

Gsnzøu öÁΨ£kzx® vÓÄ÷PõÍõP EÒÍx GßÓ Ea\}v©ßÓzvß ÁÇUS?
1) ÷P\ÁõÚ¢u £õμv Vs ÷PμÍ ©õ{»®
2) ö£¸£õ› ÂÁPõμ®
3) ÷Põ»U |õz Vs £g\õ¨ ©õ{»®
4) Gì.Bº. ö£õ®ø© Vs IUQ¯ C¢v¯õ

3. “The Directive Principles of State Policy has to conform to and run subsidiary to the
chapter of fundamental rights, because the fundamental rights are enforceable in the
court, where as the Directive Principles are not” the Supreme Court so ruled in
1) Mohd.Hanif Qureshi Vs State of Bihar
2) Minerva Mills Vs Union of India
3) State of Madras Vs Champakam Dorairajan
4) Sanjeev Coke Vs Bharat cooking coal

Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦a \mhzvÀ PskÒÍ Aμ]ß öPõÒøPø¯ ÁÈ|hzx® ö|Ô•øÓPÒ

Ai¨£øh E›ø©PÐUS Cn[Q²® AuØSm£mk® C¸zuÀ ÷Ásk®. HöÚÛÀ
Ai¨£øh E›ø©PÒ }v©ßÓ[PÒ ö\¯¾ÖzuU Ti¯øÁ. BÚõÀ ö|Ô•øÓPÒ AÆÁõÖ
CÀø» GßÖ G¢u ÁÇUQÀ wº©õÛUP¨£mhx.
1) •í®©x íÚõ¥ SÁμ] Vs ¥íõº
2) ªÚºÁõ ªÀì
3) ö\ßøÚ ©õ{»® Vs ö\s£P® xøÓ μõáß
4) \g^Æ ÷PõU EØ£zv¯õͺ P®ö£Û Vs £õμz \ø©¯À G›ö£õ¸Ò

E 3 M1302
4. Which Article of the Indian Constitution requires the state to protect every
monument or place of historic Interest of National Importance?
1) Article 48 2) Article 48-A
3) Article 49 4) Articles 50

RÌUPsh Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦ \mh¨ ¤›ÄPÎÀ G¢u ¤›Âß RÌ Aμ_ ¦μõuÚ ]ßÚ[PÒ ©ØÖ®
\›zvμ® •UQ¯zxÁ® ö£ØÓ Ch[PøÍ £õxPõUP Phß £kzu¨£mhx?
1) åμzx 48 2) åμzx 48-&A
3) åμzx 49 4) åμzx 50

5. In which case it was held that a high caste girl marrying Scheduled Tribe was not
entitled to the reservation benefit.
1) Meera Kanwaria Vs Surita
2) Anil Kumar Gupta Vs State of U.P
3) Dr. Priti srivatsava Vs State of Madhya Pradesh
4) Dr.Neelima Vs Deen P.G. Studies A.P Agriculture University, Hydrabath

£Ç[Si CÚzuÁøμ ©nUS® J¸ E¯º \õv¨ ö£s ChJxURk |»ß ö£Ó

A¸Pøu¯ØÓÁº GÚ wº©õÛzu Ea\}v©ßÓ ÁÇUS?
1) «μõ PsÁõ›¯õ
2) AÛÀS©õº S¨uõ
3) hõUhº. ¤›v ÿÁzéÁõ
4) hõUhº. }¼©õ

6. Appointment on Compassionate grounds of a son, daughter, or widow to assist the

female to relieve economic distress has been held valid under the Constitution of
India vide
1) Articles 16(1) and 16(2) 2) Articles 16(3) and 16(4)
3) Article 15(4) 4) Articles 15(3)

ö£õ¸Íõuõμ ö|õi¨¦ {ø» Põμn©õ´ P¸øn Ai¨£øh°À ÷Áø» Áõ´¨¦

ÁÇ[Suø» AÝ©vUS® Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦ \mhÂvPÒ?
1) åμzx 16(1) ©ØÖ® 16(2) 2) åμzx 16(3) ©ØÖ® 16(4)
3) åμzx 15(4) 4) åμzx 15(3)

7. A systematic study of law had started from

1) Romans 2) Greeks
3) Europeans 4) Arabs

\mh C¯À SÔzu B´Ä •uß •u»õP xÁ[Q¯ |õk

1) ÷μõ©õÛ¯õ 2) Q÷μUP®
3) I÷μõ¨¤¯õ 4) A÷μ¤¯õ

M1302 4 E
8. According to Hindu legal theory the origin of law is
1) Sruthi 2) Devine
3) Dharma 4) None

C¢x ©u \mh¯À£i, A¢u ©ua \mhzvß ÷uõØÓ©õP P¸u¨£kÁx

1) ì¸v 2) CøÓø©
3) uº©õ 4) ÷©ØTÔ¯øÁ GxĪÀø»

9. Jurisprudence is the study of ––––––––––––– law.

1) Religious 2) Ethical
3) Positive 4) Nature and Law

\mh¯À Gߣx CøÁ öuõhº£õÚx.

1) ©u® 2) ö|ÔPÒ
3) ÷|º©øÓ 4) C¯ØøP ©ØÖ® \mh®

10. The school of jurisprudence that hypothesize law based on what is correct
1) Sociological 2) Historical
3) Analytical 4) Natural Law

\› Gߣuß Ai¨£øh°À E¸ÁõUP¨£mh \mh¯À £ÒÎ?

1) \‰P¯À 2) Áμ»õØÖ •øÓ
3) £Szuõ´Ä •øÓ 4) C¯À£õÚ \mh®

11. Which theory of punishment studies the psychology of the criminal considers the
punishment as the social end?
1) Preventive theory 2) Deterrent theory
3) Reformative theory 4) Retributive theory

SØÓÁõ롧 ©Ú{ø» AÔ¢x \•uõ¯ ÷|õUQÀ ushøÚ ÂvUP¨£kÁuõP P¸x®

1) ukzuÀ ÷Põm£õk 2) Aa_ÖzuÀ ÷Põm£õk
3) ^ºv¸zu ÷Põm£õk 4) £ÈUS £È ÷Põm£õk

12. When a right is owned by a society at large, it is said to be?

1) Determinate 2) Indeterminate
3) Both (1) and (2) 4) Neither (1) nor (2)

E›ø© \•uõ¯zvÀ ö£õxÁõP Aø©²® ÷£õx CÆÁõÖ AøÇUP¨£kQÓx?

1) AÖv°mh E›ø© 2) AÖv¯ØÓ E›ø©
3) (1) ©ØÖ® (2) 4) (1) ©ØÖ® (2) AÀ»

E 5 M1302
13. Who defined “Every agreement and promise enforceable by law is a Contract”?
1) Pollock 2) Halsbury
3) Salmond 4) Michael Furmston

{øÓ÷ÁØÓ Áõ´¨¦øh¯ AøÚzx EhߣiUøPPЮ J¨£¢u©õP P¸u¨£k® GßÓ TØÖ

1) ö£õÀ»õU 2) íõÀ죛
3) \õ»©ß 4) ø©U÷PÀ £õº®ì÷hõÚ

14. Who cannot enter into a Contract as per Section 11 of the Contract Act?
1) One who is of the age of majority according to the Law
2) One who is of sound mind
3) One who is not disqualified from Contracting by any Law
4) One who is of unsound mind person

J¨£¢ua \mh ¤›Ä 11&ß RÌ J¨£¢u® ö\´¯ C¯»õ |£º

1) \mh¨£i¯õÚ Á¯x Eøh¯Áº
2) ^º ©Ú{ø» Eøh¯Áº
3) J¨£¢u uSv°Ç¨¦ ö£ÓõuÁº
4) ©Ú|»® \›°À»õuÁº

15. The term Revocation means

1) Taking Back 2) To Complete
3) Accepting a Contract 4) Breach of Trust

μzx ö\´uÀ Gߣx

1) v¸®£ ö£ÖuÀ 2) •izx øÁzuÀ
3) J¨£¢uzøu HØÓÀ 4) ö£õÖ¨¦›ø©ø¯ «ÖuÀ

16. The Doctrine of offer and acceptance clearly emerges from the case/cases
1) Adam Vs Lindsell
2) Carhill Vs Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.,
3) Eastwood Vs Kenyon
4) 1, 2 and 3

•øÚÄ ©ØÖ® Hئ ÷Põm£õmiøÚ öÁΨ£kzv¯ ÁÇUS

1) Hh® Gvº ¼ßmöéÀ
2) Põº¼À Gvº Põº£õ¼U ì÷©õU£õÀ P®ö£Û
3) Dìm Em Gvº öP߯õß
4) 1, 2 ©ØÖ® 3

M1302 6 E
17. Agreement Enforceable by law is
1) Promise 2) Contract
3) Obligation 4) Proposal

{øÓ÷ÁØÓ Ti¯ EhߣiUøPPÒ CÆÁõÖ AøÇUP¨£k®

1) EÖv²øμ 2) J¨£¢u®
3) Ph¨£õk 4) •ßö©õÈÄ

18. When the Consent of the Party is not free the Contract is
1) Void 2) Voidable
3) Illegal 4) Valid

Cø\Ä u®ªaø\ CÀ»õ {ø»°À, J¨£¢u©õÚx

1) CÀ»õ {ø»¯x 2) uºuS{ø» J¨£¢u®
3) \mh •μnõÚx 4) ö\À»zuUP J¨£¢u®

19. According to –––––———— International law is a positive morality.

1) John Austin 2) Starke
3) Holland 4) Francisco Victoria

“|õmiøha \mh©õÚx ÷|º© JÊUP ö|Ô¯õS®”, GßÓÁº

1) áõß Bìiß 2) ìhõºU
3) íõ»ßm 4) ¤μõß]ì÷Põ ÂU÷hõ›¯õ

20. The legal maxin that has nexus with the law of contract
1) res ipsa loquitur
2) irgnorentia juris non exquset
3) qui facit per alium facit per se
4) caveat emptor

J¨£¢u \mhzxhß öuõhº¦øh¯ •xö©õÈ

1) ö\¯÷» ö\¨¦®, ö£õ¸÷Í ¦S®
2) \mh® £ØÔ¯ AÔ¯õø© ©ßÛUP C¯»õux
3) ¤ÓºÁÈ ö\´u¾® uõ÷Ú ö\´uø©
4) Áõ[S£Á÷μ ÂÈzv¸

21. Which of the following Doctrine of International law Means, “International

Agreements are binding on good faith”?
1) Jus Cogens 2) Jus genitium
3) Pacta Sunt Servanta 4) Doctrine of Consensus

|õmiøh÷¯ J¨£¢u[PÒ |Àö»snzvÀ Ai¨£øh°À Pmk¨£kzuUTÔ¯x GÚ

SÔUS® ö\õØöÓõhº?
1) «Ó•i¯õ Âv 2) |õkPÐUQøh¯õÚ \mh®
3) |Àö»sn J¨¦nºÄ 4) P¸zöuõ¸ø© ÷Põm£õk

E 7 M1302
22. The Latin maxim that has nexus as a defense in criminal law in excess with criminal
1) Audi alteram partem
2) De minimis non curat lex
3) Ex pacto illicit non oritur action
4) Ignorantia juris non-excusat

SØÓ¯À ÁÇUQÀ GvºÁõu® SÔzu J¸ •xö©õÈ

1) C¸¦Ó® ÷Pmk }v ÁÇ[SuÀ
2) \mhzvØS CÀø» AØ£zvÀ AUPøÓ
3) öÁÖ® ÁõUSÖv°ß ÷£›À ÁÇUS›ø© GÇõx
4) \mh® £ØÔ¯ AÔ¯õø© ©ßÛUP C¯»õx

23. Which one of the following is not a primary source of International Law?
1) Decision of International Court of Justice
2) International Treaty
3) International custom
4) General Principle of Law recognized by Civilized Nations

RÌUPshøÁPÎÀ |õmiøha \mhzvß •ußø©¯õÚ ‰»©õ´ BPõux

1) £ßÚõmk }v©ßÓ[PÎß wº¨¦øμ
2) £ßÚõmk J¨£¢u®
3) £ßÚõmk ÁÇUPõÖ
4) |õPŸPzvÀ ]Ó¢u |õkPÍõÀ A[RP›UP¨£mh ÷Põm£õkPÒ

24. The principle of Estoppel was upheld by ICJ in the case of

1) The nuclear Test Case
2) The Temple case (Cambodia Vs Thailand)
3) Right of Passage Case
4) Serbian Loan Case

£ßÚõmk }v©ßÓzuõÀ EÖv ö\´¯¨£mh •μsuøh öuõhº£õÚ ÁÇUS?

1) Aq÷\õuøÚ
2) v¸U÷Põ°À ÁÇUS
3) £õøu E›ø© ÁÇUS
4) ö\º¤¯ Phß ÁÇUS

25. There is no offence of adultery if it is committed with the consent of

1) The father of a married woman 2) Husband of a married woman
3) Married Woman 4) The Mother of a married woman

RÌUPsh |£›ß \®©uzxhß {PÊ® PÒÍz öuõhº¦ SØÓ©õP÷Á P¸u¨£kuÀ BPõx?

1) v¸©n©õÚ |£›ß u¢øu 2) v¸©n©õÚ |£›ß PnÁº
3) ©n©õÚ ö£s 4) v¸©n©õÚ ö£soß uõ´

M1302 8 E
26. The right of Private defence of property under Section 97 of IPC extends to the offence
1) Criminal breach of trust 2) Theft and robbery
3) Cheating 4) Misappropriation

C¢v¯ ushøÚa \mh® ¤›Ä 97–ß RÌ ö\õzx öuõhº£õÚ uØPõ¨¦ E›ø© Caö\¯¾US
1) |®¤UøP ÷©õ\i SØÓ® 2) v¸mk ©ØÖ® öPõÒøP
3) H©õØÖuÀ 4) øP¯õhÀ ö\´uÀ

27. Private defence under IPC is based on the natural instinct of

1) Self respect 2) Self sufficiency
3) Self preservation 4) Self reliance

C¢v¯ ushøÚa \mhzvß PskÒÍ uØPõ¨¦›ø©¯õÚx Cuß öuõhº¦øh¯x?

1) _¯©›¯õøu 2) _¯÷uøÁPøÍ §ºzv ö\´uÀ
3) _¯ £õxPõ¨¦ 4) _¯ \õº¦øhø©

28. Maximum limit of solitary confinement

1) One year 2) Three months
3) Two years 4) Six months

uÛø©a ]øÓUPõÚ Ea\ AÍÄ ÷PõÀ

1) J¸ Á¸h® 2) ‰ßÖ ©õu[PÒ
3) Cμsk Á¸h[PÒ 4) BÖ ©õu[PÒ

29. Death under Section 46 of IPC denotes

1) Death of a human being
2) Death of an animal
3) Death of a human being and of an animal both
4) Death of either human being or an animal

C¢v¯ ushøÚa \mh® ¤›Ä 46–ß RÌ Áøμ¯øÓ ö\´¯¨£mh ©μn® Gߣx

1) J¸ ©Ûu›ß ©μn®
2) J¸ »[Qß ©μn®
3) ©Ûu ©ØÖ® »[Qß ©μn®
4) ©Ûu ©μn•® CÀø» »[S ©μn•® CÀø»

30. Section 303 of the IPC was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in
1) Mithu Vs State of Punjab 2) Sher Singh Vs State of Punjab
3) Bachan Singh Vs State of Punjab 4) Triveni Ben Vs State of Gujarat

C¢v¯ ushøÚa \mh® ¤›Ä 303&I Ea\}v©ßÓ® μzx ö\´u ÁÇUS?

1) ªzx Gvº £g\õ¨ ©õ{»® 2) öåº][ Gvº £g\õ¨ ©õ{»®
3) £a\õß ][ Gvº £g\õ¨ ©õ{»® 4) v›÷Áoö£ß Gvº Sáμõz ©õ{»®

E 9 M1302
31. Common intention means
1) Similar Intention 2) Same Intention
3) Sharing of Intention by all persons 4) Common plans

ö£õxÁõÚ P¸zx Gߣx

1) Jzu Gsn® 2) J÷μ ©õv›¯õÚ Gsn®
3) £Q쨣mh P¸zx 4) ö£õxÁõÚ vmh®

32. Muslim law not merely empower the husband to divorce his wife by talak, it also
empower him to delegate this power to others
1) Single Talaq 2) Talaq-il-Tafweez
3) Talaq Hasan 4) Talaq ahason

•í©v¯õº \mh¨£i J¸ Cì»õª¯º uß ©øÚÂø¯ uõ÷©õ AÀ»x AÆÁvPõμzøu

¤Óº ‰»÷©õ ö\¯À£kzu ÂøDz® ö\¯À
1) J¸ •øÓ u»õU 2) u»õU–À–u¨Ãì
3) u»õU íéõß 4) u»õU Aíéõß

33. The Muslim Law which authorizes a wife to get divorce from her husband on proof of
adulterous conduct?
1) Khula 2) Mubarrat
3) Ila 4) Lian

PÒÍz öuõhº¦UPõP u® PnÁøμ ÂÁõPμzx ö\´¯ AÁº u® ©øÚÂUS AvPõμ®

AÎUS® •í©v¯º \mh®
1) S»õ 2) •£õμz
3) C»õ 4) ¼¯ß

34. “Mere Non-compliance with the decree of restitution of conjugal rights or a mere
disinclination to agree to an offer of reunion did not amount to wrong disentitling the
petitioner the relief”. The Supreme Court decided in the case of
1) Saritha Vs Venkatasubbaiah
2) Birmal Devi D/o Bakhtawar singh Vs Singhraj son of Dasundhi Ram
3) Anupama Vs Singh Rao
4) Dharmandra Kumar Vs Usha Kumar

÷\º¢x ÁõÊ® EzuμøÁ «Ö® |£º öuõhº£õÚ Ea\}v©ßÓ ÁÇUS

1) \›uõ
2) ¤º©À÷uÂ
3) AÝ£©õ
4) uº÷©¢vμ S©õº

M1302 10 E
35. In marriage, a sale of the daughter by the father to the Bridegroom practiced in the
olden days was called
1) Gandhara Marriage 2) Daira form of Marriage
3) Rakshasa Marriage 4) Asura Marriage

u¢øu uß ©PøÍ v¸©n® ö\´ÂUS® ö£õ¸mk ©õ¨¤ÒøÍUS ÂØ£øÚ ö\´Áuõ´

£õÂzu v¸©n \h[S
1) P¢uºÁ v¸©n® 2) øuºμõ ÁøP v¸©n®
3) μõUåé ÁøP v¸©n® 4) A_μ ÁøP v¸©n®

36. Muslim marriage performed between parties having the capacity to complying with
all the formalities to make it valid is called
1) Shahih 2) Basil
3) Fasid 4) Muta

•Ê uSv²øh¯ •í©v¯ u®£v°Ú›øh÷¯ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ \h[SPÐhß •iÁØÓ J¸

v¸©n® CÆÁõÖ AøÇUP¨£k®
1) åõQ 2) £õêÀ
3) L£õêm 4) •mhõ

37. The Peculiar feature of appointment of agents for performance of marriage is known
1) Witalat-ba-nikah 2) Kharch-I-Pordan
3) Nikath 4) Nikah agents

•í©v¯õº \mhzvÀ v¸©nzvØPõP J¸ •PÁøμ {¯ª¨£x CÆÁõÖ AøÇUP¨£kQÓx

1) Âmhõ»m – £õ – {UPõ 2) Pμa – C – £ºuõß
3) {UPõ 4) {UPõ •PÁõ

38. The term Industry as per Section 2(J) does not included
1) Trade
2) Systematic activity carried on by Co-operation between the Employers
3) Industrial Occupation
4) Domestic Service

öuõÈØ\õø» \a\μÄPÎß \mh® 2(J) £i öuõÈØ\õø» AÀ»õu JßÖ

1) ¯õ£õμ®
2) £QºÄ Ai¨£øh°»õÚ £o
3) öuõÈØ\õø» £o
4) Ãmk ÷Áø»

E 11 M1302
39. The Triple test was accepted to define an Industry in the case of
1) Bangalore Water Supply Sewage Board Vs Rajappa
2) State of Bombay Vs Hospital Mazdoor Saba
3) Nagpur Corporation case
4) Physical Research Lab Vs K.H.Sharma

öuõÈØ\õø» GߣuøÚ Áøμ¯øÓ ö\´¯ •¨£›÷\õuøÚ ÷Põm£õmøh AÔ•P® ö\´u

Ea\}v©ßÓ ÁÇUS
1) μõᨣõ (ö£[PѺ) ÁÇUS
2) ©ìxº \£õ ÁÇUS
3) |õU§º Põº£÷μåß ÁÇUS
4) ÷P.Ga.\º©õ ÁÇUS

40. The constitutional provision that has nexus with the latin maxim “ nemo debet bis
1) 14 2) 20
3) 21 4) 32

J÷μ SØÓzvØS GÁ¸® C¸•øÓ xߦÖzu¨£hU Thõx GÝ® •xö©õÈUS

öuõhº¦øh¯ Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦a \mh¨¤›Ä
1) 14 2) 20
3) 21 4) 32

41. Section 27 of the Trade Union Act deals with ––––––––––––– of Trade union.
1) Amalgamation 2) Registration
3) Dissolution 4) Cancellation

öuõÈØ \[Pa \mhzvß ¤›Ä 27&À öuõhº¦øh¯x

1) J¸[QønzuÀ 2) £vÄ ö\´uÀ
3) Pø»zuÀ 4) Cμzx ö\´uÀ

42. Court of Inquiry shall submit report of the appropriate Government with in a Period
1) 14 days 2) 30 days
3) 6 months 4) 3 months

öuõÈÀxøÓ \a\μÄPÒ \mh¨£i Esø© Enº }v©ßÓ® uÚx AÔUøP°øÚ Aμ_US

\©º¤UP {ºn¯® ö\´¯¨£mh AvP¨£i¯õÚPõ» AÍÄ
1) 14 |õmPÒ 2) 30 |õmPÒ
3) 6 ©õu[PÒ 4) 3 ©õu[PÒ

43. The verdict of the Labour court in Industrial Dispute is described as

1) Judgement 2) Decree
3) Award 4) Order

öuõÈØxøÓ \a\μÄPÒ \õº¢u öuõÈ»õͺ }v©ßÓzvß •iÄ –––––––––––– GÚ¨£k®

1) wº¨¦øÓ 2) wº¨£õøn
3) wº¨¦ 4) EzuμÄ

M1302 12 E
44. The conduct that constitutes Nonfeasance
1) Intentionally harming another.
2) Failure to perform an act he or she is legally obliged to perform.
3) Committing fraud.
4) Committing trespass

ö\´¯õ¨ ¤øDzhß öuõhº¦øh¯x

1) ÷Áskö©ß÷Ó ©ØÓÁºUS w[QøÇzuÀ
2) \mh¨£i ö\´¯÷Ási¯ Ph¨£õkPøÍ ö\´¯ uÁÖøP
3) ÷©õ\i ö\´uÀ
4) Azx«Ô¯ ~øÇÄ

45. A tort is
1) A criminal wrong
2) A civil wrong other than a claim for breach of contract.
3) An action for breach of contract.
4) An action by an employee for workers' compensation.

w[S Gߣx
1) J¸ SØÓ¯À uÁÖ
2) J¨£¢u «ÓÀ uºzu E›ø©°¯À uPμõÖ
3) J¨£¢u «Ó¾US GvμõÚ ÁÇUS
4) £o CǨ¦UPõÚ ÁÇUS

46. ‘Actionable per se’ means

1) Actionable without proof of damage
2) Actionable only in the civil courts
3) A tort of strict liability
4) Actionable at the instance of the injured party only

CǨ¤À»õ ÁÇUS›ø© Gߣx

1) ÷\u® {¸n® CÀ»õ {ø» ÁÇUQkuÀ
2) E›ø©°¯À }v©ßÓ[PÎÀ öuõkUP¨£k® ÁÇUS
3) Pk® ö£õÖ¨¦{ø» \õº¢u ÁÇUS
4) £õvUP¨£mhÁº \õº£õP öuõkUP¨£k® ÁÇUS

47. Medical examination of a woman to ascertain her virginity tantamount to

infringement of her
1) Right to life 2) Right to livelihood
3) Right to marriage 4) Right to privacy

J¸ ö£soß PؤøÚ £›÷\õvUP AÁøμ ©¸zxÁ £›÷\õuøÚUS Em£kzx® ö\¯À

Aμ]¯À \mh CÆÄ›ø©US GvμõÚx?
1) E°ºÁõÌ E›ø© 2) ÁõÌÁõuõμ E›ø©
3) v¸©n E›ø© 4) uÛø©UPõÚ E›ø©

E 13 M1302
48. A batsman, hits a ball bowled towards him to the boundary for a six. The ball hits one
of the pillars to the stand and veers off at an angle hitting a spectator in the face
causing him to lose his sight. An action by him can be defended on the ground of
(i) Inevitable accident
(ii) Act of God
(iii) Contributory negligence
(iv) Volenti non fit injuria
1) (i) and (ii) 2) (ii) and (iii)
3) (i) and (iv) 4) (iii) and (iv)

Q›UöPm ÂøͯõmiÀ uß £õÀ Ã\¨£mh J¸ £¢vøÚ GÀø»U ÷PõmiøÚ uõsi

AiUS® ÷|õUQÀ J¸ Âøͯõmk Ãμº £¢vøÚ GvºöPõÒQÓõº. A¨£¢x ì÷hi¯zvß
J¸ yoß ÷©À £mk \›¢x ÃÌøP°À J¸ £õºøÁ¯õÍ›ß •Pzøu uõUQ¯vÀ AÁº uß
Ps£õºøÁø¯ CÇUQÓõº. |èh Dk ÷Põ› CÁº öuõkUS® ÁÇUQÀ Gvº Áõu©õ´
(i) uºUP C¯»õ £zx
(ii) öu´Áa ö\¯À
(iii) £[PΨ¦ PÁÚUSøÓÄ
(iv) uõ÷© Á¼¯ HØÖU öPõsh FÖ
1) (i) and (ii) 2) (ii) and (iii)
3) (i) and (iv) 4) (iii) and (iv)

49. Strict liability is liability without

1) remorse 2) discipline
3) fault 4) remedy

Pk® ö£õÖ¨¦ {ø» Gߣx ——————— ö£õÖ¨¦›ø©

1) Á¸¢xuÀ AØÓ 2) JÊ[PØÓ
3) uÁÔÀ»õ 4) wºÁØÓ

50. To succeed in a tort action the plaintiff must prove the case
1) To the best of his ability
2) Beyond reasonable doubt
3) On the balance of probabilities
4) To the satisfaction of the other party

w[Q¯À ÁÇUQÀ Áõv öÁØÔ ö£Ó Cx CßÔ¯ø©¯õux

1) •i¢uÁøμ {¹¤zuÀ ÷Ásk®
2) \¢÷uP©Ó {¹¤US® ußø©
3) |®¤UøP u¸® ÁøP°À {¹¤zuÀ
4) Gvº uμ¨¤Úº v¸¨v²Ö® ÁøP°À {¹¤zuÀ


M1302 14 E

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