Review SAMPLE Speaking Quý 1.2024

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Số điện thoại: 036 402 1240


Các đề Thi IELTS Speaking mới Quý 1

( Tháng 1- Tháng 4) năm 2024
Bộ đề được lấy từ thầy Xuân Phi

Đây chỉ là file review của bộ đề

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Hãy tối ưu hóa thời gian của bạn cho kỹ năng Speaking ngay nhé.


Musical instrument
1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
Sample 1 (yes)
Yes, I have acquired proficiency in playing the piano for several years.
Learning to play the piano has been a passion of mine since
childhood, and I find joy and fulfillment in expressing emotions
through music. I've dedicated consistent practice time to improve
my skills and explore a diverse range of musical compositions.

Sample 2 (no)
Unfortunately, I do not possess the skill of playing a musical
instrument. While I have an appreciation for music, I haven't had the
opportunity to learn and master any particular instrument. However,
I enjoy listening to various musical pieces and admire those who
have the talent to play instruments proficiently.

2. Do you think students should learn to play musical

instruments at school?
Số điện thoại: 036 402 1240

Yes, I think it's important for children to have the chance to learn to
play an instrument at school. Music education not only fosters
creativity and self-expression but also enhances cognitive skills and
discipline. It can be a valuable part of a well-rounded education,
allowing children to explore their musical talents and appreciate the
beauty of music from an early age.

3. Have you taken any classes on musical instruments in school?

Sample 1 (yes)
Yes, I have learned to play a musical instrument. During my
childhood, I took piano lessons for several years, which provided me
with a strong foundation in music theory and performance. While I'm
not a virtuoso, playing the piano has been a rewarding and enriching
experience in my life.

Sample 2 (no)
I have never developed a strong interest in playing a musical
instrument or exploring musical talents, and it's not a natural
inclination for me. While I admire musicians and their skills, I
personally haven't felt a strong connection to the world of musical
performance or instrument learning.
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PART 2 & 3

Describe a good advertisement that you think

is useful
You should say:
Where you can see it
What it shows
Why you think it is useful
And explain how you feel about it

One advertisement that I find exceptionally useful is a television
commercial for a public service campaign promoting seat belt usage.
I've seen this advertisement on various television channels,
particularly during prime time and on news channels.

The advertisement is quite straightforward but impactful. It features

a series of quick clips showing individuals of different ages and
backgrounds buckling up their seat belts while getting into their
cars. The background music is subtle but emotionally resonant, and
there is no spoken dialogue in the ad. The message is clear: "Buckle
up for safety."

I believe this advertisement is highly useful because it promotes a

critical aspect of road safety in a concise and memorable way. It
reinforces the importance of wearing seat belts every time we get
into a vehicle, regardless of the distance we plan to travel. The
simplicity of the message ensures that it can be understood by a
wide audience, including children and non-native speakers of the
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What I appreciate most about this advertisement is its potential to

save lives. Seat belts are a proven and effective safety measure in
preventing injuries and fatalities in car accidents. By reminding
people to buckle up, this ad contributes to creating safer roads and
reducing the severity of injuries in accidents.

When I see this advertisement, I feel a sense of responsibility and

awareness about my own safety and the safety of others on the road.
It serves as a reminder of the small yet crucial actions we can take to
protect ourselves and our loved ones while driving. I view it as a
public service message that genuinely cares about the well-being of
the community, and I appreciate its simplicity and effectiveness in
conveying a life-saving message.

Part 3

1. What do you think of online advertising?

Online advertising has become an integral part of our digital world,
offering businesses an effective way to reach their target audiences.
However, it can sometimes be overwhelming and intrusive,
disrupting the online experience for users. Striking a balance
between informative and unobtrusive online advertising is crucial, as
it can provide valuable information while respecting users' browsing

2. Are there any great online advertisements?

Yes, there are indeed numerous remarkable online that have
captivated audiences and left a lasting impact. Some examples
include Apple's iconic "1984" commercial introducing the Macintosh
computer, which is celebrated for its innovation and storytelling.
Additionally, the "Dumb Ways to Die" campaign by Metro Trains in
Australia garnered widespread attention for its creativity and
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effectiveness in promoting safety. These advertisements

demonstrate the power of storytelling and creativity in the digital
advertising landscape.

3. What do people usually buy?

The items that people usually purchase encompass a broad spectrum
of products and services, reflecting their diverse needs and
preferences. On a day-to-day basis, individuals commonly purchase
essentials like groceries, toiletries, and clothing to meet basic living
requirements. Beyond the basics, people often invest in durable
goods such as smartphones, laptops, and vehicles, which have
become indispensable tools for modern life. Ultimately, the array of
purchases people make is influenced by their unique circumstances,
lifestyle choices, and economic capacity, resulting in a rich tapestry
of consumer behavior.

4. Why does buying new things make people happy?

Purchasing fresh items or experiences often brings happiness to
people because it triggers a sense of novelty and excitement.
Acquiring something new, whether it's a tangible item or an
experience, can provide a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
Additionally, the anticipation and joy associated with new purchases
can temporarily boost mood and create positive feelings,
contributing to the overall sense of happiness.

5. Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?

In contemporary society, people are increasingly selective about the
advertisements they engage with, and many tend to avoid what they
perceive as useless or irrelevant advertising. With the rise of
ad-blockers and on-demand streaming services, viewers have more
control over the content they consume, making it less likely for them
to watch advertisements that do not provide value or relevance to
their interests. Effective advertising that resonates with the
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audience's needs and preferences tends to be more successful in

capturing and retaining viewers' attention.

6. Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?

Yes, the omnipresence of advertising has become overwhelming in
our daily routines. From social media platforms to television, public
spaces, and even mobile apps, advertisements inundate nearly every
aspect of our lives. While advertising serves to inform consumers,
the sheer volume of ads can sometimes lead to information overload
and intrude upon personal spaces, creating a sense of saturation in
our daily experiences.

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Số điện thoại: 036 402 1240

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