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"The Power of Friendship".


1. Anna (BERNADETH) - a kind and optimistic girl

2. Bella (OLIVIA) - a thoughtful and introvert friend
3. Charlie (NICKSEN) - a funny and extroverted guy
4. Daisy (CELESTYN) - a wise and supportive friend
5. Ethan(STEVEN) - a loyal and dependable friend
6. For The Narrator (CELESTYN)

(Scene: At park. Anna and Bella are sitting on a bench, chatting.)

Anna: (Excitedly) Bella, I can't believe we've been friends for so long! It feels like we've
known each other forever.

Bella: (Smiling) Yes, Anna. Our friendship means the world to me. You've always been
there for me, even when I was feeling down.

Anna: (Hugging Bella) And you've always been there for me too, Bella. Remember when
we were in elementary school and we were paired up for a project? That's when our
friendship started to bloom.

Bella: (Chuckling) Oh yes, I remember that! We were so different back then, but we
somehow clicked instantly. You brought out the best in me, Anna.

(Scene: Flashback to elementary school. Anna and Bella are working on a project

Anna: (Excitedly) Bella, let's make this project the best one in the whole class! We can
create a beautiful poster and present it with confidence.

Bella: (Nervously) I'm not sure, Anna. I'm not good at presenting in front of people.

Anna: (Encouragingly) Don't worry, Bella. I believe in you. We'll practice together, and I'll
be right there beside you during the presentation. We're a team, remember?

(Scene: Back to the present. Anna and Bella are still sitting on the bench.)

Bella: (Gratefully) Anna, I can't thank you enough for always believing in me. You've
helped me overcome my fears and become more confident.
Anna: (Smiling) That's what friends are for, Bella. We support and lift each other up. And
you know what? We have more amazing friends who have joined our journey.

(Scene: Daisy and Charlie enter the scene.)

Daisy: (Excitedly) Hey, Anna and Bella! Charlie and I heard you talking about friendship.
We couldn't resist joining the conversation.

Charlie: (Playfully) Yeah, we couldn't let you have all the fun without us, right?

Anna: (Laughing) Of course not! The more, the merrier. You guys are a big part of our
friendship too.

Bella: (Gratefully) We're so lucky to have friends like you. You've brought laughter,
support, and adventure into our lives.

(Scene: when Ethan ran over to Ethan and Daisy to join them…)

Ethan: (runs faster and exhausted) wait…Ethan and Daisy, don’t forget about me too…

Daisy: (surprised) WHOA…you really surprised me there…

Charlie: (facing backwards) We won't forget you Ethan, but where have you been? we've
been waiting for you…

Daisy: (nods in agreement) that's right, where have you been? Are you late again for the
third time?

Ethan: (looked at Daisy and Charlie then sighed) I have my own reasons for being late,
but I've brought what we need for this joint project…

Daisy: (sighed) don't be late again…but you are right on time…the project is almost done
so Charlie and Ethan let’s continue the project first…

Charlie: (nodding in agreement) right…we don’t want to make Anna and Bella wait too
long…let's go then Ethan and Daisy…

Ethan: Sorry, but I promise I won't be late again…let's go but after that the three of us can
spend time together with Anna and Bella…

Charlie and Daisy: Agree!!

( Scene 1: The School Library)

(Scene: Anna, Bella, Charlie, Daisy, and Ethan are sitting at a table, studying for their

Anna: (looking around) You know, guys. It's still amazing how we've stuck together all
these years.

Bella: (smiling) Yes, Anna. We've been through ups and downs, but we never left each
other's side.

Charlie: (laughs) Remember that time when we prepared for the school project together?

Daisy: (giggling) Oh yes, we were so nervous. But we pulled it off with teamwork!

Ethan: (nodding) That's the beauty of our friendship - we always have each other's backs.

(Scene 2: At The Cafeteria)

(The friends are sitting at their usual spot, having lunch.)

Anna: (thoughtfully) Our friendship has grown stronger with each passing year.

Bella: (agreeing) Yes, we've seen each other at our best and worst. Yet, we're still

Charlie: (chuckles) And let's not forget the countless pranks we've played on each other.

Daisy: (laughs) Those were fun times. But what's more important is the support and
understanding we've shown each other.

Ethan: (smiles) I couldn't agree more. I'm thankful for all of you.

(Scene 3: The School Grounds)

(Scene: All five friends gather in a circle, holding hands.)

Ethan: (Emotionally) Friends come and go, but true friends stay forever. We've laughed
together, cried together, and shared countless memories.

Daisy: (Smiling) And no matter where life takes us, we'll always be there for each other.
Our friendship is unbreakable.

Anna: (Excitedly) Let's make a pact, guys. No matter how busy life gets, let's always
make time for each other and keep this bond strong.
Charlie: (Touched) I couldn't agree more. You guys are my forever friends, and I'm
grateful for every moment we've shared.

(The friends are sitting under their favorite tree, reminiscing about their school days.)

Anna: (teary-eyed) I can't believe we're graduating soon. I'll miss all of you.

Bella: (comforting) We'll always be friends, Anna. Distance can't change that.

Charlie: (grinning) And we'll have reunions! Imagine all the fun we'll have catching up.

Daisy: (nodding) Yes, our friendship will only grow stronger with time.

Ethan: (smiling) To our friendship, may it last forever!

(Scene: The friends stand up and embrace each other.)

(They all raise their hands and cheer, promising to stay friends forever.)

Bella: (Happily) Here's to many more adventures, laughter, and unforgettable memories
together. Forever friends!

All: Forever friends!

(Scene fades out with the friends walking away, arm in arm, ready to face whatever life
throws at them.)

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