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Intro: Good morning, and welcome to the 2nd Parents’ General Assembly and Stakeholders’ Forum! I am truly
delighted to stand before you as your Master of Ceremony for this significant event.
As we gather here today, we recognize the pivotal role that parents, teachers, and our stockholders play in
shaping the educational journey of our young learners. This assembly serves as a platform for collaboration, dialogue, and
shared vision – a space where we come together to nurture curiosity, foster growth, and strengthen our school community.

Opening Program:
Before we start, may I request everybody to please stand for the Prayer followed by the singing of the National
Anthem to be led by our Division Federated SSLG Auditor, Neshreen Macalawi.
May I call in the select learners from different grade levels of Hinaplanon Elementary School to lead us in
dancing the Iligan March, a round of applause please.
Opening Remarks:
1. To formally start our program, please help me welcome with your warmest applause, our thoughtful and dearest
principal, Ma’am Juliet Manzano Mariquit to tell us a statement of today’s purpose.

Thank you Ma’am Juliet.

2. This time, let me just say that it is an honour and privilege to welcome this next guest to our esteemed gathering
today. As a dedicated public servant, he tirelessly worked for the betterment of our community especially our
dearest school. Let us all welcome our Barangay Captain, Hon. Norodin P. Cabaro. A round of applause

Thank you and once again, welcome, and thank you Kap for gracing us with your presence today.
3. For the next part of our program, May I request Dr. Norolain T. Romapa, Hon. Norodin P. Cabaro, Ma’am Juliet
M. Mariquit, and our GPTA President, Sir Alvin Simbajon for in this moment we are going to install our very
own School GPTA Consultant no other than Mr. Cairoden C. Cabaro.

4. Without further ado, let us warmly welcome Mr. Cairoden C. Cabaro, who will now deliver his acceptance
message. Let’s give him a round of resounding applause please.

Thank you Sir!

5. Ladies and Gentleman, It is with immense honor and anticipation that I introduce our next speaker who will give
us an Inspirational message, please help me welcome our esteemed Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr.
Norolain T. Romapa. Let’s give her a round of applause please.

Thank you Ma’am for those truly inspiring words that you’ve shared with us today.

6. This time, Ladies and Gentleman let us give the stage to our GPTA President, Mr. Alvin A. Simbajon, to give us
his words of wisdom and inspiration. Let’s give him a round of applause please.

Thank you Sir.

7. Ladies and gentlemen, our next speaker is our coordinator in disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM).
Today, he will guide us through a practical demonstration of the essential safety protocol during earthquakes:
DUCK, COVER, and HOLD. As we all know, being prepared for natural disasters is crucial, especially in our
region. The knowledge and skills shared by our speaker can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety of
our students, teachers, and community members. Please help me welcome, our very own teacher in Hinaplanon
Elementary School, Sir Juanario J. Elejado, who will lead us in this enlightening and potentially life-saving
demonstration. Please give him a warm round of applause as he take the stage.

Thank you Sir Elejado.

8. The next part of our program will be the giving of certificates to our Dear Parents who gave their valuable time
and effort into helping us shape and improve our beloved school during our PAHINA. May I request Ma’am
Norolain T. Romapa, Mr. Norodin P. Cabaro, Ma’am Juliet M. Mariquit, Mr. Cairoden C. Cabaro, and
Sir Alvin Simbajon for the Distribution of Certificates.

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