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Level of Questions to Ask Yourself Example Responses Your 1st Reflection Highlights Your 2nd Reflection Highlights YOUR FINAL Reflection Notes

Descriptive ● What did I do? ● I started my research with

(1-2pts) ● How did I undertake my the idea to…. and
research? searched Google.
● What were the problems I ● I tried looking at a few of
faced? the databases.
● Did my approach or ● I had to look at some
strategies change other ideas because there
throughout the process? wasn’t much on my topic.
● What have been the high ● It has been very
and the low points of the easy/hard to find some
research and writing decent resources.

Analytical ● Was my research ● My initial findings showed

(3-4pts) successful? that original research on
● If I changed my approach this topic was done by….
or strategies during the ● I started with school
process, why did I do databases, but then I
this? realized I needed to
● What did I learn from the change my thinking as it
experience in terms of my was too specific/broad.
understanding of the ● As a result of my
subject area and/or the preliminary searching, I
skills needed to decided to focus primarily
undertake research? on…
● How has my ● I started diving into
understanding of the topic resources that were easy
and research process to find, only to realize I
developed throughout needed a lot more
the task? information at the basic
level to have a full
understanding of my topic

Evaluative ● If I were to undertake this ● At this stage, I wished I

(5-6pts) research again, would I had taken the advice of
do it differently—if so, talking to a teacher in this
why or why not? area. I could have saved
● What has affected this? time by…
● If I did do the research ● In retrospect, I would start
again, would I change the my research
theories applied or the broader/more specifically
method because….
● Would this have led to a ● My initial idea was …
different outcome? however, I found research
● What can I conclude from on …. That made I
this? change my initial ideas
● Were the strategies I and move this direction
used for undertaking my because…
research the most
appropriate for achieving
my outcomes?
● What, if any, questions
emerged as a result of my
research that I was not
● Would these questions
influence my approach if I
were to undertake the
research again?

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