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Grade Level 10
Teacher ALEXIES Jane Ola Learning Areas English
Time :
07:30 am – 08:30 am Tuesday
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm Tuesday
Date: April 19, 2024
A. Content Standard  The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals, groups and nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and
viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns and structures of
B. Performance standard  The learner will be able to demonstrate their understanding on giving expanded
definition of words through the patterns of expanding definition.
C. Learning The learners:
Competencies  Give expanded definitions of words. (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. determine the function of negation, etymology and historical references as patterns
for expanding definition;
2. write an expanded definition of the given words using different patterns; and,
3. recognize the significance of giving expanded definition of words in understanding a
text effectively.
II. CONTENT Expanded Definition
A. References
1. Learner’s materials DepEd Learning Module for English – Grade 10; Quarter 4 - Module 3: Expanded
pages Definitions of Words (2020)
2. Textbook pages
3. Additional Power point Presentations, Chalks, Worksheet, and Pictures
Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning


a. Prayer
Kindly stand up everyone for our short prayer so that we will
have the guidance of our Almighty God in today’s lesson.
Marianne, please lead the prayer.
Lord, as we begin this class, we seek your guidance
and wisdom. Grant us clear minds and open hearts to
absorb the knowledge before us. Bless us with
b. Greetings diligence and attentiveness in our studies. Amen

Good morning class!

Good morning, Ma’am!
c. Putting the Class in Order
Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the pieces of
litters around and ensure that your chairs are properly
aligned. (Students will organize the place.)
(The teacher will roam around to check the orderliness of
the classroom.)
Alright, you may now take your seats!
Every time we begin our class, may I request everyone to
remember my name, ALEX? Be ALEX:
Learn with your peers.
Enjoy our learning session.
eXpress yourselves as much as possible.

Understood, Grade 10? Yes, Ma’am!

Very good.

d. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present today? Yes, Ma’am!

Excellent, it’s good to know that all of you are here, ready to
learn a new lesson.

e. Checking of Assignment

Last meeting, were you given an assignment? Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, who would like to share their outputs? (At least two students will share their assignments.)

Thank you very much. Please pass your assignments forward.

f. Motivation

Before we proceed with our discussion, let us play a short

game titled “The more, the merrier!”. Please read the  The students will be divided into six (6).
instructions, Kevin.  Each group should pick one representative
who will play in each round.
 The teacher will say a word and in three (3)
minutes, each representative will take turn to
say a word that will complete the given word.
(Example: SUPER- power, man, woman,
lative [superlative].)
 Once the representative of a group cannot say
a word within three seconds, he will be
eliminated, and the remaining representatives
will compete until a winner is declared.

Are the instructions clear? Yes, Ma’am!

Alright, please proceed to your groups and choose your (The students will do so.)
(The students will do so.)
Representatives of each groups please proceed here in front.
Your three minutes starts now. Sample words:
1. World- world peace, worldwide, world record,
world view
2. Aqua- aquamarine, aquatic, aquarium
3. Auto- automatic, autograph, autobiography,
4. Bio- biology, biography, biohazard, biodegradable
5. Head- headache- headphone, headset, headmaster,

(After three minutes)

Okay. Congratulations, Group _____. You are the winner of
this activity. 1,2,3~1,2,3~ Sheesh~
Give them the “Sheesh Clap!”

Alright. I’m glad you enjoyed our activity. What we have

done is somewhat related to our lesson for today. So, please
arrange your chairs but stay on your groups.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new
As we move on to our new lesson, who among you could
share what they learned from the previous lesson?
(Students will raise hand.)
Yes, John Harold? I’ve learned about the expanded definition and its
first three patterns.
Thank you. Again, what do we mean by expanded definition?
Yes, Kenan?
Expanded definition is not just a simple dictionary
definition of words, but it also explains the given
word in a detailed manner.
Very good! Now, what are the first three patterns that we
Yes, Maica? Giving examples, compare and contrast and cause
and effect.

Very well said. Do you have questions regarding the past


I’m glad that you really understood our past lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Alright, as we proceed, these are the lesson objectives that At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
we aim to achieve today. 1. determine the function of negation, etymology
and historical references as patterns for expanding
2. write an expanded definition of the given words
using different patterns; and,
3. recognize the significance of giving expanded
definition of words in understanding a text
Can I expect that we can achieve them by the end of this
Yes, Ma’am.
Very good!

A. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Now, let us have another activity. I need five (5) volunteers

for this activity.
(Five students will volunteer.)
I will write a word on the board and within one minute, these
volunteers will write as many words as they can that would
define what I wrote. Is that clear?

Yes, Ma’am.
Alright, the given word is LOVE. Your one minute starts
(The students will do their task.)
(The teacher will check each word written by the students.)

Please remain in front, our volunteers. How do you feel upon

doing the activity?
Ma’am, I feel challenged because there is a time limit
Okay. How about the others? Yes, Micca Ella? given for us to think as much word as we can and
also, there’s a chance that my and my classmates’
answer will be the same.
Very Good. Now, how did you come up with the words that
you have written?
Yes, Kayxien? Ma’am, I just write the usual feelings about love or
anything that I can think of.
Alright. Thank you very much. You may now go back to
your seats. (The students will do so.)
After seeing the words that your classmate wrote on the
board, some of them are related to what we are going to
discuss today.
A. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New
So, class, in our previous activities, we were able to have a
glimpse of what expanded definition is.
To deepen our discussion, let us go back to the words that we
used in our first activity.
Can you please the first word and its definition, Kevin?

1. Bamboo is a giant woody grass that grows chiefly

Thank you very much. How about the second one? Yes, in the tropics.
2. Crystal is a glassy or patterned solid made of
Thank you. And the last one, Rachel? atoms.

3. Freedom is the ability to think, feel, say, or act

Okay. Thank you very much. With these definitions, can you however one chooses.
understand what these words means?
Yes, Ma’am.
Of course, yes. But, say for example, your teacher asked you
look for examples of a crystal. Would the given definition of
crystal be enough for you to accomplish the task?
No, Ma’am.
Why do you think so? Yes, James Ivan?
Ma’am, I think it’s because the given definition of
crystal is just short, and it doesn’t have that much
information given about crystal.
Okay. Very nice idea. This definition of crystal, or all of
those words (bamboo, crystal and freedom) are just their
dictionary definition that is why we cannot get as much
information as we want.
Now, please read this given definition of the word crystal. A crystal is any solid material in which the
Yes, Paul. component atoms are arranged in a definite pattern
and whose surface regularity reflects its internal
symmetry. In a crystal, all of the atoms (or ions) are
arranged in a regular grid pattern. For example, in
the case of table salt (NaCl), the crystals are made up
of cubes of sodium (Na) ions and chlorine (Cl) ions.
Each sodium ion is surrounded by six chlorine ions.
Each chlorine ion is surrounded by six sodium ions.
It's very repetitive, which is exactly what makes it a
crystal (Amsen, 2019 and Mahan, 2021). Other
examples of crystal include sugar, snowflakes, rocks
Now, if I ask you to discuss what is crystal and give and metals.
examples, can you accomplish the task using this definition?
Yes, Ivan? Yes, Ma’am, because the definition given has the
complete information that I need to accomplish the
task. This definition gives a deeper discussion of
what a crystal is, and it also provide some examples.
Correct! And that is exactly what an expanded definition is.
So, who can now give his/her own insight about expanded
Yes, Dereck? For me, expanded definition is a more detailed
definition of a certain word.

Very good. When we say expanded definition. It means…

Kindly read, Sean. Expanded definition is used to define technical
terms with a very detailed explanation, sometimes,
with the use of examples and visuals. It goes deeper
than a simple dictionary definition.
Alright, when we say expanded definition, from the word
itself, it doesn’t just give a simple definition of words. But is
explains them in a deeper sense. And just like in our example
earlier, giving the expanded definition of a word may include
citing examples, or in some cases, it also gives explain the
history, identifying kinds or parts and so much more.
Is it clear?
Let us have another example. Please identify which among Yes, Ma’am
these statements is the dictionary definition and which is the
expanded definition.
Read the statements, yes Tiffany?
Statement A: An electronic design engineer is an
engineer who designs electronic circuits and systems.
Statement B: Electronic design engineers make
electronic circuits and system designs that may be
original, a development or modified from the existing
ones and they can be used in biomedical,
So, which of the two statements is the dictionary definition communications and automation.
and which is the expanded definition? Yes, Andrey.

The first statement is the dictionary definition while

Correct, but how can you say so? the second one is the expanded definition.

Ma’am it is because in the first statement, it only

states what an electronic design engineer is, while in
the second statement, it provides examples of designs
Okay, very good. Which is statement made you understand made by the engineer and where they can be applied.
what an electronic design engineer?

Alright. So that is the main purpose of giving expanded The second statement, Ma’am.
definition. Again, it doesn’t just define the word but it also
explains it in a deeper way so that you can understand the
word better. And this can be used when you write your
research paper, especially in your introduction. You can
provide a clearer information about your topic if you use
expanded definition. Please read the example, yes Sheryl.

Teaching is a profession of those who give

instruction in an elementary, secondary, or university.
It has two types namely traditional teaching and
blended teaching. Traditional teaching relies on
using of textbooks and the lesson starts with the parts
or to specific details then moves on to the whole or
the general details of the lesson. In blended
teaching, is an approach to education that uses the
combination of online educational materials and
opportunities for interaction online with traditional
Thank you very much. So, in this text, how does the word placed-based classroom methods.
teaching is defined? Yes, Ashely?
Ma’am, the text states what teaching is and it also
Very good. This text is actually a part of an introduction of a discuss the two types of teaching.
research paper about teaching. And the researcher didn’t
simply discuss what is teaching but it also includes the types
of teaching used in schools.
Did you understand?
Do you have questions so far? Yes, Ma’am.
B. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New None, Ma’am.
Skills #2
Alright, now, we have six patterns in expanding definitions.
But today, we are just going to discuss the first three.
The first one is through giving an example. Please read,
Giving example is a pattern that provides a concrete
Thank you very much. We already did this earlier using the example of a term to make it easier to understand.
word crystal. Anyone who can recall how we define crystal
by giving examples.
A crystal is any solid material in which the
component atoms are arranged in a definite pattern
and whose surface regularity reflects its internal
symmetry. In a crystal, all of the atoms (or ions) are
arranged in a regular grid pattern. For example, in the
case of table salt (NaCl), the crystals are made up of
cubes of sodium (Na) ions and chlorine (Cl) ions.
Each sodium ion is surrounded by six chlorine ions.
Each chlorine ion is surrounded by six sodium ions.
It's very repetitive, which is exactly what makes it a
crystal (Amsen, 2019 and Mahan, 2021). Other
examples of crystal include sugar, snowflakes, rocks
Alright. Actually, we can make this definition shorter, like and metals.
these; please read.

- A crystal is a glassy or patterned solid made

of atoms. Its examples include salt, sugar,
snowflakes, rocks and metals.
- Salt, sugar, snowflakes, rocks and metals are
Just like that, just by giving examples of crystals, you already examples of crystal.
expanded the dictionary definition of crystal. Is that

Alright. For the second pattern, this is how it can be used. Yes, Ma’am.
Please read, Leigh Ann.

Water pollution can result in the death of many

people because of the harmful chemicals on the
How do you think the definition is expanded? water. Throwing garbage on the sea and rivers can
cause water pollution.

And what is the general term for that? Yes, Krisha? It tells the result of water pollution and what causes
water pollution.
Very good. The second pattern is the cause and effect which
analyzes “WHY” something happened and its possible effect. It’s cause and effect, Ma’am.

And for the third pattern, please read the example, Jeter.
Yes, Ma’am.

Hard wheat and soft wheat are both flours. Hard

wheat is a kind of flour made from high-protein
So how does this expand the definition? wheat varieties. Soft wheat is a flour made from low-
Yes, Van? protein wheat varieties.

Okay. The third pattern is the compare and contrast in which It compares what hard wheat and soft wheat is.
of course, describes the similarities and differences of two
ideas or concepts.
Is it clear?
Okay. As we critically read a text, our main goal is to
Do you have any questions, regarding the first three patterns Yes, Ma’am.
of expanding definitions?

A. Developing Mastery .
If none, let us have this task. Please read the instructions,
Marian.  With the same group, create expanded
definitions of the words that will be given to
each group.
 Each group will receive a worksheet in which
the words that they need to define is written,
 The three patterns discussed should be
utilized in giving the expanded definition.
 You will be given 5 minutes to accomplish
the task.
 After five minutes, each group will present
their outputs to the class.
Are the instructions clear?
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. Your five minutes starts now.

(After five minutes, the teacher will let the students perform.)
(The students will present their outputs.)
(The teacher will then announce the scores and feedback for
each group.)
Congratulations, class. Give yourselves the Kimii Clap!

A. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts &

Skills in Daily Living

Now, to really test if you understand the lesson, I prepared

here a KWL chart that you need to fill-out.

You only have 2 minutes to accomplish it. Understood?

Please start doing your activity. Yes, Ma’am.

(After the given time, the teacher will call 2-3 students to
share their answers.
B. Making generalizations & abstractions about the

1. Make a short but creative hashtag about the lesson.
2. Write a short explanation about your hashtag below it. Consider
your reflections, reactions, and learnings. (Students will do so.)
Do you have any questions? None, Ma’am.
C. Evaluating Learning
If none, let’s evaluate your learning.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following best defines “expanded 1. B
definitions”? 2. B
a. It is the process of combining words. 3. D
b. It defines and explains deeper the meaning of words. 4. C
c. It is the grammatical correctness of the definitions. 5. A
d. It is the definition of a word taken from the dictionary.

2. Which of the following patterns of expanding definitions

of words analyzes “why” something happened?
a. Example c. Negation
b. Cause/Effect d. Etymology

3. If “cause and effect” analyzes “why” something

happened , what about “example”?
a. shows how a word has been defined throughout history.
b. analyzes “WHY” something happened.
c. describes the similarities and differences of two ideas or
d. provides a concrete example of a term to make it easier to

4. “Compare and Contrast” is one of the patterns of

expanding definitions that ____________________.
a. describes what is NOT about the concept.
b. analyzes “WHY” something happened.
c. describes the similarities and differences of two idea or
d. provides concrete example of a term to make it easier to

5. “Plants like squash, gumamela, bitter gourd, sunflower,

and others are really helpful in maintaining the surroundings
free from air pollution.” This statement is an example of ___.
a. Example c. Negation
b. Cause/Effect d. Historical References

D. Additional activities for application or remedial

Are there still any questions, clarifications or concerns you

would like to raise?

If there is none, let’s call it a day.

None at all.
Goodbye class!
A day!

Goodbye, Ma’am!

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation: ________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who score below 80%: ________
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who caught up with the lesson: ______
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Prepared: Checked:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher


Principal II

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