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1. Wat is n boelie en hoe sal jy een herken?

What is a bully and how will you recognize one?

A Bully is someone who habitually seeks to harm, intimidate, or exert control over others, often using
physical, verbal, or emotional aggression.
'n Boelie is iemand wat gewoonlik probeer om ander te benadeel, intimideer of beheer oor ander uit te
oefen, dikwels deur fisiese, verbale of emosionele aggressie te gebruik.

Recognizing a bully can involve observing certain behaviors and patterns:

Om 'n boelie te herken, kan die waarneming van sekere gedrag en patrone behels:

 Aggression: Bullies frequently display aggressive behavior, such as physical violence, verbal abuse,
or threatening gestures.
 Agressie: Boelies toon gereeld aggressiewe gedrag, soos fisieke geweld, verbale mishandeling of
dreigende gebare.

 Intimidation Tactics: They may use intimidation tactics to instill fear in others, such as making
threats or spreading rumors.
 Intimidasie Taktieke: Hulle kan intimidasie taktieke gebruik om vrees by ander in te boesem, soos
om dreigemente te maak of gerugte te versprei.

 Targeting Vulnerable Individuals: Bullies often target individuals who they perceive as weaker or
vulnerable, such as those who are shy, have low self-esteem, or are socially isolated.
 Teiken Van Kwesbare Individue: Boelies teiken dikwels individue wat hulle as swakker of kwesbaar
beskou, soos diegene wat skaam is, lae selfbeeld het of sosiaal geïsoleer is.

 Repeated Patterns: Bullying is typically not a one-time occurrence but rather a repeated pattern of
behavior over time.
 Herhaalde Patrone: Afknouery is tipies nie 'n eenmalige gebeurtenis nie, maar eerder 'n herhaalde
gedragspatroon oor tyd.

 Power Imbalance: There is often a power imbalance between the bully and their target, where the
bully holds some form of perceived power or authority over the victim.
 Magswanbalans: Daar is dikwels 'n magswanbalans tussen die boelie en hul teiken, waar die boelie
een of ander vorm van waargenome mag of gesag oor die slagoffer het.

 Lack of Empathy: Bullies may show a lack of empathy or remorse for their actions, not
understanding or caring about the impact their behavior has on others.
 Gebrek Aan Empatie: Boelies kan 'n gebrek aan empatie of berou toon vir hul dade, nie verstaan of
omgee vir die impak wat hul gedrag op ander het nie.

 Control and Dominance: Bullies may seek to control and dominate others, often enjoying the
feeling of power they get from intimidating or harming others.
 Beheer En Oorheersing: Boelies kan poog om ander te beheer en te oorheers, en geniet dikwels die
gevoel van mag wat hulle kry as hulle ander intimideer of benadeel.

 Social Manipulation: They may manipulate social situations to turn others against the victim or to
maintain their dominance within a group.
 Sosiale Manipulasie: Hulle kan sosiale situasies manipuleer om ander teen die slagoffer te keer of
om hul oorheersing binne 'n groep te behou.
2. Hoe hanteer n mens n boelie?
How do you deal with a bully?
 Stay Calm: It's important to remain calm and composed when dealing with a bully. Reacting
emotionally or aggressively can escalate the situation.
 Bly Kalm: Dit is belangrik om kalm en kalm te bly wanneer jy 'n boelie hanteer. Om emosioneel of
aggressief te reageer kan die situasie eskaleer.

 Set Boundaries: Clearly communicate your boundaries to the bully. Let them know that their
behavior is unacceptable and that you will not tolerate being mistreated.
 Stel Grense: Kommunikeer jou grense duidelik aan die boelie. Laat hulle weet dat hul gedrag
onaanvaarbaar is en dat jy dit nie sal duld dat hulle mishandel word nie.

 Assertiveness: Be assertive when standing up to the bully. Use confident body language and a firm
tone of voice to express yourself clearly.
 Selfgeldend: Wees selfgeldend wanneer jy teen die boelie staan. Gebruik selfversekerde lyftaal en 'n
ferm stemtoon om jouself duidelik uit te druk.

 Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, teachers, or other trusted
individuals. They can provide emotional support and may also be able to intervene on your behalf.
 Soek Ondersteuning: Moenie huiwer om ondersteuning van vriende, familie, onderwysers of ander
vertroude individue te soek nie. Hulle kan emosionele ondersteuning bied en kan dalk ook namens
jou ingryp.

 Document Incidents: Keep a record of the bullying incidents, including dates, times, and details of
what happened. This documentation can be useful if you need to report the bullying to authorities
or school officials.
 Dokumentvoorvalle: Hou rekord van die boelievoorvalle, insluitend datums, tye en besonderhede
van wat gebeur het. Hierdie dokumentasie kan nuttig wees as jy die afknouery by owerhede of
skoolbeamptes moet aanmeld.

 Report the Bullying: If the bullying is happening at school or work, report it to a teacher, supervisor,
or HR department. They have a responsibility to address bullying and ensure a safe environment for
 Rapporteer Die Afknouery: Indien die afknouery by die skool of werk plaasvind, rapporteer dit by 'n
onderwyser, toesighouer of MH-afdeling. Hulle het 'n verantwoordelikheid om afknouery aan te
spreek en 'n veilige omgewing vir almal te verseker.

 Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Engage in activities that help
reduce stress and boost your self-esteem.
 Beoefen Selfsorg: Sorg emosioneel en fisies vir jouself. Neem deel aan aktiwiteite wat help om stres
te verminder en jou selfbeeld 'n hupstoot te gee.

 Develop Coping Strategies: Learn coping strategies to deal with the effects of bullying, such as
relaxation techniques, mindfulness, or talking to a counselor or therapist.
 Ontwikkel Hanteringstrategieë: Leer hanteringstrategieë om die gevolge van afknouery te hanteer,
soos ontspanningstegnieke, bewustheid, of om met 'n berader of terapeut te praat.

 Avoid Retaliation: While it may be tempting to retaliate against the bully, doing so can escalate the
situation and may lead to further harm. Focus on protecting yourself and seeking support from
 Vermy Vergelding: Alhoewel dit dalk aanloklik is om teen die boelie te vergeld, kan dit die situasie
eskaleer en tot verdere skade lei. Fokus daarop om jouself te beskerm en om ondersteuning van
ander te soek.
 Know When to Walk Away: If the situation becomes too difficult or dangerous, don't hesitate to
remove yourself from the situation and seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure.
 Weet Wanneer Om Weg Te Loop: As die situasie te moeilik of gevaarlik word, moenie huiwer om
jouself uit die situasie te verwyder en hulp van 'n vertroude volwassene of gesagsfiguur te soek nie.

3. Wat kan n leeder doen as hulle geboelie word by die skool?

What can a learner do if they are bullied at school?
 Tell Someone: The first step is to tell a trusted adult about the bullying. This could be a teacher,
school counselor, principal, or another staff member. It's important not to keep the bullying to
yourself, as adults can help intervene and stop the bullying.
 Vertel Iemand: Die eerste stap is om 'n vertroude volwassene van die afknouery te vertel. Dit kan 'n
onderwyser, skoolberader, skoolhoof of 'n ander personeellid wees. Dit is belangrik om nie die
afknouery vir jouself te hou nie, aangesien volwassenes kan help om in te gryp en die afknouery te

 Keep Records: Keep a record of the bullying incidents, including dates, times, locations, and details
of what happened. This documentation can be helpful when reporting the bullying and can provide
evidence of the pattern of behavior.
 Hou Rekords: Hou rekord van die boelievoorvalle, insluitend datums, tye, liggings en besonderhede
van wat gebeur het. Hierdie dokumentasie kan nuttig wees wanneer die afknouery gerapporteer
word en kan bewys lewer van die gedragspatroon.

 Stay Safe: If the bullying is physical or poses a threat to your safety, remove yourself from the
situation as quickly as possible. Seek help from a teacher or other authority figure if necessary.
 Bly Veilig: As die afknouery fisies is of 'n bedreiging vir jou veiligheid inhou, verwyder jouself so gou
as moontlik uit die situasie. Soek hulp van 'n onderwyser of ander gesagsfiguur indien nodig.

 Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family members, or other trusted individuals for emotional
support. Talking to someone you trust can help you cope with the effects of bullying and provide
reassurance that you're not alone.
 Soek Ondersteuning: Reik uit na vriende, familielede of ander vertroude individue vir emosionele
ondersteuning. Om met iemand te praat wat jy vertrou, kan jou help om die gevolge van afknouery
te hanteer en die versekering te gee dat jy nie alleen is nie.

 Know Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with your school's policies and procedures regarding
bullying. You have the right to feel safe at school, and schools have a responsibility to address and
prevent bullying behavior.
 Ken Jou Regte: Vergewis jouself van jou skool se beleide en prosedures rakende afknouery. Jy het
die reg om veilig te voel by die skool, en skole het 'n verantwoordelikheid om boeliegedrag aan te
spreek en te voorkom.

 Work with School Officials: Work with school officials to address the bullying. This may involve
reporting the bullying, providing evidence, and working together to develop a plan to stop the
bullying and ensure your safety.
 Werk Saam Met Skoolbeamptes: Werk saam met skoolbeamptes om die afknouery aan te spreek.
Dit kan behels dat jy die afknouery aanmeld, bewyse verskaf en saamwerk om 'n plan te ontwikkel
om die afknouery te stop en jou veiligheid te verseker.

 Build Confidence: Bullying can take a toll on self-esteem and confidence. Engage in activities that
build your confidence and self-esteem, such as pursuing hobbies or interests outside of school.
 Bou Selfvertroue: Afknouery kan 'n tol eis op selfbeeld en selfvertroue. Neem deel aan aktiwiteite
wat jou selfvertroue en selfbeeld bou, soos om stokperdjies of belangstellings buite die skool na te

 Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Engage in activities that help
reduce stress and boost your well-being, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, or spending time
with supportive friends and family.
 Beoefen Selfsorg: Sorg emosioneel en fisies vir jouself. Neem deel aan aktiwiteite wat help om stres
te verminder en jou welstand 'n hupstoot te gee, soos oefening, ontspanningstegnieke, of spandeer
tyd saam met ondersteunende vriende en familie.

 Stand Up for Yourself: If it feels safe to do so, stand up for yourself assertively when confronted by
the bully. Use confident body language and a firm tone of voice to express your boundaries and
assert your right to be treated with respect.
 Staan Op Vir Jouself: As dit veilig voel om dit te doen, staan selfgeldend op vir jouself wanneer jy
deur die boelie gekonfronteer word. Gebruik selfversekerde lyftaal en 'n ferm stemtoon om jou
grense uit te druk en om jou reg te laat geld om met respek behandel te word.

 Follow Up: Follow up with school officials to ensure that the bullying is being addressed effectively.
If the bullying continues or escalates, don't hesitate to seek additional support or involve outside
authorities if necessary.
 Opvolg: Volg op met skoolbeamptes om te verseker dat die afknouery doeltreffend aangespreek
word. As die afknouery voortduur of eskaleer, moet asseblief nie huiwer om bykomende
ondersteuning te soek of buite owerhede te betrek indien nodig nie.

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