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Cloud based case study on BMW's take on AWS

MDC - F undamentals of cloud computing

- S hreyansh R ana

PR N:23060223243
• The B MW Group, a renowned manufacturer of premium automobiles and motorcycles based in
Germany, utilizes Amazon Web S ervices (AWS ) to leverage the power of data.

• Through AWS , B MW processes an impressive 1 0 TB of data daily from 1 .2 million vehicles,

facilitating the creation of innovative solutions such as a voice-activated personal in-vehicle

• The company harnesses real-time insights derived from vehicle and customer telemetry data,
enhancing both operational efficiency and customer experience.

• B MW Group's strategic partnership with AWS underscores its commitment to staying at the
forefront of the automotive industry's digital transformation
• BMW Group recognized the need to scale its data infrastructure to meet the growing demands of
internal and external stakeholders.

• The transition from a rigid on-premises data lake to AWS Cloud presented an opportunity to
enhance data accessibility and integration, thereby driving innovation.

• By embracing AWS, BMW aimed to empower a data-driven approach, enabling faster decision-
making and facilitating the development of new digital and connected experiences.
S olution
• The B MW Group's Cloud Data Hub (CDH) on AWS democratizes data usage at scale, catering to
the diverse needs of internal teams and stakeholders.

• Leveraging AWS services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon S 3, Amazon K inesis Data Firehose,
and AWS Glue, B MW streamlined data ingestion, transformation, and consumption processes.

• The CDH introduced the concept of "data providers" and "data consumers," enhancing autonomy
and agility while ensuring governance and compliance.

• Through the use of AWS Glue Data Catalog and GraphQL via AWS AppS ync, B MW achieved
efficient data organization, accessibility, and API development.
• The adoption of AWS-based data lake architecture accelerated innovation within the BMW Group,
enabling automatic and independent scaling on a serverless architecture.

• BMW's commitment to openness is demonstrated through its plan to open source key CDH
components, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

• Membership in Gaia-X further underscores BMW's dedication to data sovereignty and secure data

• BMW Group remains committed to scaling the CDH platform to drive continuous innovation,
empowering enhanced customer experiences and business insights
Conclus ion
• B MW Group's partnership with AWS signifies a strategic approach to driving innovation and digital

• Visit for further insights into B MW Group's journey with AWS and its
commitment to innovation.

• As a leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles, B MW Group remains

dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and customer-centric solutions.
CDH Architecture Overview
• The architecture of BMW Group's Cloud Data Hub (CDH) illustrates the flow of data from ingestion
to consumption, facilitated by AWS services.

• Key components include data ingestion mechanisms, storage in Amazon S3 buckets,

transformation with AWS Glue, and consumption through services like Amazon Athena and
Amazon SageMaker.

• The architecture emphasizes scalability, flexibility, and agility, enabling BMW Group to meet the
evolving demands of its data ecosyst
CDH Portal View
• The CDH portal offers users a user-friendly interface for data exploration and query, enhancing
productivity and efficiency.

• Features such as an advanced search algorithm and a popularity index facilitate easy discovery of
trusted datasets and insights.

• The portal's design prioritizes user experience, making data access and analysis intuitive and
accessible for diverse stakeholders within B MW Group.

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