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ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023
Subject : ENGLISH Class : IX

Day/Date: Time : 90 Minutes

1. Pray first before doing the test!
2. Read the questions carefully!
3. Answer the questions that you think are easier first!
4. Check answer of questions and make sure to press the “confirm” button after
you finish choosing answer!
5. After all questions are answered and confirmed, please press “Yes, I’ve
finished” button!

Text for questions no. 1 – 2!

1. Who is possibly interested in the advertisement?

A. People who want to go around the world.
B. People who want to move their belongings or to a new house.
C. People who want to buy a new modern truck.
D. People who want to learn about how to drive a truck.

ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 1 dari 19

2. People are possibly interested to use the service because?
A. The service provides so many destinations to visit.
B. The service provides modern truck to buy.
C. The service provides various moving services.
D. The service provides people to learn about how to drive a truck.

Text for questions no. 3 – 5!

3. Why does Safina send the message to Keizya?

A. To remind Keizya about their planning to visit a computer exbition.
B. To ask Keizya to accompany her to visit an exhibiton.
C. To suggest Keizya to buy a bluetooth speaker.
D. To invite Keizya to attend a computer meeting.

4. What will Keizya probably do after reading the message?

A. Buy a bluetooth speaker for Safina.
B. Visit a computer exhibition by herself.
C. Reply the message by stating her willingness.
D. Accompany Safina to visit a computer exhibition.

5. What can we conclude from the text above?

A. Safina and Keizya are schoolmates.
B. Safina and Keizya are sibling.
C. Keizya is Safina’s IT Teacher.
D. Safina and Keizya are penpal.

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Text for question no. 6!

6. What will probably Alan do after reading the message?

A. Go to see Frances
B. Change his number
C. Text or call Frances
D. Leave the conversation

Text for questions no. 7 – 8!

7. What is the primary occasion being celebrated in the greetings card?

A. Birthday celebration.
B. Housewarming occasion.
C. Anniversary of a special event.
D. Graduation from a school or program.

ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 3 dari 19

8. From the text we know that the sender ….
A. Sends his best regard to the family.
B. Enjoys every moment with the new place.
C. Expresses the happiness on the new position.
D. Congratulates his best friend on her new home.

9. The correct order of the words to complete the text is?

singing your on contest success Congratulations in the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 6 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 5
B. 6 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 4
C. 6 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4
D. 6 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 8

Text for questions no. 10 – 12!

10. What is the purpose of the notice above?

A. To give an invitation to keep clean.
B. To give an order to clean one’s hand before and after eating.
C. To give an appeal to maintain hygiene.
D. To declare an appeal to have a clean and hygiene environment.

11. According to NOTICE above, complete this following sentence with an

appropriate VERB!
“Wash your hands before and after eating or ___________ (11) food.
A. handling
B. saving
C. buying
D. handing

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12. “Wash your hands before and after eating or handling food”
The underlined word above has a similar meaning with .…
A. cooking with your hand
B. touching with your hand
C. treating a situation
D. solving a problem

Text for questions no. 13 – 14!

13. By reading the text, we can ….

A. know the company of the product
B. learn how to make the product
C. know the benefits of the product
D. read where to buy the product


The underlined word is closest to ….
A. light
B. thin
C. bad
D. good

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Text for questions no. 15 – 17!

15. What does the text tell us about?

C. Device
D. Computer

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16. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Explaining the components and functions of a computer.
B. Describing the historical evolution of computers.
C. Analyzing the impact of computers on society.
D. Comparing various types of electronic devices.

17. “Making them an integral part of our daily lives”

What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Various fields.
B. The college students.
C. The authors of the descriptive text.
D. The community of computer users.

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Text for questions no. 18 – 19!

18. Why did the writer write the text?

A. To describe about hotel in Bandungan.
B. To entertain the reader.
C. To retell about the writer’s experiences in Bandungan.
D. To explain how to be gone Bandungan.

19. Why did the writer decide to stop swimming?

A. Because the writer’s brother asked him to stop swimming.
B. Because the writer and his brother wanted to go another place.
C. Because the writer wanted to ride a horse before going back to the hotel.
D. Because the writer felt cold when he was swimming.

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Text for questions no. 20 – 21!

Pablo Picasso

Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1900’s.
He is best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art is
represented in Picasso’s works.

Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as the son of an art teacher. He
studied painting from his father and his college level course of study at the
academy of arts in Madrid.

From about 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style.

He, then, entered what was called the blue period. During this time, he only
used shades of blue in his paintings to show the poverty he saw in

After 1908, he entered into the style cubism. Among his well-known cubist
paintings are “Three Musicians” and “Man with a Guitar”. Picasso died in
Moughins, France in 1973. He was really great artist.

20. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To recognize one of the most outstanding and important musicians of the
B. To retell Picasso’s best paintings of the blue period in Barcelona until he
entered into the style cubism.
C. To tell Picasso as well-known cubist paintings before 1908 as one of big
Three Musicians.
D. To learn of how to be a naturalist popular painting artist since 1900’s until

21. “During this time, he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show the
poverty he saw in Barcelona”
The underlined word refers to ….
A. The time period from about 1881 until 1901
B. The modern art with realistic style period
C. The blue period that shows the prosperity in Barcelona
D. The time of Picasso studied paintings from his father

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Text for questions no. 22 – 24!

In a village, lived a carefree boy with his father. The boy’s father told him
that he was old enough to watch over the sheep while they graze in the fields.
Every day, he had to take the sheep to the grassy fields and watch them as they

However, the boy was unhappy and didn’t want to take the sheep to the
fields. He wanted to run and play, not watch the boring sheep graze in the field.
So, he decided to have some fun. He cried, “Wolf! Wolf!” until the entire village
came running with stones to chase away the wolf before it could eat any of the

When the villagers saw that there was no wolf, they left muttering under
their breath about how the boy had wasted their time. The next day, the boy
cried once more, “Wolf! Wolf!” and, again, the villagers rushed there to chase the
wolf away.

The boy laughed at the fright he had caused. This time, the villagers left
angrily. The third day, as the boy went up the small hill, he suddenly saw a wolf
attacking his sheep. He cried as hard as he could, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!”, but not a
single villager came to help him.

The villagers thought that he was trying to fool them again and did not come
to rescue him or his sheep. The little boy lost many sheep that day, all because of
his foolishness.

22. Why didn’t the villagers come to help the boy on the third day? Because ….
A. the boy asked them not to help him
B. they were busy managing their farm
C. the boy had fooled them twice before
D. they wanted to see the wolf eat the sheep

23. “… and watch them as they graze.”

The underlined word refers to ...
A. villagers
B. sheep
C. wolf
D. boy

ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 10 dari 19

24. The message of the text above is ….
A. no one will believe a liar even if he tells the truth
B. wisdom is stronger than physical strength
C. being kinds to others is not necessary
D. treat everyone around you as you like

25. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to create a coherent and
well-organized paragraph.
1) The two engaged in a lively conversation about their favorite mystery
novels, sharing laughter and recommendations.
2) "Hello, Sarah! Haven't seen you in a while. Find anything interesting
today?" Mr. Thompson asked with a warm smile.
3) With a grateful smile, Sarah left the bookstore, looking forward to losing
herself in the pages of a captivating mystery.
4) As Sarah passed by a quaint bookstore, the tinkling of a bell announced
her arrival.
5) Sarah's eyes lit up. "Absolutely! I'm always up for a good mystery. Which
one do you recommend?"
6) Mr. Thompson chuckled. "Well, we just got a shipment of some delightful
mysteries. Care to give one a try?"
A. 4 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 3
B. 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 1
C. 4 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 2
D. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3

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Text for questions no. 26 – 28!

26. What might be the reason of postponing the cruise?

A. Their destination is far away.
B. The principal doesn’t agree with their plan.
C. The storm blocks the way to their destination.
D. The rough sea may be dangerous for their cruise.

27. What will possibly the students do after reading the announcement?
A. The students will do protest to the principal.
B. The students will wait until the further information from Meteorology &
Geophysics Office.
C. The students will get angry at the Meteorology & Geophysics Office.
D. The students will go back to their home immediately.

28. “Due to these conditions, our cruise plan this week will be delayed.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word has the similar meaning with …
A. camping
B. hiking
C. voyage

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D. picnic
Text for questions no. 29 – 30!

How to cook Fried Potatoes


 4 red potatoes
 1 tablespoon olive oil
 1 onion, chopped
 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 1 teaspoon salt
 3/4 teaspoon paprika
 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley


 Large skillet
 Plate
 Pot

1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until tender but still
firm, about 15 minutes.
2. Drain the potatoes and cut them into 1/2-inch cubes when they are already cool.
3. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium high heat. Add onion and green
pepper. Cook about 5 minutes stirring often, until soft. Transfer to a plate and set aside.
4. Pour remaining 2 tablespoons of oil into the skillet and turn heat to medium-high.
5. Add potato cubes, salt, paprika and black pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until
potatoes are browned about 10 minutes.
6. Stir in the onions, green peppers and parsley and cook for another minute. Serve hot.



29. What is the aim of the text above?

A. To give directions of how to cook the potatoes and their use.
B. To give instruction of how to make fried potatoes.
C. To give a sequence procedure of how to boil potatoes in good ways.
D. To tell the story of someone’s experience in cooking.

30. What should we do after we heat a tablespoon of olive oil?

A. Sauté onion and green pepper.
B. Turn heat to medium high.
C. Add some potatoes cube.

ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 13 dari 19

D. Cook onion and garlic.

For questions no. 31 – 32, complete the sentence with the correct word!

How to Make Pancakes


 1 cup all-purpose flour

 An egg
 2 teaspoons baking powder
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 Unsalted butter/vegetable oil
 1 cup milk
 2 tablespoons sugar
 For toppings: use maple syrup, honey, chocolate syrup or jam


1. First of all, take a large bowl and mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Make
sure the ingredients are perfectly mixed.
2. After that, (31) … in milk, beaten egg, and oil. Mix all the ingredients until smooth.
3. Next heat a frying pan with medium high heat.
4. Add some butter or vegetable oil.
5. Scoop the pancakes batter using a ladle.
6. Then cook until it is brown on the both sides then put it in a plate.
7. Continue till all the pancakes batter run out. Just remember to add more butter or
vegetable oil.
8. (32)… when all the pancakes are cooked, you can add some topping. I myself prefer
chocolate syrup as the topping.

31. –
A. pour
B. put
C. take
D. scope

32. –
A. Next
B. Later
C. Finally

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D. Then

Text for questions no. 33 – 36!

The Impact of Technology on Modern Society

In the 21st century, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the
way we communicate, work, and live. This report examines the multifaceted impact of technology on
modern society, addressing both positive and negative aspects.
The advent of the internet and mobile devices has revolutionized communication. Instant
messaging, social media, and video conferencing have connected people globally, breaking down
geographical barriers. However, concerns about privacy and the spread of misinformation have
emerged as challenges in this digital era.
Technology has reshaped the economic landscape, giving rise to the digital economy. E-
commerce, online banking, and automated systems have streamlined business processes, increasing
efficiency. However, concerns about job displacement and the digital divide persist as society grapples
with the implications of automation.
The integration of technology in education has transformed traditional teaching methods. Online
learning platforms, educational apps, and virtual classrooms offer new opportunities for students.
However, access to technology and the potential for educational inequality pose challenges in ensuring
widespread benefits.
Social media platforms have redefined how people connect and share information. While
fostering global communities, they also raise issues of online harassment, addiction, and the impact of
curated digital personas on mental health. Balancing the positives and negatives of virtual interactions
remains a societal challenge.
The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental issues such as
electronic waste and resource depletion. Sustainable practices and technological innovations are crucial
for mitigating the ecological footprint of the tech industry.
Technology's impact on modern society is profound and multifaceted. As we navigate the digital
age, it is essential to critically assess the benefits and challenges posed by technological advancements.
Striking a balance that harnesses innovation while addressing ethical, social, and environmental
considerations is key to shaping a positive future for society.

33. What is the main purpose of writing the text "The Impact of Technology on
Modern Society"?
A. To emphasize the economic advantages of the digital economy.
B. To discuss the challenges of online education in the 21st century.
C. To highlight the environmental benefits of technological advancements.

ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 15 dari 19

D. To give information about the multifaceted impact of technology on
contemporary life.

34. Please choose the correct option below that represents the main idea of
paragraph 2!
A. The revolutionary impact of the internet and mobile devices on global
B. The potential negative consequences of automation in the modern
C. The positive effects of technology on business processes and efficiency.
D. Concerns about job displacement due to technological advancements.

35. What is the primary focus of the paragraph 4 on?

A. The advantages of online learning platforms.
B. The challenges of social media in modern society.
C. The impact of job displacement due to automation.
D. The transformation of traditional teaching methods.

36. “The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental

issues” (paragraph 6)
The underlined word means ….
A. Possession
B. Removal
C. Storage
D. Hold

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Text for questions no. 37 – 38!

37. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe the benefits of the product.
B. To explain that the product is important.
C. To persuade people to consume the product.
D. To give detailed information about the product.

38. Why do you think we should test on a small area before using the product?
A. It is for external use only.
B. It contains eucalyptus oil.

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C. It may provoke allergic reactions.
D. It is forbidden to be applied on wounded skin.

Text for questions no. 39 – 40!

39. The text above is intended for people who ….

A. Deal with a sleek and inconsistently design of a handphone.
B. Need a qualified processor, storage, great display of smartphone.
C. Don’t want to be photographer.
D. Really like a complicated and intuitive operating system.

40. Arrange these jumbled words into a good conclusion, according to the
advertisement picture above!

you – interesting - fresh - and - trustworthy - with - It - news -

provides - complete
A. It provides you fresh, interesting, complete and trustworthy with news.
B. It provides you with interesting, complete and trustworthy fresh news.
C. Its news you with fresh, interesting, complete and trustworthy provided.
D. It provides you with fresh, interesting, complete and trustworthy news.

ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 18 dari 19

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ASB AA ENGLISH SMP 2024 Hal 19 dari 19

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