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1. Let N = {1, 2, 3, ….

} be ordered by divisibility, which of the following subset is totally

A. (2, 6, 24)
B. (3, 5, 15)
C. (2, 9, 16)
D. (4, 15, 30)
Ans:- A

2. “Consider the statement form p →q where p =“If Tom is Jane’s father then Jane is
Bill’s niece” and q =“Bill is Tom’s brother.” Which of the following statements is
Equivalent to this statement?”
A. If Bill is Tom’s Brother, then Tom is Jane’s father and Jane is not Bill’s niece.
B. If Bill is not Tom’s Brother, then Tom is Jane’s father and Jane is not Bill’s niece.
C. If Bill is not Tom’s Brother, then Tom is Jane’s father or Jane is Bill’s niece.

D. If Bill is Tom’s Brother, then Tom is Jane’s father and Jane is Bill’s niece.

3. Let A = {2, {4, 5}, 8}. Which statement is correct?

A. 5 is an element of A.
B. {5} is an element of A.
C. {4, 5} is an element of A.
D. {5} is a subset of A.

4. Which of these sets is finite?

A. {x | x is even}
B. {x | x < 5}
C. {1, 2, 3,…}
D. {1, 2, 3,…,999,1000}

5. Which of these sets is not a null set?

A. A = {x | 6x = 24 and 3x = 1}
B. B = {x | x + 10 = 10}
C. C = {x | x is a man older than 200 years}
D. D = {x | x < x}

6. Let S={1, 2, 3}. How many subsets does S contain?

A. 4
B. 2
C. 3
D. 8

7. “Which of the following is TRUE about the conditional statement = ‘’if P, then Q?
A. P∧Q
B. P∨Q
C. P -> Q
D. P -> Q

8. If P and Q are any two statements, then the statement P -> Q is called a conditional,
where the statement P denotes:
A. Antecedent
B. Consequent
C. contradiction
D. Tautology

9. If P and Q are any two statements, then the statement P -> Q is called a conditional,
where the statement Q denotes:
A. Antecedent
B. Consequent
C. Contradiction
D. Tautology

10. Mathematical Logic is used in Computer Science to verify the correctness of:
A. Programs
B. Truth table

11. A declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not both is called:
A. Statement
B. Proposition
C. Relation
D. Function
12. The disjunction of two statements P and Q is
A. P∧Q
B. P∨Q
C. P -> Q
D. P -> Q

13. A table that shows all possible truth values of a formula is called
A. Truth Table
B. well formed formula
C. tautology
D. contradiction

14. A proposition that is true under all circumstances is called:

A. Universally Valid Formula
B. Antecedent
C. Consequent
D. Tautology

15. A proposition that is false under all circumstances is called:

A. Universally Valid Formula
B. Antecedent
C. Contradiction
D. Tautology

16. Number of subsets of a set of order three is

A. 3
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9

17. A sufficient condition that a triangle T be a right triangle is that a2 + b2 = c2. An

equivalent statement is
A. If T is a right triangle then a2 + b2 = c2.
B. If a2 + b2 = c2 then T is a right triangle.
C. If a2 + b2 ≠ c2 then T is not a right triangle.
D. T is a right triangle only if a2 + b2 = c2.

18. Which of the following is the negation of the statement, “For all odd primes p < q
there exists positive non-primes r < s such that p2 + q2 = r2 + s2.”
A. For all odd primes p < q there exists positive non-primes r < s such that p2+q2 ≠
r2 + s2.
B. “There exists odd primes p < q such that for all positive non-primes r < s, p2+q2 =
R2 + s2.”
C. “There exists odd primes p < q such that for all positive non-primes r < s, p2+q2 ≠
R2 + s2.”
D. For all odd primes p < q and for all positive non-primes r < s, p2 + q2 ≠ r2 + s2.


19. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. {2, 3, 4} C A implies that 2 Є A and {3, 4} C A.
B. {2, 3, 4} Є A and {2, 3} Є B implies that {4} C A – B.
C. {2, 3, 4} C A п B implies that {2, 3, 4} C A and {2, 3, 4} C B.
D. {3, 4} C A – B and {1, 2} C B implies that {1, 2, 3, 4} C A U B.

20. Which of the following is a declarative statement?

A. It is beautiful
B. He says, ”It is correct”
C. Two may not be an even integer
D. I love you

21. The number of elements in the power set P(S) of the set S = {{Ø}, 1, {2, 3}} is

A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 6

22. The set of all equivalence classes of a set A of cardinality C

A. has the same cardinality as A
B. forms a partition of A
C. is of cardinality 2C
D. is of cardinality c2

23. Which of the following sets are NULL?

A. {0}
B. {Ø}
C. {}
D. {{},0}

24. Which of the following sets are empty?

A. {x : x=x}
B. {x : x ≠ x}
C. {x : x= x2}
D. {x: x ≠ x2}
Ans:- B

25. Which of the following sets is a null set?

1. X={x|x=9,2x=4} 2. Y={x|x=2x, x≠0} 3. Z = {x|x-8=4}
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1,2 and 3
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 2 and 3 only

26. If A and B are sets and A U B = A B then

A. A = Ø
B. B = Ø
C. A = B
D. A ≠ B

27. The power set of the set S = {3, {1,4}, 5} is

A. {S,3,1,4,{1,3,5},{1,4,5},{3,4},Ø}
B. {S,3,{1,4},5}
C. {S,{3},{3,{1,4}},{3,5},Ø}

28. If set A has 3 elements and set B has 4 elements then number of injections can be
defined from A into B is
A. 144
B. 12
C. 24
D. 64

29. The symmetric difference of sets A and B is

A. (A-B)U(B-A)
B. (AUB)-(A B)
C. (A-B) (B-A)
D. (A B)-(AUB)

30. If A and B are two nonempty sets then Cartesian product of A and B is….
A. A X B = {(a,b) ; a, b Є A}
B. A X B = {(a,b) ; a, b Є B}
C. A X B = {(a,b) ; a Є A and b Є B}
D. A X B = {(a,b) ; a Є B and b Є A}

31. If set A contains n elements, set B contains m elements then the number of
elements in AXB is…..
A. m+n
B. n-m
C. m.n
D. n/m

32. Let N = {1, 2, 3, ….} be ordered by divisibility, which of the following subset is
totally ordered,
A. (2, 6, 24)
B. (3, 5, 15)
C. (2, 9, 16)
D. (4, 15, 30)

33. (p^q) p is a ____.

A. Tautology
B. contradiction
C. contingency
D. none of these

34. The proposition p^(~p ν q) is______.

A. Tautology
B. contradiction
C. logically equivalent to p^ q
D. none of these

35. p ^ (p ν q) is_______.
A. P
B. q
C. p ν q
D. p ^ q

36. If p and q are false then (p ν q) ^ [(~p) ν (~q)] and (p^q) ν [(~p)^(~q)]
A. False and False
B. True and True
C. False and True
D. True and false

37. Which of these sets are equal ?

{r,t,s}{s,t,r,s} {t,s,t,r}{s,r,s,t}
A. {r,t,s} and {t,s,t,r}
B. {s,t,r,s} and {r,t,s}
C. {s,t,r,s} and {s,r,s,t}
D. they are all equal

38. for any non empty set A, which statement is true?

A. A has no Subset
B. A has atleast one subset
C. A has at least two subsets
D. none of these

39. If A={1,2,3,4,5} B={3,5,9,6,8} then A-B=_____.

A. {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9}
B. {1,2,4}
C. {9,6,8}
D. {3,5}

40. For sets A & B , (A ∩ B) ∩ A=______.

A. A∩ B
B. A
C. B
D. none of these

41. If X is a universal set, ɸ is empty set and a is any set then A ∩ X=______.
A. A
B. X
C. ɸ
D. none of these

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