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Rule of law

The guarantee of fundamental rights of British people is secured to them through what has been called
rule of law . 3 things dicey said

 No man is punishable or can be lawfully made to suffer in body or goods except for distinct
breach of law established in the ordinary quotes of land.No person is punished arbitrarily. All
person accused must be tried in ordinary court of law ordinary legal manner.
 No man is above law but here everyman whatever be is rank or condition is subject to ordinary
law of realm and amenable to the jurisdiction of ordinary tribunals.
 General principles of constitution as a result of judicial decision determining the rights of private
person in particular cases hear the importance of judiciary.

Rule law is product of centuries of struggle of British people for recognition of fundamental rights law is
supreme every act of government must be authorised by law stop

Exception to rule of law

The growth of modern state wide discretionary authority has been left in the hands of administrative
authorities to meet the exigencies of time and calories of situation own way which cannot be
questioned in court of law. There are certain acts which have confirmed some privileges and immunities
over public authorities and not to the private individuals. Moreover last 40 years the government
departments have been made the final course of judgements in regard to many matters falling within his
powers. The rule is Queen cannot do any wrong. rights drive from judicial decision only are also not valid
in stop.

The crown
British constitution has been long wire steady transfer of power from king as a person to the crown as
an institution of which king is the former in early days all powers rested in the man who bore the crown
history his powers habits deadly transferred to the clean institution the crown.

Earlier Mary powers was rested in the queen she could disband the army dismiss the Navy declare war
but now the power hardly shifted to the authority the crown. Wrecking Ball with power is not the
personal king budhraja institutional team.

Story the rights and powers of the crown are the rights and powers of the king in theory till the case is
same these powers in the rights and exercise bye by the ministers in the kings name would right there
authority from parliament and responsible to it. In the words of ojee the crown is a subtle combination
of soybean ministers and to a degree parliament . Hence the distinction between crown and the king Rs

1. King is a person whereas the crown is an institution when the king is converted eninstine
institutionalised it is called the Crown.
2. The king is Modi but the crowns in Modi death of the king does not mean the death of the
3. The king is only a part of the crown besides the king the ministers and parliament also form the
part of the crown
4. The king in our person using the powers of the crown.
Succession to the throne

Fashion to the throne is regulated by the act of settlement 1701 stop Aridity determined by the rule
of Primogeniture GartersThat is the elder inline being preferred to the younger and the male being
preferred to female. If the higher is minor then a Regency is established till the till the age of 18 is
attained Regency is also served during any period when the monarch is prevented by any infirmity of
mind or body where he is incapable of performing the royal functions.

Powers of the crown

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