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(11) EP 2 707 068 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: A61M 16/00 (2006.01) A61H 31/00 (2006.01)
25.09.2019 Bulletin 2019/39
(86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 12723345.0 PCT/US2012/038076

(22) Date of filing: 16.05.2012 (87) International publication number:

WO 2012/162048 (29.11.2012 Gazette 2012/48)



(84) Designated Contracting States: • HERKEN, Dr. Ulrich

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Medford, Massachusetts 02155 (US)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR Broomfield, Colorado 80023 (US)

(30) Priority: 23.05.2011 US 201161489086 P (74) Representative: Grünecker Patent- und

(43) Date of publication of application: PartG mbB
19.03.2014 Bulletin 2014/12 Leopoldstraße 4
80802 München (DE)
(73) Proprietor: Zoll Medical Corporation
Chelmsford, MA 01824-4105 (US) (56) References cited:
EP-A1- 2 228 097 EP-A2- 1 834 622
(72) Inventors: WO-A1-2008/027418 WO-A2-02/15836
• FREEMAN, Gary A. WO-A2-2010/059049 GB-A- 2 446 124
Newton Center, Massachusetts 02159 (US) US-A1- 2008 236 585 US-A1- 2010 228 165
• SILVER, Annemarie
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 (US)
EP 2 707 068 B1

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Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
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1 EP 2 707 068 B1 2

Description cheal pressure and/or flow rates are within an acceptable

CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0006] European patent application publication EP 1
834 622 A2 describes an automated external defibrillator
[0001] This is a continuation of U.S . Provisional Ap- 5 (AED) device for assisting a caregiver in delivering car-
plication Serial No. 61/489,086 filed May 23, 2011. diopulmonary resuscitation to a patient. The AED device
can include a sensor for measuring ventilation progress
TECHNICAL FIELD in the form of ventilation rate and/or tidal volume, and a
second sensor for measuring chest compressions.
[0002] This document relates to systems and methods 10 [0007] International patent application publication WO
for regarding ventilation of a patient, such as a victim at 2008/027418 A1 describes a CPR timer for use with a
the scene of an emergency. bag mask resuscitator. The mask resuscitator includes
visual indicators for providing visual pacing feedback.
BACKGROUND [0008] UK patent application publication GB 2 446 124
15 A describes a device for monitoring breathing or ventila-
[0003] Resuscitation treatments for patients suffering tion of a patient during resuscitation.
from cardiac arrest generally include clearing and open-
ing the patient’s airway, providing rescue breathing for SUMMARY
the patient, and applying chest compressions to provide
blood flow to the victim’s heart, brain and other vital or- 20 [0009] This document describes systems and tech-
gans. If the patient has a shockable heart rhythm, resus- niques that may be used to monitor ventilation to a pa-
citation also may include defibrillation therapy. Such tient. In one example, a ventilation monitor is placed in
treatment may include basic life support (BLS), which or on a manual ventilation assembly in the form of a ven-
involves initial assessment; airway maintenance; expired tilation bag and mask. The ventilation monitor may in-
air ventilation (rescue breathing); and chest compres- 25 clude a ventilation sensor for sensing a direction of ven-
sion. When all these elements are combined, the term tilation (inhalation or exhalation of the patient) and may
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is used. Relatively also include a sensors for sensing the volume of the pa-
untrained rescuers, such as laypeople, may provide BLS, tient’s ventilation, pressure and/or gas composition such
while trained rescuers such as physicians or emergency as CO2 percentage.
medical technicians (EMTs) may provide advanced life 30 [0010] The present invention is defined by the features
support (ALS), which may additionally involve, among of claim 1. Further features and advantages of embodi-
other things, cardiac monitoring, intravenous cannulation ments of the present invention are set forth in dependent
(IV), intraosseous (IO) access and intraosseous infusion, claims.
surgical cricothyrotomy, needle cricothyrotomy, and ad- [0011] Embodiments can include one or more of the
vanced medication administration through parental and 35 following.
enteral routes. [0012] The system can also include circuitry config-
[0004] Ventilation in various instances may involve ured for delivery of electromagnetic stimulation to the pa-
rescue breathing, or more commonly, bag or bag-valve- tient.
mask ventilation for ALS, which involves placing a mask [0013] The ventilation bag can include a flexible res-
in a seal over a patient’s face and forcing air into the 40 ervoir containing ventilatory gases configured to enable
patient’s lungs by repeatedly compressing and expand- manual ventilation of the patient by a rescuer squeezing
ing a flexible device that is attached to the mask. Such the flexible reservoir.
ventilation may be performed in time-wise coordination [0014] The ventilation bag can be configured to enable
with chest compressions and with defibrillation shocks manual ventilation of the patient by a rescuer pressing a
delivered by a defibrillator, such as a portable defibrillator 45 switch of an electromechanically-controlled ventilator.
in the form of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) or [0015] The system can also include a sensor config-
other types of defibrillators. The chest compression can ured to detect and measure a quality of chest compres-
be automatically coordinated by the defibrillator, such as sions.
by the provision of an accelerometer positioned relative [0016] The one or more ventilation quality parameters
to the defibrillator electrodes on a patient’s chest so that 50 can include an indicator indicative of a ventilation being
the accelerometer can be used to provide a rescuer with delivered during a compression cycle.
feedback if they are compressing too hard or too soft, [0017] The ventilation quality parameters can include
and too fast or too slow, as compared to set standards one or more of tidal volume, minute volume, end-inspir-
and protocols. atory and maximum ventilation pressure.
[0005] US patent application publication 55 [0018] The ventilation quality parameters can include
2008/0236585 A1 describes a ventilation system includ- instantaneous lung compliance measurements.
ing a ventilation bag and a control unit. The control unit [0019] The processor can be further configured to de-
includes a light display that indicates whether intra-tra- tect at least one of the following conditions: barotrauma,

3 EP 2 707 068 B1 4

hemothorax, pneumothorax, intubation in the mainstem, [0034] The feedback unit can be a visual feedback
flail chest, or pediatric lung distension based at least in mechanism for providing information to a rescuer regard-
part on the lung compliance measurements. ing delivery of ventilation comprising a ventilation timer
[0020] The system can also include a capnometer in providing information about elapsed time between ven-
the airflow path positioned to sense the concentration of 5 tilation events.
CO2 in the airflow path. [0035] The feedback unit can be a device configured
[0021] The system can also include an oxygen sensor to form audible prompts and the feedback comprises au-
in the airflow path positioned to sense the concentration dible prompts.
of O2 in the airflow path. [0036] The feedback unit can be a device configured
[0022] The processor can be configured to compute 10 to form audible prompts and the feedback comprises ver-
end-tidal CO2 values and the feedback unit can be con- bal instructions.
figured to provide an indication to increase ventilation if [0037] The feedback unit can be a device configured
the end-tidal CO 2 value is outside of a first range and to to form audible prompts and the feedback comprises one
decrease ventilation if the end-tidal CO2 value is outside or more tones.
of a second range. 15 [0038] The feedback unit can be a graphical display
[0023] The processor can be further configured to com- and the feedback comprises visual feedback.
pute volumetric CO2 values and the feedback unit can [0039] The feedback unit can be a graphical display
be configured to provide an indication to increase venti- and the feedback comprises a visual representation of a
lation if the volumetric CO2 value is outside of a first range shape with demarcations indicating specific tidal volume
and to decrease ventilation if the volumetric CO2 value 20 values, wherein the volume fills during the ventilation.
is outside of a second range [0040] The visual representation can include a visual
[0024] The processor can be configured to compute marker indicative of a target tidal volume.
lung compliance. [0041] The processor can be further configured to de-
[0025] The feedback unit can be configured to provide termine compliance features and determine a patient
feedback related to tidal volume. 25 state based on the compliance features.
[0026] The processor can be configured to compute a [0042] The patient state can include a state selected
difference in in-flow volume and out-flow volume and the from the group consisting of barotraumas, hemothorax,
feedback unit can be configured to provide feedback re- pneumothorax, intubation in mainstem, flail chest, and
lated one or more of ventilation release and ventilation pediatric lung overdistension.
seal. 30 [0043] The system can also include a sensor config-
[0027] The processor can be configured to identify con- ured to detect manual or mechanical CPR compressions.
ditions when a negative pressure occurs during in-flow [0044] The senor can be configured to detect manual
of air and the feedback unit can be configured to provide or mechanical CPR compressions comprises an accel-
feedback regarding the existence of a spontaneous erometer.
breath when a negative pressure occurs during in-flow 35 [0045] The sensor can be configured to detect manual
of air. or mechanical CPR compressions comprises a pressure
[0028] The feedback can include feedback that com- sensor.
municates to the rescuer an appropriate rate for providing [0046] The processor can be further configured to re-
ventilation to the patient. ceive data from the senor configured to detect manual
[0029] The feedback comprises feedback that commu- 40 or mechanical CPR compressions and determine wheth-
nicates to the rescuer an appropriate volume for provid- er a timing for a ventilation overlaps with a timing for a
ing ventilation to the patient. CPR compression cycle.
[0030] The feedback unit can be a visual feedback [0047] The processor can be further configured to de-
mechanism for providing information to a rescuer regard- tect a mask leak.
ing delivery of ventilation comprising a plurality of lights 45 [0048] The processor can be further configured to com-
arranged to indicate, based on which lights of the plurality pare pressure data from the pressure sensor and flow
of lights are activated, whether excessive ventilation, too data from the airflow sensor at multiple points in time to
little ventilation, or an appropriate amount of ventilation compute an estimate of compliance.
is being provided to the victim. [0049] The processor can be further configured to de-
[0031] The feedback unit can be configured to provide 50 tect overdistension of lungs during pediatric ventilation
an instruction pertaining to varying the ventilation rate. based on the estimate of compliance and the feedback
[0032] The feedback unit can be configured to provide unit is further configured to provide information related
an instruction pertaining to varying the delivered tidal vol- to for appropriate lung ventilation volume for a pediatric
ume. patient.
[0033] The feedback unit can be a visual feedback 55 [0050] The processor can be configured to detect a
mechanism for providing information to a rescuer regard- spontaneous breath based on information related to a
ing delivery of ventilation comprising a ventilation timer negative pressure combined with inspiratory flow.
providing information about respiratory rate. [0051] The feedback unit can be configured to provide

5 EP 2 707 068 B1 6

a message indicating potential return of spontaneous cir- gas pressure in the airflow path of the conscious patient
culation (ROSC) based on the detection of a spontane- experiencing dyspnea.
ous breath. [0068] The system also includes a processor arranged
[0052] The processor can be further configured to gen- to receive data generated by the airflow sensor and the
erate an estimate of lung volume, generate an estimate 5 pressure sensor and determine one or more ventilation
of a thoracic state impedance based on the estimate of quality parameters requiring gas flow volume for their
lung volume, provide the estimate of thoracic state im- calculation, the one or more ventilation quality parame-
pedance to an adaptive filter, and filter ventilation-in- ters including spirometric measurements. The system al-
duced artifacts in the transthoracic impedance signal to so includes circuitry configured for delivery of electro-
generate an estimate of the impedance changes induced 10 magnetic stimulation to the patient and a feedback unit
by cardiac output. configured to provide feedback to a rescuer based on
[0053] The feedback unit can be configured to provide the one or more ventilation quality parameters.
a simultaneous display of flow rate and volume. [0069] Embodiments can include one or more of the
[0054] The feedback can be a graphical plot. following.
[0055] The feedback can be side-by-side numerics. 15 [0070] The feedback unit can be configured to display
[0056] The feedback can include spirometery data for the spirometric information as simultaneous display of
one or more of oxygen, carbon dioxide, overall gas vol- flow rate and volume.
ume and rate. [0071] The feedback unit can be configured to display
[0057] The feedback can include a value indicative of the spirometric information in the form of a graphical plot.
a measure of the squareness of a spirometry curve. 20 [0072] The feedback unit can be configured to display
[0058] The processor can be further configured to re- the spirometric information in the form of side-by-side
ceive information related to two or more of a patient’s numerics.
height, girth, weight and gender and calculate an esti- [0073] Thee spirometric information can include spri-
mate thoracic volume based on the two or more of the ometric information for one or more of the following: ox-
patient’s height, girth, weight and gender. 25 ygen, carbon dioxide, overall gas volume and rate.
[0059] The processor can be further configured to re- [0074] The feedback unit can be configured to display
ceive the information related to two or more of the pa- a single value that provides a measure of the squareness
tient’s height, girth, weight and gender from a tablet PC. of a spirometry curve based on the spirometric measure-
[0060] The processor can be further configured to re- ments.
ceive the information related to two or more of the pa- 30 [0075] The patient ventilation unit can include a hand-
tient’s height, girth, weight and gender from an acceler- held breathing tube.
ometer. [0076] The handheld breathing tube can include a grip-
[0061] The processor can be further configured to re- ping portion in the shape of a mouthguard.
ceive the information related to two or more of the pa- [0077] The details of one or more embodiments are
tient’s height, girth, weight and gender from an automatic 35 set forth in the accompanying drawings and the descrip-
defibrillation and compression device configured to ob- tion below. Other features and advantages will be appar-
tain a measure of patient circumference. ent from the description and drawings, and from the
[0062] The processor can be further configured to cal- claims.
culate the estimate thoracic volume based on a meas-
ured ventilation tidal volume and an instantaneous lung 40 DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES
[0063] The patient ventilation unit can include a hand- [0078]
held breathing tube.
[0064] The patient ventilation unit can include a mouth- FIG. 1 shows a system for responding to an emer-
guard configured to fit between the patient’s lips and teeth 45 gency medical condition.
and to provide a seal between the ventilation unit and FIG. 2 shows an example of an airflow sensor.
the patient. FIG. 3 is a flowchart of a process for providing feed-
[0065] The patient ventilation unit can include a mask back to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation
that seals to and fits over a lower portion of the patient’s bag or similar structure.
face. 50 FIG. 4 is a swim lane diagram of a process by which
[0066] The airflow sensor can be a differential pressure various parameters can be used to provide feedback
sensor. to one or more medical rescuers.
[0067] In some additional aspects, a system includes FIGS. 5 and 6 show an example of a visual feedback
an airflow sensor in the airflow path positioned to sense provided to a caregiver.
the presence of ventilation airflow and measure gas flow 55 FIG. 7 shows an example of a ventilation assembly.
rates in the airflow path of a conscious patient experienc- FIG. 8A is a flowchart of a process for providing feed-
ing dyspnea; and back to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation
a pressure sensor in the airflow path positioned to sense bag or similar structure.

7 EP 2 707 068 B1 8

FIG. 8B shows an example of a visual feedback pro- charged, thus conserving battery power in the device.
vided to a caregiver. [0080] FIG. 1 shows a system 100 for responding to
FIG. 9A and FIG. 9B show graphs of expired CO2 an emergency medical condition. In general, system 100
tension versus exhaled volume. includes various portable devices for monitoring on-site
FIG. 10A shows an exemplary pressure versus vol- 5 care given to a victim of an emergency situation, such
ume graph. as a victim 102 suffering from sudden cardiac arrest or
FIG. 10B is a flowchart of a process for providing a victim 102 at the scene of a traffic accident. The various
feedback to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation devices may be provided by emergency medical techni-
bag or similar structure. cians who arrive at the scene and who provide care for
FIG. 10C shows an example of a visual feedback 10 the victim 102, such as emergency medical technician
provided to a caregiver. 114. In this example, the emergency medical technician
FIG. 11 is a flowchart of a process for providing feed- 114 has deployed several devices and is providing care
back to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation to the victim 102. Although not shown, one or more other
bag or similar structure. emergency medical technicians may be assisting and
FIG. 12 is a flowchart of a process for providing feed- 15 working in coordination with emergency medical techni-
back to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation cian 114 according to a defined protocol and training.
bag or similar structure. [0081] The emergency medical technician 114 in this
FIGS. 13A and 13B are diagrams of exemplary fil- example is interacting with a computing device in the
ters. form of a touchscreen tablet 116. The tablet 116 may
FIG. 14 is a graph of a change in resistance per vol- 20 include a graphical display by which to report information
ume. to the emergency medical technician 114, and may have
FIG. 15 shows an example of a visual feedback pro- an input mechanism such as a keyboard or a touchscreen
vided to a caregiver. by which the emergency medical technician 114 may en-
FIG. 16 is a schematic diagram of a general com- ter data into the system 100. The tablet 116 may also
puting system that can be employed to operate a 25 include a wireless transceiver for communicating with a
medical device in manners like those discussed wireless network, such as a 3G or 4G chipset that permits
here. long distance communication over cellular data net-
works, and further through the internet.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0082] Separately, a portable defibrillator 112 is shown
30 in a deployed state and is connected to the victim 102.
[0079] This document describes mechanisms by In this example, electrodes 108 have been applied to the
which various devices can interact in a life-saving situa- bare chest of the victim 102 and have been connected
tion to improve the care that a victim (which should be to the defibrillator 112, so that electrical shocking pulses
understood to be a person in need of CPR, ventilation, may be provided to the electrodes in an effort to defibril-
or related care that is typically provided by an emergency 35 late the victim 102. The defibrillator 112 may take a va-
medical technician or physician, but may also be provid- riety of forms, such as the ZOLL MEDICAL R Series, E
ed by lay responders in certain situations) receives in Series, or M Series defibrillators.
such a situation. In particular, this document describes [0083] The assembly for the electrodes 108 includes
a system in which a patient ventilation sensor communi- a center portion at which an accelerometer assembly 110
cates with one or more other portable medical devices 40 is mounted. The accelerometer assembly 110 may in-
so that a ventilation rate, and perhaps a ventilation vol- clude a housing inside which is mounted an accelerom-
ume, may be analyzed, and a provider of care to the eter sensor configuration. The accelerometer assembly
victim may be instructed in how best to ventilate the vic- 110 may be positioned in a location where a rescuer is
tim. The instructions may be coordinated with instructions to place the palms of their hands when performing cardio
for giving chest compressions to the victim and for defi- 45 pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the victim 102. As a
brillating the victim. As one example, instructions regard- result, the accelerometer assembly 110 may move with
ing how fast, and when, to provide chest compressions the victim’s 102 chest and the rescuer’s hands, and ac-
and ventilation may be provided in a properly coordinated celeration of such movement may be double-integrated
manner. Also, as a battery charges for a defibrillation to identify a vertical displacement of such motion.
pulse, such timing may be adjusted so that chest com- 50 [0084] The defibrillator 112 may, in response to receiv-
pressions and ventilation are finished as the defibrillator ing such information from the accelerometer assembly
reaches a fully charged state, so that a defibrillation pulse 112, provide feedback in a conventional and known man-
may be delivered immediately upon the unit becoming ner to a rescuer, such as emergency medical technician
charged. Also, the charging rate of the unit may be 114. For example, the defibrillator 112 may generate a
changed based on the location that rescuers are currently 55 metronome to pace such a user in providing chest com-
at in a protocol, so that the charging can occur at a rate pressions. In addition, or alternatively, the defibrillator
that the device is ready at the proper point, and the device 112 may provide verbal instructions to the rescuer, such
may be charged more slowly than it might otherwise be as by telling the rescuer that they are providing compres-

9 EP 2 707 068 B1 10

sions too quickly or too slowly, or are pushing too hard indirectly, by causing defibrillator 112 or airflow sensor
or too soft, so as to encourage the rescuer to change 106 to provide such feedback. For example, defibrillator
their technique to bring it more in line with proper protocol 112 or airflow sensor 106 may provide a metronome or
- where the proper protocol may be a protocol generated verbal feedback telling a rescuer to squeeze the ventila-
by the system, but that is inconsistent with any published 5 tion bag 104 harder or softer, or faster or slower. Also,
protocols. the system 100 may provide the rescuer was an audible
[0085] The defibrillator 112 may communicate through cue each time that the bag is to be squeezed and venti-
a short range wireless data connection with the tablet lation is to be provided to the victim 102.
116, such as using BLUETOOTH technology. The defi- [0089] Such feedback may occur in a variety of man-
brillator 112 can provide to the tablet 116 status informa- 10 ners. For example, the feedback may be played on built-
tion, such as information received through the electrode in loudspeakers mounted in any of tablet 116, defibrillator
assembly 108, including ECG information for the victim 112, or airflow sensor 106. Alternatively, or in addition,
102. Also, the defibrillator 112 can send information visual notifications may be provided on any combination
about the performance of chest compressions, such as of such units. Also, feedback may be provided to wireless
depth and rate information for the chest compressions. 15 headsets (or other form of personal device, such as a
The tablet 116 may display such information (and also smartphone or similar device that each rescuer may use
other information, such as information from the defibril- to obtain information and to enter data, and which may
lator regarding ETCO2 and SPO2) graphically for the communicate wirelessly over a general network (e.g.,
emergency medical technician 114, and may also receive WiFi or 3G/4G) or a small area network (e.g., BLUE-
inputs from the emergency medical technician 114 to 20 TOOTH) that are worn by each rescuer, and two channels
control the operation of the various mechanisms at an of communication may be maintained, so that each res-
emergency site. For example, the emergency medical cuer receives instructions specific to their role, where one
technician 114 may use the tablet 116 to change the man- may have a role of operating the defibrillator 112, and
ner in which the defibrillator 112 operates, such as by the other may have the role of operating the ventilation
changing a charging voltage for the defibrillator 112. 25 bag 104. In this manner, the two rescuers may avoid
[0086] Another electronic mechanism, in the form of a being accidentally prompted, distracted, or confused by
ventilation bag 104 is shown sealed around the mouth instructions that are not relevant to them.
of the victim 102. The ventilation bag 104 may, for the [0090] A central server system 120 may communicate
most part, take a familiar form, and may include a flexible with the tablet 116 or other devices at the rescue scene
body structure that a rescuer may squeeze periodically 30 over a wireless network and a network 118, which may
to provide ventilation on the victim 102 when the victim include portions of the internet (where data may be ap-
102 is not breathing sufficiently on his or her own. propriately encrypted to protect privacy). The central
[0087] Provided with the ventilation bag 104 is an air- server system 120 may be part of a larger system for a
flow sensor 106. The airflow sensor 106 is located in a healthcare organization in which medical records are
neck of the ventilation bag 104 near the mouthpiece or 35 kept for various patients in the system, information about
mask of the ventilation bag 104. The airflow sensor 106 the victim 102 may then be associated with an identifi-
may be configured to monitor the flow of air into and out cation number or other identifier, and stored by the central
of the patient’s mouth, so as to identify a rate at which server system 120 for later access. Where an identity of
ventilation is occurring with the victim. In addition, in cer- the victim 102 can be determined, the information may
tain implementations, the airflow sensor 106 may be ar- 40 be stored with a pre-existing electronic medical record
ranged to monitor a volume of airflow into and out of the (EMR) for that victim 102. When the identity of the victim
victim 102. 102 cannot be determined, the information may be stored
[0088] In this example, the airflow sensor 106 is joined with a temporary identification number or identifier, which
to a short-range wireless data transmitter or transceiver, may be tied in the system to the particular rescue crew
such as a mechanism communicating via BLUETOOTH 45 so that it may be conveniently located by other users of
technology. As such, the airflow sensor 106 may com- the system.
municate with the tablet 116, the defibrillator 112, or an- [0091] The information that is stored may be relevant
other computer or processor in a manner similar to the information needed to determine the current status of the
communication of the defibrillator 112 with the tablet 116. victim 102 and the care that has been provided to the
For example, the airflow sensor 106 may report informa- 50 victim 102 up to a certain point in time. For example, vital
tion that enables the computation of a rate of ventilation, signs of the victim 102 may be constantly updated at the
and in some circumstances a volume of ventilation, pro- central server system 120 as additional information is
vided to the patient. The tablet 116, for example, may received from the tablet 116. Also, ECG data for the victim
determine an appropriate provision of ventilation and 102 may be uploaded to the central server system 120.
compare it to the determine provision, and may provide 55 Moreover, information about drugs provided to the victim
feedback for a rescuer, either directly such as by showing may be stored. In addition, information from a dispatch
the feedback on a screen of the tablet 116 or playing the center may also be stored on a central server system
feedback through an audio system of the tablet 116, or and accessed by various users such as rescuers. For

11 EP 2 707 068 B1 12

example, a time at which a call came in may be stored, [0095] In certain instances, a condition of a victim that
and rescuers (either manually or automatically through is used to generate a protocol for treatment of the victim
their portable computing devices) can use that time to may be based on on-site observations made by a rescu-
determine a protocol for treating the patient (e.g., venti- er, by information in an EMR for the victim, or both. For
lation or chest compression needs may change depend- 5 example, a determination from an EMR that a victim is
ing on how long the victim has been in need of treatment). taking a particular drug may result in a change in protocol
[0092] Other users may then access the data in the for ventilation rate. Likewise, an observation by a rescuer
central server system 120. For example, as shown here, that the victim has suffered a head injury on site may also
an emergency room physician 122 is operating his or her affect the protocol for ventilation rate. The two factors
own tablet 124 that communicates wirelessly, such as 10 may also be considered together to determine yet a more
over a cellular data network. The physician 122 may have refined ventilation rate for which a rescuer will be instruct-
been notified that victim 102 will be arriving at the emer- ed to provide to the victim.
gency room, and, in preparation, may be getting up-to- [0096] Thus, in operation, a two-person rescue team
speed regarding the condition of the victim 102, and de- may arrive at a scene. One member of the team may set
termining a best course of action to take as soon as the 15 up and attach a defibrillator, and do the same with a ven-
victim 102 arrives at the emergency room. As such, the tilation bag assembly. The other member may begin an
physician 122 may review the data from central server examination of the victim and enter information obtained
system 120. In addition, the physician 122 may commu- from the examination into a portable computing device
nicate by text, verbally, or in other manners with emer- such as a general tablet computer (e.g., an iPad or net-
gency medical technician 114. In doing so, the physician 20 book). In some situations, the second rescuer may be
122 may ask questions of the emergency medical tech- able to verbally interview the victim, at least initially, so
nician 114 so that the physician 122 is better prepared as to determine whether the victim is lucid, what drugs
when the victim 102 arrives at the emergency room. The the victim may be taking, and the like. The second rescuer
physician 122 may also provide input to the emergency could also make visual observations (e.g., types of trau-
medical technician 114, such as by describing care that 25 ma to the victim) and record those in the computing de-
the emergency medical technician 114 should provide to vice. Moreover, one of the rescuers may obtain vital sign
the victim 102, such as in an ambulance on the way to information for the victim, and such information may be
the emergency room, so that emergency room personnel entered manually into the computing device or automat-
do not have to spend time performing such actions. Also, ically, such as through wireless links from a blood pres-
physicians could see aspects of a currently-operating 30 sure cuff, or other relevant medical device.
protocol on the system, and could act to override the [0097] The computing device, using all of the entered
protocol, with or without the rescuers needing to know information, may then generate a protocol for treating the
that such a change in the protocol has been made (e.g., victim. Such a generating may occur by selecting from
their devices will just start instructing them according to among a plurality of available protocols by plugging the
the parameters for the manually revised protocol). 35 observations into a protocol selector. The generation
[0093] Where the published protocol is organized in a may also be more dynamic, and may depends on a series
flowchart form, the flowchart may be displayed to a res- of heuristics that use the observations as inputs, and gen-
cuer or a physician, and such user may drag portions of erate a protocol (which may be made up of one or more
the flowchart to reorder the protocol. Alternatively, the sub-protocols) as an output. Moreover, a lookup table
user could tap a block in the flowchart in order to have 40 may be consulted, where the table may define correla-
parameters for that block displayed, so that the user can tions between particular observed patient conditions or
change such parameters (e.g., ventilation volume or time physical parameters, and a particular feature of a treat-
between ventilations). Data describing such an edited ment protocol.
protocol may then be saved with other information about [0098] The computing device may also submit the ob-
an incident so that later users may review it, and a user 45 servation information over a network such as the internet,
may save reordered protocols so that they can be em- and a protocol may be generated by a central computer
ployed more easily and quickly in the future. server system and then automatically downloaded to,
[0094] In this manner, the system 100 permits various and implemented by, the portable computing device.
portable electronic devices to communicate with each Such an approach may have the benefit of being able to
other so as to coordinate care that is provided to a victim 50 easily update and modify protocol-generation rules.
102. Each such device may sense information about the [0099] The computing device may then receive infor-
care provided to the victim 102, and/or may provide in- mation about the performance by the rescuers, such as
structions or may store data about such care. As a result, from wired or wireless transmitters on a defibrillator, an
the system 100 may provide improved care for the victim assisted ventilation unit, or other medical device (e.g.,
102 by better integrating and coordinating each form of 55 blood pressure reader). The computing device may pro-
the care that the victim 102 receives. The victim 102 vide feedback or coaching when the performance falls
made thus receive improved care and an improved out of line with a defined protocol, or may provide feed-
chance of obtaining a positive outcome from an event. back to maintain the performance in line with the protocol.

13 EP 2 707 068 B1 14

Also, the computing device may update the protocol as a differential pressure sensor that is attached to a venturi
care is being provided to the victim. For example, the mechanism in an airflow path inside sensor 204. A dif-
rate of required ventilation or chest compressions may ferential pressure sensor may also be provided in coor-
change as a function of time. Also, if one of the rescuers dination with a beam that substantially bisects an airflow
attaches an oxygen source to a ventilation assembly (as 5 path inside sensor 204. Taps from the differential pres-
sensed, e.g., by a switch where the connection occurs, sure sensor may extend from discrete sides of the beam,
by a manual rescuer input to the system, or by sensors so that the presence and volume of airflow may be de-
in the assisted ventilation system), the rate of required termined by the difference in pressure measured be-
ventilation may change. Other changes in the patient tween the taps. The beam may be positioned and shaped
condition, such as changes in measured levels of ETCO2 10 so as to provide more accurate readings, in known man-
or SpO2, can lead to the computing device generating a ners.
revised protocol and providing feedback to the rescuers [0104] The sensor 204 may include an activation but-
so that they adapt to the revised protocol (sometimes ton 206 that, when pressed, causes the sensor 204 to
without consciously knowing that the protocol has been activate and to begin attempting to communicate with
revised). 15 other medical devices in its vicinity. The sensor 204, for
[0100] FIG. 2 shows an example of an airflow sensor example, may communicate using BLUETOOTH tech-
204 used with a ventilation bag assembly 200, which may nology and may establish a connection with another de-
be used to ventilate a patient or victim of an accident. In vice through standard BLUETOOTH handshaking mech-
this example, the airflow sensor 204 is mounted as an anisms. Once the wireless connection is made, the de-
integral part of the ventilation bag assembly 200. The 20 vice 204 may determine how frequently to send updates
assembly 200 includes a face mask 202 which is formed to another medical device, and may begin sending such
from a flexible material that is configured to produce a updates. In certain implementations, the sensor 204 may
tight seal around the periphery of a victim’s mouth so that also receive input from such other devices, such as input
air provided by the assembly 200 may be forced into the for providing a rescuer with instruction in the performance
victim’s airway, and thus the victim may be properly ven- 25 of rescue operations.
tilated. [0105] Although shown externally in the figure for man-
[0101] The force for ventilating the patient is provided ual activation, the button 206 may be mounted internally
by compression of a ventilation bag body 212, which itself to sensor 204, such that it is activated as soon as neck
may be made of a flexible material that is sized and 210 is inserted into sensor 204. The button 206 may in-
shaped so that the rescuer may place his or her hands 30 stead be represented by a magnetic switch that is auto-
around the body 212 and squeeze to force ventilation air matically activated when the sensor 204 is assembled
into a victim. A reservoir attached to the body 212 may with the neck 210 or the mask 202. The sensor 204 may
serve as an area for mixing of gases to be introduced, in also be activated in other relevant manners such as by
a familiar manner. An oxygen supply line 216 is also pro- a mercury switch, motion detector, or other appropriate
vided and connected to the body 212, so that supple- 35 mechanism.
mental oxygen may be conveniently provided to a victim [0106] An LED light 208 is shown connected to the
by way of the ventilation bag assembly 200. sensor 204 and may be used to provide feedback to a
[0102] A neck 210 extends from the body 212 and user of the sensor 204. For example, the LED light 208
forms a right angle for purposes of permitting the assem- may blink each time ventilation is to be provided to a
bly 200 to be held in a comfortable position relative to a 40 victim, so as to provide visual orientation for a rescuer.
victim’s face when the mask 202 is sealed to the face. In this example, the LED light 208 is shown at the end of
The neck 212 is a tube having a round cross-section that an elongated flexible strip, so as to position the LED light
defines an airflow path in its interior portion, so that air 208 at a location that is more likely to be seen by a res-
may flow out of the body 212. Through the neck 210, and cuer, and less likely to be blocked visually by the body
into the mask 202. Attached between the neck 210 and 45 212 of ventilation bag assembly 200. The LED light 208
the mask 202 is the airflow sensor 204. The airflow sensor can also be mounted directly in the body of sensor 204
204 may itself define an interior passage that is matched in appropriate circumstances.
to an exterior diameter of an extension of the neck 210 [0107] In other implementations, multiple modes of
and an extension of the mask 202. As a result, the airflow feedback may be provided (e.g., both rate and volume).
sensor 204 may be friction fit over such extensions, al- 50 In such a situation, a first LED, which may backlight a
lowing the airflow sensor 204 to be added conveniently letter "R" for rate, and another may backlight a letter "V"
to a system that is not designed initially to have an airflow for volume, and/or a pair of LEDs may be located on
sensor, such as airflow sensor 204. opposed sides of the letter, with lighting of an LED behind
[0103] The airflow sensor 204 may operate in various the letter indicating that the rate or volume being applied
known manners to detect and measure the presence of 55 by the rescuer, respectively, is correct. The LEDs to the
airflow in or out of a victim, and in certain implementa- side of the letter may be lit alternatively, depending on
tions, to measure a volume of airflow in or out of the whether the rescuer is being prompted to increase or
victim. For example, the airflow sensor 204 may include decrease their rate or volume of ventilation.

15 EP 2 707 068 B1 16

[0108] The assembly 200 thus enables the perform- The communication may occur automatically upon acti-
ance of ventilation on a victim to be monitored and feed- vating the two communicating components, such as by
back to be provided to a rescuer. Such feedback may be instigating an automatic BLUETOOTH or WiFi connec-
provided from a computing device that takes into account tion in a familiar manner.
various parameters of the victim’s medical history and/or 5 [0115] At box 308, ventilation data is received from the
current medical condition, and coordinates the activities ventilation bag airflow sensor. The ventilation data may
of the various medical devices that are treating the victim simply include time stamped indicators of the start or end
at one time. of inhalation and/or exhalation for the victim. The data
[0109] Other sensors, not shown here, may also be may also include information about the length of inhala-
used with a monitoring and feedback system. For exam- 10 tion or exhalation, and the volume of air moved by the
ple, airway gas detectors may be used, including to de- victim or for the victim. Such information may be passed
termine a level of oxygen that is being provided to a pa- from the airflow sensor to a computing component such
tient through a mask. In addition, differential absorption as tablet 116. The data may then be compared against
characteristics of CO2 in red and infrared (IR) wave- a protocol for providing ventilation, and determinations
lengths may also be measured. Also, trans-thoracic im- 15 may be made with respect to whether the ventilation is
pedance may be measured in order to determine, for being properly or improperly applied relative to that pro-
example, when problems with an intubation have oc- tocol. Also, coordination of the ventilation with other ac-
curred (e.g., the tube becomes dislodged from bouncing tions being taken on the victim (e.g., chest compressions)
on stairs or in an ambulance). Checks for intubation tube may also be performed via a device such as tablet 116.
status can also be linked to the airflow sensor, so that 20 [0116] Upon the device making such determinations,
the checks are begun when ventilation of the victim be- it may provide feedback to the rescuer in applying ven-
gins. The various coordinated sensors may also be used, tilation, as shown at box 310. For example, the tablet 116
in certain instances, to move a procedure outside of a may provide visual or audible feedback to guide a rescuer
standard protocol, or to follow a protocol that has been regarding when and with how much force to squeeze a
designed to be more flexible and responsive to patient 25 ventilation bag. The tablet 116 may also communicate
needs than are typical protocols that depend on the lim- data to another device, such as a defibrillator or back to
ited capabilities of one or two caregivers. the airflow sensor, and that receiving device may provide
[0110] Also, sensors other than airflow sensors may the feedback to the caregiver. In addition, information
be used to determine a ventilation rate. For example, a may be provided to a headset or other personal interface
strain sensor may be provided on the bag of a ventilation 30 worn by the particular rescuer, which may enable feed-
assembly, and may be used to determine how frequently back provided to one rescuer to be separated from feed-
the bag is being squeezed, and by extension the rate of back provided to the other rescuer, so that the rescuers
assisted ventilation being provided to a victim. are less likely to become confused with the feedback. In
[0111] FIG. 3A is a flowchart of a process for providing addition, other communications may occur through such
feedback to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation 35 headsets, such as communications between cooperating
bag or similar structure. In general, the process involves caregivers, and communications from a dispatch center
deploying various medical devices at the scene of an or from a central physician such as an emergency room
emergency and causing the devices to coordinate their physician who is tracking the progress of the team of the
operations so as to improve the care that is given to a EMTs, or providing input to such a team.
victim at the scene. 40 [0117] The feedback provided may follow a set proto-
[0112] The process begins at box 302, where elec- col that does not differ from victim to victim, or may be
trodes for a defibrillator are applied to a victim and the customized for he particular victim. For example, the rate
defibrillator is powered up. Such action may occur soon and volume of ventilation to provide a victim may depend
after rescuers, who may be lay rescuers using an AED on how long the victim has been suffering from a current
or emergency medical technicians using an advanced 45 condition. Thus, a rescuer may try to ascertain how long
defibrillator, arrive on a scene and recognize that a victim the victim has been down, or a time stamp from the time
is in need of defibrillation. at which an emergency was called in may be used as a
[0113] At box 304, a ventilation bag is attached to the proxy. Also, various states of the victim may be relevant
victim and an airflow sensor associated with the bag is to the rate and volume of ventilation to be provided to the
activated. In one example, a second emergency medical 50 victim, including:
technician may be assigned this task and may recognize
that the victim’s airway is patent and is not in need of • Pediatric vs. adult
incubation at the moment, and may deploy the ventilation • Patient condition (e.g. traumatic brain injury vs. car-
bag to begin providing forced ventilation to the victim. diac arrest)
[0114] At box 306, a communication link is established 55 • Characteristics of the ECG may also suggest differ-
between the bag airflow sensor and a feedback unit, ent ventilation requirements. For example, patients
which may be in the form of a tablet, like tablet 116 in with ventricular fibrillation may have lower ventilation
FIG. 1, or a defibrillator like defibrillator 112 in FIG. 1. requirements than patients with asystole or PEA.

17 EP 2 707 068 B1 18

• Etiology of disease- cardiac arrest due to drowning information may include a name or alphanumeric ID
vs. presumed myocardial infarction. number of the victim, as a mechanism for retrieving elec-
• Duration of patient downtime for cardiac arrest. tronic medical record information about the victim. Such
• Presence/absence of (effective) bystander CPR information may also include information about the cur-
(compressions and/or ventilations) prior to arrival of 5 rent condition of the victim. For example, a caregiver may
EMS. record whether the victim has suffered head trauma,
• ETCO2- there are recommendations to titrate venti- whether the victim is bleeding, has broken bones, ap-
lation rate to achieve a particular end tidal CO2 value. proximately age and gender of the victim, and other in-
• SpO2- adjust ventilation rate to achieve optimal pe- formation that may be relative to the care to be given to
ripheral oxygen saturation. 10 the victim. Such information may be entered on a touch-
screen display, including by selecting input values from
[0118] At box 312, the system reports the victim’s con- a menuing system (including a system that performs a
dition to rescuers and may also report the condition of question-and-answer interview session with a rescuer),
the victim to central caregivers, such as physicians or or could also be provided by a spoken input to the tablet.
other staff in an emergency room where the victim will 15 [0124] Where an identifier for a victim, such as a name
be taken. Such reporting may include providing ECG re- of the victim is provided, the tablet may attempt to access
adout information, vital signs, and other relevant infor- records in a central system, as shown by box 412. Where
mation needed by the immediate (e.g., EMT’s) or sec- the tablet has provided appropriate credentials, such as
ondary (e.g., ER Physicians) caregivers. identifier and password of an emergency medical tech-
[0119] At box 314, incident report data is saved, such 20 nician, the central system may transmit medical record
as by sending the data from one or more of the portable information about the victim, at box 418, back to the tab-
medical devices at a scene to a central electronic medical let. Upon receiving additional information about the vic-
record system. The data may be gathered initially at one tim, the tablet may establish a protocol for treatment of
device such as tablet 116, and may then be forwarded the victim, and may begin carrying out the protocol by
to the central system. The incident report data may in- 25 instructing rescuers at the scene. For example, the con-
clude information regarding drugs and other treatments dition of the victim, the victim’s age, the victim’s medical
provided to the patient, and other information that may history, and the victim’s size, may all be relevant to the
be relevant to downstream caregivers, such as emergen- manner in which chest compressions, defibrillation
cy room physicians. shocks, and ventilation are provided to the victim. The
[0120] In this manner, and using this example process, 30 protocol established by the tablet may take into account
information relating to various aspects of care given to a each relevant factor in developing a plan of treatment.
victim at the scene of an accident may be collected, and [0125] While the system is obtaining data and devel-
treatment of the patient may be coordinated, including oping a plan, a caregiver at the site may be connecting
by coordinating the provision of chest compressions, de- and positioning electrodes on the victim’s chest (box
fibrillation shocks, and ventilation to the patient. 35 414), and the same caregiver or another caregiver may
[0121] FIG. 4A is a swim lane diagram of a process by be applying a ventilator (box 416) on the victim.
which various parameters can be used to provide feed- [0126] The caregivers may then begin executing the
back to one or more medical rescuers. In general, the protocol, such as by applying chest compressions and
process is similar to that shown in FIG. 3A, though par- ventilation to the victim. At boxes 422 and 424, the defi-
ticular example structures are shown in this figure as per- 40 brillator provides received rescue data to the tablet, such
forming certain steps in the process. The particular steps as by transmitting information regarding the victim’s ECG
that are carried out by each structure or device can be and also the manner in which chest compressions have
changed as is appropriate, and other steps may be add- been applied to the victim, and the ventilator or ventilation
ed, steps may be rearranged or modified, or steps may sensor may provide information about ventilator events.
be removed from the process. 45 Such information may include, for example, the frequen-
[0122] The process begins at boxes 402 and 404, cy with which ventilation is being applied, and also the
where a tablet and defibrillator are powered up at the site volume of ventilation air being provided.
of an emergency. Such powering may simply involve de- [0127] At box 426, the tablet compares the received
ploying them from emergency vehicles and activating inputs to the appropriate protocol, which may be a static
power switches on each such device. At boxes 406 and 50 protocol or may be a dynamic protocol that changes as
408, a wireless communication connection is established treatment of the victim continues. Where the inputs do
between the tablet and the defibrillator for the transfer of not match the protocol so that corrective action by the
data between the two devices while care is being provid- caregivers is required, the tablet may provide instructions
ed to a victim at the emergency scene. (box 428) to the caregivers. For example, the tablet may
[0123] At box 410, victim information is entered into 55 transmit information to the defibrillator, and the defibril-
the tablet (though at least some of the information may lator may be caused to announce instructions to a pro-
also have been previously entered by a dispatcher, and vider of chess compressions, such as having a speaker
that information may auto-populate on the device). Such on the defibrillator state those instructions (box 430). The

19 EP 2 707 068 B1 20

tablet may also send data to the ventilator, causing the rescuer during the administration of ventilation to a pa-
ventilator to announce instructions to another caregiver tient. The ventilation timer 500 provides information to
(box 432), either visually or audibly. the rescuer to help the rescuer control the rate of venti-
[0128] At boxes 434 and 436, respectively, the caregiv- lation provided to the patient. The ventilation timer 500
er providing chest compressions and operating the defi- 5 can include a bar 506 (or other shape) that that fills as
brillator may follow the received instructions, and a car- time elapses between breaths. The bar 506 can include
egiver operating the ventilating device may follow the oth- scaling information (e.g., tick marks on the graph) that
er appropriate instructions. At boxes 438 and 440, re- provide information about the elapsed time 502 and/or
spectively, the defibrillator and the ventilator may record ventilation rate 504. The elapsed time 502 provides an
the performance of the particular caregiver in response 10 indication of the amount of time that has passed since
to the instructions. Such performance data may be stored the last ventilation event and the respiration rate 504 pro-
and transmitted back to the tablet at boxes 442 and 444. vides the number of breaths per minute (e.g., 5 seconds
The data may indicate whether the relevant caregivers between breaths=12 breaths/minute).
have altered their actions sufficiently to place their activ- [0133] The information displayed on the ventilation tim-
ities back within the protocol ranges. Also, the protocol 15 er 500 is based on ventilation related data received from
may change over time, such as by calling for a certain a device that detects when a ventilation has been deliv-
period of chess compressions followed by the provision ered (e.g., a flow meter, capnography, thoracic imped-
of electric shock to the patient for defibrillation. Thus, the ance). The ventilation related information is used by a
tablet, at box 428 may change the instructions that it pro- computer to provide an input indicating when to re-start
vides so as to match the changes in the protocol. 20 the timer such that the elapsed time can be determined.
[0129] At box 446, the tablet receives and processes [0134] In some examples, the information presented
the patient data. The process may then loop back to box on the ventilation timer 500 can be color coded or other-
428 and until treatment of the victim is completed. Chang- wise supplemented by a visual indicator of ranges that
es may be made to the protocol as treatment continues indicate adequate ventilation versus sub-optimal venti-
also, such as by recognizing that the patient has been 25 lation. In one example, the color of the bar 506 in the
without a normal heart rhythm for particular time, and ventilation timer can change based on the adequacy of
adjusting the timing and sequencing of care given to the the ventilation. For example, the bar could be colored
victim based on such a determination. green when proper ventilation is being provided and yel-
[0130] At box 448, data is transmitted for the patient’s low or red when the ventilation falls outside the desired
record to the central system. Such data may be provided 30 range of respiration rates. Additionally, in some exam-
consistently throughout provision of care, such as by pro- ples, an indication of whether the user should increase
viding ECG and vital signs data that may be reviewed in or decrease the rate of respiration could be provided.
real time by a central emergency room physician who Additionally, in some examples, an indication of the op-
accesses the central system. The data may also be pro- timal elapsed time/ventilation rate could be provided such
vided when the care is complete, such as may be recog- 35 as by overlaying a line or other indicator at the desired
nized by the powering down of the tablet, defibrillator, or level so the rescuer can attempt to have the bar 506
ventilator, so that the medical devices may be returned match the displayed optimal timing indicator.
to an ambulance or other vehicle in which the patient is [0135] In some additional examples, the information
transported to an emergency room. Also, the tablet may presented in the ventilation timer 500 can be color coded
invoke additional dialogue with one of the caregivers on 40 or otherwise supplemented by other visual indicator
such a trip, so as to complete the patient record before based on the nature of the underlying condition being
the caregivers move to another project. treated, e.g. respiratory distress vs cardiac arrest vs TBI.
[0131] At box 450, the central system processes, Additionally, the range that is indicated as an optimal or
stores, and forwards, relevant data regarding the victim. an acceptable respiration rate can change based on in-
For example, the treatment information, such as drugs 45 formation from one or more physiologic monitoring sen-
that may have been given to the patient through intrave- sors and estimate from those sensor(s) of the underlying
nous tubes, may be recorded and added to the victim’s status of the patient’s cardiopulmonary status. Such
medical record. In addition, a billing system may be no- physiologic monitoring can be based, for example on in-
tified, and appropriate fees may be applied to a victim’s formation about EtCO2 (e.g., the partial pressure or max-
account in such a system. Moreover, a snapshot of rel- 50 imal concentration of carbon dioxide, CO2 at the end of
evant data from the treatment may be provided in ad- an exhaled breath, which is expressed as a percentage
vance to an emergency room team at a hospital where of CO2 or mmHg) and/or information about oxygen sat-
the patient has been taken. Then, at box 452, the relevant uration from a pulse oximeter, a medical device that in-
data is received at the emergency room, so that the emer- directly monitors the oxygen saturation of a patient’s
gency room team can review it when providing further 55 blood. Such physiologic monitoring can also include in-
treatment for the patient. formation from a tissue CO2 sensor that can be used to
[0132] FIG. 5 shows exemplary information, e.g., a calculate the blood oxygen concentration, for example,
ventilation timer 500, displayed on a display device to a based on the ventilation/perfusion ratio (or V/Q ratio)

21 EP 2 707 068 B1 22

which provides a measurement used to assess the effi- itors a volume of airflow into and out of the victim. For
ciency and adequacy of the matching of the amount air example, the airflow sensor 718 may include a differential
reaching the alevoli to the amount of blood reaching the pressure sensor that is attached to a venturi mechanism
alveoli (sometimes reported as the VQ mismatch which in an airflow path inside sensor 204.
is used to express when the ventilation and the perfusion 5 [0141] The ventilation assembly 700 also includes a
of a gas exchanging unit are not matched). capnometer 714 or other carbon-dioxide measurement
[0136] FIG. 6 shows exemplary information displayed device. The capnometer 714 is an infra-red spectrograph
during the administration of ventilation and CPR com- for monitoring CO 2. Carbon dioxide selectively absorbs
pressions to a patient. The system automatically switch- specific wavelengths of IR light. Since the amount of light
es the information presented based on whether chest 10 absorbed is proportional to the concentration of the ab-
compressions are detected and whether appropriate sorbing molecules, the concentration of a gas can be
ventilation is detected. For example, CO2 or depth of determined by comparing the measured absorbance with
chest compressions may be displayed (e.g., a CO 2 wave- the absorbance of a known standard. The CO2 concen-
form 620 is displayed in FIG. 8B) during CPR adminis- tration measured by the monitor can be expressed as
tration and upon detection of the cessation of chest com- 15 partial pressure in mmHg or percentage CO2 (FCO2).
pressions the waveform can be switched to display and [0142] The airflow sensor may also include sensors for
SpO2 or pulse waveform (not shown). measuring gas concentration, such as carbon dioxide
[0137] A portion 640 of the display can include venti- (CO2), nitrogen and oxygen. Exemplary CO2 concentra-
lation information such as a ventilation timer (e.g., as tion sensors include those provided in commercial cap-
described above in relation to FIG. 5) providing informa- 20 nographs that measure infrared light absorption known
tion about respiratory rate associated with the elapsed to those skilled in the art. Oxygen gas partial pressure
time between ventilations. may be measured by so-called a ppO2 meter such as is
[0138] Another portion 624 of the display can include used in SCUBA-diving, in re-breathing apparatus. A spe-
information about the CPR such as depth 626, rate 628 cific example is the PSR-11-33-NMI oxygen sensor man-
and perfusion performance indicator (PPI) 630. 520. The 25 ufactured by Analytic Industries, Inc. (Pomona CA). This
PPI 630 is a shape (e.g., a diamond) with the amount of sensor works off the principle of an electro-galvanic fuel
fill in the shape differing to provide feedback about both cell. Oxygen concentration sensing may also be done
the rate and depth of the compressions. When CPR is with an oxygen optode. In general, an oxygen optode is
being performed adequately, for example, at a rate of a sensor based on optical measurement of the oxygen
about 100 compressions/minute (CPM) with the depth of 30 concentration. In some examples of oxygen optodes, a
each compression greater than 1.5 inches, the entire in- chemical film is glued to the tip of an optical cable and
dicator will be filled. As the rate and/or depth decreases the fluorescence properties of this film depend on the
below acceptable limits, the amount of fill lessens. The oxygen concentration. Fluorescence is at a maximum
PPI 520 provides a visual indication of the quality of the when there is no oxygen present. When an O2 molecule
CPR such that the rescuer can aim to keep the PPI 520 35 is present and collides with the film, this quenches the
completely filled. photoluminescence. For a given oxygen concentration
[0139] FIG. 7 shows an example of a ventilation as- there will be a specific number of O2 molecules colliding
sembly 700 for providing manual ventilation to a victim. with the film at any given time, and the fluorescence prop-
The ventilation assembly 700 is designed to be sealed erties will be stable. Thus, by observing the fluorescence
around the mouth of a victim (e.g., as shown in FIG. 1). 40 properties O 2 concentration can be determined.
The ventilation assembly 700 may include a flexible body [0143] The total volume of the ventilation gas delivered
structure 712 that a rescuer may squeeze periodically to to and from the lungs is calculated by measuring the con-
provide ventilation on the victim when the victim is not tinuous flow rate for each individual inhalation and exha-
breathing sufficiently on his or her own. More particularly, lation and then integrating the flow over time to compute
the ventilation assembly 700 includes a face mask 724 45 volume. Because concentrations are available for each
which is formed from a flexible material that is configured of the measured gases is known for each instant, the
to produce a tight seal around the periphery of a victim’s volumes delivered for each ventilation for each of the
mouth so that air provided by the ventilation assembly specific gases is also calculated along with the volume
700 may be forced into the victim’s airway by squeezing delivered for all other gases not measured. In one em-
the flexible body structure 712, and thus the victim may 50 bodiment, the measured gases are CO2 and oxygen, with
be properly ventilated. the remaining gases being predominantly nitrogen. In
[0140] Provided with the ventilation assembly 700 is other embodiments, gas concentrations for other gases
an airflow sensor 718. The airflow sensor 718 is located may be provided such as additive gases that have ther-
in a neck of the ventilation assembly 700 near the mouth- apeutic value such as anaesthetic gases, nitric oxide or
piece or mask 724 of the ventilation bag. The airflow sen- 55 a noble gas such as Argon.
sor 718 monitors the flow of air into and out of the patient’s [0144] In addition, the so-called minute-volume, known
mouth, to identify a rate at which ventilation is occurring to those skilled in the art, for each of the measured con-
with the victim. In addition, the airflow sensor 718 mon- stituent gases can be calculated. In general, minute-vol-

23 EP 2 707 068 B1 24

ume is the quantity of gas delivered to the patient, or munication link is also established between the sensors
exhaled from the patient in the case of CO2, over a one- and a feedback unit, which may be in the form of a tablet,
minute period. Unlike tidal volume which is the volume like tablet 116 in FIG. 1, or a defibrillator like defibrillator
delivered for a particular breath, minute volume is based 112 in FIG. 1. The communication may occur automati-
on the one-minute period. The calculated minute-volume 5 cally upon activating the two communicating compo-
for any point in time may be calculated by summing each nents, such as by instigating an automatic BLUETOOTH
of the individual tidal volumes in the previous minute, or or WiFi connection in a familiar manner.
it may be estimated based on the tidal volumes of breaths [0150] At box 802, the rescuer begins manual ventila-
occurring within some predefined time period in the im- tions. Such action may occur soon after rescuers, who
mediate past. 10 may be lay rescuers using an AED or emergency medical
[0145] The ventilation assembly 700 also includes a technicians using an advanced defibrillator, arrive on a
pressure sensor 722. The pressure sensor 720 may be scene and recognize that a victim is in need of ventilation.
located on the electrode pad assembly. Tubing 720 is [0151] At box 803, ventilation data is received from the
connected between the electrode assembly and an ventilation device. The ventilation data may include time
adapter positioned in the airway. If a differential pressure 15 stamped indicators of the start or end of inhalation and/or
measurement is being made, two tubes 720 are brought exhalation for the victim. The data may also include in-
from the adapter to the electrode assembly. The adapter formation about the length of inhalation or exhalation,
has a small vane positioned between the pressure sens- and the volume of air moved by the victim or for the victim,
ing ports so that the pressure difference generated be- and the carbon-dioxide content included in the air. Such
tween the two ports is proportional to the velocity of air 20 information may be passed from the sensors to a com-
flow through the adapter into the patient. Knowing the puting component.
cross-sectional area of the air path through the adapter, [0152] At box 804, the ventilation data is used to cal-
allows the tidal volume to be estimated (using known culate an end-tidal CO 2 (ETCO2). The end-tidal CO2 pro-
differential pressure tidal volume measurement tech- vides an indication of the level of carbon dioxide in the
niques). 25 air exhaled from the body at the end of a respiratory cycle,
[0146] Other sensors may also be used with a moni- exemplary normal values of which are 4% to 6% or 35
toring and feedback system. For example, additional air- to 45 mm Hg. ETCO2 values that are less than 35 mmHg
way gas detectors may be used, including a detector to can indicate hyperventilation/hypocapnia while ETCO2
determine a level of oxygen that is being provided to a values that are greater than 45 mmHg can indicate hy-
patient through a mask. Also, trans-thoracic impedance 30 poventilation/hypercapnia. As shown in FIG. 8B, the
may be measured in order to determine, for example, measured CO2 (as shown in reading 827) in a victim will
when problems with an intubation have occurred (e.g., vary during the respiratory cycle. Portion 828 is post in-
the tube becomes dislodged). spiration/dead space exhalation. Wlien the subject ex-
[0147] The ventilation assembly 700 thus enables the hales, the first gas that is exhaled comes from the trachea
performance of ventilation on a victim to be monitored 35 and major bronchi which do not allow gas exchange and
and feedback to be provided to a rescuer. Such feedback therefore will have a gas composition similar to the in-
may be provided from a computing device that takes into haled gas. Portion 830 is the start of alveolar exhalation.
account various parameters of the victim’s medical his- Portion 832 is the exhalation upstroke where dead space
tory and/or current medical condition, and coordinates gas mixes with lung gas. Finally, portion 834 is the con-
the activities of the various medical devices that are treat- 40 tinuation of exhalation, or the plateau (all the gas is al-
ing the victim at one time. For example, the sensors de- veolar now). The end-tidal value is measured at the end
scribed above can be joined with a computer, tablet, or of the exhillation at point 834. The gas at the end of this
other processing device by a wired connection or by a exhalation is considered to have come from the alveoli
short-range wireless data transmitter or transceiver, such and reflects the equilibrium CO2 concentration between
as a mechanism communicating via BLUETOOTH tech- 45 the capillaries and the alveoli; the PCO2 in this gas is
nology. Based on the received information, the device called end-tidal PCO2 (PetCO2).
can provide feedback about the ventilation to the rescuer, [0153] At box 806, the end-tidal or minute-volume CO2
for example, by telling a rescuer to squeeze the ventila- data is compared against a protocol for providing venti-
tion bag 712 harder or softer, or faster or slower. lation, and determinations are made with respect to
[0148] FIG. 8A is a flowchart of a process for providing 50 whether the ventilation is being properly or improperly
feedback to a caregiver who is operating the ventilation being applied relative to that protocol. For example, a
bag 712. In general, the process involves deploying var- range of values considered as providing proper ventila-
ious medical devices including a ventilation device at the tion can be used to determine whether the victim is being
scene of an emergency and providing feedback to the appropriately ventilated, over ventilated, or under venti-
rescuer in relation to ventilation of a victim. 55 lated. In one particular example, for conscious patients,
[0149] The process begins at box 800, where the res- end-tidal CO2 values between 32 to 38 mm Hg can indi-
cuer attaches a ventilation bag to the victim and various cate proper ventilation while, end-tidal CO2 that are less
sensors associated with the bag are activated. A com- than 30 mmHg can indicate hyperventilation (e.g., over

25 EP 2 707 068 B1 26

ventilation), and end-tidal CO 2 values that are greater by squeezing the bag less frequently or ventilation vol-
than approximately 40 mmHg can indicate hypoventila- ume by squeezing the bag to a lesser extent). If the com-
tion (e.g., under ventilation). parison of the minute-volume or end-tidal CO2 to the pro-
[0154] Minute-volume CO2 measures are believed to tocol indicated that the observed end-tidal CO2 was with-
be important during ventilation because end-tidal CO2 5 in the desired range, at box 810 the rescuer can be ad-
measures are dependent on the actual volume of gas vised to continue ventilation. If the comparison of the
delivered to the patient. The physiologic measure that minute-volume or end-tidal CO2 to the protocol indicated
the clinician is titrating to is the amount of CO2 gas ex- that the observed minute-volume or end-tidal CO2 was
haled from the patient, which is a good overall measure greater than the desired range, at box 812 the rescuer
of the patient’s physiologic state. Increasing the ventila- 10 can be advised to increase ventilation (e.g., to increase
tion rate or tidal volume will cause EtCO2 values to de- the ventilation rate by squeezing the bag more frequently
crease for a fixed CO2 gas elimination rate from a patient; or increase ventilation volume by squeezing the bag to
this is not the case for minute-volume CO 2 measures. a greater extent). In some embodiments, during CPR,
Thus, minute-volume measures of CO2 are an important the computing device will prompt the rescuer to a venti-
parameter in situations where ventilation is being deliv- 15 lation rate of 10 ventilations per minute with a minute
ered in a manual fashion with a rescuer squeezing a ven- volume of 6000 ml.
tilation bag where both ventilation rates and tidal volumes [0157] In some additional embodiments, the minute-
have been shown in multiple studies to be completely volume or end-tidal CO2 can be used to provide feedback
uncontrolled in the clinical environment. on the effectiveness of CPR compressions. Based on
[0155] CO2 concentration as a function of expired vol- 20 the minute-volume or end-tidal CO2 information related
ume may be plotted such as in the form of a single-breath to the depth of compressions can be calculated and the
CO2 analysis (SBCO2), known to those skilled in the art. system can provide feedback to a rescuer to increase or
The SBCO2 curve has three phases: phase 1 made up decrease the depth of the CPR compressions.
of non-alveolar gas, or ventilatory dead-space gas, that [0158] For example, in a typical patient, expired CO2
is essentially free of CO2; phase 2 that is a transition 25 minute volume in a healthy patient is approximately 800
phase with a characteristic S-shape that contains some - 900 ml, or 14% of a typical minute volume of 6 liters. It
amount CO 2; and phase 3 that is the alveolar gas bearing is also know that CPR does not achieve normal perfusion
the predominant quantity of exhaled CO2. Because the in patients undergoing cardiac arrest, and expected
x-axis of the SBCO 2, or expirogram as it is sometimes blood flows are on the order of only 10 - 20% of normal
called, has units of volume, calculations can be made to 30 flow. Therefore, a goal-directed approach is taken using
determine both alveolar as well as non-alveolar dead- volumetric expired minute-volume CO2 (VEMV-CO2)
space based on techniques known to those skilled in the during compressions. During the first minute of compres-
art. For example, FIGS. 9A and 9B (from IEEE TRANS- sions, a target of 100ml VEMV-CO2 is set and is shown
ACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIO- on the computing device display. Compression depth is
MEDICINE, VOL. 6, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2002), each 35 shown in real time on the display for each compression.
show the expired CO2 tension versus exhaled volume. If the depth is less than 2 inches, or other established
The non-alveolar deadspace is the area of ’Z’ in FIG. 9B, guideline that is either the result of a standards or guide-
and the alveolar deadspace is the area of ’Y’. The sum lines group like the American Heart Association, or is the
of these two deadspaces does not produce any gas ex- result of a particular physician’s guidance in the local
change in the patient, so this sets the minimum ventilation 40 medical system, then the computed device prompts the
volume for each patient. Additionally, including dynamic rescuer to compress deeper. If the compression depth
lung compliance in the calculation of overall lung volume is at least the minimum guideline depth, but the VEMV-
using SBCO2 curves may enhance the accuracy pro- CO2 target has not been achieved, then the rescuer is
duced by SBCO 2-based calculations. prompted to increase the compression depth by a preset
[0156] Referring back to FIG. 8A, upon the computing 45 amount of, for example, 0.25 inches to 2.25 inches. If
device making such determinations with respect to after approximately 30 seconds of compressions at the
whether the ventilation is being properly or improperly prescribed depth the VEMV-CO2 is still not at least at the
being applied relative to that protocol (box 806), the com- target, then the rescuer is prompted to increase their
puting device provides feedback to the rescuer applying compression depth to 2.5 inches. The same cycle is re-
the ventilation, as shown at boxes 808, 810, and 812. 50 peated to increase compression depth to a maximum of
For example, the feedback can be visual or audible feed- 3 inches. If there was no change in VEMV-CO 2 as a result
back to guide the rescuer regarding when and with how of compression depth increases or is less than expected,
much force to squeeze a ventilation bag 712. More par- and the rescuer is delivering ventilations at the target rate
ticularly, if the comparison of the minute-volume or end- and minute volume, then the rescuer is prompted to slow
tidal CO2 to the protocol indicated that the observed 55 down ventilation rate, for example, to 8 ventilations per
minute-volume or end-tidal CO2 was less than the de- minute. While in the example above, the rescuer was
sired range, at box 808 the rescuer can be advised to prompted to increase the compression depth by 0.25
decrease ventilation (e.g., to decrease the ventilation rate inches other increases in depths (e.g., 0.1 inches, 0.3

27 EP 2 707 068 B1 28

inches, 0.5 inches) could be used. tially constant (portion 916) as the lungs inflate. As the
[0159] If after 30 seconds, or some predetermined pe- lungs near full inflation, the pressure required to admin-
riod of time to allow for the cardiopulmonary system of ister additional volume is increased (portion 918). As the
the patient to equilibrate, the VEMV-CO2 value does not pressure rises above 45 cmH2O (4.4 kPa) for adults, the
increase, then the prompted rate decreases again, for 5 risk of barotrauma is increased and efforts should be
example to 6 ventilations per minute. A similar sequence made to try to reduce the peak airway pressure. In infants
may also be attempted for tidal volume, where the and children it is lower levels of peak pressure may cause
prompted tidal volume is decreased in a similar stepped damage. In general, keeping peak pressures below 30
sequence, for example from 600 ml to 500 ml then 400 cmH 2O (2.9 kPa) is desirable. Thus, by observing chang-
ml. By progressively decreasing maximum ventilated 10 es in the observed or by observing changes in pressure
lung volume, more space is provided for the heart to refill per changes in volume, a determination can be made of
during the release phase of compressions, and may lead when a desirable tidal volume has been administered to
to a better balance between the amount of ventilatory the victim.
gas delivered and blood flow from chest compressions. [0165] The change in volume divided by change in
[0160] In the ideal system, these two parameters will 15 pressure is sometimes referred to as a compliance meas-
be individually adjusted for each patient. This can be urement. Compliance is a measure of the "stiffness" of
achieved by using VEMV-CO2 or EtCO2 as the end pa- the lung and chest wall. The mathematical formula for
rameter to optimize, with tidal volume, ventilation rate as compliance (C) is change in volume divided by change
potential intermediate parameters. If, for instance, the in pressure. The higher the compliance, the more easily
VEMV-CO2 reaches the target level as a result of de- 20 the lungs will inflate in response to positive pressure.
creasing the ventilation rate or minute volume, and the Compliance values can be calculated and used to pro-
compression depth is greater than 2 inches, then prompts vide feedback on tidal volume to the rescuer.
to decrease compression depth may be provided to the [0166] FIG. 10B is a flowchart of a process for providing
rescuer. feedback to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation
[0161] FIG. 8B shows exemplary information dis- 25 bag or similar structure. In general, the process involves
played during the administration of ventilation to a pa- deploying various medical devices including a ventilation
tient. The user interface includes a CO2 waveform 827. device at the scene of an emergency and providing feed-
Additionally, the display can include other waveforms and back to the rescuer in relation to ventilation of a victim.
relevant measured values such as respiration rate 840 [0167] The process begins at box 900, where the res-
and SpO2 percentage 842. 30 cuer attaches a ventilation bag to the victim and various
[0162] A portion of the display can include ventilation sensors associated with the bag are activated. A com-
information and provide guidance to the rescuer regard- munication link is also established between the sensor
ing proper ventilation. For example, the ventilation infor- and a feedback unit, which may be in the form of a tablet,
mation can include a ventilation timer 822 (e.g., as de- like tablet 116 in FIG. 1, or a defibrillator like defibrillator
scribed above in relation to FIG. 5) providing information 35 112 in FIG. 1. The communication may occur automati-
about respiratory rate associated with the elapsed time cally upon activating the two communicating compo-
between ventilations. Additionally, a portion of the display nents, such as by instigating an automatic BLUETOOTH
can include an indication 820 to change the rate of ven- or WiFi connection in a familiar manner.
tilation such as a message to ventilate faster or slower. [0168] At box 901, the rescuer begins manual ventila-
In some examples, an audio indication can accompany 40 tions. Such action may occur soon after rescuers, who
the visual indicator to provide guidance to the rescuer. may be lay rescuers using an AED or emergency medical
[0163] FIG. 10A is an exemplary graph 910 of pressure technicians using an advanced defibrillator, arrive on a
versus volume during manual ventilation. Indications of scene and recognize that a victim is in need of ventilation.
pressure versus volume can be used as a guide for de- [0169] At box 902, ventilation data including pressure
termining an optimal tidal volume for manual ventilation 45 and volume are received from the ventilation device (e.g.,
of victims. In general, for adult patients and older children using sensor devices described herein). Such informa-
tidal volume (Vt) is calculated in milliliters per kilogram tion may be passed from the sensors to a computing
and values in the range of 6 to 8 ml/kg are often used. component.
Hence a patient weighing 70 kg would get a Vt of 420-480 [0170] At box 904, the ventilation data is used to cal-
ml. However, in the field, a rescuer often will not have 50 culate a change in pressure per change in volume
access to patient weight to calculate a desired tidal vol- (ΔV/ΔP). An increased value for ΔV/ΔP can indicate that
ume. Thus, it can be beneficial to provide feedback to the lung capacity has been reached and further air should
the rescuer on an appropriate tidal volume without per- not be administered to the victim during that manual ven-
forming calculations based on patient specific weight or tilation cycle. At box 906, the measured ΔV/ΔP value is
age parameters. 55 compared to a threshold value and determinations may
[0164] In manual ventilation, as shown in FIG. 10A, as be made with respect to whether the ventilation is being
the amount volume of air administered to the victim in- properly or improperly applied relative to that protocol
creases, initially the pressure remains low and substan- (e.g., a determination can be made regarding whether

29 EP 2 707 068 B1 30

the rescuer is overventillating or underventillating the vic- resent tidal volume as a second graphical feature of the
tim). The threshold is calculated individually for each pa- bar, for instance the width of the bar. The color of the bar
tient. During the initial 150 - 500 ml of inspiratory volume, may also be used as a graphical indication, for instance
the Average Initial Compliance (AIP) is calculated. The a three color bar, with yellow representing a tidal volume
ventilation is considered complete when the compliance 5 that is too low, green as correct within a range of +/- 20
has decreased to some predetermined fraction of the of desired range, and red indicating too much volume.
AIP, for example 25%. During the course of each ventilation the color of the bar
[0171] Upon the device making such determinations, will start as yellow, then progress to green when in the
the device provides feedback to the rescuer in applying appropriate range. If the rescuer continues squeezing
ventilation, as shown at box 908. For example, the feed- 10 the bag and delivers too much gas, the color of the bar
back can be visual or audible feedback to guide a rescuer will change to red.
regarding whether to squeeze a ventilation bag more or [0175] In some examples, in addition to or instead of
less during a ventilation cycle. More particularly, if the determining the appropriate tidal volume based on
comparison of the ΔV/ΔP value to the threshold indicates change in pressure and change in volume measure-
that the lungs are not completely inflated (e.g., the ΔV/ΔP 15 ments from the ventilation device 700, the tidal volume
value is less than the threshold indicating that the venti- can be computed based on one or more of a patient’s
lation is likely in the flat portion 916), the rescuer can be height, girth, weight and gender. This information can be
advised to increase ventilation (e.g., by squeezing the determined automatically or can be input into the com-
bag to a greater extent), if the comparison of the ΔV/ΔP puting device by the rescuer. For example, the informa-
value to the threshold indicates that the lungs are over 20 tion can be input using a tablet PC, determined based
inflated (e.g., the ΔV/ΔP value is above the threshold in- on information collected by an accelerometer, or received
dicating that the ventilation is likely in the sloped portion from an automatic defibrillation and compression device
918), the rescuer can be advised to decrease ventilation configured to obtain a measure of patient circumference.
(e.g., by squeezing the bag to a lesser extent). In some additional examples, the system is configured
[0172] In some examples, the ΔP and ΔV measure- 25 to calculate the estimate thoracic volume based on a
ments can be used to determine compliance features measured ventilation tidal volume and an instantaneous
and determine a patient state based on the compliance lung volume.
features. Exemplary patient states that can be deter- [0176] In some situations, a rescuer may have difficulty
mined based on the compliance measurements include forming a leak tight seal between the ventilation device
barotraumas, hemothorax, pneumothorax, intubation in 30 such that air from the bag leaks into the atmosphere rath-
mainstem, flail chest, and/or pediatric lung overdisten- er than being directed into the victim’s lungs. In other
sion. AlPs for healthy adult patients are approximately situations, a rescuer may provide an appropriate tidal
300 ml/cmH2O; AlPs below about 150 ml/cmH2O may volume of air to the patient, but the rescuer may not fully
indicate one of the above conditions. In some additional release the ventilation bag causing the air to remain in
examples, the compliance measurement can be used to 35 the victim’s lungs rather than being fully exhaled. It can
detect overdistension of lungs during pediatric ventilation be beneficial to detect such situations where air is not
to provide information related to for appropriate lung ven- being appropriately inhaled or exhaled so that the rescuer
tilation volume for a pediatric patient. can be informed that the ventillation is sub-optimal.
[0173] FIG. 10C shows exemplary information dis- [0177] FIG. 11 is a flowchart of a process for providing
played during the administration of ventilation and CPR 40 feedback to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation
compressions to a patient. The display can include infor- bag or similar structure. In general, the process involves
mation such as a ventilation timer 960 (e.g., as described deploying various medical devices including a ventilation
above in relation to FIG. 5) and other observed values device at the scene of an emergency and providing feed-
(e.g., as also described above in relation to FIG. 5). back to the rescuer in relation to ventilation of a victim.
[0174] Additionally, a portion of the display can include 45 [0178] The process begins at box 1000, where the res-
information related to the tidal volume. In the example cuer attaches a ventilation bag to the victim and various
shown in FIG. 10C, this information can be displayed in sensors associated with the bag are activated. A com-
the form of a shape representing a ventilation bag with munication link is also established between the sensor
three portions 952, 954, and 956 representing under-ven- and a feedback unit, which may be in the form of a tablet,
tilation, appropriate ventilation, and over-ventilation, re- 50 like tablet 116 in FIG. 1, or a defibrillator like defibrillator
spectively. An indicator can be provided to show the ex- 112 in FIG. 1. The communication may occur automati-
tent to which a rescuer is squeezing the ventilation bag cally upon activating the two communicating compo-
such that the rescuer can aim to keep the indicator within nents, such as by instigating an automatic BLUETOOTH
the appropriate ventilation range 954. Other indicators or WiFi connection in a familiar manner.
such as text based or audio indicators can also be pro- 55 [0179] At box 1001, the rescuer begins manual venti-
vided. In some examples, a two dimensional indicator lations. Such action may occur soon after rescuers, who
may be provided by augmenting a feedback graphic for may be lay rescuers using an AED or emergency medical
a parameter such as rate as FIG. 5, to graphically rep- technicians using an advanced defibrillator, arrive on a

31 EP 2 707 068 B1 32

scene and recognize that a victim is in need of ventilation. At box 1104, the ventilation data is used to determine if
[0180] At boxes 1002 and 1004, ventilation data includ- a negative pressure has been observed during an in-flow
ing pressure and volume are received from the ventilation of air to the patient. In general, manual ventilation results
device (e.g., using sensor devices described herein). in a positive pressure during an air in-flow cycle while
Such information may be passed from the sensors to a 5 spontaneous breaths result in a negative pressure during
computing component. More particularly, at box 1002, an air in-flow cycle. If a negative pressure is observed
the ventilation data is used to detect an in-flow of air and during an air in-flow cycle, at box 1106, the system noti-
measure the volume of air that is provided from the ven- fies the rescuer (via a visual or audio indicia) that a spon-
tilation bag. At box 1004, the ventilation data is used to taneous breath has been observed. Additionally or alter-
detect an out-flow of air and measure the volume of air 10 natively, the system can provide a message indicating
that is provided from the victim during an exhale. potential return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)
[0181] At box 1006, the ventilation data is used to cal- based on the detection of a spontaneous breath.
culate the difference between the in-flow volume and the [0186] In some examples, information from the venti-
out-flow volume. A greater in-flow volume than out-flow lation assembly 700 can be used to calculate a single
volume can indicate that either the rescuer has not fully 15 value that provides a measure of the squareness of the
released the ventilation bag allowing the victim to exhale complete breath cycle or steepness of the expiratory por-
all air from the lungs or that the seal between the venti- tion of the breath cycle of the spirometry curve. Spirom-
lation device and the victim is not leak-tight and a signif- etry is helpful in diagnosing and treating patients with
icant amount of air exiting the ventilation device is not dyspnea (difficulty breathing) such as asthma, pulmo-
being forced into the patient’s lungs. 20 nary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, heart failure and COPD.
[0182] At box 1008, the calculation results are com- Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and Forced Expiratory Vou-
pared to a threshold to determine if the difference be- me in 1 second (FEV1) are measured and the ratio of
tween in-flow volume and out-flow volume is significant. these two measures, FEV1/FVC is calculated (referred
If not, the process returns to step 1002. If the difference to as FEV1%). In obstructive pulmonary diseases such
is significant, for example greater than 15%-25% (e.g., 25 as asthma, emphysema, COPD or chronic bronchitis,
20%), the system determines if the pressure remained FEV1 decreases due to higher airway resistance to ex-
high during the entire ventilation cycle. If the pressure piratory flow and the FVC may be decreased, as opposed
remained high, then the difference in volume is likely due to restrictive diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis where
to the rescuer not fully releasing the ventilation bag such the FEV1 and FVC are both reduced and the ratio may
that the victim is unable to exhale all air from the lungs. 30 be similar to healthy individuals. The spirometry meas-
In this case, as shown in box 1014, the system instructs ures and calculations are therefore believed to be helpful
the rescuer to fully release the ventilation device. If the in the differential diagnosis of dyspnea. This value can
pressure did not remain high, then the difference is vol- be displayed to a rescuer on a user display device.
ume is likely due to the air leaking from the ventilation [0187] In some additional examples, the system gen-
device rather than being fully delivered to the victim’s 35 erates an estimate of a thoracic state impedance based
lungs. In this case, as shown in box 1012, the system on an estimate of lung volume. The estimate of lung vol-
instructs the rescuer to check the seal between the victim ume can be determined using one or more of the proc-
and the ventilation device. esses described herein. The estimate of thoracic state
[0183] In some examples, it can be beneficial to deter- impedance can be provided to an adaptive filter and the
mine when a victim to whom manual ventilation is being 40 system can filter ventilation-induced artifacts in the tran-
delivered has taken a spontaneous breath. For example, sthoracic impedance signal to provide a more accurate
if the victim is taking spontaneous breaths, it may be de- estimate of the impedance changes induced by cardiac
sirable to discontinue manual ventilation or to provide output for the impedance cardiography (ICG) signal.
medication to suppress spontaneous breathing. [0188] In some examples, an adaptive filter may be
[0184] FIG. 12 is a flowchart of a process for providing 45 used to filter out artifact in the impedance cardiographic
feedback to a caregiver who is operating a ventilation (ICG) signal introduced by ventilations or breathing. An
bag or similar structure. In general, the process involves exemplary filter can be based on the function:
deploying various medical devices including a ventilation
device at the scene of an emergency and providing feed-
back to the rescuer in relation to whether the victim has 50
taken a spontaneous breath.
[0185] After, the rescuer attaches a ventilation bag to
the victim and various sensors associated with the bag
are activated and the rescuer begins manual ventilations,
at box 1102, ventilation data including pressure and vol- 55 [0189] Referring to FIGS. 13A and 13B, the Reference
ume are received from the ventilation device (e.g., using Signal is provided by the ventilatory volume measured.
sensor devices described herein). Such information may The system employed here is a first-order system, though
be passed from the sensors to a computing component.

33 EP 2 707 068 B1 34

more complex forms may be implemented, such as high- waveform pulse with the pulse waveform of the sternal
er order adaptive filters, Kalman filters, Particle filters, displacement and TTI measurement. If the delay from
etc. Because there is very little phase lag between the the leading edge of the pressure pulse waveform to the
lung volume and transthoracic impedance, an even sim- leading edge of the displacement and TTI waveforms is
pler system may be implemented that generates a trans- 5 less than 700 milliseconds, and the delay of the trailing
fer function to compute impedance as a function of lung edge of the pressure pulse waveform to the trailing edge
volume based on 3 - 10 ventilations. Instantaneous of the displacement and TTI waveforms is also less than
measured lung volume is the input to the transfer function 700 milliseconds, then the displacement and TTI pulse
and the result is subtracted from the transthoracic im- waveforms are considered to be as a result of the venti-
pedance signal to filter out artifact due to lung volume 10 lation cycle. The second pulse detection method uses
changes. As can be seen from FIG. 14, the transfer func- the acceleration waveform to detect the first initial move-
tion will often have a non-linearity, with lower gain in the ment of the sternum due to the ventilation. The displace-
0 - 200ml of lung volume region. This can be compen- ment waveform is calculated, and the first pulse of the
sated for with standard techniques in the transfer func- acceleration signal that contributes to the displacement
tion. 15 pulse determines the start of the sternal displacement
[0190] In some embodiments, it can be beneficial to pulse. A more accurate onset of motion of the sternum
time the CPR compressions such that the CPR compres- due to ventilation can oftentimes be achieved in this man-
sion does not occur at the same time as a ventilation. In ner.
order to time the compressions, the system includes a [0193] If the displacement and TTI waveforms are
sensor such as an accelerometer or pressure sensor that 20 found to be the result of the ventilation pressure wave-
detects manual or mechanical CPR compressions. form pulse, then the ET tube is considered to be in the
Based on information from the accelerometer or pressure proper location in the trachea and not in the esophagus.
sensor in combination with data from the ventilation as- A visual indicator can provide visual feedback to the res-
sembly 700, the system determines whether a timing for cuer as to whether or not the ET tube has been properly
a ventilation overlaps with a timing for a CPR compres- 25 placed.
sion cycle and provides an indication to the rescuer if a [0194] As described herein, based on multiple different
ventilation is being delivered during a compression cycle sensors in the ventilation device various types of feed-
so the rescuer can delay either the compression or the back can be provided to a rescuer about the ventilation
ventilation so that they do not overlap. of a victim. In some examples, multiple different feed-
[0191] In another implementation, the pressure sensor 30 backs related to ventilation can be presented to a rescuer
21 can be combined with a second sensor, such as ac- on a single user interface. An example of such a collection
celerometer 76, to detect the common clinical situation of ventilation related information is shown in FIG. 15. As
in which the intubation tube, commonly called the en- shown in FIG. 15, in addition to the components dis-
dotracheal (ET) tube, has been improperly positioned in- cussed above in relation to FIG. 10C, the user interface
to the stomach via the esophagus, rather than into the 35 can include a spirometry graph 953. The spriometry
lungs via the trachea. It is also not uncommon for the ET graph 953 can display a flow-volume loop, which graph-
tube to become dislodged during the course of resusci- ically depicts the rate of airflow on the Y-axis and the total
tation, or as a result of vibrations during transport by am- volume inspired or expired on the X-axis. Other compo-
bulance or other mode of transportation. Detection of a nents, for example, such as those discussed herein can
pressure waveform pulse is used to initiate an analysis 40 additionally or alternatively be included in the ventilation
of either the accelerometer waveform, the TTI waveform, user interface.
or both to see if the attempt to deliver respiratory gas via [0195] FIG. 16 is a schematic diagram of a computer
ventilation is delivering the gas to the lungs or to the stom- system 1300. The system 1300 can be used for the op-
ach (via the esophagus). If the gas is delivered to the erations described in association with any of the compu-
lungs, there will be an associated pulse waveform of the 45 ter-implement methods described previously, according
actual measured displacement of the sternal region to one implementation. The system 1300 is intended to
where the accelerometer is placed (double integration of include various forms of digital computers, such as lap-
the accelerometer waveform will show a rising sternum). tops, desktops, workstations, personal digital assistants,
Alternatively, a TTI measurement can be used, as air servers, blade servers, mainframes, and other appropri-
delivered to the lungs will cause a rise in transthoracic 50 ate computers. The system 1300 can also include mobile
impedance (TTI). Due to both the compressible nature devices, such as personal digital assistants, cellular tel-
of the gas as well as the fact that the lungs expand both ephones, smartphones, and other similar computing de-
sternally and diaphragmatically, there will be some delay vices. Additionally the system can include portable stor-
following generation of the pressure pulse before the as- age media, such as, Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash
sociated displacement waveform is observed from the 55 drives. For example, the USB flash drives may store op-
accelerometer or the TTI measurement. erating systems and other applications. The USB flash
[0192] In some implementations, two pulse detection drives can include input/output components, such as a
methods are used. The first time aligns the pressure wireless transmitter or USB connector that may be in-

35 EP 2 707 068 B1 36

serted into a USB port of another computing device. compiled or interpreted languages, and it can be de-
[0196] The system 1300 includes a processor 1310, a ployed in any form, including as a stand-alone program
memory 1320, a storage device 1330, and an input/out- or as a module, component, subroutine, or other unit suit-
put device 1340. Each of the components 1310, 1320, able for use in a computing environment.
1330, and 1340 are interconnected using a system bus 5 [0202] Suitable processors for the execution of a pro-
1350. The processor 1310 is capable of processing in- gram of instructions include, by way of example, both
structions for execution within the system 1300. The general and special purpose microprocessors, and the
processor may be designed using any of a number of sole processor or one of multiple processors of any kind
architectures. For example, the processor 1310 may be of computer. Generally, a processor will receive instruc-
a CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers) processor, 10 tions and data from a read-only memory or a random
a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) processor, access memory or both. The essential elements of a com-
or a MISC (Minimal Instruction Set Computer) processor. puter are a processor for executing instructions and one
[0197] In one implementation, the processor 1310 is a or more memories for storing instructions and data. Gen-
single-threaded processor. In another implementation, erally, a computer will also include, or be operatively cou-
the processor 1310 is a multi-threaded processor. The 15 pled to communicate with, one or more mass storage
processor 1310 is capable of processing instructions devices for storing data files; such devices include mag-
stored in the memory 1320 or on the storage device 1330 netic disks, such as internal hard disks and removable
to display graphical information for a user interface on disks; magneto-optical disks; and optical disks. Storage
the input/output device 1340. devices suitable for tangibly embodying computer pro-
[0198] The memory 1320 stores information within the 20 gram instructions and data include all forms of non-vol-
system 1300. In one implementation, the memory 1320 atile memory, including by way of example semiconduc-
is a computer-readable medium. In one implementation, tor memory devices, such as EPROM, EEPROM, and
the memory 1320 is a volatile memory unit. In another flash memory devices; magnetic disks such as internal
implementation, the memory 1320 is a non-volatile mem- hard disks and removable disks; magneto-optical disks;
ory unit. 25 and CD-ROM and DVD-ROM disks. The processor and
[0199] The storage device 1330 is capable of providing the memory can be supplemented by, or incorporated in,
mass storage for the system 1300. In one implementa- ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits).
tion, the storage device 1330 is a computer-readable me- [0203] To provide for interaction with a user, the fea-
dium. In various different implementations, the storage tures can be implemented on a computer having a display
device 1330 may be a floppy disk device, a hard disk 30 device such as a CRT (cathode ray tube) or LCD (liquid
device, an optical disk device, or a tape device. crystal display) monitor for displaying information to the
[0200] The input/output device 1340 provides in- user and a keyboard and a pointing device such as a
put/output operations for the system 1300. In one imple- mouse or a trackball by which the user can provide input
mentation, the input/output device 1340 includes a key- to the computer.
board and/or pointing device. In another implementation, 35 [0204] The features can be implemented in a computer
the input/output device 1340 includes a display unit for system that includes a back-end component, such as a
displaying graphical user interfaces. data server, or that includes a middleware component,
[0201] The features described can be implemented in such as an application server or an Internet server, or
digital electronic circuitry, or in computer hardware, that includes a front-end component, such as a client
firmware, software, or in combinations of them. The ap- 40 computer having a graphical user interface or an Internet
paratus can be implemented in a computer program browser, or any combination of them. The components
product tangibly embodied in an information carrier, e.g., of the system can be connected by any form or medium
in a machine-readable storage device for execution by a of digital data communication such as a communication
programmable processor; and method steps can be per- network. Examples of communication networks include
formed by a programmable processor executing a pro- 45 a local area network ("LAN"), a wide area network
gram of instructions to perform functions of the described ("WAN"), peer-to-peer networks (having ad-hoc or static
implementations by operating on input data and gener- members), grid computing infrastructures, and the Inter-
ating output. The described features can be implemented net.
advantageously in one or more computer programs that [0205] The computer system can include clients and
are executable on a programmable system including at 50 servers. A client and server are generally remote from
least one programmable processor coupled to receive each other and typically interact through a network, such
data and instructions from, and to transmit data and in- as the described one. The relationship of client and server
structions to, a data storage system, at least one input arises by virtue of computer programs running on the
device, and at least one output device. A computer pro- respective computers and having a client-server relation-
gram is a set of instructions that can be used, directly or 55 ship to each other.
indirectly, in a computer to perform a certain activity or [0206] A number of embodiments have been de-
bring about a certain result. A computer program can be scribed. Nevertheless, it will be understood that various
written in any form of programming language, including modifications may be made without departing from the

37 EP 2 707 068 B1 38

scope of the invention. Accordingly, other embodiments 3. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is fur-
are within the scope of the following claims. ther configured to detect at least one of the following
conditions: barotrauma, hemothorax, pneumotho-
rax, intubation in the mainstem, flail chest, or pedi-
Claims 5 atric lung distension based at least in part on the one
or more ventilation quality parameters.
1. A medical system, comprising:
4. The system of claim 1, wherein:
a manual patient ventilation unit (700) defining
an airflow path, the unit arranged so that when 10 the processor is configured to compute end-tidal
the unit is applied to a patient (102), the airflow CO2 values; and
path is in fluid communication with the patient’s the feedback unit (116) is configured to provide
airway, the patient ventilation unit (700) com- an indication to increase ventilation if the end-
prising tidal CO 2 value is outside of a first range and to
15 decrease ventilation if the end-tidal CO2 value
a ventilation bag (104, 712) configured to is outside of a second range.
enable manual ventilation of the patient
(102) by a rescuer (114); and 5. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is fur-
at least one sensor (106, 204, 718, 722) in ther configured to
the airflow path positioned to sense the 20 compute volumetric CO2 values; and
presence of ventilation airflow and measure provide an indication to increase ventilation if the vol-
a gas flow rate in the airflow path and sense umetric CO2 value is outside of a first range and to
gas pressure in the airflow path; decrease ventilation if the volumetric CO2 value is
outside of a second range
a processor; and 25
a feedback unit (116); 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is con-
characterized by figured to
a chest compression sensor configured to de- compute a difference in in-flow volume and out-flow
tect and measure a quality of chest compres- volume; and
sions; and in that 30 provide feedback related one or more of ventilation
said processor is arranged to: release and ventilation seal.

wirelessly receive data generated by the at 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is con-
least one sensor (106, 204, 718, 722) and figured to
determine one or more ventilation quality 35 identify conditions when a negative pressure occurs
parameters based at least in part on a gas during in-flow of air; and
flow volume calculated based on the provide feedback regarding the existence of a spon-
sensed gas flow rate and gas pressures, taneous breath when a negative pressure occurs
and during in-flow of air.
receive data generated by the chest com- 40
pression sensor; and 8. The system of claim 1, wherein the feedback com-
said feedback unit (116) being arranged to: prises feedback that communicates to the rescuer
(114) one or both of an appropriate rate and an ap-
provide chest compression feedback to propriate volume for providing ventilation to the pa-
a rescuer (114), the chest compression 45 tient.
feedback comprising information about
performance of the chest compres- 9. The system of claim 1, wherein the feedback unit
sions; and (116) comprises a visual feedback mechanism for
provide ventilation feedback to the res- providing information to a rescuer (114) regarding
cuer (114), the ventilation feedback 50 delivery of ventilations comprising one or more of a
comprising the one or more ventilation ventilation timer (500, 822) providing information
quality parameters. about respiratory rate (504) and a ventilation timer
(500, 822) providing information about elapsed time
2. The system of claim 1, wherein the ventilation quality (502) between ventilation events.
parameters comprise one or more of tidal volume, 55
minute volume, end-inspiratory and maximum ven- 10. The system of claim 1, wherein the feedback unit
tilation pressure. (116) comprises a graphical display and the feed-
back comprises a visual representation of a shape

39 EP 2 707 068 B1 40

with demarcations indicating specific tidal volume 18. The system of claim 17, wherein the accelerometer
values, wherein the volume fills during the ventila- (110) is arranged to move with the patient’s (102)
tion. chest during chest compressions and to measure
such movement to identify vertical displacement.
11. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor (116) 5
is further configured to determine compliance fea-
tures and determine a patient state based on the Patentansprüche
compliance features, wherein the patient state com-
prises a state selected from the group consisting of 1. Medizinisches System, umfassend:
barotraumas, hemothorax, pneumothorax, intuba- 10 eine manuelle Patientenbeatmungseinheit (700),
tion in mainstem, flail chest, and pediatric lung over- die einen Luftströmungsweg definiert, wobei die Ein-
distension. heit so angeordnet ist, dass, wenn die Einheit an
einen Patienten (102) angelegt wird, der Luftströ-
12. The system of claim 1, mungsweg in Fluidverbindung mit dem Atemweg
wherein the processor is further configured to 15 des Patienten steht, wobei die Patientenbeatmungs-
determine whether a timing for a ventilation overlaps einheit (700) umfasst:
with a timing for a chest compression cycle based
on the one or more ventilation quality parameters einen Beatmungsbeutel (104, 712), der dazu
and the one or more chest compression parameters. eingerichtet ist, eine manuelle Beatmung des
20 Patienten (102) durch einen Retter (114) zu er-
13. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is con- möglichen; und
figured to detect a spontaneous breath based on in- wenigstens einen Sensor (106, 204, 718, 722)
formation related to a negative pressure combined in dem Luftströmungsweg, der so positioniert ist,
with inspiratory flow; and provide a message indicat- dass er das Vorhandensein eines Beatmungs-
ing potential return of spontaneous circulation - RO- 25 luftstroms erfasst und eine Gasströmungsrate
SC - based on the detection of a spontaneous breath. in dem Luftströmungsweg und einen Gasdruck
in dem Luftströmungsweg erfasst;
14. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is fur- einen Prozessor; und
ther configured to: eine Rückmeldeeinheit (116);
30 gekennzeichnet durch
generate an estimate of lung volume; einen Brustkompressionssensor, der dazu ein-
generate an estimate of a thoracic state imped- gerichtet ist, eine Qualität von Brustkompressi-
ance based on the estimate of lung volume; onen zu erfassen und zu messen; und dadurch,
provide the estimate of thoracic state imped- dass
ance to an adaptive filter; and 35 der Prozessor eingerichtet ist für das:
filter ventilation-induced artifacts in the transtho-
racic impedance signal to generate an estimate drahtlose Empfangen von Daten, die von
of the impedance changes induced by cardiac dem wenigstens einen Sensor (106, 204,
output. 718, 722) erzeugt wurden, und Bestimmen
40 eines oder mehrerer Beatmungsqualitäts-
15. The system of claim 1, wherein the processor is fur- parameter wenigstens teilweise basierend
ther configured to: auf einem Gasströmungsvolumen, das ba-
sierend auf der erfassten Gasströmungsra-
receive information related to two or more of a te und den Gasdrücken berechnet wurde,
patient’s height, girth, weight and gender; and 45 und
calculate an estimate thoracic volume based on Empfangen von von dem Brustkompressi-
the two or more of the patient’s height, girth, onssensor erzeugten Daten; wobei
weight and gender. die Rückmeldeeinheit (116) eingerichtet ist,
für das:
16. The system of claim 1, wherein the information about 50
the performance of the chest compressions compris- Bereitstellen einer Brustkompressions-
es depth or rate information for the chest compres- rückmeldung an einen Retter (114),
sions. wobei die Brustkompressionsrückmel-
dung Informationen über die Leistung
17. The system of claim 1, wherein the chest compres- 55 der Brustkompressionen umfasst; und
sion sensor configured to detect and measure a qual- Bereitstellen einer Beatmungsrück-
ity of chest compressions comprises at least one ac- meldung an den Retter (114), wobei die
celerometer (110). Beatmungsrückmeldung einen oder

41 EP 2 707 068 B1 42

mehrere Beatmungsqualitätsparame- tienten übermittelt.

ter umfasst.
9. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem die Rückmelde-
2. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem die Beatmungs- einheit (116) einen visuellen Rückmeldemechanis-
qualitätsparameter eines oder mehrere von Tidalvo- 5 mus umfasst, um einem Retter (114) Informationen
lumen, Minutenvolumen, endinspiratorischem und bezüglich der Abgabe von Beatmungen bereitzustel-
maximalem Beatmungsdruck umfassen. len, der einen Beatmungszeitgeber (500, 822), der
Informationen über die Atmungsrate (504) bereit-
3. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor stellt, und/oder einen Beatmungszeitgeber (500,
weiterhin dazu eingerichtet ist, wenigstens einen der 10 822) umfasst, der Informationen über die verstriche-
folgenden Zustände zu erfassen: Barotrauma, Hä- ne Zeit (502) zwischen Beatmungsereignissen lie-
mothorax, Pneumothorax, Intubation im fert.
Hauptstamm, Dreschflegel-Brust oder Pädiatrie-
Lungen-Ausdehnung, basierend wenigstens zum 10. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem die Rückmelde-
Teil auf dem einen oder den mehreren Beatmungs- 15 einheit (116) eine grafische Anzeigeeinrichtung um-
qualitätsparametern. fasst und die Rückmeldung eine visuelle Darstellung
einer Form mit Abgrenzungen umfasst, die spezifi-
4. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem: sche Tidalvolumenwerte angeben, wobei sich das
Volumen während der Beatmung füllt.
der Prozessor dazu eingerichtet ist, endtidale 20
CO2-Werte zu berechnen; und 11. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor
die Rückmeldeeinheit (116) dazu eingerichtet (116) weiterhin dazu eingerichtet ist, Erfüllungs-
ist, eine Anzeige zum Erhöhen der Beatmung merkmale zu bestimmen und einen Patientenzu-
bereitzustellen, wenn der endtidale CO2-Wert stand basierend auf den Erfüllungsmerkmalen zu
außerhalb eines ersten Bereichs liegt, und die 25 bestimmen, wobei der Patientenzustand einen Zu-
Beatmung zu verringern, wenn der endtidale stand umfasst, der aus der Gruppe ausgewählt ist,
CO2-Wert außerhalb eines zweiten Bereichs die aus Barotraumata, Hämothorax, Pneumothorax,
liegt. Intubation im Hauptstamm, Dreschflegelbrust und
pädiatrischer Lungenüberdehnung besteht.
5. System nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Prozessor wei- 30
terhin dazu eingerichtet ist, 12. System nach Anspruch 1,
volumetrische CO2-Werte zu berechnen; und bei dem der Prozessor weiterhin dazu eingerichtet
einen Hinweis zu geben, die Beatmung zu erhöhen, ist,
wenn der volumetrische CO2-Wert außerhalb eines basierend auf dem einen oder den mehreren Beat-
ersten Bereichs liegt, und die Beatmung zu verrin- 35 mungsqualitätsparametern und dem einen oder den
gern, wenn der volumetrische CO2-Wert außerhalb mehreren Brustkompressionsparametern zu be-
eines zweiten Bereichs liegt. stimmen, ob sich ein Zeitpunkt für eine Beatmung
mit einem Zeitpunkt für einen Brustkompressionszy-
6. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor klus überschneidet.
dazu eingerichtet ist, 40
eine Differenz in dem Einströmvolumen und dem 13. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor
Ausströmvolumen zu berechnen; und dazu eingerichtet ist, einen spontanen Atemzug ba-
eine Rückmeldung bereitzustellen, die sich auf Be- sierend auf Informationen zu erfassen, die sich auf
atmungsfreigabe und/oder Beatmungsverschluss einen Unterdruck in Kombination mit einem Einat-
bezieht. 45 mungsfluss beziehen; und
eine Meldung, die auf die mögliche Rückkehr des
7. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor spontanen Kreislaufs (ROSC) hinweist, basierend
dazu eingerichtet ist, auf der Erkennung eines spontanen Atems bereit-
Bedingungen zu identifizieren, wenn während des zustellen.
Einströmens von Luft ein Unterdruck auftritt; und 50
eine Rückmeldung über das Vorhandensein eines 14. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor
spontanen Atems zu geben, wenn während des Ein- weiterhin dazu eingerichtet ist:
strömens von Luft ein Unterdruck auftritt.
eine Schätzung des Lungenvolumens zu erzeu-
8. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem die Rückmeldung 55 gen;
eine Rückmeldung umfasst, die dem Retter (114) eine Schätzung einer Thoraxzustandsimpe-
die geeignete Rate und/oder ein geeignetes Volu- danz basierend auf der Schätzung des Lungen-
men zum Bereitstellen einer Beatmung für den Pa- volumens zu erzeugen;

43 EP 2 707 068 B1 44

die Schätzung der Thoraxzustandsimpedanz lement d’air et détecter la pression du gaz

für ein adaptives Filter bereitzustellen; und dans le trajet d’écoulement d’air ;
atmungsbedingte Artefakte im transthorakalen
Impedanzsignal zu filtern, um eine Schätzung un processeur ; et
der durch das Herzzeitvolumen verursachten 5 une unité de rétroaction (116) ;
Impedanzänderungen zu erzeugen. caractérisé par
un capteur de compression thoracique configu-
15. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Prozessor ré pour détecter et mesurer une qualité des com-
weiterhin dazu eingerichtet ist: pressions thoraciques ; et en ce que
10 ledit processeur est disposé pour :
Informationen in Bezug auf zwei oder mehr der
Größe, des Umfangs, des Gewichts und des Ge- recevoir sans fil les données générées par
schlechts eines Patienten zu empfangen; und le au moins un capteur (106, 204, 718, 722)
ein geschätztes Thoraxvolumen auf der Grund- et déterminer un ou plusieurs paramètres
lage der Größe, des Umfangs, des Gewichts 15 de qualité de ventilation sur la base au
und des Geschlechts des Patienten zu berech- moins en partie d’un volume d’écoulement
nen. de gaz calculé sur la base du débit d’écou-
lement du gaz capté et des pressions du
16. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem die Informationen gaz, et
über die Leistung der Brustkompressionen Tiefen- 20 recevoir les données générées par le cap-
oder Rateninformationen für die Brustkompressio- teur de compression thoracique ; et
nen umfassen. ladite unité de rétroaction (116) étant con-
figurée pour :
17. System nach Anspruch 1, bei dem der Brustkom-
pressionssensor, der zum Erfassen und Messen ei- 25 fournir la rétroaction de compression
ner Qualität von Brustkompressionen eingerichtet thoracique à un sauveteur (114), la ré-
ist, wenigstens einen Beschleunigungsmesser (110) troaction de compression thoracique
umfasst. comprenant des informations sur la
performance des compressions
18. System nach Anspruch 17, bei dem der Beschleu- 30 thoraciques ; et
nigungsmesser (110) dazu eingerichtet ist, sich mit fournir la rétroaction de ventilation au
der Brust des Patienten (102) während Brustkom- sauveteur (114), la rétroaction de ven-
pressionen zu bewegen und eine solche Bewegung tilation comprenant les un ou plusieurs
zu messen, um eine vertikale Verschiebung zu er- paramètres de qualité de ventilation.
kennen. 35
2. Système selon la revendication 1, les paramètres de
qualité de ventilation comprenant un ou plusieurs
Revendications volumes courants, volumes instantanés, pressions
de ventilation en fin d’inspiration et maximale.
1. Système médical, comprenant : 40
3. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur
une unité manuelle de ventilation d’un patient étant en outre configuré pour détecter au moins l’une
(700) définissant un trajet d’écoulement d’air, des conditions suivantes : barotraumatisme, hémo-
l’unité disposée de sorte que lorsque l’unité est thorax, pneumothorax, intubation dans le tronc sou-
appliquée à un patient (102), le trajet d’écoule- 45 che, volet costal, ou distension pédiatrique du pou-
ment d’air se trouve en communication fluide mon basée au moins en partie sur un ou plusieurs
avec les voies respiratoires du patient, l’unité de paramètres de qualité de ventilation.
ventilation du patient (700) comprenant
4. Système selon la revendication 1 :
une poche de ventilation (104, 712) confi- 50
gurée pour permettre la ventilation manuel- le processeur étant configuré pour calculer les
le du patient (102) par un sauveteur (114) ; valeurs de CO 2 courantes-de fin ; et
et l’unité de rétroaction (116) étant configurée pour
au moins un capteur (106, 204, 718, 722) fournir une indication d’augmentation de la ven-
dans le trajet d’écoulement d’air positionné 55 tilation si la valeur de CO2 courante-de fin se
pour capter la présence de l’écoulement situe hors d’une première plage et de réduction
d’air de ventilation et mesurer un débit de la ventilation si la valeur de CO 2 courante-
d’écoulement du gaz dans le trajet d’écou- de fin se situe à l’extérieur d’une seconde plage.

45 EP 2 707 068 B1 46

5. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur 12. Système selon la revendication 1,

étant en outre configuré pour le processeur étant en outre configuré pour détermi-
calculer les valeurs volumétriques de CO2 ; et fournir ner si un chronométrage pour une ventilation che-
une indication d’accroissement de la ventilation si la vauche un chronométrage pour un cycle de com-
valeur volumétrique de CO2 se situe à l’extérieur 5 pression thoracique sur la base de l’un ou de plu-
d’une première plage et de réduction de la ventilation sieurs des paramètres de qualité de ventilation et de
si la valeur volumétrique de CO 2 se situe à l’extérieur l’un ou plusieurs des paramètres de compression
d’une seconde plage thoracique.

6. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur 10 13. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur

étant configuré pour étant configuré pour détecter une respiration spon-
calculer une différence dans le volume d’écoulement tanée sur la base des informations liées à une pres-
d’entrée et le volume d’écoulement de sortie ; et sion négative associée au flux d’inspiration ; et
fournir une rétroaction liée à un ou plusieurs parmi fournir un message indiquant le retour potentiel à la
le relâchement de la ventilation et le joint de venti- 15 circulation spontanée - ROSC - sur la base de la
lation. détection d’une respiration spontanée.

7. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur 14. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur

étant configuré pour étant en outre configuré pour :
identifier les conditions lorsqu’une pression négative 20
se produit durant un écoulement d’entrée de l’air ; et générer une estimation du volume pulmonaire ;
fournir une rétroaction concernant l’existence d’une générer une estimation d’une impédance d’état
respiration spontanée lorsqu’une pression négative thoracique sur la base de l’estimation du volume
se produit durant l’écoulement d’entrée de l’air. pulmonaire ;
25 fournir l’estimation de l’impédance d’état thora-
8. Système selon la revendication 1, la rétroaction com- cique à un filtre adaptatif ; et
prenant la rétroaction qui communique au sauveteur filtrer les artéfacts induits par la ventilation dans
(114) un ou les deux d’une fréquence appropriée et le signal d’impédance transthoracique pour gé-
d’un volume approprié pour fournir la ventilation au nérer une estimation des changements d’impé-
patient. 30 dance compris par la sortie cardiaque.

9. Système selon la revendication 1, l’unité de rétroac- 15. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur
tion (116) comprenant un mécanisme de rétroaction étant en outre configuré pour :
visuel pour fournir des informations à un sauveteur
(114) concernant l’administration de ventilations 35 recevoir les informations liées à deux ou plu-
comprenant l’un ou plusieurs parmi un dispositif de sieurs d’une hauteur, d’un volume d’abdomen,
chronométrage de la ventilation (500, 822) fournis- du poids et du genre d’un patient ; et
sant des informations sur le débit respiratoire (504) calculer un volume thoracique estimé sur la ba-
et un dispositif de chronométrage de la ventilation se de deux ou plusieurs parmi la hauteur, le vo-
(500, 822) fournissant des informations sur le temps 40 lume d’abdomen, le poids et le genre du patient.
écoulé (502) entre les évènements de ventilation.
16. Système selon la revendication 1, les informations
10. Système selon la revendication 1, l’unité de rétroac- concernant la performance des compressions tho-
tion (116) comprenant un affichage graphique et la raciques comprenant les informations de profondeur
rétroaction comprenant une représentation visuelle 45 ou de débit pour les compressions thoraciques.
d’une forme avec des démarcations indiquant les
valeurs spécifiques de volume courant, le volume se 17. Système selon la revendication 1, le capteur de com-
remplissant durant la ventilation. pression thoracique étant configuré pour détecter et
mesurer une qualité des compressions thoraciques
11. Système selon la revendication 1, le processeur 50 comprenant au moins un accéléromètre (110).
(116) étant en outre configuré pour déterminer les
caractéristiques de conformité et déterminer un état 18. Système selon la revendication 17, l’accéléromètre
du patient basé sur les caractéristiques de confor- (110) étant disposé pour se déplacer avec la poitrine
mité, l’état du patient comprenant un état sélectionné du patient (102) durant les compressions thoraci-
dans le groupe constitué des barotraumatismes, de 55 ques et pour mesurer un tel mouvement afin d’iden-
l’hémothorax, du pneumothorax, de l’intubation dans tifier le déplacement vertical.
le tronc souche, du volet costal, et de la surdistension
pédiatrique du poumon.

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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 61489086 A [0001] • WO 2008027418 A1 [0007]

• US 20080236585 A1 [0005] • GB 2446124 A [0008]
• EP 1834622 A2 [0006]

Non-patent literature cited in the description


NOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, December 2002, vol. 6
(4 [0155]


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