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Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

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Localized plastic deformation and hardening in laser shock peened Inconel T

alloy 718SPF

Amrinder S. Gilla, Abhishek Telanga, Chang Yeb, , S.R. Mannavaa, Dong Qianc,
Vijay K. Vasudevana
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0072, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3903, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080-3021, USA


Keywords: Localized plastic deformation and hardening was studied in laser shock peened (LSP) Inconel 718 SPF (Super
Laser shock peening plastic forming), a fine grained Ni-Base superalloy, using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), na-
Electro backscatter diffraction noindentation, and micro pillar compression testing. 718SPF samples were LSP-treated with two different laser
Inconel power densities. After LSP, the plastic deformation is manifested as increase in the fraction of low angle mis-
Image quality mapping
orientations and the formation of sub-grain boundaries. EBSD was used to study plastic deformation as a function
Micro pillar compression
of distance from the peened surface for different laser intensities. Different approaches like image quality
mapping and local misorientations analysis were used to study the in-depth distribution of the plastic strain.
Results show that EBSD is effective in the qualitative characterization of localized plastic strain of the materials
subjected to LSP.

1. Introduction to 40%) compared to LSP (5–7%). Thermal stability of residual stresses

was also compared, and it was found that higher cold work leads to
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is an advanced surface enhancement high rates of thermal relaxation of residual stresses. The ability to in-
process used to enhance the fatigue life of metal parts by introducing troduce deep compressive stresses with lower cold work is a very im-
deep compressive residual stresses in near surface regions. In the LSP portant advantage for the application of LSP to components subjected
process, an ablative media, typically a tape or black paint is first applied to higher temperatures. LSP is a high strain rate deformation process in
to the surface being treated over which a layer of water is passed. Upon which strain rates can reach up to 106 s−1 [3]. High strain rates lead to
incidence of the laser pulse, the tape material ablates, forming plasma non-uniform deformation due to short durations for heat diffusion [4]
which is confined by the water layer. This keeps plasma from dis- leading to localization of deformation. Hence it is important to study
sipating quickly and it absorbs more energy. On blowing off, this the extent and nature of the plastic deformation introduced in the
plasma generates powerful shock waves, which can approach several material by LSP.
GPa, leading to plastic deformation near surface. The surrounding LSP has been widely studied in the recent years [5–10]. Many
material and subsurface reacts to this deformation leading to generation characterization tools, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
of compressive residual stresses and microstructural changes. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD)
process and the underlying physics have been studied very well in the were used to characterize the microstructure after LSP. Electron Back-
literature. scatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a diffraction technique used for obtaining
LSP has also been shown to affect the surface morphology, me- micro textural information from bulk samples using the scanning
chanical properties and corrosion resistance of the material [1]. LSP has electron microscope [11]. In a recent study, EBSD was used to study the
several advantages over conventional shot peening treatment, including misorientation in 304 stainless steel subjected to massive LSP treatment
the ability to introduce deeper compressive residual stresses, lower [5]. Unfortunately, EBSD was carried out only at the surface of the
surface roughness and low cold work. Prevey et al. [2] compared the material, and it has not been used to map the plastic strain.
effects of different surface enhancement techniques on Inconel 718 All mechanical surface enhancement techniques including LSP in-
(IN718) and found that shot peening introduced higher cold work (up volve introducing a non-uniform plastic deformation in the material to

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Ye).
Received 1 December 2017; Received in revised form 5 May 2018; Accepted 7 May 2018
Available online 08 May 2018
1044-5803/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.
A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

introduce compressive residual stresses. Plastic and elastic strains, both, misorientation between all data points in the grain.
change the diffraction conditions of the lattice and that manifests in III. Kernel average misorientation: For a given data point calculates the
Kikuchi patterns in different ways. Elastic strain result in changes in average misorientation between the data point and all of its
interplanar spacing which reflect as change in width of Kikuchi bands neighbors (excluding misorientations greater than some prescribed
along with a shift in some zone axis. Plastic strain leads to distortion of value (5° in this case)). Kernel is defined as set of points (in our
crystal leading to Kikuchi pattern degradation due to incoherent scat- analysis, up to third neighbor) around the point of scan.
tering or super position of a number patterns which happens as de-
formed crystal deviates from Bragg's condition, diffracting at a range of IN718 SPF (super plastic forming) is a relatively new aero engine
Bragg's angles, leading to the superimposing of patterns, which pro- alloy that can be super plastically formed, which allows complex shapes
duces a diffused pattern. EBSD has been shown to measure orientations to be produced. One of the potential application of LSP is to improve
with a high accuracy (0.5°–1.0°) [12]. This enables the study of plastic the fatigue performance of Inconel alloys [18], especially at elevated
strain that manifests itself in low angle misorientation. The EBSD temperature. Material fatigue performance is dependent on the near-
method is capable of providing a localized response to strain changes as surface microstructure and strain hardening [19], in addition to com-
it can probe very small regions. Child and co-workers studied the strain pressive residual stresses. While the microstructure and residual
hardening in shot peened Nickel alloy using EBSD [13]. It was observed stresses induced by LSP have been extensively studied [5–10], the
that the strain-hardening depth is approximately half the residual stress plastic strain generated by LSP has not been thoroughly investigated
depth. Compared with shot peening, LSP can induce deeper strain- using experiments. This work investigates the in-depth distribution of
hardening layer and compressive residual stress layer. After LSP, the plastic strain and the resultant changes in microstructure, hardness and
plastic deformation is manifested as increase in fraction of low angle mechanical properties of IN718 SPF after LSP treatment. EBSD makes
misorientations and formation of sub-grain boundaries. This cannot be use of Kikuchi patterns to determine the crystallographic information
easily characterized in bulk samples using other methods. Compared that can be analyzed to get information on texture, grains/grain
with other methods, EBSD is unique in that it can provide information boundaries and phases. The EBSD results indicate that LSP causes an
about the change of the plastic strain on a more localized scale. This increase in low angle misorientation and grain orientation spread.
makes EBSD very suitable for characterizing the plastic strain in the Additionally, the micro-pillar tests indicate higher yield strength of the
LSP-treated metals. However, the characterization of plastic strain and material closer to the peened surface. Studying the localized micro-
thus the work-hardening of the LSP sample using EBSD is very rare and structure change after LSP treatment gives us more insight into how LSP
thus is the focus of this paper. affects the fatigue performance of Inconel 718 alloys.
The focus of EBSD has been on mapping of plastic strain although
several approaches have been tried to assess elastic strain using change
in Kikuchi band width and shift in zone axis [14,15]. These approaches 2. Experimental Details
remain difficult due to problems in measuring edges of bands especially
in case of high index planes, which are more sensitive to strain. Also, in Inconel alloy 718SPF (a sheet of 2 mm in thickness) used in this
cases where plastic deformation is involved, the plastic strain will study was obtained from Special Metals Corporation. This sheet had
dominate the degradation of pattern than the elastic strain [11]. The been solution-annealed (between 940 and 995 °C) as per AMS 5596G
focus of this study is on qualitative mapping of plastic deformation. specification. Coupons of dimensions 8 mm × 8 mm × 2 mm were
There are various approaches to analyze plastic deformation using sectioned using electrical discharge machining (EDM). Samples for
EBSD: image quality (IQ) and local misorientations including grain metallography were prepared by grinding with successively finer SiC
average misorientations, grain orientation spread, kernel orientation grit papers and polishing with colloidal silica using a vibratory polisher.
spread, kernel average misorientation and kernel average center mis- A solution of 100 mL HCL and 0.5 mL H2O2 was used as an etchant.
orientation. These approaches and the sensitivities associated with Fig. 1 shows the optical micrograph of as-received material. The grain
them have been discussed in the literature [11]. size was determined to be ~6 μm.
Image quality, is a parameter describing the quality of Kikuchi The LSP treatment was performed using the GEN IV LSP system at
pattern. As plastic strain affects the quality of patterns, IQ can be used GE Aviation. One entire surface of the coupons was peened using black
to study the distribution of plastic strain. The image quality metric can vinyl tape as ablative medium and water as confinement media. A Q-
be defined in several ways: intensity mean of pattern (IQM), intensity switched Nd:Glass laser (λ = 1.054 nm) was used with following
deviation (IQσ), entropy (IQE) and the conventional method, Hough parameters: Laser energies of 4.7 J and 3.16 J, a pulse width of 20 ns,
transform (IQHT) [16]. The image quality used in this study is based on and spot size of 2.9 mm. This results in power densities of 9 GW/cm2
Hough transform, an imaging processing routine used to convert bands
into point and used to locate bands in Kikuchi pattern [17]. In a study
conducted by Wright et al. [16] to correlate the IQ and microstructural
features, it was found that IQHT gives the best description of strain and
grain boundaries. In this study all image quality maps were generated
by using this metric. IQ can be used to estimate strain but it can be
affected by factors like grain orientation and sample preparation, sec-
ondary phases, beam conditions and camera settings [11], limiting its
application for quantifying strains.
Misorientation refers to orientation of one crystal lattice with re-
spect to another. Plastic strain manifests itself as dislocations in metals,
which can cause rotation of crystal relative to original crystal orienta-
tion. Local misorientation can be studied in several ways. In our study,
misorientations were studied using different approaches:

I. Misorientations angle: Shows the distribution of grain boundary

II. Grain orientation spread: Show the distribution of orientation
spread within the grains. For a given grain, it calculates the average Fig. 1. Microstructure of as-received IN718 SPF.

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

Fig. 2. Schematic of the locations of EBSD observation.

Adopted from [13] with permission

Fig. 3. IPF (a) and IQ map (b) of an as-received sample, (c) IPF legend and (d) grain boundary misorientation legend. (All IPF images and IQ maps share the same
legends in this article).

Fig. 4. (a) Misorientation angle and (b) grain orientation vs fraction of boundaries for as-received sample.

and 6 GW/cm2 for two different energies used. A 50% overlap between 7.79 GPa and 6.29 GPa, respectively.
successive impacts was used. The peak pressures corresponding to these The samples for EBSD analysis were prepared from cross sections of
power densities were measured using X-cut quartz piezoelectric to be laser peened coupons at different locations, as schematic shown in

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

Fig. 5. KAM map (3-neighbor, 5° maximum) for the as-received sample, all KAM maps in this article share the same legend.

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. IPF (a) and IQ map (b) of the 9 GW/cm2 sample.

Fig. 2. The samples were mounted in cross section using a conductive data was collected at a working distance of 9.5 mm. Scans were of
epoxy and carefully polished using automated polishing equipment. 40 μm × 40 μm, with a step size of 0.5 μm.
Samples were grinded using 320 grit, 800 grit and 1200 grit for 2 min Nano-indentation tests were carried out in a single LSP dimple using
each, followed by polishing using 3 μm and 1 μm diamond suspensions a nano-indentation system (CSM Instruments) with a Berkovich in-
for 15 min each. A load of 20 N was used during all the polishing steps. denter with a maximum load of 100 mN and 10 s holding time. Micro-
Final polishing was performed on a vibratory polisher with colloidal hardness tests were carried out on the cross-section of the laser peened
silica (50 nm particle size) for 2 h. A small amount of H2O2 was added sample using a LECO M400-H1 micro-hardness tester. Micro-pillars,
to colloidal silica to help the chemical polishing. All samples were measuring ~50 μm diameter and ~100 μm tall were fabricated from the
prepared under same conditions to eliminate any variation in sample near-surface regions on cross-section LSP-treated samples using micro-
preparation. As EBSD is a surface sensitive technique, it is important to EDM and the compression of the micro-pillars was carried out in a MTS
verify that data results are not affected by sample preparation. To nano-indentation system available at the Air Force Research
achieve this, a separate sample of 8 mm × 8 mm × 2 mm was polished Laboratory, WPAFB, Dayton, OH.
with the procedure described previously and couples of fiducial marks
were made at the center of the top surface of the sample using a Vickers
indenter. Using these indents as a reference, EBSD data was collected 3. Results and Discussion
from the top surface of the sample at the same set of grains before and
then after peening with a single laser impact. Single pulse LSP was 3.1. Plastic Strain in the Virgin Sample
performed using power density of 6 GW/cm2, using parameters de-
scribed earlier. Fig. 3a shows the Inverse pole figure (IPF) map from the as-received
EBSD measurements were carried out using a TSL EBSD system in- sample. The IPF map gives an indication of the crystal direction aligned
stalled on a Phillips XL 30 scanning electron microscope with a field with the sample normal. There was no texture in the as-received ma-
emission gun. For the analysis in this study, the misorientation angle for terial and the grains in as-received sample are randomly oriented.
a grain boundary was set to be 15° and for a sub grain boundary an Fig. 3b shows the image quality map of the same area. Both maps have
angle of 1°. The specimen was tilted 70° with respect to stage and all the been overlaid with misorientations as per the legend provided. Low
angle misorientations (< 15°) indicate presence of low angle grain

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 7. IQ maps at different depths (surface (a), 100 μm (b), 300 μm (c) and 500 μm (d)) in the 9 GW/cm2 sample.

boundaries which are an indication of plastic strain. It is clear that The IPF map has been overlaid with SEM image to show the location
virgin sample has very few boundaries with low angle misorientations of scan with respect to peened surface. The scan was done slightly away
(red color) and hence has almost no plastic strain. Almost all the from the peened surface, to avoid any edge effects. It is clear from the
boundaries (blue color) are high angle grain boundaries (> 15°). An- maps that number of low angle misorientations has increased sig-
other indication of plastic strain is given by the quality of the Kikuchi nificantly in this case, indicating the presence of plastic strain.
patterns, as patterns become diffuse when the lattice is distorted. This is The IQ map in this case shows variation as a function of distance
done by studying the IQ maps where the contrast is provided by the from peened surface. This indicates the gradient nature of the plastic
quality of patterns obtained, dark areas being the regions from where strain induced by LSP. It was possible to get good Kikuchi patterns from
the poor quality patterns were obtained. Uniform nature of IQ map of a near the surface where deformation should be highest. This indicates
virgin sample indicates that lattice was free of plastic strain. that plastic strain introduced by LSP is not very high. This has been
Fig. 4a shows the distribution of grain boundary misorientations as noted in a study by Peyre et al. [2]. Results show that 9 GW/cm2 sample
a function of fraction of boundaries in the area of measurement. It is shows higher fraction of boundaries with low angle misorientations
clear that in the as-received sample there are very few low angle than the as-received sample. Fig. 7 shows the IQ maps from peened
boundaries. Fig. 4b shows the grain orientation spread within grain as a surface in 9 GW/cm2 as a function of distance: at surface, 100 μm,
function of number fraction. The grain orientation spread is < 1° in the 300 μm and 500 μm from surface. Maps indicate that low angle mis-
as-received material. orientations (< 15°) decrease with the distance from peened area. At
Fig. 5 shows the Kernel average misorientation (KAM) map of the 300 μm, there are very low angle misorientations indicating that plastic
as-received sample. The map shows the distribution the average mis- deformation is limited to around 300 μm. At 500 μm, there are no low
orientation between the data point and all of its neighbors. The results angle boundaries. This is reflected in misorientation angle profiles and
show that these misorientations are of low magnitude (2° maximum). grain orientation spread plots as indicated in Figs. 8 and 9.
Fig. 10 shows the KAM map for the 9 GW/cm2 sample as a function
3.2. Plastic Strain in the LSP Sample of distance from peened surface. Fig. 10(a–d) shows the KAM maps
from surface, 100 μm, 300 μm and 500 μm from the peened surface in
Fig. 6(a, b) shows IPF and IQ maps overlaid with misorientations case of a 9 GW/cm2 sample. Clearly, there are significant areas with
from a 9 GW/cm2 sample. deformation present at surface, 100 μm and 300 μm from peened

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 8. Misorienation angle vs number fraction at different depths (surface (a), 100 μm (b), 300 μm (c) and 500 μm (d)) of the 9 GW/cm2 sample.

Fig. 9. Grain orientation spread vs number fraction at different depths (surface (a), 100 μm (b), 300 μm (c) and 500 μm (d)) of the 9 GW/cm2 sample.

surface. At 500 μm, there are no areas with showing any deformation density of 6 GW/cm2. Fig. 11 shows IQ maps from near surface region
apart from a small spot. and region far from peened surface (~1700 μm) overlaid with mis-
Similar results can be seen in the sample peened with a power orientation boundaries. Near surface region shows regions with low

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 10. KAM maps (3-neighbor, 5° maximum) at different depths (surface (a), 100 μm (b), 300 μm (c) and 500 μm (d)) of the 9 GW/cm2 sample.

(a) (b)
Fig. 11. IQ map from the surface and 1700 μm below surface for the LSP sample (6 GW/cm2).

angle misorientations while far from peened surface (1700 μm), there is also reflected in the misorientation angle data (Fig. 12) and grain
are almost no low angle misorientations except at a scratch from sample orientation spread (Fig. 13). The number fraction of low angle mis-
preparation, all misorientations being high angle grain boundaries. This orientations in the 6 GW/cm2 sample (Fig. 12a) at surface is also lower

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

(a) (b)

Fig. 12. Misorienation angle vs number fraction at different depths (surface (a), and 1700 μm (b)) of the 6 GW/cm2 sample.

Fig. 13. Grain orientation spread vs number fraction at surface (a) and at 1700 μm (b) in the 6 GW/cm2 sample.

(a) (b)
Fig. 14. KAM maps (3-neighbor, 5° maximum), at surface (a) and at 1700 μm (b) in the 6 GW/cm2 sample.

than the sample treated with 9 GW/cm2 (Fig. 8a) indicating that 9 GW/ deforms the material up to 400 μm or so. In-depth hardness distribution
cm2 sample underwent higher deformation, and thus higher plastic has also been observed to show similar trends, although hardness re-
strain, than 6 GW/cm2 sample. Note that in Figs. 8c and 12b, the 6 GW/ sults showed a moderate increase in hardness to a depth of ~500 μm or
cm2 sample at 1700 μm has slightly higher misorientation than the so.
9 GW/cm2 sample at 300 μm, if we only consider angles lower than 4°. Fig. 14 shows the KAM maps from near surface region and at
However, this does not indicate that the plastic deformation is larger for 1700 μm from peened surface in 6 GW/cm2 sample. Near surface region
lower laser intensity at deeper depth compared with that for higher shows widespread deformation as compared with the scan from
laser intensity at shallower depth. If we consider all misorientation 1700 μm away.
angles smaller than 15°, the 9 GW/cm2 sample at a depth of 300 μm still LSP uses a high pressure shock wave to deform the material in near
has higher overall misorientations, and thus larger plastic strain. These surface regions. The material is deformed up to a depth till which the
results are consistent with FWHM data obtained from X-ray diffraction pressure generated exceeds the Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL). HEL is
conducted on same samples [20] which indicated that the shock wave related to dynamic yield strength σydyn and Poisson's ratio, ν [21]. In the

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

changed orientations (Fig. 16). Slip bands are also visible indicating
deformation. Using these fiduciary marks, EBSD data was collected
before and after peening to see if EBSD is able to capture the de-
formation introduced by shock waves.
Fig. 17 shows the IQ maps of the area before and after peening. As
single LSP fire does not introduce much plastic strain in the material,
there is not much deterioration in the quality of Kikuchi pattern as
reflected in the IQ maps.
Figs. 18 and 19 show the misorientation distribution and grain or-
ientation spread data for the same region before and after peening.
Clearly there was an increase in low angle misorientations and as well
as in grain orientation spread. The misorientation distribution plot of
the single impact peened sample (Fig. 19b) shows fewer low angle
boundaries than the sample in which complete surface treated with
same power density (6 GW/cm2) in Fig. 12a. This apparent anomaly is
due to the way in which peening is performed over a larger area. When
peening a patch, laser impacts are overlapped to provide a uniform
coverage (50% overlap in consecutive laser impacts in our study).
Hence a spot is impacted up to 3–4 times. As the cold wok is cumula-
Fig. 15. Optical micrograph of laser impact (dimple) and the indents in the red
tive, this leads to more deformation in the samples where a patch is
circle. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.) peened versus a sample peened with just one impact. The ability to
capture such difference in deformation shows that EBSD is able to
successfully map subtle changes in the underlying microstructure.
LSP process, when the shock pressure is higher than the HEL of the
material, plastic deformation occurs. As the shock wave propagates into
the material, its magnitude decreases gradually. Plastic deformation 3.4. Effect of LSP on Mechanical Properties
occurs till a depth at which the shock pressure is no longer higher than
the HEL of the material. The near surface regions experience most de- To study the effect of LSP on the local mechanical properties, in-
formation and have higher plastic strain that decreases as a function of dentation tests and micro-pillar compression tests were carried out.
distance from the surface as shock waves attenuates rapidly. Studies Fig. 20a shows the indents created by nano-indentation tests across the
have shown that LSP creates a high density of dislocations in a variety center of a single indent dimple created by LSP. Fig. 20b shows the
of materials [22–27]. Meyers et al. [27] studied shock deformed nickel indentation hardness as a function of distance from the center. It can be
and concluded that plastic deformation in the case shock waves is the observed that the center has the highest hardness (1.19 GPa) and de-
result of dislocations generation at the rapidly moving shock front. So creases gradually as it goes away from the center. At the edge of the
in a process like LSP where time scales are short, dislocation generation, dimple, the hardness decreased to 0.9 GPa. In a single LSP event, the
not dislocation motion, is responsible for deformation. These disloca- beam center has the highest work-hardening and decreases gradually
tions are responsible for introducing low angle grain boundaries in the away from the center. This results in the highest indentation hardness
material. in the dimple center. Fig. 20c shows an optical image of the indents
created by indentation test at the cross-section of the laser peened
3.3. Effect of Sample Preparation on Data Reliability sample. The in-depth hardness profiles are shown in Fig. 20d. Both laser
intensities (6 and 9 GW/cm2) resulted in a gradient hardness distribu-
It is important to verify that sample preparation did not influence tion with the highest hardness on the top surface. This is caused by the
the data. To this end, same grains of a polished sample were analyzed gradient distribution of the plastic strain and thus the work-hardening
before and after laser peening. This provides a direct comparison and level in the laser peened sample. The hardness of the 9 GW/cm2 is
eliminates any error in data collection due to sampling different set of higher than that of the 6 GW/cm2. The much higher shock pressure in
grains or any variations in sample preparation. On a polished sample, the 9 GW/cm2 LSP resulted in higher plastic strain and thus work-
indents were near the center of the coupon using a Vickers indenter. hardening. Fig. 20e shows an SEM image of the micro-pillars created by
The center of coupon was then peened with a single laser impact. micro-EDM. The corresponding yield stress and flow stress as a function
Fig. 15 shows the resulting dimple with indents near the center. of depth is shown in Fig. 20f. A gradient distribution of both the yield
After peening, the grains are discernible showing that grains stress and flow stress can be observed, with the values being higher

(a) (b)
Fig. 16. Area around the indents before (a) and after (b) LSP.

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

4 3 4 3

5 5
1 1
2 2
6 6

7 7
(a) (b)
Fig. 17. IQ maps of same set of grains before (a) and after (b) LSP, same grains were marked by the same numbers in different colors (red in a and black in b). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(a) (b)

Fig. 18. Grain orientation spread vs number fraction of same set of grains before (a) and after (b) LSP.

(a) (b)

Fig. 19. Misorientation angle vs number fraction of same set of grains before (a) and after (b) peening.

closer to the LSP-treated surface and decreasing with distance through angle misorientations (< 15°), indicating the extent plastic de-
the depth, consistent with the in-depth hardness profile. formation introduced by shock wave. Samples treated with higher
incident laser power density showed larger increase in small angle
4. Conclusions misorientations (< 15°) and hence higher plastic strain than sam-
ples treated with lower power density.
Inconel alloy 718SPF was laser shock peened with different laser 3. The number of low angle misorientations induced by peening de-
power densities and samples were analyzed using EBSD to map plastic crease as a function of distance from the peened surface. At
deformation induced in the near surface region. The following con- depths > 300 μm, the distribution of misorientations become similar
clusions can be made. to a non-peened sample, indicating the extent of plastic deformation
introduced by the peening treatment. This is in agreement with the
1. The LSP treatment introduced low angle misorientations in the results obtained by hardness measurements and by analyzing
sample. The misorientations were mapped in several different ways FWHM of the diffraction peaks.
including studying IQ maps, KAM maps and grain orientation 4. The near-surface plastic strain and associated high dislocation
spread. density led to an increase in the local hardness and yield stress, that
2. Laser shock peened samples showed an increase in near-surface low were highest near the LSP-treated surface and decreased gradually

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Peened surface


Fig. 20. (a) Nano-indents in a single dimple, (b) hardness distribution across the dimple center, (c) indentation test from the cross-section, (d) in-depth hardness
comparison for 6 and 9 GW/cm2, the averages and error bars were obtained from eight measurements, hardness of virgin sample 2450 MPa, (e) an SEM image of the
micro-pillars created by FIB, (f) 0.2% yield stress and 2% flow stress as a function of depth, the averages and error bars were obtained from five measurements, (for
the data reported in c, d, e and f, whole surface covered by LSP impacts with 50% overlap).

through the depth. the contribution of the State of Ohio, Department of Development and
Third Frontier Commission, which provided funding in support of
Acknowledgments “Ohio Center for Laser Shock Processing for Advanced Material and
Devices” and the experimental and computational equipment in the
The authors would like to thank the National Science Foundation Center that was used in this work. Any opinions, findings, conclusions,
(Grant Nos. DMR-0706161, CMMI-1334538 and CMMI-1335204) for or recommendations expressed in these documents are those of the
financial support of this research and Special Metals for supplying the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF or the State
IN718 SPF alloy sheet for this study. We would also like to thank Dr. of Ohio, Department of Development.
Mike Uchic and Mr. Allan Smith from the Air Force Research
Laboratory, WPAFB, Dayton, OH for help with the fabrication and
compression testing of the micropillars. We also gratefully acknowledge

A.S. Gill et al. Materials Characterization 142 (2018) 15–26

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