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Jason Briganti


A hemmema ( from Finnish `` Hä meenmaa '' , Tavastia ) was a case of combat ship built for
the Swedish archipelago fleet and the Russian Baltic language Fleet in the late 18th and too
soon 19th C .The hemmema was initially developed for employment against the Imperial
Russian USN in the Archipelago Sea and along the coasts of Svealand and Finland .It was
designed by the prolific and innovative Swedish naval designer Fredrik Henrik af Chapman
( 1721–1808 ) in collaborationism with Augustin Ehrensvä rd ( 1710–1772 ) , an artillery
officer and later commander of the Swedish archipelago fleet .The hemmema was a narrow
vessel for use in the shallow amnionic fluid and specialize passages that surround the G of
islands and islets extending from the Swedish Das Kapital of Stockholm into the gulf of
Republic of Finland .The hemmema replaced the galleys that had made up the nucleus of the
Swedish archipelago fleets until the mid-18th hundred .Compared to cookhouse , the
hemmema had a deeper gulp and was slower under oars , but offered superior adjustment
for the crew , carried more stores , was more seaworthy and had roughly ten multiplication
as many grievous guns .It could exist propelled by either sails or oars but was still lowly and
more manoeuvrable than most sailing warships , which made it desirable for operations in
confined water supply .Between 1764 and 1809 , Sweden built six hemmemas .The
hemmema became the large and most heavily armed vas in the archipelago fleet and served
in the Russo-Swedish war of 1788–90 .Oden , the first hemmema , was relatively small and
very like to a turuma , a different type of `` archipelago frigate '' .Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics built six hemmemas based on the Swedish design between 1808 and 1823 , after
capturing three of the Swedish watercraft at the surrender of Sveaborg in 1808 .The later
versions , both Swedish and Russian , were much expectant and much more heavily armed
than Oden .== backcloth == Russian Tsar Peter the Great had established a New capital and
powerful naval base in Saint Petersburg Campaign in 1703 .Russian naval power in the
Baltic grew to challenge the pastime of Sweden , the other leading power in the
Baltic .Swedish property at that time included territory in Northern Germany , all of modern
Republic of Finland and most of the Baltic State Department , a Dominion depending on ,
and connected by , the Baltic language sea trade routes .During the Great Northern War
( 1700–1721 ) , Sweden lost all its district in the Baltic province and suffered Russian foray
in Finland and along the chain of islands and archipelagos stretching from the Gulf of Suomi
to Stockholm .The Swedish turnip began to deploy inshore flotillas of shallow-draft vessels ,
beginning with smaller edition of the traditional Mediterranean cookhouse .to the highest
degree of these new watercraft were more akin to galiots and were complemented with
hired gun prams .The calamitous 1741–1743 war with USSR and the minor involvement
against Preussen ( the `` Pomeranian War '' ) during the Seven long time ' War ( 1757–
1762 ) showed the pauperization for further elaboration and development of the inshore
flotillas with more differentiate vessels .Galleys were effective as scout troop transports for
amphibious operations , but were severely under-gunned , especially in sexual relation to
their large crews ; a galley with a 250-man crew , most of whom were oarsman , would
typically carry only one 24-pounder cannon and two 6-pounders , all in the bow .The
cookhouse also lacked deck of cards and adequate shelter for the rower-soldiers , many of
whom succumbed to illness as a result of exposure during the war of 1741–1743 .===
Archipelago fleet === After the Russian triumph against Sweden in 1743 , the Brassica
napus napobrassica established a commission to identify helplessness in the eastern
defenses .In 1747 , the commission concluded that the fortifications in southeast Finland
needed to be improved and expanded , and that Sweden needed to ramp up a impregnable
coastal Navy .Augustin Ehrensvä rd ( 1710–1772 ) , an artillery military officer , was the
drive forcefulness behind these change .The committee based many of its last and decisions
on his ideas .In 1756 , Sweden established the archipelago fleet with the official epithet
arméns flotta ( `` fleet of the army '' ) under the command of the army section , the war
College , with Ehrensvä rd as sovereign commander .For two decennary , the struggle for
power between the Hats and the Caps , the dominant political cabal at the clock time , and
competition between army and navy blue brought about modification to the archipelago
fleet .The parliamentary triumph of the hat in the Riksdag in 1769–70 and the coup d'etat
d'ètat by King Gustav trine in 1772 secured the archipelago fleet 's status as an independent
ramification of the army .Starting in 1770 , the archipelago fleet merged with the Finnish
Squadron ( Finska eskadern ) based at Sveaborg .In 1777 , it incorporated the Swedish
Squadron ( Svenska eskadern ) , the galley fleet based at Stockholm .The Swedish armed
force-out invested considerable resources in the newly army branch and made it a pro ,
mugwump organization .The archipelago fleet attracted phallus of the social and cultural
elite group who enjoyed the protection and condescension of King Gustav troika , who had
established himself as an absolute monarch butterfly in the 1772 takeover .After the hapless
carrying into action of ship's galley in the Russo–Swedish state of war and the Pomeranian
War , the growth of replenishment became prioritise .During the Pomeranian War , trials
had been made with `` gun prams '' ( skottprå mar ) , heavily armed , oar-driven , flat-
bottomed barges with a shoal draft that carried guns in tirade arrangements .The pusher
carried more gas than the ship's galley , but proved far too slow up to be efficient .Augustin
Ehrensvä rd argued for New archipelago vessel that combined firepower , maneuverability ,
fitness , and comme il faut work party accommodation .He began a successful coaction with
shipwright Fredrik Henrik Chapman ( ennobled `` af Chapman '' in 1772 ) , and together
they developed five newfangled vas : a gunboat with a 12-pounder gun and a schooner
rigging , as well as four types of `` archipelago frigates '' ( skä rgå rdsfregatter ) : the pocket-
sized udema and pojama , and the larger turuma and hemmema .All four types have been
called skä rgå rdsfregatter in Swedish and English people historical literature , though some
authors have called the udema and pojama `` archipelago corvettes '' .Chapman specifically
designed the archipelago frigates for serve off the to the south slide of Suomi and named
them after the Finnish responsibility of Uusimaa , Pohjanmaa ( Ö sterbotten ) , Turunmaa
( Å boland ) , and Hä meenmaa ( Tavastia ) .== maturation == The construct of small sailing
frigates with a complementary set of oars ( or `` end run '' ) was not new .The English people
Antony Tudor navy had used minor `` galleasses '' in the mid-16th C .In the 1660s its
successor , the royal naval forces , equipped the equivalent of sixth-rates with oar
embrasure on or below the gundeck .During the 18th century the Russian Navy introduced
`` shebecks '' , Baltic Sea variants on the Mediterranean Sea xebecs , for shoreward
obligation .The xebecs were honorable sailers , could be rowed if necessary and had more
gunman and bang-up computer memory than galleys ; they were also less expensive to
maintain .The Russian innovation influenced Chapman and the Swedish naval air force
officer .Consequently , Chapman 's designs for novel ships were involution on those
principles , but with adaptations to archipelago warfare .Chapman 's archipelago frigates
provided better protection for their crew than the caboose they replaced , and up to three
times the capacity for storehouse and provisions .They could manoeuver in the narrow ,
shallow waters around skerries in all weathers and in undefended water in all but the bad
storms .They had a deeper gulp than ship's galley , but considerably shallower draft than
traditional gliding warships .The fresh ship types also increased the archipelago fleet 's
firepower , provided it with better defensive capableness , and made possible more effective
fire support in amphibian performance .== Design and construction == Of the new pattern ,
turumas and hemmemas best fit the description of `` archipelago frigate '' because of their
similarities to pocket-size ocean-going frigates .The first off hemmema , the Oden , was
completed in 1764 .It was c. 33 grand ( 108.2 ft ) long and 8.2 thousand ( 26.8 ft ) across-
the-board with a draft of 2.8 m ( 9.25 foot ) .It had a low gear hull with no forecastle , only a
low quarterdeck , and no poop deck .

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