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Karna pishachini sadhana pdf

Sadhana pada summary. Karna pishachini sadhana book pdf.

All and everything about krna pisachini sadhna WHAT IS Karna Pishachani? Critics are those who know the price,but not the importance of those things —– According to self thinking, we make predictions that satisfy ourselves, and despite being more intelligent, one may take a wrong decision. Studying ancient India and the great Hindu civilization
addresses some mystical teachings. In today’s modern era the thinkers of European Mongolian descent revived them and given them names with their understanding. Such as #hypnotism, reiki, telepathy etc.

The slightest disturbance of Indian culture has been that we do not make any science, nor do we write history in a tone manner.

We have written “Puranas” written and the #Puranas are not considered science in modern age nor can you “prive” the things of the Puranas. The main basis for writing history is to write the date and to correct the timing. In both of these things we become weak. That’s why the knowledge which went into the country of India for thousands of years,
either gone back or even till the twentieth century, it was destroyed. The main reason for this was that there was “Industrial Revolution” in Western countries. Under this ‘Revolution’ many devices were invented. Mental science progressed.
Mythology and modern science started cracking in them. Because science started to say that show proof and prove it again and again, the result should be same every time. Due to this our ancient scriptures have gone backward. There were positive and negative consequences on this, the perfect human race.
Positive effect – We started to understand humans from many dynasties better. Negative Impact – We started with the superstition and started renouncing the ancient teachings and whatever came from the west, we started pursuing it completely. Because of which we stopped learning the scriptures related to the mind.

But the thinkers of the West resized those scriptures; Then he returned to India. Now the Indians are learning these revived lessons. We will discuss here the teachings, telepathy, Karna pisachini, hypnotism, reiki, past life regression and such other scriptures, which are associated with mind. Rather than learning these kind of mysterious scriptures,
without being truthful, self-condemned ideology, Siddha Siddhanta believes in their life only to prove their lies. Yes, the work of defaming these scriptures is going on in the street in the lane and there is a hypocrisy and hypocrisy the so called ‘Baba’s’ are now doing the job. When such a person does not reach the fruits even after every possible effort,
or whose answer can not be given to medical science, such troubled people cheat in these clutches of being Baba. Baba raises the wrong kind of impressions on people’s mentality. But will this knowledge of our ancient Indian civilization be proved wrong due to these few wrong people? no at all. If the society is to protect the mantra from the clutches
of the tantric and hypocritical people, then the need of time is to amend and enrich these archaeologists.Research workers, who have a scientist mind, need to read our old texts. They need to be amended according to today’s era of amendment.
. It is extremely important to make these scriptures life-wise as per today’s lifestyle. Overall, it is important for the good people to come out. Otherwise the bad guys become powerful. The results of these mystical scriptures change according to every seeker and gurus, it is necessary to keep it in meditation. These scriptures were taught by the Guru
Shishya Parampara. These educational institutions have lived under the master’s direction. Meaning, when the giver giving master died, the students also died.
Even if a guru did not give complete knowledge to the disciples even after having complete knowledge, these teachings were destroyed.

It is also good and wrong too Today we will talk about “Karna Pishachini Vidya”. There are several ways to achieve Karna Pishachini. Among them, the most popular is Aghori’s release. Due to which the fear of the palaeontology was born in people’s mind. But as there are many paths to attaining God, many of the ways to get Karna Pishachini too The
route is there. God of god There is a path to achieving Bhakti Marg, yoga practice, music meditation, service of sad victims, rituals, fasting, Kundalini Jagaran etc.. The purpose of all these is the same, the attainment of the divine. Where the path is not important, the ultimate purpose is important. There are several ways to achieve this type of siddhi
There is no need to go by the way of Aghori (though it is the marg or way how it is to be done )and make yourself a Jiggy pishach. There is another way, chanting mantra. But this mantra has to be proved by the good master eleven million times. It takes seven years for the construction of eleven million times. The funny thing is, here is the fact that the
mantra of falsehood is a mantra, and the Kisika mantra gives it, then Karna pishachini takes the life of such fake master.

. Wrong person does not prosecuted in the court of Pishachini Devi, or is not forgiven; The soul is hung upside down on the tree by making a direct hit by killing her soul, and that soul is shut for the door of liberation for a thousand years. Because of which, generations of their future have to suffer the torment of hell. Karna pisachini devi is an orbital.
Yakshini means cursed goddess Devta.
They are not included in death, heaven, and not in shraddh of dead people.When the gods of heaven are punished for their crimes, they become the Yaksas. They also possess qualities of gods, pisachi and human beings. We will learn these three qualities briefly. No work is impossible for Karna Pishachini Mata. Like Gods, it can do any work. It gives
visions to their devotees. It gives Maya to her devotees anyway, like any god goddess. But they should be aware of their devotion. The place where they live like a pisach . We cannot keep him in our house or place of worship. Some of its habits are like vampires, such as wandering at night, praying blood, taking life. Its appearance is terrible just like a
vampire. We are not happy to see their form like deities, but we cannot sleep for many nights.
It is not appreciated. No, it wears gold. Its vibrations are powerful (powerful) powerful.
Its body has severe odour of blood. Which can cause us to vomit. We are restless by its existence. When it comes to us in the ear, it draws very much of our energy out. That is why we feel very tired or we can become unconscious. It is also is very annoying to call the sadhak repeatedly. It is very chanchal (moody) nature. Even till the seeker received
Karna Pishachini siddhi and he did “ego” to tell or threaten others, even then this seeker knows. Getting a Karna pisachi is easy. It is difficult to keep her happy forever. But a seeker who knows her mood gives her unlimited happiness. With men, they interfere with every Poonam and Amavas on the night and give them happiness( maithun or ratisukh)
sex . Therefore, it is forbidden to engage with any woman on the night of Punam and Amavas who practices it . For women it takes the form of a man. And he also gives unlimited happiness in sex. No human can give that happiness to her. Like humans, he likes to be together. Like humans, they like to have sex. Like humans, hhe/she likes to eat. He
only consumes blood and raw meat in food. It does not look good on fish and birds. She likes animals and bloods. She is happy, she laughs. Whose seeker fears. People often ask what will be achieved by getting it. Scripture has been forbidden to answer this question. The scriptures believe that, the person who does not even know it, should not tell
any thing about Shakti Shakini. The teacher himself knows the question of the seeker’s mind and he does the job of giving him master. The seeker should think in unquietized mind, and in the ears of the guru, Karna pishachini speaks on his own. Then the Guru Karun favours the seeker by giving him knowledge about the existence of pishachini. It is
not easy to practice Karna Pishachini. However, for the information of the seekers, we tell him something about this. Keep in mind this is just “information”. Do not do it without the knowledgeable guru, otherwise if something goes wrong, then the Karna pishachini can take your life too. False disturbances can also be borne by mispronunciation of the
mantra. In this the seeker can be crazy. Many times the seeker becomes a symbol of the devil and he wants to eat raw meat. He can also kill human beings. His face looks like a fierce one.
He starts to get angry again and again. That is why the guru who has a mantra that has been tested for eleven million times, performs the practice of Karna Vaishchini in the shadow of his canopy. We have information about such gurus who have done sacred work to prove this mantra eleven lakhs times. Interested seekers must contact. In order to
reduce the fear of Karna Vaishchini, we give the Yantra to Yoga, Kundalini Shakti Jagaran, Kuber Mantra Jap, Jinna (Jinnat) in the car Tract Yoga, Apsara Hatha. That is why now a common seeker can also get Karna pisachini. For cultivation it is necessary to wear blood (red) clothing. The inside clothes must also be red. Many times, sadhana is born
without wearing a garment without wearing it. But in the birth state before the teacher, hesitation arises. And hesitation or shame, it is a feeling of fear before. At the time of law or later, we should not be afraid of Karna Pishachini. Think of who got scared dead.
Those seekers who are devoted, do not feel hesitant while practicing in their birth state, they can prove to be the seekers of high copper particle. Because at that time lusts have the task of winning. That is why many religions or sects have traditions of nude sadhus. Karna palaeontology is a means of getting rid of lust, so while doing this, the seeker is
ordered to follow strict brahmacharya. But the scriptures have also been given that the seeker is a parliamentary and his husband or wife asked him for Ratiasukh, then he should fulfill the responsibility of being a husband or wife. But do not let the feelings of that in itself. He or she can take part in the action of sexual intercourse with his spouse, but
at that time should chant the mantra of Karna Pihachini in mind. Ladies are strictly forbidden to practice sadhana during menstruation. Many times, people want to know about fasting of Karna pishankini. There is no need to fear here. Traditionally strict fasting is necessary, but if we refine the scriptures deeply, then Karna desires the desire of the
pishachini seekers. Instead of sacrificing the whole meal in this enjoyment, you can devote some of your favorite food items or beloved food types to Karan Pishchini forever. As if someone likes Jalebi, then Jalebi will leave food list for the whole life. And if you ever eat that thing by mistake then it will start to reverse the laxity. Then he will reach the
verge of death. And if Karna wants the pishachini, then she can give her life again. Otherwise his death is certain. Karan Pihachini, that is necessary for a lot of things in the Puja material, and that is the piece of stone taken from the cremation or graveyard. Protect this piece from the guru, or else the phantom spirits can penetrate into your home by
making the stone stone. Then removing them will prove to be sir. Karna Vaishakini helps us to tell anyone’s past and future. But that does not always help us always. If a person has a sin for you in the mind of a person, or he has come to you for examination or your mischief, then the Karna Vaishchini comes at that time and tells you about the purpose
of the man sitting in front of you, and his He does not tell the future, he also tells it. There is nothing false in his court. Therefore, seekers also do not seek to cooperate with sinners. We will end this information by giving a very important point of view. It is in our hands to receive Karna Vaishakini power, but then after that it lives with our soul, which
is no different even after our death. That is why it should not be taught that this is the first fifty times. Once the Karna Vaishchini came, then any guru can not take him out of your soul. Even death itself … A lot of people believe Karna Pishachini Sadhana is quite a devilish thing to do. No doubt the Vidya is performed by Aghoris and is quite a dark
one, but if it is done in the correct manner, there is nothing devilish about it.
When you are performing a Kaali Vidya, it is extremely important for you to have a clean-conscience. If you do something to cause harm to someone (unless you have a valid point to prove yourself mentally clean to do so), the entire process can backfire on you as well! Thus, even if you use anything from Kaali Vidya, make sure you are using it for a
good purpose. What is Karna Pishachini? Karna Pishachini is a Sadhana with the help of which negative entities around us are controlled and made to work. There are positive as well as negative entities (spirits) roaming around us. Since controlling the positive energies can be difficult, controlling the negative energies can still be easy. However, it is
easy for only those who know how to complete the Sadhana without letting the hurdles disturb the entire process. A Sadhak must know how to complete the Sadhana.
The entities that are used to get the work done through Karna Pishachini process are lusty, have high sexual powers and can do anything to have their sexual thirst fulfilled. In order to master this Sadhana, the Sadhak has to perform a ritual for three days. In return, the individual has to give sexual pleasures to Karna Pishachini.
This may seem like a fantastic thing to you, but you have no idea how people have regretted doing so. Firstly, these entities are not celestial beings; they are highly negative. Once you complete the Sadhana, Karna Pishachini arrives in front of you. She is naked, beautiful and just like a human. She starts doing sexual things to your body. You may feel
excited reading this, but after a couple of days, it is draining. The entity wishes to have sex with you every single night. That’s not all – she ensures you do not touch another person in your entire life. If you touch another person, she cuts off her head and turns into your worst nightmare. In return of sex, she gives you all the knowledge about the past,
present and future of an individual that you need. Before we give the Mantra to you to master this Sadhana, let us warn you with the things you need to go through: For three days, you have to feed on your own excreta. You have to drink your urine and eat your faeces. There is nothing else that you can do to survive. Karna Pishachini is going to
appear nude in front of you, but you cannot touch her. She is allowed to do sexual things to your body, but you cannot. You have to resist it. If you give in, your Sadhana breaks. Your entire life, you have to have sex with Karna Pishachini. There is no another woman you can ever have sex with. If you are planning to get married, it is not possible. If you
are married already, Karna Pishachini has the power to kill your partner. Even if you are lethargic and not in a mood to have sex, you still have to satisfy Karna Pishachini. There is no escape from it. Remember – no matter how easy and pleasing this sounds, it becomes frustrating in the end. There are people who have committed suicide due to
denying having sex with Karna Pishachini after a certain period of time. There are people who have banged their heads on stones, regretting mastering the Karna Pishachini Sadhana. Therefore, it is suggested you do not get into this Sadhana, unless you are very sure about what you are asking for. A few Gurus state that you have to serve Karna
Pishachini even after your death.
If you don’t want to get into such a trauma, you should not do this Sadhana at all. Sometimes, it takes more than three days to invoke a Karna Pishachini. It takes perseverance, determination and dedication, along with a lot of patience. Once Karna Pishachini is invoked and impressed, she begins whispering future into your ears. Even if you sleep
while thinking of a specific question, she will whisper it into your ears when you are sleeping. You do hear her loud and clear. Even the slightest mistake can ruin your entire Sadhana and life. Therefore, as we have said it several times earlier as well, do not do it unless you are prepared to face the worst circumstances in your life. And certain
circumstances after your death as well! Mantra: Om Aim Hreem Shreem Dum Hum Phat Kanak Vajra Vaidurya Mukta Alankrat Bhushne Ahe Ahe Aagachh Aagachh Mam Karne Pravishya Pravishya Bhoot Bhavishya Vartmaan Kaal Gyan Door Drishti Door Shravanam Broohi Broohi Agni Stambnam Shatru Stambnam Shatru Mukh Stambnam Shatru
Gati Stambnam Shatru Mati Stambnam Paresham Gatim Matim Sarva Shatrunaam Vaag Aarambh Stambnaam Kuru Kuru Shatru Karya Hani Kari Mam Karya Sidhi Kari Shatrunaam Udyog Vindhwans Kari Veer Chamundani Hatakdharini Nagri Puri Pattansthan Sammohini Asadhya Sadhini Om Shreem Hreem Aing Om Devi Han Han Hum Phat Swaha
Procedure: Step 1: This Sadhana has to be done at 12AM. Step 2: Do the above mentioned Mantra with full concentration. Step 3: Meditate on your ears and try listening to things. Step 4: Repeat the above process until you are successful in invoking Karna Pishachini. When Karni Pishachini is invoked, you would know. It takes a period of minimum 3
days for anyone to invoke Karni Pishachini and tame her to work for you.
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