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) The Book of Revelation


Lesson 3: Books of the New “OLD TESTAMENT”

Testament and Old Testament
A.) Pentateuch

A.) Gospels ● Genesis (Gen/Gn)

● Exodus (Ex)
● Matthew (Mt) ● Leviticus (Lev/Lv)
● Mark (Mk) ● Numbers (Num/Nm)
● Luke (Lk) ● Deuteronomy (Dt)
● John (Jn)
B.) Historical Books
B.) The Acts of Apostles
● Joshua (Jos)
● Judges (Jgs)
● Acts ● Ruth (Ru)
● 1 Samuel (1 Sam/Sm)
C.) The Epistles/Letters ● 2 Samuel (2 Sam/Sm)
● 1 Kings (1 Kgs)
“13 Pauline Epistles” ● 2 Kings (2 Kgs)
● 1 Chronicles (1 Chr)
● 2 Chronicles (2 Chr)
● Romans (Rom) ● Ezra (Ezr)
● First Corinthians (1 Cor) ● Nehemiah (Neh)
● Second Corinthians (2 Cor) ● Tobit (Tb)
● Judith (Jdt)
● Galatians (Gal) ● Esther (Est)
● Ephesians (Eph) ● 1 Maccabees (Mac/Mc)
● Philippians (Phil) ● 2 Maccabees (Mac/Mc)

● Colossians (Col) C.) Prophetic Books

● First Thessalonians (1 Thes)
● Isaiah (IS)
● Second Thessalonians (2 Thes)
● Jeremiah (Jer)
● First Timothy (1 Tim)
● Ezekiel (Ez)
● Second Timothy (2 Tim)
● Lamentations (Lam)
● Titus (Ti) ● Baruch (Bar)
● Philemon (Phim) ● Daniel (Dn)
● Hosea (Hos)
“8 Catholic Epistles” ● Joel (Jl)
● Amos (Am)
● Hebrews (Heb) ● Obadiah (Ob)
● James (Jas) ● Jonah (Jon)
● First Peter (1 Pt) ● Micah (Mi)
● Second Peter (2 Pt) ● Nahum (Na)
● First John (1 Jn) ● Habbakuk (Hb)
● Second John (2 Jn) ● Zephaniah (Zep)
● Third John (3 Jn) ● Haggal (Hg)
● Jude (Jude) ● Zechariah (Zec)
● Malachi (Mal)
D.) Wisdom Books Apocryphal – from a Greek word meaning
“hidden; or not genuine”, is a term used by the
● Job (Jb)
Protestants to describe the Old Testament
● Psalms (Ps)
books or sections of books written in or
● Proverbs (Prv)
translated by Greek.
● Ecclesiastes (Eccl)
● Song of songs (Sg)
● Wisdom (Wis)
● Sirarch (Sir)

Lesson 4: Formation of the Bible Structure and Content

and Canon
Two Testaments: The Bible is divided into two
Deposit of Faith major sections: the Old and New Testament.

● The Bible is not a book neatly Old Testament: This covers the creation
planned by its human author. (Sacred of the world, the history of the Israelites as
Tradition) God’s chosen people, and God’s laws and
● Israel’s experience of God’s gradual promises. It includes 46 books in the
revelation of Himself. (Sacred Catholic tradition, encompassing genres
Scripture) like history, law, poetry, and prophecy.
● Its making is long and complex, so we
New Testament: This focuses on the life,
speak of stages in its growth.
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
(Church’s Magisterium)
along with the early Church’s teachings
and development. It comprises 27 books,
Stages of Formation of the Bible including Gospels, Letters and Book of
● God’s Actual Revelation
● Oral Stage
● Writing and editing
Conclusion: “The word of GOD is
also like Vitamins, you don’t want it
Canon – refers to the list of books but you need it in order for you to be
authoritatively recognized by the church as
inspired and normative for its teaching and

Protocanonical – this comes from the Greek

word meaning “first-time members” of the
canon. This refers to the 39 Old Testament
books accepted by all as inspired.

Deutero-Canonical – is a Catholic
terminology referring to those six books (plus
further portions of other books found in the
Greek (Septuagint) version of the Old
Testament but not in the Canon of Hebrew
LESSON 5: Biblical Genres
The Bible ( a cornerstone of Judaism and 4. Prophecy - Contains messages from God
Christianity ) is a collection of religious texts delivered through prophets.
or scriptures that, in some variation, is
- Can be words of warning, judgements,
considered sacred in many religions.
or consolation.
It has been translated into many languages and - Examples: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
is the most widely-read book in the world, The Daniel.
Bible contains a variety of writings, and the
5. Gospels - The core of the New Testament,
categorization of these writings is referred to
focusing on the life, teachings, death, and
as Biblical Genres.
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
➢ Law
- Seen as the foundation of Christian
➢ History
➢ Wisdom or Poetry
- Examples: Matthew, Mark, Luke,
➢ Prophecy
➢ Gospels
➢ Letters 6. Letters - written by early Christian leaders,
like Paul, to churches and individuals.
1. Law - Found primarily in the Pentateuch
(the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, - Address various topics including
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Christian doctrine, ethics, and pastoral
Deuteronomy). care.
- Focuses on outlining the covenant Conclusion: “The literacy richness of the
between God and the Israelites. Bible is often overlooked. By recognizing the
- Includes instructions on morality, various genres employed by its authors, we
rituals, and social justice. unlock a deeper understanding of the text’s
meaning and purpose. Each form, from history
2. History - Covers the history of God’s
to epistle, serves as a brushstroke on the
relationship with humanity.
canvas of faith, painting a vivid picture of
- Includes historical narratives, humanity’s encounter with the sacred.”
genealogies, and chronicles.
- Examples: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 &
2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.

3. Wisdom or Poetry - Uses beautiful and

evocative language to express a wider range of

- Found in Psalms, Song of songs, and

parts of prophetic books.
- Examples: Psalms offer praise and
lament, while Song of Songs uses
imagery of love.
Lesson 6: The Creation

Characteristics of God’s Nature

The account of creation demonstrates that

God is:

➢ Omnipotent - God is all powerful

and is responsible for creating the
entire universe and everything in it.
➢ Omnibenevolent - Creating an
entire universe demonstrates God’s
loving nature. Humans are seen as
the most important part of this
➢ Eternal - Christians believe God
has always existed as the three
persons of the Trinity and has no

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