1 TomeofStrahd OfficialExcerpt PrinterFriendly Booklet

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taunts me!

What will it take

to bend her love to me?
I now reside far below
Ravenloft. I live among
the dead and sleep beneath
Th e
the very stones of this hollow
castle of despair. I shall seal S a c r ed To m e
shut the walls of the stairs so of
that none may disturb me.
S t r a hd V on Z a r o v i c h

Count of B arov ia

a nd L ord of

C a s tl e R a v e n l o f t
new name. I still lust for
life and youth, and I curse
I am the Ancient. the living that took them from
I am the Land. me. Even the sun is against
My beginnings are lost me. It is the sun and its
in the darkness of the past. light I fear the most, but
I was the warrior, I was little else can harm me now.
good and just. I thundered Even a stake through my
across the land like the wrath heart does not kill me, though
of a just god, but the war it holds me from movement.
years and the killing years But the sword, that cursed
wore down my soul as the sword that Sergei brought! I
wind wears stone into sand. must dispose of that awful
All goodness slipped from tool! I fear and hate it as
my life. much as the sun.
I found my youth and I have often hunted for
strength gone, and all I Tatyana. I have even felt
had left was death. My her within my grasp, but she
army settled in the valley of escapes. She taunts me! She
She had to understand the Barovia and took power over
pact I made for her. the people in the name of a
I pursued her. Finally, in just god, but with none of a
despair, she flung herself from god’s grace or justice.
the walls of Ravenloft, I called for my family,
and I watched everything I long unseated from their
ever wanted fall from my ancient thrones, and brought
grasp forever. them here to settle in the
It was a thousand feet castle Ravenloft. They
through the mists. No trace of came with a younger brother
her was ever found. Not even of mine, Sergei. He was
I know her final fate. handsome and youthful. I
Arrows from the castle hated him for both.
guards pierced me to my soul, From the families of the
but I did not die. Nor did valley, one spirit shone above
I live. I became Undead, all others. A rare beauty, who
forever. was called perfection, joy,
I have studied much and treasure.
since then. Vampyr is my Her name was Tatyana
and I longed for her to be squandered mine.
mine. The death she saw in me
I loved her with all my turned her from me. And so
heart. I loved her for her I came to hate death - my
youth. I loved her for her death.
joy. But she spurned me! My hate is very strong.
Old One was my name to I would not be called
her - Elder and Brother also. Death so soon. I made a
Her heart went to Sergei. pact with Death, a pact
They were betrothed. The date of blood. On the day of the
was set. wedding, I killed Sergei, my
With words she called me brother. My pact was sealed
Brother, but when I looked with his blood.
into her eyes they reflected I found Tatyana weeping
another name: Death. in the garden east of the
It was the death of the chapel. She fled from me.
aged that she saw in me. She would not let me explain,
She loved her youth and and a great anger swelled
enjoyed it. But I had within me.

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