Body Idioms

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Grażyna Iskra

Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy

Body idioms ZESTAW 1

Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
1 These idioms are very similar in Polish and in English. Give Polish equivalents.
wanych wyrazów.

1. bite one’s tongue – ________________________________
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
2. give someone a hand – _____________________________
3. break a leg – _____________________________
4. in cold blood – _____________________________
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
5. keep an eye on something –
How many colours does the Italian_____________________________
have, two or three?
6. on the tip of one’s tongue – _____________________________
7. one’s hands are tied – _____________________________
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
8. two-faced – _____________________________
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.

2 you are
Putreally hungry, there are still two or three boxes of
in the missing words. Use the idioms from activity 1. pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked

1. I’ve got the name of this company on the ______________ of my tongue.
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, some
Jonas, could you ______________ hea hand? the game hands down.
3. Max, keep an ______________ on your little sis for a while, please.
4. Mr Allen killed Mr Lenard ______________ cold blood.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noiseonbecause
Before Kimberly went a stage,Jake
all the other actorstowhispered: “Break
sleep only ten a ______________!
minutes ago.
6. Sorry, I can’t do anything about it, my hands are ______________.
7. Trevor is two-______________ and can’t be trusted.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
8. Did you have to
I think that the title be so critical about her idea? You should
is the best piece on the album. really have bitten your ______________.

She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.

I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

Lexical sets
Complete the sentences with the idioms from activity 1 in the correct forms.
Poziom podstawowy

1. A company manager should be in control of everything in all departments. He or she just has to
obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie all the operations in the firm.
uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
2. Before you say something stupid, or something you may soon regret, it’s a good wanych
3. Beware of people who are ____________________________________. You may never know if what they say
is true was
Everybody or false, if they’re
surprised whenhonest,
she wasorappointed
if they’re cheating you. It’s
of hard to trust them.
4. Do you sometimes happen to be in a situation in which you want to say something but at the last minute
2. you can’t articulate the words? You simple have them ____________________________________ but still
havesay what you
no chance of want.
winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
5. For some people it’s an uncomfortable situation when someone asks them for help but they aren’t able to
3. do anything because ____________________________________.
6. Iflong
How you did
idea how to solve
as theyour problem
minister or what to do in some situations, why don’t you ask for help?
of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
I’m sure there will always be someone who will ____________________________________.
7. Ginger, you’re really well prepared for the exam and I’m sure you’ll do well. So, go inside the exam room and
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
8.wasIt’svery cold outside,
terrifying when soyouwhen
hearthe children
on the newscame back home,
that someone murderedthey looked
another person
5. ____________________________________.
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
These idioms are completely different in English and in Polish. Try to complete them with the
missing parts of the body. The first letters have been given.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
1. get cold f______________
2. pain in the n______________
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
3. by the skin of one's t______________
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
4. cost an a______________ and a leg
5. have a sweet t______________
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
6. pull one's l______________
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
7. let one's h______________ down
8. ______________ the music
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

Lexical sets
Match the idioms from activity 4 to their meanings.
Poziom podstawowy

1. Być łasuchem, lubić słodycze – ____________________________

2. Kosztować majątek – ____________________________
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
3. Nabierać kogoś, robić kogoś w konia – ____________________________
wanych wyrazów.
4. O mały włos, ledwo co – ____________________________
5. Stchórzyć – ____________________________
6. Utrapienie, zmora – ____________________________
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
7. Wyluzować się, odpuścić sobie – ____________________________
8. Wypić piwo, które się nawarzyło – ____________________________
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
6 many
How Complete
coloursthe sentences
does the Italianwith the idioms from
have, activity
two 4 in the correct forms.
or three?

1. Zina
How longisdid
a bit
hold because
as theshe eats aofloteducation?
minister of sweets – she __________________________________.
2. works
He Start from
saving nowand
home because going
goes to the to Abu Dhabi for youronly
head holidays
once will _________________________________.
or twice a month.
4. I can’t believe it! Tell me it’s not true and you __________________________________.
If passed
are really thethere
hungry, examare__________________________________.
still two or three boxes of She’s lucky she didn’t fail it.
It Are you
very cold __________________________________?
outside, so when the children came back home,Please don’t they tell me you’re scared now.
6. My brother Jonas is a real __________________________________. He takes my things without asking.
7. ComePoland
Yesterday on! __________________________________! Everything is going to be fine.
by four goals to one against Portugal.
8. opponent
His Now it’s thewastime to ______________________________.
no match for Barry, so he the You’ve got todown.
game hands take responsibility for your actions.
7 year
Last Choose
they one wordon a, bholiday
or c that is suitable
to Greece foryear
but this boththey
are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.

1. The teacher turned a blind _____________ to my late arrival at school today.
When he works
I don’t in his
usually seeworkshop, he always
_____________ loses
to eye with my parents. of time. we rarely have arguments.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
a. eye b. head c. nose
2. It’s your problem and I’m not going to _____________ my neck out for you.
She is interested
Could in acting,
you please mindsoyou
became a member
business of _____________
and not the drama . my things?
your nose into
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
a. put b. stick c. place
3. Are you out of your _____________? This is the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard.
I can’t
news about whyourAlbert sent me a hand-written
new colleague instead of an email.
will sure blow your _____________!
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
a. face b. mind c. brain
4. 4.
10. Mike, focus please. I can see that you have your _____________ in the clouds.
do heard
you prefer: breasts or wings?
that Malwina is _____________ over heels in love with Markus?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
a. eye b. heart c. head

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy
Match the idioms from activity 7 to their meanings. Two meanings don’t match any idioms.

1. Mieć głowę w chmurach - _______________________

2. Nadstawiać karku - _______________________
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
3. Oślepnąć - _______________________
wanych wyrazów.
4. Oszaleć - _______________________
5. Przymknąć oko na coś - _______________________
6. Wtykać nos w nieswoje sprawy - _______________________
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
7. Zakochany bez pamięci - _______________________
8. Zaszokować - _______________________
9. Zgadzać się z kimś - _______________________
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
10. Zmieść z powierzchni ziemi
How many colours does the Italian- _______________________
have, two or three?

9 longAnswer
How did he the
holdquestions using
as the some of of
minister theeducation?
idioms from activity 7.
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.

4.1. A: What happens if someone tells you an unbelievable story?

If youB:
areIt really
will _____________________________.
hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
What cold outside,
can sosay
a friend when theask
if you children camepersonal
too many back home,
questions?they looked
5. B: Don’t_________________________________!
3. A: How
Yesterday can a person react
Poland if their
by four goalsopinion
to one is different
against from yours?
His opponent wasbut
B: I’m sorry no Imatch for Barry, so he
don’t __________________________________. the game hands down.

6.4. A: What do you do if you risk something for a friend?

B: You
Last year they______________________________________.
on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
5. A:don’t
Whatmake anyfeel
do you noise because
if you fall inJake
love with someoneto sleep
and onlyabout
forget ten minutes ago.
the whole world?
7. B: You are __________________________________ or you have _______________________________.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think
10 that thethe
Read titlestories and complete
is the best them
piece with
on thethe
missing words. Use idioms from all activities.
She Stone isinone
is interested of the
acting, sonastiest people
she became Kathy has
a member metdrama
of the in her life. She found out. when she miserably fell head
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
over _________________ in love with him a couple of weeks ago. He did ask her out but it turned out that he

9.only wanted to pull her 2___________________. That was the meanest thing someone has ever done to her.
I triedunderstand
I can’t to help Kathy
whyand advised
Albert heratohand-written
sent me let her 3____________________ down
instead but
of an she was depressed and
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
wouldn’t listen. She just asked me not to stick my 4____________________ into her business so I didn’t.
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

Lexical sets Poziom
Mike asked Jason to give him a 5_____________________ with something simple. He needed podstawowy
to borrow some
money to buy a new set of headphones. He wanted the latest Bang & Olufsen model which wouldZESTAW 1
cost him an
arm and 6____________________. I asked him if he was out of his 7______________________ but I should have
bitten my 8_______________________ because he felt offended and hasn’t talked to me ever since.
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Mr Creamson was accused of trying to kill his wife in cold 9__________________. In courtwyrazów.
he said that he indeed
had planned to do so because he felt that she was a real pain in the 10_______________________ for him but at
1. last minute he got cold 11____________________ . He simply realised that he wouldn’t do that only because
he didn’t see
Everybody waseye to 12____________________
surprised with her over someoftrivial
when she was appointed issues. People have such ridiculous
explanations sometimes, don’t they?
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
11 Discuss the following questions with your classmate.
How long
1. Do youdid he hold
have a sweet tooth?asHow
minister of education?
it show?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
2. What do you usually do to let your hair down?
3. Do you see eye to eye with your parents in everyday life situations? Why? Why not?
are really hungry,
you ever there are still
had butterflies in two
three boxes
Sayofsomething more about
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
5. Has anyone ever pulled your leg in a nasty way? Say more about this situation.
6. Should parents turn a blind eye to some of the mistakes their children do in their lives? Why? Why not?
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.

Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.

When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.

She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.

I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy

Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
1. bite one’s tongue – ugryźć się w język wanych wyrazów.
2. give someone a hand – podać komuś pomocną dłoń, pomóc komuś
3. break a leg – połamania nóg = życzymy komuś szczęścia
4. in cold blood – z zimną krwią
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
5. keep an eye on something – mieć coś na oku = bacznie, uważnie coś obserwować
6. on the tip of one’s tongue – na końcu języka
7. one’s hands are tied – czyjeś ręce są związane = nie móc czegośitezrobić
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh and give up.
8. two-faced
How many – dwulicowy,
colours does the Italianobłudny have, two or three?

How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to6.the
tip, 2. give, 3. eye, 4. in, 5. leg, tied, 7. faced, 8. Tongueonly once or twice a month.

If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
1. keep an eye on, 2. bite your tongue, 3. two-faced, 4. on
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, the tip of your
they looked5. their hands are tied, 6. give
you a hand, 7. break a leg, 8. in cold blood.
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
1. feet 2. neck 3. teeth 4. arm 5. tooth 6. leg 7. hair 8. face
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
1. have a sweet tooth, 2. cost an arm and a leg, 3. pull one's leg, 4. by the skin of one's teeth, 5. get cold feet, 6.
pain in the neck, 7. let one's hair down, 8. face the music
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
has a sweet tooth, 2. cost you an arm and a leg, 3. are pulling my leg, 4. by the skin of her teeth, 5. getting cold
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his 6. pain in the
research, neck, 7. Let your
he concentrates hair down,and
on technology 8. face the music,
its long-ter as a whole.

I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
1. a, 2. you
Could b, 3.b, 4. con an English word that begins with the
think Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

8. Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy
1. have one’s head in the clouds ZESTAW 1
2. stick one’s neck out
3. –
4. be out
Wpisz of one’s
obok mind zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
5. turn a blind eye wanych wyrazów.
6. stick one’s nose into sth
1. be head over heels in love
8. blow one’s
Everybody wasmind
surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
9. see eye to eye with someone
2. –
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?
1. blow your mind, 2. stick your nose into my things, 3. see eye to eye with you, 4. stick your neck out, 5. head
How heels in love,
long did your head in the
he hold clouds.
as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.

1. heels,
If you are2.really
leg, 3.hungry,
Hair, 4.there
5. still
hand, 6.orleg,
two 7. mind,
three boxes8.of
tongue, 9. blood,
neck, 11. feet, 12. eye.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked

Yesterday own answers
Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.

Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.

When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.

She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.

I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Grażyna Iskra · Body idioms 1

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PWN • cyfrowa wersja podręcznika dla uczniów.

Nasi specjaliści dzielą się najnowszą

wiedzą z zakresu metodyki nauczania
języków obcych, dydaktyki i psychologii.
na bezpłatne
i warsztaty Polub
nas na
Znajdziesz tam:
• dodatkowe materiały edukacyjne
Znajdź do wykorzystania podczas lekcji
Twojego • zapowiedzi szkoleń oraz relacje z wydarzeń
Konsultanta • informacje o aktualnych promocjach.


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