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Backpack 1B Exit Test

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. what are the cats doing?

a. They’re flying | b. They’re talking| c. They’re crawling | d. They’re climbing

2. what are the cows doing?

a. They’re eating | b. They’re climbing | c. They’re swimming | d. They’re jumping

3. what are the worms doing?

a. They’re jumping | b. They’re crawling | c. They’re talking | d. They’re flying

2. what are the farmers doing?

a. They’re flying | b. They’re talking | c. They’re crawling | d. They’re climbing

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. The racoon is __________ the rubbish.

2. The racoon is __________ the rubbish.

3. The racoon is __________ the rubbish.

III. Make questions:

1.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: My birthday is on Sunday this year.

2.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: I’m seven years old.

3.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: He wants some dolls.

4.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: The marbles are on the shelf.

5.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

No, I’m not eating. I’m jumping.

- Good Luck -

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