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Assuring the significance effect of time taken in fridge for cooling and temperature of

working media(hot oil) on analysis of melting point of shorting product in phisico-chemical

laboratory of phi Bela using annova :two factor.

Table 1
Time taken in Temperature of hot oil (oc) Analyst name:
fridge for Asres .m
cooling(hr) 50 60 70
42 40.5 40.5
0.5 42 40 40
41.5 41 40.5
42 42 40
41.5 41 40
42 41 40.5
1 42 41.5 41
42.5 40.5 41

Result and discussion

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY 50 60 70 Total
0.5 hr
Count 4 4 4 12
Sum 167.5 163.5 161 492
Average 41.875 40.875 40.25 41
0.72916 0.08333 0.72727
Variance 0.0625 7 3 3

Count 4 4 4 12
Sum 168 164 162.5 494.5
Average 42 41 40.625 3
0.16666 0.16666 0.22916 0.52083
Variance 7 7 7 3

Count 8 8 8
Sum 335.5 327.5 323.5
Average 41.9375 40.9375 40.4375
0.10267 0.38839 0.17410
Variance 9 3 7
Source of significance
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit test
0.26041 0.26041 1.08695 0.31094 4.413873
time 7 1 7 7 8 4 factor is not significant
9.33333 4.66666 19.4782 3.14E- 3.554557
Temp. 3 2 7 6 05 1 factor is significant
0.08333 0.04166 0.17391 0.84176 3.554557
time*temp. 3 2 7 3 5 1 factor is not significant
error 4.3125 18 3

Total 8 23

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