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Backpack 2A Exit Test

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. A (secretary / journalist) writes stories.

2. She (sets / makes) the table for dinner at night.

3. In the (city / country), there are ponds and lakes for swimming and fishing.

4. (An ostrich / a deer) lives on the plains.

5. You wear a (raincoat/ warm coat) when it’s snowing.

6. She (feeds / eats) the bird (before / after) school.

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. ___________ give us running hot and cold water.

2. ___________ help us use our muscles.

3. Egyptian Plovers live in _______________.

4. Female Kangaroos keep their babies in ____________.

5. You can use a __________ to slide on snow.

6. When it rains, you see __________ everywhere.

III. Make questions.

1.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

It’s hot and sunny today.

2.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: An octopus lives in the ocean.

3.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: I have to practice guitar and feed my dog tonight.

4.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: She sometimes collects eggs.

5.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: I want to be a chef when I grow up.

6.A: ________________________________________________________________________________?

B: I take music classes after school.

- Best of Luck -

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