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What is the population of Spain like?

Population is the number of people who live in a place.

Spain has a population of just over 47 million people.

About 24 million are women and 23 million are men.

From the beginning of the 21st century until 2012, the population of Spain grew rapidly.

Death rate

· The death rate is the number of deaths that occur in a place in one year.

Spain has a low death rate. Every year there are 9 deaths for every 1,000 inhabitants.

life expectancy is the number of years a person is expected to live.

in spain is very high , men live for 80 years and women for 85 years.

· Birth rate The birth rate is the number of children born in a specific place in one year.

In Spain, the birth rate is very low.

· An ageing population

Spain has an ageing population. One in five people in Spain are over 65.

The reasons for this are:

· Fewer children are born.

· People live longer.

Natural growth is very slow

Spain had a negative natural growth rate: there were more deaths than births.

What is the primary sector like in Spain?

Economic sectors

People work to provide the products and services that we need: food, housing, clothes, education, etc.

People work in three different economic sectors:

the primary sector includes activities that provide food ,the most important activities in this sector are:

crop farming
livestock farming


the secondary sector

The tertiary or service sector

Crop farming

Organic farming

produces high-quality foods while respecting the environment.


They are the major crops in Spain.

They include cereals (mainly barley and wheat), olives and grapes


They are grown on flat land near rivers and on the Mediterranean coast.

They include fruitsvegetables and rice.

Livestock farming

is the raising of animals to obtain products like meat, eggs, milk and leather.


Animals are raised indoors.

Animals are fed high-protein foods.


Animals are raised outdoors.

Animals graze on open pastures.

Intensive livestock farming is the main type in Spain.

Livestock farmers raise different animals:

Pigs are the most abundant livestock.

Cattle dairy and beef cows

Sheep and goats are raised

Poultry (chickens) Fishing



It is practised near the coast.

It uses small boats. sardinesanchovies, monkfish and mackerel.


out to sea.

It uses large boats.

is hake.

Aquaculture is also important in Spain. Fish and shellfish, like trout and mussels, are raised in freshwater
or saltwater farms.

The secondary sector

includes activities that transform raw materials into manufactured goods and products.

The main activities are energy production,manufacturing and construction.

In Spain, 20 out of every 100 people work in the secondary sector.

energy production

We obtain energy from energy sources.We use energy for transport, industry and in our homes.

There are two types of energy sources:

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