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On Power Domination in Certain Chemical Graphs

Article in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics · January 2018


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3 authors:

Savari Prabhu A. K. Arulmozhi



M. Arulperumjothi


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 118 No. 11 2018, 11-19
ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
doi: 10.12732/ijpam.v118i11.3
Special Issue

On Power Domination in Certain

Chemical Graphs
S. Prabhu1 , A.K. Arulmozhi2 , M. Arulperumjothi3
Department of Applied Mathematics
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
Sriperumbudur, India 602 117
Department of Mathematics, S.A. Engineering College
Thiruverkadu, India 600 077
Department of Mathematics, Loyola College
Chennai, India 600 034
January 1, 2018

A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set in G(V, E) if every
vertex in V not in S has atleast one neighbour in S. The
domination number of G, denoted by γ(G) , is the mini-
mum cardinality of a dominating set of G. A subset S ⊆ V
is a power domination set of G if all vertices of V can be
observed recursively by the following rules: (i) All vertices
in N [S] are observed initially, and (ii) if an observed vertex
u has all neighbours observed expect one neighbour v, then
v is observed by u.

AMS Subject Classification: 05C85; 05C69

Key Words and Phrases: Domination, Power Domina-
tion, Silicate, Phase measurement units, Private neighbor

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

1 Introduction
An electric power network consists of electrical nodes (loads and
generators) an transmission lines joining the electrical nodes. Elec-
tric power companies need to monitor the state of their network
continually. Voltage magnitude at loads and machine phase at gen-
erators must be monitored. Variables are voltage and machine.
These has to be monitored by placing (PMUs) Phase measurement
units at selected location in the system. Because of the high cost of
PMUs, it is important to minimize the number of PMU used while
still maintaining the ability of monitoring the entire system. This
problem is formulated as a graph theoretical problem by Haynes et.
al [6] and named as power domination problem.
Let G(V, E) be a graph. A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set in
G(V, E) if every vertex in V not in S has atleast one neighbour in
S. The domination number of G, denoted by γ(G), is the minimum
cardinality of a dominating set of G.
Let G be a connected graph and S a subset of its vertices. Then
we denote the set observed by S with M (S) and define it recursively
as follows:

1. (Domination)
M (S) ← S ∪ N (S)

2. (Propagation)
As long as there exists v ∈ M (S) such that
(V (G) − M (S)) ∩ N (v) = {w}
set M (S) ← M (S) ∪ {w}

A subset S is called a power dominating set (PDS) of G if

M (S) = V (G). The minimum cardinality of a power dominating
set is called power domination number γp (G). A power dominating
set with minimum cardinality is called γp (G)-set.

2 An Overview of the Paper

The problem of finding power domination number for bipartite
graphs, chordal graphs and split graphs is N P −complete [6, 9].
An algorithm which gives the power dominating set for the classes
of trees is given in [6] and graphs with bounded tree width in [5].

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Oxygen ion

Silicon ion

Oxygen ion Oxygen ion

Figure 1: SiO4 tetrahedra

This problem is consulted for block graphs [15], block-cactus graphs

[7], interval graphs [9], grids [11], honeycomb [8] and circular-arc
graphs [10]. Upper bounds on the power domination number are
given for a connected graph with at least three vertices, for a con-
nected claw-free cubic graph [16], for hypercubes [2], and for gen-
eralized Petersen graphs [1]. Closed formulae for the power domi-
nation number are obtained for Mycielskian of the complete graph,
the wheel, the n-fan and n-star [12], for Cartesian product of paths
and cycles [1, 4], for tensor and strong product of paths with paths
[3], and for tensor product of paths with cycles [12]. The power
domination for the Silicate Network is discussed in [14].

3 Power Domination in Silicate Struc-

The silicates are the largest, the most interesting and the most com-
plicated class of minerals by far. The basic chemical unit of silicates
is the (SiO4 ) tetrahedron. A silicate sheet is a ring of tetrahedrons
which are linked by shared oxygen nodes to other rings in a two
dimensional plane that produces a sheet-like structure. Silicates
are obtained by fusing metal oxides or metal carbonates with sand.
Essentially all the silicates contain SiO4 tetrahedra. In chemistry,
the corner vertices of SiO4 tetrahedron represent oxygen ions and
the center vertex represents the silicon ion. In graph theory, we call
the corner vertices as oxygen nodes and the center vertex as silicon
node. See Figure 1.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

n =1 n=3 n=5

n=2 n=4 n=6

Figure 2: Chain Silicate CSn

3.1 Chain Silicate

A chain silicate network of dimension n, denoted by CSn , is ob-
tained by arranging n tetrahedra linearly [13] as shown in Figure 2.
It can be readily seen that the number of vertices of CSn , n ≥ 1, is
3n + 1 and the number of edges is 6n. In this section we compute
the power domination of chain silicate.
The following algorithm generates the power dominating set in
chain silicate CSn

Input: CSn , n even.

Step 1: Transform each K4 in the chain silicate CSn as a vertex.

Step 2: Join two vertices if the corresponding K4 ’s share a com-

mon vertex. The resulting graph is Pn .

Step 3: From first edge, select alternate edges.

Step 4: For every edge selected in Step 3, take the common vertex
in the corresponding chain silicate CSn and collect it in D.

Step 5: Stop when all edges are exhausted.

Output: D is the power dominating set of cardinality n2 .

Proof of correctness. To prove each vertex in CSn is observed, it

is sufficient to prove that the common vertex considered in Step 4

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


v2 u4


Figure 3: Twin K4

observes the two copies of K4 . This is trivial as the power domina-

tion number of complete graph is 1. Therefore the D is the power
dominating set and |D| = n2 . This algorithm leads to the following

Theorem 1. Let G be the CSn , n even. Then γp (G) ≤ n2 .

We define a twin K4 as defined in [14]. There are 2
, n even,
edge disjoint copies of twin K4 ’s in CSn , n even.

Theorem 2. Let G be the CSn , n even. Then γp (G) ≥ n2 .

Proof. There are n2 copy of twin K4 in CSn , n even. Let D be the

power dominating set which contains v2 ’s of every twin K4 ’s. See
Figure 3. Let G1 be the twin K4 . The graph G1 is connected to the
rest of the graph only through ui , i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Let us assume the
contrary that there exist a twin K4 say G1 such that V (G1 )∩D = ∅.
In both the cases of V (G1 ) ∩ N (D) = ∅ and V (G1 ) ∩ N (D) ̸= ∅ the
vertices v1 , v2 and v3 are neither dominated nor observed, which is
the contradiction to the assumption of D.
Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 gives the following.

Theorem 3. Let G be the CSn , n even. Then γp (G) = n2 .

Theorem 4. Let G be the CSn . Then γp (G) = ⌈ n2 ⌉.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 4: Cyclic Silicate

Proof. The proof is trivial from Theorem 3.

3.2 Cyclic Silicates

A cyclic silicate of dimension n, denoted by CCn , is obtained by
connecting n tetrahedra into a cyclic structure, see Figure 4. The
numbers of vertices and edges of CCn , n ≥ 3, are 3n and 6n re-

Theorem 5. Let G be a CCn . Then γp (G) = ⌈ n2 ⌉.

Proof. The arguments are similar to that of Theorem 4.

4 Conclusion
In this paper we find the power domination number of chain sili-
cates and cyclic silicates. The problem of finding power domination
number for Dominated silicate network is under investigation.

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