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Received 24.03.2016





Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development


1.1 Type of highway

Road number (TBC), 10.8 metre wide single carriageway crossing the Trent and Mersey
canal west of Burton, east of Tatenhill village.

1.2 Permitted traffic speed

30 mph (48 kph) – Proposed

1.3 Existing restrictions



2.1 Obstacle crossed

Trent and Mersey Canal


3.1 Description of Structure and working life

The proposed structure is to be a road bridge crossing the Trent and Mersey Canal,
providing access to a new development called Branston Locks.

The new bridge is to consist of a single span reinforced concrete deck supported on
reinforced concrete cap beam and sheet pile abutments. The widened carriageway cross
section will consist of a 10.8 metre wide single carriageway with a 3.5 metre wide
combined foot/cycle way to the south side and a 2.5 metre wide footway to the north side.
All services will be carried in the footways of the new structure.

The clear span of the bridge between abutment faces will be approximately 16.130
metres, with a 16.5 degree skew.

The wingwalls are to comprise of sheet piles and are to be structurally separate from the
abutment sheet piles. Following consultation and outline approval by the Canal and River
Trust, (CRT), the exposed faces of both the wingwalls and abutments are to be clad in
masonry to match as closely as possible the adjacent Branston Canal Bridge.

3.2 Structural Type

The single span integral bridge is to be cast onto reinforced concrete capping beams
supported by load bearing sheet piled abutments. The structure is to have a design
working life is to be 120 years (working life category 5).

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

Superstructure – Composite concrete deck consisting of ‘TY11’ series precast beams and
cast insitu reinforced concrete forming a traditional filler beam deck. The spaces between
the ‘TY11’ beams will accommodate services prior to forming the filler beam deck.

Substructure – Cast insitu reinforced concrete cap beam and sheet pile foundations.
Approach retaining walls either side of bridge to be sheet pile walls clad in masonry and
sloped embankments.

3.3 Foundation Type

The sheet piles forming the abutments are to be designed to provide vertical support to
the bridge deck, and lateral resistance to earth pressure, thermal and longitudinal loads.
Allowance for corrosion of the sheet piles will be made with reference to standard
published wastage rates for steel in contact with soil.

Sheet piles will be toed into Mercia rock mass approximately 11.0m below existing bridge
Towpath level.

3.4 Span Arrangements

The clear straight span between abutment walls will be approximately 16.13 metres,
(16.830 metre skew span). Based on precast beam manufacturer’s guidance a minimum
length of 500mm should be included to accommodate the integral bridge bearings. Based
on a 950mm cap beam width it is intended to use a minimum bearing distance of 500mm
for each bearing.

Thus the bridge deck will have a single straight or square span of approximately 16.83
metres, skew angle of 16.5º, (difference of 16.5º normal to the foundations), and a skew
span of 17.5 metres.

3.5 Articulation Arrangements

Integral deck and abutment is to have no expansion joints or bearings. Global thermal,
braking and traction effects are to be resisted by the soil behind the abutment sheet piles,
which will be designed for increased K* lateral pressure in accordance with BA 42/96 –
Design of Integral Bridges. The transition between the approach embankment and the
bridge deck will be formed using a proprietary geogrid in two layers within the compacted
fill. The geotextile will be fixed to the back of the piles using a bodkin connection below
cap beam level. The geotextile transition will maintain the retained soil stability while the
structurally integral bridge superstructure/abutment is allowed to move via flexure of the
sheet piles.

3.6 Proposed classes / levels

3.6.1 Consequence class

Consequence class to be CC2 (Medium) in accordance with Table B1, BS EN 1990; 2002.

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

3.6.2 Reliability class

Reliability class to be RC2 : KFI = 1.0

3.6.3 Inspection level

Inspection level to be IL2 in accordance with Table B5, BS EN 1990 ; 2002

3.7 Road restraint system type

Parapets are to be a minimum of 1.1 metre high, (1.4 metre high for combined cyclist /
pedestrian footway), concrete normal containment N2, level B impact severity level.

The external exposed faces of the parapets are to be brick faced and the parapets will be
topped with reconstituted stone copings.

Road restraint barriers are also required on the approaches and departures to the bridge,
consisting of N2 containment and W2 working width. The N2 road restraint barrier
transition to parapets is to be confirmed.

As the road speed will be less than 50 mph in accordance with TD19/06 an in-house
assessment has been undertaken to verify the Vehicle Road Restraint System
requirements. The internal faces of the parapets are to be brick faced and the parapets
will also include stone copings.

3.8 Proposed Arrangements for Maintenance and Inspection

3.8.1 Traffic management

Inspection and future maintenance to the bridge deck surface is to be by single way
working controlled by temporary traffic signals or stop/go boards in accordance with
Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual. Inspection and future maintenance to the bridge
deck soffit and abutments may require permission from the Canal and River Trust.

3.8.2 Access

Access to the deck soffit is to be by a platform mounted a boat, underbridge inspection

vehicle, scaffolding or ladder. All will require permission from the Canal River Trust.

3.9 Sustainability issues considered – Materials and finishes

Deck: Composite pre-stressed precast concrete TY11 beams and insitu reinforced
concrete deck, protected by sprayed waterproofing, indicator mesh and topped with
bitmac road and kerb construction.

Concrete to the deck and superstructure to be strength class class C40/50 IIA (6-20% fly
ash) or IIB-S (21-35% ggbs) to B.S. 8500-1:2006. Exposure classes considered – XD1 to
deck soffit and XD3 to parapets.
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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

Abutments : S240GP PU32 sheet piles, with sections coated in two coats of cut back
bitumen emulsion, and otherwise surmounted with a concrete capping beam, integral with
deck slab. All visible faces clad in masonry class B engineering brick to match nearby
Branston Canal Bridge. The PU32 sheet piles may be upgraded with additional steel
sections as required during the detailed design to meet required pile stiffness

Wingwalls : S240GP PU32 sheet piles, with sections coated in two coats of cut back
bitumen emulsion. All visible faces clad in masonry class B engineering brick to match
nearby Branston Canal Bridge.

Concrete to the abutments and foundations to be C32/40 IIA (6-20% fly ash) or IIB-S (21-
35% ggbs) to B.S. 8500-1:2006. Mass concrete fill to be ST1 to BS8500. Exposure
classes considered –XC2 to foundations, and XD3 to abutments.
Reinforcement to be grade B, Fy=500N/mm² type B or C to comply with B.S. 4449:2005
Finishes - The finishes to the concrete surfaces are to be as follows :-
Foundation buried formed surfaces – F1
Foundation buried unformed surfaces – U1
Abutment walls exposed surfaces – F3
Abutment walls hidden surfaces – F1
Deck – vertical exposed surfaces – F3
Deck – vertical hidden surfaces – F1
Deck – horizontal exposed surfaces – U3
Deck – horizontal hidden surfaces – U1
Deck – surfaces to receive waterproofing – U5
All exposed concrete surfaces are to be impregnated in accordance with DMRB standard
BD 43/03.
Waterproofing – The deck slab will be waterproofed using a permitted waterproofing
system in accordance with clause 2003 of the Specification for Highway Works and to the
requirements of BD 47/99. Where required to protect the waterproofing system indicator
mesh will be used.
3.10 Risks and hazards considered for design, execution, maintenance and demolition.
Consultation with and/or agreement from Principal Designer.
The risks and hazards to both the general public and the workforce during the
construction, operation and maintenance of the bridge will be fully considered in the
Design Risk Assessment and reviewed regularly during the detailed design phase.
The key risks considered are :-
• Working at height
• Working over and adjacent to water
• Stability of structures during construction
• Safety of pedestrians during construction
• Construction methods
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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

• Safety during maintenance

• Vehicle impact on the bridge superstructure and substructure
• Services over and under the bridge.
• Stability of canal and infrastructure.
3.11 Estimated cost of the proposed structure together with other structural forms
considered (including where appropriate proprietary manufactured structure) and
the reasons for their rejection (including comparative whole life costs with dates of
Estimated capital cost of the proposed structure only (including preliminaries and
temporary works, but not including service diversions) is £1.7 million.

a. Upgrade and Widening of Existing Branston Canal Bridge

Description Upgrade and widening of existing Branston Canal Bridge

Cost £1.8M August 2015 (Spons price database book with inflation factor)
Duration 30 weeks
Summary The upgrade and widening of this bridge and approaches would require
unacceptable disruption to highway and canal users due to long diversions
this option was rejected for social and political reasons.
b. New Steel Beam and Concrete Composite Deck Slab Bridge

Description New steel beam and concrete composite deck slab Bridge.
Cost £1.5M August 2015 (Spons price database book with inflation factor )
Duration 26 weeks
Summary Scheme rejected on practical construction issues by Canal River Trust
based on scheme archive information because of the need to support
formwork over the canal in order to cast insitu parapet plinths.
c. New All Steel Bridge.

Description New all steel beam Bridge using steel deck and parapets.
Cost £1.3M August 2015 (Spons price database book with inflation factor)
Duration 20 weeks
Summary Scheme rejected due to aesthetic issues as bridge would span over canal
conservation area and would not blend with existing environment.
d. New Filler Beam Deck with Reinforced Concrete Spread Foundations.

Description New Filler Beam Deck and RC Spread Foundations

Cost £2.5M August 2015 (Spons price database book with inflation factor)
Duration 34 weeks
Summary Scheme rejected due to high water table, 0.9m from existing ground level
which would require extensive temporary and drainage works. Also due to
soft layers of soil stratum at depth which will increase the risk of long term
settlement of this form of construction.

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

3.12 Proposed arrangements for execution

3.12.1 Traffic Management

Vehicular and pedestrian access along the new road and over the canal will not be
maintained during the construction of the bridge. The Construction Programme for the
works is to be discussed by the Main Contractor with the Canal and River Trust in order to
agree canal and towpath closures requirements to suit.

3.12.2 Service Diversions

No existing services are to be diverted, new services will be laid through bridge deck but
this has yet to be agreed.

3.12.3 Interface with existing structures

The canal embankments adjacent to the bridge will be sheet piled prior to construction of
the bridge proper subject to agreement with the Canal and River Trust. The new sheet
piled abutments and wingwalls will be set back approximately 4.0 metres from the existing
canal embankments to prevent any surcharge loading.


4.1 Actions

4.1.1 Permanent actions

Normal weight reinforced concrete, density γ = 25.0 kN/m³

Hot rolled asphalt, density γ = 23.0 kN/m³

4.1.2 Snow, wind and thermal actions

Snow loading is not to be considered.

Wind loading in accordance with Section 8 of BS EN 1991-1-4 and NA to BS EN 1991-1-4.

Thermal actions considered in accordance with Section 6 of BS EN 1991-1-5 and NA to

BS EN 1991-1-5, adopting Approach 2 for determination of vertical temperature difference

4.1.3 Loading relating to normal traffic under AW regulations and C&U regulations

Load Models 1 & 2 in accordance with BS EN 1991-2 ; 2003 and associated National

4.1.4 Loading relating to General Order traffic under STGO regulations

Load Model 3 – SV100 vehicle in accordance with the UK NA to BS EN 1991-2 ; 2003

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

4.1.5 Footway or footbridge live loading

Load Model 4 – 5 kN/m2 in accordance with BS EN 1991-2 ; 2003

4.1.6 Loading relating to Special Order Traffic, provision for exceptional abnormal
indivisible loads including location of vehicle track on deck cross section.

Not applicable

4.1.7 Accidental actions

Accidental actions on the bridge deck to be in accordance with clause 4.7.3 of BS EN

1991-2 and NA to BS EN 1991-2

The abutments are beyond 4.0 metres of the canal embankments so do not need to be
designed for accidental loading due to boat impact.

4.1.8 Actions during execution

For the purpose of temporary works design, density of fresh concrete to be taken as γ =
26 kN/m³.

4.1.9 Special rules for combination of actions

No special requirements

4.1.10 Any special action not covered above

Fatigue verification to be carried out using Fatigue Load Model 3 of BS EN 1991-2

4.2 Heavy or high load route requirements and arrangements being made to preserve
the route, including any provision for future heavier loads or future widening

Not applicable

4.3 Minimum headroom provided (including allowance for vertical sag compensation
and maximum deflection of structure)

Minimum headroom to be 2.700 metres above towpath, (including allowance for deflection
of deck and settlement of supports), based on guidance from the Canal and River Trust.

Minimum lateral clearance to abutment wall faces from the canal embankments to be 2.0
metres, based on guidance from the Canal and River Trust.

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

4.4 Authorities consulted and any special requirements

Staffordshire County Council
Canal and River Trust
Statutory Undertakers
East Staffordshire Borough Council
Environment Agency

4.5 Standards and documents

4.5.1 List of relevant documents from the TAS

See attached schedule, Appendix A, (TAS September 2015)

4.5.2 Additional relevant standards and publications

• CIRIA Report C660 – Early-age thermal crack control in concrete

• SCI Publication 163 Integral Steel Bridges – Design Guidance
• SCI Publication 180 Integral Steel Bridges – Worked Example
• Technical Guide 13 Integral Concrete Bridges to EC2: Worked Example
• RFCS-CT-2005-00042 Design of Integral Abutment Bridges with small and medium
• EUR 24224 EN - Economic and durable design of composite bridges with integral
• Guidance from Canal and River Trust as and when required see 4.7.

4.6 Proposed departures from Standards and documents given in 4.5.

Although not part of the bridge design a Departure from standard for the Vehicle Restraint
System, (VRS), is proposed on the south east approach to accommodate an adjoining
pedestrian ramp and stair access. The VRS will be reduced in length from 30m to
approximately 15m. The VRS departure is to be submitted separately to the bridge design
with a CAT 0 design and check certificate for the VRS foundation designed to BD70/03.

4.7 Proposed methods for dealing with aspects not covered by Standards and
documents in 4.5

Where standards and documents stated in 4.5 do not accommodate the design then
Canal and River Trust standards will be used as guidance.

4.8 List of record of options and choices (for Category 2 or 3 checks)


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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development


5.1 Methods of analysis proposed for superstructure, substructure and foundations.


The deck superstructure will be modelled as a two dimensional (2D) plane frame grillage
using computerised analysis software package STRAP. Applied loading will be
apportioned to the grillage members using the STRAP pre-processor software for bridge
decks. The STRAP Bridge Module will be utilised to analyse the deck in accordance with
the Eurocodes using the relevant Dynamic Load Models.

A torsionless grillage analysis will be used to model the bridge in both the pinned
supported and fixed end states to obtain the worstcase parameters, (flexure, shear and
deflection), for the design of the bridge deck as a conservative approach.


Substructure and foundations will be analysed using propriety soil structure interaction
software Prosheet provided by Arcelor Mittal for preliminary design, which is similar to
software packages utilised by SCI 163 “Integral Steel Bridges – Design Guidance” to
establish boundary stiffness parameters. Detailed design will utilise simple elastic hand
calculations and computer spreadsheets, using output data from the fixed end
superstructure grillage in conjunction with all relevant loads determined for braking,
thermal movement and accidental load effects will be utilised to develop a design
envelope of load effects. Consideration will be given in the design of the effect of the
staged construction sequence.

As a detailed check on the above approach the structure will be modelled via STRAP as a
plane frame, ( goal post portal structure ), using suitable spring supports to simulate soil
stiffness parameters. This Winkler Spring Model approach is also valid in accordance with
SCI 163 “Integral Steel Bridges – Design Guidance”.

5.2 Description and diagram of idealised structure to be used for analysis.

See Appendix C, idealised structure diagrams for deck analysis and foundation design.

5.3 Assumptions intended for calculation of structural stiffness.

Gross element stiffness will be used and element properties will be based on uncracked
sections. The following properties will be used in the calculation of element stiffness :-
Esteel = 205 kN/mm² , Econc = 31 kN/mm² (concrete grade C40/50 short term).

For thermal deformation, settlement, shrinkage and effects of creep, a reduced stiffness
corresponding to the cracked section is to be used.

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

5.4 Proposed earth pressure coefficients (ka, ko or kp) to be used in the design of earth
retaining elements.

Grade 6N granular backfilling material will be used in compliance with BS EN 14475 and
the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, Series 600; φ’k and
γ’ to be determined by material testing in accordance with table 6/1 of Series 600.

Site specific geotechnical data has been developed, and a full geotechnical report
detailing all relevant data is included with this document.

K* will be calculated in accordance with BA 42/96 “Design of Integral Bridges” and

Euronorm NCCI RFCS-CT-2005-00042 Design of Integral Abutment Bridges with small
and medium spans.

Where site specific values for earth pressure coefficients cannot be obtained then the
material will be assumed to have a minimum internal angle of friction of 35 degrees and
the following values will be used, Ko=0.6, Ka=0.27 and Kp=3.0 based on tables from
Eurocode 7 and guidance from BA 42/96.


6.1 Acceptance of recommendations of section 8 of the geotechnical report to be used

in the design and reasons for any proposed changes

A detailed geotechnical report is attached to this document. The conceptual design has
been based on the geotechnical report issued see Appendix D.

6.2 Summary of design for highway structure in Geotechnical Design Report

To be confirmed but refer to Highway Structure Summary Information table in Appendix D

which is indicative of current geotechnical conditions.

6.3 Differential settlement to be allowed for in design of structure

Anticipated differential settlement to be designed for is to be 20mm, (expected to be

minimal), based on available geotechnical data and a series of 6 no. pile tests conducted
on the 25th January 2016.

All piles were tested until refusal with an equivalent 130 Tonne rated vibratory hammer at
depths between 10 – 11.5 metres below towpath level. On this basis each pile had an
ultimate tested capacity in excess of 1275 kN which will give an equivalent minimum
ultimate support to the bridge deck of 2125 kN/m.

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

6.4 If the geotechnical report is not yet available, state when the results are expected
and list the sources of information used to justify the preliminary choice of

A Geotechnical report is included based on boreholes located in the bridge support


A pile testing report is included based a series of pile tests undertaken in the footprint of
the west bridge support area.


7.1 Proposed category

Category of Checking - Category 2

Design Supervision Level - DSL2

The check shall be carried out by modelling the structure in 3D using STRAP. Restraint in
the horizontal and vertical directions shall be provided by applying springs at each node of
the sheet piled substructure.

Standard Penetration Test, (SPT), results from the boreholes at the bridge location will be
used to calculate the compressibility of the soil using accepted correlations and then
converted to spring stiffness’s.

7.2 If Category III, name of proposed independent checker

Not applicable

7.3 Erection proposals or temporary works for which the Contractor will be required to
arrange an independent check listing parts of the structure affected with reasons for
recommending an independent check

Not applicable

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development


8.1 List of drawings and documents accompanying the submission –

Appendix A: Technical Approval Schedule

Appendix B: Scheme Drawings and Schedules

A1 Drawing No. CDX8620/S/001 – Bridge General Arrangement – Visualisation

A1 Drawing No. CDX8620/S/002 – Bridge General Arrangement – Technical Details

Appendix C: Idealised diagrams for deck analysis and foundation design

A1 Drawing No. CDX8620/S/003 – Idealised Structural Model

Appendix D: Geotechnical Report Highway Structure Summary Information (Form C)

Additional Geotechnical Information;

• Geotechnical Report relating to borehole logs.

• Test Pile report undertaken on 25/01/2016.

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Nurton Bridge (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development


Signed …………………………………………………………………………………….

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Engineering Qualifications………………………………………………………………
(Project / Design / Scheme Engineer)

The AIP is approved for submission to the TAA by:

Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Position held………………………………………………………………………………
(Director or Principal Engineer)

Organisation ……………………………………………………………………………..

Date ……………………………………………………………………………………….



Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Position: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development


Schedule of Documents Relating to Design of Highway Bridges and Structures

using National Standards (Eurocodes)

British Standards (non-conflicting with Eurocodes)

BS 8006-1 ; 2010 Strengthened / Reinforced soils and other fills

BS 8006-2 ; 2011 Strengthened / Reinforced soils and other fills - Soil nail design

BS 8500-1 ; 2006 Concrete – Complimentary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 Part 1 :

Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier

BS EN 1317-1 ; 1998 Road Restraint Systems – Part 1 Terminology and general criteria
for test methods

BS EN 1317-2 ; 1998 Road Restraint Systems – Part 2 Performance classes, impact test
acceptance criteria and test methods for safety barriers

BS EN 1317-3 ; 2000 Road Restraint Systems – Part 3 Performance classes, impact test
acceptance criteria and test methods for crash cushions

DD ENV 1317-4 ; 2002 Road Restraint Systems – Part 3 Performance classes, impact
test acceptance criteria and test methods for terminals and transitions of safety barriers

BS EN 14388 ; 2005 Road traffic noise reducing devices – Specifications

BS EN 14475 ; 2006 Execution of special geotechnical works – Reinforced fill

BS EN 15050 ; 2007 Precast concrete products – Bridge elements

Eurocodes (including UK National Annexes)

BS EN 1990 ; 2002 + A1 (2005) Eurocode – Basis of structural design

NA to BS EN 1990 ; 2002 + A1 (2005) UK National Annex for Eurocode – Basis of

structural design

BS EN 1991-1-1 ; 2002 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-1 : General

actions – Densities, self weight, imposed loads for buildings

NA to BS EN 1991-1-1 ; 2002 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 1-1 : General actions – Densities, self weight, imposed loads for buildings

J:\Highways\Major Projects\Powerhouse Central\Branston Locks\1. Phase One - Link Road and Canal Bridge\Canal Bridge Design\Technical Approval\WIP\AIP Nurton Bridge
Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

BS EN 1991-1-3 ; 2003 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-3 : General actions –

Snow loads

NA to BS EN 1991-1-3 ; 2003 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 1-3 : General actions – Snow loads
BS EN 1991-1-4 ; 2005 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-4 : General
actions –Wind actions

NA to BS EN 1991-1-4 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 1-4 : General actions –Wind actions

BS EN 1991-1-5 ; 2003 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-5 : General

actions – Thermal actions

NA to BS EN 1991-1-5 ; 2003 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 1-5 : General actions – Thermal actions

BS EN 1991-1-6 ; 2005 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-6 : General

actions – Actions during execution

NA to BS EN 1991-1-6 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 1-6 : General actions – Actions during execution

BS EN 1991-1-7 ; 2006 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-7 : General

actions – Accidental actions

NA to BS EN 1991-1-7 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 1-7 : General actions – Accidental actions

BS EN 1991-2 ; 2003 Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 2 : Traffic loads on


NA to BS EN 1991-2 ; 2003 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures –

Part 2 : Traffic loads on bridges

BS EN 1992-1-1 ; 2004 Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1 :

General rules and rules for buildings

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1 ; 2004 UK National Annex to Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete

structures – Part 1-1 : General rules and rules for buildings

BS EN 1992-2 ; 2005 Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete structures – Part 2 :

Concrete bridges – Design and detailing rules

NA to BS EN 1992-2 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete

structures – Part 2 : Concrete bridges – Design and detailing rules

BS EN 1992-3 ; 2006 Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete structures – Part 3 : Liquid

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

retaining and containment structures

NA to BS EN 1992-3 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete

structures – Part 3 : Liquid retaining and containment structures

BS EN 1993-1-1 ; 2005 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-1 : General

rules and rules for buildings

NA to BS EN 1993-1-1 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-1 : General rules and rules for buildings

BS EN 1993-1-3 ; 2006 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-3 : General rules
– Supplementary rules for cold formed members and sheeting

NA to BS EN 1993-1-3 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-3 : General rules – Supplementary rules for cold formed members and

BS EN 1993-1-4 ; 2006 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-4 :

Structures in stainless steel

NA to BS EN 1993-1-4 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-4 : Structures in stainless steel

BS EN 1993-1-5 ; 2006 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-5 : Plated

structural elements

NA to BS EN 1993-1-5 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-5 : Plated structural elements

BS EN 1993-1-6 ; 2007 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-6 : Strength

and stability of shell structures

NA to BS EN 1993-1-6 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-6 : Strength and stability of shell structures

BS EN 1993-1-7 ; 2007 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-7 : Plated

structures subject to out of plane loading

NA to BS EN 1993-1-7 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-7 : Plated structures subject to out of plane loading

BS EN 1993-1-8 ; 2005 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-8 : Design of


NA to BS EN 1993-1-8 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-8 : Design of joints

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

BS EN 1993-1-9 ; 2005 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-9 : Fatigue

NA to BS EN 1993-1-9 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel
structures – Part 1-9 : Fatigue strength

BS EN 1993-1-10 ; 2005 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-10 : Material

thickness and through-thickness properties

NA to BS EN 1993-1-10 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-10 : Material thickness and through-thickness properties

BS EN 1993-1-11 ; 2006 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-11 : Design

of structures with tension components

NA to BS EN 1993-1-11 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-11 : Design of structures with tension components

BS EN 1993-1-12 ; 2007 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-12 :

Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700

NA to BS EN 1993-1-12 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel

structures – Part 1-12 : Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S

BS EN 1993-2 ; 2006 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 2 : Steel


NA to BS EN 1993-2 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures

– Part 2 : Steel bridges

BS EN 1993-5 ; 2007 Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 5 : Piling

NA to BS EN 1993-5 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures

- Part 5 : Piling

BS EN 1994-2 ; 2005 Eurocode 4 – Design of composite steel and concrete

structures – Part 2 : General rules and rules for bridges

NA to BS EN 1994-2 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 4 – Design of composite steel

and concrete structures – Part 2 : General rules and rules for bridges

BS EN 1995-1-1 ; 2004 Eurocode 5 – Design of timber structures – Part 1-1 : General -

Common rules and rules for buildings

NA to BS EN 1995-1-1 ; 2004 UK National Annex to Eurocode 5 – Design of timber

structures – Part 1-1 : General – Common rules and rules for buildings

BS EN 1995-2 ; 2004 Eurocode 5 – Design of timber structures – Part 2 : Bridges

J:\Highways\Major Projects\Powerhouse Central\Branston Locks\1. Phase One - Link Road and Canal Bridge\Canal Bridge Design\Technical Approval\WIP\AIP Nurton Bridge
Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

NA to BS EN 1995-2 ; 2004 UK National Annex to Eurocode 5 – Design of timber

structures – Part 2 : Bridges

BS EN 1996-1-1 ; 2005 Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry structures – Part 1-1 :

General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures

NA to BS EN 1996-1-1 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry

structures – Part 1-1 : General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures

BS EN 1996-2 ; 2006 Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry structures – Part 2 : Design

considerations, selection of materials and execution of masonry

NA to BS EN 1996-2 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry

structures – Part 2 : Design considerations, selection of materials and execution of

BS EN 1996-3 ; 2006 Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry structures – Part 3 : Simplified

calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures

NA to BS EN 1996-3 ; 2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry

structures – Part 3 : Simplified calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures

BS EN 1997-1 ; 2004 Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design – Part 1 : General rules

NA to BS EN 1997-1 ; 2004 UK National Annex to Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design –

Part 1 : General rules

BS EN 1997-2 ; 2007 Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design – Part 2 : Ground

investigation and testing

NA to BS EN 1997-2 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design –

Part 2 : Ground investigation and testing

BS EN 1998-1 ; 2005 Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for earthquake resistance –

Part 1 : General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings

NA to BS EN 1998-1 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for

earthquake resistance – Part 1 : General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings

BS EN 1998-2 ; 2005 Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for earthquake resistance –

Part 2 : Bridges

NA to BS EN 1998-2 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for

earthquake resistance – Part 2 : Bridges

BS EN 1998-5 ; 2005 Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for earthquake resistance –

Part 5 : Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical

J:\Highways\Major Projects\Powerhouse Central\Branston Locks\1. Phase One - Link Road and Canal Bridge\Canal Bridge Design\Technical Approval\WIP\AIP Nurton Bridge
Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

NA to BS EN 1998-5 ; 2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for

earthquake resistance – Part 5 : Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical
BS EN 1999-1-1 ; 2007 Eurocode 9 – Design of aluminium structures – Part 1-1 :
General – common rules

NA to BS EN 1999-1-1 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 9 – Design of aluminium

structures – Part 1-1 : General – common rules

BS EN 1999-1-3 ; 2007 Eurocode 9 – Design of aluminium structures – Part 1-3 :

Additional rules for structures susceptible to fatigue

NA to BS EN 1999-1-3 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 9 – Design of aluminium

structures – Part 1-3 : Additional rules for structures susceptible to fatigue

BS EN 1999-1-4 ; 2007 Eurocode 9 – Design of aluminium structures – Part 1-4 : Cold

formed structural sheeting

NA to BS EN 1999-1-4 ; 2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 9 – Design of aluminium

structures – Part 1-4 : Cold formed structural sheeting

BSI Published Documents

PD 6688-1-1 ; Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-1

PD 6688-1-4 ; 2009 Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-4

PD 6688-1-5 ; Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-5

PD 6688-1-7 ; 2009 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-1-7

PD 6688-2 ; Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-2

PD 6687 ; 2006 Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1

PD 6687-1 ; Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1

and BS EN 1992-3

PD 6687-2 ; 2008 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1992-2

PD 6695-1-9 ; 2008 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1993-1-9

PD 6695-1-10 ; 2009 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1993-1-10

PD 6695-2 ; 2009 Recommendations for the design of bridges to BS EN 1993

PD 6696-2 ; 2007 Background paper to BS EN 1994-2 and the UK National Annex to

BS EN 1994-2

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

PD 6694-1 ; Recommendations for the design of structures subject to traffic

loading to BS EN 1997-1:2004

PD 6698 ; 2009 Recommendations for the design of structures for earthquake

resistance to BS EN 1998

PD 6703 ; 2009 Structural bearings – Guidance on the use of structural bearings

PD 6705-2 ; Recommendations on the execution of steel bridges to BS EN


Execution Standards

BS EN 1090-1 ; 2009 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures.

Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components

BS EN 1090-2 ; 2008 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Technical

requirements for the execution of steel structures

BS EN 1090-3 ; 2008 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Technical

requirements for the execution of aluminium structures

BS EN 13670 ; 2009 Execution of concrete structures


Circular Roads No 61/72 Routes for heavy and high abnormal loads (refer to the website

Traffic Management Act 2004

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007

Managing the accidental obstruction of the railway by road vehicles, February 2003

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

The Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCDHW)

Volume 1 Specification for HighwayWorks (March 1998, including amendment November


Volume 2 Notes for Guidance on the Specification for HighwayWorks (March 1998,
including amendment March 2009)

Volume 3 Highway Construction Details (March 1998, including amendment March 2009)

The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) (Non-conflicting with Eurocodes)

General Requirements, Standards (GD Series)

GD 01/08 Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)

GD 02/08 Quality Management Systems for Highway Design

Bridges and Structures, Advice Notes (BA Series)

BA 28/92 Evaluation of Maintenance Costs in Comparing Alternative Designs for Highway


BA 41/98 The Design and Appearance of Bridges

BA 42/96 The Design of Integral Bridges

BA 43/94 Strengthening, Repair and Monitoring of Post-tensioned Concrete Bridge Decks

BA 47/99 Waterproofing and Surfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks

BA 57/01 Design for Durability

BA 67/96 Enclosure of Bridges

BA 82/00 Formation of Continuity Joints in Bridge Decks

BA 83/02 Cathodic Protection for Use in Reinforced Concrete Highway Structures

BA 84/02 Use of Stainless Steel Reinforcement in Highway Structures

BA 85/04 Coatings for Concrete Highways Structures and Ancillary Structures

BA 86/06 Advice Notes on the Non-Destructive Testing of Highways Structures

BA 92/07 The Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Structural Concrete

J:\Highways\Major Projects\Powerhouse Central\Branston Locks\1. Phase One - Link Road and Canal Bridge\Canal Bridge Design\Technical Approval\WIP\AIP Nurton Bridge
Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

Bridges and Structures, Standards (BD Series)

BD 2/05 Technical Approval of Highway Structures

BD 7/01 Weathering Steel for Highway Structures

BD 10/97 Design of Highway Structures in Areas of Mining Subsidence

BD 28/87 Early Thermal Cracking of Concrete

BD 29/04 Design Criteria for Footbridges

BD 33/94 Expansion Joints for use in Highway Bridge Decks

BD 35/06 Quality Assurance Scheme for Paints and Similar Protective Coatings

BD 36/92 Evaluation of Maintenance Costs in Comparing Alternative Designs for Highway


BD 42/00 Design of Embedded Retaining Walls and Bridge Abutments

BD 43/03 The Impregnation of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Highway Structures

using Hydrophobic Pore-Lining Impregnants

BD 47/99 Waterproofing and Surfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks

BD 51/98 Design Criteria for Portal and Portal Sign/Signal Gantries

BD 57/01 Design for Durability

BD 67/96 Enclosures of Bridges

BD 70/03 Strengthened/Reinforced Soils and Other Fills for Retaining Walls and Bridge

BD 78/99 Design of Road Tunnels

BD 91/04 Unreinforced Masonry Arch Bridges

BD 94/07 Design of Minor Structures

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development

Bridges and Structures, Technical Memoranda (BE Series)

BE 7/04 Departmental Standard (Interim) Motorway Sign / Signal Gantries

Traffic Engineering and Control, Standards and Advice Notes (TD and TA Series)

TD 9/93 Highway Link Design (Amendment No. 1 Feb 2002)

TD 19/06 Requirements for Road Restraint Systems

TD 27/05 Cross-Sections and Headrooms

TD 36/93 Subways for Pedestrians and Pedal Cyclists, Layout and Dimensions

TD 89/08 Use of Passively Safe Signposts, Lighting Columns and Traffic Signal Posts to
BS EN 12767

Highways, Advice Notes (HA Series)

HA 66/95 Environmental Barriers – Technical Requirements

HA 84/01 Nature Conservation and Biodiversity

HA 59/92 Mitigating against Effects on Badgers

HA 80/99 Nature Conservation Advice in Relation to Bats

HA 81/99 Nature Conservation Advice in Relation to Otters

HA 97/01 Nature Conservation Management Advice in Relation to Dormice

HA 98/01 Nature Conservation Management Advice in Relation to Amphibians

Highways, Standards (HD Series)

HD 22/08 Managing Geotechnical Risk

Interim Advice Notes (IAN Series)

IAN 123/10 Use of Eurocodes for the design of highway structures

Chief Highway Engineer Memoranda

CHE239/09 The Implementation of Eurocodes

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development


A1 Drawing No. CDX8620/S/001 - Bridge General Arrangement - Visualisation

A1 Drawing No. CDX8620/S/002 - Bridge General Arrangement – Technical Details

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Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development



A1 Drawing No. CDX8620/S/003 – Idealised Structural Model

J:\Highways\Major Projects\Powerhouse Central\Branston Locks\1. Phase One - Link Road and Canal Bridge\Canal Bridge Design\Technical Approval\WIP\AIP Nurton Bridge
Technical Approval of Highway Structures January 2016

Client / Scheme: Structure: Engineers:

Staffordshire County Council Branston Locks (B3933) SCC / Amey
New Development Branston Locks Development



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