TxnReport119297819 232382

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Payment Transaction Details

Transaction Details
Transaction Id: 119297819
Debit Status: SUCCESS Credit Status SUCCESS

Transaction Amount: NPR 10,500.00 Charge Amount: NPR 8.00

Transaction Date: 30-May-2023 07:26:16 PM
Reference Id: ACCOUNTFT:Gopal Khatiwada
Particulars: Send To dharan

Customer Account Details

Bank Name: 0501-Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited

Bank Branch: 109-Dharan Branch
Account No.: 10905080019873

Beneficiary Details

Bank Name: 1901-Global IME Bank Limited

Bank Branch: 2-New Road Branch

Account No.: 0201010002409

Account Name.: clamphook academy private limited

For any further information please contact Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited

Print Date: 30/05/2023 7.26 PM Page 1 of 1

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